Download - The Top 8 Mobile Marketer's Challenges & Opportunities


The Top 8 Mobile Marketer’s Challenges & Opportunities

Includes results of an exclusive survey conducted by Harris Interactive for Azetoneamong over 220 Mobile Professionals between April and June 2014

#1: Mobile is kingMobile is often used as just another word for Smartphone. And from that regard, Mobile is already huge. Consider this:

the number of Smartphones in use on earth just passed the PC installed base in 2014 (over 1.5 billion each)!

But Mobile in general is even bigger if you include tablets (another 250 million), “wearables”, Internet of Things (like

connected cars, appliances and other objects)… Business Intelligence actually predicts the “Internet of Everything” will

reach a staggering 18 billion devices by 2018!

Mobile Marketer’s Key Takeaway…

We have passed the point where a mobile strategy is a “must”.

The question now is: shouldn’t you

have a mobile-first strategy?

Only 13% of marketers agree or strongly agree that they are

working in a “mobile-first” organization (Econsultancy 2014)

But where are your customers today?

With well over 50% of people aged 13+ now

using Smartphones in developed countries, it is

high time to take advantage of their unique

characteristics (personal, always-on, real-time,

geo-located…) to deliver real value-added services.





18% 16%

33% 32%

2% 3%

Mobile advertising and


Mobile development

and maintenance

Increase of 50%+ Increase of 26% to 49%

Increase of 10 to 25% Increase of 1% to 9%

Stable Decrease in spending

Source Harris-

Azetone 2014

Fast-growing Mobile Budgets: 2014 vs 2013

#2: Mobile Apps have won vs. Mobile WebWhether with consumers or with enterprises, apps are on a roll! They are faster, more customizable and easier to use.

And the race is on between Apple and Google. Both Google and Apple now count well over 75 billion downloads and

Apple paid out so far over $15 billion in revenues to App developers!

“Smartphone users spend 87% of their time using mobile apps.

iPad users spend 76% of their time using mobile apps”

- Nielsen

Mobile Marketer’s Key Takeaway…

“A great digital & mobile experience is no longer a nice-to-have…”

Forrester - Top Technology Trends for 2014 and Beyond,

72% of enterprises own at least 1 mobile website and 1 mobile app.

28% have even developed 5 apps or more !

But… 28% still do not even have 1 mobile app (or mobile site).

Source: Harris-Azetone 2014

Mobile Apps are emerging as the second

highest priority across all digital investments

and the highest among mobile investments

Harris-Azetone 2014

Source Econsultancy 2014

Digital Investment Priorities

Mobile Investment Priorities

#3: Mobile, the second largest media after TVAcross every developed country, mobile is emerging as the new “mass media”. We are spending on average over 2 hours

per day on mobile (smartphones but also tablets…)

Customers have also developed the expectation that they can get access to any information anywhere, anytime and

without any delay. “Real Time” has now become the new frontier of Mobile!

Mobile Marketer’s Key Takeaway…

Mobile is moving to the center of

Sales & Marketing strategies In 2014, Sales (Coupons, Mobile-to-Store) and Marketing-related

(Advertising, CRM) activities are the ones posting the strongest year-

on-year percentage gains for a reason (see chart ):

They are demonstrating the rise of Mobile as a core component of

brands customer acquisition and loyalty strategies

Mobile is increasingly disrupting not only

digital pure-players but traditional businesses

as well.

Mobile Marketing Tactics: 2014 vs 2013

Source Harris-Azetone 2014

When Starbucks mobile app generates 15% of Starbucks US revenue

and 6M payments per week, what does it say about your business?

#4: Reinventing the Mobile User ExperienceFor a moment, we thought we would get by… we thought HTML 5 would trump the need to go native for each mobile

development, we thought responsive design would be a cure-for-all…

But users are more demanding every day! They are relentlessly looking for the “cool factor” in mobile apps and

chasing trendy new designs and features.

Mobile Marketer’s Key Takeaway…

The key question for creating a successful mobile user experience

What is absolutely necessary AND

absolutely relevant to your users? With mobile, sessions are 5 to 10 times shorter than on PC and

screen sizes 3 to 10 times smaller… No wonder that old desktop

recipes don’t work.

Understanding how users view and use mobile

is key to delivering a successful mobile-centric

user experience. However, acting on insights

is what will set apart leaders and followers

Source Harris-Azetone 2014

#5: Mobile as a “Key Innovation Factor”Mobile technologies are so much changing the way companies can connect and converse with their customers that

they are less and less considered as mere support tools but more and more as corporate innovation drivers and

competitive differentiators.

But as a result, they are creating new sets of challenges on already strained IT systems, marketing staff and Business

Decision Makers as a whole…

Mobile Marketer’s Key Takeaway…

Mobile will deliver the next wave

of competitive advantages Starbucks or Amazon in the US, Burberry or Marks & Spencer in

the UK, Voyages-SNCF or McDonald’s in France… have shown that

it is possible to shake up an entire industry by providing

differentiated and winning mobile user experiences.

Whether in taxi, housing, clothing, banking etc… Mobile is and will

continue disrupting market leaders in virtually every industry.

The question is should you choose to settle

for “me-too” mobile strategy and run the risk

of being “disrupted” or should you aim at

being the one standing out…Source Harris-Azetone 2014

Mobile Marketer’s

“Mobile Experiences can and should be customized

based on relevant customer information and behavior”

#6: Context and customers matterMany enterprises and agencies have now several years of experience under their belts with building mobile apps. However

mobile efficacy remains elusive as the vast majority of apps are struggling with retention, engagement and conversion.

Why? Because above all not all users are have the same needs and interests, and most don’t find their mobile experience

relevant enough…

Mobile Marketer’s Key Takeaway…

The future lies in highly relevant

experiences Yankee Group - 2014 predictions

93% of marketers are looking at using data and adapting user

experiences in order to increase retention and engagement.

Go beyond the “one-size-fits-all” approach. With current tracking and

analytics technologies, we have more customer data than we ever had.

It is time to use it to deliver optimal user experience!

For instance, a retailer mobile app should

operate differently if the customer is currently

in-store, next to the store or shopping from

home, or for an occasional or frequent client

Source Harris-Azetone 2014

#7: Mobile & Commerce According to IDC, by 2017, 87% of connected devices sales will be tablets and smartphones, so there is no doubt

that Mobile is going to play a dominant role in e-Commerce (m-Commerce).

At the same time Gartner predicts that by 2018 less than 1% of consumer mobile apps will be considered a financial

success by their developers

Mobile Marketer’s Key Takeaway…

ROI is clearly today issue #1

among Mobile Marketers

However, only 24% of Marketers are comfortable with how they

measure Mobile Marketing ROI… (Econsultancy 2014)

Understanding how to increase monetization and conversion rates

is the key to improve ROI and Mobile Marketing efficacy.

We need to constantly look for optimizing ROI

with solutions like native mobile A/B testing

and Analytics in order to deliver on top

Mobile Marketing objectives

Source Harris-Azetone 2014

Mobile Marketers’ Objectives

#8: Standing out in the middle of the Mobile JungleThere are over 1.2 million apps available in both Apple and Google App Stores and yet no more than 26 are being used

every month on average on any given mobile device (Nielsen 2014).

This of course raises the question of standing out in the crowd and getting our apps downloaded but most importantly

how to get users to use them frequently. This probably means offering each user the best mobile experience

Mobile Marketer’s Key Takeaway…

Just having a mobile app doesn’t

guarantee a run-away success… But rather than relying on guesses and intuitions, you can now

base your decisions on real facts. Deploy field-tested app variations

on-the-fly with no additional development, delay or app store


Just like Facebook, Twitter or Amazon, you

can succeed in mobile by developing your

own Mobile A/B Testing solution or you could

simply buy the fastest and most robust

solution available: Arise by Azetone…

Source Harris-Azetone 2014

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