Download - Trafico S01-EP04-Scene 3- The Truth (DS2S Scene)

Page 1: Trafico S01-EP04-Scene 3- The Truth (DS2S Scene)


Were in a cops apartment. We can tell by its tacky furniture, photos, and cheap memorabilia collected from a lifetime on the force.

ANTONIO RODRIGUEZ, unshaven, worn down, now just a shell of the man he used to be stands shit faced at the kitchen counter tilting back another glass of whiskey.

RICARDO RODRIGUEZ, young, athletic, leather jacket, dark denim, gun tucked inthe small of his back enters through the front door and kicks the door shut behind him.

He throws his keys on the table next to a six pack of cheap Mexican beer and several overturned shot glasses.

RICARDOI thought you stopped drinking.

Antonio reaches for the a half empty bottle of Jack and pours himself another drink.

ANTONIO(his back to Ricardo)

I did.

Antonio empties the glass with one gulp.

Ricardo gestures towards the empty bottles strewn about the apartment.

RICARDODoesn't look like it to me.

ANTONIOFuck off, Ricky.

Antonio slams down the glass, and pours another.

RICARDOWhat are you doing pops? Are you trying to kill yourself?

Antonio, snatches the half empty bottle of whiskey from the counter, brushes past Ricardo and sits down at the table.

ANTONIOI want to enjoy the last few nails in my coffin.

Antonio flips over the shot glass on the table and fills it.

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What are you talking about?

Silence. Just dead air between them.



ANTONIOI'll be dead soon.

RICARDO looks away and then back at ANTONIO.


What? Who told you that?


RICARDOYeah, and what did she say?

ANTONIOShe said to shut up and let medrink my whiskey.

ANTONIO slams back a shot of whiskey

RICARDOWhat are you trying to do here..

ANTONIOI'm trying to enjoy my last daysand you're ruining it.

RICARDOYour feeling sorry for yourself.

ANTONIO stands up and throws the shot glass across the room it shatters.

ANTONIOI'm not waiting on some god damnlist, and I am not going to be thereason someone else dies.

Antonio crosses his arms.

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RICARDOSo thats it, (Beat) your just gonna drown yourself in booze and give up?

Thats Rich! If You die, there will be no left who knows about Maria.


You want to know about your motherRicky? (beat)I found her in a brothel in Queens.

RICARDOShut your fucking mouth.

ANTONIOshe was turning tricks for $30 apop.

RICARDODon't talk about her like that!

ANTONIOHer pimp, put his cigars out on her back when she didn't meet her quota.

RICARDOYou dont know what your're drunk.

ANTONIO..and YOU, I took you both out ofthat hell hole...

ANTONIO steps closer to Ricardo.

ANTONIO(Points up)

But He found out...and I got theorder to bring her back.

RICARDOWho are you talking about? Whos He?

ANTONIOThey said He would kill YOU...ifshe didn't go back.

Ricardo grabs Antonio shirt with both hands.

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RICARDO(Angry, shaking Antonio)

Who are they? Tell me who HE is!

ANTONIOI told her I could protect her,that we could runaway.....but She said He would find us...and kill us...kill you Ricky.

Ricardo pushes Antonio away in disgust.

RICARDOyour a lying son of a bitch...your a fucking coward. If You saved anyone it was yourself..Where is She?

ANTONIO(steps up close to Ricardo)

No, I tried to save her...but she went back on her own...


Antonio stabs Ricardo in his chest with his finger.

ANTONIObecause of you!

Ricardo cold cocks Antonio knocking him to the floor.

RICARDOTell me!..where is she!

Antonio lies on the floor, his lip is split and bloody, looks up at Ricardo...

ANTONIOAnd now look at you..(beat)..your one of them now...

Ricardo, grabs a fist full of Antonio's shirt, pulls his gun from his waist...

RICARDOIm not going to ask you again.

Ricardo cocks the gun and points it to Antonio's forehead.

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ANTONIOShe loved your more than me Ricky.


ANTONIOWomen like your mother, in thatlife don't live long Rickey.(Beat)they don't come back...

(beat)You're the only part of her that's left.

RICARDOShe could still be alive.

ANTONIOThere's only one person who knows.


ANTONIOThe man you work for.