Download - The Iron Man Project: Science Fiction for How Much Longer? Brandon Emerson March 25, 2013.


The Iron Man Project:Science Fiction for How Much Longer?

Brandon EmersonMarch 25, 2013

The Road Map

• Discuss aspects of modern body armor, and our plans for improvement.

• Review of jetpacks and discuss ways of personal flight.

• Sneak a peak at the Google Glass project and how it bridges the Sci-Fi / reality gap.

Body Armor Basics

• Made from synthetic fibers, ceramics, and polyethylene.

• Compartmentalized so specific “inserts” can be mixed and matched.

• Try to balance protection, mobility, and weight.

Armor of the Future

• New materials including steel fiber meshes and glass ceramics improve protection without increasing weight.

• Dragon Skin design: “fish scale” arrangement improves mobility without decreasing protection.

• Liquid armor possibilities might allow protection of limbs.

Early Jet Packs

• First packs were built by the Germans in World War II.

• Most early jet packs used hydrogen peroxide for fuel.

• Could only be flown for about thirty seconds.• Incredibly dangerous to operate.

Current Jet Pack Research

• Currently under development. Estimated to be a decade before extensive use.

• Intended for leisure sale, but has caught the eye of many emergency organizations.

• Capable of out performing earlier generation jet packs.

Google Glass

• The leading edge in heads up display technology.

• Has a number of announced features as well as more on the way.

• Planned to be available to consumers next year for $1,500 or less.

HUD Possibilities

• Allows for increased awareness of important information.

• Enables easy communication between team members for improved coordination.

• Video streaming combined with messaging allows for a specific person to be anywhere someone with the HUD is.

Putting it Together

The End

References available upon request*