Download - travels along THE YELLOW BRICK ROAD · Oz. Loni LeForce is a born and raised Kansan who is no exception to the rule. However, her travels down the yellow brick road were far from

Page 1: travels along THE YELLOW BRICK ROAD · Oz. Loni LeForce is a born and raised Kansan who is no exception to the rule. However, her travels down the yellow brick road were far from

OCTOBER 9th, 2018


TRUMAN Building 301 West High Street Jefferson City, MO


Loni LeForce

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Summit Handouts at


Every Kansas kid knows the story of the Wizard of Oz. Loni LeForce is a born and raised Kansan who is no exception to the rule. However, her travels down the yellow brick road were far from normal or easy. Loni will be discussing growing up with an undiagnosed disability while navigating her way successfully down the yellow brick road. Loni’s professional experiences include teaching at the secondary level for 13 years in Kansas and Oklahoma. Loni has taught classes as a graduate assistant and adjunct professor at the University of Oklahoma. She has also presented transition education information to hundreds of educators across the state of Oklahoma and presented her research at numerous national conferences. Her research interests include improving transition education and strategies to teach transition in the outdoors.

Page 2: travels along THE YELLOW BRICK ROAD · Oz. Loni LeForce is a born and raised Kansan who is no exception to the rule. However, her travels down the yellow brick road were far from

OCTOBER 9th, 2018


Transition Issues Under Title II of the ADA and Section 504 Rm 490/492Claire FitzgeraldYouth, Family and/or ProfessionalThis session covers student’s rights and responsibilities under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act.(Title II) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act (Section 504) as students prepare to transition and transition from high school to post-secondary education, and the role of the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights in enforcing the laws that can impact students during transition.Claire Fitzgerald has been an attorney with the U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights (OCR), Kansas City Enforcement Office, since 2001. OCR is a Federal civil rights enforcement agency responsible for investigating and seeking resolution of complaints alleging discrimination based on race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability (including complaints involving transition issues), where the alleged discrimination could constitute a violation of one of the six Federal laws OCR enforces. OCR also provides technical assistance to individuals, schools, and others regarding the requirements of the laws OCR enforces. The Kansas City OCR office is responsible for civil rights compliance in the five-state region comprised of Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota, and Oklahoma. Ms. Fitzgerald has traveled throughout the region in the course of investigating complaints and providing technical assistance presentations. She has a bachelor’s degree in business management and Computer Information Systems from Park University and her law degree from the University of Denver.1:40 pm – 2:20 pm Breakout Sessions

Centers for Independent Living – Your Past, Present and Future Rm 500Jenny Cowart/ Melinda CardoneYouth/Family/ProfessionalsThis session will explore the history of the independent living movement and what it has meant to people with disabilities as well as discussing what Centers for Independent Living are doing with youth and adults now. Learn how they can help you to prepare for your future!BIO: Melinda Cardone is the Executive Director of Independent Living Resource Center, Inc. in Jefferson City, MO. She has spent the last twelve years working in Centers for Independent Living advocating for and supporting persons with disabilities. Prior to working with Centers for Independent Living she developed and provided programs for youth as Membership/Marketing Director at Girl Scouts-Heart of Missouri Council. Melinda has a BA in Psychology from Columbia College and currently participates in the Cole County Youth Transitions Team.

A Smooth Transition Includes Assistive Technology Rm 400Rhonda McFerrenYouth/Family/ProfessionalsIt is important that students with disabilities and school districts understand how assistive technology fits into the transition planning process. This presentation offers information about when and how assistive technology should be considered during the transition process.

Employment: Conquering the Challenge Rm 493/494Kristin Donze, Janis Miller and Amy SiekermanYouth/ParentsThis interactive session will provide information on vocational rehabilitation services and how to’s in getting a job. We will go over interview tips, dress for success, and employment service options. Attendees will learn the basics in how to get and keep a job and can participate in the Employment Feud Challenge. Kristin Donze is an Assistant Director of Transition and Section 511 Services with Missouri Vocational Rehabilitation. She has ten years of experience working as a transition counselor and over twenty years of experience working in the disability-related field. Kristin graduated from the University of West Virginia with a Master of Science in Rehabilitation CounselingJanis Miller has been with Vocational Rehabilitation over 24 years and has worked in the field of serving people with disabilities for over 30 years. She was a Transition VR Counselor for five years prior to being promoted as the District Supervisor of the Transition Office in St. Louis. She currently serves as the District Supervisor for the St. Charles District Office. In addition, she serves as an Assistant Director of Transition and 511 Services. She has a Master’s in Education from the University of Missouri-St. Louis and is a Licensed Professional Counselor.

Bullying Rm 500 MPACT/ Karina Crouch Youth, Family and/or ProfessionalEngaging students to participate in their IEP meetings has been shown to develop student’s skills in self-advocacy and self-determination. This training will provide students with a better understanding of what an IEP is and why it is important as well as how to participate in and present information at their own IEP meetings.

2:25pm – 3:00pm Closing and Door Prizes Rm 490/492

Breakout Session DescriptionsCreating a ResumeBob Simpson & Becky RomineThis is an excellent opportunity for youth to learn how to organize their personal and professional information, so it can be easily shared with prospective employers. In this session, you will begin to create a resume and simplify the process of filling out a job application by using a pocket resume tool. A Home of Your Own: Developing a Housing Plan for Your Future Wayne Crawford This presentation will focus on the current state of affordable housing in Missouri and what you can do to prepare yourself for your future housing needs. Discussion on how to find a home, affordability, developing a housing plan, and the impact a home will have on your future, will help you develop your plans for a home of your own.

MO Youth Leadership Forum: What is that? Rachel Rackers & Claudia BrownerJoin us for an information session about the Missouri Youth Leadership Forum (MO-YLF). There will be an overview discussing what MO-YLF is all about. Then, you will get to hear firsthand from alumni who have gone through the forum and their experiences during and after MO-YLF.

Employment Services for Everyone, Missouri Job Centers Kristin FunkCome learn about Missouri Job Center services and programs available throughout the state and how you can access these services including job matching, resume and interview assistance, and more. Learn about opportunities to access job skills workshops, training, and education options available through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act.

Bullying- What it is and What to Do!Karina Crouch & Dakota Ragsdale This session will explain the different types of bullying and what real life actions to take for different types of bullying. It will also define the role of a helpful bystander.

Transition Issues Under Title II of the ADA and Section 504 Claire FitzgeraldThis session covers student’s rights and responsibilities under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act,(Title II) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act (Section 504) as students prepare to transition from high school to post-secondary education, and the role of the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights has in enforcing the laws that can impact students during transition.

Kids can Pause and Parents too! For your helpful Self.Mary Lenihan, M.S. OTR/LWe will go through our new free book on which educators, kids and parents have collaborated. It is recommended for ages 4 – 104! Everyone is important and worthy because everyone has a Helpful Self. Your Helpful Self is the LOVE in you. Explore the 4 Steps of the Pause for your Helpful Self Practice. When used in everyday life, this Pause Practice can help you have a better experience in: 1) Relationships and Connecting with Others, 2) Focusing and Paying Attention, 3) Being Present, 4) Preventing and Solving Problems, 5) What to Say and Do, 6) Self-Care, 7) Respect for yourself and others, Having Fun and so much more! Learn to how Pausing for your Helpful Self can make everyday life better.

The Basic Rules of Effective Legal Persuasion Kent Brown, B.S.E., J.D.This session will inform you on how to gather, format and present information and evidence in an understandable and persuasive manner. We will discuss the basic rules and practices governing IEP and Section 504 meetings and drafting of appropriate documentation. The more formal requirements of due process hearings will be outlined focusing on the formal rules of evidence and administrative procedures such as gathering, authenticating and laying foundation for admitting evidence into the record, creating and maintaining a proper record and basic, essential, rules of evidence necessary to telling your side of the story and ways to keep out improper evidence. There will be a time for questions.

Employment: Conquering the Challenge Kristin Donze, Janis Miller & Amy SiekermanThis interactive session will provide information on vocational rehabilitation services and how tos in getting a job. We will go over interview tips, dressing for success, and employment service options. Attendees will learn the basics in how to get and keep a job and can participate in the Employment Feud Challenge.

Centers for Independent Living – Your Past, Present and Future Jenny Cowart & Melinda CardoneThis session will explore the history of the independent living movement and what it has meant to people with disabilities as well as discussing how Centers for Independent Living support youth and adults now. Learn how they can help you to prepare for your future!

A Smooth Transition Includes Assistive TechnologyRhonda McFerrenIt is important that students with disabilities and school districts understand how assistive technology fits into the transition planning process. This presentation offers information about when and how assistive technology should be considered during the transition process.

Be DeterminedLisa Bowles, Brook Fuller & Dakota RagsdaleThis training is for young adults with disabilities to learn the process of being in charge of their own lives. Leadership skills include advocating for yourself, leading and participating in your own IEP, and making choices and decisions about career, education, and living.



Page 3: travels along THE YELLOW BRICK ROAD · Oz. Loni LeForce is a born and raised Kansan who is no exception to the rule. However, her travels down the yellow brick road were far from

Our Summit Presenters

KEYNOTE Loni LeForce joined the University of Missouri as a Pre-Employment Transition Specialist in the fall of 2017. She has attended several midwestern universities, including The University Oklahoma, Wichita State University, and Friends University in Wichita Kansas where she earned a bachelor’s degree in Social Science Education and a Master of Art of Teaching. Loni completed a second master’s in Special Education from the University of Oklahoma will complete her Ph.D. in the spring of 2019. She focuses her education in applied behavior analysis and transition for special education. Loni has served as a member of the Oklahoma Transition Council and Division of Career Development Transition’s Publications Committee. Loni’s professional experiences include teaching at the secondary level for 13 years in Kansas and Oklahoma. Loni has taught classes as a graduate assistant and adjunct professor at the University of Oklahoma. She has also presented transition education information to hundreds of educators and presented her research at numerous national conferences. Her research interests include improving transition education and strategies to teach transition in the outdoors.

Bob Simpson is a seasoned educator who works as the Director for the University of Missouri’s Pre-Employment Transition Services a project of the MU College of Education and Vocational Rehabilitation. Bob has been a para-professional, special education teacher, work experience coordinator, alternative school director, and school administrator for nearly thirty years and describes transition as “the good work” believing there’s nothing in education more important that preparing students for positive post-secondary outcomes. Over the years, Bob has received many honors, awards, and titles, though none more important to him as that of “Grandpa.”

Becky Romine is from Birch Tree and is a MU Pre-ETS Specialist. She also has certification in services for students with visual impairments.

Wayne Crawford is the Executive Director of Missouri Inclusive Housing Development Corporation. MoHousing is a not-for-profit organization that assists citizens with disabilities, as well as the agencies and individuals who support them, in the search for affordable, quality, safe, universally designed housing. MoHousing assists developers and builders as they design and construct quality, universally designed, affordable homes. Wayne was the recipient of the Missouri Governor’s Council on Disability 23rd Annual Inclusion Award for his work to champion the need for quality, affordable, universally designed housing throughout Missouri. He is a member of the Missouri Functional Assessment Support Team that provides rapid response to citizens with disabilities during a disaster and has worked with both FEMA and Mo. SEMA. Wayne serves on numerous boards and speaks nationally on the needs of citizens with disabilities. He brings over forty years of experience in all aspects of support to individuals with disabilities and those who support them.

Claudia Browne is the executive director for the GCD and has been involved with the Missouri Youth Leadership Forum for thirteen years.

Rachel Rackers is a disability program specialist for the GCD and the new coordinator for the annual Missouri Youth Leadership Forum.

Kristin Funk serves as the Missouri Division of Workforce Development’s Disability Coordinator. As Disability Coordinator, Kristin advises the Division staff on disability policy and provides linkages to disability resources and information for staff throughout the state.

Karina Crouch currently serves as MPACT's St. Louis City Multi-cultural Coordinator as well as the Spanish speaking representative for MPACT. Karina enjoys laughing and spending time with her family. She is the proud mom of 2 spirited and handsome young men. Her sons are the reason that she is passionate and inspired to serve other parents of children with special needs in her community.

Dakota Ragsdale is a 16 year old student who has advocated for himself and other youth around Missouri for several years now. Dakota is in the 11th grade and attends Culinary Arts Program at Scott Tech in Monett. For the future Dakota would like to be a Chef.

Claire Fitzgerald has been an attorney with the U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights (OCR), Kansas City Enforcement Office, since 2001. OCR is a Federal civil rights enforcement agency responsible for investigating and seeking resolution of complaints alleging discrimination based on race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability (including complaints involving transition issues), where the alleged discrimination could constitute a violation of one of the six Federal laws. OCR also provides technical assistance to individuals, schools, and others regarding the requirements of the laws OCR enforces. Ms. Fitzgerald has traveled throughout the region in the course of investigating complaints and providing technical assistance presentations. She has a bachelor’s degree in business management and Computer Information Systems from Park University and her law degree is from the University of Denver. 3

Page 4: travels along THE YELLOW BRICK ROAD · Oz. Loni LeForce is a born and raised Kansan who is no exception to the rule. However, her travels down the yellow brick road were far from

Our Summit PresentersMary Lenihan Mary is a helper for Pause for Inspiration, a nonprofit 501c3 since 2008 which shares Pause in schools with students ages pre-k through 24, parents, healthcare professionals, nonprofit personnel and those they serve, and businesses. In her daily practice of Pause, she finds it helps her have a better day. She experiences how calm, focus, self-care, kindness, patience and doing what is hers to do, are a choice. These wise choices have a direct impact on one’s physical, mental, and emotional health and overall quality of life. Mary is cofounder of Pause, wrote the book, Pause for Inspiration in the midst of everyday life and the Pause Practice Cards, writes weekly articles on the practical application of the Pause Practice, a movement facilitator, and a licensed occupational therapist.

Kent Brown has been practicing law for 25+ years and has gained extensive experience in school law, administrative law, constitutional law, employment law, extraordinary remedies and all forms of litigation. Mr. Brown’s current emphasis is administrative and public-sector law. He currently serves as general counsel for Lincoln University, Linn State Technical College, the Missouri Public Library Directors Association and various cities and he also represents various public entities. In a ground-breaking project, Mr. Brown assisted in drafting rules adopted by the Missouri Consolidated Health Care Plan designed to replace breach of contract suits against the agency with contested case proceedings conducted within the agency. Portions of those rules have been sustained and enforced by the Court of Appeals.

Kristin Donze is an Assistant Director of Transition and Section 511 Services with Missouri Vocational Rehabilitation. She has ten years of experience working as a transition counselor and over twenty years of experience working in the disability-related field. Kristin graduated from the University of West Virginia with a Master of Science in Rehabilitation Counseling.

Janis Miller has been with Vocational Rehabilitation over 24 years and has worked in the field of serving people with disabilities for over 30 years. She was a Transition VR Counselor for five years prior to being promoted as the District Supervisor of the Transition Office in St. Louis. She currently serves as the District Supervisor for the St. Charles District Office. In addition, she serves as an Assistant Director of Transition and 511 Services. She has a Master’s in Education from the University of Missouri-St. Louis and is a Licensed Professional Counselor.

Amy Siekerman is an Assistant Director of Transition and 511 Services with Missouri Vocational Rehabilitation. She has over 12 years in the field of disability related and transition services. Amy earned her Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology at Truman State University and her Masters in Social Work at Saint Louis University. She is also a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in the State of Missouri.

Melinda Cardone is the Executive Director of Independent Living Resource Center, Inc. in Jefferson City, MO. She has spent the last twelve years working in Centers for Independent Living advocating for and supporting persons with disabilities. Prior to working with Centers for Independent Living she developed and provided programs for youth as Membership/Marketing Director at Girl Scouts-Heart of Missouri Council. Melinda has a BA in Psychology from Columbia College and currently participates in the Cole County Youth Transitions Team.

Jennifer Cowart is a Youth Specialist with the Independent Living Resource Center, Inc. Jenny has also served as an MPACT Mentor for more then a decade.

Rhonda McFerren is a Program Coordinator for Money Follows the Person Assistive Technology, Demonstration and Recycling Programs at Missouri Assistive Technology. Service territory covers the state of Missouri to help individuals with disabilities identify what assistive technology may help to overcome barriers in their environment. Rhonda graduated from Penn Valley in 2011 as a Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant and has worked predominately with assistive technology to help consumers reach their identified goals.

Brook Fuller is a Regional Coordinator for Missouri Parents Act and provides training and information to families in Central Missouri.

Lisa Bowles is a Regional Coordinator for Missouri Parents Act and provides training and information to families in Northwestern Missouri. Like many of MPACT’s employees, Lisa has a child with a learning disability and is motivated by a deep empathy for parents who struggle with the special education process. 4

Page 5: travels along THE YELLOW BRICK ROAD · Oz. Loni LeForce is a born and raised Kansan who is no exception to the rule. However, her travels down the yellow brick road were far from

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