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Alfonoso Hernandez

I've always loved the phrase "A picture is worth a thousand words." I remember even when I was 10 and

would shoot random pictures to see if I could make some chump change, maybe 50 words if I was lucky.

Something about catching a piece of time of being able to look back on it whenever I wanted to made me

feel like I was cheating the big guy upstairs. It thrilled me, and I decided to finally put some effort into it a

few years ago. I'm pretty much self taught and I like it that way. It makes it a constant discovery for me

and that really gives me a sense of accomplishment.

The shots here spoke "wild" to me for a few reasons. Bears are such an unpredictable animal, and isn't

that what being wild is all about? The matrix-like image was inspired by the constantly growing world of

digital consumerism that we are becoming apart of. Pretty soon it will run through our veins and change

our field of vision into nothing but 1's and 0's. I'm okay with the irony of submitting an image like this for

a digital magazine. Haha! Lastly is the graffiti-like image. Growing up where I did, I was assumed to slap

on a hooded sweatshirt and have a spray can in my hands. Instead, I grew up with a Power Rangers shirt

and a book in my hand. However, those who chose that path seem to be regarded as wild animals, yet all

they do is interpret modern day art on walls of buildings that are simply rotting way, turning it into

something beautiful.

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Jill-Irene Adina

Droplets’ Sphere

Hello everyone! My name is Jill-Irene Adina, I'm 24 years old and been an artist ever since I was

able to hold a crayon. I'm very fascinated in learning in every shape or form of art to music, fashion,

computer graphics and of course painting. I supose I am a night owl artist because my creativity likes to

start-off at night, but once inspired I will work on a piece for hours and finish it within days, before

procrastination kicks in. This painting is 18''x24'' mix media, surrealism and I've named this piece

Droplets' sphere. I was listening to a song called Hair by Lady Gaga. "Free as my hair". Just recently I've

learned to appreciate my big wild hair, along with exploring mix media artwork, surrealism and adding

today's political views into the mix has brought me to paint this wild but yet beautiful piece of artwork. I

hope you like it and enjoy!

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Lets start with the basics first please tell the

readers who you are and what instrument you


Mario Sepulveda (Bass Player and Back up


Daniel Herrera (Rhythm/Lead Guitar and Lead


Oscar Colosio (Drums)

Jaime Chan (Rhythm/Lead Guitar)

How long have you been a band?

Mario: Well I’ve been in the band for about 2

years I think now, but Oscar and Daniel have

been in Pentomic previously, totaling I believe 3


What brought you guys together?

Mario: What brought me to Pentomic was

essentially boredom, my previous band wasn’t

doing anything and I always have an urge to

play, I found out from a friend that Daniel had a

band and was looking for a bass player, I told

her to give Daniel my number so we can get

together and jam, I haven’t seen Daniel since I

graduated from maryvale in 05. I came, we

jammed, the rest is history…

Chan: I guess fate got out of the navy they told

me if i wanted to play a show in two weeks i

was like sure I ain’t doing anything.

Oscar: i was playing with another band and they

introduce me to Daniel and he had pentomic

going on and needed a drummer so he ask me


How did you guys come up with your name and

what’s the story behind it?

Mario: The name as far as I know came from

Daniel and Brian (our previous Lead Guitarist)

who at first wanted to have something that deals

with music as the band name, somebody came

up with the idea Pentatonic, because they tended

on using Pentatonic scales in Pentomic music,

they both decided that Pentatonic was a lame

name and when they looked it up, they found the

word Pentomic, Which is an atomic division of

the military consisting of a 5 divisions used in

atomic warfare. Sound cool, pretty rad meaning,

we don’t have 5 members, but we consider our

friends and family as our 5th members thus

bringing a rather real meaning for our name, and

now we tend to strike to everyone ears with

some good ol rock and roll!

Describe your music in three words:

Mario: Thrash, Punk , Metal…. Easy

What is your favorite song to play?

Mario: My Favorite Song to play is Ms.

Manage, its one of the first songs I’ve written

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for Pentomic and has a lot of different elements

that I’ve been influenced by.

Daniel: i like to play Lady Deth!!! haha that song

gets me really hyped up...especially when the

solo comes around haha i get a certain rush

from it

What inspires you?

Mario: My surroundings, I tend to write about

stuff that’s has or is happening to me.

Daniel: i have a lot of things that inspire me but

above all Dave mustaine of Megadeth is the #1

influence that inspired me into the deeper

darker side of music

What gets you guys pumped before a show?

Mario: I dunno, just the thought of being on

stage gets me pumped, even though I do get

nervous before any show big or small…

Oscar: well for me it’s just the excitement off

playing on stage doesn’t really matter where or

maybe depends with what band we play with

we always have a blast

Where would your dream show be? and who

would you play with?

Mario: As far as location I really don’t care, but

Warped Tour would be an awesome tour to

play, even though they have been adding shitty

bands lately, I would still love to play it because

of what it used to be, and it reminds me of good

times. And if warped tour had the NOFX, Bad

Religion, Pennywise, Metallica, Megadeth,

Propaghandio, and The Casualties on the same

bill would be enough to die and be happy (I

know the likelihood of that happening is like

zero, but one can dream)

Daniel: damm ...well my dream show would be

playing a show anywhere out of this country

with MegadetH, Metallica, Mercyful Fate, And

Slayer....that would be sick!!

Oscar: my dream show would be playing out of

the us like Germany somewhere crazy, and for

bands that i would like to play with system of a

down and deftones.

When and where is your next show?

As of right now, we only have a 1 show set,

most of our shows happen last minute for

friends who are in need of support and we

don’t mind that, but our next show is August

18th @ the Big Fish Pub in Tempe, with good

friends Eken is Dead and Raina Fire. (Shout to

the homies @ Burning Bird Records)

When does your next album drop?

As far as an full album were not sure, but we

are putting the finishing touches on our newest

EP that we recorded at Cosmic Soup Recording

with our homie Ricardo Lozano, shout out to

the master producer and teacher who took us

under his wing and is showing us the ropes to

the crazy ass world of music. But do expect our

Newest EP to be released really really soon, no

exact date though…

Where can we hear and buy your music?

Buy?! Nowhere! Anything we currently have is

available for free download, and just about

anywhere online. Check out,,,


if your into that old shit….. visit to see our studio

diary of our newest EP