Download - The Second Chance Valentine Report for · Even if you are single and are not currently dating anyone special,



The Second Chance Valentine Report - for LH

Valentine’s Day, 2012, was not a good one for you because the sign that Venus was transiting on February 14th had a very low “score” in your birth chart.

Venus is the planet that rules love and relationships, and based on your birth data, Venus was not in a good position from your relationship planets this year. Last year was better because Venus was transiting a more favorable sign for you.

Luckily, however, there are more chances for good love experi-ences during the rest of this year. Plus, your chart indicates that

next year, in 2013, Valentine’s Day will be a lovely one!

Even if you are single and are not currently dating anyone special, you can create special “love” days for yourself, which ironically, has a way of making you very magnetic and attractive. Taking some good photos of yourself and posting a profile on dating sites during these times is likely to get you at lot of suitors too; you’ll get a lot of “winks” at the very least.

If for some reason, any of the days are inconvenient for dating or for getting together with your significant other, there are many other Venus activities you can do instead; or you can just use the time for healing, relaxing and enjoying yourself.

Get out your calendar and mark down these dates!

From April 4th thru August 7th, 2012 When Venus is in the 1st from the Moon, in the sign of Gemini, it is a great time for fun in the bed-room, eating tasty, nutritious food, wearing perfumes, flowers, clothes, couches, and seats. Wow, what a mental picture this conjurs up! This transit will go on for an unusally long period of time this year too, as Venus is in Gemini for four months! Your personal score for Venus in Gemini is a 4, which is average, which means it will be really nice, but you’ll also be able to get other stuff done too.

This energy is blocked for only two days at a time, when the Moon is transiting the sign of Capri-corn, over the four months of Venus’ transit time. These are the days that you don’t want to go out on a date, or even go on-line and read profiles because your mood will be subtly affected by the blocked Venus energy. It is a good time, however, to clean your bedroom, or to help your kids clean up theirs:

—April 12-13, May 10-11, June 6-7, July 3-5, July 31-August 1, 2012

From August 8th thru Sept 6thWhen Venus is in the 2nd from the Moon, in the sign of Cancer, is the best time for you personally,


to get married.** It is also a good time period for being with the other Valentines in your life; your children. This is a perfect time for going on a family vacation, and putting memories of love into their emotional banks for them (and you) to spend over the rest of their lives. Other family members will be happier and more prosperous now too. It’s also another good period for sexual pleasure, and getting flowers and gems (!). Your personal score for Venus in Cancer is average, so it will be nice, but you may not register it as being special, but if you look deeper, it really is.

—This energy is blocked only when the Moon is transiting the sign of Sagittarius: August 25-26, 2012

From October 4th thru October 28thWhen Venus is in the 4th place from the Moon, it’s in an especially good place for you because Venus in Virgo is a 6 score, much better than average.

During this period of time you will feel strong and healthy, and will enjoy the pleasure of being in your body, especially if your body is fit. You will enjoy the love of friends, and if you are estranged from your relatives, there will be a healing of the rift. Also, you could experience a welcome influx of cash. If you are single, you will be happy that you have this time to yourself to do whatever you want to do without having to consult with anyone else. You will be happy to focus on developing your talents and skills, for there is love there too, healthy self-love, the basis for attracting and keeping a healthy, lov-ing, relationship!

—This energy is blocked for only one two-day period, a good time to stay in and watch TV or curl up with a good book: October 25-26, 2012

From Jan 10th to Feb 2nd, 2013

When Venus is in the 8th position from the Moon, it is in the sign of Capricorn for you. Venus in Capricorn has a score of 5, which is higher than average.

This is an excellent time for finding someone to marry, in particular, someone who is wealthy! There is much happiness to be gained from the opposite sex during this period. There is also happiness involved with houses. You may move to a new house, or the one you live in is beautified in a way you find particularly pleasing, and/or you get a household appliance that you love.

Plan ahead to make the most of this Venus transit, you could find true love and financial security at the same time.

­­—The only blockage to this energy is on February 1-2, 2013 when the Moon is in the sign of Libra.

From Feb 3rd to February 26th, 2013Venus is in the 9th position from your Moon when it is transiting the sign of Aquarius. Venus in the sign of Aquarius is a score of 4 for you, which is good.


Valentine’s Day this year (2013) is much more likely to be a really good one! There is happiness from your significant other, maybe even talk of marriage, or planning your wedding can happen during this transit.** There is more wealth, and and it’s an excellent time to buy new clothes (perhaps your wed-ding clothes)! The good that you have done for others will come back to you in this period.**For you personally, Venus going through the sign of Pisces or Cancer is when you are likely to actu-ally get married, but Venus in this position is very favorable for meeting your spouse, or planning your wedding. Getting married is much better for you when Venus is going through the sign of Cancer, than when it’s going through the sign of Pisces, because Pisces is in the 10th position from your Moon, not a good position for love.

—The only blockage to this energy is on February 14-15, when the Moon is in the sign of Aries.

Auspicious DirectionsBased on your birth chart, the best position for your bedroom or bed, is the NORTH or the NORTHWEST (judged from the middle of your house). Having your bedroom, or placing your bed in these directions will help you to get married! This is not the generic Feng Sui remedies you’ve heard about many times before, this is based on the most optimal direction for Venus- ruled significations (love & marriage), for you.

If your bedroom is not in that part of the house, or it’s not practi-cal to put your bed up against the North or Northwestern wall, then put some other object there that represents love and marriage to you. It could be a painting that you hang on the wall, it could be a “pair” of objects that hang in the window, or

you could put white flowers on a shelf there, especially on Fridays.

The Time LordsThe level of results that Venus can produce in your love life depends on whether or not you are in a overall “love season.” This is determined by what planets are currently “in charge” of your life, for a specific period of time. The planets “in charge” can help your love life, or direct you to another aspect of life for development instead.

For instance, if you are in a time period of a planet that rules your 3rd house, you will be involved in 3rd house type things, such as learning new skills, being in competition, the hard work part of writing, or involvement with your younger siblings; but the 3rd house is not about love.

In order to be in a love season, the right houses need to be activated, or the planet of love, Venus, or the planet of the husband, Jupiter (if you are a woman), needs to be activated. Often, a Rahu period can produce marriage and/or children depending on the sign it’s in and it’s placement in your chart.


You are currently in a very long love season! It started on 12/14/2010 and will end on 08/18/2026. You are in a Saturn period, which rules your 5th house (a love house, and the house of children), and Saturn is in your 9th house, the house of marriage. Saturn is also the planet that represents YOUR spouse specifically.

During this long love period, you are most likely to marry dur-ing the Saturn/Venus sub-period, starting 08/24/2014 through 10/04/2017. When you plan your wedding date, make sure it is when Venus is transiting the sign of Cancer!

Remedies for “damaged” love planetsVenus in your Navamsa (marriage) chart (a very important divisional chart mathematically derived from your birth chart), is debilitated in the sign of Virgo. Venus in this sign explains most, if not all, of the difficulties you may have experienced in love. Virgo is a sign that is more associated with devel-opment of the “self,” rather than relationship. Here are some remedies for Venus in Virgo:

You can wear a gem for Venus. For Venus in the sign of Virgo, these are the gems you want to wear: Star Sapphire (a hardness of 9, suitable for a ring), a Beryl Cat’s Eye (a hardness of 7.7, suitable for a ring), or a brownish Apatite (with a hardness of 5, suitable only for a pendant). Whatever gem you choose, make sure it is set so that it touches your skin.

Mantras for Venus are especially effective. Start them on a Friday dur-ing a waxing Moon phase, or get a Muhurta Report to pick the day that will maximize the effectiveness of the mantra for you personally. Buy white flowers on Fridays and place them in the North, or Northwest part of your bedroom if it’s possible too. Contact me (see below) if you want to do Venus mantras, I can send you a audio recording, the words of the mantra written out phonecally so you can learn them more easily, plus the English translation so you know what you are saying.

Reading books on relationships (go here to see what books I recommend) will help you to develop the ability to choose more wisely in love, as people with Venus in Virgo often do not choose mates that are good for them. The great thing about knowing this is that you now can take actions that will lead to better choices in love, the kind of love everyone hopes for!

Accurate, Helpful & Compassionate Guidance Using Traditional Western and Vedic AstrologyKaren M. White • • [email protected] • 714-754-6443