Download - The New Public Assistance ProgramOV-1 Objectives Describe the purpose of the New Public Assistance Program Identify the components of the New Public.


The New Public Assistance Program OV-1


Describe the purpose of the New Public Assistance Program

Identify the components of the New Public Assistance Program

The New Public Assistance Program OV-2

Basis for Changes

Government Performance and Results Act of 1993 (GPRA)

Strategic goals

Director’s priorities

The New Public Assistance Program OV-3

Input Process

Steering Committee

FEMA, state, and local input

DFO visitations

Focus group sessions

Interviews (over 500 individuals)

The New Public Assistance Program OV-4

What We Found

Incomplete/inaccurate information

Paper-driven, labor-intensive process

Multiple hand-offs of work during processing

Inappropriate job assignments

The New Public Assistance Program OV-5

What We Found (continued)

High turnover of personnel

Inconsistent training

Repeated inspections

The New Public Assistance Program OV-6


N an cy O 'N e illD a ta E n try C h ie f

M artin S h o ffn e rP A C

Jack In g ramP A C

Jam es R . W a lte rP A C

Jack H u rs tP A C


Jam es R . W a lkerP A C

A l M an n in gD ep u ty P A O

C ath erin e S an tan aD ata E n try L ead

A d m in is tra tive A ss t.

W illiam W illisP A C

W illiam D u n canP A C

H u g h G ard n erD ep u ty P A O

K at M u rrayR esou rce C oord in a to r

P a tric ia S eam anIn fras tru c tu re B ran ch ch ie fP u b lic A s s is tan c e O ffice r

The New Public Assistance Program OV-7

Public Assistance process - OLD




Applicant Briefing

Inspection Teams

Multiple reviews

Obligation Process

The New Public Assistance Program OV-8

Current Public Assistance Process


PDA & Immediate Needs Funding


Scoping Meetings

Applicant Briefings

PACs Assigned

Kick-Off Meeting

The New Public Assistance Program OV-9

Current Process - Cont

Project formulation

Small Projects: applicant prepares scope and cost validation

Large projects: Project Officer and team

PAC finalizes

Obligation process

The New Public Assistance Program OV-10

Why Do A PDA?

Determine magnitude and severity.

Verify need for federal assistance.

Identify unmet needs.

Identify necessary staff and technical resources.

The New Public Assistance Program OV-11

Why Provide INF?

Assistance for eligible applicant emergency work in first 60 days.

Eligible emergency work only.

The New Public Assistance Program OV-12

Scoping Process

Environmental Liaisons State Insurance Commissioner Hazard Mitigation Grants Program State Historic Preservation Office

(SHPO) US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)

The New Public Assistance Program OV-13

Public Assistance Coordinator-Applicant


The New Public Assistance Program OV-14

KICK OFF MEETING Purpose and Importance

Brings PAC and applicant together. Public Assistance Coordinator provides

applicant with necessary information. Applicant sees documentation

requirements and forms. Applicant submits list of damages. Establishes a climate of trust, support,

and assistance.

The New Public Assistance Program OV-15

Key Topics

The role of the PAC Immediate Needs

Funding Required forms Eligibility Cost estimation Validation Specialists

Project formulation Small projects Large projects Special

Considerations Documentation Appeals process Audits

The New Public Assistance Program OV-16

Public Assistance process - OLD




Applicant Briefing

Inspection Teams

Multiple reviews

Obligation Process

The New Public Assistance Program OV-17

Current Public Assistance Process


PDA & Immediate Needs Funding


Scoping Meetings

Applicant Briefings

PACs Assigned

Kick-Off Meeting

The New Public Assistance Program OV-18

Current Process - Cont

Project formulation

Small Projects: applicant prepares scope and cost validation

Large projects: Project Officer and team

PAC finalizes

Obligation process

The New Public Assistance Program OV-19

What Is Project Formulation?

Scope of work and cost for damage sites

Combining sites into projects

Sorting projects into small and large while noting Special Considerations

The New Public Assistance Program OV-20

Issue Identification and Resolution

The New Public Assistance Program OV-21

Why Validate?

Scopes of work reflect disaster-related damage.

Work and costs are eligible.

Cost estimates are reasonable.

Special considerations are identified.

The New Public Assistance Program OV-22

What Is a Large Project?

$47,100 or more

Single category or a combination of categories

Identified by the applicant during the Kickoff Meeting or subsequent meeting

The New Public Assistance Program OV-23

8 Cost Elements


Job Site



Project Inflation


Owner’s Reserve for Change Orders


The New Public Assistance Program OV-24

New Program—4 “P”s

The new program focuses on 4 “P”s





The New Public Assistance Program OV-25

New PA Pilot ResultsKY-1216

Enthusiastic approval by state and local applicants

Project submittal began slowly with a surge beginning in week three

Local and county applicants completed by June 26

The New Public Assistance Program OV-26

New PA Pilot FindingsKY-1216

Requires a phased deployment

Requires highly trained and knowledgeable field personnel

Expands the role of Project Officers

Expands the applicant education process

The New Public Assistance Program OV-27

PA Web Site

Information currently available on FEMA’s Response and Recovery web page Robert T. Stafford Act Public Assistance Guide Book Reference list for PA program New PA program description New PA slide presentation

The New Public Assistance Program OV-28

PA Web Site (continued)

Existing versus New PA Program

New PA Program “Read-Ahead” Module

New PA Program updates

Glossary of terms

Interactive Eligibility Presentation

The New Public Assistance Program OV-29

Where Do We Go From Here?

August-September, 1998

August 1, 1998

October 1, 1998

September 1, 1999

Regional and state orientation to the New PA Program

Requirements for NEMIS Version 2

New PA program in all regions

NEMIS Version 2 operational