Download - The Pathfinder - · P9 Men’s BBS the lives of each student in this community. P10 Monthly Mission JAMA Items ter. The Pathfinder Jonesborough United Methodist Church



P2 Michael Mould (con’t.) Sisters of Faith P3 Save the Date Scripture Verse Thank You P4 Looking Ahead Church Family News Military P5 Pictures from Resurrec-tion P6 Benefit Help Center of NE TN Sarah Mayes Circle CYB Group P7 African Children’s Choir P8 Diane’s Closet Children’s Program P9 Men’s BBS P10 Monthly Mission JAMA Items

The Pathfinder

Jonesborough United Methodist Church

PO Box 115, 211 West Main Street, Jonesborough, TN 37659

Phone: 423-753-3942, Fax 423-753-9193



Hello Everyone, I am so excited to be a part of the youth ministry here at JUMC, and cannot wait to see what God has in store for us this coming year. I look forward to watching God work in the students’ lives as they grow into the men and women God designed them to be. This work cannot be done alone; please make sure that you find your place to help. We need help with food on Sunday nights, teachers to fill in when we are on trips and events, chaperones for mission trips, retreats, and other youth adventures. To-gether, God can use all of us to make a difference in the lives of each student in this community. I thought I would take this time to let you get to know me and my family. Sarah, my wife, teaches Spanish at Sullivan Central High School and is finishing up her doctorate in education this semes-ter. We were both very active in the Wesley Foundation while we were in college. Sarah was an intern and we were both members of the praise team, of which I was the worship leader. During the sum-mers, we worked at Buffalo Mountain Camp as counselors. After a few years, I lived at camp as an intern and helped with the yearly maintenance of the camp. This is where we met Lynda Carter. We have enjoyed her gifts in the kitchen for many years.

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(continued from page 1)

MICHAEL MOULD We have two awesome children, Mason (9) and Ella (7). They love to learn about Jesus and go to church. Ella is extremely creative, and is always working on crafting projects and gifts for people. Quality time is also very important to her. Though she is shy, she loves to dance and is always ready to perform. Mason is much more outgoing and loves video games, jump-ing on the trampoline, Tae Kwon Do, and math. They are both very musical. Ella loves to sing and Mason plays the drums. Thank you for the wonderful kindness that my family and I have received. We have felt includ-ed into the fold from the first moment we stepped foot into the church. May the grace of Christ be with us as we serve Him together. Remember, please tell me your name again and again. I will do my best to remember all of them as soon as I can. Do not assume that I know what you have done in the past. Instead, I am looking for a few good men and women to help me as we grow this youth program. Together, we are strong. Look forward to doing life and ministry with you. In Him, Michael Mould, Youth Director [email protected]


February was “Sharing the Love” at Four Oaks Nursing Home. It’s become our tradition every Valen-tine’s Day to take balloons to each resident to share a smile and show our Christian love to each of them. We saw our own Shirley Hambrick, resident and mother of one of our Sisters, Reece Barringer, and got to say “Aloha.” Jane Turner, JUMC’s parish nurse, was there admitting her mother as we were leaving, so we were able to wrap our arms around her with prayer. We are a praying group of women! The evening concluded with dinner at Black Olive.

The Sisters are up and running for March, getting ready for the big April Spring Craft Show. We are in need of items for the Silent Auction, so if you have anything you’d like to donate, please contact Michelle Basel (423-552-6357), Claudia Randolph (423-202-2409), Jeri Jones (423-646-3756), or Pam Ward (423-948-0905). We’ll also be having a bake sale, and crafts galore. Baked goods will be appre-ciated, and we still have openings for craft booths.

Meetings are held on the second Thursday of each month at 5:30 pm. The March meeting will be held at Betty Callahan’s home. Please call Betty (423-788-3042) to let her know you’re coming so enough food will be prepared, or if you need directions.


“The Sisters”



Mar 22-29 Family Prom-



Proverbs 3:5-6 (ESV)

5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own un-


6 In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your



To all the members of Busy Hands with a Purpose:

We have been extremely touched by the love you have

shown to our mom, Shirley Hambrick, who currently re-

sides at Four Oaks. The afghans, twiddle muffs, booties,

and the beautiful pillowcases and Hawaiian shirt protec-

tors, have meant so much to her and to us. Four Oaks

staff have all commented on how lovely and special these

items are for her!

We are humbled by your love and kindness, and will be

forever grateful to all of you.

Love, Reece Barringer and Anthony Roberts

Dear Church Family:

I am so blessed to have such a wonderful church fami-

ly. You have loved me, supported me, guided me, and

prayed for me — it doesn’t get any better than that!

The retirement party was over the top, from the first

note of music until turning off the lights to go home. I

can’t thank you enough for all the pictures, flowers, cards,

money, and so very many hugs.

I have been blessed to have awesome youth and par-

ents. It’s been a great joy to be with all of them, and to

watch them grow into wonderful adults.

As I start my next chapter, it will be exciting to learn

where God will lead me.

Thank you all — again — for everything.

Love and blessings,

Mary Ann




Apr 5 Palm Sunday

Choir Cantata

Apr 9 Maundy Thurs-

day Service

Apr 10 Good Friday


Apr 12 Easter Sunrise

Service and both Wor-

ship Services

Apr 19 Children’s Sun-

day at 2nd Service

Our thanks and prayers go out to all our mili-tary veterans and their families. Your service and sacrifice are greatly appreciated.

Barnard Davis (US Army) - Susan Miller’s nephew

Caleb Wade (US Army) - Rupe & Ella Billions’ grandson

Cody Hallberg (US Air Force) - Lee & Nancy Hallberg’s grandson

Todd White - (US Army) - Doug & Donna Barnes Bennett’s son-in-law

Mickey Teasner (US Navy)

Lauren Bennett (US Army Reserve)

Jake DeMatteo (Army)

Steven David Hunt (US Army Reserve)

Brian Ehlschlager (US Army)

Shawn Allison (US Marines)

Eric Bull (US Air Force Reserve) - Don & Barbara Bull’s grandson

Cheyenne Pandar (US Marines)

Johnathon Daffron (US Marines)

Jon Cochran (U.S. Ranger) - Billy & Gail Lewis’ cousin

Michael Fritz (US Army) - Mary Ann Clark’s son-in-law


(If you have news of births, deaths, awards, etc., which you would like to have

included here, please contact the office with the details.)





Come out and join us on Sunday, March 22, from 12:30 pm to 2 pm at Sulphur Springs United Methodist Church.

We’ll have a country-fried steak dinner, including mashed potatoes and gravy, green

beans, fried apples, biscuit, dessert and drink. Cost is by donation only. All proceeds benefit Community Help Center of Northeast Tennessee.

If you have questions, please call 423-788-0050.


The Sarah Mayes Circle will meet Tuesday,

March 10, at 2 pm in the Good News Fellowship

Hall. The program this month is: “Call to Prayer.”

Our hostesses will be Suzanne and Marshia.

All are invited.


Last month, 20 people from our CYB lunch bunch met at

Black Olive Restaurant in Jonesborough for lots of good food

and great fellowship.

We decided to go to One Acre Café on March 12. We’ll

meet in the church parking lot at 11:30 am to get us to the res-

taurant by noon.

All are welcome. Join us and maybe you’ll experience “the

luck of the Irish” as we celebrate St. Patrick’s Day!






Diane's Closet is a community mission effort that provides a place for you to be good stewards of what God has given you. Instead of unwanted items going into the landfill, these items are given a second life. At Diane's Closet you may find that special something. "One man's trash is another man's treasure."

Families and individuals are served, including single parents, grandparents raising grandchildren, and those struggling with finances due to health issues, job loss, or a family crisis. Other ministries are also served: Girl Scout shoe outreach to third world countries, ARCH (Appalachian Regional Coalition for the Homeless), Good Samaritan's Ministry, Haven of Mercy, and Family Promise.

DIANE'S CLOSET will be held on Saturday, April 25, from 10 am to 2 pm in the

Good News Fellowship Hall. Donations of spring and summer clothing will be accept-

ed at the GNFH on Wednesday, April 23 from 2 to 7 pm, and on Thursday and Friday

from 10 am to 5 pm.

Those wishing to help with set-up, sorting, or clean-up should contact Sharon Moore

at 926-0605.


Vacation Bible School Preview

When: June 14—18

Theme: “Knights of the North Castle”

“Be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his power.”

Ephesians 6:10

Stories: Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego; David Defeats Goli-

ath; Jesus walks on water; and Midnight Praise with Paul and Silas

Please mark your calendars, watch the bulletins and emails for more


If you’re able to help, please contact Jackie or Angie. It’s always lots of fun!



Wanted all JUMC men!

Come and enjoy BBs on Saturday March 14

9-10 am (Deadline March 12)

JUMC Fellowship Hall


Bible Discussion:

Adam & Eve Give Away The Farm


Sign up in the fellowship hall, the narthex or text

to 561-906-2708 (Joe Likavec).

Jonesborough United Methodist Church

PO Box 115, Jonesborough, TN 37659

JAMA Item for



Please give generously to

Jonesborough Area Ministerial Association



Good Samaritan Ministries is a non-profit organiza-

tion founded in Johnson City in 1985 by Sarah and Vernon Wells, aided greatly by JUMC member Sam Tomlin. Their stated mission is: to combat poverty and to change lives in Upper East Tennessee.”

Emergency services are provided for the poor, veter-ans, and elderly populations. Social services, a thrift store, a counseling center, a legal clinic, and The

Melting Pot, are important divisions within the minis-try.

JUMC has always been an excellent contributor and

supporter of Good Samaritan Ministries. Needs are immediate and urgent. Please give as you can.