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The Trichodesmium consortium: conservedheterotrophic co-occurrence and genomicsignatures of potential interactions

Michael D Lee1, Nathan G Walworth1, Erin L McParland1, Fei-Xue Fu1, Tracy J Mincer2,Naomi M Levine1, David A Hutchins1 and Eric A Webb1

1Marine Environmental Biology Section, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Southern California,Los Angeles, CA, USA and 2Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, Department of Marine Chemistry andGeochemistry, Woods Hole, MA, USA

The nitrogen (N)-fixing cyanobacterium Trichodesmium is globally distributed in warm, oligotrophicoceans, where it contributes a substantial proportion of new N and fuels primary production. Thesephotoautotrophs form macroscopic colonies that serve as relatively nutrient-rich substrates that arecolonized by many other organisms. The nature of these associations may modulate ocean N andcarbon (C) cycling, and can offer insights into marine co-evolutionary mechanisms. Here we integratemultiple omics-based and experimental approaches to investigate Trichodesmium-associatedbacterial consortia in both laboratory cultures and natural environmental samples. These effortshave identified the conserved presence of a species of Gammaproteobacteria (Alteromonasmacleodii), and enabled the assembly of a near-complete, representative genome. Interorganismalcomparative genomics between A. macleodii and Trichodesmium reveal potential interactions thatmay contribute to the maintenance of this association involving iron and phosphorus acquisition,vitamin B12 exchange, small C compound catabolism, and detoxification of reactive oxygen species.These results identify what may be a keystone organism within Trichodesmium consortia andsupport the idea that functional selection has a major role in structuring associated microbialcommunities. These interactions, along with likely many others, may facilitate Trichodesmium’sunique open-ocean lifestyle, and could have broad implications for oligotrophic ecosystems andelemental cycling.The ISME Journal (2017) 11, 1813–1824; doi:10.1038/ismej.2017.49; published online 25 April 2017


Most primary producers are associated with aheterotrophic community, often through physicalattachment and direct colonization (Nausch, 1996;Fisher et al., 1998; Sapp et al., 2007; Hmelo et al.,2012). A common feature of these associations is thepassive transfer from host to epibiont of organiccarbon (C), and in the case of diazotrophs such asTrichodesmium, reduced nitrogen (N) (Mulhollandet al., 2006). These assemblages provide a dynamicinterorganismal interface wherein, despite somelikely competitive interactions (Amin et al., 2012),many relationships have been found to be mutualis-tic. For example, epibionts can assist their hostthrough the acquisition of trace metals or othernutrients, reduction of local concentrations of

hazardous compounds, and secretion of anti-biofouling agents (Paerl and Pinckney, 1996; Morriset al., 2008; Bertrand and Allen, 2012; Beliaev et al.,2014; Bertrand et al., 2015). Elucidating the nature ofthese interactions and their consequent modulationof host/colony elemental fluxes is integral to devel-oping a complete understanding of marine biogeo-chemical cycling.

At a broad taxonomic level, Alphaproteobacteria,Gammaproteobacteria and Bacteroidetes have beenconsistently found in association with many photo-autotrophs (Fisher et al., 1998; Sapp et al., 2007;Amin et al., 2012; Bertrand et al., 2015), includingTrichodesmium (Hewson et al., 2009; Hmelo et al.,2012; Rouco et al., 2016), likely because of generallifestyle characteristics such as attachment andopportunism (Hmelo et al., 2012). There has alsobeen evidence supporting host-specific associationsat finer taxonomic resolutions within these clades(Stevenson and Waterbury, 2006; Lachnit et al.,2009; Guannel et al., 2011; Sison-mangus et al.,2014). For instance, heterotrophs co-occurring withthe diatom Pseudo-nitzschia have been shown tovary as a function of host species and toxicity

Correspondence: EA Webb, Marine Environmental Biology Sec-tion, Department of Biological Sciences, University of SouthernCalifornia, 3616 Trousdale Parkway, AHF 331a, Los Angeles, CA90089, USA.E-mail: [email protected] 4 November 2016; revised 31 December 2016; accepted16 February 2017; published online 25 April 2017

The ISME Journal (2017) 11, 1813–1824© 2017 International Society for Microbial Ecology All rights reserved 1751-7362/

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(Guannel et al., 2011)—with some epibionts beingmutualistic with regard to their native host, yetparasitic to others (Sison-mangus et al., 2014). Suchorganismal-specific mutualistic relationships arebelieved to have developed through co-evolutionaryhistories (Stevenson and Waterbury, 2006; Aminet al., 2012; Sison-mangus et al., 2014). The recentlyproposed Black Queen Hypothesis (BQH) (Morriset al., 2012) offers a mechanistic framework that coulddrive such interweavings of evolutionary paths. TheBQH is built upon two main suppositions: (1) certainbacterial functions are ‘leaky’, meaning they can affector be used by nearby organisms, and are thereforeconsidered ‘public goods’ (for example, the exudationof fixed C by photoautotrophs); and (2) organismsmaking use of these public goods may then experi-ence a positive selective pressure resulting in the lossof their own costly pathways responsible for thoseparticular goods (Morris et al., 2012; Sachs andHollowell, 2012). This process is anticipated to leavein its wake various interorganismal dependencies thatcan guide community structure and ultimately lead tohighly specific associations (Sachs and Hollowell,2012; Morris, 2015).

Trichodesmium spp. are notoriously difficult tomaintain in culture (Paerl et al., 1989; Waterbury,2006). It has been suggested that this is perhaps inpart because of the existence of obligate dependen-cies between host and epibiont (Paerl et al., 1989;Zehr, 1995; Waterbury, 2006; Hmelo et al., 2012).However, the extent to which the interactionsbetween Trichodesmium and their consortia mod-ulate Trichodesmium physiology and N2 fixationremains largely unstudied, despite having long beenrecognized as significant (Borstad, 1978; O’Neil andRoman, 1992).

Here we investigate microbial communities asso-ciated with Trichodesmium spp. in laboratoryenrichments and natural environmental samples,and present a highly conserved association foundto be present in both laboratory samples and in situ.We then use an interorganismal comparative geno-mics approach to generate genetic-based hypothesesas to what interactions may be contributing to themaintenance of these organisms’ co-occurrence.

Materials and methodsNucleic acid extractionsDNA extractions were performed for this study fortag analysis only. All other data sets were attainedfrom prior studies (detailed in Supplementary TableS1). Extractions utilized the FastDNA Spin Kit forSoil (MP Biomedicals, Santa Ana, CA, USA) follow-ing the manufacturer’s protocol. For enrichmentscurrently maintained, ~ 75ml were filtered onto5 μm polycarbonate Nucleopore filters (Whatman,Pittsburgh, PA, USA). Filters were placed directlyinto lysis tubes of extraction kit. Protocol blanks(nothing added to lysis tubes) were performed totrack potential kit-introduced contamination.

Tag data sequencing and analysisDNA from the 11 samples extracted for this study(plus two blanks) was sent for sequencing by acommercial vender (Molecular Research LP, MRDNA, Shallowater, TX, USA). Illumina (San Diego,CA, USA) MiSeq paired-end (2 × 300 bp) sequencingwas performed with primers targeting the V4V5region of the 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene (515f:5′-GTGCCAGCMGCCGCGGTAA-3′; 926r: 5′-CCGYCAATTYMTTTRAGTTT-3′; Parada et al., 2015).Library preparation and sequencing was carried outat the facility following Illumina library preparationprotocols.

Tag data curation and initial merging of paired readswere performed withinmothur v.1.36.1 (Schloss et al.,2009) following the mothur Illumina MiSeq StandardOperating Procedure (Kozich et al., 2013). Thesemerged and quality-filtered sequences were demulti-plexed, primers trimmed, and contigs clustered usingMinimum Entropy Decomposition (MED) (Eren et al.,2014). MED is an unsupervised, non-alignment-basedalgorithm that enables single-nucleotide resolutionwhen segregating amplicon sequences. This has beenshown to often result in biologically relevant repre-sentative sequences (referred to herein as ‘oligotypes’)more similar than traditional techniques of clusteringoperational taxonomic units can achieve—even at99% ID similarity (Eren et al., 2013; Mclellan et al.,2013). Six ‘non-Trichodesmium’, particle-size fractionsamples previously sequenced with the same primers(Parada et al., 2015) were added to our data set beforeclustering with MED in order to address and negatethe possibility of the ubiquitous presence of anyoligotypes. Extraction blanks (no sample or DNAadded to DNA lysis tubes) were used to identify andremove potential contaminants resulting from the labor extraction kit as described previously (Lee et al.,2015).

Other 16S rRNA sequences used in this studyincluded heterotrophs isolated from Trichodesmiumcultures (see below), a clone library study ofassociated epibionts of natural colonies (Hmeloet al., 2012), 16S rRNA sequences derived from anenvironmental Trichodesmium metagenomic samplefrom the Sargasso Sea (Walworth et al., 2015) and arecent marker-gene study (Rouco et al., 2016). Thesesequences were trimmed to cover only the V4V5region with mothur v.1.36.1 (Schloss et al., 2009) byaligning to the mothur-recreated Silva SEED data-base v119 and then trimming to targeted region usingdatabase positions 11895:28464. These and therecovered oligotypes from this study were thenaligned in Geneious v.9.0.5 (Kearse et al., 2012),using Muscle (Edgar, 2004) with default settings, anda maximum likelihood phylogenetic tree was con-structed with the PhyML plug-in v.2.2.0 (defaultsettings, 100 bootstraps). In silico analysis of theprimers utilized in the Hmelo et al. (2012) clonelibrary study was done with the web-based‘PCR Products’ tool (; Stothard, 2000).

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Metagenomic and metatranscriptomic sequencing andanalysisVarious data sets from multiple sources were used inthis study and are described in Supplementary TableS1, with further information presented inSupplementary Table S2. Five metagenomic datasets from a long-term Trichodesmium CO2 manip-ulation experiment, presented elsewhere (Hutchinset al., 2015), were generated through sequencingperformed at USC’s Epigenome Center (Los Angeles,CA, USA). DNA from these samples was previouslyextracted with the MoBio DNA PowerPlant kit(MoBio, Carlsbad, CA, USA), and sequenced withIllumina’s HiSeq (2 ×50 bp) with a 300-bp insert.Raw data were quality-filtered (minimum quality 20,minimum length 35) with the FASTX-toolkit (

The quality-filtered forward and reverse readsfrom the five metagenomic data sets from the long-term Trichodesmium CO2 experiment (Hutchinset al., 2015) were concatenated, interleaved, andco-assembled with IDBA-UD v.1.1.1 (Peng et al.,2012) (Supplementary Table S3 contains co-assembly statistics). Coverage profiles were gener-ated for each of the five original metagenomes bymapping them to the co-assembly with Bowtie2(Langmead and Salzberg, 2012). Metagenomic bin-ning (clustering contigs into representative genomes)was carried out using the analysis and visualizationplatform Anvi’o (Eren et al., 2015). Anvi’o utilizesCONCOCT (Alneberg et al., 2014), based on coverageand tetranucleotide composition, to perform aninitial unsupervised clustering of contigs, and thenallows for human-guided curation. Available envir-onmental Trichodesmium metagenomic (Walworthet al., 2015) and metatranscriptomic (Hewson et al.,2009) data sets were subsequently mapped to thesebins to investigate their environmental significance.

Refinement of Alteromonas macleodii binTo improve our representative genome ofA. macleodii,we mapped all five of the metagenomes used in the co-assembly to our A. macleodii bin recovered fromAnvi’o. Only reads that successfully mapped werethen subsequently assembled with the SPAdes genomeassembler v.3.8.1 (Bankevich et al., 2012). Comparingthese two bins with QUAST (v.4.1) (Gurevich et al.,2013) revealed this process yielded a higher-qualityassembly (Supplementary Table S4), and this refinedA. macleodii bin was utilized in subsequent analyses.

Identification of genes/gene clusters withinA. macleodii binThe genetic potential for siderophore and acyl-homoserine lactone production was identified byway of the web-based tool AntiSmash (Weber et al.,2015); this uses well-curated Hidden Markov Modelsto identify gene clusters involved in secondarymetabolite biosynthesis and transport. All othergenes were identified through BLAST (Altschulet al., 1990) or Hidden Markov Model searches

(HMMER v.3.1b2) of profiles built from referencesequences as presented in Supplementary Table S5.

Isolation of heterotrophs from TrichodesmiumEpibionts were isolated from Trichodesmium cul-tures using a soft agar RMP medium with thefollowing modifications: 5 g of agarose added to250ml MilliQ water before autoclaving, and a sterileaddition of 0.3% methanol, final concentration, wasadded post-autoclaving and cooled to 50 °C beforeplates were poured. Trichodesmium cultivars ofA. macleodii, A020, A021 and A029, were isolatedfrom T. erythraeum K-11#131 by inoculating colo-nies onto the solid RMP-methanol medium using asterile loop and incubating at 27 °C under a 14:10light:dark regime (100 μMm− 2 s− 1). Trichodesmiumfilaments were motile in the soft agar mediumleaving trails of epibionts after 7–10 days. Sectionsof enriched trails were excised using a sterile scalpeland inoculated onto fresh RMP-methanol agar.Individual colonies were isolated and grown inliquid RMP-methanol medium containing 0.1%tryptone and cryopreserved in 10% dimethylsulf-oxide at − 80 °C.

Siderophore production assayChrome azurol S plates were used to screen forsiderophore production as described previously(Schwyn and Neilands, 1987).

DMSP analysisThe production of dimethylsulfoniopropionate(DMSP) by T. erythraeum IMS101 was measured inreplete, phosphorus (P)-limited, and iron (Fe)-lim-ited conditions. Enrichments were grown in 1 l ofYBC-II media (Chen et al., 1996) in 2 l polycarbonatebaffled flasks at 26 °C under a 14:10 light:dark cycle(150 μMm− 2 s− 1) with fluorescent light. Enrichmentswere continuously shaken to avoid cell sedimenta-tion. Before analysis of DMSP production, nutrient-limited cultures were semi-continuously acclimatedto nutrient conditions (P-limited was 25× lower thanreplete and Fe-limited had no Fe added). Limitationwas confirmed via growth rates. DMSP was sampledin all cultures on day 10.

DMSP was measured as dimethylsulfide (DMS) on acustom Shimadzu GC-2014 equipped with a flamephotometric detector and a Chromosil 330 packedcolumn. Briefly, DMSP was cleaved to DMS viaalkaline hydrolysis using 5 M NaOH and pre-concentrated using a liquid-N purge-and-trap methodfollowing a modified protocol (Kiene and Service,1991). Samples for chlorophyll-a were filtered onGF/F filters, extracted in 90% acetone and measuredon a Turner Trilogy (San Jose, CA, USA) fluorometer.See supplemental text for further discussion.

Accession informationAccession numbers for previously deposited datasets are presented in Supplementary Table S1. The

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tag data generated herein have been uploaded toNCBI’s Sequence Read Archive under accessionnumber SRP078329. The five metagenomes fromthe Trichodesmium long-term CO2 manipulationexperiment (Hutchins et al., 2015) have beendeposited in NCBI’s Sequence Read Archive underSRP078343. The draft genome of A. macleodii hasbeen deposited in NCBI’s Whole Genome Shotgundatabase under accession MBSN00000000. Clonelibrary sequences of isolates from Trichodesmiumare available through NCBI’s GenBank, accessionnumbers KX519544–KX519550.

Results and DiscussionThe microbial composition of TrichodesmiumconsortiaTrichodesmium-associated communities were initi-ally investigated via 16S rRNA gene sequencingperformed on 11 samples spanning two species andmultiple strains. These included several distinctlaboratory-maintained cultures and an environmen-tal sample of handpicked and washed individualTrichodesmium colonies (Webb et al., 2007)(Supplementary Table S1). Consistent with priorstudies (Hewson et al., 2009; Hmelo et al., 2012),at a broad taxonomic level this revealed apredominance of sequences sourced from Bacteroi-

detes, Gammaproteobacteria, and Alphaproteobac-teria (Supplementary Data Set S1; SupplementaryTable S6). By clustering sequences with single-nucleotide resolution (Eren et al., 2014) into groups,herein referred to as ‘oligotypes’, we identifiedseveral identical sequences (100% similarity overthe ~ 370-bp region sequenced; highlighted inSupplementary Table S6) as present in all Tricho-desmium samples (n=11), yet absent from ‘non-Trichodesmium’ samples (n=6; consisting ofparticle-size fraction environmental data sets pre-viously generated utilizing the same primers; Paradaet al., 2015). Subsequently aligning these conservedoligotypes (those present in all of our samples) tosequences previously recovered from various otherenvironmental Trichodesmium samples revealedhighly similar sequences detected in all sources,and clusters of identical ones within the Gammapro-teobacteria (Figure 1). These identical sequences,originating from A. macleodii, were acquired fromsamples collected independently by differentresearchers at different times and locations, includ-ing an environmental metagenome, and were gener-ated by way of three different sequencingtechnologies (Figure 1 legend). In light of theseresults, and genome-level evidence of co-occurrencein natural environmental samples presented in thefollowing section, herein we focus on theA. macleodii association with Trichodesmium.

Figure 1 Maximum likelihood phylogenetic tree of 16S rRNA genes depicting only closely related sequences recovered fromTrichodesmium-associated communities of various samples. Colored leaf labels represent the sequence source: blue= tag sequences fromthis study, included are only those identical sequences that were found to be present in all 11 Trichodesmium samples analyzed*;orange=Sanger sequences from organisms isolated directly from individual Trichodesmium colonies; green=Sanger sequences from aTrichodesmium-associated community clone library study (Hmelo et al., 2012; while this study did not detect A. macleodii, in silicoanalysis of the primers utilized revealed they would not have amplified these sequences); and red=16S rRNA sequences mined from ametagenomic assembly of an environmental Trichodesmium sample (Walworth et al., 2015). *‘Oligotype 1923’was present in 10/11 of thesamples analyzed.

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In this vein, we leveraged a recently published studyinvestigating environmental Trichodesmium epi-bionts in both the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean usingtag sequencing from handpicked and washed colo-nies (Rouco et al., 2016). Processing that data setwith single-nucleotide resolution clustering (Erenet al., 2014) reveals our A. macleodii oligotypes arepresent in 25 of the 27 samples surveyed (100%identical across the shared ~ 280 bp between the datasets) comprising o1–5% of reads recovered, includ-ing Trichodesmium; these data further demonstratethe broadly conserved presence of these A. macleo-dii sequences in situ. The two samples lackingA. macleodii were out of 10 from the same samplingsite, in the North Pacific, whereas all other 8contained them. It is therefore possible they weresimply below detection and/or underrepresentedduring the initial PCR. Furthermore, Alteromonashas recently been observed to disproportionallycontribute to global transcripts, with gene expressionbeing ~ 10-fold higher than genetic abundance(Dupont et al., 2015)—that is, low relative abun-dance does not necessarily suggest low activity.

It is worth noting that all of the 16 ‘finished’genomes of Alteromonas available through inte-grated microbial genomes (IMG) (Markowitz et al.,2009) possess five 16S rRNA gene copies, which areoften not identical (although typically 499% simi-lar). It is thus possible that the distinct sequencespresented in Figure 1 within the A. macleodii clade(which vary only 1–2 bases over the ~ 370- bpsequenced) may actually be sourced from a singlegenome. Regardless, this marker-gene analysisrevealed the consistent presence of identicalsequences within associated consortia of manydistinct laboratory-maintained and environmentalTrichodesmium samples, suggesting a conservedassociation with A. macleodii.

Beyond a marker-gene: genome-level evidence of the co-occurrence of Trichodesmium and A. macleodii in situThe striking ubiquity of these identical sequencesacross both environmental and laboratory-maintained samples suggested that Trichodesmiumepibionts occurring in culture may be environmen-tally relevant, as opposed to being comprised solelyof laboratory-derived contaminants. To investigatethis beyond a single marker-gene, we leveragedavailable enrichment-derived metagenomic andmetatranscriptomic (Walworth et al., 2015) data setsfrom the aforementioned long-term CO2 experiment(Hutchins et al., 2015; Supplementary Table S2).A co-assembly of five metagenomic data sets wasperformed in an effort to better access those organ-isms in low abundance (as Trichodesmium contrib-uted ~96–99% of total reads), and the resultingcontigs were clustered to identify representativegenomes (Supplementary Data Set S2 forco-assembly fasta; Supplementary Table S3 forsummary). Beyond Trichodesmium, this process

enabled the recovery of three near-complete repre-sentative genomes (‘bins’) sourced from members ofA. macleodii, Lewinella sp., and Synechococcus sp.—all estimated at 497% complete and o5%contamination (Supplementary Table S4).

To assess if these bins were truly representative oforganisms present within in situ Trichodesmiumassemblages, we examined two publically availableTrichodesmium-focused environmental data setsincluding the above-mentioned Sargasso Sea meta-genome (Walworth et al., 2015) and a southwestPacific Ocean metatranscriptome (Hewson et al.,2009). Mapping these data sets to our bins revealedextensive recruitment across our A. macleodiigenome (Figure 2). As mapping is a highly stringentalignment process, this demonstrated the presence ofa closely related A. macleodii, at the genomic level,present in both of these Trichodesmium environ-mental samples, yet absent from particle-size frac-tion ‘non-Trichodesmium’ samples (Figure 2;Supplementary Figure S1 for further discussion).This is particularly remarkable for the Sargasso Seametagenomic sample as individual Trichodesmiumcolonies were handpicked and washed several timesto remove any organisms not tightly associated—yetthis closely related A. macleodii remained.

It is worth emphasizing that these metagenomicbins were derived from a laboratory-maintained

Figure 2 Visualization of laboratory enrichment and environ-mental metagenomic (DNA) and metatranscriptomic (RNA) readsmapped to our assembled representative genomic bins revealingthe presence of a closely related A. macleodii in both environ-mental Trichodesmium samples (labeled ‘Tricho’), but absent fromsamples lacking Trichodesmium (‘non-Tricho’). A hierarchicalclustering of contigs from the co-assembly is shown at the topsegregating contigs into representative genomic bins as depictedby the four large colored columns and labeled at the bottom. Thin,vertical peaks display log transformed normalized coverage ofreads (across that sample/row) mapped to that contig (column/leaf). ‘High’ and ‘low’ CO2 DNA and RNA samples mapping fromthe long-term experiment to these newly recovered bins revealedtheir presence and activity were maintained in both CO2

treatments, even after several hundred generations (Hutchinset al., 2015). SCB, Southern California Bight. See SupplementaryTable S1 for detailed sample information.

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Trichodesmium erythraeum enrichment, strainIMS101, which was originally isolated ~25 yearsago (Prufert-Bebout et al., 1993). Regardless ofwhether this cohabitation with A. macleodii haspersisted over the entire time IMS101 has been inculture, or if the organism was introduced as a‘contaminant’ at some point in the strain’s longcultivation history (~3500 generations) and subse-quently maintained, its co-occurrence in theselaboratory enrichments and in the environment in28/30 available samples (evidenced by marker-geneanalysis and at the genome level) intimates a robuststability of this association. It is also important tonote that while this relationship may not beexclusive, as A. macleodii is commonly observedin association with other photoautotrophs (Morriset al., 2008; Biller et al., 2015), collectively these datasuggest Trichodesmium colonies may consistentlyharbor A. macleodii—a finding with significantimplications regarding our understanding of Tricho-desmium’s physiology. As phytoplankton-associatedcommunities are understood to be structured byfunctional and characteristic properties of host andepibiont (Stevenson and Waterbury, 2006; Guannelet al., 2011; Lachnit et al., 2011; Sison-mangus et al.,2014), this conserved association of Trichodesmiumwith A. macleodii may in part be maintained byinterorganismal interactions.

Genomic signatures of potential interactionsIf this co-occurrence of Trichodesmium andA. macleodii is being maintained because of specificinteractions, then, as predicted by the BQH, thereshould exist corresponding genetic signatures under-lying them. In considering the implications of theBQH, Sachs and Hollowell (2012) recently noted:‘This new paradigm suggests that bacteria may oftenform interdependent cooperative interactions incommunities and moreover that bacterial coopera-tion should leave a clear genomic signature viacomplementary loss of shared diffusible functions’.

Owing to its tight association with its epibioticcommunity, Trichodesmium is a prime candidate forevolutionary mechanisms such as those described bythe BQH. Moreover, Trichodesmium has long beenconsidered enigmatic because of its ability to carryout N2 fixation (with the O2-sensitive enzymenitrogenase) while contemporaneously performingO2-evolving photosynthesis with no immediatelyapparent mechanism for keeping these two processessegregated (Carpenter and Price, 1976; Paerl et al.,1989; Zehr, 1995). It has been suggested that this mayin part be because of interactions with its associatedcommunity. For example, host exudation of organicC supports associated heterotrophic growth and fuelsrespiration, which in turn can generate microenvir-onments of low O2 concentrations thereby reducingoxic inhibition of host N2 fixation (Paerl and Kellar,1978; Paerl and Bebout, 1988; Paerl et al., 1989; Fay,1992; Zehr, 1995; Paerl and Pinckney, 1996). This

cascade of events benefits the consortium as a whole,and the development of such complex interorganis-mal networks has been argued to be a naturalconsequence of the BQH—while the underlyingmechanism is certainly not driven by any suchmutualisms, they will tend to emergently arise(Sachs and Hollowell, 2012; Morris, 2015).

As a first step toward assessing if any suchmutualistic interactions may exist between Trichodes-mium and A. macleodii, we applied an interorganis-mal comparative genomics approach in order toidentify any potential interactions through theircorresponding genomic footprints. By identifyingthese gene loss/retention patterns of shared diffusiblefunctions, we provide here genetic-based evidence forpotential interactions related to acquisition of Fe andP, vitamin B12 exchange, small C compound cycling,and reactive oxygen species (ROS) detoxification.Such genetic complementation in and of itself cannotprovide firm evidence of mutualistic interdependen-cies, but does serve to generate hypotheses aboutpossible host/epibiont interactive feedbacks and iden-tifies promising avenues for future definitive studies ofputative BQH relationships.

Fe acquisitionFe is an essential micronutrient required for photo-synthesis, respiration, and N2 fixation that is oftenlimiting in marine environments (Vraspir and Butler,2009; Chappell et al., 2012). One mechanism by whichmarine microbes overcome Fe limitation is through theproduction of extracellular, high-affinity Fe-bindingmolecules known as siderophores that scavenge Fe3+

from the surrounding environment (Amin et al., 2009).Although many siderophore/Fe complexes are highlystable and organismal specific (requiring selectiveouter membrane receptors and transporters for uptake),there is a subset produced in the marine environmentthat exhibit low organismal specificity and are highlyphotoreactive when bound to Fe3+ (Amin et al., 2009;Vraspir and Butler, 2009). These complexes becomeoxidized through ultraviolet photocatalysis wherebychelated Fe3+ is reduced and released as Fe2+, provid-ing a substantial source of bioavailable Fe in the photiczone (Barbeau et al., 2001). The seemingly surprisingobservation that many organisms produce sidero-phores that so readily serve as ‘public goods’ has ledto the suggestion that they may have been evolutiona-rily selected for as a result of bacterial–phytoplanktonassociations (Amin et al., 2009). Indeed, it has beenshown that this process increases the Fe uptake ofphytoplankton (Barbeau et al., 2001), and Synecho-coccus Fe limitation response transcripts have beenshown to significantly decrease when co-cultured witha siderophore-producing strain of Shewanella (Beliaevet al., 2014).

Unlike several other cyanobacteria, Trichodes-mium has not been shown to produce siderophores,and lacks any known genetic potential to do so(Chappell and Webb, 2010; Kranzler et al., 2011).

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However, in addition to mechanisms of ferric andferrous inorganic Fe acquisition (Roe and Barbeau,2014), Trichodesmium does appear to have theability to take up Fe-siderophore complexes viaseveral Ton-B components, tonB-exbB-exbD(Tery_1418, 4448 and 4449; Chappell and Webb,2010; Kranzler et al., 2011). Consistent with BQHpredictions of compensatory gene loss/retentionwithin mutualistic relationships, our A. macleodiigenomic bin possesses a gene cluster predicted to beresponsible for the biosynthesis of aerobactin(Supplementary Table S5), a well-studied, low-affinity, highly photoreactive siderophore (Kupperet al., 2006). Transcripts for these genes weredetected in the aforementioned long-term metatran-scriptomes (Supplementary Table S5), and to furthervalidate this genetic potential, we experimentallyconfirmed the production of siderophores by ourA. macleodii isolates (A020, A021, A029 in Figure 1)via the chrome azurol S plate assay (SupplementaryFigure S2). Furthermore, the exbB-exbD transportercomponents of the potential Trichodesmium uptakecomplex share homology with those found in thefreshwater cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp.PCC6803 (slr0677 and slr0678, at 67% similarity85% positives and 54/71%, respectively; seeSupplementary Figure S3 for alignments). In Syne-chocystis PCC6803, these genes have been shown tobe essential for the reduction of Fe3+ bound toaerobactin just before the subsequent uptake of Fe2+

into the cell (Kranzler et al., 2011).Although this evidence suggests that Trichodes-

mium may have the ability to obtain Fe bound to theaerobactin produced by A. macleodii, this hypoth-esis requires experimental investigation. Regardless,however, the photoreactivity of these siderophoresand their low stability when ligated to Fe3+ clearlyresult in more available Fe as a public good for anynearby organisms (Amin et al., 2009).

Vitamin B12 exchangeB12 exchange has become a key example of inter-domain dependence within photoautotroph-heterotroph associations (Croft et al., 2005). Most ofthis research has focused on eukaryotes (whichcannot synthesize B12 de novo; Bertrand and Allen,2012), whereby biosynthesis of B12 by associatedheterotrophs is followed by uptake by their algal host(Croft et al., 2005; Bertrand et al., 2015). In contrastto this commonly seen scenario, in our prokaryote/prokaryote association Trichodesmium can produceB12 de novo (Sañudo-Wilhelmy et al., 2014), whereasA. macleodii cannot. Despite lacking this capability,there is evidence our A. macleodiimay be facultativewith regard to the vitamin as it contains at least twoB12-dependent enzymes: an epoxyqueosine reduc-tase involved in tRNA modification; and a methio-nine synthetase, in addition to also containing a B12-independent version (Supplementary Table S5). Ithas been shown that bacteria capable of both

methods of methionine production are often faculta-tive, with the B12-dependent pathway being moreefficient (Augustus and Spicer, 2011). As somemarine cyanobacteria have been shown to exudeB12 (Bonnet et al., 2010), and our A. macleodii binalso possesses genes identified as outer membranereceptors and active transporters of the vitamin (allfound to be expressed, Supplementary Table S5), itis possible this epibiont may benefit from theexudation of B12 by Trichodesmium.

This hypothesized direction of B12 exchange (fromphotoautotrophic host to associated epibionts) isopposite to that commonly seen within eukaryoticalgal-heterotroph associations (Croft et al., 2005;Bertrand et al., 2015). A general trend is thereforepossible wherein heterotrophs that cannot synthe-size B12 may tend to more often associate withprokaryotic photoautotrophs rather than their eukar-yotic counterparts. To the best of our knowledge,such a relationship has yet to be investigated.

P acquisitionAs a N fixer, Trichodesmium is believed to com-monly be P limited, and has been shown to partiallyfulfill its P quota through the expression of alkalinephosphatases (Webb et al., 2007)—enzymes thatcleave phosphate groups from organic P. In addition,it has been suggested that there may be selectivepressure within Trichodesmium colonies for organ-isms possessing greater capabilities of P uptake(Hewson et al., 2009). The expression of alkalinephosphatases by members of Trichodesmium con-sortia has been previously observed, and theseorganisms are expected to ultimately be aiding theirhost with P acquisition (Hynes et al., 2009). OurA. macleodii does indeed possess the geneticpotential to produce alkaline phosphatases, butmoreover, it also possesses a secondary metabolitebiosynthesis cluster predicted to produce acyl-homoserine lactones (AHLs; Supplementary TableS5). AHLs are a class of molecules known to beinvolved in quorum sensing (Case et al., 2008), andhave specifically been shown to double the activityof alkaline phosphatases upon addition to naturalTrichodesmium colonies (Van Mooy et al., 2012).This genetic evidence suggests A. macleodii may beone of the organisms within Trichodesmium con-sortia helping to orchestrate the colonial acquisitionof P, a major limiting nutrient to the host in situ. AsAHLs can modulate many population-level cellularresponses (Amin et al., 2012), it is likely thesemolecules are also coordinating much more thansolely APase activity within these consortia.

Consortial C catabolismFor many phytoplankton, photosynthesis is believedto be C-limited in situ (Hein and Sand-Jensen, 1997).Consequently, they use C-concentrating mechanismsthat, although energetically costly, are capable of

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generating intracellular CO2 concentrations up to1000-fold higher than external levels (Burnap et al.,2015). It has been argued that the Trichodesmiumcolony as a whole would benefit from a tight nutrientcoupling system wherein host-exuded organics maybe catabolized relatively rapidly by a metabolicallydiverse consortium, thereby in part relieving C-lim-itation in addition to reducing local O2 concentra-tions/inhibition of N2 fixation (Paerl et al., 1989;O’Neil and Roman, 1992; Paerl and Pinckney, 1996).Here we present two examples where A. macleodiipossesses, and was found to be expressing, thegenetic machinery to degrade specific C compoundsproduced by Trichodesmium.

Methanol is an important small C compound inthe global ocean primarily because of its role inatmospheric ozone production (Heikes, 2002).Recently, a wide phylogenetic array of phytoplank-ton have been shown to produce methanol insignificant amounts as a by-product (up to μM levelsfor Trichodesmium; Mincer and Aicher, 2016).Correspondingly, there is genetic evidence thatA. macleodii may be involved in methanol catabo-lism as our representative genome possesses twodistinct genes identified as pyrroloquinolinequinone-dependent alcohol dehydrogenases(enzymes that catalyze methanol/ethanol oxidation,and are often indicative of facultative methylotro-phy; Chistoserdova, 2011), as well as the pyrrolo-quinoline quinone biosynthesis pathway (all foundto be actively transcribed, Supplementary Table S5).In keeping with these genomic observations, thethree closely related A. macleodii isolates presentedin Figure 1 were isolated in media containingmethanol as the sole C source. Given A. macleodii’sconsistent association with Trichodesmium, and itsability to catabolize methanol, it is possible this isone mechanism by which it is aiding its host throughrapid C cycling and O2 drawdown.

DMSP is an organosulfur compound produced andexuded by many phytoplankton and is a majorintercellular metabolite (Stefels et al., 2007;Durham et al., 2015) that has been hypothesized toserve as an inter-trophic level signaling molecule. Itis known to be both a strong chemoattractant(Seymour, 2010) and to induce the upregulation ofAHLs (Johnson et al., 2016), although the full scopeof its cellular function is not yet fully understood(Yoch, 2002). This compound is rapidly cycled byheterotrophic bacterioplankton, supplying up to13% of bacterial C and up to 100% of bacterialsulfur demand (Kiene and Linn, 2000). Heterotrophsdegrade DMSP via two enzymatically mediatedpathways: a cleavage pathway (dddP) that providesa labile C source and produces DMS, an environ-mentally relevant trace gas (Simo, 2001), as a by-product; and a demethylation pathway (dmdA) thatprovides both C and reduced sulfur, foregoing DMS(Curson et al., 2011). To date, Trichodesmium is theonly open ocean cyanobacteria that has been shownto produce significant intracellular concentrations of

DMSP (Bucciarelli et al., 2013); a function that weconfirmed in both the long-term Trichodesmium CO2

manipulation experiment and in T. erythraeumIMS101 grown under replete and P and Fe limitation(Supplementary Figure S4). Our A. macleodii bin hasthe genetic potential to both demethylate DMSP(beginning with dmdA; Supplementary Table S5)and cleave DMSP (dddP; Supplementary Table S5),with both found to be actively transcribed. It also haspreviously been demonstrated that some strains ofA. macleodii (with 16S sequences 100% identical tothose from the current study) can grow with DMSPas a sole C source (Raina et al., 2009). Althoughfurther investigation is needed to follow-up on thisgenetic potential between these co-occurring organ-isms, this is the first indication that DMSP may beactively cycled between a cyanobacterial host and itsassociated community. This suggests that in additionto associated community members potentially aidingtheir host through rapid C cycling within the colony,the use of DMSP as a signaling molecule forheterotrophs to alter their metabolic function towarda ‘cooperative lifestyle’ (Johnson et al., 2016) mayalso be occurring in our system.

Detoxification of ROSWhen first presenting the BQH, Morris et al. postu-lated a mutualistic relationship between the pico-cyanobacterium Prochlorococcus and ‘helper’bacteria. This mutualism was based on the see-mingly paradoxical lack of a catalase-peroxidasegene (katG), or any heme-based catalases or perox-idases, to aid the O2-evolving cyanobacterium indetoxifying ROS (Morris et al., 2008, 2012). IMS101,the only finished Trichodesmium genome, is anno-tated in IMG (Markowitz et al., 2009) as possessing acatalase peroxidase. However, upon closer inspec-tion this gene was identified as a pseudogene thathas undergone substantial gene decay (Fawal et al.,2013). As annotated by IMG, it remains as only threegene fragments (Tery_1759, 1760 and 1761) inter-spersed with start and stop codons, and totals o700-bp relative to the ~ 2100-bp functional gene. Further-more, katG genes have been frequently transferredbetween organisms (Bernroitner et al., 2009), and itappears as though Trichodesmium’s former katGwashorizontally acquired before its pseudogenizationas phylogenetic analysis of the PeroxiBase pseudo-gene sequence places it deep within the Bacteroi-detes clade, distinct from other Cyanobacteria(Supplementary Figure S5). In accordance with thisapparent history, a recent survey found that hor-izontally transferred genes were twice as likely asthose vertically transmitted to become pseudogen-ized (Liu et al., 2004).

Consistent with the BQH ‘helper’ role, ourA. macleodii possesses a katG found to be transcrip-tionally active (Supplementary Table S5), and thespecies is known to produce catalase peroxidase(Morris et al., 2011). In fact, a strain of A. macleodii

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was the first ‘helper’ bacteria described to assist thegrowth of Prochlorococcus (Morris et al., 2008) as aresult of this activity. This suggests that A. macleodiimay be aiding in the detoxification of ROS withinTrichodesmium consortia in a similar manner. ROStoxicity is particularly problematic for photoauto-trophs exposed to intense irradiance, and as Tricho-desmium frequently forms large surface blooms, ROSdetoxification could thus be an important serviceprovided by A. macleodii for its cyanobacterial host.

The Alteromonas genus: functional distribution andassociation with photoautotrophsThere are currently 16 Alteromonas ‘finished’ gen-omes available through IMG (Markowitz et al., 2009)(accessed July 2016), many with differences regard-ing the aforementioned functions identified in ourTrichodesmium-derived A. macleodii bin. Forinstance, only 2 of the 16 also contain a gene clusterfor siderophore production, only 3 possess an mdh2gene (implicated in methylotrophy; Keltjens et al.,2014), and 7 are predicted to produce AHLs(Supplementary Table S7). In contrast, similaritiescan be seen across the genus in the possession ofgenes related to DMSP degradation, APase activity,and the apparent facultative usage of vitamin B12

(Supplementary Table S7).Recently, the genome of an A. macleodii isolated

from a Prochlorococcus culture has been constructed(Biller et al., 2015). In searching this genome for theabove-discussed genetic capabilities, this strain con-tains all of those found within our bin, except,interestingly, the potential to produce AHLs

(Supplementary Table S7). This may reflect that thedensity of organisms associated with the unicellularProchlorococcus is much lower than in the relativelyenriched Trichodesmium colony environment,which may render quorum sensing ineffective.Whether there are properties of some A. macleodiithat make them more prone to being associated withphotoautotrophs, as opposed to particles, warrantsdeeper investigation.


Here we have presented molecular evidence thatTrichodesmium may be consistently associated withA. macleodii in both laboratory-maintained enrich-ments and in situ (at the marker-gene and genomelevel). These data do not, however, allow us toaddress the exclusivity or promiscuity with regard toA. macleodii. Ultimately any organismal associa-tions are going to be functionally and characteristi-cally driven, rather than taxonomically or evenphylogenomically. As such, it is possible similarheterotrophic strains may be commonly found co-occurring with various photoautotrophs (as theytend to exhibit comparable qualities), whereasTrichodesmium spp. may only exist in associationwith A. macleodii; importantly, this would notlessen the potential import of A. macleodii’s impacton Trichodesmium’s physiology.

The unique lifestyle of Trichodesmium and itsbiogeochemical significance make its colonial infra-structure an ideal and necessary regime to be viewedin the light of co-evolutionary processes such asthose laid out by the BQH. In addition to showing

Figure 3 Schematic of the discussed potential interactions between Trichodesmium and A. macleodii. Beige box, Trichodesmium;Purple boxes, A. macleodii cells; AA, amino acids; APases, alkaline phosphatase; DMS, dimethylsulfide; KatG, catalase-peroxidase; redellipses, siderophores. (Colony image courtesy of WHOI).

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that Trichodesmium may consistently harborA. macleodii, we have further presented geneticand experimental evidence that generates severalhypotheses regarding potential interactions betweenthese organisms that may ultimately be contributingto the maintenance of this association (Figure 3).Although direct experimental observation of theseputative mutualistic interactions is not a trivial task(as there are no axenic cultures of Trichodesmium),this work opens the door to further investigations ofthis relationship.

Photoautotroph–heterotroph associations repre-sent complex systems of interorganismal interactionsand A. macleodii is only one of many organismsthriving within Trichodesmium colonies. While thiswork provides a foundation and path toward targetedinvestigations of what may be a keystone organismwithin these consortia, many interactions likely existbetween this host and its other epibionts, as well assolely between the various associated organisms.Ultimately these intricate networks of organismalinterconnectivity have direct impacts on the phy-siology of Trichodesmium, and therefore on fluxes ofbiologically and climatically relevant elements suchas C, N, P, Fe and S in the open ocean. Unravelingthese networks is integral to our understanding ofnot only Trichodesmium’s productivity and evolu-tion, but also to our emerging picture of oceanbiogeochemistry.

Conflict of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.

AcknowledgementsWe thank Gustavo Ramirez for insightful discussion andassistance in editing the manuscript through various draftstages. Funding was provided by US National ScienceFoundation grants BO-OCE 1260490 to DAH, EAW andF-XF, a Rose Hills Foundation grant to NML and EM, andCHE-OCE 1131415 to TJM.

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