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Fourth Semester Master of Business

Administration (MBA) Examination

(New Course)

Specialization Group – C


Paper IV

Time : Three Hours. Max. Marks : 80

N.B. : 1) Attempt Five Questions. 2) At least two questions

are compulsory from each section.

3) All questions carry equal marks.


1. State the objectives and scope of international HRM.

2. State the concept of international HRM models. Discuss poole’s adaptation of Harvard model in detail.

3. State the following terms (any two) :-

a) Marxist Theory.

b) The cultural approach power distance (PDI)

c) Uncertanity avoidance.

d) Masculinity (MASC)

4. Define social environment and staffing. Also discuss international recruitment, selection, training and hiring policies.

5. Define the concept Human Resource Information System. Design HRIS for any small industry with its limitations.


6. Discuss Human Resource strategic planning for global originations. What are HRM approaches in global companies?.

7. Deine the concept Global literate leader. What are the essential qualities required for a global manager?

8. Discuss the characteristics importance and limitations of Japans Employee Management. State the relevance of Japanese management in Indian context.

9. State the American approach to HRM. What are the practices of HRM in American originations? Give your opinion whether we should apply it or not and why?

10. Discuss the principles of international compensation. What are the methods and practices of international compensation?

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First Semester Master of Business

Administration (MBA) Examination

Paper - VIII


Time : Three Hours. Max. Marks : 80

N.B. : 1) Attempt Five Questions, at least two questions from each section are compulsory.

2) All questions carry equal marks.


1. Write notes on :-

a) Responsibilities of finance manager.

b) Time value of money.

2. Discuss in detail short term and Internal sources of finance.

3. (a) What do you understand by the term Trading on Equity?

(b) Briefly discuss the concepts of capital gearing and leveraging.

4. Explain the consequences of over and under capitalization on business.

5. Examine the dividend valuation models of Gordon and Walter with suitable example.


6. State the importance of working capital in Business Finance, also discuss methods of forecasting working capital requirements.

7. Write notes on :-

a) Payback period.

b) Net present value.

8. Give an overview of operation of MBFC’s and financial Institutions in India.

9. Discuss special financial needs of SSI’s and their sources.

10. Write notes on (any two) :-

a) Acquisitions.

b) Split up.

c) Privatisation.

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Fourth Semester Master of Business

Administration (MBA) Examination

Group – A


Paper - VI

Sales & Distribution Management.

Time : Three Hours. Max. Marks : 80

N.B. : 1) Attempt Five Questions, at least two questions from each section are compulsory.

2) All questions carry equal marks.


1. Explain the various functions of Personal selling. Explain the Nature of Personal selling.

2. Write down the procedure for Recruiting and selecting Sales personnel. Illustrate the methods of Sales Training.

3. What is motivation? How can a sales team be motivated? Explain the various modes of compensating a sales team.

4. Explain the qualitative and quantitative measures of evaluating Sales force. Also illustrate which method is more suitable in today’s scenario and why.

5. Write notes on (any two) :-

i) Sales meeting.

ii) Sales contests.

iii) Territory Management.

iv) Sales Quotas.


6. What is meant by Sales audit? What are the purpose and techniques of sales audit?

7. What are different types of Sales organization? What is the purpose of sales organization?.

8. What are the different types of channel of distribution? Explain the channel objectives with suitable examples.

9. What are the different factors affecting warehousing choice? Explain the concept of Inventory management.

10. Write short notes on (any two) :-

i) Types of warehouse.

ii) Modes of Transport.

iii) Functions of intermediaries.

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First Semester Master of Business

Administration (MBA) Examination


Paper VII

Time : Three Hours. Max. Marks : 80

N.B. : 1) Attempt Five Questions, at least two questions from each section are compulsory.

2) All questions carry equal marks.


1. State the constitutional provisions relating to freedom of trade, profession and occupation.

2. What do you understand by lifting the corporate veil? Set out the instances which make it necessary for the Government to lift the corporate veil.

3. How is Memorandum of Association useful for joint stock companies? If these companies are not following its provisions what will be the effect?.

4. State the definition of company promoter. Explain the role and duties of the promoter in incorporation of company.

5. Write notes on (any two) :-

a) Voluntary winiding up of the company.

b) Winding up the court.

c) Winding up under the supervision of court.

d) Conduct of winding up and its consequences.


6. A) Define ‘contract’. State essential elements to a valid contract.

B) Define the term ‘corecion’ as used in Indian Contract Act. What are the essential for a coercion?

7. What do you mean by the term ‘Intellectual property’? Explain giving reference to its significance, scope and objectives as per Intellectual Property Act.

8. Explain the aims of the Right to Information Technology Act 2005. State the need and significance of cyber law in present scenario.

9. Explain the scope and main provisions of Consumer Protection Act 1986. State its need in India.

10. Write notes on (Any Two) :-

a) Salient features of Income Tax Act 1961.

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b) Provisions relating to determination of Residential Status of person under I.T. Act.

c) Rebate, Relief and Exemption available under section 88 and deductions under section 80 G and 80 L.

d) Type of taxes and significance of Income Tax.

Second Semester Master of Business

Administration (MBA) Examination

Group - A


Paper - II

( Brand Management )

Time : Three Hours. Max. Marks : 80

N.B. : 1) Attempt Five Questions. Atleast two questions from each section are compulsory.

2) All questions carry equal marks.


1. What is a new product? Outline the various stages in Product Management Process.

2. Discuss in detail product portfolio concepts.

3. Discuss the brand power of Four Major Brands in your area and evolve a marketing strategy to enhance their power.

4. A company in consumer durables industry has just added an electronic cordless broom to its product line and has approached you for its positioning. The product is targeted at middle income household and its price at Rs. 2200. The company is leader in its other product lines. Work out a positioning strategy and its rationale for this wonder product.

5. Could there be a situation, where a brand may have low state of awareness but high brand value? If so, identify and analyse such brands and the reasons for the same.


6. Discuss the distribution alternatives available to a Firm. Where and how will you use each of these alternatives?

7. Discuss the various advantages and disadvantages of Global Marketing.

8. Discuss the following terms :-

a) Brand Revitalization.

b) Managing Brand Image.

9. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of Brand Extension. How will consumer evaluate the Brand Extension?.

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10. Evaluate the various methods of Brand Valuation in the Indian context.

Third Semester Master of Business

Administration (MBA) Examination


Paper – III

Group - A

Time : Three Hours. Max. Marks : 80

N.B. : 1) Attempt Five Questions. Atleast two questions from each section are compulsory.

2) Atleast Two questions are compulsory from each section.

3) All questions carry equal marks.


1. How old is Retail Business? What are the challenges and opportunities in Retail Industry?

2. What are the different retail formats available in Indian Market? Explain with suitable examples.

3. What are the different non-store formats which are used in Retail Business?

4. What are the different sources for finance in Retailing? Why are location and lay-out planning important in Retail planning?

5. How the consumer behaviour gets influenced by cultural and social groups?


6. What is the importance of CRM in developing Rural brand?

7. Explain the concept of SKU. Describe the assortment planning process.

8. Define visual merchandising and discuss its important components to leverage its benefits.

9. What are the different elements to be considered while taking decision about Store events and Sales promotion?

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10.a) State he application of IT in relating.

b) Explain :-

i) Coding system in retailing business.

ii) RFID.

Fourth Semester Master of Business

Administration (MBA) Examination

Paper - V



( Sp. – I, Grp. C – H.R.M.)

Time : Three Hours. Max. Marks : 80

N.B. : 1) Attempt Five Questions. Atleast two questions from each section are compulsory.

2) All questions carry equal marks.


1. Explain the concept of human resource development. What are the goals, objectives and challenges of human resource development?

2. Discuss various issues of human resource development with specific reference to mergers, acquisition and takeovers.

3. Compare the basic concepts of human resource management, human resource development and human capital management with their importance.

4. What are the problems faced by organizations while adapting to change? Explain the concept of HRD culture.

5. Write detailed note on Human Resource Information System.


6. What are the various determinants of HR system? Explain the sub systems of HR system design.

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7. Discuss the current scenario of HRD in India with relevant examples.

8. Write notes on (Any Two) :-

a) Total Quality Management.

b) Knowledge Management.

c) Quality Circles.

d) H.R. restructuring.

9. Discuss the growth and opportunities for HRD in I.T. and I.T.E.S. sector.

10.(a) Explain the terms : HR accounting and HR audit.

(b) What is the importance and difficulties of HR research?

Second Semester Master of Business

Administration (MBA) Examination


Time : Three Hours. Max. Marks : 80

N.B. : 1) Attempt Five Questions. 2) Atleast two questions from

each section are compulsory. 3) All questions carry equal marks.


1. Define the term ‘Environment Management’. Discuss its importance and fundamentals.

2. Differentiate between Renewable and Non-Renewable sources of energy. State the various renewable sources of energy. Which are most suitable for Indian situation?

3. a) What is the role of Recycling Industry in Industrial Ecology?

b) Explain the structure and functions of an ecosystem. What do you understand by uniform customs and practice for documentary credit (UCP)? Describe the salient provisions of UCP

4. State the various Environmental Laws. Discuss the important issues involved in enforcement of Environmental Legislations.

5. What is the meaning of Population Explosion? Enumerate the causes of population growth in India. How does this growth effect the environment and human beings?


6. What are the sources of Air Pollution? Describe its effects on

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human and animal health as well as on vegetation.

7. What is Water Pollution? State its causes. Discuss the various strategies adopted for conservation of water.

8. “Noise Pollution hampers the progress of man either individually or socially”. Elucidate. What directives the apex court has issued recently to prevent noise pollution?

9. What do you mean by ‘Biodiversity’? Examine the values of biodiversity from consumptive, productive, social and ethical point of views.

10. What precautions should one take in construction of dams? Why are Small dams beneficial and Large dams are harmful to environment? Offer your comment.

Third Semester Master of Business

Administration (MBA) Examination

Paper - IV


Time : Three Hours. Max. Marks : 80

N.B. : 1) Attempt Five Questions. Atleast two questions from each section are compulsory.

2) All questions carry equal marks.


1. Explain the concept of Ethics. Are ethical values really important in today’s Business environment?

2. Narrate the theories of Ethics of Gandhian approach and Friedman’s economic theory.

3. Discuss the ethics in Business is myth and Reality. Discuss the practice of ethics in India.

4. Describe the Professional Ethic Code and its importance in present scenario.

5. Elaborate the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility, by business organization towards society.

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6. Explain the meaning of corporate governance. What are the corporate governance codes for Public Sector Enterprises?

7. Discuss the ethical issues in Marketing. Explain the impact of advertisement on society.

8. Mention importance of Ethics while Recruitment of manpower in organization.

9. What are the Ethical issues in IT and ITES? State your view regarding, how to stop cyber crime.

10. Point out the important Ethical Issues the Industry should strictly adhered to achieve its objectives.

First Semester Master of Business

Administration (MBA) Examination


Time : Three Hours. Max. Marks : 80

N.B. : 1) Attempt Five Questions. Atleast two questions from each section are compulsory.

2) All questions carry equal marks.


1. Highlight on the evolution of the concept of Human Resource management. Discuss external and internal environment systems approach to human resource management.

2. What is meant by job design? Describe the approaches and techniques of job design.

3. Discuss the different factors affecting to recruitment. Highlight on the recruitment practice commonly adopted in India presently.

4. Define the terms Induction and Placement. Does induction have any problems? What are these? Elaborate with examples.

5. Explain why training is important in modern organizational set up. Give a brief account of training methods used for different levels of employees in the organization.

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6. What is meant by HR Records and HR Reports? What purpose can they serve? Discuss the fundamental principles that govern record keeping.

7. What do you understand by the term job evaluation? State briefly the advantages and limitations of job evaluation.

8. Write a detailed note on ‘Employee Benefits and Incentives’.

9. What do you mean by social security? State the legal provisions relating to health and safety.

a) Examine the importance of HR research. Discuss the areas and methods of conducting HR research.

Second Semester Master of Business

Administration (MBA) Examination

Paper - II


(Sp-I-Grp. C-HRM)

Time : Three Hours. Max. Marks : 80

N.B. : 1) Attempt Five Questions. Atleast two questions from each section are compulsory.

2) All questions carry equal marks.


1. Explain the purpose and methods of Job evaluation.

2. Discuss the criteria for wage fixation and explain the Roman plan.

3. What is the significance of perks and fringe benefits? What are incentive plans?

4. Explain the concept of HR Accounting in detail.

5. Define Competency Mapping. What are its advantages and methods.

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6. What are the objectives of performance appraisal? Explain the critical Incident Method and Assessment Centres in detail.

7. Explain the process of Career Mapping and Succession Planning.

8. Discuss the significance of Balanced Score Card in today’s organization with relevant example.

9. What are various types of promotions and transfers? Also explain advantages and disadvantages of promotion and transfer.

10. Explain different methods of employee separations.

Second Semester Master of Business

Administration (MBA) Examination

Group - B


Paper – II

(Project Planing & Financial Strategy)

Time : Three Hours. Max. Marks : 80

N.B. : 1) Attempt Five Questions. Atleast two questions from each section are compulsory.

2) All questions carry equal marks.


1. “Mergers and takeovers” are the important tools of planning and securing financial development of a company”. Discuss the statement considering the motives of Mergers and Takeovers.

2. “Analysing risk in Capital Budgeting is utmost important to keep the profitability moving”. Comment and explain Decision Tree Analysis.

3. Discuss in detail the steps in planning the project. Explain. Demand analysis and Market analysis.

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4. Explain Modigliant – Miller approach to capital structure decisions with the help of an example.

5. The management of Shiv Industries has called for a statement showing the working capital year. The cost structure for the companys product for the above mentioned activity level is given below.

Particulars Cost per unit

Raw material Rs.20

Direct labour Rs. 5

Overheads (includingDepreciation of Rs.5/unit) Rs.15

------------------Total Rs.40

(+) Profit Rs.10 ------------------Selling Price Rs.50 ------------------

Additional Information :

a) Minimum desired cash balance is Rs.20,000/-

b) Raw materials are held in stock on an average for two months.

c) Work in progress (assume 50% completion state) will approximate to half a months production.

d) Finished goods remain in warehouse or an average for 1 month.

e) Suppliers of material extend a months credit and debtors are provided two months credit; cash sales are 25% of total sales.

f) There is a time lag in payment of wages of a month, and half a month in the case of overheads.

From the above information, you are required to prepare a statement showing working capital requirement.

Assume : WIP 50% complete for material as well as labour and overhead expenses.


6. Enumerate the factors determining the cash balance. Explain Miler-Orr model of cash management.

7. “Management of Receivables defends upon the credit policies of the company!” Do you agree with statement? Give reasons and also explain collection policies.

8. Discuss DCF approach and cash flow forecast in the light of corporate valuation.

9. Ashwini Ltd. wants to acquire an equipment for which the following two alternatives are available. Alternative I : To lease the equipment for 7 years which is the machine’s expected useful life. The annual leave payment would be Rs.14,700 and include service and maintenance, lease payments

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would be due at the end of the year.

Alternative II : To Purchase the equipment through 100% loan. The cost of the machine is Rs.50,000. It would make seven annual payment of Rs.9985 each to repay the loan of Rs.50,000. Payment would be made at the end of each year.

The marginal tax rate is 44%. It has estimated that the equipment has an expected salvage value of Rs.1000. The company plans to depreciate the equipment by using straight line method. The service and maintenance would cost Rs.3,700 annually. You are required to advice on the desirability of the acquisition made assuming the following P. V. factor.

---------------------------------------------------------Year 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ---------------------------------------------------------PVF 1.000 0.952 0.907 0.864 0.823 0.784 0.746 0.711

---------------------------------------------------------PVF for salvage value : 0.452

10. Write notes on (any two) :-

a) Rationale for leasing.

b) Motives of holding cash.

c) Balance score card.

d) Market value added (MVA) approach.