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It was a pleasure getting to

know this group last year and I

am highly confident that we can

make another great year for the


(Continued on next page)

Happy New Year to you all! It is

with great honor that I take the

helm of this great chapter to see

it through 2017. The calendar

has been set for the coming year

and I am very excited for the

programs and seminars that the

committees have put together.

Some highlights of the coming

year are the Reverse Trade

Show moving to City of Good-

year, the Regional Conference

will be held at the Phoenix Con-

vention Center, and we have a

wide variety of seminars on the

calendar available for registra-


I want to take a moment and

recognize the accomplishments

of 2016. The Chapter received

an Excellence in Membership

Retention, Recruitment and

Engagement Award. Bill Munch

was awarded NIGP Manager of

the Year. Kristy Garcia was

awarded Buyer of the Year for

our Chapter. Our annual Re-

verse Trade Show and our Re-

gional Conference were both

very well received. I want to

extend my thanks and gratitude

to the team of volunteers that

made these and all of our events


This Chapter cannot function

without its volunteers. Your

executive committee for 2017 is

Joe Guy, President, Kristy Gar-

cia, Vice President, Sharon

Brause, Treasurer, Heather

Hodgman, Secretary, and Bill

Munch, Past President.

President’s Message by Joe Guy, CPPB

Congratulations to our new 2017 Executive Board!

President—Joe Guy, CPPB [email protected] 602-506-8718

Treasurer—Sharon Brause, CPPO [email protected] 480-644-2815

Immediate Past President— Bill Munch, CPPB [email protected] 602-677-1988

Vice-President—Kristy Garcia, CPPB [email protected] 480-644-5052

Secretary—Heather Hodgman [email protected] 480-474-8500


S T A T E C A P I T O L C H A P T E R O F N I G P 2017


The Purchasing Exchange

Inside this issue:

President’s Message 2

New Executive Board 2

NIGP Course in Review 3

December Luncheon 4

RJD Mentoring Award 6

Committee Chairs 7

Volunteers Needed 8

Chapter Manager 9

Membership Report 10

Member Spotlight 11

Member Birthdays 12

“Approved as to Form” 12

Scholarship Money 13

Manager and Buyer of the Year Awards


Calendar of Events 14

Contact Us 15

Joe Guy—President 2017

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learning opportunities and

recognition for member and

chapter excellence. My first

goal relies on you, the member.

I have been with this organiza-

tion for over five years and I

have met many dedicated and

enthusiastic individuals who

help ensure that our events are

the best that they can be. I have

also noticed that it seems to be

the same core of individuals. I

am placing a challenge to those

silent members to become

more involved throughout the

year so that this Chapter can

maintain the level of excellence

that it has earned. My second

goal is to encourage the Chap-

In addition to the executive team, chairmen for the other committees have been designat-ed and are waiting for you to sign up to join them. All of the committee assignments from 2016 have been purged and I encourage each of you to go onto our website to see what committee might interest you. Some of the assignments are more involved than others. If you need more information, contact the chair or myself for assistance ([email protected]). My main goals for this year are

to increase member participa-

tion in the chapter, increase

chapter support of member

ter to take advantage of the

support available to them

through our scholarship funds.

This year the Chapter is offering

five full ride scholarships to the

NIGP National Conference in

Salt Lake City. I want to see as

many of our members as possi-

ble in Salt Lake. Additionally,

we have a general scholarship

fund that has a maximum award

of $1,000 per member. The

applications for the National

and General scholarships will be

available on our website soon.

My final goal is recognition.

Every year, the Chapter selects

a Buyer and Manager of the

Year. These individuals are

President’s Message (Continued from previous page)

Our newly elected officers being sworn in at the December luncheon. Pictured L to R: Sharon Brause, Treasurer; Heather

Hodgman, Secretary; Kristy Garcia, Vice-President; Joe Guy, President.

selected by their peers to represent

the best that this Chapter has to

offer. It would be amazing to see

multiple applicants for these

awards. The Buyer and Manager

will then go on to the National Con-

ference to compete with other can-

didates from across the nation. We

have proven that our members can

be the best of the best. Let’s do it

again. Finally, I want to see the

Chapter bring home the Chapter of

the Year award.

I will do my honest best to repre-

sent each of you.


Joe Guy, CPPB

AZNIGP President, 2017

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NIGP Course in Review—Effective Decision Making

The Effective Decision Making class held at Tolleson Union High School District on November 21, 2016 was very successful. Our Instructor was Michael J. Kolodisner, CPPO, Presi-dent of Pro-Train from Laguna Hills California who did an excellent job at presenting this class. There were 17 students in attendance and every-one said that the class was informa-tive and fun. I would like to ex-tend a very special Thank You to U.S. Communities for sponsoring the class and the lunch. Their sup-port for continuing education and our procurement profession is very much appreciated. I would also like to extend a very special Thank You to the staff at Tolleson Union High School District for allowing us to host this class at their facility. The

room was great, the food was won-derful, everyone was extremely help-ful and kind. We were treated abso-lutely wonderful by everyone at Tolleson Union High School Dis-trict. They did an amazing job!

Submitted by Telma C. Bearden

Class Description:

Effective procurement relies on effective decision making. Ma-jor organizations, both public and private, study and imple-ment decision making protocols and techniques that are de-signed to improve the quality of their decisions. Participants examine various aspects of the decision making process with the objective of providing pro-curement professionals with the elements to improve the quality and effectiveness of every decision.

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The December Holiday and

Awards Luncheon was held

December 13, 2016 at the

East Valley Institute of Tech-

nology (EVIT) in Mesa. As

always, we had a great turn-

out with 130 members in

attendance. Everyone en-

joyed the holiday festivities

and award presentations, and

the culinary students of EVIT

did an outstanding job of pre-

paring and presenting the

food and showcasing their

culinary talents.

Award Presentations

Each year committee chairs

and members are recognized

for their dedication and vol-

unteering efforts. This year

there was a total of 127 cer-

tificates presented to 65 dif-

ferent members. Their sup-

port and efforts is what

makes our Chapter great!

December Holiday Awards Luncheon Recap

Volunteer of the Year for 2016 i s. . .

with our Facebook page and


She has done a tremendous

job of keeping members up

to date via Facebook and

taking our Facebook page to

the next level.

Facebook is fairly new to

our Chapter and she has

Congratulations to Colette

Lewis, Arizona Department

of Corrections, for being

selected by the Executive

Board as Volunteer of the Year.

Colette was named Volunteer

of the Year for her participa-

tion on the Social Media

committee and her efforts

worked hard to enhance it

and use it to its full poten-


Thank you Colette and


“Thank you


volunteers for all

your hard work

during the past


Colette Lewis 2016 Volunteer of the Year

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December Luncheon and Awards Presentation

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ed period of time. Mentors

are required to lead by ex-

ample and exemplify high

ethical standards as well as

pro fe ss iona l conduct

throughout their public

procurement career. The

nominees for the 2016 RJD

Mentoring Award certainly

exceeded these require-


Sharon Brause, Senior Pro-

curement Officer for the

City of Mesa, was selected

for the 2016 RJD Mentor-

ing Award. The award was

presented to her at the De-

cember chapter luncheon.

Our local chapter of the

NIGP offers an annual

award to an individual that

has provided mentoring

which positively impacted

others in the purchasing

profession. This award is

the RJD (Robert J Deschee-

maker) Mentoring Award.

Those honored to be nomi-

nated for this award are

active, participating mem-

bers of our chapter and

demonstrate relevant activi-

ties that helped fellow chap-

ter members. Such exem-

plary mentoring often in-

cludes working with multi-

ple people over an extend-

The well deserved recipient

received five professional

endorsements with her

award nomination, includ-

ing one from Robert

Descheemaker himself. As

Robert stated in his recom-

mendation letter “Sharon is

a person who is so giving,

so sincere, and so universal-

ly beloved by co-workers,

customers and peers…”

Her dedication to our chap-

ter is remarkable and she

serves as a mentor to both

our chapter leaders and to

countless members.

2016 RJD Mentoring Award

Michael Greene, last year’s recipient was in attendance at the December luncheon to present Sharon with her award!

Pictured from L to R: Bill Munch, Sharon Brause, Michael Greene.

Congratulations Sharon and

thank you for sharing your in-

depth knowledge of procure-

ment, your leadership and your

generous time spent mentoring


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2017 Committee Chairs

Your Committee Chairs and Officers for 2017

Awards & Scholarships

Kristy Garcia, CPPB

Budget & Finance

Sharon Brause, CPPO

Chapter Award’s

Bill Munch, CPPB

Community Outreach

Crystal Wester, CPPO


Gary Barkman, CPPB

James Foley, CPPO

Educational and Professional


Telma C. Bearden, CPPO


Gary Barkman, CPPB


Art Enriquez, CPPB


Barbara Corella, CPPB

Marketing & Communications /


Cheryl Rentscheler, CPPO

Sharon Brause, CPPO

Marketing & Communications /

Social Media

Collette Lewis, CPPB


Sharon Brause, CPPO

Mentoring / Networking

Peggy Ferrin, CPPB


Kristy Garcia, CPPB


Jess Romney, CPPB


Karie Ingles, CPPB

Pro-D Prize Drawings

Darryl Woodson, CPPB


Irma Guzman, CPPB

Brandy Andersen, CPPB

Regional Conference

Kristy Garcia, CPPB

Resource Library

Larry Hall

Reverse Trade Show

Vicki Jackson, CPPB

Strategic Planning

Joe Guy, CPPB

Vendor Expo

Gary Barkman, CPPB

Young Professional/Student


Nick Perrera, CPPB

Megan Lukehart

Contact info for Chairpersons can be found at

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Volunteers Needed!

As we start the new year hopefully everyone is excited, refreshed and energized to volunteer and make a difference. Your executive

board is always looking for ways to improve our volunteer program and searching for members who want to participate and lead. We

are in need of new faces to take over and offer new ideas and enhance the already great programs and practices we have in place.

Volunteering doesn’t have to be a major time commitment and after volunteering for a year and you find you can no longer fulfill the

volunteer role, there is always a way out. But if you also want to become a committee chair or eventually run for office and become part

of the executive board it is important to start as a volunteer on a committee and learn about the chapter and the various roles, responsi-

bilities and people who play a part in the organization. In addition to the warm, fuzzy feeling you get inside when you volunteer, you

can also earn points toward re-certification.

Volunteers are critical to our operations and every member should feel that he or she has an opportunity to contribute. For the new

year, I am excited to improve how we work with our volunteers and get more people involved.

Below is an outline of a few of our committees and what they do. If something below sounds interesting to you, contact a committee

chairperson to learn about how to get involved. Committee chairs and contact information is listed on the AZNIGP website: then Select Committees / Volunteers under Member Services.

If you have a particular skill set or passion, speaker topic, or an awesome or innovative idea to share but you are uncertain where it fits in

or who to talk to please email me at [email protected] or call me at 480-644-5052 and I can help you get started. I look for-

ward to talking with you. Thank you and Happy Volunteering! Submitted by Kristy Garcia, Vice-President

Committee What does the committee do?

Community Outreach Coordinate chosen community services, fund raisers and volunteer events. Collect and arrange for delivery

to charity of all donations.

Cooperative Addresses the need to make the membership aware of the various issues surrounding cooperative purchasing

and how to balance the benefits with local purchasing initiatives. Primary responsibilities are to create best

practices for cooperative purchasing and heighten the awareness of cooperative purchasing efforts.

Education and Professional


Primary responsibility are to plan, establish, coordinate and facilitate educational programs, workshops and

NIGP seminars.

Governance Advises the President and officers, committees and members on matters of parliamentary procedure. Assists

with procedures during meetings. Serves as a policies manual task force leader.

Marketing and


Primary responsibilities are to keep the membership abreast of current information. Duties include updates

and changes to website, email blasts, positing of documents, job opportunities, social media and all other


Mentoring/Networking Coordinate with prospective mentors and mentees, to include matching mentors and mentees, monitoring

progress, and reporting on same to Chapter. Provide advice, support, and knowledge regarding NIGP, certi-

fication, classes, etc. and help set goals. Can also become a member by being a mentor or mentee.

Pro-D Prize Drawing Coordinate 50/50 cash drawings and raffle prize drawings at Chapter luncheons, meetings, seminars, and

Regional Conference. Purchase gift cards and prizes as need for such events.

Programs & Webinars Plan, develop, coordinate and facilitate information programs, which are educational in nature, for the mem-

bership. Arrange for speakers and select topics and menu for events which include Chapter monthly lunch-

eons, career seminars, webinars and Lunch Box U’s.

Regional Conference and

Vendor Expo

This committee is responsible for the planning, development and logistics of this annual event. Committee

members organize and plan educational workshops, vendor expo, location, etc.

Young Professionals /

Student Chapter

Develop strategies to increase recruitment, retention, volunteer involvement, and annual meeting attend-

ance among young purchasing professionals and college students. Provide programs, activities and education-

al opportunities to address young professional needs.

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Our Chapter Manager

website contains a Specifi-

cation Library that mem-

bers can use when search-

ing for needed docu-


The library contains solic-

itations and templates,

publications and research

to help you with your so-

licitation development


However, we are in need

of your documents to

contribute to the specifi-

cation library. We need to

utilize this modular to its

full potential and as of

right now there isn’t

much there.

If you have any solicita-

tions, agreements, tem-

plates, forms, publica-

tions, etc. that you would

like to contribute please

send them to

Sharon Brause at Sha-

[email protected]

and she will get them up-

loaded so others can start

using in their research ef-


This is a very valuable

benefit and we would like

to add as much as we can

so others can benefit from

this resource.

Search the Specifica-tion Library

Searching the specifica-

tion library is very easy.

From the home page of

our chapter website se-

lect the link

“Specification Library”

under Member Services.

To begin your search,

select a specification cat-

egory and/or enter a

keyword then click the

“Submit” button.

Specification Library

Now Hiring.

The Job Opportunities page on

our Chapter website is one of

the post popular pages on the

website. Everyone is curious

about new career opportuni-

ties, and it’s a great platform

for employers searching for

qualified candidates with a

specialized skillset.

As a member you can let your

Human Resources know they

can post openings in our field

on our website for free. We

can post all the important de-

tails and also link to the em-

ployer’s website for additional

information. Job alerts are sent

automatically to all members

alerting them to the new list-


If you have a job opportunity

available and would like to

post to our Chapter website

please email the job infor-

mation to member-

[email protected]

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Ute Chiren Tempe Union High School District

Joel Munter Arizona Department of Admin / State Procurement Office

Lori Tuell Arizona Department of Health Services

Dale Daniels Arizona Department of Environmental Quality

Faith Jarrett City of Phoenix

Welcome New Members!

Membership Repor t

ship year only)

Membership renewals or any

new membership is $40.00.

Currently all new memberships

is only $20 for half year. All

NEW members receive a free

lunch voucher to attend a chap-

ter luncheon ($20 value).

Benefits to being a Chapter

Member include, free webinars,

networking opportunities, dis-

counted professional develop-

Active Members = 424

Pending Members = 2

Expired Members = 5

Vacant Members = 9

New Members = 5

Please report any members that

have left your agency so they can

be marked as expired and your

agency can get credit for a va-

cant membership. You can ap-

ply this vacant membership to

any new hire. (same member-

ment events, scholarship oppor-

tunities, and much more!

Please contact Kristy Garcia,

Membership to redeem free

lunch vouchers, remove or add

any members, and with any

questions or help getting regis-


[email protected]

(tel) 480-644-5052


all new


are only $20

for half year.

Membership matters so please encourage your employees to become members and get involved.

New members in attendance at the December luncheon

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How long have you been in Purchasing? I have been working in Purchasing for the State Procurement Office since May 2016.

How did you get into Purchasing? I went to school for Finance and Supply Chain, and im-mediately was drawn to the Purchasing side. As soon as I realized that I could work in the field I enjoy on behalf of the State; I knew that’s what I wanted to do.

What was your most un-usual procurement? My first solicitation I did at the State involved the audit-ing and certifying of leafy greens (as in lettuce and other vegetables) in Arizo-na. I never thought I would know so much about grow-ing leafy greens and how complex the process is to certify quality before the greens are sold to the public.

Before join-ing my cur-rent employ-er, I was: A college stu-dent at Arizona State. Go Sun Devils!

What was your first car? My first car was a 2001 Toyota Sequoia.

If you could have only one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be? Pizza!!! Preferably with pepperoni and olives.

It’s your day off. What are you doing? On my days off, I am usually exploring and hiking. You can either find me hiking throughout Sedona or ex-ploring around Prescott, especially around the beauti-ful Watson Lake.

Where is your home town? My hometown is La Crescenta, CA. It is in the outskirts of LA, up in the hills east of downtown.

What do you like to do outside of work? I like being with my family and spending time outdoors.

I’m the hap-piest when I am with my two younger brothers hik-ing around.

Any recent accomplish-ment / recognition you are proud of and would like to share? I was fortunate enough to join NIGP members at the national conference in Maryland. It was a great experience where I was able to explore, learn a lot, and meet so many smart people. I am grateful I was able to go and become more en-gaged with NIGP.

Member Spotlight: Megan Lukehart

“As soon as I

realized that I

could work in the

field I enjoy on

behalf of the

State; I knew

that’s what I

wanted to do.”

Watson Lake

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will not be valid without the

essential elements such as the

offer and acceptance, mutual

obligation, consideration, ca-

pacity, definiteness and legality

of purpose. defines this in its

simplest form, “Approval of the

content of the document”.

Oregon’s model procurement

code provides a clearer explana-

tion. “Approved as to form” is

the attorney’s “designation that

a public contract on its face is

legal, valid and binding.” It goes

on to say that the designation is

“not a guaranty or a warranty

that the contract is in the gov-

ernment’s best interest or elim-

This question was raised by an

instructor in one of the sessions

that I attended at the NIGP

National conference in Mary-

land last October. That simple

question got everybody’s atten-

tion. In a room with no lawyers

around, everyone seemed to be

familiar with the statement but

nobody seemed to be sure of its


What does it really mean?

The NIGP instructor implied

that it relates to the presence of

all the elements of a contract.

You know the ones that we had

to memorize before we took

the CPPB and CPPO exams. It

made sense because a contract

inates exposure to personal


“Approved as to Form” is not

just a typical boilerplate. It is a

common practice for good rea-

sons. It signifies that an internal

process of review was first done

by the Legal Department before

the documents were finalized.

It also provides an assurance to

all parties of the contract, to

courts and to the general public

of the legality of the action or

obligation created by the parties


Approved by Legal. Now


So your agency’s attorney ap-

proved your contract and that’s

“Approved As To Form”. What does that mean? By Elmer Garcia, CPPB, City of Glendale

great! Was it in your agency’s or the

taxpayers’ best interest? Hmmm,

maybe or maybe not.

While your attorney’s approval

covers the legality of your contract,

bear in mind that the responsibility

and decision still rests on the shoul-

ders of every government employee

who has the authority to enter into a

contract. Many times it rests on

your shoulders as buyers and pro-

curement professionals. As stewards

of the taxpayer’s dollars, we are

entrusted to seek our agency’s best

interest in all our business and con-

tractual dealings. We should not

only be mindful of the “form”, but

also the “substance” of the contract.

Member Birthdays!

January 3rd—Christine Finney 3rd—Tammy Vogel 4th—Keith Killourie 5th—Diane Shannon 6th—Jacqueline Ortega-Avila 6th—Reyna Xochicale 7th—Erin Gilbert 7th—Matthew Juan 11th—Diana Reyes 12th—Tony Allen 12th—Bob Carrier 13th—Bill Munch 14th—Connie Schneider 15th—Cheryl Champine 16th—Maria Cerda 17th—Chad Elms 18th—Marian Whilden 24th—Rick Lott

25th—Laura Szymanoski 26th—Rosa Saenz 27th—Stephen Troxel 30th—Krystle Sigman 31st—Linda Delamore-Crum 31st—Carol Martinez

February 4th—Gloria Alday 4th—Bonita Gibson 4th—Charlotte Righetti 6th—Elizabeth Csaki 6th—Irma Guzman 8th—Cindy Palmer 8th—Mary Talerico 12th—Mark Kinsey 14th—Corry Slama 15th—Lori Noyes 16th—John Snow

17th—Loretta Cardin 17th—Gary Henry 17th—Alexis Morse 19th—Sharon Brause 20th—Alan Albrecht 21st—Janine Locke 24th—Cheryl Rentscheler 26th—Doug Fugate 26th—Heather Hodgman 26th—Sherial Magallanes 27th—Bambi Brenden 28th—Joe Guy 28th—Miranda Riojas

Best wishes for a great Birthday!

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The Arizona State Capitol Chapter of NIGP has estab-lished the Scholarship Pro-gram for the primary pur-pose of assisting individual AZNIGP members who are interested in furthering the development of their pro-curement skills and profes-sionalism. Scholarships are designed to assist members with a need for funds to help pay for continuing edu-cation and professional de-velopment efforts.

Active and participating AZNIGP members may ap-ply for a scholarship. Maxi-mum amount of $1,000 is allowed within a 12-month period.

The Scholarship Application and Instructions are posted on the Chapter website at under Documents and Files.

Submit all applications to Kristy Garcia, Vice-President at [email protected]

Recent Award Recipients:

Evan Karl City of Mesa—$750 tuition reimbursement

Larry Larson Phoenix Union High School District—$1,000 tuition reimbursement


Forum Scholarships Available: Applications are currently being accepted through Feb-ruary 28, 2017 for attend-ance at this years NIGP National Forum in Salt Lake City, Utah. Award includes the registra-tion, airfare, and hotel per person. This year the Chap-ter will be awarding 5 schol-arships, so apply today!

Scholarship Application and Rules are available by select-ing the “Apply Now” button below.

New Scholarship Money Available for 2017

Manager and Buyer of the Year Awards

2016 Chapter Manager of the Year and National Manager of the Year, Bill Munch.

The time to nominate for

Manager and Buyer of the

Year 2017 is now!! Please

take the time to celebrate

the achievements and con-

tributions of our exceptional

NIGP Arizona State Capitol

Chapter members by sub-

mitting your nomination.

Nominations must be

received no later than

February 10, 2017.

Members can self-

nominate or nominate

another member.

All nominees must be

an active paid member.

Nominations must be

submitted in electronic

format (via email).

Email to:

[email protected]

Instructions and Nomination

forms can be found under

Documents and Files at

Each award recipient will

receive a full ride scholarship to

NIGP National Forum 2017 in

Salt Lake City, Utah.

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Chapter Luncheon Meeting’s

January 10, 2017—11:30 AM (Registration Open!)

May 9, 2017—11:30 AM

September 12, 2017—11:30 AM

December 12, 2017—11:30 AM

Professional Development Opportunities

February 27-28, 2017—NIGP Seminar: Logistics and Transportation (Registration Open!)

March-April 2017—CPPO / CPPB Review Sessions

April 4, 2017—NIGP Seminar: Adding Value to the Procurement Process

May 15-17, 2017—NIGP Seminar: Strategic Procurement Planning

June 19, 2017—Seminar: ABC’s of RFP’s

August 27-30, 2017—NIGP National Forum, Salt Lake City, Utah

August—September—CPPO / CPPB Review Sessions

September 18-19, 2017—NIGP Seminar: Advancing Your Negotiation Skills

October 19, 2017—Regional Conference, Phoenix Convention Center

November 6, 2017—NIGP Seminar: Preparing for and Surviving Internal Audits

Career Seminar’s

March 14, 2017—8:00 AM

August 8, 2017—8:00 AM

Webinar / Lunch & Learn

April 11, 2017—11:30 AM

June 13, 2017—11:30 AM

November 14, 2017—11:30 AM

Volunteer Events

January 15, 2017—PF Chang’s Rock ’n’ Roll Marathon (enter “waterstation5” as password)

April 22, 2017—Pat’s Run


April 3, 2017—Reverse Trade Show

New Calendar of Events for 2017

Events, dates, and times are

subject to change. Please

check the website for current

information, details and

registration information.