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Page 1: The future is in their hands  illumination methods

Market Research in the

Mobile World 2010Dec 2010

Scott Dodgson

SKOPOS market [email protected]

The Future’s

in Their Hands:

Exploring the application

of qualitative & quantitative insightillumination methods

across the mobile platform

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& mobile for over 10 years

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Page 4: The future is in their hands  illumination methods

Market Research in the

Mobile World 2010Dec 2010

Scott Dodgson

SKOPOS market [email protected]



Research on Research

Extent of (Active)

Mobile Research

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SKOPOS findings concluded with

In 2000 & 2003

online ‘won’when we

comparedto SMS/WAP for One2One

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Meaning Research, 2009: Less than 1% of surveys conducted over mobile

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Be aware: over 80% at home/work

when on ‘mobile’ (so not on the move)

80% at home/work

Source: GlobalPark 09

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Market Research in the

Mobile World 2010Dec 2010

Scott Dodgson

SKOPOS market [email protected]

But is it

The Next Big Thing?

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We believe the market is ready...

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Source: Fly Research

Whenever, wherever, whatever

“When people leave home, they take 3 things with

them, their wallet, keys and mobile phone”Mobile


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Especially for the young(er) ones...

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Market Research in the

Mobile World 2010Dec 2010

Scott Dodgson

SKOPOS market [email protected]

Does Mobile

Research Matter

(if so little is being

done just yet)?

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Source: GlobalPark

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Source: Neilsen

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Surveys getting richer & better...

*Courtesy of Fly Research

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Market Research in the

Mobile World 2010Dec 2010

Scott Dodgson

SKOPOS market [email protected]

And it has a Multitude

of Options &


Many Methods

within the Method

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Short surveys

Quick polls

Ad hoc






Life Diaries

Access Panels

Bespoke Panels


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Quant: technical choices

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Qual: What are the options?

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Market Research in the

Mobile World 2010Dec 2010

Scott Dodgson

SKOPOS market [email protected]

The Drivers & Opportunities

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The 5 R’s that drive mobile

Audience (e.g. youth)

Topic (e.g. mobile)

Client (e.g. Vodafone)

95% txts arr in 10 secs

94% of txts are read

(v 25% email)

2 x mobiles as PC’s

No location restrictions

All ages

Incl hard to reach ‘youth’

Always with you

Un-fixed location






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To the audienceTo the topicTo the client

Mobile Networks, Mobile Media and Mobile Advertisers

so far more likely to request/use Mobile Research

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Local and Global

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Market Research in the

Mobile World 2010Dec 2010

Scott Dodgson

SKOPOS market [email protected]

The Obstacles,

Challenges &


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Unable to reach older, less ‘tech savvy’ respondents

Not as popular as online research (but great for short surveys)

Half a dozen questions is just about the limit in an SMS interview

Respondents may switch off sound, needs to be kept simple

Capabilities of handsets different (technical)

Screen small on many phones so seen as ‘fiddly’

Low awareness of message/data costs (concerns)

Source: GlobalPark 09

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Q. Will a survey regarding

health provision

for the over 60’s, including a

conjoint exercise, work over the mobile?

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What do I do?

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Why not take a mobile survey?

Source: GlobalPark 09

Costs key barrier so far(but reducing)

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Mobile Diary with Geo-Tracking

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It’s different !

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I have reservations over privacy, and moreover

robustness and reliability – but I can see potential –

indeed my concerns may be overcome once I have

more experience of this as a method for delivering

true insight (rather than just data).

Client Reservations: Maybe one day, but...

Paul Hardcastle, Insight ManagerYahoo! Europe

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1. Small Screens

2. Short Attention Spans

3. Lack of familiarity

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Market Research in the

Mobile World 2010Dec 2010

Scott Dodgson

SKOPOS market [email protected]

Maximising the

Effectiveness of the

“In The Moment”


Case Studies

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Ferry company CustSat

Shifted their CustSat

from face to face to SMS having observed

many passengers

‘playing’ with their

phones while in transit.

Saved money and also

provided customers with

instant relevant feedback mechanism,

that filled time.

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Source: Sparkler/Channel4

Text task/Questions

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Source: T-Mobile


Quick Poll

Closed and


Same pattern but higher ratings

Direct Action

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Every week Fly conducts an omnibus to its rapidly


Teen PanelYoung Professionals Panel

of 11-25 year olds with 1000 balanced responses


Notify Fly by Monday evening to include your questions.

Surveys are answered on Wednesday/Thursday with

results delivered on Friday!

No other omnibus responds so well and so rapidly…..but

then no other omnibus has the dual benefit of youth

and mobile phone technology creating a more

representative sample that can be achieved with on-line research….and more rapid response.


Every week Fly conducts an omnibus to its rapidly


Teen PanelYoung Professionals Panel

of 11-25 year olds with 1000 balanced responses


Notify Fly by Monday evening to include your questions.

Surveys are answered on Wednesday/Thursday with

results delivered on Friday!

No other omnibus responds so well and so rapidly…..but

then no other omnibus has the dual benefit of youth

and mobile phone technology creating a more

representative sample that can be achieved with on-line research….and more rapid response.

Q1000 Panel/Omnibus

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Market Research in the

Mobile World 2010Dec 2010

Scott Dodgson

SKOPOS market [email protected]

Mobile Web

Best for Inviting or

Intercepting Users of

Mobile Websites

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In the moment for mobile users/surfers

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In situ & on-site

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Market Research in the

Mobile World 2010Dec 2010

Scott Dodgson

SKOPOS market [email protected]

Mobile Apps

Deployed on selected

mobiles, can deliver

rich relevant

survey experiences

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Embedded or downloaded

java-apps can provide more

visual ‘animated’ surveys

for event-driven (activated)

or in the moment polls and


Mobile Apps

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Example App

Survey engines

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SKOPOS Case Study:

Network & Handset-Maker

Java survey-engine embedded

on phone during repair.

Self-Activated once phone used again delivering short

CustSat (Repair) Survey.

Survey kept short via derived importance, for instance.

Source: SKOPOS Market Insight

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DIY iPhone Apps

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News: iPhone App launches

Source: Research Live, May 2010

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iPhone communities

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Market Research in the

Mobile World 2010Dec 2010

Scott Dodgson

SKOPOS market [email protected]

Mobile Qual

Rich & Rewarding

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What are the options?

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Qual: Vox mobs


VoxPops over

the mobile

Panel RequiredWith correct tech

Source: HHBD

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Case Study: Skype Vox mobs

Source: SKOPOS Market Insight

Fast & rich insight.

Over a weekend mobile 5 min vox mobs

conducted regarding internet telephony.

Results analysed, edited and presented

to client following week.

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Qual: Life diaries

Source: Fly Research

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Source: Ipsos

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Source: OnePoint Surveys

Picture capture, whenever, wherever

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Source: GlobalParkPicture capture, whenever, wherever

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Market Research in the

Mobile World 2010Dec 2010

Scott Dodgson

SKOPOS market [email protected]

So What’s Next?

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What’s out there for mobile?

Full internet surveys

Location-Based Research

Richer & richer experiences

New methods…

Better devices and screens


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Full mobile web

Richer & Richer

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With older phones, switching to online was preferredWith iphones, staying mobile is preferred

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Location-Based Research

(detected and/or triangulated)

NB: Location-based Research (LBR) still difficult due to issues of

privacy (identifying respondent-location without their permission).

It is (more) possible, however, amongst opt-in/contracted

business/employee audiences.

Opt-in crucial here for consumers.

Opportunity: LBR

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Location detection AND tracking

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Multi-mode, more & more

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Automatic capture of data on the mobile – similar to cookies on PC/web

Passive Measuring

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Partner credits - thank you

HHB Dialogue -

Fly Research -

Broca Mobile -

Dialogue Mobile Marketing -

One Point Surveys -

Globalpark -


Meaning -

Kantar Media -

Mobile Research Conference 2009/2010 -

The following companies/events helped in the preparation of this session...

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Market Research in the

Mobile World 2010Dec 2010

Scott Dodgson

SKOPOS market [email protected]

Thank you

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Presented @ International conference on

Market Research in the Mobile World

2 & 3 Dec 2010, Berlin

For more information

Please visit: