Download - Trust Sri Lankans

  • 8/12/2019 Trust Sri Lankans


  • 8/12/2019 Trust Sri Lankans




    There is nothingmore dreadful

    than the habit of Doubt

    It separates people.It is a poison thatdisintegrates friendships

    and breaks up

    pleasant relations.It is a thornthat irritates and hurts;

    It is a swordthat kills.

    Lord Buddha.





  • 8/12/2019 Trust Sri Lankans


    Turn away from mischief.Again and again, turn away.Before sorrow befalls you.Set your heart on doing good.



    ..Make not Allah* an obstacle to your doing goodand guarding against eviland making peace between menQuran 2:224

    O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) ofa male and a female, and made you into nations

  • 8/12/2019 Trust Sri Lankans


    Suspicionthe cure for ignorance is to question.'

    Do not believe in anything (simply)because you have heard it.

    Do not believe in anythingbecause it is spoken and rumored by many

    Do not believe in anythingon the authority of your teachers and elders.But after observation and analysis

    when you find that anything agrees with reason

    and is conducive to the good and benefit of allthen accept it and live up to it.(KALAMA SUTTA)



    ... Stand out rmly for justice, as witnesses to Allah*,even as against yourselves,or your parents, or your kin,

    and whether it be against rich or poor:for Allah* can best protect both-Quran 4:135Allah* is never unjust in the least degree-Quran 4:40"Commit no excess: for Allah* loveth not those givento excess." Quran 5:87

    Killing one person unjustly is like killing the whole ofmankind- Quran 5:32

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    KindnessBlessing! Neither re, nor moisture,nor wind can destroythe blessing of a good deed, and blessings reform thewhole world."Lord Buddha

    Justicehis own actions.Both go into the dark.And in the nextworld suffer For they offend truth.

    In every trial Let understanding ght for you.

    Lord Buddha

    and tribes, that ye may know each other Verily the most

    honored of you in the sight of Allah* is the mostrighteous of you. Quran 49:13

    So woe to the worshippers

    but refuse neighborly needs.Quran 107:4,7

  • 8/12/2019 Trust Sri Lankans


    How easy it is to see your brother's faults,

    How hard it is to face your own.Illusions, errors, and lies are the daughters of Mara,and great power is given unto them to seduce theminds of men and lead them astray upon the path of

    evil.Lord BUDDHA


    "Rely not upon your own will. It is not trustworthy.Guard yourself against sensualism, it surely leads tothe evil path :Lord BUDDHA

    draw their cloaks close round them (when they goout). That will be better, so that they may berecognized and not annoyed.

    Quran 33:59


  • 8/12/2019 Trust Sri Lankans



    Then and Now!

    Tattoo -Revealing Skin!Fashionable by simply being torn to Reveal Skin!

  • 8/12/2019 Trust Sri Lankans



    Can WE SEE what SheSEES!Google n Realize!olesting- in Ofces,Factories..,

    ven Priests.Revealing Clothesevenro se Desire

    in Public Places!Doesn't Your Mother,Sister, Wife or Daughter

    need to be Free fromall these Undesirable

    Situations....Is this not part of the

    Invasion of Culture and

    Cricket a Gentleman's GameDressed from Top to Toe.How do you NOW attractan Audience to Watch Cricket?Undress Top to Toe+Dress the Soles!

    Practices We should Desist!

  • 8/12/2019 Trust Sri Lankans



    Why are we wasting our energy on matters that are not a

    Public Nuisance or a Mischief (practice for centuries in some countrieswithout arousing Trouble or Nuisance)

  • 8/12/2019 Trust Sri Lankans



    Fact:People wear Clothes in different Ways?Dress Well, Dress Smartly Shabbily or Simply Simply Clothe or Cost Effective or Convenient! or Simply Poor and a uniform for All Occasions-

    Celebrate ,Enjoy , Work , Travel etc...

    Today, Women have more opportunities in theCommercial World ;

    A Global Village :Mass Transport, Television and CommunicationLow Cost International Travel giving them

    opportunity to Travel Safely, Work, Shop and EnjoyLife as they see t.We acquire habits and cultures , good and bad withdecades of exposure.

  • 8/12/2019 Trust Sri Lankans


    JealousyRationality is a two-edged sword and serves the

    purpose of love equally as well as the purpose of hatred....Only two mistakes one can make along the road to truth;not going all the way, and not starting...

    Rationality is the platform on which the truth standeth.

    No truth is attainable without reason....Some(false Preachers) form their Dharma arbitrarilyand fabricate it articially; they advance complexspeculations and imagine that good results areattainable only by the acceptance of their theories;yet the Truth is but One

    Be like unto brothers; one in love, one in holiness,and one in your zeal for the truth"Evil thought is the most dangerous thief;

    virtue is the most precious treasure.The mind takes possession of everything not only on earth,also in heaven, and immortality is its securest treasure-trove.It is ignorance that smothers, and it is carelessness thatmakes it invisible. The hunger of craving pollutes theworld, and the pain of suffering causes the greatest fear. LordBuddha09

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    The spokes of the wheel are the rules of pure conduct:Justice is the uniformity of their length;wisdom is the tire;modesty and thoughtfulness are the hub in which theimmovable axle of truth is xed. .It is a man's own mind, not his enemy or foe, that lures himto evil ways. Lord Buddha

    ReligionWhoever follows impure thoughts Suffers in this worldand the next.In both worlds he suffers And how greatlyBy your own folly ,You will be brought as low,As youworst enemy wishes

    However many holy words you read,However many youspeak,What good will they do you If you do not act uponthem?Follow the way of virtue.Follow the way joyfully,Through

    this world and on beyond!10

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    "Spread the truth and preach the doctrine in all quarters ofthe world, so that in the end all living creatures will becitizens of the kingdom of righteousness

    Truth cannot be fashioned.Truth is one and thesame; it is immutable. Truth is above the power ofde , it is omnipresent,eternal, and most glorious-ath

    There is,O monks, an unborn, unoriginated,uncreated,unformed. Were there not, O monks, this unborn,unoriginated, uncreated, unformed, there would be noescape from the world of the born, originated, created,formed.Truth is above the power of death, it isomnipresent, eternal, and most glorious.Lord BUDDHA

    Say: He is Allah , the One and Only; Allah , the eternal,* *Absolute; He begetteth not, nor is He begotten; And thereis none like unto Him.QURAN 112



    *Note striking similarity


  • 8/12/2019 Trust Sri Lankans


    ....and imposed no difculties on you in religion;


    This is the Book, about which there is no doubt, aguidance for those conscious of GOD Quran 2:2

    Did you know? MOSQUE-PRAYERMen Pray in Mosques, and Women at Home?Compulsory to Pray 5 Times-early morning, noon,

    evening, sunset and night?Worfs in in Prayer-.....Thee Alone do we Worship;Thee Alone do we ask for Help.

    Guide us in the StraightPath.....Quran 1:1-7


  • 8/12/2019 Trust Sri Lankans



    Did you Know? Muslim as a Community:

    - The Least- Drink, Gamble, Racism,Adultery,Quarrel,believe in Horoscope-The Most- Meditate, Family Man,Charity(individually),Fast, Respect otherReligions-Can we say these practices are the Best ofthe Best Buddhists (better not believe in Rumors)

    Remember the Friendly Check Points in Sri Lanka?

    Women did wear Black Burqa, and got on wellwith the security. Why now raise the Issue when

    we have defeated Terrorism!!!

  • 8/12/2019 Trust Sri Lankans



    It is a thorn that irritates and hurts;

    It is a sword that kills.

    There is nothing more dreadful than the habit of DoubtIt separates people.

    It is a poison that disintegrates friendshipsand breaksup pleasant relations.

    Lord Buddha.

    O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a

    male and a female, and made you into nations andtribes, that ye may know each other Verily the mosthonored of you in the sight of Allah* is the mostrighteous of you. Quran 49:13

    Let Us Trust and Unite.Let Us be an Example

    to the World