Download - THE MATHEMATICS TEAM - · MAT204 Key stage(s): 3 and 4 Presented by: Maureen Magee (Teacher Adviser) This course will look at current issues involved in the teaching

Page 1: THE MATHEMATICS TEAM - · MAT204 Key stage(s): 3 and 4 Presented by: Maureen Magee (Teacher Adviser) This course will look at current issues involved in the teaching


Mathematics/Numeracy Key Stages 3 & 4


Gordon Bagnall

Gordon is a Senior Adviser and Manager of the Mathematics and Numeracy Team. Gordon has had more than thirtyyears experience in primary education. In the early part of his career, he co-ordinated both mathematics and science.He has 15 years experience as a headteacher of two schools. Since his appointment to the Advisory Team in 1991, hehas co-ordinated primary mathematics throughout the county, and has been general adviser to a number of primary andnursery schools.

Danny Pentecost

Before joining the Mathematics Advisory Team Danny was a headteacher in East Lancashire for 10 years and bringsover 25 years experience of involvement in primary schools. His posts have always included leadership in mathematicsand he brings to the team strengths in planning, assessment, monitoring and co-ordination within Foundation and KeyStages 1 and 2. Danny is the general school adviser to over 20 schools, oversees the induction of NQTs in SouthLancashire as well as undertaking education management consultancies beyond the county and abroad.

Alison Hartley

Alison taught for 18 years in 3 secondary schools in Lancashire. She became a head of a mathematics department in1991, then took on the duel role of senior leader and head of mathematics from 1997. In 2002 she took on more seniormanagement responsibilities as an assistant headteacher.

Wendy Singleton

Wendy joined the Mathematics Advisory Team in June 1993 and from September 1996 was appointed a permanentmember of the team. She has 27 years teaching experience across the whole of the primary age range in schools inLancashire and North Yorkshire. Wendy provides school-based consultancy work across the primary age range andprovides INSET through the LPDS Course Programme.

Vicki Foy

Vicki joined the Mathematics Advisory Team in August 2000. She worked previously as a Mathematics Co-ordinatorin an East Lancashire school. Vicki works alongside Wendy in supporting teachers across the Primary age range.

Maureen Magee

Before joining the Mathematics Advisory Team in January 2001 Maureen was head of Mathematics at a high school inBlackpool for 10 years. This followed 20 years teaching experience in six schools in Birmingham. She has worked withtwo GCSE examination boards and has been a Key Stage 3 SATs assessor. Maureen provides school-based consultancywork across Key Stages 3 and 4, and provides INSET through the LPDS Course Programme.

Page 2: THE MATHEMATICS TEAM - · MAT204 Key stage(s): 3 and 4 Presented by: Maureen Magee (Teacher Adviser) This course will look at current issues involved in the teaching


Mathematics/Numeracy Key Stages 3 & 4

Contents Start Date Page

Developing Numeracy Across the Curriculum Thursday 11 Apr 2002 4

Planning for a Numeracy Summer School Tuesday 23 Apr 2002 4

Teaching Numeracy at Summer School Monday 13 May 2002 4

Using Dynamic Geometry Software in the Mathematics Classroom Wednesday 15 May 2002 5

Making Use of Bridging Units Tuesday 21 May 2002 5

Thursday 23 May 2002

Developing Algebraic Thinking Wednesday 12 Jun 2002 5

Tuesday 12 Nov 2002

Developing Geometry Tuesday 25 Jun 2002 6

Wednesday 20 Nov 2002

Heads of Mathematics Support Group Autumn Term 2002 6

Key Issues for the NQT in KS3 and KS4 Mathematics Wednesday 25 Sep 2002 6

New to the KS3 Strategy Mathematics Strand Thursday 26 Sep 2002 7

Targeting students on the C/D Borderline in GCSE Wednesday 02 Oct 2002 7

Preparing for the Role of Head of Mathematics Thursday 03 Oct 2002 7

Supporting Pupils in the Mathematics Classroom Monday 07 Oct 2002 8

Secondary Mathematics for the Non-specialist Tuesday 15 Oct to 8

Self Evaluation for Mathematics Departments Tuesday 29 Oct 2002 8

Developing Statistics in Mathematics Lessons Wednesday 30 Oct 2002 9

Developing Strategies for Mental Calculations Thursday 07 Nov 2002 9

The Annual Secondary Mathematics Conference Wednesday 29 Jan 2003 9

Starting to use Graphical Calculators in the Mathematics Classroom Thursday 06 Feb 2003 10

Key Stage 2 to Key Stage 3 Continuity in Mathematics Wednesday 12 Feb 2003 10

Maths (Numeracy) in Design and Technology Monday 31 Mar 2003 10

Page 3: THE MATHEMATICS TEAM - · MAT204 Key stage(s): 3 and 4 Presented by: Maureen Magee (Teacher Adviser) This course will look at current issues involved in the teaching


Mathematics/Numeracy Key Stages 3 & 4

Timetable of CoursesStart Date Course Ref Course Title

Summer Term

Thursday 11 Apr 2002 MAT201a Developing Numeracy Across the Curriculum

Tuesday 23 Apr 2002 MAT202a Planning for a Numeracy Summer School

Monday 13 May 2002 MAT203a Teaching Numeracy at Summer School

Wednesday 15 May 2002 MAT217a Using Dynamic Geometry Software in the Mathematics Classroom

Wednesday 15 May 2002 MAT217b Using Dynamic Geometry Software in the Mathematics Classroom

Tuesday 21 May 2002 MAT106a Making Use of Bridging Units

Thursday 23 May 2002 MAT106b Making Use of Bridging Units

Wednesday 12 Jun 2002 MAT204a Developing Algebraic Thinking

Tuesday 25 Jun 2002 MAT205a Developing Geometry

Autumn Term

Autumn 2002 MAT216 Heads of Mathematics Support Group

Wednesday 25 Sep 2002 MAT206a Key Issues for the NQT in KS3 and KS4 Mathematics

Thursday 26 Sep 2002 MAT207a New to the KS3 Strategy Mathematics Strand

Wednesday 02 Oct 2002 MAT208a Targeting students on the C/D Borderline in GCSE

Thursday 03 Oct 2002 MAT209a Preparing for the Role of Head of Mathematics

Monday 07 Oct 2002 MAT210a Supporting Pupils in the Mathematics Classroom

Tuesday 15 Oct MAT211a Secondary Mathematics for the Non-specialist

Tuesday 29 Oct 2002 MAT218a Self Evaluation for Mathematics Departments

Wednesday 30 Oct 2002 MAT212a Developing Statistics in Mathematics Lessons

Thursday 07 Nov 2002 MAT213a Developing Strategies for Mental Calculations

Tuesday 12 Nov 2002 MAT204b Developing Algebraic Thinking

Wednesday 20 Nov 2002 MAT205b Developing Geometry

Spring Term

Wednesday 29 Jan 2003 MAT301a The Annual Secondary Mathematics Conference

Thursday 06 Feb 2003 MAT215a Starting to use Graphical Calculators in the Mathematics Classroom

Wednesday 12 Feb 2003 MAT127a Key Stage 2 to Key Stage 3 Continuity in Mathematics

Monday 31 Mar 2003 TEC226a Maths (Numeracy) in Design and Technology

Page 4: THE MATHEMATICS TEAM - · MAT204 Key stage(s): 3 and 4 Presented by: Maureen Magee (Teacher Adviser) This course will look at current issues involved in the teaching

Mathematics/Numeracy Key Stages 3 & 4



MAT201Key stage(s): 3 and 4

Presented by:Maureen Magee (Teacher Adviser)

This course will address keyissues such as:- the need to raise awareness

and understanding ofnumeracy throughout theschool

- the development of simplegeneric whole schoolapproaches

- the consistent use ofmathematics in all subjectareas

- the use of effective strategiesfor monitoring and evaluatingprogress. It will provide arange of ideas and activitiesfor the development ofnumeracy in the curriculum.

Participants will need to bring theKS3 Strategy Numeracy across thecurriculum materials sent ot allschools

Who should attend?HoDs, teachers with responsibilityfor developing numeracy acrossthe curriculum and KS3 StrategyManagers

How long is the course?1 day course

When and where?MAT201aThursday 11 Apr 2002,9:15 am - 3:45 pm. Woodlands Conference Centre,Chorley

Price(s): £120.00 including lunch


MAT202Key stage(s): 3

Presented by:Maureen Magee (Teacher Adviser)

This course is designed to help co-ordinators in all aspects ofplanning for the implementation ofa Numeracy Summer School.It will address the following keyareas:- which pupils to invite- organising the day and

planning a timetable- which teachers to invite- involving parents- key teaching approaches- choosing resources- assessing progress

Who should attend?HoDs, maths teachers, teacherswith the responsibility for co-ordinating a Numeracy SummerSchool

How long is the course?Half day course

When and where?MAT202aTuesday 23 Apr 2002, 1:15 pm - 3:45 pm. Woodlands Conference Centre,Chorley

Price(s): £65.00


MAT203Key stage(s): 3

Presented by:Maureen Magee (Teacher Adviser)

This course will address issues ofdelivery of numeracy from avariety of subject backgrounds. Itwill look at key principles of themathematics strand of the KS3strategy.

It will focus on:- the teaching and development

of mental strategies- the progression from mental to

written calculations- the use of key teaching

approaches- the construction of appropriate

learning objectives- the use of a range of

assessment activities

Who should attend?All teachers who are part of aNumeracy Summer School team

How long is the course?1 day course

When and where?MAT203aMonday 13 May 2002, 9:15 am - 3:45 pm. Woodlands Conference Centre,Chorley

Price(s): £120.00 including lunch

Page 5: THE MATHEMATICS TEAM - · MAT204 Key stage(s): 3 and 4 Presented by: Maureen Magee (Teacher Adviser) This course will look at current issues involved in the teaching

Mathematics/Numeracy Key Stages 3 & 4



MAT217Key stage(s): 3 and 4

Presented by:Maureen Magee (Teacher Adviser)Adrian Oldknow(Chaiman of Working Group onthe Teaching and Learning ofGeometry RS/JMC)

A chance to look at the latestDynamic Geometry software andsee how it can be used in theclassroom to support thedevelopment of geometricalthinking.

Who should attend?Mathematics Teachers

How long is the course?half day course to be repeated asfollows

When and where?MAT217aWednesday 15 May 2002, 9:30 am - 12:00 pm. Winmarleigh Hall, Nr Garstang

MAT217bWednesday 15 May 2002, 1:30 pm - 3:45 pm. Winmarleigh Hall, Nr Garstang

Price(s): £65.00


MAT106Key stage(s): 2 and 3

Presented by:Wendy Singleton (Teacher Adviser)Maureen Magee (Teacher Adviser)

The transfer from Year 6 to Year 7creates many difficulties forcurriculum continuity. Thebridging units allow Year 7teachers to match work moreeffectively to pupils' previouslevel of attainment and givefamiliar challenges to pupils whohave just transferred to secondaryschools. This day course willallow both Year 6 and Year 7teachers to examine thesematerials in detail and considerways to make best use of them.There will also be opportunity toexchange ideas with colleaguesand to talk with teacher advisersfrom both key stages.

Who should attend?Teachers of Year 6 and Year 7children (Maths), Maths Co-ordinators (Primary), HODs(Maths)

How long is the course?1 day course to be repeated asfollows

When and where?MAT106aTuesday 21 May 2002, 9:30 am - 3:45 pm. Harris Park Conference Centre,Preston

MAT106bThursday 23 May 2002, 9:30 am - 3:45 pm. Pendle Heritage Centre, Barrowford

Price(s): £120.00 including lunch


MAT204Key stage(s): 3 and 4

Presented by:Maureen Magee (Teacher Adviser)

This course will look at currentissues involved in the teaching ofalgebra.Key areas will include:- introducing algebra as

generalised arithmetic in KS3- developing algebraic thinking- looking at aspects of algebraic


Who should attend?HoDs, mathematics teachers

How long is the course?Half day course to be repeated asfollows

When and where?MAT204aWednesday 12 Jun 2002, 9:15 am - 12:00 pm. Woodlands Conference Centre,Chorley

MAT204bTuesday 12 Nov 2002, 1:15 pm - 3:45 pm. Woodlands Conference Centre,Chorley

Price(s): £65.00

Page 6: THE MATHEMATICS TEAM - · MAT204 Key stage(s): 3 and 4 Presented by: Maureen Magee (Teacher Adviser) This course will look at current issues involved in the teaching

Mathematics/Numeracy Key Stages 3 & 4



MAT205Key stage(s): 3 and 4

Presented by:Maureen Magee (Teacher Adviser)

This course will look at currentissues involved in the teaching ofgeometry.

Key areas will include:- discussing issues relating to

derived properties;- looking at aspects of geometric

proof;- linking geometry with other

mathematics strands.

Who should attend?HoDs, mathematics teachers

How long is the course?Half day course to be repeated asfollows

When and where?MAT205aTuesday 25 Jun 2002, 1:15 pm - 3:45 pm. Woodlands Conference Centre,Chorley

MAT205bWednesday 20 Nov 2002, 1:30 pm - 3:45 pm. Woodlands Conference Centre,Chorley

Price(s): £65.00


MAT216Key stage(s): 3 and 4

Presented by:Maureen Magee (Teacher Adviser)Alison Hartley (Adviser)

Regular meetings in which thehead of department can be updatedon the latest developments ofmathematical education, discussmatters of current relevance andexchange ideas and good practice.

Who should attend?HoDs

How long is the course?1 course consisting of 3 half daysessions

When and where?MAT216aOne session to be arranged in aschool venue in the Autumn Term 2002.Wednesday 05 Mar 2003.One further session to be arrangedin the Spring Term 20031:15 pm - 3:45 pm Woodlands Conference Centre,Chorley

Price(s): £160.00


MAT206Key stage(s): 3 and 4

Presented by:Maureen Magee (Teacher Adviser)Alison Hartley (Adviser)

The course will provide a range ofideas and activities for developingthe teaching skills of NewlyQualified Teachers ofmathematics. It willl focus uponthe use of effective teachingapproaches and classroommanagement strategies.

Opportunities will exist to shareexperiences with other NQTs anddiscuss individual areas ofconcern.

Who should attend?NQTs

How long is the course?1 course consisting of 3 half daysessions

When and where?MAT206aWednesday 25 Sep 2002, 1:15 pm - 3:45 pm. Thursday 05 Dec 2002, 1:15 pm - 3:45 pm. Tuesday 04 Feb 2003, 1:15 pm - 3:45 pm. Woodlands Conference Centre,Chorley

Price(s): £160.00

Page 7: THE MATHEMATICS TEAM - · MAT204 Key stage(s): 3 and 4 Presented by: Maureen Magee (Teacher Adviser) This course will look at current issues involved in the teaching

Mathematics/Numeracy Key Stages 3 & 4



MAT207Key stage(s): 3

Presented by:Maureen Magee (Teacher Adviser)

This is an opportunity for teacherswho are new or returning to theprofession, or who were unable toattend the initial KS3 mathematicsthree day training, to becomefamiliar with key issuesconcerning the KS3 Frameworkfor Mathematics.

Who should attend?Mathematics teachers who havenot attended any of the initial KS3mathematics training sessions

How long is the course?1 day course

When and where?MAT207aThursday 26 Sep 2002, 9:15 am - 3:45 pm. Woodlands Conference Centre,Chorley

Price(s): £120.00 including lunch


MAT208Key stage(s): 4

Presented by:Maureen Magee (Teacher Adviser)

This is a repeat of last year'ssuccessful course. It will providea variety of suggestions foridentification of C/D borderlinepupils and strategies forintervention.

It will cover key issues of:- using assessment data- identifying needs- analysing 'mock' examinations- individual pupil targets- revision sessions and clinics- useful resources

Who should attend?HoDs, Teachers of KS4mathematics

How long is the course?1 day course

When and where?MAT208aWednesday 02 Oct 2002, 9:15 am - 3:45 pm. Woodlands Conference Centre,Chorley

Price(s): £120.00 including lunch


MAT209Key stage(s): 3 and 4

Presented by:Maureen Magee (Teacher Adviser)

This course aims to prepareteachers for the role of Head ofMathematics.

It will address a number of keyaspects of the role of curriculumleader including:- the use of different strategies

to ensure effective teachingwithin the MathematicsDepartment

- the use of different approachesfor implementing change

- the importance of professionaldevelopment

Who should attend?Teachers aspiring to the role ofHead of Mathematics and thosecurrently second in the department

How long is the course?1 course consisting of 6 twilightsessions

When and where?MAT209aThursday 03 Oct 2002, 4:30 pm - 6:15 pm. Tuesday 05 Nov 2002, 4:30 pm - 6:15 pm. Monday 09 Dec 2002, 4:30 pm - 6:15 pm. Wednesday 15 Jan 2003, 4:30 pm - 6:15 pm. Tuesday 18 Feb 2003, 4:30 pm - 6:15 pm. Thursday 13 Mar 2003, 4:30 pm - 6:15 pm.Woodlands Conference Centre,Chorley

Price(s): £195.00

Page 8: THE MATHEMATICS TEAM - · MAT204 Key stage(s): 3 and 4 Presented by: Maureen Magee (Teacher Adviser) This course will look at current issues involved in the teaching

Mathematics/Numeracy Key Stages 3 & 4



MAT210Key stage(s): 3

Presented by:Maureen Magee (Teacher Adviser)

This course will provide a usefulstarting point for those whosupport pupils during mathematicslessons.

It will focus on:- the teaching and development

of mental calculationsstrategies

- the progression from mental towritten calculations

- the use of strategies andactivities to support individualpupils within the maths lesson

- the use of a range ofassessment strategies

Who should attend?Teaching assistants and non-mathematics specialist supportteachers

How long is the course?1 day course

When and where?MAT210aMonday 07 Oct 2002,9:15 am - 3:45 pm. Woodlands Conference Centre,Chorley

Price(s): £120.00 including lunch


MAT211Key stage(s): 3 and 4

Presented by:Maureen Magee (Teacher Adviser)

This two day course will provide arange of ideas and activities fordeveloping the subject knowledgeand teaching skills of non-specialist teachers of mathematics.

It will focus on key areas of:- mental and written calculations- fractions, decimals and

percentages- developing algebraic thinking- sequences, functions and

graphs- geometric reasoning

Who should attend?Non-specialist teachers ofmathematics

How long is the course?2 day course

When and where?MAT211aTuesday 15 Oct to Wednesday 16 Oct 2002, 9:30 am - 3:45 pm. Woodlands Conference Centre,Chorley

Price(s): £220.00 including lunch


MAT218Key stage(s): 3 and 4

Presented by:Alison Hartley (Adviser)

The course will address the waysin which standards andachievement can be evaluated bythe mathematics department.

It will consider the followingissues:- the use of performance data- what to look for in pupils'

work- talking to pupils and making

sense of questionnaires- observing teaching and


Who should attend?HoDs and Second in Department

How long is the course?half day course

When and where?MAT218aTuesday 29 Oct 2002, 1:15 pm - 3:45 pm. Woodlands Conference Centre,Chorley

Price(s): £65.00

Page 9: THE MATHEMATICS TEAM - · MAT204 Key stage(s): 3 and 4 Presented by: Maureen Magee (Teacher Adviser) This course will look at current issues involved in the teaching

Mathematics/Numeracy Key Stages 3 & 4



MAT212Key stage(s): 3 and 4

Presented by:Maureen Magee (Teacher Adviser)

This course will address currentissues relating to data handlingand statistics in KS3 and KS4mathematics.

Who should attend?HoDs, Mathematics Teachers

How long is the course?Half day course

When and where?MAT212aWednesday 30 Oct 2002, 1:15 pm - 3:45 pm. Woodlands Conference Centre,Chorley

Price(s): £65.00


MAT213Key stage(s): 3 and 4

Presented by:Maureen Magee (Teacher Adviser)

This course will examine thedevelopment of mental calculationstrategies and look at activities topractise these skills.

Who should attend?Mathematics Teachers

How long is the course?Half day course

When and where?MAT213aThursday 07 Nov 2002, 1:15 pm - 3:45 pm. Woodlands Conference Centre,Chorley

Price(s): £65.00


MAT301Key stage(s): 3 and 4

Presented by:Maureen Magee (Teacher Adviser)Alison Hartley (Adviser)Guest Presenters

A chance to update on currentnational and local issues inmathematics education. Theconference will be addressed bykey speakers and there will be anopportunity to take part in anumber of workshops. There willbe an exhibition of currentresources.

This is a key date for allmathematics departments - put itin your diary now!Further details to be circulated at alater date.

Who should attend?HoD, Mathematics Teachers

How long is the course?1 day conference

When and where?MAT301aWednesday 29 Jan 2003, 9:30 am - 3:45 pm. Woodlands Conference Centre,Chorley

Price(s): £140.00 including lunch

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Mathematics/Numeracy Key Stages 3 & 4



MAT215Key stage(s): 3 and 4

Presented by:Maureen Magee (Teacher Adviser)Alison Hartley (Adviser)

A course intended for thoseteachers who are inexperienced inthe use of graphical calculators.If possible, participants shouldbring their own graphicalcalculator.

Who should attend?Mathematics Teachers

How long is the course?Half day course

When and where?MAT215aThursday 06 Feb 2003, 1:15 pm - 3:45 pm. Woodlands Conference Centre,Chorley

Price(s): £65.00


MAT127Key stage(s): 2 and 3

Presented by:Wendy Singleton (Teacher Adviser)Maureen Magee (Teacher Adviser)

This is a two day course lookingat issues concerning transitionfrom Key Stage 2 to Key Stage 3.The course will provide a range ofstrategies to ensure continuity andprogression.

There will be an opportunity forYear 6 teachers to visit asecondaryschool, and for Year 7teachers to visit a primary school.The course will also provide theopportunity to look at resourcesand exchange ideas.

Who should attend?Year 6 Teachers, Maths Co-ordinators, Year 7 Teachers(Maths), HoDs

How long is the course?1 course consisting of 2 full days

When and where?MAT127aWednesday 12 Feb 2003, 9:30 am - 3:45 pm. Thursday 13 Feb 2003, 9:30 am - 3:45 pm. ChorleyLancashire College, Chorley

Price(s): £220.00 including lunch


TEC226Key stage(s): 3

Presented by:Maureen Magee (Teacher Adviser)Barbara Mottershead (Teacher Adviser)

This half day course will giveteachers the knowledge andunderstanding to enable them todevelop a feasible and workableMaths (Numeracy) strategy for theD+T department.

Who should attend?Teachers, HoDs, NQTs

How long is the course?Half day course

When and where?TEC226aMonday 31 Mar 2003, 1:15 pm - 4:00 pm. LPDS Centre, Chorley

Price(s): £65.00

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Course Number ...................................................................................... Course Title ....................................................................................................

Date(s) & Time(s) .................................................................................. Venue ............................................................................ Fee............................

District No ...................................... School No .................................... Full School Name ............................................................................................

Non LCC Maintained Schools Only

Full School Address ........................................................................................................................................................................................................

Tel No ................................................................ DfES No ............................................................ LEA (if applicable)..............................................


Please note any special requirements (diet, disability ) ....................................................................School Order No ..................................................

I agree to meet the course fee as advertised (non LCC schools will be invoiced).

Signed .................................................................. ..............(Headteacher / Teacher-in-Charge) Date ....................................................................

Please return applications to the Lancashire Professional Development Service, Education & Cultural Services Directorate, Advisory Division, PO Box 61, County Hall, Preston, PR1 8RJ or Fax O1772 261918

*Please note - if notification of cancellation is received within 8 working days of the start of the course the full fee will be charged


✁ ✁

LancashireCounty Council


Course Number ...................................................................................... Course Title ....................................................................................................

Date(s) & Time(s) .................................................................................. Venue ............................................................................ Fee............................

District No ...................................... School No .................................... Full School Name ............................................................................................

Non LCC Maintained Schools Only

Full School Address ........................................................................................................................................................................................................

Tel No ................................................................ DfES No ............................................................ LEA (if applicable)..............................................


Please note any special requirements (diet, disability ) ....................................................................School Order No ..................................................

I agree to meet the course fee as advertised (non LCC schools will be invoiced).

Signed .................................................................. ..............(Headteacher / Teacher-in-Charge) Date ....................................................................

Please return applications to the Lancashire Professional Development Service, Education & Cultural Services Directorate, Advisory Division, PO Box 61, County Hall, Preston, PR1 8RJ or Fax O1772 261918

*Please note - if notification of cancellation is received within 8 working days of the start of the course the full fee will be charged


✁ ✁

LancashireCounty Council


Course Number ...................................................................................... Course Title ....................................................................................................

Date(s) & Time(s) .................................................................................. Venue ............................................................................ Fee............................

District No ...................................... School No .................................... Full School Name ............................................................................................

Non LCC Maintained Schools Only

Full School Address ........................................................................................................................................................................................................

Tel No ................................................................ DfES No ............................................................ LEA (if applicable)..............................................


Please note any special requirements (diet, disability ) ....................................................................School Order No ..................................................

I agree to meet the course fee as advertised (non LCC schools will be invoiced).

Signed .................................................................. ..............(Headteacher / Teacher-in-Charge) Date ....................................................................

Please return applications to the Lancashire Professional Development Service, Education & Cultural Services Directorate, Advisory Division, PO Box 61, County Hall, Preston, PR1 8RJ or Fax O1772 261918

*Please note - if notification of cancellation is received within 8 working days of the start of the course the full fee will be charged


LancashireCounty Council

Page 12: THE MATHEMATICS TEAM - · MAT204 Key stage(s): 3 and 4 Presented by: Maureen Magee (Teacher Adviser) This course will look at current issues involved in the teaching
Page 13: THE MATHEMATICS TEAM - · MAT204 Key stage(s): 3 and 4 Presented by: Maureen Magee (Teacher Adviser) This course will look at current issues involved in the teaching


Course Number ...................................................................................... Course Title ....................................................................................................

Date(s) & Time(s) .................................................................................. Venue ............................................................................ Fee............................

District No ...................................... School No .................................... Full School Name ............................................................................................

Non LCC Maintained Schools Only

Full School Address ........................................................................................................................................................................................................

Tel No ................................................................ DfES No ............................................................ LEA (if applicable)..............................................


Please note any special requirements (diet, disability ) ....................................................................School Order No ..................................................

I agree to meet the course fee as advertised (non LCC schools will be invoiced).

Signed .................................................................. ..............(Headteacher / Teacher-in-Charge) Date ....................................................................

Please return applications to the Lancashire Professional Development Service, Education & Cultural Services Directorate, Advisory Division, PO Box 61, County Hall, Preston, PR1 8RJ or Fax O1772 261918

*Please note - if notification of cancellation is received within 8 working days of the start of the course the full fee will be charged


✁ ✁

LancashireCounty Council


Course Number ...................................................................................... Course Title ....................................................................................................

Date(s) & Time(s) .................................................................................. Venue ............................................................................ Fee............................

District No ...................................... School No .................................... Full School Name ............................................................................................

Non LCC Maintained Schools Only

Full School Address ........................................................................................................................................................................................................

Tel No ................................................................ DfES No ............................................................ LEA (if applicable)..............................................


Please note any special requirements (diet, disability ) ....................................................................School Order No ..................................................

I agree to meet the course fee as advertised (non LCC schools will be invoiced).

Signed .................................................................. ..............(Headteacher / Teacher-in-Charge) Date ....................................................................

Please return applications to the Lancashire Professional Development Service, Education & Cultural Services Directorate, Advisory Division, PO Box 61, County Hall, Preston, PR1 8RJ or Fax O1772 261918

*Please note - if notification of cancellation is received within 8 working days of the start of the course the full fee will be charged


✁ ✁

LancashireCounty Council


Course Number ...................................................................................... Course Title ....................................................................................................

Date(s) & Time(s) .................................................................................. Venue ............................................................................ Fee............................

District No ...................................... School No .................................... Full School Name ............................................................................................

Non LCC Maintained Schools Only

Full School Address ........................................................................................................................................................................................................

Tel No ................................................................ DfES No ............................................................ LEA (if applicable)..............................................


Please note any special requirements (diet, disability ) ....................................................................School Order No ..................................................

I agree to meet the course fee as advertised (non LCC schools will be invoiced).

Signed .................................................................. ..............(Headteacher / Teacher-in-Charge) Date ....................................................................

Please return applications to the Lancashire Professional Development Service, Education & Cultural Services Directorate, Advisory Division, PO Box 61, County Hall, Preston, PR1 8RJ or Fax O1772 261918

*Please note - if notification of cancellation is received within 8 working days of the start of the course the full fee will be charged


LancashireCounty Council

Page 14: THE MATHEMATICS TEAM - · MAT204 Key stage(s): 3 and 4 Presented by: Maureen Magee (Teacher Adviser) This course will look at current issues involved in the teaching
Page 15: THE MATHEMATICS TEAM - · MAT204 Key stage(s): 3 and 4 Presented by: Maureen Magee (Teacher Adviser) This course will look at current issues involved in the teaching

Mathematics/Numeracy Key Stage 3 & 4Suggestions Page

The Mathematics team welcomes your ideas and suggestions for future courses and INSET.

Simply fill in the details on this page and post it to the address below.

District No. ................................................................................................................................School No. ..................................................................................................................................

School Name......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................



Ideas/Suggestions (please use additional sheet if necessary)











Completed by

Name ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Position in School ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Please return to:

☛ The Lancashire Professional Development ServiceEducation and Cultural Services Directorate Advisory DivisionPO Box 61 County Hall PRESTON PR1 8RJ

01772 261918 (Fax)

Thank you

Page 16: THE MATHEMATICS TEAM - · MAT204 Key stage(s): 3 and 4 Presented by: Maureen Magee (Teacher Adviser) This course will look at current issues involved in the teaching

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press releasesarchitectural shotsbrochures and seminarslaunches and guest visitsfull professional photographicservice including digital

offset presses capable of producing over#� ��� images per hourfrom single to full colour documents

The central mailroom offers the followingfacilities:"

labellingcollationautomailing servicefirst second recorded or specialdelivery services available

CCaatthh WWaallmmsslleeyyon

��&&''''(( ((��((''((''for further information

one of the largest reprographicoperations in the North Westblack and white and full colourcopies up to A� sizelarge format black and white copiesup to AO sizeability to output documentselectronically by disc and e"mail forfurther time savings