Finished visual vocab 30 1




Transcript of Finished visual vocab 30 1

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Social 30-1

Jamie Bell

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A set of beliefs or values that influences an

individual, group or

government etc. decisions

and actions. An ideology can

be interpreted into a way of

looking at and portraying

different ideas.

For example: Many people have different ideologies about celebrating Christmas. Some people believe in giving and receiving gifts while others celebrate Hanukah.

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The ability to make decisions that benefit

oneself over the benefit of a group. Individualism

is the belief that if people are required to

look after themselves the society will form into a

strong positive community


For example: People who believe in “Individualism” would vote for the Conservative Political Party because they believe they that individuals should be given the responsibility of their own land/lives.,r:5,s:0&tx=59&ty=104

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The belief that

working together as a society is more successful and important than

working as individuals.

Collectivism explains the idea that humans

are dependent on each other.


An example of collectivism is, all Canadians are given the opportunity to have Health Care insurance. You as an individual pay the insurance and then once you have a medical issue such as an organ transplant the insurance will cover the cost of the organ and the surgery.,-too!-&usg=__8eGh4WIxvPOzZDkQrXdj75bPpFc=&h=1024&w=1024&sz=298&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=5lieOHbqmOuXYM:&tbnh=133&tbnw=127&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dworking%2Btogether%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Dactive%26biw%3D1419%26bih%3D694%26tbs%3Disch:1&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=563&vpy=343&dur=7859&hovh=225&hovw=225&tx=139&ty=137&ei=pYWSTLLMBIvUtQOt9ITACg&oei=pYWSTLLMBIvUtQOt9ITACg&esq=1&page=1&ndsp=31&ved=1t:429,r:18,s:0

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For example, here in Canada we all have the individual freedom and right to vote for our Prime Minister. We vote according to the person whose ideas are what we want to see in the future.

A collection of beliefs that dignify the

importance of freedom of

individuals as the back bone of

society. Liberalism is the belief of equal

rights and respect through

all levels of society.,r:0,s:0



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A part of individualism where each person should have the idea and motivation to work

hard to improve their lives themselves. Self interest relies on the ability of individuals

to take risks to succeed with the

possibility of failure too.

For example, many people plan to attend post-secondary schooling to receive further education to achieve a stable well paying job. There is always a risk of failure in school and many people take risks and challenge themselves to apply for jobs that interest them.,r:2,s:0

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An aspect of individualis

m where two people,

groups teams etc. compete to win or gain more than the others. Competition

is motivation

for individuals

to work harder and

more efficiently.


For example, many sports teams like to compete against the first ranked team in the league because once they compete they can learn what has made that team very successful and practice it so they can get to be as good if not better.


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Economic Freedom

The freedom to produce, trade and purchase goods without

the force of theft or fraud.,r:4,s:0

For example, people are allowed to set up booths at the farmers market to sell and showcase consumer goods for sale.


For example, we have the right to vote for who we want to rule our country as well as our freedom of speech.,r:23,s:32&biw=1419&bih=694

The ability to choose what you think is best

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An aspect in democracy that states

every person is equal and

will be treated equally

before law. It also states that each person is subject to

the law

For example, police officers or world leaders will still face jail time if they break the law.

Rule of Law,r:2,s:94&tx=63&ty=76


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PRIVATE PROPERTYAn aspect of individualism that allows people to personally or

through a business own property/land, resources, farms,

vehicles and businesses. The idea is that if individuals own their own

property they will take the best care of it because it is their own

For example, people in local towns will privately own businesses to gain wealth for themselves

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Collective ResponsibilityThe idea that each individual to some

point is responsible for each other and

are required to make some

personal sacrifices for the benefit of the group. It also

states each person is responsible for the actions and

decisions carried out by our society.

For example, every family

living in Alberta pays provincial

taxes to the government to

pay for new roads and etc.,r:17,s:0

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Collective InterestThe belief that sharing

individual interests with the group will

allow the interests to be addressed better by

making them group interests so it can be

solved togetherFor example, families tend to discuss ideas when an important decision is to be made so they can receive inputs from everyone so in the end the decision can benefit and be approved by each family member,r:25,s:0&tx=105&ty=43

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The ability to work with others to achieve a

common goal

For example, many students are giving the chance to cooperate with a partner in large school projects to create an end masterpiece that explains the ideas of both individuals.


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States that all people of society have equal access and position to all

aspects of the economy including wealth and ability to provide to the


Economic Equality,r:17,s:42&tx=83&ty=115For example, every person is

given an equal chance at applying for jobs no matter the gender or nationality.

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Standards that members of the collective group

must meet. Can relate to conduct values or


Collective Norms,r:8,s:20&biw=1259&bih=576

For example, people who attend the beach on a hot summer day are expected to wear a bathing suit.


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Property, land, business, transportation that is owned by the state or

community. It is managed by the interests of the people who use them.

For example, the County of Lacombe builds and maintains walking paths and rest areas for the interest of the people who use them.

Public Property,r:4,s:54&biw=1259&bih=576

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An idea that is important to an individual that influences the choices they make and the way they behave throughout their life. Something we tell ourselves is the ``truth.``,r:8,s:0

For example, peoples religion can affect what they believe in. Religion can change peoples perspective on situations.


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An idea or object that has some level of importance to a person. It can affect the decisions people make and the way they act.,r:5,s:0

For example, I value the simple things in life, family friends, fun and happiness are the most important things in life.

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The way an individual chooses to express themselves. Beliefs and values affect a

person identity. Individual identity

includes every aspect of a persons life.

For example, some people choose to express their memories or beliefs through a tattoo which is a permanent reminder to them.,r:2,s:0

Individual Identity

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An individuals involvement in a group. The identity of the group becomes apart of each individuals identity. The collective identity is made up of each persons individual identity

For example, the people in the healthcare system are grouped under one name but each have an individual identity that makes up the collective identity

Collective Identity