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Don’t we all have one Father Abraham? | HM ELIYAHU HAKOHEN





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To Defend THE VOICE of the Prophets

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The Divine Inspiration of the Prophets

In the controversy that is presently raging furiously over the issue of the “Book changes”, there is a

trend that believers are vigorously defending the traditional establishment translation and teaching of

“thought inspiration”, and subsequently attack those who are teaching the return to the “Divine

Dictated and Verbal Inspiration of the Sacred Texts.”

This presentation has two purposes:

To clear up some common misconceptions, which are held by many believers concerning the prophets’

writings and their role as the inspired messengers of the Yah Allah; and to clearly establish the

truthfulness of “dictated Inspiration” of the Sacred Texts writers.


CONCERNING INSPIRED MESSENGER OF YAH ALLAH True position No. 1: When Yah Allah wants to give the prophets or the messengers a Divine Message or a Divine Revelation, the WORD of Yah Allah comes to them; or the Spirit of Yah Allah comes upon them. We shall give several citations from the Sacred texts of this position: Example 1: The Prophet Gad (PBUH) “For when David was up in the morning, the word of the LORD came unto the prophet Gad, David's seer, saying, Go and say unto David, Thus saith the LORD, I offer thee three things; choose thee one of them, that I may do it unto thee.” (2 Samuel 24:11-12) Example 2: The Prophet Isaiah (PBUH) “And it came to pass, afore Isaiah was gone out into the middle court, that the word of the LORD came to him, saying, Turn again, and tell Hezekiah the captain of my people, Thus saith the LORD, the God of David thy father, I have heard thy prayer, I have seen thy tears: behold, I will heal thee: on the third day thou shalt go up unto the house of the LORD. And I will add unto thy days fifteen years; and I will deliver thee and this city out of the hand of the king of Assyria; and I will defend this city for mine own sake, and for my servant David's sake.” (2 Kings 20:4-6) Example 3: The Prophet Zechariah (PBUH) “And the Spirit of God came upon Zechariah the son of Jehoiada the priest, which stood above the people, and said unto them, Thus saith God, Why transgress ye the commandments of the LORD, that ye cannot prosper? Because ye have forsaken the LORD, he hath also forsaken you.” (2Chronicles 24:20)

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The following question is posed: How many believers correctly understand the Sacred Texts teaching concerning “Inspiration”? The answer: - Unfortunately very few to nothing. Let’s clarify this point further. For over 3340 years with the Sacred Texts of Torah; for over 1900 years with the Gospels; and for over 1400 years with the Qu’ran, the Religious establishment has taught its members (whether Christian, Jew or Muslim) that Yah Allah inspired the Prophet’s thoughts, and then the prophet was then allowed to put those thoughts into their own words, when they wrote out the Sacred Texts. This teaching does not stand up to the test of some very plain texts, which these evidences will be presented before the reader.

ALL SACRED TEXTS IS GIVEN BY INSPIRATION! Example 1: Apostle Timothy (PBUH) “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:” (2Timothy 3:16) Example 2: Apostle Peter (PBUH) “For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Spirit of God.” (2Peter 1:21)

THE MANIFESTATION OF THE DIVINE VOICE & DIVINE INSPIRATION OF YAH ALLAH The following Sacred Texts are very plain on this point; namely, that Yah Allah spoke by the mouth of his prophets. One cannot place the word “thoughts” into these passages, when they plainly use the word “WORDS” which YAH ALLAH put into the mouths of the inspired messengers. “The Spirit of Prophecy (the manifestation of the Divine Voice) does not originate from within a man. It comes upon a man from the outside and rests upon him. It is a ‘hand’ of GOD that touches the man, a Divine gift whose bearer, harbinger and messenger man then becomes. It comes to him, upon him, from outside, from outside, from on High, raising him above the level of normal humanity and raising his human quality to a level leading toward the Divine. Whatever he will say or do will be words and acts of GOD; the man is only His messenger and the executor of His will.” (Hirsch Commentary, Numbers 11, 17) “Our prophets must study in a mental frame of spirituality. They are our Divine guides chosen by GOD

to help us unravel the enigma of life. They imbue us with the determination and inner strength to solve

GOD-willed tasks in life. As the foremost interpreters of GOD’s Torah, the Prophets transmit to us this

most precious of our treasures. The prophets are our teachers who help us to understand the Torah

and to live up to the demands of its eternal precepts. Their writings do not contain a single word, a

single thought, which does not flow from the unadulterated totality of Torah. They expose the lie and

hypocrisy employed by ignorance and indifference as a means to falsifying and distorting the Divine

Word. As teachers and mentors provided to us by the of Divine Providence, the Prophets guide us

through the thicker of contemporary problems and, with the Torah in their hands, help us meet and

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surmount the challenges of our daily existence. Their message resounds through the millennia as it

addresses us with timeless immediacy.” Rav. Dr. Joseph Breuer, The book of Yechezkel

Example 1: Prophet Moses (PBUH) “I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee, and will put my words in his mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him.” (Deuteronomy 18:18)

Example 2: Prophet Samuel (PBUH)

“The Spirit of the LORD spake by me and His WORD was in my tongue.” (2 Samuel 32:2) Example 5: King David (PBUH)

“My tongue shall speak of thy word: for all thy commandments are righteousness.” (Psalms 119:172)

Example 3: Prophet Isaiah (PBUH)

“And I have put my words in thy mouth, and I have covered thee in the shadow of mine hand, that I may plant the heavens, and lay the foundations of the earth, and say unto Zion, Thou art my people.” (Isaiah 51:16)

Example 4: Prophet Jeremiah (PBUH)

“Then the LORD put forth his hand, and touched my mouth. And the LORD said unto me, Behold, I have put my words in thy mouth.” (Jeremiah 1:9)

Example 5: Prophet Ezekiel (PBUH) “And you shall speak my words unto them, whether they will hear, or whether they will forbear: for they are most rebellious.” (Ezekiel 2:7)

Example 6: Issa Al-Masih (PBUH) “For I have not spoken of myself; but the Father which sent me, he gave me a commandment, what I should say, and what I should speak. And I know that his commandment is life everlasting: whatsoever I speak therefore, even as the Father said unto me, so I speak.” (John 12:49-50) “The words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself…He doeth the works.” John 14: 10

“For he whom God hath sent speaketh the words of God: for God giveth not the Spirit by measure unto him.” (John 3:34)

Example 7: Testimony of the Apostles (PBUH)

“Whom the heaven must receive until the times of restitution of all things, which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his holy prophets since the world began.”(Act 3:21)

Example 8: Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)

“O ye who believe! Raise not your voices above the voice of the Prophet, nor speak aloud to him in talk, as ye may speak aloud to one another, lest your deeds become vain and ye perceive not.” (The Quran, Surah 49:2)

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Example 9: Hazrat Mahdi (PBUH) The Mahdi possesses knowledge. (Muhyiddin Arabi)

1. He has insight. 2. He understands the Divine Book. 3. He knows the meaning of the Divine Scriptures. 4. He knows the behaviors of the persons he will appoint. 5. He is merciful and just even when he gets angry. 6. He knows the classes of the creatures. 7. He knows the complex aspects of the works; 8. He understands the needs of the people well; 9. He is informed particularly of the knowledge of unseen, which is to be needed at his time, because only then he can settle the matters that will appear newly. (Portents of Doomsday, 189)

Muhyiddin Arabi sets out 9 attributes of the Mahdi. Note that the first of these bear’s features not found in knowledge of

transmission and that rather belong to innate knowledge such as “wisdom, understanding and ladun” – (meaning the “Secret

Knowledge from the Divine” manifested through the “Divine Voice” given to Hazrat Mahdi by Yah Allah.)

HAZRAT MAHDI THE INTERPRETER OF THE SACRED SCRIPTURES OF THE PROPHETS Jabir Ibn Yazid al-Jo'fi narrates from Imam Muhammad Baqr: "...The reason why Hazrat Mahdi (as) is known as Hazrat Mahdi (as) is this; he will be directed toward a secret matter, will extract the Torah and other Divine books from a cave in Antioch and will RULE AMONG JEWS WITH THE TORAH AND AMONG CHRISTIANS WITH THE GOSPEL. (Al-Mahdiy al-Mawud, Vol. 1, pp. 254-255) "The reason why he is called Hazrat Mahdi (as) is that he will head to one of the mountains in Sham. From there HE WILL PRODUCE THE (TRUE) BOOKS OF THE TORAH AND RAISE EVIDENCE AGAINST THE JEWS.” (Suyuti, al-Hawi al-Fatawa, II. 81) Harun Ibn Maruf narrates from Zamra Ibn Rabia from Abdullah Ibn Shawzab: "It is certain that Hazrat Mahdi (as) is known as the ‘Mahdi.’ (as) Because he will be directed to salvation to one of the mountains of Sham, FROM WHERE HE WILL EXTRACT THE BOOKS (VOLUMES) OF THE “TORAH” AND WILL ENTER INTO DEBATE WITH THE JEWS ON THE BASIS OF THESE AND (EVENTUALLY) A GROUP OF JEWS WILL BECOME MUSLIMS BY HIS HAND. The reason he is called the ‘Mahdi’ (as) is this. HE WILL EXTRACT THE BOOKS OF THE TORAH from inside one of the mountains of Sham where the Jews go on pilgrimage, AND ONE COMMUNITY FROM THE JEWS WILL BECOME MUSLIM BY HIS HAND. (Hadith from Jalaluddin As-Suyuti’s Commentary, Portents of the Mahdi of the End Times Muallif Ali Ibn Husammaddin al Muttaqi, Kahraman Publications, p.77) We sent down the Torah containing guidance and light, AND THE PROPHETS WHO HAD SUBMITTED THEMSELVES GAVE JUDGMENT BY IT FOR THE JEWS – AS DID THEIR SCHOLARS AND THEIR RABBIS – BY WHAT THEY HAD BEEN ALLOWED TO PRESERVE OF ALLAH’S BOOK TO WHICH THEY WERE WITNESSES. Do not be afraid of people, be afraid of Me. And do not sell My Signs for a paltry price. Those who do not judge by what Allah has sent down, such people are unbelievers. (Surat al-Ma’ida, 44) Under the just rule of the Imam az-Zaman [Hazrat Mahdi (as)], ALL THE DIVINE BOOKS WILL BE PRESENTED IN THEIR ORIGINAL FORMS AND WITH NO CORRUPTIONS. Imam Mahdi (as) will rule the people of the Torah with the Torah, the people of the Injil with

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the Injil, the people of the Psalms with the Psalms and the people of the Qur’an with the Qur’an. Bihar al-Anwar, Vol. 52, p. 351

The Foretold Divine Voice Appeared in the 1800’S Many have asked if the manifestation of the Divine Voice would as prophesied would re-appear in our generation and how it would appear after the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH). The answer is YES! There is evidence of several renowned writers that had a great influence between the years of 1820 to 1915CE. They are Joseph Smith, Elder James and Ellen Gould Harmon White, Elder Alonzo T. Jones and others, until the appearance of Hazrat Mahdi.

Example 1: The Testimonies made of Joseph Smith (1805-1844)

“The words of the Prophet Joseph Smith were not like the words of man, but like the Voice of GOD. It seems to me that the house shook from its foundation.” Wilford Wooddruff, “Leaves from My Journal,” Millennial Star, Oct 17, 1881, p. 760;

Elder Parley P. Pratt recounted: “I had listened till I became so disgusted, shocked, horrified, and so filled with the spirit of indignant justice that I could scarcely refrain from rising upon my feet and rebuking the guards; but had said nothing to Joseph, or anyone else, although I lay next to him and knew he was awake. On a sudden he (Joseph Smith) arose to his feet, and spoke in a VOICE OF THUNDER, or as a roaring lion, uttering, as near as I can recollect, the following words: “SILENCE…In the name of Jesus Christ (Issa al Masih) I rebuke you, and command you to be still; …I will not hear such a language.

Cease such talk … THIS INSTANT!” “He ceased to speak. He stood erect in terrible majesty. Chained, and without weapon; calm, unruffled and dignified as an angel, he looked upon the quailing guards, whose weapons were lowered or dropped to the ground; whose knees smote together, and who shrinking into a corner, or crouching at his feet, begged his pardon, and remained quiet toll a change of guards.”

Parley P. Patt, Autobiography of Parley P. Patt, ed. Parley Patt Jr. (1938), pp. 210-11

Joseph Smith, the founder and prophet of the Latter Day Saint movement. He was an organizer, publicist, writer, editor, a dynamic preacher, and translator of the Sacred Scriptures. Joseph Smith was martyred for his translation of the Sacred Scriptures in 1844. Smith taught that during a Great Apostasy, the Bible had degenerated from its original inerrant form, and the "abominable church", led by Satan, had perverted the truth. The Vatican Assassins gunned him down for corrections to the Canon of the Roman Catholic Church to present a Sacred Scripture to the lay people to read. His corrections to the Old and New Testament were so substantial that the Vatican agents stole the translated manuscript of a lifetime work. Subsequently the ground work of correct translations that he had taught and established within the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints that he had founded no longer reflects the reform that he had been shown in diet, refusing strong drink, and doctrine. The Vatican agents have distorted the true character of the Joseph Smith.

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Example 2: Testimonies of Elder James Springer White (1821-1881)

How near we seemed to God, as in the clear moonlight we bowed upon some lonely mountainside to ask for needed blessings at his hand! What faith and confidence were ours! God's purposes of love and mercy seemed more fully revealed, and we felt the assurance that our sins and errors were pardoned. Upon such occasions I have seen my husband's countenance lighted up with a radiance that seemed reflected from the throne of God, as in changed voice he [Elder James S. White] praised the Lord for the rich blessings of his grace. Amid earth's gloom and darkness, we could still discern on every hand gleams of brightness from the Fount of light. Through the works of creation we communed with Him who inhabited eternity. As we looked upon the towering rocks, the lofty mountains, we exclaimed, Who is so great a God as our God? Advent Review and Sabbath

Herald, 1849-1915 () RH.1881-11-01.005.

“The power of God came upon me to that degree I had to support

myself with both hands hold of the pulpit. It was a solemn hour.” [James White, Life Incidents, p. 87]

Elder James Springer White was the co-founder of the Seventh-day Adventist in 1863 and also of Battle Creek College, now Andrews University, in 1874. He was an organizer, publicist, writer and editor, dynamic preacher, and intense searcher of the Sacred Scriptures and was the Custodian of the Testimonies that were written under the direction of the Spirit of God. In 1850 White established and became first editor of the Second Advent Review and Sabbath Herald, which became the general church paper of the Seventh-day Adventist Church and is still being published under the name Adventist Review. He also served several times as president of the fledgling General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. He had work with great dedication all his life. He had preserved the message that was given by Divine instructions for the people, until the very last years of his life had to faced the apostasy of those who attempted to alter the writings of the testimonies and infiltrating to corrupt the doctrines of faith. He called the leaders of the General Conference, the “pack of wolves”.

The dedicatory plaque on the front of the James White Library says, "His faith, resourcefulness and energy, his arduous labor and fidelity to the revealed will of God activated the youth of his day and left a rich legacy of enduring leadership to succeeding generations."

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Example 3: Testimonies of Mrs. Ellen Gould Harmon White (1827-1915)

"When seated, Mrs. White began to praise the Lord, and continued

rising higher and higher in perfect triumph in the Lord, till her voice

changed, and the deep, clear shouts of Glory! Hallelujah! thrilled

every heart. She was in vision. Unknown to us there was a poor,

discouraged brother present, who had thrown his armor down, in

consequence, in part at least, of neglect by his wealthy brethren, and

was returning to strong habits which threatened the happiness of

himself and family. A most touching and encouraging message was

given for him. By the grace of God he raised his head that very

evening, and he and his good wife are again happy in hope. Monterey

church will never forget that evening. At least they never should." -

Vision at Monterey, Early Editions, Spiritual Gifts, Volume 2, 1860 (2SG.238.002).

“Those present at the time this vision was given will never forget the heavenly influence that

filled the room…. Many who have witnessed these things have often wished a description could

be given of the servant of God when thus under the influence of the Holy Spirit the

illumination of the countenance, the graceful gestures of the hands, the dignity attending

every movement, the musical intonations of the voice sounding as from a distance, and many,

other things which give and eyewitness confidence in their heavenly origin.” The First Vision of

Health Reform - Ellen White’s Otsego, Michigan, Vision, (June 6, 1863).

“As the Shabbat was approaching, a small group of Adventists met in the Hilliard home and

asked Ellen White to lead them in prayer. As she prayed, her voice changed, and they heard her

exclaim, “Glory to God!” Martha Amadon, daughter of John Byington, the newly elected

president of the General Conference, described the scene:” Arthur L. White, Ellen G. White: The

Progressive Years, 1862-1876 (Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1986), 17. Dramatic

Prophecies of Ellen White, pg. 61.

Harold Nathan Williams Eyewitness Testimony: Elder Williams gave this talk in the 1980’s, at which time he was in his 90’s. “In this age the enemies of’ truth are bad-mouthing those whom the Lord has called to a special ministry and are circulating enemy inspired lies about them.” It seems most appropriate that eye-witness testimonies from people who were there and knew Ellen White personally have come to light to tell the truth about this humble godly 19th century lady. It is hard to discredit an honest personal testimony from someone who was there.

“At one camp meeting in Michigan, I decided to find out something for myself. At different times I had heard remarks about the miraculous way Mrs. White's voice carried. And I decided to do some experimenting. Was it because of her knowledge about the lungs and the vocal chords and how to use them, or was it miraculous? I decided I would find out.

Sister White was the main speaker that Sabbath. Making my way unnoticed to one end of the rostrum, I was very much surprised to hear her talking in an ordinary tone of voice, as though

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she were addressing the people right near her on the rostrum. Going out and back around the great tent, I went to the other end of the rostrum, and it was just the same. Then I went to different places in that great tent, everywhere I could understand every word she said, and yet she did not raise her voice. She continued to talk as though she were addressing the people like they were on the rostrum. Now friends, at that time man had not yet invented PA systems, but God had his own method. Crowds of curious people from the city had come to the campground; they stood way out on the field. I went among those people way out in the field, and could still understand every word that Sister White said. The people were saying that when the ministers were preaching, they shouted and strained their voices and they couldn't understand half of what they said. And yet when that little woman was speaking, just in an ordinary tone of voice, they could understand every word. They were saying that was a miracle.

Then I went among the family tents, where people were staying there with those who were sick, or mothers with their children. And even in the family tents the people there could understanding what Mrs. White was saying in the big pavilion tent where there were hundreds, perhaps thousands of people listening.” (Elder Harold Nathan Williams served as President of the

Newfoundland Mission Conference from 1928 through 1932, and went to represent the field in the General Conference held in San Francisco in 1930.)

Mrs. Ellen Gould Harmon White was also a co-founder of the Seventh-day Adventist, editor and custodian of the Testimonies

with her husband Elder James White. She has written extensively concerning the Health and the benefit of health of humanity.

Ellen White expounded greatly on her books regarding the subject of health, and nutrition, as well as healthy eating, and a

balanced diet; She become known as the prophet of Health. Her health message inspired a health food revolution. After the

death of her husband Elder James White, she had to face the betrayal of those who called themselves her friends. During her

last years, false doctrines and tampering of the testimonies’ writings were made. As she has declared on her last messages

under the direction of the Divine manifestation of the Spirit of GOD, that the Omega Apostasy had entered into the leadership of

the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

Ellen White fortold the Infiltration of the Leadership of the Seventh-day Adventist trademark Corporation: She was living at

the headquarters of Adventism when she had a dream. She was "looking out from the side glass at the door and saw a company

marching up to the house, two and two. They looked stern and determined. I knew them well and turned to open the parlor

door to receive them, but thought I would look again. The scene changed. The company now presented the appearance of a

Catholic procession. One bore in his hand a cross, another a reed. And as they approached, the one carrying the reed made a

circle around the house, saying three times: 'This house is proscribed. The goods must be confiscated. They have spoken against

our holy order." Testimonies for the Church, Vol 1, page 578.

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Example 4: Testimonies of Elder Alonzo T. Jones (1850-1923)

Elder A.T. Jones in His public testimony before a committee of the United States Congress in opposition to proposed Sunday legislation claimed that the sentences that he was to speak were shown to him as if written on a wall. Elder A.T. Jones in his public testimony before a

Committee of the United States Congress in opposing Sunday Legislation.

The House Committee on this District of Columbia heard the Breckenridge bill on February 18, 1890. Once again, Jones was a key witness, not only arguing the bill’s unconstitutionality, but also in using its religious arguments against its authors. Always at his best when under pressure, he later claimed that “it seemed as though the sentences he should speak were written on the wall, or suspended in the air before him.” The Case of A.T. Jones, by George R. Knight, pp. 77.

Elder Alonzo T. Jones had a great interest in historical works, primarily of ancient history. Applying the knowledge thus gained to the prophecies of the Bible, Jones later wrote three large volumes dealing with the subject of Bible prophecy (The Two Republics, 1891; and The Great Empires of Prophecy, 1898; Ecclesiastical Empire, 1901; The Empires of the Bible, 1897). Jones made sure that that in his books such as “The Two Republic” exposed the infiltration of paganism within Christianity and the Vatican influence in History and the protestant movement and the governments. He called out to proper worship and the restoration of the faith of Abraham. Jones’s most significant contributions were his sermons on Christ and His righteousness presented at the 1888 Minneapolis General Conference session, as well as General Conference sessions in 1893 and 1895. He is also known for later writings on that subject, and his work in preserving the liberty of conscience guaranteed under the First Amendment.

In 1889, A.T. Jones spoke before a United States Congressional subcommittee; the topic of discussion was the “Breckinridge Bill” which proposed the compulsion of Sunday observance in the Washington, D.C. environs. Jones’s testimony helped to defeat this bill, and Jones became known for his abilities in defense of and knowledge regarding freedom of religion. In 1892, he was again called to speak before the U.S. Congress regarding the Sunday closure of the Chicago World’s Fair, known as “The Columbia Exposition”.

Example 5: Testimonies of Children in Europe (1842-1843)

In many places where the power of the clergy was exercised to present the preaching of the Advent truth, the LORD was pleased to send the message through little children. As they were under age, the law of the State could not restrain them, and they were permitted to speak freely and unmolested. Thus the warning of the soon-coming Judgment was given to the people. This continued about nine months. After that, the influence of the children was declared by the authorities to be a disease, and some of them were taken to the hospitals; but their mouths were not stopped; for they preached as long as GOD chose them as witnesses. - HS205.4.

The movement began in the fall of 1842, and continued through the winter of 1843. An eye witness, speaking of the work accomplished through these children, says: “The weather was providentially very favorable that winter. There was a little snow, but the marshes, lakes, and rivers were frozen over so that they could be used as a high-road, and the people went in masses to the places where these child-preachers were, who were mostly poor cottagers. A

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little girl began preaching but a few miles from the place where I lived, and as the news of the wonderful movement was noised about, I went with my wife to see and hear for myself. When we arrived at the cottage, it was filled with people. The child, who was six or eight years old, moved around among them, and they asked her questions, which she answered as a child usually does. The people flocked together, till the house was surrounded by a great number. When the last had arrived, her manner changed entirely, both in boldness and movements, clearly indicating that she was moved by an invisible power, and not by her own natural gifts. When she commenced speaking her voice also changed. She said. ‘Fear GOD, and give glory to Him; for the hour of his Judgment is come.’ She reproves sins, such as drinking, theft, adultery, swearing, and backbiting, and also reproved churchgoers for attending church with worldly business in view, instead of listening to GOD’s WORD and conforming their lives to it. Her voice and words were impressive. Many were weeping and sighing. They were told that time was given them to repent, but they must do it immediately, and not put it off.” – HS 205.5

The summary of the lifework of Elder James and Mrs. Ellen Gould Harmon White was to identify that Rome had altered the laws of Almighty GOD in changing the worship days, corrupting the diet and removing the Ministry of Healing.

The four seers Appeared in the 19th century

Example 6: Testimonies of the four seers of Hamburg (March 5, 1966-1970)

Hans-Joachim Steffen, 36 years old, School Director and Teacher Heinrich-Andreas Benn, 29 years old, engineer Mrs. Hannelore Zornach, 28 years old, housewife Miss Sybille Ross, 19 years old, student

In March 5, 1966 was an important event for these four individuals that were chosen my Issa Al-Masih to deliver a message to the leadership of the Seventh-day Adventist. These four individuals became known as “The Four Seers of Hamburg”. The messages consisted of the “Merciless Treatment of Defenseless Animals” and “The Ark of the Covenant” and over 100 Divine prophetic messages and rebuke to the leadership of the Seventh-day Adventist. The message regarding the inhuman cruelty happening to animals in research laboratories of Loma Linda University were given to the leadership of the Seventh Day Adventists. As a result, the leadership rejected the messengers and its messages of warning after they have officially acknowledged the self-evident signs and witnesses that they were chosen by Divine command of Heaven. The leadership decided to completely humiliate and discredit “The Four Seers of Hamburg” throughout the media communication of the Seventh-day Adventist, resulting painful and long suffering experience given to the “Four Seers.”

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The Foretold Divine Voice Appeared in the 21st century or 1410AH

Example 5: Testimony of Dr. Hadassah HaKohen

Since Spring 2003, J. Klein, R. Gomez, and Dr. Hadassah have

witnessed the ‘Hand of the LORD’ and the Divine Voice with

graceful dignified gestures in a powerful whirlwind of heat and

illumination of countenance, using Dr. Hadassah’s hand to point

out passages from the Holy Scriptures and as well, the writings of

Ellen G. H. White for hours. – Temecula, CA 2003

Dr. Hadassah HaKohen, RN, ND, ThD, and a prolific writer, translator and chef.

Note: Other Testimonies in Archives

Example 5: Testimony of HM Eliyahu HaKohen

The fruit of the gift of prophecy is measured with an immediate

spiritual response of the individual.

“One newlywed was practicing the Asian pagan worship in her

home. She came to the meetings where HM Eliyahu HaKohen was

speaking of the holy garments and the anointing according to the

laws of Moses (PBUH). The Divine Voice spoke with thunder while

the Ten Commandments were being read. The summary of the

day presentation was how all pointed to Issa al Masih (PBUH) as the

fulfillment of the long awaited Messiah. The immediate response

of this girl to exclaim excitedly and with desperation, “Don’t you all

hear it? Don’t you all hear the Holy One of Israel speaking?” Her

response after the presentation was to request to return to the

faith of Abraham.” – Golden Beach, OR, 2005

“R. Gomez and others witnesses have testified the manifestation of the Divine Voice and Divine

gesture witnessed by HM Eliyahu HaKohen in his own life in direct answer to prayer. The

intonations of distinct voice patterns noted and documented in film of HM Eliyahu have been

‘Voice of many waters,’ a ‘Voice of majestic thunder,’ a ‘Voice of comfort,’ and a ‘Voice of

musical intonation.’ The manifestation of prophetic instruction through open eyed visions by

HM Eliyahu continues to confirm the long awaited prophecies of Joel 2. HM Eliyahu has received

affirmation of personal overwhelming experiences of the manifestation of the Divine Presence.”

- Loma Linda, CA, 2007

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“HM Eliyahu HaKohen was speaking to some orthodox Sephardi men at a Sephardic Temple with

the question posed to them, “Do you believe that Elijah will come?” The response of one

particular man was “Of course even you could be Elijah the prophet.” The immediate

thundering voice response of the Divine Voice speaking through HM Eliyahu HaKohen was

“The Spirit of the Holy One, blessed be He, has revealed this truth to you.” The immediate action

of this man was “Oh, please bless me!” The Priesthood blessings placed upon this man were

entirely in the thundering Divine Voice.” - Los Angeles, CA, 2007

HM Eliyahu has become an educator, writer and a translator, specializing in Semitic languages and laws of the Prophet Moses. HM Eliyahu has produced successful series covering topics such as “The importance of Family Values, Family Purity, the Covenant, Abraham’s Inheritance, Seasonal Festivities and Health.” HM Eliyahu teaches the clear understanding of the Laws of Clean and Unclean, revealing the hidden mysteries of the ‘Secrets of Torah, and exposing the corruptions of the translators of the Sacred Texts, such as Torah, Gospels, and Qur’an, and defending the original context and the correct intention of its meaning of the Sacred Texts, this will help clarify misunderstandings and establish reconciliation of all people.

Hazrat Mahdi The Interpreter of the Law

The manifestation of the Divine Voice in the life of Hazrat Mahdi Eliyahu and his wife Dr. Hadassah has been with intensive study and accomplished scholarship to reveal the lost knowledge of healing. By the direct receiving of the legendary Elijah’s red mantle along with the vessel of Manna, the manifestation of the Divine Voice of Yah Allah has been a constant comfort to the Mahdi Eliyahu. The additional witness of open eyed visions, dreams and prophecy fulfills the stipulations given in the prophets and of the gospels. The visions, dreams and audible voice from Yah Allah that Hazrat Mahdi has received are documented. The illumination of the original Gospels, Torah and Prophetic books to the Mahdi is to bring the ultimate peace to all nations.

Hazrat Mahdi is the Master of Hidden Knowledge: Hazrat Mahdi is the master of the hidden knowledge علم اللدن or ‘Ilm AlLadun’ that directly is imparted to him from ياهللا Yah Allah. For a true return to the faith of the patriarch Abraham (PBUH) it has been a lifetime of study of the Torah, the Prophets, the Gospels, and the Quran to impart the secrets of the past. The key of this knowledge has been through having custody of the relic of Musa (PBUH) and of Harun’s (PBUH), the white stone vessel of Manna, or ‘San Graal’ also known as the Holy Grail. The ‘Souda Barayaat Khorasaan’ which is one of the names of this ancient stone vessel, it has two distinct flags: one flag for the sacred name Yah Allah and the second flag is the ‘battle axe anvil.’

The Hidden Wisdom of Hazrat Mahdi with the Manifestation of the Divine Voice, “Ladun”: Abdullah asked: So what is the wisdom behind his knowledge of the spiritual world? The imam answered: “... Like the wisdom behind what Khidr (as) did when erecting the wall… the wisdom behind that will also be apparent when he appears. It was not clear who would go until they left with the Prophet Musa (as). O son of Fazl! This is the work of Allah and the secret and wisdom behind his knowledge of the spiritual world is one of the secrets and wisdom of Allah. IN THE SAME WAY WE BELIEVE THAT ALLAH IS OMNISCIENT, WE MUST ALSO BE CERTAIN THERE IS WISDOM BEHIND ALL THAT HE (HAZRAT MAHDI [AS]) DOES. EVEN IF WE ARE UNAWARE OF THE DETAIL OF THAT WISDOM, WE MUST STILL ACT ACCORDINGLY.” *Molla Bakr Majlisi, Jila-ul-Uyun, 3/157]

Hazrat Mahdi The Interpreter of the Sacred Scriptures of the prophets

Jabir Ibn Yazid al-Jo'fi narrates from Imam Muhammad Baqr: "...The reason why Hazrat Mahdi (as) is known as Hazrat Mahdi (as) is this; he will be directed toward a secret matter, will extract the Torah and other Divine books from a cave in Antioch and will RULE AMONG JEWS WITH THE TORAH AND AMONG CHRISTIANS WITH THE GOSPEL. (Al-Mahdiy al-Mawud, Vol. 1, pp. 254-255)

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"The reason why he is called Hazrat Mahdi (as) is that he will head to one of the mountains in Sham. From there HE WILL PRODUCE THE (TRUE) BOOKS OF THE TORAH AND RAISE EVIDENCE AGAINST THE JEWS.” (Suyuti, al-Hawi al-Fatawa, II. 81) Harun Ibn Maruf narrates from Zamra Ibn Rabia from Abdullah Ibn Shawzab: "It is certain that Hazrat Mahdi (as) is known as the ‘Mahdi.’ (as) Because he will be directed to salvation to one of the mountains of Sham, FROM WHERE HE WILL EXTRACT THE BOOKS (VOLUMES) OF THE “TORAH” AND WILL ENTER INTO DEBATE WITH THE JEWS ON THE BASIS OF THESE AND (EVENTUALLY) A GROUP OF JEWS WILL BECOME MUSLIMS BY HIS HAND. The reason he is called the ‘Mahdi’ (as) is this. HE WILL EXTRACT THE BOOKS OF THE TORAH from inside one of the mountains of Sham where the Jews go on pilgrimage, AND ONE COMMUNITY FROM THE JEWS WILL BECOME MUSLIM BY HIS HAND. (Hadith from Jalaluddin As-Suyuti’s Commentary, Portents of the Mahdi of the End Times Muallif Ali Ibn Husammaddin al Muttaqi, Kahraman Publications, p.77) We sent down the Torah containing guidance and light, AND THE PROPHETS WHO HAD SUBMITTED THEMSELVES GAVE JUDGMENT BY IT FOR THE JEWS – AS DID THEIR SCHOLARS AND THEIR RABBIS – BY WHAT THEY HAD BEEN ALLOWED TO PRESERVE OF ALLAH’S BOOK TO WHICH THEY WERE WITNESSES. Do not be afraid of people, be afraid of Me. And do not sell My Signs for a paltry price. Those who do not judge by what Allah has sent down, such people are unbelievers. (Surat al-Ma’ida, 44) Under the just rule of the Imam az-Zaman [Hazrat Mahdi (as)], ALL THE DIVINE BOOKS WILL BE PRESENTED IN THEIR ORIGINAL FORMS AND WITH NO CORRUPTIONS. Imam Mahdi (as) will rule the people of the Torah with the Torah, the people of the Injil with the Injil, the people of the Psalms with the Psalms and the people of the Qur’an with the Qur’an. Bihar al-Anwar, Vol. 52, p. 351

Kingship of England and Jerusalem of Arabia: The legend of the ‘sword in the anvil within the stone’ is where pulling out the knowledge of the physical sword drawn upon this ancient stone, which also identifies the proper Kingship of the Hazrat Mahdi. As the Custodian of the Holy Grail, the Mahdi holds The Kingship of England and of Jerusalem, Arabia.

Scepter of the Kingdom of David The sacred vessel of Manna has been described in the distinct details by every prophet to affirm the prophetic mantle, the scepter of the Kingdom of David and the call of worship to return to the faith of Abraham. The One GOD, one law and one hope is the currently not accepted doctrine of the Edom-Rome ecclesia which puts Hazrat Mahdi into direct ecclesiastical attack. The saying “a prophet is not accepted by his own people” is painfully true.

The Mahdi, the Rightly Guided One: As the name Mahdi indicates, the rightly guided one, leads in the proper sacrificial (the word itself means: “Made Sacred”) system, not of animal murder but of upholding the bread and the grape juice ceremony that was shown to the patriarch Abraham (PBUH) for sealing the Covenant with the Creator.

The Mission of Hazrat Mahdi is to Heal the Nations: THE BLIND WILL GET VISION and THE SICK WILL BE CURED in the time of Imam az-Zamaan [Hazrat Mahdi (as)]. (Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 51, p. 70)

In that time [In the time of Hazrat Mahdi (as)] LONGEVITY WILL BE COMMONPLACE. (Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 52, p.

330), narrating from Al-Ghaibah by Shaykh Toosi (ar);E'qd al-Dorar) These hadith indicate that as a result of the extraordinary progress proper translation in the time of Hazrat Mahdi (as), by the will of Yah Allah, the long lost medical treatise of the prophet Musa (PBUH) as defined by the prophet Issa AlMasih (PBUH) wi ll be implemented for all peoples. Hazrat Mahdi works is to Heal the World by implementing the ministry of healing and explaining the mysteries of ‘Clean and Unclean’ being a designation of ‘plugged in and discharged’ measure. Explaining the Divine Science of the unraveling the CODE of the significance of the word “Manna”, it is the perfect will of the Yah Allah for all

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people to learn HIS laws of nature and how to have healthy homes, healthy gardens, groves and vineyards according to the Creator, to have health according to the original recipe of instructions, that has been buried in superstitious myth of the authors of the Canon of Rome’s Bible for 1700 years. The iniquity of Edom-Rome is full and her dark mark upon the world is now exposed for what it is: a lie of the traditions of man. Prophets are raised up by Yah Allah to properly reveal the hidden secrets, the wisdom of the Creator so that all mankind can be truly free of the tyranny of oppressive Edom-Rome.

Authority to Translate Sacred Texts

Having now, a clear understanding as to how the “Divine Inspiration” is manifested and received by the

prophets, and the physical manifestation of the “Divine Voice” in the life of the prophets. The great

responsibility of a Prophet is excellently explained on the following paragraph described below; it is

worth to reading it again:

“Our prophets must study in a mental frame of spirituality. They are our Divine guides

chosen by GOD to help us unravel the enigma of life. They imbue us with the

determination and inner strength to solve GOD-willed tasks in life. As the foremost

interpreters of GOD’s Torah, the Prophets transmit to us this most precious of our

treasures. The prophets are our teachers who help us to understand the Torah and to

live up to the demands of its eternal precepts. Their writings do not contain a single

word, a single thought, which does not flow from the unadulterated totality of Torah.

They expose the lie and hypocrisy employed by ignorance and indifference as a means

to falsifying and distorting the Divine Word. As teachers and mentors provided to us by

the of Divine Providence, the Prophets guide us through the thicker of contemporary

problems and, with the Torah in their hands, help us meet and surmount the challenges

of our daily existence. Their message resounds through the millennia as it addresses us

with timeless immediacy.” Rav. Dr. Joseph Breuer, The book of Yechezkel

To remove all controversy concerning the correct translation of the Sacred Texts (Torah, Gospels, and

Qur’an), first it is vital to recognize that all the Children of Abraham (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam)

have been victims of a great deception that Edom-Rome has perpetrated for hundreds of years, and

causing great animosity between the people of faith. As a people who seek Yah Allah with all the hearts

must praise Yah Allah for remembering His covenant with the Children of Abraham. Yah Allah has given

the whole world the blessings in rising in the midst of the Children of Abraham, a royal Messenger

Hazrat Mahdi with the empowerment of Yah Allah to restore the primitive faith of Abraham.

It is imperative to be aware that whenever the prophets of old were given to write a Divine Message

that comes from the fountain of Life and Wisdom of Yah Allah, it cannot be altered. Current translators

who attempts to translate fail to recognize the correct understanding of the Sacred Texts, as a result it

creates further confusion. Because it is evident by historical records, the meaning of the words of the

translation of the Sacred Texts has been distorted unknowingly by Ecclesiastical Power, and the correct

meanings of the words have been forgotten. After many libraries with historical records of the past,

dictionaries and Sacred Texts of the Prophets were burned by the power of Rome, this knowledge has

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been unfortunately lost. Ever since, the Ecclesiastical Power has been in control of molding the mind of

the masses of the world with its faulty versions of translations of the Sacred Texts, their objective have

been their great success in manipulating and controlling the faith of the Children of Abraham.

How does any translator know which words of the Sacred Texts has the correct meaning and accurate

intention of its message? When most lexicons, dictionaries, and references have been manipulated and

controlled by agents of the Vatican for hundreds of years, in order ensure that the Children of Abraham

continues living in an imaginary world that does not exist in the original Sacred Texts. What is Rome

hiding from the Children of Abraham? What is that “knowledge” that Rome does not want the Children

of Abraham to have? These are key questions and only a prophet raise by Yah Allah can answer the

enigma of life that has been hidden for hundreds of years.

The only way out of this terrible evil deception can be done by a Divine intervention of Yah Allah in the

current course of human history. It is by rising Hazrat Mahdi with the gift of the “Divine Voice”

removing the fraudulent texts and distorted meanings of the words. It is Hazrat Mahdi’s job to place the

words in its proper context and restoring its proper Divine message. This is the ONLY way to restore the

Sacred Texts to its fully and proper understanding. This is the time to rejoice, because the marvelous

Manifestation of the Divine Voice is here, and Hazrat Mahdi knows that the time is coming for Rome to

be completely exposed of the her lies and hypocrisies, that has created great ignorance and indifference

of the Sacred Texts and rebellion against the Almighty Yah Allah.

It is time to return to the correct Divine instructions as dictated on the Sacred Texts and to restore the

power to the People of Yah Allah who seek him with all their hearts and soul.

Here are samples of translations of Torah that are not properly translated:

The Writings of the Torah: Correct Translation:

And the LORD said unto Moses, Take all the heads of the people, and hang them up before the LORD against the sun…

And the LORD said to Moses, Take all the chiefs of the people and expose them before the LORD in the daylight…

Numbers 25:4 Numbers 25:4

The books of the Prophets: Correct Translation:

Then said I, Ah, LORD GOD! Surely though hast greatly deceived this people and Jerusalem, saying…

Then I said, I beseech thee, O LORD GOD, surely I have greatly deceived this people and Jerusalem; for I have said…

Jeremiah 4:10 Jeremiah 4:10

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The Qu’ran Translation

For many days the texts have been examined concerning the question whether the current translation

of the Holy Qu’ran correctly conveys Yah Allah’s original sacred WORD giving any permission to “Eat

Meat.” As Believers of Yah Allah, the Creator of Universe has given sufficient indication as to what we

should do concerning this matter. We must agree, that all the Prophets most agree, first, that Yah Allah

gave to the Prophet Moses (PBUH) the Torah, and for 1,940 years the Hebrews and the Arabs were

obedient to the Divine instructions that were given at Mount Sinai and Mount Horeb in Saudi Arabia,

before the Holy Qu’ran was revealed. Secondly, the Gospels were given by Issa Al-Masih (PBUH), and

here is another set of Sacred Books to observe and obey for another 600 years, until the Prophet

Mohammad revealed the Holy Qu’ran, as another set of Sacred Texts to be included with the Volumes of

Torah, and the Gospels, and to be preserved and obeyed for the subsequent 1,400 hundred years.

Basically, we have a total of 3,340 years as custodians of the sacred texts handed down on each

successive generation until this generation. The sad reality of today, each of the Family of Abraham,

(Judaism, Christianity, Islam), does not embrace each other’s treasures of Truth of Yah Allah. Each

branches embraced one book more than the others, when all these Sacred Texts came from the same

Divine Origin, and all of these Holy Books are Sacred and equal of authority, and cannot contradict each


It is imperative to recognize that these Sacred Texts (Torah, Gospels, and Qu’ran) in its entirely are to be

observed and obeyed, because they all came from the same Fountain of life and wisdom of Yah Allah.

Every prophet was obedient to the perfect will of Yah Allah and these wonderful treasures of truth were

delivered to us with longsuffering and persecution. The truth is found in its entirely, by comparing one

book of the prophet with another book of the prophet until all pieces begins to come together directing

us to the perfect will of Yah Allah. By doing this, we will see that all the prophets from the Torah,

Gospels, and the Holy Qu’ran must agree, as a result they become ONE Truth, ONE Hope, and ONE

Faith. Whenever a text contradicts another prophet, it is evident that the translation text chosen by the

translation author has been indeed influenced by Edom-Rome through the Roman Catholic Educational

system. Edom-Rome’s educational system is rote memory without training regarding how they have

arrived at the conclusion; while Yah Allah’s educational system is to understand the context and its

etymological deep meaning of the words. Yah Allah is not a GOD of confusion, but of order and

simplicity. Yah Allah is the same of Today, Yesterday and Tomorrow. Yah Allah does no vary, He has

not changed, and His Laws are unchangeable. Having this in mind, we will compare the original texts of

Torah, Gospels, and the Holy Qu’ran, and its original context that will help better understand its


After further analysis between 4-6 translations of the Holy Qu’ran, It was concluded that many of the

translation of the texts of the Holy Qu’ran were either shorter or longer with added words. Another

observation was made, that many of each translation were either contradicting other translations or not

conveying the same message.