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Position Paper on

Value of Technical Publication in

the Business Intelligence Industry

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This paper presents the value and need for qualityTechnical Publications in the growing BusinessIntelligence (BI) industry, to market BI productswith a higher value proposition.

Technical publications created in BI industryinclude a wide variety of materials such as user guides, white papers, datasheets, cheat sheets,reference guides, installation manuals, andproduct demos.

These materials transfer information on processesand procedures involved in using the latest BIapplications and tools.

In today’s business scenario, there is an increased

need for quick and decentralized decision-making,and automation of business processes to reducecosts and risks. With a plethora of BI toolsavailable today, the company that uses mosteffective and integrated BI tools will outdo itscompetitors in the market. It does not stop there.Accurate and readily understandabledocumentation of such applications is critical tothe effective and faster use of the products.

Almost all businesses, be it small or large; dependheavily on BI for their business success. Many BIvendors, both industry leaders and new entrants,

compete with one another to bring new BI toolsand applications to market. These productsrequire effective documentation process in placefor quick release and for successful marketperformance. Hence, outsourcing thedocumentation needs will help these vendors inreducing resource overhead and cost.

“TWB believes that the technology cannot exist without being communicated effectively.” 

TWB - Leading Technical DocumentationOutsourcing Company

TWB is a leading technical communication outsourcingcompany that provides services in technicaldocumentation.

TWB is the ideal choice for leading BI vendors. TWBhelps customers with all their technical documentationneeds such as user guides, administration guides,installation manuals, process and workflowdocumentation, configuration documents and trainingmaterials.

TWB works closely with client teams located globally,

and assists them in meeting their worldwide productannouncements and launch deadlines. TWB’sdocumentation services enable customers launch their products with world-class documentation.

“Knowledge is people, money, learning, flexibility and competitive advantage. Knowledge is morerelevant to sustained business than capital or labor.  And yet knowledge remains the most neglected asset of a business. TWB helps you unlock and share your technical knowledge with the world.”


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Business Intelligence Industry – Technical Publications

 BI industry is one of the versatile industries catering toalmost all business sectors such as healthcare,financials, retails, IT, etc. BI tools range from queryreporting and analysis and data mining to data

warehousing. Interestingly, today, 80% of anorganization uses BI tools.

Use of BI Tools in an organization







14% 4%Marketing




Supply Chain

HR & Quality



According to Gartner, Inc., in 2008, despite the economicdownturn, the global BI witnessed a significant growth of 21.7% in the sales of BI applications and performancemanagement software. The market value increased from$7.2 billion in 2007 to $8.8 billion in 2008. BI market isexpected to be $15 billion annually by 2010.

This expected market scenario will pave way for increased number of BI software and applications,bringing about a fierce competition among BI vendors.Effective, accurate, and readily-understandabledocumentation of the BI tools will determine the marketperformance of BI vendors.

Challenges and Solutions

To address these challenges, TWB, with its long-standing, impeccable record in handling TechnicalPublication, provides the following solutions:

Cost-effective knowledge documentation andknowledge management

Documentation in simple, plain, readilyunderstandable English

Simplified, multi-staged documentation and reviewprocesses

Goal-driven approach to ensure quality andaccuracy

Single point of contact for all documentation needs

Some of the greatest documentation challenges mostcompanies in the industry face today include:

Timely availability of quality documents duringproduct release

Accurate, readily understandable documentation

Documentation for global audience

Cost cutting in a multi-vendor businessenvironment

Managing large volumes of documentation for newproduct releases


A leading BI vendor has drawn the following benefitsthrough its association with TWB:

Significant dollar savings High-quality, error-free documentation

Maximized usability of documentation

Quick product release

Gartner predicts:

"Because of lack of information, processes, and tools, through 2012, more than 35 percent of the top5,000 global companies will regularly fail to makeinsightful decisions about significant changes intheir business and markets." 

"By 2012, business units will control at least 40 per cent of the total budget for business intelligence." 

"By 2012, one-third of analytic applications applied to business processes will be delivered throughcoarse-grained application mashups." 


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Value of Technical Publications

The purpose of technical communication is to transfer product knowledge to end users in a comprehensiblemanner. The strategies of communication and levels of information vary depending on the type of product andaudience.

Providing end users with information about a product’soperation and maintenance is critical to the marketperformance of the product. Hence, the need for qualitydocumentation is imperative.

In today’s business scenario, technical publications areoften developed as an afterthought. This usually resultsin inaccurate and incomprehensible documentation,which, in turn, renders the users incapable of using theproducts.

Accurate, readily understandable, and quality documentsdetermine how a product sells in the market and result inincreased customer satisfaction.

The faulty assumptions listed below result inincomprehensible documents:

Developers know their products better than anyoneelse – due to time constraints and limited resources,many companies assign their documentation tasks tothe programmers. This more often results in thecreation of technology-centered information, whileend users require task-oriented information.

Documentation of complex applications requires alonger learning curve for the writer - learning theproduct will not be a major obstacle for writers withthe right technical background.

In technical publications, audience is the focal point.Hence, the style, language, and content must varydepending on the type of audience being addressed. Itis because every user has a specific role in theimplementation and usage of the technology.Therefore, it is important that documents be createdkeeping in mind the role of the person who will use thedocument.

For example, when you document a softwareapplication designed for highly technical users, it issufficient to provide the users with quick referenceinformation to use the application.

For users who start without technical or productknowledge, it is important to provide detailed productinformation along with instructions on how to use theproduct.

Besides transferring knowledge, technical publicationsare also used for marketing a product. Before aproduct is released in the market, information aboutthe product needs to be effectively communicated tothe customers.

Well-designed, accurately presented, and attractivemarketing collaterals increase the market prospects of a product and reduce support costs.

Technical Communication forTransferring Product Knowledge

Faulty Assumptions that Result inProblems in Documentation

Communication for Different Levels ofTechnical and Product Knowledge

Attractive Publications as UsefulMarketing Tools


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Technical Publication for transferringProduct knowledge Price Competitive Growth in the BI Industry: Growth of BI vendor relies heavily on the accurate, timely, and

cost-effective documentation process. The BI vendors portray a global presence and need technical publicationsthat can be used in different geographies. Marketing BI products require supportive business collaterals andproduct documentation for global audience.

Value of Technical Publications: Technical Publications are very essential for transferring product knowledgeto the end users. Provisioning of proper material to use the technology and products enables the user to acceptand efficiently use the product. Faulty assumptions about documentation lead to inaccurate and hard-to-understand material. This also decreases the chances of marketing the products in the global markets.

Role of Documentation Outsourcing: The complexity involved in implementing BI applications requires that BIvendors consider outsourcing the documentation needs to well-established Technical Publications Solutionsproviders. This helps the companies cut costs and at the same time deliver their products with qualitydocuments.


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TWB Services

TWB is India’s leader in technical communication outsourcing and education. TWB offers a complete suite of services that allowsour customers to effectively publish their technical knowledge with their people and processes. TWB’s customers range fromGlobal 500 – including Cisco, Accenture, McAfee, LG, Samsung, Citrix, SAP, Siemens, AOL, Intel; Indian technology majors –including Infosys, Wipro; Global defense majors - Pratt & Whitney, Honeywell, DRDO, HAL; and exciting technology startups.

TWB's expertise in technical communication ranges from IT Products and Outsourcing, ITES, Banking, Financial, Aerospace,Defense, Ship Building to Hi-tech Manufacturing, and Discrete and Process Manufacturing.

TWB’s services include:


Cheat sheets

Solution Briefs/Solution Brochures

Presentations – Products/CorporateProfile

Brochures and marketing collateral

Web content

Audio and video scripts

Press releases

Direct mail

Newsletter design copy

Sales catalogues

Sales sheets

Technical MarketingSolutions

Business Communication

Short Reports


Case Studies

Lab Reports


Progress/Interim Reports

Writing for Electronic Media


Graphic Designing

Info graphics

2D & 3D animation

Line drawings and illustrations

Process Documentation

Installation and Configuration Guides

Operations Manual


Standard Operating Procedures

ISO Documentation

CMM Documentation

Deployment and Support

Technical Product


Administrator’s Guide

API Document

Configuration Guide

Functional Specifications Document

Installation Manual

Interface Document

Interactive Electronic Technical Manual(IETM)

Maintenance Manual

Online Help

Operation Manual

Product Demo

Product Specifications Document

Product Overview Document

Quick Reference Guide

Release Notes

Requirement Analysis Document

SDK Document

Troubleshooting Manual User Manual

Open Source Documentation

Programmers Guides

Functional Specifications Document

Use Cases

Online Help /Context Sensitive Help

Troubleshooting Guides

Qualitative Analytics forDecision Support

Economic Business Research

Industry Analysis Market Opportunity Analysis

Competitive Business Analysis

Company & Prospect Profiling

Reporting Solutions

Assessment of Unmet Market Needs

Status and Potential of Technologies

Benchmarking of Strategies VsCompetition


Sales Force Effectiveness

Market Assessments

Competitive Intelligence

Opinion Leadership

Emerging Markets - evaluation andresearch

Documentation QualityManagement

Copy Editing and Proof Reading

Managing Writing

Editing Services

Layout and Design

Creating SLAs

Business Documentation

Content Management

Single Sourcing

File Version Control Document Naming Conventions

Consistent Document Formatting

Data Transformation

Web site Development

Web 2.0 development

Web content

Web applications

Translation and LocalizationServices

Software Translation Services Document Translation Services

Localization (L10N) Testing

Internationalization (I18N) Testing

Document Management Solutions

Record Management Storage andRetrieval

Business Proposals

Legal Disclaimers

Policy Manuals

Style Guide Design

Template Design


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TWB Software Tools Expertise

Our technical proficiency in software and authoring tools includes:


Unstructured Content


Microsoft Word®

Adobe FrameMaker®

Adobe InDesign®


Adobe PageMaker®


Adobe Flash CS4 Professional

Adobe Illustrator CS3


Microsoft-Expression GraphicDesigner 

Xara Xtreme (Windows & Linux)


Publisher3D(for animation)

Sketsa SVG Editor (for vector graphics)

Techsmith Camtasia

Adobe Flash CS4 Professional

Arbortext IsoDraw (technicalillustrations for 2D and 3D)

Adobe Flash®

Adobe Photoshop®

Adobe Illustrator®

Adobe Fireworks®

Microsoft Silverlight®



Microsoft Access

Microsoft SQL Server 


Microsoft Visio





Smart Draw

XML Structured Editors




Macromedia CaptivateGraphics/Animations

Adobe Flash®

Adobe Photoshop®

Adobe Fireworks®

Online Help


Adobe RoboHelp 7.0


WebWorks Publisher 




HelpSmith 2.1.1(Windows)


MadCap Flare


NVU Help




Microsoft Word 2003®,

Microsoft Word 2007®





Media Wiki

CMS Builder 

Author-it (formerly AuthorIT)


Development and Publishingtools




Adobe Flash®

Adobe Dreamweaver®

Microsoft FrontPage®

Adobe Captivate®

Multimedia/Authoring/Supporting tools

Adobe Flash®

Adobe Flex®

Adobe AIR®

Adobe Dreamweaver® Adobe Acrobat®

Microsoft Silverlight®

Adobe Authorware®

Adobe Director®

Adobe Captivate®

Trivantis Lectora®





SCORM 1.2 / 2004 AICC


Section 508



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Industries Served

TWB services a wide range of technology and knowledge driven industries, helping them meet their markets better, these include:

TWB has been the preferred technical documentation outsourcing company for:

Banking, Insurance and Financial Services

Consulting and Business Services

Defense, Aerospace and Hi-Tech Manufacturing

Education and Learning



Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology

Process Manufacturing and Allied Industries

Steel, Ship Building, Construction and Aviation

Telecom and Digital Communications

The TWB BuildingNo: 4062, 19th Main Road,HAL 2nd Stage,

Bangalore – 560008India.Landmark: Behind Carlton Towers

Telephone: +91.80.40741400 / +91.80.41256367

Corporate Enquiries: [email protected]

US Office:TWB11701 Norwegian Wood Drive

Austin, TX 78758

Telephone: +1.512.586.8357