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2. M.Bregar ([email protected])2Digestive System: group of organs which processes food mechanically & chemically, so it can be absorbed into the circulatory system.Processing of food takes place across the alimentary canal in distinct stages. 3. M.Bregar ([email protected])3Events taking place can be classified as: 4. M.Bregar ([email protected])4The stages are: Ingestion: Food enters into the system.Digestion: Break down of food into simpler forms, allowing for absorption. Is both mechanical & chemical.Absorption: The movement of nutrients into the circulatory system. Means nutrients have entered into the blood.Egestion / Excretion: The elimination of waste materials. Any food material not processed is eliminated as fecal matter. 5. 5 6. M.Bregar ([email protected])6After ingestion, carries food through digestion until excretionFood is moved through the canal via smooth muscleVarious enzymes will enter into the tube at different points to process food chemically. 7. M.Bregar ([email protected])7The digestive system processes nutrients into more usable forms.Nutrients: any material needed by an organism to live and grow.Think of nutrients as providing the building materials & energy to make and sustain life. 8. 8 9. M.Bregar ([email protected])9Nutrients can be classified as:MicronutrientsMacronutrients Materials used by living organisms for growth & energy.Substances which help carry out metabolism including: VitaminsMineralsWater 10. M.Bregar ([email protected])10Macronutrients are broken down into 3 basic groups. 11. M.Bregar ([email protected])11ProteinsCarbohydrat esPreferred energy source. Known as saccharides (sugars: simple vs complex)Broken down into amino acids Used for growth, repair, and in lifeFats Known as lipids Used in making tissue & hormones. Important for bodys 12. M.Bregar ([email protected])12Breakdown of food into simpler forms by chemical means.For Example: Carbohydrates are broken down into simple sugars Proteins are broken down into peptides and amino acids Fats become emulsified, eventually forming fatty acids Chemical digestion is made possible by biological catalysts referred to as enzymes which are specific. 13. M.Bregar ([email protected])13M.Bregar ([email protected]) 14. 14 15. M.Bregar ([email protected])15Enzymes are protein molecules which assist in carrying out metabolic activity (chemical reactions), including chemical digestion. 16. M.Bregar ([email protected])16Enzymes are involved in the catabolic (break down) and anabolic (building) reactions which take place in metabolism. 17. 17M.Bregar ([email protected]) 18. M.Bregar ([email protected])18The speed at which a chemical reaction takes place is referred to as a rate of reaction.Reaction rates can be increased or decreased 19. Using HEAT to speed up reactions19 M.Bregar ([email protected]) 20. SURFACE AREA & Chemical Reactions20 M.Bregar ([email protected]) 21. M.Bregar ([email protected])21Problem: Why cant we use heat to speed up chemical reactions in the body? 22. M.Bregar ([email protected])22An enzymes 3 dimensional shape is key to enzymes completing activities. 23. M.Bregar ([email protected])23A protein whose shape has changed, loses its ability to function.This is called denaturationHuman proteins denature at _______________ 24. M.Bregar ([email protected])24At what temperature is enzyme activity optimal? 25. M.Bregar ([email protected])25What can you conclude about a thermophiles natural environment? 26. M.Bregar ([email protected])26The physical break down of food into smaller pieces.Purpose: to increase surface area, which increases reaction rates. 27. 27M.Bregar ([email protected]) 28. M.Bregar ([email protected])28Ingestion takes place once food enters into the mouth. 29. M.Bregar ([email protected])29Mechanical Digestion begins in the mouth with masticatio n 30. M.Bregar ([email protected])30Many organisms use teeth to masticate food with the purpose of increasing surface area. 31. M.Bregar ([email protected])31There are different types of teeth 32. M.Bregar ([email protected])32Types of teeth found in an organism are a reflection of diet. 33. M.Bregar ([email protected])33The classes of teeth are: Canine Molars Pre-Molars IncisorsFunctions? 34. 34 35. The release of saliva, begins chemical digestion.35 36. M.Bregar ([email protected])36Saliva secretion is under the control of the autonomic nervous system.It is produced by the salivary gland. 37. M.Bregar ([email protected])37Produced by the salivary gland.Saliva is a mixture of water, mucus, saliva, enzymes, and antibacterial compoundsTissue involved? 38. M.Bregar ([email protected])38Main functions include: Chemicaldigestion of carbohydrates. Lubrication& Binding of Food into a Bolus Allowsfor tasting? 39. M.Bregar ([email protected])39Other functions, can include evaporative cooling and oral hygiene depending on species. 40. 40Food Leaves The MouthM.Bregar ([email protected]) 41. 41The tongue shapes the food into a bolusThe bolus is pushed into the esophagus 42. M.Bregar ([email protected])42A muscular tube which connects the pharynx to the stomach. 43. M.Bregar ([email protected])43Made of smooth muscle.Peristalsis: the contraction of smooth muscle pushing food down into stomach.Voluntary or Involuntary? 44. 44DIGESTION & THE STOMACHM.Bregar ([email protected]) 45. M.Bregar ([email protected])45A muscular bag (3 layers) lined with epithelial cells.Mechanical Digestion takes place as the food is churned. 46. M.Bregar ([email protected])46Rugae allow the stomach to stretch 47. M.Bregar ([email protected])47The stomach has the ability to stretch.Rugae Foldsof stomach wall lining Allows for increase in stomach volume 48. M.Bregar ([email protected])48As the stomach fills, receptors send impulses to the brain to indicate fullness 49. M.Bregar ([email protected])49Gastric glands in the stomach wall release gastric juice, so the stomach contains: Proteaseenzymes are released for the chemical digestion of proteins HydrochloricAcid: destroys bacteria, activates enzymes. The stomach is lined with protective mucus. 50. M.Bregar ([email protected])50The digested bolus is now called chyme, and is slowly released into the small intestine.The movement of chyme is regulated by sphincter muscles.Note: some absorption does occur 51. 51ABSORPTIONM.Bregar ([email protected]) 52. M.Bregar ([email protected])52The intestines are classified into the small intestine and large intestine. 53. M.Bregar ([email protected])53The small intestine continues digestion and begins the process of absorption.The liver & pancreas help maximize absorption. 54. M.Bregar ([email protected])54Has 3 separate sections, each with unique function, they are the: Duodenum, Jejunum, Ileum. 55. M.Bregar ([email protected])55Chemical breakdown of chyme continues with the release of secretions from the pancreas and liver. 56. 56M.Bregar ([email protected]) 57. M.Bregar ([email protected])57Secretions released include Bile Responsible for emulsifying lipids. Produced by the liver, stored in the gall bladderPancreatic Juice An alkaline mixture secreted by the pancreas, consists of: Enzymes Bicarbonate 58. M.Bregar ([email protected])58Bile contains various chemicals which can lead to the formation of gallstones. 59. 59M.Bregar ([email protected]) 60. M.Bregar ([email protected])602nd largest organ in the body, with many additional functions, including: Waste BloodRegulationRegulation 61. M.Bregar ([email protected])61A multifunctional organ involved in the digestive and endocrine systems. 62. M.Bregar ([email protected])62Specific functions include: Digestive SystemSecretions complete the digestion of protein, carbohydrates, and fats. Secretions neutralize stomach acid.Endocrine System Secretes hormones that control blood sugar levels. Glucagon Insulin Somatostatin 63. M.Bregar ([email protected])63The location of the majority of absorption.Absorption is the movement of nutrients into the circulatory system 64. 64 65. M.Bregar ([email protected])65Inner surface of the small intestine are built to maximize absorption, they contain villi. 66. 66M.Bregar ([email protected])M.Bregar ([email protected]) 67. M.Bregar ([email protected])67Contain blood vessels and lacteals: Lacteals: BloodVessels: 68. 68 69. M.Bregar ([email protected])69Final portion of the small intestine, absorption continues through villi.Leftovers (waste) are compacted, passing through the cecum into the large intestine. 70. M.Bregar ([email protected])70Main function is the absorption of water & electrolytes from the indigestible food.Vitamins: ___________ are absorbed.Mucus is secreted, binding the dehydrated waste into feces. 71. 71EGESTIONM.Bregar ([email protected]) 72. 72 73. M.Bregar ([email protected])73After approximately 50 hours, egestion occurs at which point defecation occurs.Waste materials are eliminated in the form of feces. 74. M.Bregar ([email protected])74Final portion of large intestine, which is a temporary storage area for feces.When full, the anal sphincter looses, allowing feces to pass through the anus exiting the body.