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Page 1: The Right Word for The Job

Calling a Spade a Shovel:Universal, accessible, adaptable, disabled

– aren’t they all the same?

Jane BringolfPhD Candidate

Urban Research Centre

University of Western Sydney

Housing Researchers’ Conference, Sydney August 2009

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• Terminology

• Two examples showing

– Problems for practical application

– Problems for policy development

• A possible solution

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My Proposition:

We have too manywords and not enough

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words and not enoughunderstanding

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Where the words come from

• Some terms come from human rightslegislation and are stuck there:– Accessible and visitable

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Conference 2009

Jane Bringolf

• Some come from policy shifts:– Adaptable, ageing in place, flexhousing

• Some come from a person-centred view:– Usable, person-environment fit, universal

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Example 1: Housing NSW

• Jobs Stimulus Package – call for tender

• Industry briefings emphasised the need formore universally designed housingmore universally designed housing

• Inconsistent use of terms in tenderdocument

• Principles of universal design got lost inthe detail and the terminology

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Universal Design Principles

Seniors Living

Disabled Units

General Living

Visitable Units

Adaptable Units

Schedule 3:

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Visitable Units

Visitable Dwellings Dwellings for the disabled

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Example 2: research project

• Positioning Paper largely consistingliterature review with full report to come

• Government funded, emphasis on ageingand housing policyand housing policy

• Aim of one portion of funding: determinecost-benefits of adaptable housing andconsumer interest in adaptable housing

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Dwelling, land and neighbourhood use by older home owners,Quinn et al, 2009

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AccessibleAccessible Design,Accessible Housing

AdaptableAdaptable Design,Adaptable Housing,Visitable

UniversalUniversal Design,Universal Housing Design

VisitableVisitable Design,Visitable Housing



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adaptableadaptable housing

Flexible Housingaccommodate household changesSeniors housing

People aged 55 +


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Do we need so many ‘types’ of housingexclusively for ‘other’ people?

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Not if we start acknowledging thatageing, illness and disability are a part

of being human, and…

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Expect it,and plan for itin every homefrom this point

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from this pointforward.

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Near enough is not good enough

• We use lots of different terms thinking weare all talking about the same thing, butsometimes we’re not.

• This means we get mixed up messages –

Housing Researchers’

Conference 2009 Jane Bringolf

• This means we get mixed up messages –“Oh, I thought you meant…”

• Lack of clarity in language and terminologycauses confusion and inefficiency

• Harder to make progress – policy, practice

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Let’s go back to the drawing board

• Many of the design principleshave the same objectives

• Agree on common principleswith universal application

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with universal application

• Rationalise the language/terms

• Focus on usability for people

• Use Landcom Guidelines as astart?

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Structural features for every home

• Level access throughout

• Car parking space

• Wider doors

• Wider corridors• Wider corridors

• Main facilities on entry level

• Low window sills

• Circulation space in all rooms

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Universal Housing DesignGuidelines, Landcom, 2008

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Once we get clarity…

• We will stop focusing on WHO it’s for

• Start focusing on WHAT it can do and

• HOW it can be implemented

• Then we can start researching ways to• Then we can start researching ways tomake it work better

• Cost arguments will disappear

• Everyone can capitalise onmore functional environmentsand products!

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We expect to get olderbut don’t plan to get old.

Accidents and illnesses happen –it’s just a matter of when.

Acceptance of the inevitablechanges the underpinning

assumptions of design.

it’s just a matter of when.

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Contact Details

Jane Bringolf

Urban Research Centre

University of Western Sydney (Parramatta)University of Western Sydney (Parramatta)

[email protected]

Mob 0417 231 349

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Some comments from research

“A lot of people I deal withfeel that consideringaccessibility of a building isonerous and don’t see whythey should have to. In

“Universal design isvirtually unknown in theindustry. It is notsomething that enters they should have to. In

designing new buildings itdoesn’t have to cost anymore or take any more timeto design an accessiblebuilding.”A town planner with a local council

something that entersour practice… it justhasn’t come into any ofthe proposals we dealwith.”A consultant urban planner

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Some comments:

“…just the thoughtthat you can’t evengo back home, it’s ahuge blow … it’s notrecognised.”

“going home…it’sthe one part of yourlife you want to getback to normal, and

Wheelchair users with aspouses and children

talking about therehabilitation process and

the role of home and family.

just can’t do it.”

“A room was added bymy dad, but it was justa copy of a hospitalroom, it was reallyhorrible.”

“…and my dad said, oh,it’s only one little step. Isaid, dad, I’m in awheelchair! I couldn’tbelieve it – my own dad!”

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Spot the deliberate mistakes!

How easy it is to use the grab bar, the toilet paper or the soap?The bar is also too far from the toilet.A toilet can meet Australian Standards, but be dysfunctional!

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