Download - Tutorial Texturing Gta IV

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How to make a new texture in GTA IV? By iPodMan

1. First of all, once you found the car that you want to reskin and find the template of that car.

2. Then, open it with Photoshop ( Or GIMP,paint.NET...) and create a new layer

3.Now find a picture of the texture you want to do(or you can just use your imagination and create

what you want). In this case I choosed a very easy texture to do.

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4. Now on the layer you created in step 2, start doing the texture.

a.In this case I painted, one of the sides black and changed the oppacity to 60% just temporary to

see where do I have to do all lines.

b.Then start to do all lines and start writing text.

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c. Now paint the front, top and back of the car.(In this case:black)

d.Now change the oppacity of the first layer to 100% again

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5.Select all layers , except the 0 layer, while pressing control and clickin on them.

Then make right click and click "merge layers"(Probably you will have to choose

rastrerize layers first).

6.Put the oppacity of the layer in 0%

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7.Now click on layer 0 and select the side of the vehicle you've painted before with the quick

selection tool.

8. Now go to the other layer back(The one you've painted) and put oppacity in 100% again

You will have something like


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9. Now go to edit>copy and then put paste. It will create you a new layer automatically.

10. Make right click and choose “free transform”(with the rectangle selection tool)

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11. Make right click again and choose "vertical flip"

12. Now place the selection just like in the screenshot

13. At the end you will have something like this:

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14. In the last layer you will have to “flip horizontal” the words and numbers.Make a rectangle

selection and then make right click: free transform and then right click again: flip horizontal.

(This step was added later so you will see in step 15 that the words are not correct)

15. Now merge the layers (NOT THE 0 LAYER!) like in step 5

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16.Throw layer 0 and save your texture in .png format.

Now install the texture like always!

Greetings! iPodMan