Download - The Reveal, English Magazine


The Reveal1

The Reveal2

“To the Reader”Our purpose is to in-form you about some interesting topics re-lated to national and international social problems, culture, health and technolo-gies. We want to get their attention so that you analize what is the best way to improve the society in which we live and the per-sonal style life.Specifically, articles of this magazine, for ex-ample, will help you to know about traditions of some countries and to analize how we can be tolerant with cus-toms of others. Also, we want that you make a reflection about ad-

dictions and we can do to avoid this problem.International situa-tions mentioned in our magazine could to pro-vide you a political and social guide to compare and think about our de-velopment like a demo-cratic and free nation, and to know the prob-lems which are current around the world.Finally, but not least, some articles explain about some character-istics of Costa Rica´s laws, environment and social problems, which are important for all of us because we can to debate the current situ-ation of our country.In general, we want that you feel comfortable

reading this magazine and you can take ad-vantage the informa-tion contained in it.

The Reveal3


Health/MedicinePages 5-9

Society and PeoplePages 11-14

International/National NewsPages 16-22

Professional BonusPages 24-26

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The Reveal5

Nowadays, people have different situations in their life that they need to balance. Some of these situations become in forms of addictions, stress or harmony. Each person have a form to express what they feel, and how to release that situation at the time it is disturbing, but this form not always is good for the body, for exam-ple when you ingest some drug.An addiction occurs when someone de-pends on something. In this century there are ten main addictions, these are: plastic sur-gery, tanning, internet, sex, shopping, exercise, T.V., teeth whitening, love and work. Many of these addictions are de-tected when the person can not stop doing that action. One important reason is to understand Why this addiction occurs? for example,

problems, necessity to socialize or feel part of something or someone.Stress is a reaction for our body when we feel under pressure. It is normal to feel stressed when we have a tense situation in our lives. It is important to know how we can release this tension without caus-ing damage to our body. When the people feel stress in some cases is because she or he are frustrated and de-pressed for does not can do something. Stress in a reaction that we can avoid, for this, is better look a form to relax.When we speak about a life in harmony, this means having a balance in our life and the situ-ations where we can be involved. The impor-tance of arriving at this harmony in your life is to feel happy, comfort-able, quiet and good about yourself. Some-times we forget that we must have time for us, we only have the same

routine and problems. A few suggestions to have a better life, away from addictions while balanc-ing our life are practic-ing sports or recreational activities, spending time with family and friends. Is good for our body to look for a way to de-stress healthy and doing things then we can not be harm-ful. This does not mean that all possible activities to be developed to prevent addictions or stress are individual; we could also do them in groups. Being able to share time with others will teach attitudes and ideas from which we can learn.

Written by: Jackeline Cen-teno Mena


The Reveal6

Addiction is a some-what an impulsive be-havior to run contrary to the will of him who runs, it can cause psy-chological and physical dependence. Addic-tions are diseases that affect the quality of life for people who suffer as well as their families. There are both chemi-cal addictions, as well as certain activities and even relationships, such as alcohol, nicotine or other drugs, Gambling, Food, shopping, cell phone use, sex or sexual activity, work, Internet. Addictions begin with a pleasant and pleasurable behavior ends up being addictive, it causes one to feel upset abandoned. The addict suffers a psy-chological dependence to that behavior, com-ing to have a compulsive behavior and losing in-terest in other activities, they enter a vicious cir-

cle that make them lose everything, their family, their friends. They be-come obsessive, show-ing great nervousness and anxiety, since the only thing that reassures them is the realization of addictive behavior. Addicts often leave their everyday lives and neglect their personal problems, get upset if they do not perform the behavior, they are not aware of their problem, sometimes experience feelings of guilt and lie to hide their addiction. Gradually neglect their personal hygiene and are isolated from the people and go into de-pression. Stress is a natural re-sponse of the body when not enough rest or no change in style, may be caused by prob-lems at home, school or work, and produces nervousness. To avoid that kind of stress is good to do recreational

activities like dancing, singing, swimming, running so you can re-lax and not be so tense. We need to live happy and peaceful, with peo-ple. We want to reach our goals. Any excess is bad must be a balance within all the stuff you do every day. To overcome the ad-diction requires the support of loved ones must be recognized that there is a problem. De-pending on the type of addiction, so will the treatment and duration. Experts recommend that the sick person rec-ognize their addiction, accept it and get the help you need, undergo-ing a rehabilitation pro-gram with the appropri-ate specialists


The Reveal7


So what’s an addiction? I will say is a habit that makes you need that thing you ve got addict-ed to, for example the people who accept not to use any Internet or cellphones and get de-pressed, if they weren’t addicted they will be just fine for sure, in the field trip I do remem-ber they speak about Cable TV, Internet, Cellphones as addictive things, but I don’t re-ally hear something as the top-ten addictions, and I actually think that a top ten will be really variable, is a top ten of more killing people? Or a more expensive ad-dictions? We do talk that people who have low self-control become addicts, or cuz they use “that thing” too much and they don’t realized. People don’t usually

handle stress, that’s the problem whit this top-ic! And the definition Andrea (I think that’s was her name) gives us was kind of : the mix of hard situations in a really bad time, like me wright now, with things from my job, an essay and that bus that is going to leave me if I don’t hurry up!

But at the end of the day we have those things that help us to distract you from your routine, those rec-reational activities that gets you in harmony, living in peace with you and with others.

I am really happy to say I don’t consume those killing addictions as licor, cigarretes, marihuana and others, but I’m a really Inter-net Addict and way of solving that is first to recognized that you

have a Problem and then look for someone, and expert if is possible, that can help you.

Written by: Diego Vargas

The Reveal8


According to what the speaker said “an addic-tion is something you feel you need, because is your body sends mes-sages to your brain and tells you that you need it to live”. I think that addiction is something you get obsessed with, something you do all the time because you think it is a necessary.In the field trip, Stefany spoke about the most modern addictions, and their causes. She said consequences, the top ten addictions are watching T.V., smoking, alcohol, gambling, inter-net and texting on cell phones there are more like teeth whitening, love, plastic surgery, shopping, exercising and traveling. In my opinion, we have to be more informed about these addictions be-

cause any of us may suf-fer from one of them.We also spoke about how addictions can affect us emotionally, mentally, socially and psycho-logically. Addicts tent to have mood changes especially when they cannot obtain what they want. In many occasions, our body suffers the con-sequences of because we get sick or suffer from depression.The most important thing we must do before we can admit that we have an addiction is to scan ourselves and detect if we have a problem. After that, we should recognize our addiction In order to find someone

that can help us to over-come this problem be-cause if we do not admit that we have an addic-tion we are never going to find a solution and at the end we are going to be unhappy , frustrated and overwhelmed.I think we have to be more careful with the things that we do and be attentive, care about all the people around us and most importantly be happy with ourselves.

The Reveal9


Today, social problems are increasing uncon-trollably. Our soci-ety is constantly being constantly attacked by many difficulties that cause people to lose control over their lives. People are affected by a rain of advertising and fashion impositions and most of us are suffer-ing from some kind of addiction and so much stress.Addiction refers to a dependency of a sub-stance that is manifested by consuming drugs, foods or drinks and also behavioral addic-tion that is manifested by practicing some particular activity. The most worrying fact about this is when peo-ple lose control over the situations and therefore lose many important things in their lives due to these addictions. A person who has an ad-

diction has many bad feelings like frustration and anxiety; and it be-comes dependent on several things to cope with daily life Several kinds of ad-diction could be men-tioned that have risen because of modern day events that happen on a daily basis. For example, there is fast food addic-tion in our society. Also, there’s an addiction to new, different technolo-gies. This type of addic-tion has led to an in-crease in the creation of new, electronic devices and softwares. Certainly, one of the worst types of addictions is the one for drugs as it harms the body and destroys one’s health completely.

There are many reasons why different addictions are developed. Stress is one of them. When people suffer from a lot

of stress because of fam-ily or work situations, people are constantly looking for an escape from these things and develop an addiction. Usually, these people don’t have the ability to face difficulties and have a lot of pressure.Consequently, the best way to avoid this prob-lem is by practicing activities that help to moderate feelings of anxiety and despera-tion. Practicing sports, taking part in a sup-port group, traveling or simply watching as the rain falls could be the solution to the problem. Then people can learn to live in complete har-mony with others and themselves, having the security to be able to solve problems without cause damage and live happy and making oth-ers happy too.

Written by Vivian Abarca B.

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The Reveal11

Mitama Matsuri

In Japan there exist a lot of kinds of festivals; one of them is the Mitama Matsuri. This festival started in 1947 in honor of the souls of the de-ceased in the war. The purpose of this Matsuri is pray for peace for all soldiers who had sacri-fied their life to Japan and Japanese people.It is celebrated in a holy place, Yasukuni Shrine, every July. That tradi-tion consists in the entrance to the Shrine is light up around the emple grounds, about 30000 paper lanters, and about 200 traditional stalls in line up along the entrance as goldfish-

scooping, Takoyaki, haunted house and oth-ers.The festival begins at 18:00 and ends at 21:30, time which it begins to turn off the lights. But, during the day, at 10:00 a.m. hereinafer are many activities for the people, these including ballet, taiko drumming, traditional Japanese dance and featuring children.Around 300 000 peo-ple join this festival per year; the political controversy they forget momentarily and enjoy one of the most popu-lar summer festivals. They also remember at this festival as own passages like the scary based on the character of

“Hebi Onna”, the snake woman.This festival is one of the most popular and attractive ones in Tokio. It is recognized as one of most beloved and beautiful tradi-tions as well. That is because the people re-member their deceased friends and loved ones.


The Reveal12

This is a ritual that con-sists in throwing new-borns from a height of around 15 meters; this tradition has been prac-ticed for the last 500 to 800 years and it comes from the Hindu´s and Muslim´s traditions. The celebration takes place inside a temple named Maruti, which is lo-cated in Karnataka city.The babies must be between 9 and 11 months old be-fore they could be thrown; once they have the correct age they´re prepared and the ritual starts, each baby is thrown and it falls on a white elastic fabric that is extended under the sun and held by few men. According to their be-liefs, after the baby passes through the ritual, it will enjoy of good health, courage, intelligence, strength and will get God´s blessing bringing

prosperity to its family. There is no existing data that demonstrates that an accident or death has occurred because of this practice. In fact all infor-mation about this ritual explains that those who practice it are so cautious that have not only the

necessary security meas-ures but they go beyond in precautions to avoid accidents. It is really difficult to believe that something wrong hasn´t happened yet considering the fact that babies’ bone structure is so fragile that easily a bad posture at the time of fall can cause death. Pitifully in India this practice is not pro-hibited, in fact it is totally legal.

In our world there are lots of weird, crazy and even stupid cultures and traditions, striving to be accepted by society; and it is ok, all beliefs should be respected while they don´t cause damages to others, but in this case we are clearly damaging a helpless group of babies,

risking them to suf-fer severe injuries and even death. This ritual should be prohibited immediately. Even though for most people this practice is crazy and inhuman; the ritual keeps on go-ing, and there are no

laws trying to prevent this activities to keep happen-ing; and the reason or ex-cuse is that we all should respect other beliefs and traditions, plus there are no deaths yet.SourcesRecuperado 12 de agosto de 2012

Throwing Children in India

The Reveal13

Mexican Tradition: “Las Piñatas”

The culture of any coun-try is formed with tradi-tions and beliefs imposed by the ancestors; all events that happened and all experiences that they have had. Specifically, the

Latin Amer-ican cul-ture was built mostly based on

catholic beliefs. This is because, according to the history of discovery and conquest, we were colo-nized by Spanish, Portu-guese and Italian people and they believe mainly in this religious dogma.Introduce in other way Latin American tradi-tion we chose Las Piñatas. This is a religious custom from the Mexicans. Piña-tas were born in China, and they are used to cel-ebrate each New Year and create animal figures with color paper, which are filled with different seeds

after placing them in ag-ricultural fields and break them that cause great crops. An Italian naviga-tor called Marco Polo brought this idea to Eu-rope and during the con-quest, Spanish brought it to Mexico.The catholic missionaries had an idea to give a re-ligious sense to this Chi-nese custom and taught Mexicans break Piñatas to represent the faith in God and the gifts that he could give to us. The original tradition explains that Piñatas have seven peaks that represent the Seven Deadly Sins: pride, greed, lust, wrath, gluttony, envy and sloth. Also, the blind-fold represents faith with-out seeing and the stick to hit La Piñata means the strength or virtue which breaks with the delights of the world. The fruits and candies that Piña-tas have inside mean the grace of God. Therefore, if people break La Piñata with the strength and

virtue, while also with faith, they can obtain the grace of God. Mexicans practice this tradition in Christmas Time to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ in hearts; however in Costa Rica Piñatas are used to celebrate people birth-days or end class parties. The importance to know about this tradition or any other is that peo-ple can understand the meaning of things we do and why we do them, and this way for us to teach the children about them.Written by Vivian Abar-ca B.Sources consulted: Mexican tradition. Re-covered July 25th, 2012 or and

The Reveal14


Oktoberfest means Oc-tober festival it happens between September and October and around fire million people go to theresienwiese, in the middle of the capi-tal and Munich to the celebration reminds the marriage between Luis and Teresa Attenburgo.The firs Oktoberfest was help in 1810 when for the celebration of the royal wed-ding they had a lot to beer and a horse race. Since then is it happens every year with some

exceptions.Oktoberfest used to be a five day activity, but the huge success has ex-pended the celebration to 22 days; in 1910 they celebrate 100 years of this tradition. They drunk 1,200,000 liters of beer, 2010 was the 200 years celebration of course, there’s an approach of

55,000,000 liters of Ger-many beer were con-sumed nowadays the Oktoberfest is celebrat-ed in several countries such as Spain, Brazil, Argentina, Canada, U.S.A, Chile, Venezuela and Mexico.Is important to save our traditions, remind us who we are, where we came from.

Written by Diego Vargas

Sources consulted:

The Reveal15

The Reveal16

In Costa Rica, we con-stantly hear about prob-lems in the road, one example is the “Platina” in Virilla River. Now, people talk about the hole in the General Cañas road. This event ocurred in the night of June 26th, but the peo-ple live the consequenc-es the next day.According to experts the main reason that they have to explain the cause of this incident is that a sewer located in the Cariari Sector had a significant accumu-lation of water which caused a pipe collapse. This event produced the surface to sink caus-ing a large hole. They also said that this pipe had more than 40 years without maintenance.Some of the conse-quences ocurred by the hole are that many peo-ple arrived late for work or clases, several com-panies were late with his deliveries and about 60

passangers could not arrive on time at Juan Santamaria airport to take flights.To correct the problem the Con-sejo Nacional de Vialidad (CONA-VI) announced the placement of two tem-porary bridges, bai-ley tipe in the area of subsidence, and, the Ministerio de Obras Públicas y Transportes (MOPT) proposed to use alternate routes, carpooling or using public transportation. These are inmediate solutions for now, but is expected that the final solutions, will be taken in 3 months.This route is one of the most important road trans-port San José to Ala-juela;

when this incident occured these two cities were para-lyzed and generate traf-fic. It is necesary that our goverment take preventive measures and to look for the quick solution to solve the problem. While we wait, it is possible that our people continue making cartoons to reflect the reality.

Source consulted:Luis Miguel Herrera. (28/06/2012). Hueco en pista General Cañas altera vida a miles de personas. Recuperado el 04 de Julio de 2012 de la Nación, de

Hole on General Cañas

The Reveal17

The Mexican government on Thursday handed over for extradition to the U.S. authorities to Sandra Avila Beltran, also known as The Queen of the Pa-cific, said the Attorney General’s Office (PGR) in a statement.The delivery was con-ducted by agents of the Federal Police Ministe-rial International Airport in Toluca, Mexico State, before U.S. agents.Beltran, who was being detained in a federal pris-on in Tepic, Nayarit, ap-pear in federal court for the Southern District of Florida for alleged con-spiracy for the purpose of trafficking, the statement said.Avila Beltran faces charg-es of conspiracy to import cocaine and conspiracy to possess and attempt to distribute cocaine. Both have a maximum penalty of life imprisonment, ac-cording to a court docu-ment for the Southern District of Florida.

Is suspected of belong-ing to a drug trafficking network that transported cocaine from Colombia to the U.S.“Sandra Avila Beltran fol-lowed a long legal process that lasted approximately two and half years to avoid extradition to U.S. territory,” explained the dependence.Permission to extradite Avila Beltran juniopasado came early, after he was granted an injunction against another charge which he was charged.Avila Beltran was arrested in 2007 in the company of Colombian Juan Diego Espinosa, El Tigre, ac-cused of introducing at least nine tons of cocaine on the vessel Macel, seized in 2002 in the port of Manzanillo on the Mexican Pacific.He also faced controversy in 2011 when he was al-legedly allowed to receive a cosmetic treatment in a prison in Mexico City.Avila Beltran shares kin-ship with some of the most important drug

lords in Mexico. His un-cle is Miguel Angel Felix Gallardo, the late founder of Guadalajara cartel kingpin and the high-est in the country in the 1980s.

She is the daughter of Maria Luisa Avila Beltran and Alfonso Felix Quin-tero, a relative of former leader also Guadalajara cartel, Rafael Caro Quin-tero.The authorities desig-nated as operator of the Pacific cartel and connect it with the two top lead-ers of this organization: Ismael El Mayo Zambada and Joaquin El Chapo Guzman Loera.

Mexico extradited to the U.S. “La Reina del Pacifico”

The Reveal18

The last week, a new law to control the consump-tion of alcohol bever-ages in our country was known in the official newspaper La Gaceta. This law was approved on June 7th, 2012 in the Congress of Costa Rica and the major of mem-bers give their vote in favor of this law. After that, the president Laura Chinchilla signed the document for validate it. Between some regulations, this law will allow to the Municipali-ties to give new permits or licenses for sale alco-holic beverages. In some words expressed by Johnny Araya the May-or of the Municipal-ity of San José, he said: “this norm is very good because allows greater flexibility to control the incomes and the licens-es in the business”. The Mayor has given in-

structions to policemen and inspectors of the municipality because it is necessary to enforce the law. For people who liked to drink alcoholic beverages in the streets or any public place, in the article 20, this law will impose a penalty of 180.000 colones which representing a half the salary base, if they do that. However, this law does not affect some cel-ebrations like Civic and Popular Parties in which many people drink alco-holic beverages. Also, this law will punish people who sell alcoholic beverages to young people with ages below 18 and it does not allow the transfer of the permits to others to sale alcoholic drinks.

Written by Vivian Abarca B.Sources consulted:Alexandra Araya M. Au-gust 12th, 2012. Ley im-pone multa de 180.000 a quien tome licor en la calle. La Nacion pp10A.

New law to control the consume of alcohol in Costa Rica

The Reveal19

Last weekend Mexicans celebrated their most rep-resentative holiday as an independent and political country´s: “The presiden-tial election”. How impor-tant can the presidential election be for Mexican citizens and the entire in-ternational community. In the time between 1929 and 2000 Mexicans were governed by people of the same political party which was named Partido Revolucionario Independi-ente (PRI). This long term governance caused an ideal monopoly that concluded in a big wave of corruption. The Presidential Elections of 2000 ended the PRI´s hegemony because the Partido Accion Nacional (PAN) won the election. However, the gov-ernment of PAN was full of mistakes in Felipe Calderon´s period, particu-larly. Calderon was accused of disloyalty to the country because he was granted a credit himself when he was Director of Bank State called Banobras and his brother in law´s company had direct relationship with the government. Also,

Calderon had poor results fighting against drugs traf-ficking and his promises in presidential campaign regarding new employment opportunities had little suc-cess. All this added to the criticism of the current candidate of PAN Josefina Vazquez Mota who was demeaned for her inhabil-ity to maintain the loyalty inside the party organiza-tion, this increased the popularity of the opposing party and its candidate En-rique Peña Nieto won the presidential election last weekend. Now, Mexicans should wait that promises made by Peña Nieto are ful-filled because the social and political environment and the national security needs to be improved. Also, drug trafficking endangers the security of other countries and therefore it is impor-tant that the new Mexico´s President is committed to continue fighting against this problem.

Costa Ricans must analyze Mexico´s situation and start thinking of we want for our country and that we can do to change the future of our govern-ments because the country needs people who want to govern with responsibility and a high sense of com-mitment to improve quality of life citizens.

Written by Vivian Abarca B.Sources consulted:Latin America Monitor: Mexico Monitor, Jun 2012, Vol.29. Issue 6, p2-2. 1p.4 graphs Business Source PremierMaricel Sequeira. July 1st. Mexico decide hoy en las urnas si el PRI vuelve a ser el rey. La Nacion pp24A

Presidential Election in Mexico

The Reveal20

Every year in the end of July and August 2nd, many costarican and some foreign people do the romería to Cartago where they will partici-pate in the annual cel-ebration of the “Virgen de Los Angeles”, the pa-tron saint of Costa Rica. In this romería involv-ing about 2,500,000 of faithful and every year increases the number of pilgrims around half a million people, who are before the Virgin to thank or request his intercession for personal needs, na-tional or worldwide.Legend begins when a little girl, Juanita Pereira, found that image of the “Black Virgin” on August 2nd of 1635, while gath-ering wood in the forest outside the city. When she saw this dolly, she says she looks like the Virgin Mary with child in her arms, she takes it home and stored in a trunk. But the next day when she returns to the same place and finds the

doll in the same place. This happened not once, but numerous times, including after giving the stone to a local promi-nent priest, who then proclaimed it to be a miracle and so began the celebration of the “Virgen de Los Angeles”.The small statue rests on a golden and bejeweled

platform above the altar at the Basílica Nuestra Señora de Los Angeles in Cartago. It is said that the measured of the small stone is 6 inch.Many Costa Ricans from all over the country that spend days and even weeks to make their way to the Basilica, upon ar-riving will climb the steps of the church on their knees, some with their last ounce of strength,

as a means of thanking La Negrita for favors, as well as to pray for help to overcome their sicknesses and/or physical and men-tal disabilities. They can do the romeria of differ-ent forms like walking, riding, cycling and oth-ers, because they live very far of Cartago.This religious holiday is a unique experience for both nationals and visi-tors of Costa Rica, be-cause anyone can be part of this celebration and pray for the Virgen, our Patron Saint. But, when you go, do it with the best wishes and do it willingly, not by obligation. Source:Marcel Evanson. (July 29, 2012). Costa Rica is ready for the Romeria pilgrim-age to Cartago.

Romeria to Cartago

The Reveal21

Wetlands are ecosystems that have interactions with soil, water, air, plants and animals. They are consid-ered the most productive ecosystems on EarthPalo Verde National Park, in Guanacaste, is con-sidered one of the most important natural sites in Central America since it serves as a refuge for water-fowl.It is a fundraising effort “Channel 7” and “Forever Costa Rica Association” which aims to help in the recovery and conservation of wetlands of Palo Verde International. Since it is important that people un-derstand what is the impor-tance of protecting nature and certain animal species that live in our country.Processes are to facili-tate the conservation and sustainable management of natural resources seek support, donations and funds. So help in this type of campaign in an agile and efficient by people who col-laborate. This aims to: Caring for the ecology extend their marine protected areas,

Improve the ecological integrity, Identify the adap-tive capacity of ecosys-tems vulnerable to climate change, Develop a strategy for adapting the Terrestrial Protected Areas address the potential impacts gener-ated by climate change on biodiversity and ecosystem services and Doubling the number of Protected AreasThis is an interesting topic because it is a way to help care for and preserve na-ture and animal species in Costa Rica. Also helping to several species of water birds like the stork “Slick Without Ventura” and numerous species of ducks. Included iguanas - two spe-cies of crocodiles.

We cannot forget that one of the main productive activities in the area is rice and sugarcane cultivation.However a major threat to the wetlands of Palo Verde National Park has been the proliferation of Typha domingensis invasive her-baceous species, known as Tifa.It is a fundraising effort “Channel 7” and “Forever Costa Rica Association” which aims to help in the recovery and conservation of wetlands of Palo Verde International. Since it is important that people un-derstand what is the impor-tance of protecting nature and certain animal species that live in our country.


The Reveal22

Flamenco is a Spanish style of music and dance originated in Andalucía in the XVIII century. There is controversy in the origin of Flamenco; some people say is a cultural miscegenation between the Muslims, Christians, Jews and Gypsies, but there is no way this can be checked.Flamenco dance has many styles; these styles are called “palos flamen-cos”. These are divided according to the feeling of the dance and the beat of the music.

For example, divided ac-cording to the feeling, the “Soleá” expresses loneli-ness and sadness. On the contrary, “Alegrías” is a dance full with joy and excitement. According to the beat of the mu-sic, there are dances of a metric of 12 times such as “Seguiriya”, and others with a metric of 4 times like “Rum-bas”. Be-cause

of the rich culture and his fascinating history, Flamenco was declared an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by the UNESCO on July, 2012.

Written by Diego Vargas


Flamenco was declared an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity

The Reveal23

The Reveal24

First of all we will define disability according to the World Health Organiza-tion as: “is any restriction or impairment of the ability to perform an activity in the manner or within the range considered normal for hu-mans. Disability is character-ized by excesses or deficien-cies in the performance of a normal routine activity, which can be temporary or permanent, reversible or arise as a direct result of the defi-ciency or as an individual’s own response, particularly the psychological, physical, sensory or other”. According to Rousseau, the legality of functional diver-sity. “ instead of destroying natural inequality, the foun-dation is, for the physical inequality that nature may be established among men, an equality that is moral and le-gitimate, for the men, which may be unequal in strength with intelligence, become equal by convention and legal right “(Rousseau, 1762, chap-ter 9).

The construction of the ethics of diversity, should be con-ducted in an open and col-laborative way, maintaining a constant effort to include new foundations and ideas that have the same goal: a society in which all human diversity

were welcome, and equality guaranteed for everyone.

“People with functional di-versity, are essential and nec-essary as an active humanity in social processes, are inde-pendent, belong to the hu-man species, require support like all people” (Ulate, 2012) Most people with disabili-ties, according to Law 7600 should have equal opportuni-ties. In our country we have implemented substantial changes, but still lacking.

The people with disabilities are born with a disability or become disabled by an ac-cident. Educating the general public about the rights of people with disabilities has been a process that has not yet materialized, there are still buildings that lack the necessary resources such as ramps, special toilets, eleva-tors and others, although Law 7600 requires. The buses are being enabled, but not all of them have the requirements for equal treatment, many times people with disabilities regarding mobility problems (moving in wheelchairs) have to wait hours to travel on a bus that has ramp, added to this is the rudeness of the driver who must be trained in caring for this population. In regards to education, new

educational programs, “Edu-cation without exclusion” have allowed children with functional diversity, students of the School of Special Edu-cation Fernando Centeno Guell integrated into regu-lar schools, giving them the opportunity to interact and socialize with other children, adapting the school special educational needs. Regard-ing health services, the Na-tional Children’s Hospital is the most appropriate health institution to provide indi-vidual attention, due to the number of medical specialties they offer. In relation to oral health, few dentists who want to treat this type of patients, because they take special care and patience to deal with, but still are human beings who need our help.

Depending on the functional diversity the person has, the family support will be needed in a greater or lesser degree. Many people believe that people with disabilities are a weight for society, and some-times we as society prefer to deny or neglect them because of their limitations.

Sourcesweb: http://www.constitution.


People with functional diversity

The Reveal25

Nowadays many companies or people design a Website to promote their business or service. Each of one has her/his own creativity according what you want to promote, for these they need to create an appealing page to catch the attention of the users. Therefore, there are some important aspects to consider creating the website. Because not everything they do gives a good image to the page.There are some important things that you have to take into account before creating a Website; first, think about your users before creating your site because you need to detect what kind of people would like your page and if it useful for them?. Second, make the site visually appeal-ing, polished and profession-al, and make the content easy to understand. Third, use a legibly font such as Arial or Times Roman, use colors that are pleasant to user’s eyes and keep your Website simple and organized. If you add in-teresting links, images, and / or animations, this give your site a more attractive look to the page.On the other hand, there are some things that you have to avoid when you want to cre-ate a Website. First, you don’t have to use more than three colors in the page to avoid

any distractions. Second, you don’t have to use a white color font because if your user wants to print the page it will be printed blank. Third, you don’t have to write any-thing on pictures or graphics since images will look over-loaded and users will not ap-preciate them. Lastly, it is not recommended to use bright colors in the background, for they can distract the reader’s attention.Once you have your website, you have to create traffic to this portal on the web?. A few recommendations for creating a Strategy. You have to know what going on, so Google Analytics is a must in a website tracking, define your goals, What do you expect from being in the Digital world? More Sales? Being top mind? A Better Image? You need to get to know your target the best you can: Schedules, Hobbies, and Ages. If you know all about them you will know how to approach them. Choose the Social Networks that works for you: LinkedIn, Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube, Twitter, Foursquare among others and create a calendar for all the things you will promote or talk about, you don’t want to be talking about the same thing all day. Every week include new topics that your

target will fine attractive and take the advantage to include information from your website. In conclusion, it’s impor-tant to be on the web with a very good page to catch the attention of the users. Currently, there are many tutorials in web that can give you useful tips to cre-ate the page and then you have to give maintenance to don’t have ambiguous information in the website. One form that you maybe can use to have more users in your website is publish-ing information or you page in Facebook or Twitter because in these page many people do comments and share information. Of you depend the way that you promote your page and the use that you give you own page.By: Jackeline CentenoDiego Vargas


Spritz Web Solutions. (2012). Does Your Website Have What It Takes?. Recuperado el 09 de Julio de 2012 de

Designing a Website

The Reveal26

The oral environment is a environment which must be continually bal-anced and compensated. The demineralization-remineralization process is a continue unstable and process. It occurs every time you eat food, mainly carbohydrates.The early lesions of dental caries etiology in demineralization-remineralization or tooth structure lesions. Clini-cally defined as an area that has a poru, surface that looks like chalk, without presence of cavi-tation, first we have to understand what is rem-ineralization and demin-eralization.Demineralization is the drop in ph and maintain-ing of this area in low levels. The lower the ph

of the acid solution is the faster the demineraliza-tion of the tooth enamel will be the remineraliza-tion is a process by which ions of calcium, phos-phorus, introduced to the tooth surface; theses ions may come from the dissolution of the miner-alized tissue.Exist products that help to make the reminerali-zation of tooth quicker, such as fluorine, which is a mineral which is part of sodium fluoride com-pound that inhibits or prevents the decay pro-cess another product of

recaldent, the action of it, is the location and release of calcium and phosphate ions to the surface of the tooth then helping to maintain a state of super-saturating with respect to tooth mineral content help, prevent deminerali-zation and remineraliza-tion stimulating.To conclude, this process o f demineralization and remineralization very important to prevent cavities. Additionally, technology makes it pos-sible now to have differ-ent products that help to remineralize the tooth.

Remineralization of incipient lesions

The Reveal27

BY:Diego Vargas HernándezVivian AbarcaJackeline CentenoLuis Carlos RemónValeska Chan