Download - The Early April, 2012 edition of Warren County Report

  • 8/2/2019 The Early April, 2012 edition of Warren County Report



    Volume VII, Issue 7 Early April

    WarreCounty Rep

    20,000 Readers #1 Newspaper in Front Royal & Warren Coun

    Republican dust u

    what does it mean?9,

    Te rights deba

    Church-relatedvs. state

    Martiezgets a real



    Its a dog-gone shame



  • 8/2/2019 The Early April, 2012 edition of Warren County Report


    Page Warren County Report Early April, 01 Read all issues in their entirety FREE on www.WarrenCoun

    Community the amily still has some specic needs that will require additional unds. I your cnization or business would be willing to help please contact Carol Vorous, at (54ext.3107 or (540) 305-636 or additional inormation.

    Martiez gets a permanent heart on MarchRecovery going well but 14-year-olds battle just beginning

    By Roger BianchiniWarren County Report

    On uesday, March 7, 14-year-oldWarren County Middle School stu-dent Martiez Rowell-Bradshaw gotthe heart he has been waiting or.

    In early March we reported thatMartiez made history, becomingonly the second youth in the nation

    to receive an articial heart trans-plant. But the articial heart Martiezgot in Philadelphia, Pa. in Februarywas a stop-gap measure to keep therecipient going while a match or apermanent heart, a human heart,continued.

    On March 7 that heart was oundand Martiez, who had just recentlybeen moved out o Intensive Careollowing his rst transplant into hisown room, was headed back or hissecond major surgery in just over amonth.

    On March 7 we were alerted byamily riend and Ressie Jeries li-brarian assistant Carol Vorous that at

    6:30 a.m. Martiez was being prepped

    or the surgery that could not onlysave his lie, but give him a long andproductive one.

    His amily alerted Vorous that by6:30 p.m. that evening the surgerywas over and Martiez appeared to berecovering well.

    Tey nally got him back to theICU around two this morning. Justgot a text rom Kentia around 6 .. . shesaid everything went well the rest othe night. So ar so good, Voroustexted riends and the media.

    Our last update beore publicationcame on March 9. Vorous said Mar-itiezs mom, Kentia, contacted her theprevious day to say her sons recovery

    continued to progress normally and

    that his breathing tube was expectedto be removed on March 9.

    Vorous and other staers at bothRessie, where Martiez went to el-ementary school, and WCMS stawhere he is now a student, have beeninvolved in undraisers or the amily.Martiez is the oldest o six childrenand the travel, time o rom workand other hardships around beingwith their child as he has struggled tosurvive have put a nancial strain onthe amily.

    Vorous said ve undraisers have

    thus ar raised $4,000Te amily is very

    everything that has them, Vorous told u

    you or the love, suppthrough this very dicever, the amily still haneeds that will requunds.

    I you, your churchor business would be contact Carol Vorou684 ext..3107 or (or additional inorma

    Young Martiez Rowell-Brad-shaw has a new heart.

    Please join me at the

    United Ways Day o Con April 27, 2012!

    Call me or details about thhelping those in need and lfnd out more about United


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    Early April, 01 Warren County ReRead all issues in their entirety FREE on

  • 8/2/2019 The Early April, 2012 edition of Warren County Report


    Page 4 Warren County Report Early April, 01 Read all issues in their entirety FREE on www.WarrenCoun

    Communityo advertise in Warren County Report:Contact Alison at [email protected] 540-551-0or Angie Buterakos at [email protected] - 540-683-

    Front Royal doctor volunteers to help the poor in Hond

    By Malcolm BarrWarren County Report

    When Dr. JoAnna C. Salmon, M.D.(call me Anna), was nominated toleave town or awhile last all to helpadults and kids in Honduras withtheir health problems, she joined along list o doctors in the Valley whoparticipate in the national Shoulderto Shoulder program whose mottois: We exist to serve the poor.

    For Anna, one o the younger resi-dents at Front Royal Family Prac-

    tice, it was a journey she would beprepared to make again.

    Coincidentally, a couple o days a-ter meeting Dr. Salmon over dinnerat the Lucky Star Lounge on MainStreet, my attention was drawn toPresident Obamas nominee orpresident o the World Bank, Dr.Jim Yong Kim, M.D. Dr. Kim has,or many years, become amous orquietly delivering ree quality healthcare to some o the worlds poorestcountries, placing Anna Salmon inexcellent company. And in look-

    ing more closely, it turns out thatthe medical proession as a wholedoes quite a bit, pro bono, to allevi-

    ate suering throughout the TirdWorld.

    Our own Dr. Tomas Ball, a vet-eran volunteer or the WinchesterMedical Center Foundation, whichsponsors medical teams or theShoulder to Shoulder programin Honduras, Ecuador and anza-nia, recommended his new resi-dent physician, a recent graduateo Yale medical school, to go in hisplace last year. She did so, know-ing little about her surroundings atthe 4,000-oot level o the Hondu-ras/Salvador border but nding her

    knowledge o Spanish a pretty bighelp. Also, she was one o a groupo 1 ranging rom medical students

    to qualied physicians.It was a rst or Dr. Salmon, a

    change not only in the weather butalso in the makeup o her new pa-tients, many o them malnourishedchildren, some suering maladiesweve long since orgotten, such asworm inestation. Pregnant womenwalked three hours to the corrugat-ed shack-like clinic or treatments.Many o the adult population suerupper respiratory complications andseek medicine and treatment. Na-tives o the area pretty much live onwhat they grow. I they earn a wage,

    it may amount to notdollars a day. Anna so her patients were c

    Anna Salmon, a military brat, was but has roots in Virginow retired rom theand mother live in Gmother once was a and her sister is curin Harrisonburg. Anate o Nokesville Higcompleted her underat the University o Vclaims Virginia as heand was attracted toat Front Royal Family

    Dr. Salmon is led back to the Honduran clinic by local chil-

    dren after making a house call.


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    Free CD for those interestedVirginia Satsang Society, a Chartered Affiliate of Eckankar

  • 8/2/2019 The Early April, 2012 edition of Warren County Report


    Early April, 01 Warren County ReRead all issues in their entirety FREE on

    Te human lie debateWho is missing the point?

    Dear Editor:

    For two weeks in a row, your pub-lication has missed the whole pointo the Richmond tempest in a tea-pot that seems to have xated yourattention.

    You may or may not agree, but thereare a great many people (more thanhal the US according to surveys) andan overwhelming body o scienticevidence that support the positionthat lie begins at conception; that all

    lie is precious; and that it should notbe cavalierly snued or personalconvenience. It is precisely such acavalier attitude to human lie thatmade it possible or Hitler and Sta-lin and Chou en lai to dispose o

    millions o their inconvenient sub-jects.Planned Parenthood and the abor-

    tion industry would like us to believethat etuses are little more than tis-sue growths, and that it is entirely upto the woman and her right to priva-cy to determine what she does withthese inconveniences. Fortunately,there are a goodly number o pro

    lie ellow citizens (including Gov.McDonnell) who recognize that theseinnocent babies in the womb can notprotect themselves and that the statemust intervene to protect those whoare vulnerable and deenseless.

    Te ew hundred ladies who stageda ruckus in Richmond - allegedly toprotect their privacy rights - wereannoyed that the new law would re-quire ull disclosure o the type ogrowth that they choose to carveout. Ater 8 weeks o gestation, thatgrowth has a tiny head, failingarms and legs, and a beating heart.Dont you think that the state has aright to insist that a pregnant womanbe given ull disclosure in seeingthis tiny human being by means onon-invasive ultrasound imaging?Te state insists on ull disclosure ina great many transactions in order toprotect the aected parties. Shoulda womans choice to terminate thelie o her prospective child (and that

    childs right to lie) be subject to lessstringent disclosure requirementsthan that required or credit cardcash advances?

    Te real issue is not one o a wom-ans privacy or o invasive practic-es. Te issue is the termination o aliving inant (regardless o whether ornot that inant can survive indepen-dently) and the requirement that thewoman be made aware o the impactthat her choice would have on thatgrowth within her body. Many - inot most o us - believe that that tinyperson with head, arms, legs, and abeating heart is entitled to at leastthis very minimal degree o state in-tervention even i it may seem tobe an annoying invasion o privacy.

    Sincerely,George WoloshynLinden

    (Managing editors note: we are gladto hear rom our old letter writingriend are you still rifing otherpeoples trash to read and get riledup by our paper, George kidding,kidding. However, more seriously wedisagree that either we or the Capi-tal News Service in Richmond havemissed any point on these issues.Rather the CNS reporters have de-

    scribed relevant legisllic reactions to it, as wo both sides o the pthat legislation. Unadvocates who are with no inclination t

    an open mind such cowhat exactly denes the legal rights tied tmore than the advocapparently indicates ailure o some kind.

    We also asked Mrprovide links to supption that over hal o ttion supports the notbegins at conceptionoverwhelming body odence supports thatwell. He obliged andnot surveys, but ratphone survey o 1,0erenced on the pro-lwebsite to support concerning the suppo

    a majority o the U.Spopulation. Tat sumade ater its oundall interests in the cotained no urther con-its methods.

    Ater reviewing the body o scientic evidby Mr. Woloshyn 1a variety o scienticlink we ound that that human lie begtion. Rather they all ception as a key pdevelopment, that a crucial landmark aly neutral statement when human person

    One link to Te A

    lege o Pediatriciansport or Mr. Woloshygroups website notestion was created in 0cic agenda, stating, importance to the ouit is today) the sanctitrom conception to nathe importance o thmother-ather amilyunit in the rearing o c

    Attempting to acceprovided, we were wble virus contaminatioto open it.)

    WarrenCounty Report


    Virginia Press Association


    20,000 and growing

    Warren Countysleading newspaper

    122 W 14th Street, Box 20

    Front Royal, VA 22630

    Press releases should beemailed to:

    [email protected]

    Publisher & Editor-in-Chief:Daniel P. McDermott

    (540) 305-3000

    [email protected]

    Managing Editor and Reporter:Roger Bianchini(540) 635-4835

    [email protected]

    Copy Editor:Laura Biondi

    [email protected]

    Feature WriterCarol Ballard

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    National & Agency Advertising:Dan McDermott

    (540) 305-3000

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    Advertising Sales Representatives:

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    Angie Buterakos

    (540) 683-9197

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    Billing Coordinator:Pam Cole

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    Graphic Design:Production Manager - Jeff Richmond

    Photography/Ad Design - Rob Shultz

    [email protected]

    Contributors:Malcolm Barr Sr.

    Ryan Koch, Cartoonist ExtraordinaireTony Elar, Cartoonist ExtraordinaireKevin S. Engle, Humor Columnist

    Leslie Fiddler, Writer

    If you are interested in contributing

    articles to our paper, please e-mail:

    [email protected]

    This publication is proudly

    printed on 100% recycled paper

    with soy-based ink.

    Letto advertise in Warren County Report:Contact Alison at [email protected] 540-551-07or Angie Buterakos at [email protected] - 540-683-9197


    Easter Mysteries RevealedBy Nick Tomas

    As a child, I couldnt understandwhy Easter never ell at the sametime o the year like Tanksgiv-

    ing, Christmas, or Squirrel Appre-ciation Day (Jan 1st, in case youwant to store some nuts or next

    year).On top o that, there was all the

    hype about eggs and rabbits. Rab-bits! Was that why Easter hoppedall over the spring calendar rom

    year to year?Teres an old story that also il-

    lustrates the mystery o Easter:A Sunday School teacher asked

    her class i they knew the originso Easter.

    Its opening day or the Yankeesand Giants, said one boy.

    No, said a girl, Its when we getnice new clothes and go nd theeggs rom the Easter Bunny.

    Added another boy, No, youreboth wrong. Ater Jesus died onthe cross, some o his riends bur-ied him in a tomb they called asepulcher. And three days later Je-sus arose and opened the door othe tomb and stepped out.

    Yes, yes, said the teacher, Goon, go on!

    And i he sees his shadow, addedthe boy, well have six more weekso bad weather.

    Had I heard that tale as a child, itwould have only added to my Eas-ter conusion because I probablywould have believed it. I was quitegullible.

    I can still remember, one year,

    some kid telling me that duringLent the period leading up toEaster we were morally obligedto lend money to riends whoasked or it. So when the kid asked,I lent.

    But as I later learned, i you ne-glected to ask or your money backbeore Easter Sunday, you lost it.

    I lost it.My parents didnt adequately

    answer all my Easter questions,either. Tey told me it ell on di-erent days because it was the rst

    Sunday ater the Paschal ull moonollowing the northern hemi-spheres vernal equinox. o a 7-

    year-old, I naturally thought theywere pulling a ast one, in order to

    avoid buying any Easter goodiesor me.

    As or the rabbits, their asso-ciation with Easter was a mysterybecause I thought they had no re-ligious signicance. Ater all, thebible makes no mention o rab-bits being used or burnt oferings;theres no reerence to the PassoverBunny; and multitudes arent edwith ve loaves and two hares.

    But Easter became more under-standable as I grew older. I learnedthat the Easter bunny pre-datesChristian times and was part ospring estivals held by ancientcivilizations to honor pagan gods.And since rabbits were known ortheir prodigious reproduction,they were natural symbols o re-birth and new lie.

    Te other bizarre Easter conceptI wrestled with in my youth wasthe connection between rabbitsand eggs. Rabbits dont lay eggs,no matter how much you encour-age them. Reptiles (and birds) do,but my idea o an Easter geckowas never greeted enthusiasticallywhenever I suggested it.

    Te rabbit-egg association is alsoan old one, dating back to Europecenturies ago. It seems Germanchildren believed that a magical,generous rabbit laid eggs in thegrass, and that these were ree orthe taking.

    Along these lines, whats ree orthe taking today and how did itget there?

    (We welcome Nick Tomass humorcolumn Along Tese Lines to WC

    Report. Tomas has written fea-tures for over 150 magazines andnewspapers, including the Wash-ington Post, Chicago ribune, Bos-ton Globe, San Francisco Chronicle,and Christian Science Monitor. His

    syndicated column is found in over70 papers across the country.)

  • 8/2/2019 The Early April, 2012 edition of Warren County Report


    Page 6 Warren County Report Early April, 01 Read all issues in their entirety FREE on www.WarrenCoun

    By Roger BianchiniWarren County Report

    On March , Front Royal PoliceChie and Lodge 33 Fraternal Ordero Police President Richard Furr pre-sented checks totaling $7,000 romthe FOP to representatives o sev-eral schools and aliated churchesor programs aiding the amilies andchildren o this community.

    Tese donations illustrate our o-cus on community and law enorce-ment. It is about our core values itsall about the kids and their amilies

    in these tough economic times, Furrsaid at the presentation.

    In a press release he added, Temembers o the Front Royal/War-ren County Fraternal Order o Po-lice, Lodge 33 are keenly aware o thehuge impact the current economyhas had on our local amilies, and es-pecially their children. Our memberssee rsthand in their day to day du-ties what our amilies and their chil-dren are doing to survive. Many chil-dren are going without ood on daysthat schools are not in session andsome are unable to purchase needed

    school supplies or their classes. ohelp our local organizations assistthose that are in need, the members

    o the Fraternal Order o Police havedecided to make $7,000 in nancialcontributions to the ollowing:

    Skyline High School Indi-gent Fund $1,500

    Warren County MiddleSchool Weekend Fuel Program$1,500

    Calvary Episcopal Church/ Ressie Jeries ES Backpack Bud-dies Program $1,500

    Front Royal PresbyterianChurch / E. W. Morrison ES Back-pack Buddies Program $1,500

    C-Cap o Front Royal /Warren County $1,000

    Tese donations are possible onlythrough the generous support o thecommunity during Fraternal Order

    o Police und-raisers like the up-coming Spring FOP Carnival, which

    will be held this year the FRVFD Carnival LCrosby Stadium in Fr

    FOP press release statWay to go FOP!

    Communityo advertise in Warren County Report:Contact Alison at [email protected] 540-551-0or Angie Buterakos at [email protected] - 540-683-

    WarrenCounty Report

    Angie ButerakosAdvertising SalesCell: (540) 683-9197

    [email protected]

    WarrenCounty Report

    Alison DuvallAdvertising SalesCell: (540) 551-2072

    [email protected]

    FOP donates $7k to school-church assistance progr

    FOP Lodge 33 President Richard Furr presents $7,000 indonations to programs to aid school children and theirfamilies on March 22 at Skyline High School. From left, Me-lissa Hipple and Addie Jones of WCMS Weekend Fuel pro-gram, Skyline Principal Andrew Keller, Calvary EpiscopalsNina Berran, FOP President and FRPD Chief Richard Furr,C-CAPs George Rutter and WCMS Weekend Fuels PattyHite.

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    Limit: 50 participants

  • 8/2/2019 The Early April, 2012 edition of Warren County Report


    Early April, 01 Warren County ReRead all issues in their entirety FREE on

    By Roger BianchiniWarren County Report

    Te Humane Society o WarrenCounty is attempting to raise undsor emergency treatment and rehabto repair leg injuries to two dogsbrought in recently and nd thesedarlings homes.

    We are hoping to raise public sup-port and unds to help x both othem, HSWC Kennel eam Coordi-nator Marcy M. Gallo wrote us. Oneo the dogs, Miley, is a 4-1/ monthold Chihuahua-pug mix who ell o abed and ractured her ront leg. Herowners could not aord the care sheneeded and so she was surrendered

    to the shelter. Te racture is so se-vere that she will need to have her legamputated.

    Olive is our other poor girl whohas a broken hip. She is a 5-month-

    old hound-pit mix who was hit by acar and brought to us by animal con-trol. She was never reclaimed and isnow waiting or a hip surgery. As you

    know our unds are very tight so weneed to raise the unds to save boththese girls. Initial estimates or theirtreatment is about $500 or eachdog.

    Initially it was thought both dogswould need surgery requiring about$,000. However, additional exams

    led to the opinion Miley and Olivecould be treated without surgery.

    Miley and Olive are exceptionalcases because they are both very

    young and have wonderul personali-

    ties. Both will be available or adop-tion or the special someone who iswilling to adopt them and ensure that

    they get the continued care that theywill need. Both girls are looking atabout 6 weeks o recover y time, Gal-lo told us. Warren County Vet Clinicis working with the Humane Societyto get both Miley and Olive the care

    they need. Anyone thdonate can do so throuat www.humanesocie, mail a check tSociety o Warren Progress Drive, Frontcome by the Wagnerabove address in persoMiley and Olive while

    Animal wo

    Engles Angle: Ask and you shall Receive. So

    By Kevin S. Engle

    Warren County Report

    What do the following have incommon? Income taxes, MarchMadness, Facebook, the NFLBounty system and Welfare re-form? How about Oreo cook-ies, the sinking of the Titanic,our mild winter and falling out

    of your chair?When people know you write

    a column, some are more thanhappy to tell you what your nextone should be about. Takingthe offensive, I polled some ofmy readers and asked them, Ifyou were writ ing my next arti-cle, what would i t be about?

    Heres what they said, minusal l of the obscenities.

    MW was thinking about thetime of year. Why dont youwrite about the taxman?

    Wasnt there a Beatles songwith that word in i t? What wasthe name of i t?

    MW The Taxman.Oh.MW Or March Madness.

    Thats timely.CD was thinking the same

    thing. How about March Mad-ness? Tha ts appropriate.

    I see a theme developinghere.

    LS always has plenty of sug-gestions for me, whether I wantthem or not. Unfortunat ely, di-arrhea is the one that comes up just about every time.

    I think LS has some issues, di-gestive and otherwise.

    LS Write about Facebookand how people are always ly-ing about themselves. Like theguy with four kids that he forgotto tel l you about, and the fi fththat hes paying child supportfor. Oh yeah, and hes unem-

    ployed too.I was sensing some hostility.

    Hosti l i ty and digestive issues.Not a good combination.

    LS Or how about thosefootbal l players who were get-ting paid to hurt guys on otherteams.

    More hostility.You mean the bounty sys-

    tem?LS Yeah. Or Welfare Re-

    form?I gr imaced at that one, al-

    though I played alowant any of LSs rected toward me.

    MT also mentioMadness. And all the things thayears old this year?cookie, the Cherry BD.C., LL Bean and of the Titanic. Or o

    ter, and how that mstink bugs.

    My blood pressuwith that one.

    JG wanted me to what happened to hweek. It was funnythe whole thing. Wtraining class. Fiftein, the poor guys lbroke, and then his And then the seaBefore he knew it, the floor. And he dthing.

    I think he was sleeThe chair was a to

    he escaped unscathes been talking tney.

    Ok readers, you asEvery year, when

    around, people staabout taxes. It dr ivePersonally, it makeI get diarrhea. Anlast week, althouglike about a hundredI was dunking my Oin milk and orderinLL Bean. I was ca friends Facebooeverybody was talkfunny video they sSome guy was at wing. The next thingwas on the floor aftbroke. I hear hes mor has it the compa hit on him. A b

    now, hes sittin atlecting Disabi l i ty anto go on welfare. Ththat system.

    That should shutup, I mean, make th

    I doubt i t.

    The author likes M

    ness and Oreo codoes not l ike incomdiarrhea.


    o advertise in Warren County Report:Contact Alison at [email protected] 540-551-07or Angie Buterakos at [email protected] - 540-683-9197

    wo more dogs in need o home, medical care at Wagner Sh



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  • 8/2/2019 The Early April, 2012 edition of Warren County Report


    Page 8 Warren County Report Early April, 01 Read all issues in their entirety FREE on www.WarrenCoun

    Animal worldo advertise in Warren County Report:Contact Alison at [email protected] 540-551-0or Angie Buterakos at [email protected] - 540-683-

    Pixie one down, one to go after yard sale fund

    Organizers called the Pixie yard sale in the Petco parking lot on March 17, derful success, with $1,069 collected. Pixies rst surgery to repair birth to her back leg sockets was on March 20. The second surgery will be scafter she heals from the rst one GO PIXIE!!! Among those appearing fwere Last Chance Road Dogs Layla, the German Shepherd, and Tessie,in cage. Unsold at the sale was a 2-horse trailer - for info call Last ChancDogs rescue at (540) 671-0053 - a portion of the sale price will go to PiWagner Shelter and the Full Moon Wolf Dog Sanctuary.

    Reincarnation at the Front Royal Animal SheVet proposes trap/neuter/release program to control cat population

    By Malcolm Barr Sr.Warren County Report

    Calling successes at the Julia Wag-ner Animal Shelter since last Aprila reincarnation, Humane Societyo Warren County president DeniseEastham looks orward to reachingthe next level during the comingyear.

    Meanwhile, writing in Shelterails, the HSWC executive direc-tor Lavenda Denney re-ported a 54percent increase in the adoption rate

    at the shelter, and a new sponsorshippro-gram that may lead to a less ex-pensive and an easier adoption pro-cess.

    Eastham included this, plus whatshe called stabilization o sta orboth cat and dog teams and surviv-ing our short term nancial needs,among goals accomplished in 011.Apart rom a $5,000 grant rom theWarren County Board o Supervi-sors, a December public appeal net-ted $15,000.

    Due solely to the giving spirit othe community. the (HSWC) wasable to end the year without an im-mediate decit, Denney wrote.

    In 01, we will continue to move

    orward the development o newstandard (operating) procedures, anew oster program, some excitingnew und raisers, and much needed

    acility repairs rom the (shelter)ventilation systems to the fooring.

    Te sponsorship program whichemerged as adoption ees were low-ered was partially responsible orthe increased adoption rate. Denneysaid volunteers, sta and supporterscame orward to sponsor an adopt-able pet by paying (between $45 and$100) or a specic pets spaying orneutering. Anyone or any organiza-tion interested in sponsoring an in-dividual animal should contact theshelter by calling (540) 635-4734.Adoptable pets may be seen on

    HSWC Supervisory VeterinarianDr. Sue Hirsch advocated the start

    o a trap/neuter/release program in

    Warren County or cats. Every e-male trapped and spayed now willreduce the number o kittens to behandled by animal control this sum-mer by at least two, she said, with-out expanding on plans or such aprogram.

    She added: As a society, we havethe ability and the obligation to meetthe moral challenge o reducing thenumber o needless cat deaths andeach individual can make a dier-ence.

    Feral cats have been a problemin the county or some years, withnumbers increasing exponentially.According to statistics provided byDr. Hirsch, over 1 years, one eral

    e-male cat, with all her emale o-

    spring, can be expectover 3,00 kittens!

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  • 8/2/2019 The Early April, 2012 edition of Warren County Report


    Early April, 01 Warren County ReRead all issues in their entirety FREE on

    Political storm stMcHugh described the makeup o the majority voting block brought to the March15 mass meeting as a combination o constitutional conservatives, Ron Paul peo-ple and hard-core, pro-lie Catholics.

    A new U.S. civil war - rst the party, then the natiHard-line ideologues battle for control of local Republican Committee

    By Roger BianchiniWarren County Report

    Escalating rhetoric by local Republi-cans in the wake o a sometimes con-tentious March 15 Warren CountyRepublican Committee Mass Meet-ing may be the tip o a much largerpolitical iceberg.

    Tat iceberg in the minds o some

    current and past local RepublicanCommittee members and ocers isan attempt to pack not only the 6thCongressional District and state Re-publican Conventions, but ultimate-

    ly the National Republican Conven-tion with supporters o libertarianRepublican presidential candidateRon Paul.

    I think this may have been part oa larger statewide, even national e-ort to control local committees sothey can control the appointmento delegates to uture conventions,Front Royal mayoral candidate im

    Ratigan said on March 19.Asked who they were, Ratigan re-plied, Te Paul people.

    Despite his own past ties to theea Party, Ratigan initially reacted

    negatively to the new voting blocksappearance at the local Republicanorganizational meeting, question-ing whether ideological libertariansare actually Republicans or moreaccurately deacto members o theLibertarian Party. However, he latersotened that stance.

    I you go to you will

    arrive at the ocial national Liber-tarian Website. So there is a Liber-tarian Party. However due to thenumber diering views present intheir group I, ater much thought onthis matter, do not truly eel that theLibertarian Party was trying to takeover the Republican Party. I do be-lieve that there are members o the

    Republican Party thawith current leadershnational and state levelican Party.

    I do believe the biggand national convenunortunate some tak like im (Ratigan) ing to leave the commormer committee ctime Republican activerick, said.

    Outgoing Warren Clican Committee CHenderson agreed ththe March 15 move ocommittee ocers mgoals beyond county politics.

    Basically this incidbe part o a national

    Mike McHugh and town council candidate Manuel Vicen-te, right, following March 23, HLI-organized demonstrationagainst birth control portions of federal health care act.McHugh says Vicente helped assemble the majority blockfor March 15 Republican Committee meeting. Vicente isnttalking.

    Mass meeting block organizer Mike McHugh tries to cor-ner former county Republican Committee chair (08) andRomney and Goodlatte supporter Tony Elar into a changeof heart toward 6th District Republican challenger KarenKwiatkowski. As for McHughs Republican presidentialrace preference, he told us, Anybody but Romney.

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  • 8/2/2019 The Early April, 2012 edition of Warren County Report


    Page 10 Warren County Report Early April, 01 Read all issues in their entirety FREE on www.WarrenCoun

    Political storm storyBasically this incident appears to be part o a national movement o Paul people to try and tcommittees across the state. Teyve got it in their brains i they take over local units they cgets to the state convention, then the national convention. outgoing committee chair Dav

    Paul people to try and take over localcommittees across the state. Teyvegot it in their brains i they take overlocal units they can aect who getsto the state convention, then the na-tional convention. Tey have beensuccessul in some local committees but not ours, Henderson said.

    Noting an ongoing controversyabout nominating rules or the massmeeting and a consequent inabilityto elect either a chair or vice chair onMarch 15, Henderson added, Myear is, i they lose will they go awayVERY angry and is that a dangerto us.

    Coalition o concerns

    One leader o the approximate 55-person voting block (o 103 signedin) that tried to elect new local Re-publican ocers on March 15 isMike McHugh. McHugh, a Baptistpastor, is a long time pro-lie andguns right activist.

    McHugh described the makeup othe majority voting block broughtto the March 15 mass meeting asa combination o constitutionalconservatives, Ron Paul people andhard-core, pro-lie Catholics.

    Te act is that Dennis [Fusaro]and I and Manuel Vicente the

    three o us put people in the room. Itwas that coalition o concern aboutGoodlatte, McHugh said o long-time Republican 6th U.S. Congres-sional District representative Bob

    Goodlatte (Warren County is beingredistricted out o Frank Wols 10thand into Goodlattes 6th District).

    Fusaro was elected acting chairmano the mass meeting. He was an un-

    successul candidate County Board o Supe003. Fusaro conrmnational eld coordiPaul in 008 Im av

    Shake or put your dukes up - even though we tried to getthem to take the latter pose, Mike McHugh and Tim Ratiganplay nice following March 23 anti-HHS health care mandatedemonstration on the county courthouse lawn organizedby Human Life International.

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  • 8/2/2019 The Early April, 2012 edition of Warren County Report


    Early April, 01 Warren County RepRead all issues in their entirety FREE on

    Political storm stTe act is that Dennis [Fusaro] and I and Manuel Vicente the three o us put people in theroom. It was that coalition o concern about (Republican 6th U.S. Congressional District repre-sentative Bob) Goodlatte. Mike McHugh on organization o mass meeting voting block

    I think hes a good man, he told us.However, he added he hasnt workeddirectly with the Paul campaign inrecent years, instead doing nationaleld survey work.

    I spent almost a year in Iowa awhile

    back, he noted. Online we ound adetailed survey Fusaro released inJanuary 011 comparing the relativestrengths, name recognition and po-

    tentials o all Republican presidentialcandidates initially in the eld.

    Fusaro agreed with McHughs de-scription o the makeup o the massmeeting majority block and his andVicentes roles in assembling it. He

    said his involvement stemmed romawareness there were concerns aboutrules and policies being orwardedby the local committee.

    What happens locally impacts thestructure and agenda o the party atthe state level, Fusaro observed. Headded he thought there were threetracks o concern o the majorityblock at the mass meeting: 1/ 6th

    District representation; / Ron Paulsupport; and 3/ issues at the locallevel.

    I came because o these concerns.Someone said, will you be actingchairman, and I said, ne, okay, Illdo it Ill be air. I wanted to be adelegate at the 6th District conven-tion. I wasnt mad at anybody. Fu-saro acknowledged the rules disputethat prevented completion o thebusiness o the meeting, leading toMcHughs appeal o adjournment othe mass meeting (see related story).

    Te third block organizer, ManuelVicente, is employed in the admis-

    sions department at Seton HomeSchool, whose director Mary KayClark is the outgoing RepublicanCommittee secretary. Vicente is alsoa rst-time candidate or local oce,on the ballot or the May Front Royal

    own Council election. He did notrespond to e-mail or phone messag-es about the mass meeting, his roleor perceptions o it.

    Vicente has not previously beenactive in local politics. NeitherMcHugh nor Fusaro has been activelocally in recent years.

    On March 15 that changed sorto.

    I mean Dom Repici, he and SteveKurtz have done a ne job or thelocal stu but thats peanuts,McHugh says o recent commit-tee vice chair Repici and commit-tee member Kurtz. Te dierence

    between constitutiotive Republicans andRepublicans is this Republicans view thmembership as a prview it as an act o ser

    Republicans that canmeeting.

    Te good ght Go

    Ater returning toMcHugh served asCounty RepublicanSouth River Magisterin 00, 004 and 00mittee vice chairman

    McHugh told us hthe Warren County Recutive committee because o the infuetee chair has in setti

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  • 8/2/2019 The Early April, 2012 edition of Warren County Report


    Page 1 Warren County Report Early April, 01 Read all issues in their entirety FREE on www.WarrenCoun

    Political storm storyTe Grand Old Party does not have a leader. Tey have had our yealeader to deeat Obama and they have done nothing. long-time counlican Prudence Mathews

    das and the general direction o thecommittee.

    Shortly ater appearing at theMarch 3, Human Lie Interna-tional-organized, pro-lie rally chal-lenging the birth-control aspect

    President Obamas aordable healthcare act, McHugh reiterated thathis immediate target in seeking thechairmanship o the Warren CountyRepublican Committee is a Repub-lican Primary challenge o 6th Dis-trict U.S. Rep. Bob Goodlatte. Inact, McHugh was busy introducingGoodlatte challenger Karen Kwi-atkowski to the pro-lie rally crowd

    ater the event.McHugh eels that Goodlatte has

    been entrenched in his seat too longand consequently has become toosot a conservative presence in Con-gress. While Goodlatte sta and his

    website deny that Goodlatte is soton Obama-care or other conserva-tive issues, McHugh called Goodlattea supporter o President Obamasaordable health care mandates be-cause he has voted to approve bud-gets o which unding it has been apart. Kwiatkowski calls Goodlatte aRINO (Republican In Name Only).

    And i Goodlatte hears ootstepsbehind him, including at the March9 Republican Reagan Day Dinnerin Warren County, it may be becauseMcHugh takes his activism seriously.While living in Vermont in the 1980sand 1990s, McHugh told us he was jailed with a group o pro-lie pro-testers attempting to challenge thelegality o state abortion laws. As

    we interviewed him or this story,McHugh reveled in recalling thatperiod o personal activism on thestreets, as well as the in the court-rooms and jails o Vermont.

    arget ampa?

    However, the importance o localdelegate selection across the coun-try could become an issue beyondboth district and state conventions.Te importance o which candidatea majority o state delegates to thenational convention actually supportcould become HUGE i, as it appearsnow, no Republican candidate, eventhe ront-running Mitt Romney, willhave the 1,144 delegates necessaryor a rst ballot nomination in am-pa this August. Should no one gainthe nomination on the rst ballot,all state delegates would then be re-

    leased rom obligation to candidatesbased on state party primary or cau-cus results.

    And then the un begins or Paulor any Republican presidential can-didate i their supporters have

    been placed in signicant numberson state delegations and are no lon-ger committed to repeat their rstballot votes.

    But McHugh pooh-poohs the no-tion that the eort to gain control othe chairmanship o the county Re-publican executive committee waspart o a larger eort to swing dele-gate selections that could eventuallyreach the August National Republi-can Convention in support o Paul.

    Who does he support or the Re-publican presidential nomination?

    Anybody but Romney, McHughtold us.

    However, he did admit to getting acall rom a state Paul rep rom Vir-ginia Beach ater the mass meeting

    and subsequent press or political re-ports about it.

    Pauls not going to win but RandPaul in 016, keep your eye on that,McHugh said o Ron Pauls son andcurrent rst-term, U.S. senator romKentucky.

    Vacuum at the top

    Te Grand Old Party does nothave a leader. Tey have had our years to get a leader to deeatObama and they have done noth-ing, long-time county RepublicanPrudence Mathews said in re-sponse to a question about whatthe local mass-meeting events oMarch 15 might mean. She addedthat the vacuum at the top is likelyseeping down, creating situationslike the March 15 mass meetinghere.

    I dont have a problem with peopleorwarding their own candidate tobeat Obama but ghting amongourselves, and that is whats happen-ing, does not help, outgoing com-mittee Chairman Henderson said.

    Ater over six months o campaign-ing and the spending o record-set-ting amounts o money in advertis-ing much o it negative or statedelegates across the country, theRepublican Party appears increas-ingly divided. Its 01 presidentialprimary process has let:

    an unpopular ront runnerwith a serious case o oot-in-mouth disease, Mitt Romney;

    a seemingly endless supplyo favor-o-the-day challengers,rom Sarah Palin (who once againquit early as she did as governoro Alaska to avoid media scrutiny or to her mind, persecution);Michelle Bachman (an anti-ederal involvement candidate

    whose amily arm is supportedin part by ederal subsidies);Newt Gingrich (dont do as I do,do as I say when it comes to per-sonal morality); Rick Santorum(a religious, social agenda zealotwho thinks blahhh people area drain on society); and evena token blahhh, I mean black

    challenger, pizz a-mHerman Caine, thmix (just to provarent at all racialtheir ervent persor devotion to un

    Obama); and then thelder, the ever-lurpresence who haanywhere but just

    Buoyed by post-Ciunlimited (and otenancial support, Roming challengers Pand Gingrich havedrop out, possibly cpersonal and politicright up to the Auguspublican Convention

    In act, the day be3, HLI pro-lie/antmandate rally in Frontional news media wSantorum saying he

    have Obama re-electney gaining the presweek later Santorumsaying he would accepidency on a Romney t

    And you thought NCAA Division I Banament was un



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  • 8/2/2019 The Early April, 2012 edition of Warren County Report


    Early April, 01 Warren County RepRead all issues in their entirety FREE on

    Political storm sto advertise in Warren County Report:Contact Alison at [email protected] 540-551-07or Angie Buterakos at [email protected] - 540-683-9197

    Republican Committee rules dispute goes to sWill chair be selected by membership only or another mass-meeting bloc

    By Roger BianchiniWarren County Report

    Whether it was motivated by state,ederal or local politics or somecombination thereo a dispute overrules, nominations and who will leadand infuence agendas or the War-ren County Republican Committeeor the next two years remains unre-solved.

    Despite allegations by some com-mittee members that the end gameor a majority block o apparent non-committee members was the namingo delegates to the state and ultimate-ly the national Republican Conven-tions, one organizer o that block,Mike McHugh, said the ocus was on

    gaining the committee chairmanshipwith an eye toward the coming Re-publican U.S. 6th District conventionand a challenge o long-time conser-

    vative incumbent Bob Goodlatte (seerelated story).

    Te McHugh block brought an ap-parent 55-47 majority to the massmeeting. Tat was the margin o vic-tory or Dennis Fusaro over commit-tee member and county Common-wealths Attorney Brian Madden toassume the role o acting chairmanto conduct the March 15 mass me et-

    ing.However the attempt to elect a

    chairman, as well as vice chair, andpropel any uture committee pro-cesses, agendas or rules stalled aterthat.

    While two executive committeemembers were elected reasurerrish Anderson was re-elected andormer executive committee memberSusan Conway was elected secretary(though she reportedly declined theposition beore the meetings conclu-sion) no chair, vice chair or magis-terial district chairs were elected.

    Rules set orth in the call or theMarch 15 mass meeting by thenChairman Dave Henderson were thatexecutive committee nominations

    had to be pre-led. Only one candi-date was pre-led or nomination tothe chairmanship being vacated re-cent Vice-Chairman Dom Repici.

    I wasnt aware o it in time,McHugh told us o the pre-lingqualication or the mass meeting.At issue or McHugh is that the nom-ination rules set by the chair or themass meeting confict with the com-mittee bylaws, which allow nomina-tions rom the foor.

    We had to deal with the illegalcall [to the mass meeting]. I youve

    been to the website the bylaws saynominations rom the foor may notbe barred. And the call said nomina-tions rom the foor will be barred.I didnt nd out till it was too late,McHugh said o the altered rule orthe mass meeting.

    As the dispute over call rules allow-ing only pre-led nominations devel-oped, Fusaro said, Some wanted to

    vote the only pre-led chair nomina-tion down and they realized they hadthe votes to do it.

    Ater it was apparent an impassehad been reached, the mass meetingwas adjourned.

    Fusaro said at issue is whether amass meeting that has ailed to ac-complish what is it was called to ac-

    complish election o all executivecommittee members and magisterialdistrict representatives can be ad-

    journed. However, he agreed the ini-tial decision on urther nominationsand ocer elections will come romthe existing executive committee. Atthis point that is the most recent pastchairman, Dave Henderson and theonly other elected ocer, reasurerrish Anderson.

    But McHugh says he believes thateven i his appeal is rejected, thosewith him can block the necessary

    /3s majority needed to elect ocersat a regular meeting. We were toldabout 45 people registered and paiddues to become committee memberson March 15. Tough new memberscan be approved at any meeting, newmembers cannot vote until the meet-ing ater they join the committee.

    All we need is one third to block itbecause the party plan requires twothirds but that is i the RPV rulesin their avor. Te RPV should rule inour avor because it was a clear viola-tion in the call, McHugh said. Andthe key question I was asked was did

    you do anything to try to deal withthe illegal call. And I said yea, wetried to susp end the rules.

    For McHugh it is the chairmans

    seat that is crucial. Committee chair-men traditionally wield signicantinfuence, setting rules or specic

    meetings and bringingdas or the committeeto ocus on, he told us

    Name o the game

    I some, like RatigaMarch 15 mass meetwas out o line, otherpolitical business as u

    Te GOP has a procandidates try to getpart o the process anmon, ormer command long-time RepuMatt ederick said. Irather subdued comIve seen no one wasI thought it was pro

    granted when a majthe minority gets upsaid.

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  • 8/2/2019 The Early April, 2012 edition of Warren County Report


    Page 14 Warren County Report Early April, 01 Read all issues in their entirety FREE on www.WarrenCoun

    OP BOXES Opinion

    Countyo advertise in Warren County Report:Contact Alison at [email protected] 540-551-0or Angie Buterakos at [email protected] - 540-683-

    County will borrow rom itsel to balance budSupervisors move toward salary increases without a tax hikeBy Roger BianchiniWarren County Report

    Following a joint Special Meetingwith the school board the morn-ing o March 7 to discuss budgetissues, the Warren County Boardo Supervisors appeared to estab-lish a consensus to accommodatetwo unding requests to enablethe public school system to be in-cluded in a countywide employeepay upgrade.A -percent pay increase ater

    several years o no cost-o-livingor step increases is seen as nec-essary to keep not only county

    employee morale up, but to keepemployees in the county, particu-larly in the public school systemas other localities seem poised toimprove pay scales that have beenfoundering in both a down econ-omy and conservative unding en-vironment at the state level.

    School Finance Director RobBallentine told the supervisorscounty public schools are seeinga $1,789,31 reduction in ederal

    unding. However, he added thatrevenue loss is being oset some-what by a downgrade in the coun-tys Composite Index ranking thathelps determine state undinglevels or all public school systems ranking goes down, undinggoes up I guess were not as col-lectively rich as we used to be.Te proposed budget increas-

    es or the school system total$,783,631 but will be oset inpart by returning a $38,47surplus rom public schools FY011-1 budget. O the request toincrease last years local schoolsappropriation o $19,717,546 by

    $,558,571: $1,778,31 will cover

    state-implemented increasesto Virginia Retirement System(VRS) rates. O that amount,$30,63 will cover compensa-tion to employees or a changerequiring employees to pay a 5-percent hike in employee ben-et shares;

    $69,768 to cover the -percent salary hike.

    Ballentine noted the county hasthe option o covering the 5-per-cent VRS increase in one year orspread it out by one-percent an-nually or ve years. Te rst op-tion, while costing more in theshort-term, will actually save thecounty money over the long haul.In act, doing some quick calcu-lating North River SupervisorDan Murray estimated an $18,000annual loss in the rst year o the year-by-year option. And Mur-ray later told us, that gure wouldlikely go higher annually in muchthe manner interest compoundsas it was impacted by the higher

    salaries; and as County FinanceDirector Carolyn Stimmel point-ed out, likely continuing increasesin VRS rates.In later discussion ater school

    ocials let the meeting it ap-peared the board preerred to gowith a rst-year, one-percent hikewith the possibility o doing theremaining our-percent next yearin a better county revenue situa-tion.

    However it is accomplished,the increased appropriation toschools, as well as to the countysown budget hike or sta increas-es will be accomplished without adiscussed one or two-cent countytax hike (1 cent = about $350,000).Rather, the county will borrowaround $ million rom its Gen-eral Fund, with the hope o payingitsel back next year with the helpo an anticipated revenue increaseo $1.6 million rom the Domin-ion-VEPCO gas-red power plantplanned to begin construction thisyear on the countys northside.

    Future revenues

    ony Carter expressed reserva-tions about depending on antici-pated revenues beore we get it.He noted that had north corridor

    revenues anticipatecountys commitmetal improvement prcluded the two highCrosby and public through, a 17-cent thave been needed topense.However, the act

    dor revenues did ccoupled with the minvested by Dominithe degree o prework already undeminions power plaease Carter and the sors minds.

    While borrowing Fund reserve undeo the total county downgrade o the clent bond rating impinterest rates, it app Member SIPC

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  • 8/2/2019 The Early April, 2012 edition of Warren County Report


    Early April, 01 Warren County RepRead all issues in their entirety FREE on

    year turnaround to replenish theund to the necessary level shouldnot result in any downgrade.Addressing the issue, County

    Administrator Doug Stanley saida worst case scenario taking

    percent out o the General Fundreserve to balance the FY 01-13budget would leave $10,738,549in the General Fund reserve, or1.17 percent o the proposed an-nual budget. Stanley said thosenumbers could be impacted posi-tively by additional revenues orreduced expenditures that maystill be uncovered as the budgetprocess progresses.

    State delays

    Te county and school systemsbudget positions are complicatedby the ailure o the Virginia Gen-eral Assembly to approve a bud-

    get on schedule. School FinanceDirector Rob Ballentine pointedout the senate and house budgetson the table do not match and nei-ther matches the governors ear-lier state budget proposal. Ballen-tine said he was working with themost conservative state numbersrom the house o representativesin projecting local unding needs.County and school ocials an-

    ticipated a state budget would bepassed by the re-adjourned Gen-eral Assembly the rst week oApril. Tat will allow the countyto meet an advertising, budgetpublic hearing schedule to ac-

    commodate approval o the coun-ty budget by May 1, as requiredto accommodate state guidelinesand the twice-yearly county taxbilling process that sees initial six-month tax bills prepared and inyour mailbox in June.County employees

    Te supervisors also decided togo with a compromise scenario

    presented by Human ResourcesDirector Jodi Spittler in givingnon-school system county em-ployees a salary increase. Tecounty has been foundering dur-ing the recession in how to cor-

    rect pay-scale inequities cited by a009 consultant study by Spring-sted. Tat study showed the nega-tive impact on employee morale osalary reezes that end up seeingrst-year employees making thesame amount o money as peopleworking three and our years inthe same positions.Te board seemed to settle on a

    plan that would bring all employ-ees up to minimum salary stan-dards at their positions, and add aOne-Step increase or employeeswith at least three years on thecounty payroll.Rejected was an option that

    would have only corrected theminimum salary situation, andplans that would have added twoor three steps to salaries to com-pensate or more than one year olost COLA increases.

    Budget summary

    So as o March 7: $87,93,06

    county budget pro $59,5,54

    enue will be requi $,76,11

    enue to public sch $39,534,70

    enue to remaininpartments.

    As our head spbers and percentathe morning mley summarized county method oFY 013 budget:

    borrow $1capital programs;

    borrow $9commodate both

    and other countysalary increases; $69,768 to scho$46,94 to otheployees.

    Number, more num

    Couo advertise in Warren County Report:Contact Alison at [email protected] 540-551-07or Angie Buterakos at [email protected] - 540-683-9197

    WCMS World Paper Football Championships

    Te competition was intense at the WCMS POs 10th Annual Paper Football Championship o the Worldheld on March 9. Representatives rom Kohls distribution center acted as judges as part o Kohls Care initia-

    tive. Results were: 1st Samuel Souders; nd Dale Mastin; 3rd Jesse Jenkins; Field Goal Competition winner Michael Bellu.

    Samuel Souders receives his $25 rst-place prize

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    Field Goal Kicking competition

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  • 8/2/2019 The Early April, 2012 edition of Warren County Report


    Page 16 Warren County Report Early April, 01 Read all issues in their entirety FREE on www.WarrenCoun

    Town-countyo advertise in Warren County Report:Contact Alison at [email protected] 540-551-0or Angie Buterakos at [email protected] - 540-683-

    own still wrestling with building permit complaBy Roger BianchiniWarren County Report

    On March 19 the Front Royal ownCouncil continued to ponder itsplace in ongoing disputes betweenproperty owners, businessmen andbuilders over what some perceive astoo-harshly-applied regulations andtoo-lengthy timerames in the countypermitting process.

    Despite a work session appear-ance and explanation o proceduresby County Building Ocial DaveBeahm and County AdministratorDoug Stanley on March 5, the issueseems ar rom resolved.

    Good or them or trying to putout the re, Shae Parker said o thecountys explanation o its policy,but I dont theyre aware it is turning

    into an inerno.Were taking a beating on this,Mayor im Darr observed.

    And were not even in the process,own Manager Steve Burke added.

    But were letting someone else rep-resent our interests, Parker said owhy that beating may be continu-ing.

    I we keep getting the same com-plaints Im willing to talk to eachsupervisor i thats whats necessary whatever it takes, the mayor saido resolving complaints generatedby in-town businesses and property

    owners. Darr said since the March5 work session discussion he hadreceived our more phone calls andthree other ace-to-ace complaintsabout the county process.

    I someone brings a business hereand expects to get it going in onemonth and they get backed up two,three, our months maybe its theirault but we need to encourage thecounty to help correct this situation,Darr said.

    om Conkey complained that thecounty seemed more engaged in jus-tiying its position and process thanin correcting any issues that are lead-ing to the complaints.

    Tat the bulk o those complaintsin the past year appear to have beengenerated within the town limits is anongoing sore point or town ocials.

    At the top o that list on the businessside have been two town restaurants,Joes Steakhouse and Element.

    As commented in the wake o theMarch 5 work session, Joes lost anentire season due to additional reno-

    vation requirements imposed thatmay have more than doubled theiranticipated expenses.

    According to town ocials, aterover a year Element has yet to be ableto open an outside deck due to coun-ty interpretation and enorcement oederal handicap access codes andstate emergency egress issues.

    Conkey said he avored movingorward with establishing the townsown building inspection and permit-ting department within planning andzoning.

    However Hollis Tarpe questionedhow council could know that itsown department might not be worse or harsher in its interpretation ocodes.

    Willing to take the chance thatwould not be the case, Parker sug-gested council seek a ormal opinionrom the Warren County BuildersAssociation on the advisability o thetown establishing its own permittingdepartment.

    I have no problem with asking thequestion, om Sayre said.

    Sayre then lightened the mood bydescribing his amazement at the ap-

    pearance o rst holes on a residen-tial property o Happy Creek Roadon his drive into town, and thenposts in those holes that he said wentright up to the new sidewalk andtown right o way Im wonderingwhat is this?!!?

    Responding to Sayres amazementat the ence construction process soclose to the town ROW, town Plan-ning Director Jeremy Camp notedthat in the wake o VDO right-o-way acquisition rom those proper-ties or the recent expansion o Hap-py Creek Road, those homeowners

    property lines did go right up to thetowns sidewalks and ROW.

    Tats why it took 14 years, thetown manager said o the Happy

    Creek Road expansioVDOs issues with tion rom property ow

    FRPD teams up with chamto ght Distracted Drivi

    Front Royal Police Chie Richard H. Furr has announcedpartment has partnered with the Front Royal/Warren Couno Commerce to help promote Distracted Driving Awareduring the month o April. Chie Furr states, Distracted cause in approximately 80 percent o all crashes and 65 pnear-crashes in a recent study by the Virginia

    ech ransportation Institute. In todays society, drivers cused on doing other tasks within the vehicle other than w

    road.During the month o April, we want to remind motorists

    is a task that requires 100% o their attention. Te slightesrom that task can end tragically not only or the driver, but amotorists and pedestrians.

    rac Enorcement Ocer Donald Orye adds eenagerdrivers are at risk the most. With the technology that is avawith cell phones, iPods, GPS devices, and other electronic dattention is ocused more on these items rather than drivinthis age group do not have the experience to try and multdriving.

    By taking their eyes o the roadway to look at a cell phonmoment, their attention has now been redirected. When ttheir eyes back to the roadway, it will take almost seconattention to become ocused again on the task o drivingYoung drivers are already at risk when they start drivingshows that 3 out o 5 newly

    licensed drivers will be involved in an accident during months o driving alone. I they use a cell phone while drivin

    increased 3 times. So the odds are already against our younNikki Foster, President o the Front Royal/Warren County

    Commerce, has pledged to be a part o this campaign and is all o the Chambers members to take par t. We are asking oto take the steps to drive without being distracted. We wato be sae while on the roadway and to be totally ocused oing behavior. Even though the campaign is during the monwould like everyone to keep this issue in mind every time hind the wheel all year long.

    For more inormation, please visit pledge to not drive distracted.



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  • 8/2/2019 The Early April, 2012 edition of Warren County Report


    Early April, 01 Warren County RepRead all issues in their entirety FREE on

    By Ryan MurphyCapital News Service

    RICHMOND, March 28 A leg-islative conerence committee soonwill begin deliberations to reconcilethe House and Senate versions o thestate budget, which would take eectJuly 1.

    We are cautiously optimistic thata solid, scally prudent budget willemerge rom conerence and be votedinto law within the next ew weeks,House Speaker William J. Howell, R-Staord, said uesday, March 7.

    A number o sticking points coulddelay any agreement. Tey includeroad tolls in Northern Virginia and

    Hampton Roads, dierent provisionson Medicaid eligibility and the shu-

    fing o money between educationand transportation. Te Republican-heavy conerence committee couldmean that a budget looking more likethe House version will come out othe deliberations.

    With various localities and agen-cies waiting or nal adoption o thebudget, I hope that the conerees willproduce a balanced conerence re-port or nal passage in short order,Howell said.

    Senate Democrats were able to usethe evenly divided chamber to theiradvantage or the rst time.

    As lieutenant governor, Republican

    Bill Bolling has been able to cast tie-breaking votes on legislation, essen-

    tially giving Republicans an unocialmajority in the chamber. However,he cannot cast the deciding vote onmatters pertaining to the budget.

    Democrats pushed the advantage toorce a budget more to their liking. Itkept more money in education andpushed back tolls in Northern Vir-ginia and Hampton Roads, accordingto Delegate Mark Sickles, D-Franco-nia.

    What the Senate has done is ex-actly what House Democrats wereghting or during each round o thebudget process, Sickles said.

    A sizable Republican majority in

    the House blocked passage o theSenate version o the budget, setting

    the stage or joint budget coner-ence meetings. A panel o senatorsand delegates will compare the twobudgets, see where they dont matchup and try to hammer out a compro-mise. Te result would go to both theHouse and Senate or nal approval.

    Te budget conereconsists o six repres

    each chamber. Te pRepublicans, includin

    jority Leader Kirk CHeights; three Demoindependent, Delegato Bedord. Putney chAppropriations Comm

    StA sizable Republican majority in the House blocked passage o the Senate version o the budget,setting the stage or joint budget conerence meetings. A panel o senators and delegates willcompare the two budgets, see where they dont match up and try to hammer out a compromise.

    Committee will crat state budget comprom

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    Fatter Paychecks?Many Are Clueless

    The payroll tax reduction has beenextended under the Middle Class TaxRelief and Job Creation Act of 2012.Two percent of your deduction forSocial Security (4.2 percent, downfrom 6.2 percent) has been pickedup by the government again, and thatamount will stay in your paycheck. Ifyoure self-employed, your portion ofself-employment tax drops from 12.4percent to 10.4 percent, to account forthat 2 percent.

    Workers who earn $50,000 wouldhave seen $1,000 in their paychecksover the year the reduction has been inplace. Divided by 24 (assuming twice-monthly pay periods) and that wouldhave come to around $40 per pay-check. If your annual pay is $30,000,your savings from the reduction is $50per month.

    Oddly enough, a poll by the NationalFoundation for Credit Counselingshowed that 66 percent of workersdidnt know their paychecks werelarger, even though the extra amounthad been in paychecks for a year.

    The poll shows what the rest ofpolled workers did with that money:

    Saved most of it: 3 percentCaught up on past-due bills: 8 per-

    cent Increased retirem

    tions: 4 percentBought something

    centPaid off debt: 18 pe NFCC believes that

    gives companies a chanemployees about using

    For example, they belieers who arent distracteconcerns perform bettreceive collection calls

    Its believed that thwould like us to spend as a means of boostingHowever, you are the oto decide how best to us

    First, be aware of amount in your paycreduction isnt further year, that amount coulyour income. Use a calto learn just what extincluded in your check.

    Second, determine whmost return for that monple, if you put the monyoull likely earn less tinterest. If you use the off a credit card (addingmoney to every montyoull save the interehave paid on the balance

    David Uffington regrenot personally answertions, but will incorporhis column whenever pto him in care of King FeService, P.O. Box 536 FL 32853-6475, or [email protected]

    2012 King Features

  • 8/2/2019 The Early April, 2012 edition of Warren County Report


    Page 18 Warren County Report Early April, 01 Read all issues in their entirety FREE on www.WarrenCoun

    Wayside Theatero advertise in Warren County Report:Contact Alison at [email protected] 540-551-0or Angie Buterakos at [email protected] - 540-683-

    Greater una - a hilarious trip through human na

    By Roger BianchiniWarren County Report

    We (Mandy & me) jumped at anoer to replace our normal WaysideTeater reviewer Malcolm Barr ocial opening night o Greateruna on Sunday, March 5.

    Greater una is a comedy aboutlie and personalities in una, exas,a place that dont say its any dier-

    ent or any better than anyplace else.Te show, rst perormed by its

    two playwrights Jaston Williamsand Joe Sears in 1981, has growninto one o the most produced playsat regional, community and collegetheaters across the United States.It even got a showing at the WhiteHouse in 1989 during the presi-dency o exan George H.W. Bush.Bush and wie Barbara showed they

    werent too thin-skinned about themade-or-laughs portrayal o ruralexans and their personal and cul-tural oibles when Greater unawas invited back or an encore per-ormance with one o three eventualsequels, A una Christmas, in 1990.Even amed V producer NormanLear once brought the play intoAmericans homes on HBO.

    Well admit to being somewhatskeptical about the ability o any local

    theaters cast and sta to do justiceto such an undertaking as Greaterunas ast-paced, two-man show.Our gut reaction was well, how aretwo guys short o DeNiro and Pacinogonna hold our attention or nearlytwo hours?

    Just over two hours later, includ-ing one intermission, we joined theOpening Night crowd cheering Ed-die Staver III and Greg Pragels tourd orce perormances fawlessly de-

    livered at a pace a canot have matched at a

    Appropriately, Wayand newcomer Pragwardrobe and producbow, and a well-deserOne ellow theater timed the costume ing Staver and Prageas ever changing chsecond intervals as thseamlessly rom scene

    A tour d orce by alwe highly recommend

    Perhaps the secret oity and longevity o is held in that observearly in the show by radio news team o Aston that una is, moevery place else. T

    knowledge a universaunder the regional acclocal color.

    For me, the themethe window dressingaround ourselves, doall subject to the samand temptations noare or where we cometening to lines writteago I was also struckthat while things chathe same.

    News fash, Arles break into one o unbroadcasts, nuclear ails millions in seven s

    Greg Pragel and Eddie Staver III as Greater Tunas OKKKradio tandem of Arles and Thurston. Greater Tuna runsfrom March 24 through April 28, at Middletowns WaysideTheater. Call (540) 869-1776 for reservations. Photographyby Westervelt

    Eddie Staver III as Pearl Burress and Greg Pragel as hernephew Stanley Buhmiller take care of the Ripper prob-lem and visit the late Judge Buckners viewing - Stanley,you didnt?!!?



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  • 8/2/2019 The Early April, 2012 edition of Warren County Report


    Early April, 01 Warren County RepRead all issues in their entirety FREE on

    Wayside Theao advertise in Warren County Report:Contact Alison at [email protected] 540-551-07or Angie Buterakos at [email protected] - 540-683-9197

    pause), but not exas Whoopee!!!and, swarms o locusts coming butI think the dust storm will kill thembeore they get here.

    Te impetus o such art is the abili-ty to observe human behavior even

    and most importantly our own andsee, record and bring the truth o itto lie with insight, aection and hu-mor.

    For while the shows multitude ocharacters traverse a lietime o ex-perience, including many rooted onthe dark side, somehow we are letlaughing out loud rom vignette tovi-gnette, character to character.

    And that is a staggering achieve-ment, be it at the shows rst peror-mance by its authors in 1981, at theWhite House, or at Wayside Teaterperormances running through April8 in Middletown.

    Any writer or actor, you must in-vest your personal experiences when youre writing ction, co-author

    Williams said in a 008 interview.Tere are shades o my childhoodin little Jody, but its a shade, its a

    shadow, its a brie moment. Tereare shades o my childhood in allthose children I play.

    Some o our avorite una mo-ments were:

    DDs Guns ad I DDs

    cant kill it its immortal; Te rock & roll recordburning call bring your ChuckBerry, Brenda Lee and Little Rich-ard records down but you canleave Elvis and Buddy Holly athome, theyre good southern boysand God will orgive them;

    Rev. Spikes eulogy or JudgeRoscoe Buckner that manages toutilize, were pretty sure, every cli-ch in the English language;

    Tere are many, many, many moreo equal and GREAER stature but

    we dont want to give all the laughsaway.

    Wayside perormances o Greateruna through April 8, include Sat-urday matinees at :30 p.m.; Turs-day, Friday and Saturday evening

    shows at 7:30 p.m.; Suon April 1, 15 and Child, student and sendiscounts are availablormation call the Box869-1776.

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