Download - THE DAILY NEWS F FUTURE B1ACkFORP-FLIMiIN GIVES … · Clbservers are placing too much ... Ca~per saId


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9.15 a.m.-The Man from Yesterday. THE "DAILY NEWS S.OO p.m.-Junior Jamboree,

6.40 p.m:-It'. a Queer Old' World.

S.OO-Hockey. Vol. 62. No, 35

At .Air : Cadet Meeting :}~!i:~~;;;~~·~·;·;·i;ft.~~j;i:r:~::.ii~,;W;;:0)}:'1

Canada's F·BG Sn~re fighter comes unde\: discu~sion at the 14th annual meeting of . the Air Cadet League of Canada at the Seigniory Club, P.Q., Feb, 9th and 10th. Newfoundland delegate!! included (left ~o right) seated. are:-Brian Higgins, W. J. Haulle, H. Darroch :Macgillivray, President of the League. Standing are:-John F. Ayre and F /0 F. Loggie, Air Clldet Liai son Officer, All men are from St, John's,


A. SovielT !"!t:~.~;:rs B~ck '~~::~ifi~~::~~~:: BY O' . P POS IT' 10" N .' from thl: court. This could meall':

By WILUMI L. RYAN and docs not seem. to have been I new purge In the Dlfing.· I AP NEWS ANLYS1' Iesolved. . Sixth, no matter what was hap. [ . PAIU~-.. R~l\tcr.:; .... Pilirre PIJimlinearIy to·day

A . momentous week of shakeup5' Of some 1.11 i n R s Weshmers pening, 'stolid V. M. Molotov r~ I gave up Ius attempt to form a new French' "overn. In tllli Soviet governmcnt demon· could be fairly 'sure: t~ined lJis posillon a~ foreign mini· I t f .. . stratcd that two Kremlin gllosts First, the show is far from nver: sier, representing the continuation' men a ter running into difficulties with .upporten have refu~~d to stay burled. The The events o( the week constituted or Soviet external polic~ through of eX·llrr.mier Pierre Mendes·France. wraiths probably have many ~ So· . just OIIe more act on which the cur· the long 6eries oC convulsions. For iour days the popular Republican leader hlld viet. government and party (unc· lain has lallen.· M one resulL of. the 6hakeup, the tionary quaking in his boots. &~cond, last week's convu!,:;lon West. can expect increased 'pres- tried 10 clIt ;hrot!gh a welter of party .politics and

The ghosts arc thosc oC .loseph differed from._ Ule previous post. ~u~e on Germany and Western Eur· compose a cabinet to replace the Mendes·France Stnlin and Andrei Zhdanov, who Stalin uphea\'aJ. Malenkov lost the . Dpeto defeat llie 'purposes of tbc l mlgllt have been stalin's succes. prrmiershlp, but this time IDsing.a North . .Atlantic alliance. But there gove~nlcnt that fell Ott Feb. Ii. He abandoned Ids sor. Zhdanov died in 19~ and up· top job did not mean a bullet, as probably wae milch mo~ than that efforl!! shortly lifter 4 a.m. after 19 hOUl'lef and-eomlng Georgi MaJ.ankov me·. it ~ad lor llIe Internal arfalrs mini· behind the shakeup, Because In· continuous negotiations. thodlcally proceeded 10 PUt Zhd ster, police boss L. P. Beria, a temal affairs 'come tint In the A . ~kesman for tbe A1sRdan -.--~---~-anov men Into the shadows.' y~ar before. U. S. S, R. economist !3id Pf1imUn has not key wrench, tM CathoIle .. ", ..

Now, as tbe Soviet regime again ,Third, a political general, Mar- succeeded In persuading members had appeared to be maldq .", veers back to Stalinism, the future ~hal Nikolai 'Bulganln,ls the new C . f T of the ex.premier', Radical Social. prDgTeiS toward IUCl:e5l. brgi11<l to look d~rk for tho~c \\'ho I premier. and a career general, on esses 0 jst party who supported Mendes. Independent. deputies reprMlflt. prospel'~d under ~lalenkol"s pre-: ::Ifnrshal Z,lJukol·. is the defence '. France 10 join the cabinrt togcther, ing voting strength of 15m mie~5hip .. 'rhe Zhdanol' g~ng is. ~inistcl" nominally head of all So'. 11.1 I O' f with rallical~ who heloed 10 ol'er-; the. ~ahonal A~embly had "o~e~ commg back, apparently \\'Ilh the I Viet al'ln~d force~. : I !UUr( er' Ihrow him. \\'i~!lou( Ille pall(s Cnll: ~ JOin in !:he roalltlon when l'~lm. hle:sings or Communist part)' boss! I',\RTY AU1'1I0RlTY IN AII~IY SI:p""rt PClimlin CQuld not have.' hn off.ered t~m .e\·~n cabmet Nlldta Khruschche\'. i But Bulganin, nCl'er an army S I I G· I Y" <ts tIL til Ii he b d

But somcthlng 'new has been! man In fact, did not doff hi.~ mar. C 100 Ir counted on cnollgh support in the: po;. inS eaf 0 t Vt •. added to b,'Je picture. The career I shal's un i for m, demonstrating National Assembly. ' originally Intended. men of the Soviet . army seem to clearly thathe rellres~nted the au. DE~OIT (AP) - A tormer R' 1.1 d d Thl.s bC>Wever still left Ih. II"-have risen In prestige and Influ- thority of the rUling Communist gravedlgger ~as confessed tl]e vlci· enc ayer who Ie the ra leal mier designate without an assured ellce, If not in actual power, and party ·_llraesldium'. in the :army. ous rape<s. laYIn. g two )lears a.go .of party opposition to Mendes-France majority in thg assembly. Two Joa G Ii 18 ld dealt the death blow to Pllimlin','; pays ago the Gaulllsts had joined will have to be reckoned with In Four,{h, Khrushchev, Ilrst secre· • ~n I esplC, :year.o Ju~or .hopes when he uII'<!xpectedly an- the socialists In decldJnl to .tar future upheavals. ttry, of' t.'J·a CommunIst party, c? student, pollce.5ald Sun~ay nounced that he would accept the outside his government.

In . assessing the happenings of emerged as the: leading figure in night. .... . t f ~. . . t I a historic we~k I'n whl'ch the Suo the hl·c. rarchy, ,"here the "collect. .[nspeclor .Edward Reilly sa.ld POE 0 orClgn mIDIS er on y if sup- PIlimlin finally tl!rew In 111, , R h d B II 11 1 D porters of Ihe Mendes-France also spon"e when he learned that Maur. preme Soviet, a rubber.stamp par' ive le~dership" which succced~d .I(~ .ar a lD~a , ~" of elrOlt, participated in the projcct-::d go,,_! ice Bour es Manou r- . 1I.'ment, automatically approved Stalin I~as beginning to fall apart. ~ilmltted the crime In a sl.atcme.nt ernmenl. I memlm !r the ~!en1es a. F;dlcal: decisions reached weeks before,. One man ~as emergin~ abov~ the i~fie~;oJ~s, of Intense pol1cp, gnU- OF.Ii'ERED SEVEN POSTS cabinet \I'Ould not come to !~~i! the suspicIon arises that West~rn olhc!,s"as It had to be In a dlctat· y Before Mayer Ihrcll' in hiR mon-. him for consultations. . Clbservers are placing too much 'Ballingall originally was arrested " -~ .. _.... .. .• _-._- ----------emphasis on the role of Marshal. FIfth, aJ?ng \\,I~. th.esbakeups for investigation of thc dealh of hi~ PalntlnO's Of : number of water colours painted GeorgI Zhukov, tbe new detence I~ the \'arlOus'mlmslfICs, t»~ So·. common-law wif~: Police said he -mInister, and the career Rene:als .. ,,!et supreme courl has .been .re-I has 3 recorda! morals offence.,. IS ." u :by llr. George Paddon·Foster. The .stMlggie at tile top Is still R .vlEcd, apparenlly. ~o get rid of JUf,', The body Df the Gillespie girl I pam On I Many oC these paintings were polll:ieal struggle ~nd a party one, !Ices connected "1111 a purge of ! was found Jan. 3, 195." in an allc~'i . done while Mr. Paddon·Foster was

S ·ll----B-----------;....·- . ~~~r:n:~l~~~~i~~nv~l~t~~i~~c~fo~~j Exhibition : ~~v:O!~:yl;:eIi~~g~:\~~~~~::~

t Reilly ~airl Rnllingall had r~.: . southern Spain. Several oC the

would. be known only to ine killer .. Vogu~ Gi\~lcry. Wafc~' Street has I especially near Lake Ontario. ' . ..' . . ,. : _', . . _" ....... ;"., / ... ;" ' ... ! o~ ~J;spla)._~n:.fhp, [ 11001' ~ i All of the paintings are fonale . . .. - .. ' Su H'·'t· ·.},.:111 . '. i thz Urmr.y HolC!.. 'I and many or them were lold duro


R'ussia I o~ I n·~· .- l~terl detailS. oC . the. SI"."\'lnl: thaI. the past lew nays the. paintings are or scenes in Ontari.o

. . e 0 e lUaU: Attorney IItal"k. Ca~per saId he ing th~ first days oC the exhibillon,

G · . C 0 Wh' R f d i \':ould ~.'k ror ~ cil'il suit of "iJ'.'-1 but were l~fl on e)(hibltion with

t . '. 0 e . use I t~\'een ~2.'iD,O?O and $5QO,00!J" to be I the rest of the pictures.

e ' 0 n n' I ~llcd. He ~ald ·he al~o \l'a~. cherll- .Mr. George Paddon-Foster !J

Ad · N I 109 II) see "If achon ml~ht be • . ' 1TIIt eO'ltoes I bl'oll~l!t ror violation of the civil! he~e in .SI. .Tohn a u the stage . h I rights of the Negrrt<s." arhst 1I1th the I,ondon Theatre

?flAMl, FI~. (AP)-Counsel (or I The Negroes, mo,t of them memo Company, and patrons of the the· the . Da~e County Republica~ Or· lJ<ors ot tJle nrgnnization's execu. atre have bl!en delighted each p, b l

. ga.m~ation said Sunday ~e IVlII. re·1 live ~ommiUec. \l'ere invited to !:he c.hange or play by the .dellshttul . . commen.d a damage SUIt Malllsf I meetmg by Wesley Garrison, Re· ~ets which Mr. Paddon-Foster has r 0 e m S I t~e. O\\1I'2r of ~ holel who asked .24 )l{lblican. slale com milteeman and: designed. His set for the play,

, Negro Republicans to leave a Lm· a co.ehmrman of the Lincoln Day "Th I t lB' E t" .' j l'Oln Day dinner, . dinncr. e mpor al.lce 0 emg rne, ,

. . .! 0!fic~rs of th~ counly political or. Clnughton said he ask~d the \Va_s so beaut~fllllY designed and

B . . S d F~· 0 I I 0 i ;:amzation, whIch sponsored thc Negroes to leave because "it would pamled that Jour reporter thought Formosa Blizzard

pany reporled that all commu. Rescue Cr'lIow rItaln tan s 110m n nc USlon I dinner, will bold ~ special meeting be i~pos.~ible to scm tJlem, that it ra~her a sha~e that all thi.

niUes in the Eastern TowlI6hlps . . '" .~io~day to conSIder legal action lI'e didn't have tbe facilities and hcauhCul scenery was used lor just wcre cut off Saturday and only Of WI k d 0.£ Nationa. list China . agamst E, N.~:~~I!ton, . .?.::.n:.r of We just eoul.dn't do it." I on~,;~~~.' __ _

Howls In East Que.

about half of the roads were pass· W rec e R "C ------&ble Sunday.' LONDON-AP - The Soviet Union disclosed . eceptlOn ommittee

At lo.'1e height of the storm, fire USB h . thl'eatened to destroy the Eastern •• om er Saturday it is .plugging for a 10·nation conference Tcwnships village of Leeds. A lac· I on the Formosa problem to be held (his month in slroyed belure vol un leers, working '! lNNIPEG (CP)- M 0 \I n ted. , • lory alld tJlrc' homes were dc. po~lce and an RCAF para·rescue either Shanghai or New Delln, with tire extl;lgulshers and buli. IImt have rescued.a ~econd United However; a British COIX!ign office -----------dozers, bl'ought Ihe flames llOder sta!eR Air. Force offIcer .Irom ~e spokesman said ~rll,ain had in- CI Old n·

A winh'Y blh~ard. powered by control. I>amage II'n8 estlmaled at Ire.zlng Wilds ~ northclD Sa skat· furmed the Kremlin t,.lnt a confer· n ren Ie winds lip 10 00 mil us an IllJur, $li.'i,Ooo. c.l1e)van where ft> stratoJet bomber I ence without Nationalist Chinn ~\\'ept /JIroligh eastern Quebec Sa~· At Moncton Ilrem~n managed to crashed early Saturday. ~l~r a "would not be representative" and WTl H B urda)', disrupting communications, control lour lires in {fifferent sec. hlgh'altftu{fe explosl!m. "could not have a useful resul!." »' len orne urns hlocking blgb\\'aylS and leaving tlons of the lIIassey Harris bulJd- An RCAF official at The Pas, Tha Moscow proposal, delivered' . tr~IIIII as much as 20 hours be-hind log belore any sC'l'lous damage re. l\Ian., 300 mUes north of here, to Britain Feh: 4, suggesled Brit· BRIGHT, Onto (CP)-Two child­_r,l!edule. sulled. The fire' was ~used by a sn!!I Sunday nIght In a telephon~ ain, India and the Soviet Ullion ren were burned to dealh Satur-

In . New BnlOswick .the hlJ:h broken pow~r line. . Intcrvtew that Capt. Lester. E. Ep- join in Inviting to a conference the day nig'Jt when trapP2d by flames winds IIproDI~11 trees, ~mashed High. temperatures' accompany. ton, 33, was heiDI: flown to The United Stale5. Red China, France, in' Ule. attic bedroom of their two· power and telephone line~, tumbled in!: fhe winds caused flooding in Pas In an RCMP otter. The com· .Burma, ·Indonesla, Pakistan anrl storey frame home in this- Wood· hams. ehlmne)'s ~nd lelc\'ision an- many parts 01 New Brunswick and mander of ilie bomber was res· .Ceylon. stock district vlllage. Four ot.hel'· tellllas and camed damage es. one . too! 01 water covered the cued Saturda~',.. CONSIDERED USELESS persons escaped serious injur)'. . limated at close to $loo.00!J, • Saint John.Moncron highway. :rwo other USAr officers, rna'!!· The United Sla!.?s. as well as Dead are Mary Sherman, !I:<,

There were no daaths or Injuries CLEAR SKIES SUNDAY . bers ol the plane.; crew, are still Britain, was reported. to have de· and her sist~r Laura; three. reported. Clear skies and' !em. missing. RCAr officials said l~ is clded that such a conference with. Their mGther, Mrs. James Sher-

Billed single lo~s In the Satur. p!ratute~ followed Ille storm in not known wbet1ler the two par. out National~lt China would be un- man, 3S, saved the life of a third day blolV. In Npw' Bnmsll'lck was most parts of Quebec Sunday. All . Rchuted from the exploding plane productive. child, lO·months-old .Tames.She .ustalned by two dairy farmers available snow.removal machinery along wIth Eplon and Mcqrew. Officials In Washington' said rhey grabbed the bahy and' ran' bare· near Saint John, who walched the \\'a~ put to work clearing main CO~'T1NVE SEARCH under5tood Illis was the view taken footed In tero weather to a n~igh· \lind blow over a $20,000 barn .hlghways. . Search for the missIng m'2n coo· by most, if not 'SU, of tha Common· . bor's home. .! which housed 30 head of dairy tlnued Sunday and an RCAii' plane wealt!! prime .minislers at their reo • Mrs. Sherman's 73·year.o!d bu!· cattle. Only Jour of tha animals The CNR said It was having all was scheduled to conduct a night rent London conference:' band tried to climb the Wooden were saved. its trouble In a IS-inlle stretch he· 5earch over the area, . The British foreign mfke state. BORE BRUNT

I;we~n Blc and Port"Plc, two RI. Air. force olllcials said Capt, En. men' said: ladder to tbe attic sleeping quart. r. kl t ff b' ~, el'S, but was driven back by }Ieavy .. . . . . ' The Eastern Town!lllp~. Quebec mous county communities SDme on. su ered frost· IUen Ieet hut "In the .)pinlon of Her Majesty's smok'J and flame5. A neighbor A Chinese Nationalist gun crew mans a camoll£lag cd I55-mm. how~!zcr on the Island of Qnemoy. •.

Clly and the area extending easl 160 miles east of Q~bee City, olherwisa was in good condition' af· government it Is' desirable that Lome Zehr, helped lead him . io the Reds 'declde to attack the Island, which lies only .four miles of[ the Chinese mainland, they. 10 New Brunswick bore the brunt IIRdallway, ofliclals said snow Was lerbelng marooned in deep snow any mE!j!t1ng lor the discussion of safety, . wlJl·l/nd It the most heal'lIy IIfrended 'outpost of ChIang Kat·shek, of the storm which pll"d 100foot P e 10 .eet deep Dn Ihe track. tOI' more than 30 hour/!. the situation In the area of the --:---------------.---......,-drllll5 011 Ill~ canadian· National beTheeyleadlrdednotull·tIlex~~met.lthem~seutc.!1atyO n The ~AF p.ara. rescue unit, coastal I s I Ii n d sand FO:I'mosa M . A' I· d' 'D II P t "I I di . R 11 II 1 th ""... 11<1 own "",m WlDnlpeg Saturday, should be organized in n' form ac· t . . . . M~ritl~~ :M:::nj, ~ CN: night. • ·~:Jte~e:m~!rsDa.~::ath:I~~~~~ ·ce~ebl~otovietthepUroponltesdaINwa!aiosns~ls' • _ '. arga. re.... c.c .a.Ime. 0 rInc.e .. 55 n n, es .. was ,till working to' clear the tNck Meanwhile, 'three trains from the Id Ca Sunday, while three trains waited Maritimes-the Ocean Limited the to a pt. Epton, . closed In a Moscow radio broad. BRIDGETOWN, Barbados (AP) I lands" into a WeBt In.dies federa., been a great success ill brIDging I While Coral beach and . II til gel through. . ScotIan and Ille MarItime Ex." cast which sal~ neg\lUations on th-:!: Pe~1e Pr inc e s s Margaret, ac· tion. ~argar~t Is doIng her r::'rt. these far.:flung is~ands closer to !he. throu"h go .. gle t trop' )e~\

. It"d t b 'C· . Ed" Idea "arc contmulng," . r claimed. the "doll princess" b~'1 foUr-wmg a'rlgorous dny-and·mghli crown. At each ISland, \l'clcomm;:· c .. S a Ica s R ElscI~'h:rc In SOli t ~ H n ~ew y~:s~-\\ ~'a' k a ncar y stations Ity . ItOI' SOl'Iet Foreign Minister :lTolotov thousands on her West Indies IouI'. schedule wherever she lands. ; speak2rs stre~., their loyalty 'anrl i and olher underwater marvels.

nms\llck. a ]OO·Ioot steel h:;dro Oceihe il It r be elerredJ TI~~ commnnleated the propo.sano For- sallen SUilday' f~rllugh sunn)' lI'al.. She will follow t·be sam'~ packel]' devotion. Margaret herself sum·i.r-___________ • lewrr fell beneath the ra~ing winds h n b h~1 de hwads I a read y . In "Soll't" eign Secretary Eden and Indian I er:; toward Antigua. ., routine at Antigua. i 1I1ed liP the mutual Cec.1ings when' l~a\'lng vllIagl's In Inc Hammondi ollrs c n sc cue an was , ary I Prime lIlinister Nehru. The royal yacht Brilannia Is ex- ALWAYS GRACIOUS I sh~ said at Trinidad:, ~ ril'cr prca, about 20 mlles from' expecied III arrive III MOlitreal "r' RUSSI.\ BLAMES U, S, . I peeted to reach' St. John's, An·1 &e\'cr once on this strenuous: "Keither space nor the 'lin~it of i hcre. without lights for ~veral mor·., b!lan 20 hours late. lias mlghly cold arouDlI herr.. I lIiolotov reviel\"'~d the breakdown I tigU3, at 11. a.m. (10 a.m. EST), tLur has 9!!e displayed a trace or i lime call part tllDle ti..:!:; of mtcr.; IlOur.~. . STRASSER ON TRAIN last night. Clly Editor Ilc,~ him· ., o.r eCfJrts in the UN to get cease- toqa,Y. It will be !he ~ixth or weariness .or impatic~cc_ She. al.! est and 'aIfcction"ll'hich bind us so.

At Mon~ton Iho storm: smashed The SCotian wa~' 14 Ilollrs late Sf'lf locked in a room here, and fire tall" started and said thnt tor Brlh~.1] West IndieS I.slands thei lI'~ys has a warm smile. gracIous closeiy toget.!!er. . , a SO.foot chimney, which 5haUered' andt!lc.?r!arIUme E.xpress was ex.' It was fOllr hours before his' t.!lis reasOn "countries specially in· princes~ has touched on her t'oya!! wavc, and firm handshak-z {or the Despite Ihc drh'c of duty, the: PAGE a greenhouse and tDl'e the rool p~cted ln Montreal about 12 hDurs pileous' erles for· helpwl!re -tel'ested" ShOllld "consider this (nUr, now at the halIwa~' point. multitudes of many races. prillcc:., has managed tn get II: 2_TeC'l Town, from the porch of a home. • btbind ~e. heard; Hat! to b~ delr~sted question at an appropriat~ confel" Tbus lar. she has visitell .Trinidad, T!le)' call her."dollprinc~~,,·' and HttI~. re~r:!ation. At 'frinidad .she i 3_Andv.Ml(tktnlil visit,

. _ before he eould ,0 back to cnce.".. Grenaua, Tobago; St. Vincent' and "!~Irybook pnncess." .l\ cst In· was m!l'lgued by Ihe calypso Sing- j. . SI J h ' The Dominion weather office at A railway spokesman said the . • He sought to blame tlle danger· Barbados. dJr,ns, who know there is a radiant ers. In\'ltillll them to .3 privale I . . Q n s.

Montreal esllmnled the snc>wfall passengers remained .abaard Iho work, It will ~ told again ous Formosa sJiuation on the un. A member of the royal party WDman beneath all the cerem~nyl command performance the night "S':"'The l.e9ion

Corner. ,/. thraUfll the l'ast~fII part of Quebec trains. d uri nil' the delay. Bud to.da),. Is the tale from Torba)" willingness of the Unite!1 Sillies s&ill t)le 24:y-;!ar-old .. prlnces~ Is· en- look 10 the day when' MargaN't after they performed at a huge, l>-uPleli5cfle in th.t Wt~t" . • t 15 Inrll~s; bUI unort1r.I~rsources "seemet\. \0 be elljoylng It." Among with. IlIlMh of '28 •. 'fbrre ",mand BritaIn "wtake Inln consider- joying .~Iersdf un this tnOlllh·lon.g finds a husband. This· Is the way garden party. She Is taking hom~! -edItorIal, suld It was far too l'llnServlltiV4!; thell!. Is ottu Strllsser, onc-tlme be I lew Inowllurrltl, and It ~lIon" the delllRlUls of Ole' rhln·~se swing through the Caribhe~n,· but The.' Herald on Tobagu, smali~;is. to Englallli fiYe calypso records. 9-R'parh of sPllch .. CNR oCll~b,s. n ear ,Rlmmlskl, Nu~ leader,. on his' way to Mont. will be tloudy. \ t'llllllllllllisls. sllded: '''I·hl.3 J3 not· a . Caribbean I~na 'near 'rrlnidad, expresses U In IIF.J •. o\XF.S A'I' Rf1ACII mad. at Board of Tr.d, I';lme traIn tratrle Was held' up, I'~alto boaI'd a plane lor GefmallY: (All' that water 'IIver by St, 'l'Iw Chlll~"e Rells l'efliSed 10 en- ltlllhluy. 'l'hi~ Is R mujor dlpllllllllti~ the curious Caribbean' ~:ngli>o!l' Aftel· blllsierr .LoI\dun, Margarel dInner •. '~"I the lall was nearer tflree . Trans·Canada Air Lines reported MBry'sChurch on the Soilth. leL' UN cense-rlre talks unles, they. enterprise." .hl·art! on tllese islands: .' hns tllken a II.klll~ to !lw'warm" H)-Woman's Nlwt .

. Iret. . ~I~ht· lIi~ht. cancellaUnn~ . . In the oIl! I I t If "Th '. wrre given the Chinese NationRI·· The prlnces~' firsl trill' 10 the '~When yon. mnrr~, We ,go dance bhlc.~l'celi .carl~~enn wllters. She I1-World of Sport

FI'"E THR.aTE~S· T:"WN.· lIla.rUlme~ Saturday anrl .sald IJll1ht . to ,,5. mere y 5Wea 0 t. I !,l <r.nts In Ihe UN· A~r1 ~,"les5: the nell' world come.~ at. a .time when at rOll. )1··~ddlR.I!.':' . . . I dC"ph'p~d h;thl" p!.~k shouldcrs. an~ " '.. . 1\ ",,. n II other flii/hts were delayed an aY' Brow, AU • rellnent of that Unitct! Statr.s was placed 'In ilie I Britain is s'~ekin~' 10 lI'eld the.scl tiM; BEEN SUCCfo;SS . I bork .. aftcr rr.laxl~~· on l'a~ll~dn.'·m!cl.. ., The ProvmclaJ Transport- Com- erap 01· three holU'8. Irea). I role of a defendant. beautiful but" poverty· stricken is· Ohservers feel the wincess has The U~Secunty Council, \\'Ilil'-_____ ~~--_ .. ,.

• •


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,----:;~-~--.--:------:--:-~~----!--------INews From 2 THt DAILY NEWS, MONDAY, FEB, 14, 195.5

'-Hav. you tried Elkes' . ' L K .~:~licioul .BiKuitl in the TAL· K T·A·L K T A .

EP~::,lti~ TALK· Of TRETOWN r.t;City ij~ry S~orel." not . :.'8: y::' J o' an' u~~:JOtr ei"': n:liui~9 .0' real t "trlcif .'.' .. .. . . ~«" ... ' '.. 11LK'fA (K TA L t,

.~: .... ~~ .. ~~:.w: .. '·5;' 'e' .">1'8' u··· .'.y: S .' lowllH"II"B"'allck".~~·ga"ln"."wl"'th"·.th~e·u"sulf.ja"loA \In"'g'" h~~·m·e If.jth·II'''s''um''m~e·r· ....... "c·o~lle&~t"c ' _ gossip. After next week I suppose and Jackie don't seem to be go~

~:: .. ~ '. . ' . you will all settle down for a 9ulet 'Ing .so steady these d~ys,· my. 1 .. !~~~:; lenten leason and there won't be wish It was spring •.• Audrey ~:".,,: too much dolns ail after the: 19th, Rideout and Jed Gamberg .are do· ;;:'. I won't be talking about you for' a ing alright together: •• '. this couple .;:.:. . monlh or' so. In the meantime If Isn't even waiting for spring .' ••• :~:;>' you .have a Utile bit ot news why Joan Arns favorite song thi~ week §i~: not drop It along and I. will be Is 'Sklmiy' Minny, . Sk~nny Minny .:,~.: . ' .. , .. '. ,. . glad to use It next Saturday, Fish Tall ... I wonder whr.· ... ;;;"" PACKAGED HARDWARE • • .\ We spotted a charming' young lady .~~:. ....... 'PRODUCTS Tim PRESENTATION' children i recently who looked lovcl~ .in a . "_. . ' o( Mary Dance which' was 'held at l' bright red HUed cont, white cap. ':-;" Il'5.\\'lsl to 'ask for Stelco ,'. St. Pat's Hall on Tuesday night. and gloves •.•. we recognized her ...

.. :_;' for their excellence ••• now pack- proved quite successful. The music after as Carmel .B~ennan ... '. . ~; you get hArdware products knOWl \ . :.:,:. aged for handy' .use In economy was suppUed by Leo Michael'S Or· very lovely Carm ... See Patsy

:::. quantities. These f!10de~n packl chestra and lIlr. Michaels received and J~ck are stilltop.s In each uth· ::: keep your purchases "factDr1- much applause for his renditions of ers lil\1e black books •. , • Birth· ::~ f1:esl;1" • , • lanKer I Newfoundland songs. Prizes' for day Greetings to Robert Furlong


... \ .

the Dreamiest Couple .on the. floor who grew older resterday •••• as well as the couple dancing Janet· How.ell has an' attraction, nearest the stage were' presented down at the stadium we wonder to Lorraine Batstone and Archie could his name begin with ."K"

" ..:..- TACKS

,Munn, and Shirley Pollard' and .•.• A lot of people ~re wo~derlR'g Frank Joy •. Songs by Barb Brown H Dcrm Holdcn got engaged Betty Hatfield and Marcheta Christmas ••.• Do you. know'! Michaels (as a trio) were well ap. Hope to sec Shirlley Knee OUt preciated by all those In attend· around ~horUy, Dutch looks pretty ance. Other cOl1ples there 'lVere- 10ne.1y slDce Shirley Is In hospital Tabby Morris, Tom Walsh, Barb due to all Injury received to her Brown and Bill Gooble. Joan Col. leg while skating .••• Boy' you IIns and Noel . Sparrow, . Frances should have seen Brell blush one Thornc and Kev Knox, Jill Kav. night recently while skating with Bnagh and . Frank crotty,' aJnet a girl • , •• the reason. was he

Forget Upping boxC5, pricked .. tlngers . and bard-ta-rcnd labels

. The new 2 oz. stelco tack package, ',vLth the large top opening, let'. )'ou .take oul the tacks you want

:. , • ,.easlly. .. PUTTY Squires and Brien Stapleton, Betly ncarl)' fell, I mean on the Ice •.•• • !It 'asl... HaUield and Bern Gooble. Rerresh. Sec Noel and !lI()on have cal1~d It here's put1y ments were served during the quits we're wondering now ii. Ches you can. usc, e\'ening and to repeat the almost has taken over, store ••• and worn out expression" e,'eryone hnd • • • find fresh fo\ use again .; a good time." THE PEPPERRELL Maintenance because ste1co • • • A.A. arc holding a dance at the the "good IN TilE LADIES basketball last Crystal Palace on Monday Feb ... putty" Is now Friday night Memorial turned ruary 21st and tickets arc only $3

llRcked In a·) back the Pepperrettes 26-16 In a double. Chrissie Andrews 'wlll sup· lb. moisture proof. alrtlaht·pouch .pouch.. . ' hard fought game. Top scorers In ply the music, there wl11 be prize

· . the game were Ruby Jones and dances and 'a)] sorts of entertain· GLAZIERS' Joyce Payne with 'j.B respectivelY ment •..• You can get tickets by

. , . PCINTS for ?tIUN and Norma Brown with calling Terry Trainor at 2573 01'

The low cost or 10 for tllC Peppers. Sylvia Carew John Barrone at 4730-L. I 'think · Stclco G!nziers' and Phlll Randeil played we)] on this will be about the last dancc · Points In the handy defence while Barbara Gillespie before lent so make it a date and

. ,

A· . VallritineHello '. '

The Librar~' . .. ' T:le recent gallant rescue' of the

crew oof the "Student Prince" mny have remLnd~d many of us of tile n~mcrO~I; tales of herol~ rescues aDd tragic shlpwerecks that hav" b2en common' occurrences along our COR[t in ':1\\ past. 11 seems 9P' pr.priate, t!lerefore; rllt t~h

. week's c:lsplny of new bo:ks should contain two chich denl· dth' ships an:\ the sea. . ~

In l':le first, "Flying !;t~rm" the at:thor Kla::s TOX:Jpeus rel&te.s his pdver.lurcs In fea re~cue \vork oft Ihe st3rmy c:Y.:st of Hdbnd. ThE The area which he patf()!1~d Is situated amongst t:\e nortllern Is l'.:~d5 off the Dutch coast n=·~ (11


fr:lm t'le German border. Sea traf· fie in Ulls region is always hc::vy and as t:le shJTC I.; so flat. it does nJt look dangerlous. Many sl:ipp:!rs [ail to realize that there are treach erl3us sheals in these apparently saf~ waters, and to make matters worse. the shoals a['\~ continually c!1anging pJsltion. so acc'Jrate chnrting is Imp:.:sible. The arc' is n:lted too. for storms whlc,11 nrise suddenly an:! have great btcn~lty TilUs rescue boats are frequ~ntb ll.~eded to save the crews of iIl·fa!,­et ships. Mr. Toxopel1s spent most of his life In th',; ha%orcous but merciful work, _and L'Ie storY of his experiences cremonstrates the caol CJurage needed In such an occupation. It Is a talc of heroism and adventure which makes excel· lent reading.

"Voyage in a Barquentine", by Peter Roach, is a very diHerent t),oe of sea advent:lre. Roach, wl\en only 18 years of age. jained At1ri~n Sellgman's ship cap Pilar on its voyage araund t·!le world. in 1936. At that time th2 world was in a state nf uneasiness and Seligman hJped on Ulis "oyage to. find .out II when "Free from press and raeio pro!)aga.:lda. from the prejudiced of (riends ·and the malice of ~nem· ie5. young lleople n( widely differ· ent types and nationalities coul" H,-e at peace and achieve somc' tiling to!:·~ther." The cruise was

I not completed until Sept. 1938, and the f'JIlOII'ing year war "'as declar· cd. While serving on a mehhan(, mnn during the early year,;; of the war. Roach wrote this stirring ne· count o[ ,his exper~nces of Cr.p Pilar, .

T.hose who pefer autchiography should find "I'li Cry Tomorrow" "ery interesting . In' this \'olume Lillian Relll, a talented actres~ and "oealist relates the story or her life. Afl2r attaining Jmazing S(tc·

30 count packages stan'cd for P.P. All games are we'll sec you all there on the 21st. and their extrcme played at ?IIUN Gym and stnrtlng Right Gerry, .•• usefulness malee them a "must" lime Is 7.30 p.m. We learned from .• • • purchase when putting In window reliable sources this week that WELL THAT SEEMS to be it

Laura. Ryan steps out of a· heart to 'wish all our Valen tine's Day readers a Happy and Love·ly Valcntine's Day.

cess in her early years she later becume an alcoholic. She de.3cribes her childhood, the reasons why she souj1,l1! asn esca"·~ (rQm realit~· reality through drinking, and h~w s~e finally .won her battle over al· coholism and mcntalliilness. 'The The author ha" been prul1lpted to \\Tite this moving aceaunt' by the hDpe that it "will rC'2stablish· my ir.tegrit:; in my own eyrs .. and in the eyes of thoEe who kncll' me," and aiso by ·the hope that it lI1ay help other.s who face similar prob·

Klass. Bishop Spencer College will be for Lhis week, ••• A Happy Val· playing on Tuesday night-this imline's Day to you all and fellas migbt be of interest to some of don't forget the candy and what· What


Here's a stelco product with countless uses around the home. Stelco Stove Pipe Wire has been especially l,ackaCed In convenient :1" diameter calls for the hoWic-holder.

ElECTRICIANS'STAPLES Stcl~o Electrician" Staples al'tl

packaged iii 'a' flat, wide opening eontalner , , , eliminates splllina and injury to probing fingers. These staples are available In 8 ranlle of. colors to matc:l wal!ll and . electric cords.

!:!) "PICK·ME·UP" "''\or; ~; : CAPSUL~S ~t'-'; Handy to- use md .... ~.. handy to keep :-:;;:' around the houli4l. *~. ,Steloo has a ~;: : complete line of \~:. popular sizes and

you fans. • nots· •• ' •• :We'll see yoU all ~ext· . . • • • ·wcek. .

OUR CONGRATS 10 thc memo .. -------

bers and coach o[ the St. Bon's i TIle Do' 0' fer Fa' m' ily senior hockey team who hnve won ' . ,. . the first round. We know thcre I . . ~ . . are noL .m!lny teens on St. Bon's, \ . . . but they have lots of teen (,ns. . .. .

.THE INTERCOLLEGIATE hoc·' kry Is really something this year, its almost as bad liS the N,H.L., )·ou never know what to expect. All three teams ;re ju~t about equal and fans or" reaily surprls cd to see such fine hockey fronl such little fellows. Outstanding st,rs of Intercollegiate hockey are Stan Breen, Doug Squires and Ernest Duffett who combine to BAITEN DOWN THE HATCOES make the almost perfect string lor BY ALMA' SIOU XSCARBERRY B.F.C .. Ray Murphy and Wally Mac· Donald for S.B.C, and Peter Dickey At last the big day had. arrived! and Banjo Wlotsor. Dollie Doofer was SIX. years old.

• • • She was all dressed up In her new SORRY TO HEAR Ihat Lib Mil. party dress. It was pink with lltlle

white rasebuJ:ls. With her patten ler Is at present a patient at the leather pumps and pink socks she . Grace Hoapilal ••• hope to see you looked just like a relllly, truly doll. out again real soon Lib.,.. Mommle and Daddle Doofcr we· there are still a FEW and I repeat re all dres.sed up too, and !.be litl1e a few tickets left for the Holy house was shining. It was aU dec­Cross Dance on Thursday night. ,. orated with flowers and pink, white Saw Ruby and Sammy strolling and hlue paper streamers, Dollie . bome OD Sunday bight •• , what Dockr was the proudest little

girl. In the whole world! ~f: . types of Wood :;.; !lc:reWl; N~I, Tacks, Rivets, and c!;Staples'in these very new plasUe ~~aplU!el: ... ......

happened to Berk? • • ,A nice The big birthday cake was aU couple these days II LInda Winter baked and decorated and hidden and Dave Barrett. , • See Hope away. Momm{e DoOfer had had Caines' and Fred Kendall are .ltlll to work very hard to make all that doing the rush , • , • Brian was cake end Icing over again after aure disappointed to aee that Mary Gussie Goofer and Ooofie Goofie

:i •. : wasn't akatinK on Sunday night had eaten It all up, Of course,·Mom· ~.: •••• ' Coilld It be that Bernice mle hadn't ,tattled to Granny Goof· ~, .. er about what Gussie had done. So ~;!'COIN.PAK" LOCKWASHERS Locke and Baxter Tlzzard are go· Qe W36 coming to the birthday .. . . Ing steady orJust good friends· •• ; party after all. Poor Gussieit AI· ··::;r~ You let ·the exact size, the' maybe Barb Fowlow knows the ways sorry too late. ,=::;exaet number and the. bes"l qual· . :.:; .Ity when you uk for "Stele a's answer • , • .Hear June Baker Suddenly there was a lot of noise ~, . "AIl.Canidlan Lockwashers In th~ heari from Dave Eaton all the of children laughing and· talking. ~:. revolutionary new "Coln.Pak." time and Ihe's very happy about Dollle oPene.d the front door. There ~.=~ ..•. : . . one recent letter she received from were all her little friends; She was ~ ••• ' him .••. yes he said he was com. so ha.ppy she cl~pped her· hands ~I: and lumped up and down wltb f.:j: I excll·iment. . i .

~:::. . ... ; . "Happy birUlday." cried all the. ".... chlldrelj."Happy birthday Dollie."

,'~!i:!. .Mollle Moofer came In·· first. .or;' Mollie \,;as a very pretty' little girl ~.:.( , wllh yellow braldes.She wore a ';!';-;', '. . sun bonnet. Mol11il lived on alarm.


Does .. A Man Have On His Mind' On . Valentine's

l('mE. . A v·~rY different type of auto·

biography is "Always ,\ Country­man." by Lord Tweedsmuir. Here J0hn Buchan's SOn colourfully de· scribes his life of sport and ad· I'cnture in mallY narts o( the world. A 10\'21' or fishing and hunting. he i., also keen ob,er\,cr of nature. an:! this work should pro"c fascin· ~ting to 'anyonc interested in the great outdoor~.

The field of fiction for this week contains a number of in~~re;ting no,·cls. "Immortal Rock", winner o[ the n"er30n AIl·Canadian Fict· ion Award, is by Laura Goodman Salverson, Who has twice won Ihe Governer.; General's Award. It is based on the Knutson Expedition which sailed from Berg~n for Grecnland in 1355-1356 hr com· mand of King Magnus of Sweden and Norway.

A second. novel "Lost Island" • by Graham l\tclnnes, is the excit· ing srory nf Canadian l'Ileterologist who was the sole survivor of a cr~sh on a tropical island, which had not !:-:len visited .sInce its dis­ce,ery by Drake in 15i8, T.llcre he finds a girl namell Margaret and her father ~!:d tries to tell them somethillS o( the modern world w!:k~ they call scarcely imagin'~'

'fhis w'~rk's group of books is PJr'_;'~\l;arj!, rich in dctecU"e fic· tion by well known aulhors. inc1ud iug Ag:!lha Christie thriller "Des· tination U!lknown". The disappear enc/! or a f.~mous sdentc,t lr.gins a chase which ICBI\..s to Morocco an,l makc-s an e~citinll stet: \yhieh will bolo! the reader enthr3111'd from he.ginning to end_ "k K.:), to De:!L'l" is a typical )Ir. and Mr!'. North myst~ry by Fr;,n~F.S an·1 Richard Lockridge. w~iJe "The Secret Hand" b)' Sydney Horler is a Scotland Yard tal\!. .

The above titles ar~ but a (ew of the many books on this wee!t'~ dis· piay of new books at t~ Goslin~ Memorial librarY.

~'i~~.' :......- NAILS On her arm &.'Ie carried a cuLe little .,. • basket. She handded It to DoUle-~~;; 'rOT the 'convenience of the and what do you think? there were .;tfh6wlebolder Stelco provides the . '

Manners Make Friends :~::, :0%. Nail Pack. This attractive four darling little· yellow, fuzzy We'll take a man Calvin 'Grant-and you 'find he has 'U pretty girl on his' mind w'hicb is certainly' the right

.~; tack.,e clearly Identifies Its con. 'chickens in It for Dolli1l's birthday k' d '~I.tent. and has the wide top open: present. They pepped and hopped In of thinking for Valentine's Day. The girl you' see in Calvin's thoughts is Bernie Gillies and a very

.:~'lq for easy access to the. col!' araung the basket. DoIlle' thought lovely Valentine slle is indeed. . ,.':ents they were wonderful. " '. ~:-:-"---::-:-7-:-::""'~""':-:--------"'-::'---- 'lba sooner you write a thank·

I ... :~, . Hammle Hoofer had brought his And.she untied the big ribbon and green frog birthday prcsent. Every· T d 'R' I bottom with buttered bread. Sprln· you note of any ldnd the betteJ\ ~K YOUR '_HARDWARE accordion. He held the band. of his .opened the 'big box. Inside was body laughed - even Mommie and O. ay's eClpe kle with cinnamon to taste and One's speed In saying "Than!cyou'l

... ~:'t' RETA'L~R fOR THEM. little brother' Boohoo~ Of course another box. She unUed It. Then Daddle Doo[er. Ei"i!rybody except' scatter over some of the raisins. I; often taken as an Indication of .. the first thing Boohoo Hoofer did !..'lere was another and another and Doogie Boofer, the scaredy-eat. Repeat this op2ration until all the real appreciation of a gift or favor.

_;.' . ..' . was start to cry.. PoofiePoofer, allother~ All the chl1drt:n stood Would you believe it _ he ran BREAD AND BUTl'ER bread and raisins are used. 'Add Don't delay .. write today. :, . All pr08resslvehardware' deai. the. boy who wrecked things, wasl around' staring· while Doll!e un· 'home crying. He was afraid ot a PUDDING to the .scalded milk and salt, the -----------~ eanY them, • , write or caU all drellSed.~p and looked as' If but. wrapped and un~ound. When she frog! qoofie Goofle joined in and 6 sllccs of bread sugar and thc eggs. Stir ~ntil well UMweetened chorolate to the scald· t:~~ ... _ to .... ... ~ ., ...",,, ""', In ... m~'~. ", _ to th. I •• ",u, ,,, - , .. ",,,,,,,, tho room wtth tho CI,,~", hl""". .oo,"'~ ... ""od. eo. ., mllk, ,,'" , ..... , _. s: _:;,"" .... "J:: .0'''-: Bot ,,~. h,,_, ":!"'" It .... m,'" Nothln" Somm', hl, "", ",g, •• ",,, hi. ,,~. ,~,"p" ,oJ,tn, ,~w." • doth "" h' .,,' 20 .. ",,,,,,,,,",,. .... .... ,~.m """ " .... ; .. ,'.:. .-= h:' """"" """,m.It'''. -" ""'" ""hoi ,,' ... ,hol .... Uk. ,olI ,,'" om"'" 3 "" mDk, ."Id'" mm"". ~I.~ ... ddI,g db. m. " '" ",om ro.... " ",m' ..... ........', , ' All *. ~ ....... , .. m" I'~ ."",,,,.oml'" ,,,yo'" ' " • ... "U PO' "hot "'" In,, "" ""'" to""" .. "" ,"" ... ,..~t, .... ... ;"'; ... :".}." I'" ,~, \ ?haekegeS;y~o ~loUtlle'sShe ·Itbllsnked. potellYt'e'd' b~t .she was a.litUe dlsall" Ch~lfYk"but ltd wabsi Df madhojuse! 33'~ cup S'Jligalrtl be t F. oven, bake until firm,.about 50 di

3'g wF?th

r a b~:,aJld~eterdPdudl' , .... J C PRill . · em. ver POl e y. amm e . poc. n .,. ' . c ens an . n g rog ana an . eggs, oS g' y a en minutes. Serve hot or cold. n 1 a 1o'''I''~il "'" , a ~. . ' ler ViM .IRst. to arrive, He 'carrled. ·."Huh,·! fooled you," laughed fat 'ooofus goof tis - and aU Lhe chi!- Butler g~ner6usly each slice of VARIATIONS tbsp. grated orange rind to !.be €~: ".:,'," .'", , " i ' • ".,' '" "". A 'oq, ',,,y' big'. ""'~., ."."h. P'"'' ,~, ,I DooI."III,. D.dw. "d b~.d. C", ,11", In ',.,"=. 1. FM "'_ " m.... ,,,"" milt "" - , .......

'" and Co~l!i; limited "'" I,,,",,. no ",,·It m !b',,¥" .' ,",~1 hlg """ .,goot ~ ~ Mom"" ""'" wI,h'" "" h.d ""It. ,'-',"n """"g '''h. Lbo. "dd',g, ropl,,, ,.. """""'" "'... .,,,,m' ~ !h. ....d b· ." , . . pu[fingfrom his henvy .load, . , said HARUMPH, .. HARUMPHI .re~lIy batt~ned down the hatc.hes! .' sugar with bro~ sugar Dr maple yers. L .• ~.-i£:S .t.· ... 't .. · .. St-j' .:.;·, ........ wd .. '. '! ,,,'Happy ,bir\hda)" Dolllet,·Sam:pocket. It gave a big reap and For t!lere It was'a big storm at . sugar' I 4. Raisin bread may replace ~!:;~ .. _r~.;~,.;~l~I1~~'~~'~:t"~" ; -:j'mle spoorer'«nn'ned; ".'Prtn;1! up and went lea'plng and .1:!arumpIiIDij th~. Doofer .. house .. ·A. very big dei-fuJ time. But you .just ean't .. . \ the plain' while. bread In the Nslc 'Q14(h)'. . ...c'" ' ' .. ,' " " :i.a;;,;f· .... 'rliiOO ... :·"'!I"- .. · .ro,,' .. ..m."·, _ 'i ""m '''''',Il ,. " , ' " 'm,,,,,", .lul """'" "xL W." "r,,_ "'"!'"I. b~.d .," b,l· ~';"'-.. It"" .. ""'.""' ,,'

...•. , "Oli, thank you," D()\IIe smiled. It was a v~ry funny big old! Everybody having !I won.\ t'~11 you tomorrowl ter puddlDg, ,add 1 oZ. of melted SIDS. .

~. , ' ..


.. Sql

Scene a1 from a Pepperrl


Two i even crcp

Ing the " night and reports fl were floo said to bE

One hOI

uplerl by I

Margaret ~ Jaw water rloor and r caD\'3l; was the floor, ~urllin" w: the l100d River. R[ ahan, hut· e"3cuatl'd Into thei!

Se\'cral threatene, but lit II

to hB\'e E

A black day mor trlbutabh water go power 5tl in St. J~ but the I

corrcctcc On Go

had I It into the nothing,

Bowrh stream 1 ed. NOI

River WI

terday . succeedl rafted I head 01 latest c: -Wid -

(] S

kenzi visit NEAt

The and h' Airpol Colon ricer Comn 5q~

told visit I erall ofIiCE

• Kore. he h son I

Barci mom and Air I

Fo Genl er 1

\ .

-THE DAILY NEWS, MONDAY'l~B. 14, 1955 3

Squadron . Leader ,~~ck.enzie Arrives At

.. " ,:, .. I .

'. ... ,

V~~t~~I·"$~~.i':I' ..

M~riij¢El1.gin~ers .. '. ..' . . . .'

Get,·"" :Certificates Olle,of the activitie~ of, the vocational Institute which

nas,receivthl ~pgreat amount of piihiicity:uP to the pres­ent, time; is its wor~ ilnhe field of Marine Engineering.

This department" was' re·organ· -----------=­Ized in June, . last y~ar, In co· iicatl~nas ;..farine Engineers, In ,operation and ~nder agreement various, categories, while seven with tbe De{la,rtment of Trans· others are receiving' Instructlon port, In ,Ottay",;, . i:, ,.' :,' by correspo~ld,mce.

Mr. J. B. Smith was appointed . A'speCial department Is being' an ~iarine 1!:.1glneering Instl'Uc, prepared I:~ the New .Vn,"~H". tor .. Under Mr. Smith, and up Sbop for traiumg in Marine En­to the end of December, ten Mar- glneering. Some of the advanc­Ine Engineers have successfullY ed testing and engineering equiP. ser.ured their Marine Englneer- ment will be Installed this year, i?g Cert!f!cati!s. " and it" is hoped that during the

Theseare:-.Harold G. Pond, five year period during which 1st Class stenmj Barry Strang, the' prescnt agreement with ot-2nd Class Steamj William H. tawal! In effect, it wlll ·be pos­Hopkins, :lnd.. Clarss Steamj sible to establish the Marine E!\­Samuel G. Brown, '3rd _Class gineerlng Department to the Steamj Albert. A., Burgess, 3rd point where it mal' be consider-Class ,Steam, 4th Class, Motor; cd fully equipped., . Ar~hur FlandeL 3rdClass Mot!lrj . The Marino! Engineering' De­Do,lald, J. Fit~patrlc!t: 3rd Class partment undel- MJi. Smith Is Steamj, Leo Hallohan, 4tb Class close contact at all time with Steam; James Bungay, 4th 'Class Mr. Salt, the Supervisor' of steam; . James Cook;, 4th Class Steamship Inspection S'ervices in

. "\ ' Steam, and Motor.. .'- Newfoundland and the co·opera·

Scene at Torbay Airport on Saturday evening when Squadrorleader Mackenzie, who was recently released At the lnstltute, during Janu· tion and assistance" of tbls of-from 8 Red China prison camp, and his wife arrived here for a two-day visit to General O. Barcus at Fprt ary mont~, 6 other students are flclal, In partlrular, has greatly P'P.""n. Show. In th, pl,I.<o, I,ft 10 ri.hl, .... :-Wi •• C ...... nd" PI ...... ", Chiof 01 RCAF In NOd.. ,,,,.,In, ".m"1,,, f" "..u. ,",.'" Ih. ",.,ru,. I. Ib ~rli.

Squadron Leader Mackenzie, Mrs. Pleasance, Mrs., Ma.ckenzie, Gener"l Barcus, Commander of NEAC, and C f' . , . . , . ,COI •• 'I Wi .. , 0If;~ ofF'" Pe •• """U.· .' onere nee ~ On Heavy RaIns' Cause Tourist Industry

Floods ·And Misery ~g~~~~~,~~lgl~~~~~~~; FI d W

' m St. John 5 on February .28th and March 1st., says an

00. at e rs WMS M' · but also In its educational and re- announcement from O. L. Vardy, Director of Tourist

. i ee~lngs lief projects, and in Its bospltal' Development '

Happy Wife

. .' ~ , . '.~ .

" ", , ....

" ,:,'

E H' A 'G ' S and shut·ln visitation. Reprcsen. tatlvcs of tourist ad- , . nt' tower t. - ':Isory board at Channel.Port aux S Nfld

e r 0 m e S GEORGE STREET UNITED Basques, Corner .Brook,- Grand ays

A d G St. CHURCH W.M.S. Falls and, Gallder have. been in· •

Two inches of rain flooded rivers and' basements and n eorge The February Meeting of Georg,e I vited ,to attend the conference, M t R t" • . ' . Th. """, ",,"h~ mooU" of S ..... U,It'" Ch,nh W='" ,100' with m,mh", of Ih. ",. . OS oman IC c\ en crept mto at least one house on the SouthSide duro the Senior Auxlllary f the WMS Missionary Society was held Feb- ent·body Newfoundland Tourist' • I.g Ih. week.end holidays. Th. ral. ,tarled Saturday of G",,, , ... 1 U.,:'d Ch",,," "'" .8th In Ih. v .. ", ,I Ih.Adri..,. ."nt. SI."bo·,. Of ProvIDces Lovely Joyeo M .. ken~e, wK, .f Squodro. L .. d .. • and by lal. last .Ighl, City C •• n,il ~as ""ivi.g "." .. d I. Ilo. L.d", H.' on Ch,mh. Amon, lho Uo'''' "ghl So th~t • "m,I .... ~d'" "'" . M .. keni" who wa; r"".tly b,.d bom a lied Chin. reporl, Irom diU.ronl parts 01 Ihe. cily thaI basemenls Ih •• lIu,"" ,I T' .... '. F.b. l.dI" """,, lb. ~".~ "". '" ,h.l .. d'" .... d,.,,,.1 em.d,· ... ,th "" .... .,," p"".. M". M"k .. ";. "rived he<. "itl. h" hus-

fl d d

,h'I th 't t' t th M.Il B 'd .ruary 8th, with an attendance of I happy to welcome as VISItors, 1Ilrs. across,the'provlnce, the chairman be,a niee place to be today, says a b were 00 e \\ lee 51 ua Ion a e I r1 ge was 45 I ~Iercer Bay Roberts' Mrs Rose oC board outshIr: St John's ha' I I d and on Saturday for a two-day visit to General O. 'd b t' . ." .,. . '. " m .. on <0,'" And II ,dd,

". 10 •• "e~lem.g. . L .n. W. H .•• Im I.d '" WO" ,,'mon c?'" ond "n, L.G,". h ... ".,,,I,d I. m,,'" mb· "N .. f,",~"d h .. Ih. """.",,' Hm.', C.mmand" I. Chi.f 01 NEAC. One hOU5e. 0'" ned and occ And 1bo ch!ldrenwho were at. ship period, the "subject' "Prayer" \ B~oad Co~ e .. _ . ' '. je.cts which, they' fe~l ,might .be or, being the most romantic spot --- ' -" - -..... --.. --_ .. - --

upled by Beventy year old Mrs. I tending S'IDda), Scbool at SI. Its reverence and quiet created an The worshIp was conducted by Included ,'01): . the 'conrerence in Canada on St .. Valentine's Da .... " Obi I ·FRENCII POPULACE """"I hi" ...... ' '1Il1 Brid" hi"" ChV'''' .... 1b'1d. w." .... 'Wh." f" Ih. """"'m ...... II. I""' •• wb'~ th.m. "" ""do.· . Th. ,,"'" .. " lhol ,.,,1 ... ,I ItU3ry ..,,,,,', ,,, •• ,,,, I, 1954 .'" ... _ .. " ,,,hi" I. the ",.k l.mpo",,1y . ,(".... by the .hl.h I,U".d. i "SI •• ~d,hI, ..... ,h ...... ,I M'. V"" "." ...... lb. h,,. ~,d, "d ."d, •• rio ~.", h. ,,,,, .... d •• 43,000." ,"",""d d,,, ,,' ""I tho I",'" doo" The \I .... , c."," ond ,on, .,,,,,,,. Tb •• ," Ihi. monlh ,.01' _lib I tho SI .. "d,hI, ,I p,,, •• I,,, ... 1 d.,.,.I .. to .... "1.",,, f'" lho ru, d., " SI, J,b.·, "d. Ma'. DR. TIl?"'" A,UhllSON i .IIh 39.000,000 I. '921-

"m'n ...... ,,11y III1.d "f",m '" 1.1, ~"" •• I. ,.1

Ih ....... ", ... ,.IlIm I. "dI"" Th .... dor, Sho'" .... ,.' h, .n. M.h will h ... tho c,."lonll, .. m .. 1 th. bd,·I". ~,. ".d, ""',,, . Ih. n,,, ... "", ... Id, by ... I, hom':' .'.." AI" ,"""on. 1,",d~oI ThomhDl, wb, ."," ,f tho wtth h"d. of ,,""~ ,,,,,no ... ,Ih~." Moo, I""" ""' "dd".'" " ---' -.. ..-.. ----aurlinll waters, which came from 1 Many city streets were pools \ tho "hi'" "d I, h" ,.,.IU,,,' ".m,,"., ,I T,'" •• "d "n. m .. 1 d.,."",,,· ~ 1b.1 Th ... ",ri ."u"" .. , ,,,d,, ., h .. , ,I Ih' ,.~", " the tlood f,wooll

en Watcrford 10f water Frc.hwater Road had and efficient manner aroused the Joshua Winsor of the Stewardship I mitters: of mutual Interest mal' !eeml to be a bit Itunted o~a~~: the late Mrs. Dr. Thomas Ander-

HI,H. R.I"'" .Id" "n. "" ..... , h.if of""'" " ,,,,,.Ii.,.,," '" Ih. mmh'" whoso ,I Tim.. . h. """".d. ,Uo" cu.di" ,,,"''''.. "'. Th. I,!. ''"" A,d .. " w," .h ... h,ttw .. the' fomlU.. .... , .. lIooo--F ""I Rood f'''' ,. ",d, f" IhoY'" ., "Th. Ch,,,h C""'''.. oil.'''.' ".,"". . Th. _ .... ,,1 "",ri" "",,,. . ,h'" I, EI." '~"h.", "d .",. e\'ftcuated when' the water got. sel! trafflc.lesa with cars using at Work in India." Mrs. Charles Butt, gave In Item ence will be tl1c first pf its kind B' " h ed as a nurse In a hospital In Into their houses. ' Quidl Vldl Road Instead because Mrs. So J. S. Woods spoke on on Temperance. . ever held In Newfoundland. NoW, IS op In England Glasgl


, where she met h~r S"""I "heo "'U, """ Ih. n,od " •• 1 ... th... m.u ... ".U ... p.''''' "I Ih,1 A .ho, .. , ... tho ",,,, Book with .Ib. '''" .. , b.'''' m.d. h"h"d. 'h. "m. I, st. J,b,', "

II ....... '" .," , •• to. ,.",,,. Th .... "."". 'Id., .• .,. ., tim .. wh,l. ""p'" ""." "dI .... '''on hy "'.. It I, tho !lei" 'f ..... mod."" H;' Imd,hI BI"" A ''''. "d h" .~". h" h=. h ... b,l .1" "I. """ ...... Id .h .... ' " ... , ... ord F,"""'" _" .. I. lo~' "",I Chri, ..... W ..... , .• 0"'" by ".. D. "d "",_"'" N .. f".~ 81,,.,, 'f N':I~dI:'" ~.:;::: lor lb. ",. Oil, ,..n. I, ho< ..... "d. . . "I,WI " "" ",I did I"""" Uy. bOo. (D •. ) B'. wh, 'f" "m. E,,~. 10k •• H. ',we, .n. A. boo a. ,,"',. .Im," Imm." .. ,~ I .... ,I"d. III. ,"~"ood Th. I,. '",. A,d,,~' ~ d,.

A hI ... "I" Sl Joh.', , ....... th.1 It wu • v'" "" he.", ...... ~d .... ,_ """ I, 1,. PI,py, "d .... L. B"I~ ..... ond ",m'''''''' ,,, ... In thot h ...... h. """.'or " •• 00101 I, h" f •• '~. on' wu look· '" m' .... " w"' I, I"''' .> foU 'f ,,10 .1 ........ for ..... ~. "'~" .. tho .W,,"s f." .~I.~'" ",d,d.d h, Uo. the .... "" Ind'""" I. ord" d"" I, ""II" I' tho '". ,,, .• d " .. "d , ·f,,· h" lrih .... I. I' ... n"d. Som' ",.rt ,.riod I., .. Iodl'"'o1 wh, h" h". Preold .. ' Mlo .... Ro.I". wh' ... 1 " ••• ",.,. of ,,,,bI .... onl po" 'f D,,' of ...,,,d· ,,,,,,,,h of <hm.le. hy ,nwh, ntH ,,' 1.1, •• "",11 .1 lhe . Th •• " •• 1.. ....... oIly d"., I, tho CIoI.U.. m, ,I "",m'" •• ~ m.mhor. "". '" lho. "ri .. , .M .. '" , .. ,," I .. d c,l",dnL 'no' bu. I .OW" ~.U'. I. 'Llghf, ,treet, '" .,,"''' "'" .. , 1If ...... hot '" h .. I' ",I"d H",d". " .... A. p,", "d "« .......... """,,d to • .,..1· .,, L""',hI, " '"' to "1,,, . ' • I. Sl J.h •• fIk ........ ",.d ...... ,.01 ~,.. '" .. .., ..... 1 with ..... """~ "d "mm"'" .... ,. ",.>Wood .H •• _1'" fie .... " lhe """"'''. h...... h". ,hool tho .. < ,f M~h. D'''', 1V,,1d W" I ,h. " .. ,

but the t

roubl (!WaS sP,II'" ....... ld "" .. " do". Moot but" '" ... n, m.k" • d"I." fo< I •• 1",", Ih. '.mh""',1 .. d.,.· .m .... : I.toll~." ,,,,,,,,,,, m',," of h" 11m. h.I,I" with I

gates of these problems and the ad the work of the Woman's Patriotic

.. "",I., 'I. 1111... ml.- .,' .11 .111 ...... b wor. h ... "d Cm ,,. "n. E. r ......... "ke·· .. G"f F Lib . Ass~ciation, but her real work was o G Mid" Su .... "port "" ''''' I ..... ,.., deon'" hit"', '" .... " .. ,.lbm I. ou' II w .. ",,'m'~~ ,.'" I, .. nol ... f·Id'" for ""I, "I,· I t or rary . .. ."1 1:::'1 ;:'" w.; ""dln, of. _ bY th. hltln' ,oIn, .... Ch=~ I •• ""Uo "d w"k. .~,d • ."'" ,I oP,,,,,.U,, I' lion, wnl '" ,th. 00'" ,"",'" '~ hor h,m. .,"" ,h. ~, '\

I lib'" " I .. ".h. "I' ... In ...... ,"de" ."' tho ,,'" , .... dn'~' •• ,,"on to .. tho "101,,., of ... Ch"". Ro<, oflh .... ~I- AU' I \IonderfulUfe for ber famIly_ ;:'~,..; ..:.. :; ... ; .b"ttl • th.t" S._, lIoI, .. d _,. Tempi.l" .,"',, 10 1M f~lI of '. A. "''''. ,," .. ,," lb. . It " .... d .. U'u"'''''' Ih~1 t mVefSlty lh. I .. , .. I, m'~' h""" hu, • ...,.1.' Po" "oe"" I. f,lI ..... " ... bI'. II hit wl."hlold. I"," .... k' ,I ... 'od.~ fo< hl. ",,,, ... ""'" of Newf,~",.d , . . .. ",hon'. "'" d .. ,hlm. '"Ui".I.1

.",m "" no ........ w ....... I" fosl ond I., "'''' f" wt,.... F ..... I" lho h"Io." ,.riod ,"" h.I, d""", tho ",I ,eo,. T,'"'' Ind'"" wiU h. furtheo Tho LIb .. " of Ih. Um""'~ "N. ."don W'""'. F1m .. ,,; \ ed. N'''''oIl, .... ""1 .... ,. ... cl." ,,. ... ,, f .. ,,,d ",,", .... m"U" ~d _IIh .h, ... ,., A", ,f I ....... 1"",·1 Ih ......... ,\hn>dgh ·th. _1,,1. "" ...... Ib " .. I"d • .n.f "". M" N. ~ F. R",," ond on, "', .,v .. w .. " ,,, .. "'" ",al,.. Lot. ,esl"d., """.,. Ib' d."on, .I'~ ,I Ih. m."". Tho .,,1 ............. " '''' •• M I. tho .... ,""m .. on.lnlu"Uon.' R.· D<. T. G. A.d"", ,,' ", .. I ,'''''''' .hI.h "",... .1,., ... ,~. tum"'.to .. ,w. It'" b,,, Tb. ....In ... of tho W ..... ,'. ~",' I. M ... h 'Uo, - .... d. bti'" ...... th. c~.". E,d_ ""d.h;!"", Th. f",u" ub, i ... ".d'" 10 ,III" " .... of ... 'm".... bY "",11".111 A"""'" ... b."mlo, I,"",,,,. . .. ' .' m .. ' f" 1., ........ 1 .,," I. pb" ''''', h, m,l" b .. ". I"m rafted ice at the 'brlde at the high, for' ex- Iy Interesting, and we believe that V I to T / D "-T d' ~ew York. Th.e~e volumes f,orm an her late residence, 3 Park Place,! ho.' 'f Q,ldl Vldl L"'" AI ."'''. \he mo"'" hll " , •.• ,p", _ I, h.', d,,, "I a en IDe ea , ragger . owe· ~",,~.I .dd,',," I.,h. LII.~,,·, R .. ,'" Mill n,,.,. I,,, Th,m .. ,11

latest C!leck, the bridge still hela. grees on Saturday. only In its Missionary Program, A P. 11' 'T 'R ' I :, collection of material In thIS fIeld. Church. _ , t .epperre _ " I 0 un~ ," . ' iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=~~===~--:=---------":':" With Gen. Barcus . ,E,PERRELL AFB, NOd. C,,· Th. dnJiu N""'H'''' " b.l", '. ' 'ada-Valentine was the theme of towed .. into' Burin after, losing 'her

Andy M~cKenzie· . Here

the Pepperrell Officers' Wives rudder'in' heavy' seas in the Gulf of Club Tea Cor February. ' st. Lawrence,Saturday-· .

Sponsors were the wives of per-The yessel, w,lth ·20.-nien aboard sonnel assigned to the 1805th wallowed In: tbe, mountainous seas AACS Wing, -1856th Fllgbt Check for hours ,while the'crew of tlie Squadron, 3rd AACS I " M Squad· driigger Zarp .;tried to get· lines ron and the 1997tb AACS Squad- aboard. Although the tow lines ron. ' . parted several time;, Captain Wal-

Chairman for tbis colorful occas- terKeeping of the Nordeaster says ion was Mrs. "Tex" Gayno5, De- his sblp ls'ln·1\O daniel'. Tbe dis­corallons Chairman, Mrs. .Lib])y Ibled ve55tl'la oWlledby Northeast

_---------- Ross and Mrs. Candy . ,Whelan. Fisherle. Limited III Harbour

Squadron Lead.. A. R. Macke.zie B.d M'~ Mao. .. •• h ..... bI. \0 bri., .... Flowu •• ~ uool.d h, un.", G" ... kenzie arrived in the city Saturday night on a two-:day sonal message tt the parents from Koch and Mrs. Jocelyn Shannon. -------, ' ,tbelr sons. The Food ,Committee was bea~ed \'isit to Gelll!ral

l Glen 0. Barcus, Commanding Officer of Yesterda:r afternoon, the Mac- by Mrs. Mary Lou Corles!. Door POWer· F allure

On Visit NEAC. ' kenzies were guests of General prl~es were created by ,Mesdames . '

Th' f.m.d ".".,..... '" ... I • ' ........ 1 .. l,dorm.Id"'''' h,1d All" S,,.,. Mu, Lou Coil... ... A' h)"'~1 .,,,",,,,,: m'''''' and his \ 'ife were met at .Torbay tbe press at "Il~ RCAF mess, at tbe'll' Mess at Pepper· Hazel SaxOn. Mrs. VI Logan and In the' city ',was caused by flood AI",,,I by G."".I .,=. whor. tho f.m" ru .. told. "me nU. "'" ,,,' "h",,,.d \0 .. " .. .,eI",d won ..... n. ..1'" .. "" .~" • ""'" -"'U" C,,...I Wb.. C'~'''''' Of. pf hi' 0,,,1 ... " whUo I, .do Ie". h ... f" Ih""'"'' ... th, .h.lm". . .,. ""hU,Th' U,h. _.d, f .... 'f .. ,",,,.11. ",d WI .. son "m,. H. ,,101 th., "rt ".I,lo.d 1hI ...... ,.... won""". fiI""'" am. on"'.' Commander' and Mrs. Pleasance. about it he would like,·to forget ,:' and then went off for • abort per·

Squadron Lr:adar Mackenzie Is tbe year bl! spen~ in solitary D B N".. F orsey Not lad of blackoul told the Dallv News that' his confinemenL When he was r. utt ew - ---.---------visit here was purely !oclal.Gen. transf~rred. to the open and met . '. ' ' Yet Resigned To 'Relieve Torturing eral Barcus was his commanding the United States fliers life was P a tor At Wesle\r ' . officer while I'f was stationed In a little easler, th~ugh there was S :" J ' . It is understood that former ITCH OF ECZEMA

.• M ...... wb ... I" .... th.1 .un tho "'eri~ble "". A fow R". D<. A. ' ... ".Ill .... H."Uo.b","" '''. pMII, .or· ..' he had bee Teleased from prl- books were ~\'all.ble but apart ceed Rev. -A. J. Barrett as Min- sey has not as yet handed_ in his· ...... "". wo. ",.,oIG"".1 ..... th.I ..... w ..... ,,"h to btu'" W"I., "",.d Ch,m' 1\ ".i'~U" .. m_h.i f" ",rio "'" ThO ..... W., ."" .. . •• ""'. ukc' AI, M-~ S.m."" .. , ..... m .. ,_ .. d hll ,~, f,lIowl., ~ •• ,.l M,: Fo<'" ,"I tho , .... : ... , '. ", .............. .. mon ••• ",ll .... "'hom ... '" : ,:T"'. """",,, Ie"''' b.. j<ol • <0 ...... """ mi.U., h.Id .1 ."d ~hl." 10 ·D".mhu. 10M. ~oIl'l:k~. ;:.~~:\"1!l and this was endorsed by. the returned ,from the United States tbe Church.' , ' BIG BLAST • lIn1e, •• d . pi real ,..Uef In' double.qul.k

h h d

~ M k time. N& matter what 3'.u ,maY have

Air Marshal. ,,', were. e 1Ir.t "Irs. IC enzle Dr. Butt will assume his new Windows in at least one bousl at Irled. I.tre'.· ... lhln6 ,u1te Uke-Emtrald , '. met the parent& ot the boys stili, cha,rge at the end of the Con. Bonavlsla were blown out Saturday, 011. lnexpoIIJI •• and ,Il0l4 :.s.tltla.llon


~. . .or Inonty-back. AI aU dru, .1 .......

ollowlnp. a warn welcome by In. tbe Chinese prill;On camp. He lerenee year In Jl)ne: He was form- by blasting" as opera,llons continue • ", ',' G ... "I B .. ,,", s."d"" .... ,. hod , ......... I, d,.'"'' ""'" oi~"'''''I'''' Uo. " .. "' ...... ' m." H""'~ "' .... · ..... d ".-~. w ...... " .ro .. tJd, " Moo"".' .... '" wH. "d .. loft th •. um, .... ) .. ", hom for In ,...... h"h';" ... tho 1_' .. ~.~..' ...... , ... ..",,'"

, ' . .' . ' ...

". \

. J , .



Sizes '" and 5 only; Navy Blue Frie,ze Cloth.

! 'REG. 6.95 ......... : .. SALE PRlq $4.95::'

.'.' ',' , ",.', .. ,:,." " ' : ~~.,' ~' , \' " \ ',,', '~" . . ... :t. '''.: ., ~'. !, ':.'.' • -•• ~,I;.-.

.. THE CAllY NEWS, MONDAY, FEB, 14, 195.5 ~.

-----------..... ------:- ,

PET SHOW CLOSES" NEXT WEEK . ",~.~, .. ", .. 'wu b .. ,,, . ,J ENTER

fully gowned If' white slipper The Mahtpe \' "


Trinity Notes. saUn trlmlne'.l with chantilly LW' NOW lace and nylol, net. The finger , " , tip ,'ell wa '. a! embroidered net p

" WIDDING BELLS rled In' St. I'aul's Church on with aeed pea~1 tiara. Her bou· , arent ,~, TIIII .. Kelly Wednesday th' 9Ul Inst. at 7 quet was bludh pink and white BY lIIRS. !lIURiEL LAWRENCE '1. Alma Kelly Ind Mr, Ru, p.m. ' roses with mandenhalr fern. She

pert Tlbbl both popular young I The bride entered the' church was attended by Misses Hazel CHILDREN NEED TO KNOW'

This is the last call for the' Pet Show for Ihls year. If )'ou- havp '; (lel and wi,h to enter it, 'phonf !he DAILY NEWS, dial 2177 and h:~ve your name with the YOl1n~ lady on the switchboard this morning or sometime Monday Filial photos for Ulis particuial !;et show will appear next week. vltcr which the judges will selll[ down to the task of judging,

PtOple of 'thl~ town 'were mar'lon the arm of her uncle Mr, Lock Bnd Ircl,~ Hiscock, wearing HOW TO RESIST A WORLD'OF drenes of chartruese and prim· PRESSURE ,

Yeu're always w.ICtIl. at NIAGARA

~ ~I Nla,ara w. have the man.y you ft .. d In th.' •

,. amounl VOU walll, Vou mav Ioarrow up to $1500 ,

a, lIIall and taka up to 24 ",onthi to ,.pay , ••

with paym.nll arrang.d on a monthly .co" IItectlll

ltV you. Laanl up to $1500 or. Ilf .. tnlu,N at no

.. Ira co.t to you-and an mllny amountl ,.tll .t, ,

Nla,ara or. lower than .llIwhlr •• Conv.nt.nt way.

fo, you 10 Ioo"aw will 101 ditculiid prlvatlly II, if

you nllll manlY prampHy-com. In anyllml.

"H'II .. tv., • ,.w ., till' 111 .. 1' 10lIl "",,"

YOU MONtHLY 'AYMINU Oil ' 12 15 20 24

$300 , 21.37 $ 2U5 66\.\0' t4Q' 100 7 .... 0 61.55 41.01 $41 ••

1500 139.10 114.50 IUS 75.90

'0 .. • 1 -r" _ ..... 01 •• ' ... ...!0II. ,..,..."'"..,


We have a Branch in Corner Br'ook

rose yellow 'I,{leta respectively Some Friday, your )'OM!: Jimmy and carryh,g bouquets of swret will come homc from school. dc. peas Bnd fel: 1 pr~ssed and belligerent, Told to

Mr, LloyJ 'l'lbbo, brulher oC replace the milltcarton in the reo the groom canal' from Gander for frigeralor. he, wiu make it plain the wed dina loud ably suppol·ted that hc regards your reasonable bls brolher request ao a 1st slraw.

After Ihe marriage ceremony, Finaliy. you'll learn what's the m3tler. Jimmy's I~acher has 'warn.

a'recepUon ww held at Ihe Par· cd him th'at' his composition on Ish Hall w'ern over a hundred what Lincoln's BlrLllday means to guests assemb:l'd. Refreshlllents him must be handed in on Monday were served, toasls were drunk Morning. Bnd an enjoY'lble evening en· His anger is self-distrust. In his sued. teachcr's warning. your child has

The happy, couple will be senced suspicIon o( his abillty to f I produce by Monday morning,

leavIng shortly or a loneymoon And he has developed a sudden sus. trip to Gandpi ,Bon voyage and plcion of it .himS'Jlf. safe return. So We explain to him.

Last ycar's champion of the ,how was a Peke, owned by L~rry Cashin of Forcst Road. Therp are prizes, however, for every division, the best dog, best cat, best pet bird. best rabbIt and best miscel laneous class pet

So be sure to entcr now If you want your pcl to be eligible for this year's prizes.

OIlI,TUARY We sa)': Dear Jimmr, when I' people tell us what We must give The sad news of Ihe passing , what they say go in OIle ear and

at 1111'S. Abram Janes. ot Blshop's They wcre the late William! lhem by M~nday, m?rning. we lei Fills al the Botwood Hospltnl Wh't II tll C d th It! out the oth'.r. \\e lust see ,I)ow

, I e. .• ,an e a c I ;cured they are we'll let them was received \111 Saturday last. Canon W •• J. Lockyer. The lattel', down, And how hecause they ....

[The late 1I1rs Janes was the was known as the "Historian of I scared. they want to scare us, too. , victim of ft molor accident which: Trinity' and was rcf<lITCd to ill "I We stop being mad at them and

occurred a',' BIshop's Falls ont) a Canadian j"urnal oC 1938 as 1?~gil1 to fce~ sorry for them. And day last week. She was getting "an authority on local history." I Sit dOll'n to gll'e these scared peopl, out of a laxl I\'hen a passing em' These arc the men who hal'e I what they need." hit her She was Immedlalely assertcd that :lIe old pork slore . J[ \I'~ unders~and 1l',!lat we',re sa)",

I d t th h Ital at Bol ' . ' mg, Jimmy Will, too. He Will stoll rusle 0' Po osp . at Trimly IVa' ~he oldest SUCl11 eKpcmling his 'ert~rg~" in anxiety wOCld where she passed away. slandlng In the Island. OI'C rMonday morning and be able

The dec'eas-:d was the former There wa~ anolher esteemcd tn usc it to produce his comp. LouIsa Lock oI Lockston. Trlnl· local historia'l who knew a great ilion on Friday night. W, the daugh·cr 01 the late will· Adrian Graham, 2 years old, of Portugal Cove R()ad, is shown here with Bimbo, deal about the history of TrinIty. As his teacher has doneb er lam Lock. Sb~ leaves to mourn a Scottish collie. lie was the late Canon W. R. duty as a repersenative of the fight. theIr los5,' ~ llusband and four Smith who gr,'w up here as a cned world of p~essure. We ha~'e sons by her first marriage, Enur· boy when his 'father the Rev. done oursa s~ he mterpereler .of It. chus, William, Alphaes and Cccli locl{' al'rlvcd home on by the extensive blasting beillg 110tes. In his leUer he says B j IS' I I If We arc IDteJligent, We WIll be r.alph Peddle, and five brothers, Friday from ~I John's where he done for lhe erection oC the concerning the olel pork stOI'C! h:;~ a~o:nd I~I~ Imid\\d'~Sc ~:rvI~: grateful for every opperlunlty sh,e

I I Powcr :-Iollse nt the foot of here: "It to give way and PI' f giv'~s u.s to ins,truct Jimmy in sel . Charles and AIl>ert, living at has been Dt~~ndlng lIal' gat 011 " , last cen ury. He a terwards protection adamst the anxlou world Lockston, Arthur at St. John·s. school und~~ (!nptaln Blackmore, Trinity Ponl "bout 2 miles 111' talce sccond place' to the fish served as Incl.1mbent of the mIss. I of pressure:c

Danltl at Corner Brook and Cecil has Iicc" for several years wards from tile cross brooks. ! store of Earl 50ns &, C~" Ltd" Ion of Trinity East. Here Is: Children must have this Instruct, lhsmael In Nl'w York. ' past on the Graat Lakas lind 15 The sal}nu I might have come I at Fogo whb: lvas bUilt m 1746. what he saiel about the old store ion. Because they are less com.

The remains Irr!ved by train spendlllg the winter at home. from Trlnil)' l'ond too. but If It, and Is still I'cry much In use and: here in' a pUblication In 1910' plicatcd than lI'e arc, UICY read on Monday, ar:companled by her TROUT 'Al~D SA LMON did it mus~ haye entered the, in perfect c~nelitlon," i"ll is a very old bnilding Th~ s,"iftly to tllc suspociousn(!ss that: husband am .. four sons. The fun· We hal'e allrady reported n\!· pond from ~'1C \\~est. It conld I We do not llispu~e ~Ir. Earlc's I information as 10 its age, ~ecelv. motivates treat talk about Monday eral was 'from the rallwaystation merous trout at the mouth of not entcr fran' thiS end becausc I claim 10 the anl1qUlty o~ the, ed from Parson Lock~'cr's morning. 1ft the Mortu1ty Chapel in the Lockston Bl'Ook and that large of the falls, 'I store he refers to, as Fogo 15 an I grandfather. Mr, .Tames Lockyer. We react to it with ulcers and Church of Enilland Cemetery, eatchcs have been sccurcd; now THE OLD STORE old seWemen', Sr. I Ihink lhH he was llkely to hig;1 blood pressure. TIley react tn where, In lhe absence of the we hear that It salmon was We apPl'cciale I\lr. L:onard fOur aulhorlty for staling that know as he was in Lesler's em.' it wilh frank resenlment. If we Reclor In the extern part of the caught throu,gll the Ice there in'l Earle's kindly reference in a i thc old ~ork slore here was built I ploy i~ the last century and may! :;ren',t aware that ,the,' ~~'2, ange~~d ParIsh, the Rev, E. Hunl can· the salt wate,' ~ne day last weck.lleller 10 yoUl columns of the i before 1,62 (we did not state Any I ' , ' , d tl . f l' I by distrust of their ablhl~ to gil C

hi I . II laIC leCel\e Ie 111 orma IOn "'hat is wanted We ma" increase dueled the obsequea., The trout are acconnted for I 28th inst., to our 5 arlea specific date) !s based on oral from !IIr Lest!.'f himself or de· I' , • b'b ' • d' t 't f~-------;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-;;;;;;----;;;:;-;;;-;;;-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;===;;;;;==;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, , . ' " . 'I lelr anger y ccommg IS rus • tradll1on. rived it from 3ccount books, not !ul of them 'too.

During the last 70 or 80 years, now available or even In exist.

, "



Look for the WALSH' 5 ,label ~ •• It means •• ~ New Flavou~,' NewT~ture 'rand Lo~g Lasting Freshness !

\ " ' ," , • l ,. "

TrinitY has been fortunate in ence." And instead oC exposing what ha~ having had two native born sons NOT YIELDING YET happcned. 11''2 rna)' make the mi."

t t d 1 f time take of hounding them with our who spen a grea e~ 0 We know that the old pork own reminders of Monday morn. In research on the history of store has been standing since lng, Under these circumstances, their native place, and havc left 1762, In what particular year !.iey may not be able to produce behind them voluminous notes I prIor to that it was built we can. their compositions. and writings IIf the old plnce, not say, We have nD donbt that

H .... is coffee in an ' instant, , , 100% pure with nothing addedl No muss, no gfounds. So delicious I Time-saving r Economical I


If Jimmy learns 10 fe~1 compas· I\lr. 'Earle has more positil'e sian instead of anger at the world proof than ora J tradition of the oC preasure, _he can become a ver~ age of Ihe fish store at Fogo, I'aluable person to it. For it need! and even if he has it is no gnar· compassion lerribly, always seren· antee that it Is older than the I ming at llS as it d!Y.!s for rcassur' one at Trinity, I ancc t~at :I'e don't hurt it on ~Ion·

J. Slade, who presumably built' day mornmg, the old fish store at Fogo was. I If he is tau;:hl how lol'ini it is to we know, doing business at Fogo, re~i~t ils anxious ~uspicioun nes~ before 1746, Benjamin Lester i if,. will recon~nize .ste~dfastnc:s in who buill the old pork store at I hlm- and give him Its grahtudc Trinity was likewise doing bUS" and respect. iness here before 1746. The old -------, '

, slore cOl:ld ha\'\'! been hullt as I The pennies, nickels ani:! dimes eariy as 1'136, as Lester was r;;tlsed _by the Canadian Junior

STOCK UP TO·DAY AT YOUR No, we do 1I0t feel like yield· ren's work amounted tD $150" . bere then. , I'Red CroS'S for Crippled Child·

CENTREVILLE GROCER, Ing to "second place" as yet. 679.63 last year, I

NEW, All-Nylon Cord $~~ by GOODIYEAR-

gives you Nylon's a'mazing strength plus 3 great imF,)fovements

• 3· T cord and new tread give' up to V! more mileage • .. Safety Silencers II give I quieter ride-no" corner

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No tire at or near its price can match itl Se. us toJayl


" .' When the 'goin9 is lough, " , . , BUTTER SCOTCH " ,

• '.And the wind's in a whirl, " .

. ' I ge'.xlra pePI' .~'I - • twirl , ,

, , From good Butterscotch T wirt, , .

'" - ~~. - '

, "

! .

I ,I




j ,


1 J ,

I' ,


Private Wallac Mr. !lfatthew Qu onlal Buildh,lI herr. on furlnugl shot Camp b Scotia, last 'tee unit.

HI! has been quarters ~ompl

Battalion, Blaclt three years, am leavp after I'

active servlcl!' campaign. WHERE THI:

The recent II

eolumr~ t V( suffered the l~ disabllllles re.' seas, has brou~ iug comment fr one of whom ,w Royal Air For, ,,'orld war 'f I

He knows qu about artiflcla' the young V~

fighting t:le 11 of the biggest know\1-trying

There '\'as t Engineer Brl Manchestcr, ' 1.500 feel fr'j his paradlule they found 13! three feet iJ t' a Cractured ~

leg and shoul and a damag del' !loped friend seI l ,'.

rO'Jng alrmeJ: playing fie:ds cent depot ,tl kind in the' There he ~a'

stand hOI'.' ai' men 11al'e rl whIch no tim liel'eu possit ten years ag reasans: Th~ the trc:ltmen of the men sch·es. Exer, ait· and com it was.

Our Infc' particulal'ly, mentioncil , Nurse, whr I tlonal hour! bomb dropp -and got hi of plaster a

, ,

...;._TH_E_D_A_ll_Y_N_EW_S .... ,_M_O_N_DA_Y .... i_FE_B ..... 1...;4;..I .;.;.19 .. 5';..· ....... ~~~_~·:

I All Alone Annual ,Meeting Exetutive Meeting ;r~~~~~~~~:;:. who are eldery Ar.ts And Letters';' THE LEGIO.N By L..C. M" . YWcA Board' \VMS 'Presbyterial Ih!~~n:I~?~67~ef~:.t~~ygo:%~0:e~ Contest Closes '

. YW A d fiG d F Il Till' te P b the allocatton for Bedding and .' .~, CO R N E R· . , I The . annual meeting of the An ExcuUve i.feeUng of the clothing to. Oversozas Relief. and The Government sponsored Arb

C Boar 0 D rectors was t<rral'anl was a hSe!' dW atlDgcaorn~r ~rSooYk' Baby Clothes.for Angela Hospitals and Letters competition closes 'IJ held at the Y CIllb Rooms. HarVey • • ., morrow February 15th

;...----:-------------- on January 25 and 26th. To receive was greatly accepted. .-: ~ KOREAN VETERAN covery. Bill h~d the nicest swallow Road, on Wednesday eVening, reports for the year ending 1954. . It is heartcnign to note that the Classes include a historical ac

Private Walluce Quilty, son of dive and lflg ~{.t1on he had seen February 9th. It was predlded over by Mrs. D.F. Secretary for Christian Citscnship count, paintings. short stories, bal The president, . Mrs. Herbert Hoddinott. the President. There ha~ been definitdy getting some lads, poems. raido plays .. 1I1r. ~Iatthcw Quilty, of the Col· (or a long time. id d d th d i t" . IT' Cramm, pres e an e evot ons weI';! 14 officers present and' places ac Ion In tile flc d of emperance. It has been announced . 'hi

onial Bulldll.~ staff, Who was It Is no h~1 mlo think very were led by.Mrs. J. E. Bennett of' rtpersente.d were Gaand Falls, With reports f~om Auxi1l~rics that Mr. Beament RCA who judged til" , herr. on fUflou~h. left for Alder· highly Indt-cd of these modest Pepperrell AFB. Lcw~sporle, Curling,' Humber. the~ h.avc written: pub!lshcrs- of paintings last year' will again be shot Camp I" Kentvllle, Nova heroes who are trying to' 'get After the minules of the annual mouth and Cormr Brook. mab.azlDes hquor ad. coming to Newfoundland for the Scalia, last '~ek. to rejoin his back on the lob again. The boys ,. ti f 54 d b h Th P b t . I b h d x verllsemoznts. and that olher Aux- ' . mee ng or 19 were rea y tee res Y erla as a an e • Iliaries has been seriously mak. same purpose this year. . .• :. \10 it. -wo like to .hlnk of them as Hon. Secretary, Mrs." Kleth Clarke, ceptionally good year witll. an in·

lie has been with the Head· that-will talk to you about any· the president gave .her report of crease of two new Au:dllar!es vis· ing atlell)pt to introduce temper· , I t.: f tl 2 d II i do. 't th ld I th • t' .(. . Botwood and Fogo, ~nd ·SIX new ance education by showing film Cabot PI·oneer quar ers OInpany 0 Ie n I ng . •• .1 s, e 0 nns, e year s ae IVI les. Aflntlated Societies. The c~mpiling strips to the younger Groups. • .

Battalion, B\ac~ Walch. for over pollllcs; muslp. the shows •• any· Mrs. James Hough, Hon. Treasur· of reports is foUnd to be very dH. Again Lewisporte is the best thrce years, and eame hom~ on thing but themselves. You have· er of the Board. presented her reo fieult because of the mall sistation read auxiliary for the ye~r wiL.'1 Club YWCA leav!' after ~. long period on to be pretty canny (the old veter· port and moved its adoption. Mr. In Ihe northozrn areas and ode can an average of 6.G books per mem . , active servlcp.' in . the Korean an stuff) becl.use there Is one ' Charles Strong. seconding Ihis mo. never quite gat. a true picture of ber, with Grand Falls as close run· The regular weekly meeting of ' campaign. thing which they don't like • • • . tion, spoke of the good work done a!1 the work that Is being accom· ner up. , . the Cabot.Pioneer Club .was h~ld WHERE THI: BOYS GET FIT being terme:! r "line shooter""':' by the Y with young women in the pillshed. The excutive expresscd The· Younger Groupes contribute in the Cluh Room on Harvey Road

b b t Th E U d Ii largely to the growth ofthe Pres . 'fhe recent lefercnce In these that's someon'l who rags a ou community. e xeeu ve expres,se .gra • byterial. There arc 26 affiliated, Feb. ~. .PhylllS French, columr~ t Veterans who had his adventurc!. IIIlss Jean Johnston Y·teens tude for h~lp given them ~Y C.G.I.T. Groons willi a to(ol memo PreSIdent. was Chairman. and after

d I I 11 b d AIL 0 HE ARIBOU ' Branch offIcials, and .. Domm· • " suffere tIe OS5 m S, ue to THE TR FTC Secretary, gave the reports of club ion Board. S!11!clal' mennon was bership 0(.373 a good increase over the· usual 'devotional period .Ihe rlisabllltics re.'1llved While over· It was exceptlonally well con· activities under her d~ction, and made of Miss Dorothy YWng the previous year. I welcomed Club Iluest, Joy Chon. scas, has brought some Interest· When the First Five Hundred Miss Rhona Russell. President of ma~ such · ••. solendid contribution Bolli Mission Bands and Baby ~1inutes'werc then read and memo . ing comment [rom many readers, proceeded to the historic Edln· the Co·cds Club, presented the reo to the Leader1s School that was Bands are very activc. The cor'l bers once more took nOle of the one of whom .was active with the burgh Castle, in February, 1915, . port· of her group. held at Corner Brook In October. ncl' Broo~ Baby Banel reports hav- card party being held by the Club Boyal Air Force In the I second they found "C" Company taking Mrs. lIIary' Smallwood, executive The Increase In finances has Ing.29 Life Memb~rs. fan Tuesdav Feb. 15. InvltatlOlli

(NEA T I h It ) b 't t t d' d b Younger Groups In all areas arc . , .." " . world war If 1039-1945. over. This latter contingent, the· . e ep 0 a . director of the YWCA In St. een qUI e au s an mg an a su . greatly helped by Ole very valualllefrom the Cluh to an At Home ~t He knows quite a thing or two survivors of ... ·hlch will eommem· French Prewer MeJldes-France readies his documents as he BIt~ alone John's,' gave a report of h~r work slanUal amount' over the allocation little magazin;! "World Friends". the Club Rooms on Sunday, Feb.

about artificial appilances, and orate the anniversary of their lit hi. buck In the Freaeb NalioDal Assembly In Paris. The Premier and what she hoped could be done lVas ral,sed an,d vow.d.for G.~.A It WH.s decided to scnd subscr·IJl. 13, have heen sen.t to forty Utli. rid t th G " f F h N th . Auxillarles are lOUd ID the praise jhc young veterans WIIO are embarkation next week, had lost eon ence va. Dil e Dvernmen.s program or renc or to enrich the lives of the young of their Associate members who tions of "World Friends" and iIIis. versity students. A programme' his

fighting t:le last Winning round arrived there on' February 19th Africa. women attending the Y Clubs. ~elp both financiallY aDd splritu. slonary Monlhl"5" 10 the hospitals becn planned which It is hoped o[ the blgge~t baltle they have under the Co:nmand o~ Capt. A. A . t j I th R I t Queen'. .Iell. ~ho were in -at. Reports of the senior clubs were ally. Much has been accomplished at Botwood, Gander. Springdale. will prove interesting to those whll k I t t "fit" I 111 t I 'I th crOBS 0 0 n e eg men. ".." St Anlhony and Twillingatc I 'nowll-try ng 0 ge aga n. on gomer e, w 10 was en And with arrival of these IP'0UPll tendance, provided a suitable presente~. Mrs. T. B. Tower, ex· in. the .field of Communit~ .Friend. . . attend. All mcmbers are now

There 'vas the case of Flight Adjutant at the Depot, and later The a"tive .trenrfth of "Our president for the Macdonald' Fel s.n'p WIth a total of 1913 VISIts hav. M~mbers ex~ressed a k e e n, bUsily engaged in doing something • • • background ~l the unassuming .. :". h d 94 sense o[ ~isappomtm:!nt ~t t..ic loss for "Talent Night" whlell is 5!t

l,nglneer Brim Taaffe., from became District Oificcr Com· Own~ rtoop8 humbk GUt;t of the Evening-? lowshlp; Miss PhYblhs ~rench: :~gh~sqpei~al~.a~X~laJ:e~:v~ :~~r 01 the FlCld Worker MISS Nancy . ~lal1ehe5ter. \Iho hall dropped mandlng. ThiS draft, or some Surpassed the due requirement And.al1 the courtesies were president of the Ca ot PIoneer, d IF' d h' . t I 'th' k Edwards, whose services were dis. for March 29 and sbould be II. bll I.fiOO fect fr')1\1 a Stirling and 245 all ranks. started the build· Of full battalion complement". available. which meant we have Miss Maggie Kennedy. pre.sident of e. n rlCn s Ip no on y WI 51e_ continued in·Septemher. It was success. Programme was under the his pal'illilUtc didn·t upen. When Ing up..of the Battalion strength. WHEN GOOD IIELLOWS the pleasure of Lieut.' Cadlllaic the Victory Club, and MISS Et?el Supper ,!a! served at Ihe close felt that one of the srea~sl needs direction of Beth Scott and Betty they fouml 13rh'n he was burled On lIIarch 3rd, "0" Company, GET TOGETHER and others. but especially _1 Payne, president for the Bowling o[ the meeting. in this area is to have a trained Ryall and consisted of film show. thrcr feet h, 1!lc ground. lie had 246 strong, !'(lllchcd Edinburgh. In our ~xi>Cr'l'nce. some or the So the time went on and It League. . The following were re.elected leader and a recommandation wa~ ing, which was much. enjoyed. The l! fractured s!mll, brokcn rll1ht 'rhey ,at that time, were under happiest monthF In ,0Uf lives were was only another indlc~tlon of Han. E. S. Spencer, praising the for the coming year: sent to. Toronto that a Christian meeting closed at the usual time, Irg and shouhle.·. fl'octured ribs the command r.' Capt. A. O'Brien, spent a8 Non·Commlssloned or· what men who wore the uniforms work done by the YWCA. moved Mrs. J. Boyd Baird, provincial ~Sd~::I~~ ~:!~~l~.e sent, as soon after the serving of supper. aurl a dama!:t!d hack. 'fhen he who left for Newfoundland to flcers. In th.) Na\';)!, or course,. of the dlfferelJt Services get to. the adoption of the' reports, and president; Mrs. Herbert. Cramm, The memlms of the execuU\4!, ------:--!IeI' !Iopcd ll1icumonia. Ollr tack over. the draft, but was not an f)rdlnary Seaman, Able Sea· gether. Mr. George Chalker, president of president; Mrs. C. C. Pratt, lst vice onCe more enjoyed the warm bos. friend ser l ,~ a dny or two with successful In reaching home- man, Leading Seama~, and Petty the Kinsmen Club, seconded the president; Mrs. Evan White way, pitality of the Corner Brook auxi. ~'o'lng alrmell. walked onto 'the to his own aod the disappoint· Officer took Its stride. In the ANNUAL. MEETING motion. 2nd vice president; Mrs. Kieth .Hary as they not only held a sup. Illa~'llIll (le:cls ur thoir com'alcs- ment of hundreds of frlends;- Air Force, fro~ Lac to PlIot Of· The annulli meeting of the St. Mrs. Herbert Outcrbridge then Clarke, hon. secretary: Mrs. Nath· Per for tho.s cattending the meet. ct-nt depot .thn only plnce of its as he met the Contingent en fleer was a long stride! but, In John's Bran"" of the Canadian took the chair for the election of a an Penney, assistant secretary; "!gs but stayed until lata Into the Idnd In the 'I'orld at that time. route. the course of events, everyone Legion will be held In the Synod Board of Directors. Miss Marjorie Mrs. James Hough. han. treasurer; night to serve luncll. Those from There he ~n\'< he could under· tiE" Company, 241 in numbers, got there, a \some time. Hall on tbe ~venlng of February Ban, chairman of the nominating Mrs E. Hiscock assistant treasur. out If t01:' are als~ grateful to the stand ho\'" ami why these young under Capt. Eric S. Ayre, with During thtl week·end, your 17th. committee, read her nominations er; ·Mrs. Mary 'Smallwood, execll. rn;Pthe~ 0tae;tertamcd them dur-men have re."o\·ered in a way Capt: L. Paterson, as Medical Of· Columnist, .had the privlle~e of for office, and Miss Stella 'Burry live director; Mrs. Harold Alder· The 5th sA; n u a I Presbyterial which no doc~l)r would have be· ficer, and Lleuls. Chas. Wlgnton reml!mberlng he was once a seconded the report. Miss Elizabeth dice; Miss Edna Baird; Mrs. Sam Meating is scheduled to take place lic\'cd pOBsie\" twenly or even and Norman I\lderdlce as assist· Sergeant and was present at an HALIFAX - Ordinary Seaman Scott moved a vote of thanks to Bartlett; Mrs. Chesley Butler; lIIrs. on May 5th. a'nd 6th. at Lewis. ten years ag 1. There were two Ing conductors was the next to NCO's get·together. Bingo-the Graham Hlg~more of BelJ Island, those helping to make the meet· R. M. Frech; IIIrs. Avalon Good· porte. reasans: Th~ "applied sanity" of arrive In Edinburgh, having pre- attraction for so many people Newfoundland, graduated recently Ing a success. ridge; Mrs. Jalllfs Harvey; Mrs. G. Mns. R. B. GHEEN, the trcltment, and the sheer w!1l vlously stopped at Stobs Ca:np, lately-was only a preliminary. from the School of Naval Air Lady Outerbridge; Mrs. S. J. Horwood: Mrs. Robert Hunt; Mrs. or Ihe mcn ,I) get bettcr them· where tbll wh.,,( unit went under dueted, and sandwiches were )Iainienance at 'HMCS Shearwater, Hefferton and Mrs. T. Delahunty, Harold Lake; Mrs. H. K. JIIeKay; Fclvcs. Exercl~cs. massagc, fresh canvas a' few weeks a!terwards. available, t.s tat. as light refresh· near Dartmouth, N.S., as an Air· representing the Girl Guide ASSD- Mrs. B. D. Parsons; Mrs. H. L.

Press See~tary

~ II' and coml'~deshlp; that's how "E" were bllIeled at Shrub Hill ments we! concerned, for they craft Controlman. ciation; Mrs. Iris Power for Zonta Pottle; Mrs. Stewart Godfrey; ~[rs. . it was. ;\lilIs. In Leith, for a short period. do make a little party more en· He was onc of 12 in a class Club; Mr. Alec Butt, rcpresenting T. B. Tower, anel ~frs. H. W. Quin· l\Iore than 42.000 CanadIans

Our Info 'D11nt had in mind. This mcant that the Battle was joyable.' , undergoing the 35th Aircraft Con· the Kinsmen, and Mr. George ton were elected as new members were treated ~t Red Cross Out" j'J.Z.P-U-RE-B-A-R-BA-O·O"'S""M-O-L"A""S"'SES llalilcul:tl'ly, tile amputces, and now up to SIrt'. ngth, with Reser· Then It was dlsclDsed that It trolmen's course at the Royal Chalker [or the Kiwanis ClUb, at· to the Board to replace members I post Hospilal~ and Nursing Sta'i QUARTS, PtNTS OR GALLONS' mentioncl\ a ~ IIght·Sergant Bill \'es, and the !Jnal slages of train· was a BlrthdhY Party, and the Canadian Navy's Air Station. tended the meeting. resigned. . tion! last year. Xurse, whr hllil nearly 200 opera· Ing took place, previous to orderl .-----------'-------lIonal hours In 1Ilurrlcanes. A for the Ga1!iopli campaign. bomb dl'opped on him In Malta In the words of Major R. H. -and got his lI<gs. Then, jut out Talt's published record: ef plaster aEter a miraculous reo " ••• new drafts were lent

So Tired and Out of ,Sorts!: Thai'. the feeling. tbi.t '~ne toniC

banishes. It puts pep into the system. ~. cause there's pep in the bottle! It peps aP1 petite at once, peps your step and gives yoa a general feeling 01 being alive and welJJ A big bottle costs but a little and gives yOll lots of pep. Sold by all the good stores. Look . for the RED carton, and the ~am~ BIYCK'S.


. ~ c. T':"'h"',,,Qilfiijj IYFFFn.,'nu''''''''''l'U(''''''''''S'''~ '. '



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P.Z43-Super·M quality Is extm. ,Uned In this fin. radlo.phO/lO' graph. Twin 8· Treolia! V speak • • rl. Phlllpi 3-.peetl recard changer with "Featherlfghl" Ion.· arm. Beautifully deslon,d hand· . crafted cat.ln.t In walnut. ,"Ihall' Clny or limed oak, 31 Yzn high, 3'" wId., 16~" deep. ,










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6 . THE DAILY NEWS, MONDAY, FEB. 14, 1955 . -----------------------~~----------------.

The 'Dai/'y News .' ..

Tbe IIA1L Y NEWS. Is a morning paper eJtibltshed In 1894, andpubll~hed at the . News Building. 3M-359 Duckworth Street,

"SL John's, Newfoundland, by Robinson & ' Company. Limited. . rOBER OF THE .CANADIAN PRESS

Tbe Canadian Press Is exclusively en, titled til the use' Cor republication 01 all news dlSpatci1es In this paper credited to It or to The Associated Press or Reuters

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happy to see a second city arise in the west and the.l!\ttainment of metropol5tan status ought' to be a primary aspiration of tht! people of the Corner ,Brook area. But' whatever course they may follow, we wish them good fortune.

In, 'The News 81· WAYFARER

NOTES AND COftUtlENT . \ But returning to the railway. The subject of transportation s)'stem, the poinl that has to be

has ben. much In the nclVs this considered Is that what was good winter and the point has been enough for 250,000' people whose

Ten ycars ago tqday the Russians en- made,. e[fectlvcly, we thInk,. that trade was chieflY overseas is not tercd and captured, the citr of Budapest Newfoundland Is still In the horse· good enough for 400,000 people to divide . the, German forces in Czecho- and·buggy era so far as main com~ who are now trading principally

I slovakkia ,from those. in" Yugoslavia. munlcatJons ,re concerned. So far with Canada, Passenger. movement Further to the north they' were in'vesting as getting in or out of the Island across the' country has gone up by

\ The End Was Beginning

Is concerned, the fact Is that we leaps and 'bounds since union, the German clty of Braslau. On the west- are not a :blt belter oCf ~han we Freight congestion has been avoid· ern front the British had "completed the were twenty years ago and In some ed only by diverting to Halifax for liberation of Belgium and the Americans respects, we may be worse of[. water transport to Sl. John's all were moving rapidly up to the Rhine. The Creight destined for points east of

d f I d h . b" This 'poinl has been made be· Grand Falls. The time 'laken by ex· '

en or Hit er an t e NaZIS was cgmmng; (ore. Jt. can bear repetition, If we' press trains to cross the island is • Less than tW9 months before the Ger- go back to the days of the first just as'long as it was twenty years

mans had launched their final counter- world war, we shall find that In or so, At least what. diCferepce offensive in the west. .It was an effort those times there was a' dally there Is does not mean very much. quickly spent. Thfe were now to follow cross-count express and two That It should take· about ten ten weeks 01 rapid advance on' both fronts, steamers n Cabot Strait. 'There hours to go from St.. John's to . ..' . was a weekly service the year Gan~cr-is absurd on ,the face of it

, _______ -----------------llleadmg to the fmal dramat\c debacle of round by boat from st. John's to nnd we doubt that there Is a part the German forces and· the Nazi regime. New' York via Hallfax, There was \ of Canada where' the same slow

It is difficult now to realize that all an English boat every ten days and uncomfortable service may be thi~ was ten years ago and' that the Get·· to ~upplement that service, In the duplicated. .

United Klngdum and all Forelp COUntrl~8 ., •. $12,00 per annum


leb . h' . h .' t peflod when navigation In the st. .

. p iscite In· The West man': w em we were I en In ;nt, ~n L.",.~" .. , "'"' 'hm '" , -crushmg, have become, by the whlrl1g1gS steamship passenger service to But tlie only way the pI'oblem It W"' cl"rly ,ta'cd in a p,ovio", 01 laIc, desirable a\ll" in Ihc ,truggle 10 Mon, .. I, Tb< .. ml·monlhl, ."", '"' b. "b.d i, I. b,Dd , ,.,d,

reference to the subJ'ec\ In these ",Ium .. ",nlain U,. agg.'es,ive thr,,1 01 Ru,,"" ,I .. "lb. N.,r",d"d ,,' oed ,,,g, "iI'" .tt'" lb. I>


hnpeL'ialism. __' . Nova S~otia ~uPplY our ,present land. The most authoritative esti· that it is not the place of anyone living There were no thoughts oi this or of steamshIp p~ssenger serYlces. The ~atc of the ,cost that has been outside the area to offer gratuitous advice . air service IS useful when planes gIven to us IS $100 million. Ad· 10 the peopte 01 the lour weslern towns anythm~ else ten years a~a ",ve the laol '" 0" Th. le,l, .",i .. , '" mill.d., lbi. I. 00' "" .. I" 0' belween Humbermoulh and Curling on that viclory, aller years 01 suUerln~ and ,,,,,,,II,,,bl, 1,1."" I, ,b.1 lb. ,..,. h"" Ih' .om ,r m.I,· . how they ,h,uld vote on the qu",Uon 01 tr,,'ail, w"' al 1,,1 wllhin Ihe allied ~r"p IhO' .m b.[", Ih •• w". 1>1,1" lli. p,'~'" 1lmil' , ~" amalgamation, and Ihe mo",l,ous Nad Iyranny wru; being - r'i" " hIOh,"Ill" 'I~' "pi".

Pushed heacllong, to its doom. It was a ~vc wnnlln talk chiefly abouL

I menls arc difficult because of the

'Having tn .mind the natural pride that .. . raIllrallsporl but R word about Ihe narrow gauge requirements and Inh.abtls the brea'is 01 II,. 'cople 01 Cor- latplLlt momenl m the h.story 01 ou' hme .... 1.1 ""i" I, " ... m, Tid. eo •• I, !h. 100' elm m .. b, ru.b n.r Brook and tis en,irons, It might well and one tOLig 10 be' I'emembered, i. ""' ".1, " "od' " II W,", Ilhe! II ml,hI "n b, ·b.lI" "

1!nville hoals have been abominable, gauge s)'sLem. be thought that the opportunity to create " !I'Rvelllng conditions on the Clar'l give carly attention 10 a slandard

a new metropolis in' the west would have U d' (I Sk' at tlmcs. From descriptions we I" emoUonal appeat. There arc lour • n er ear les h'" h.' loom " i,[oem,,", II i. ",b,b~ Ih'l Ih ... "I"'·' lownships, Amal~amaUon would wed ,'" ."I'.b""hw Ih,' Ih'" '" Ii" ,r , .. "",,d "." "II,., thom Into a ,,"all city of 20,000 people, the ILlI'eb.'U",'y "hell the log d."ppoared ",=1". whe' pil"lm, I, ",,'"I eo,l' be pi"", "" , ,",,~I.I and skies wel'e clear again, the business, on overcrowded sleamcrsin the I shorter route than thaI followed

second city of the island and the first on E t ~l d' the West Coast, 01 p"viding a winte, air so,,,iee to peopt' "", ••• 1",",9' ... "'" by Ih', " ... ,111"" "llh,1 ;. '"' in the more remote parts of the province ?Il as cBmfortable as passence;s! a. suhJect Ihal needs to be con·

But our western friends are hard- bl tit t t d m the Clarcnvllle boalln PlacentIa Sldered at the moment. The basic headed lolk who want to study the pm,tI,- wa.' e a " 0 ge w' er wal', Bo" I, Ih. ,,,,, ,I, ''"'' ,I .. , roe' i. Ih.l, m" "mm"i"UrnU ,I arguments lor. and against the ,on- The lirst experiments jvlth a winter """,.,,,.U,, Ih." h" "I boo, "'.m I. r" b.low lb. C",'I" ail' service were made in 1920 and 1921 a serious attempt Lo survey the minimum standard and lhat we arc

lemplated union and nobody 'at all will b btame them lor that, by Sidney Cotton an Australian airman P" I,~ ,r Ih' ... ,1. ,,,., "d "UU,d I, , ""I" eo,,1 I' lbol who fitted skis to' his aircraft and found do something constructive 8?Out standard,

It is unfortunate that the lack of com- .. ' them. In fact, there arc hOles mUllications in Newfoundland tend in some every frozen pond a SUitable landmg fl.eld. w!ten It might be thought that the respects to sepal'ale Cqrner. Broo. k from He flew to Fogo, st. AlltllO~Y, Car.twrJ~ht coastal service is a chore degest· If Newfoundland laeked a rail·


• d h and other northern ports WIth mall. With able to the C.N,R, and conduded' way in 1949, 'It 1I'0uld have become Sl. ,To n s by a far greater istance t an Sidney Bennett o[ St. John's, he attempted most ungraeef~llY a~ an unavnid.! a nat,lonal responsibility to'supply the mileage between them. One can fly also to Ollen an airmail service to Halifax able responslbll.lly. Imposed upon th~ need, The ,Cnd that lI'e had a from the capital to Montreal in six or seven . I. h ,. f D' it by lhe pohtlClans. However, raIlway of a kmd docs not lessen hours. To go to Corner Brook involves a but ~he fIrst f Ig t camel to ?Ile t on deer since C,N,n. deficits fall on the the oblil!alion to supply us with a lraln journey 01 aboutlwonty hours. Fo' Lake, Cotlon ,W", also t.e I!"t 0 un cr· "bll' P"", Ihm i, " ee=' b.lI" ".I,m "d "",iee, Th, that reason we on Ihisside of the i,land take seal-spotting Irom Ih~ "r. 'h, Ih' mllw., ..... "m ... 1",ld Id ... 1 • .... d,,,1 " .. ,. mil'""


"1 11' f d btl I When he gave up some years elapsed' lalle thal attitude If ~hey do. There may be ridiculed now Bul the I\rc no near Y so we 111 orme a ou oca " is talk even now that th r I . , " , . .; f d before Douglas FraseI' and Arthur Sulli- " e \)' e IS I tUlle must cume when It 11'111 hal'e condlhons m the Bay 0 Islan s area as we . If' I deshn~d for Ihc shlpbreakill~ I to be given serious consideration would like to be or as we should be. van. brought 111 a pane. ~r commereJa yards, But the Kylc, as a first· and it would be c1lcapcr 10 think

TIlat means that people here who arc servICe. Latet· the Commlsston of ?overn- class I~ebreaker ,is still necessary of it now rather than after many • interested in the development of the West ~ent financed a go.vernment flymg ser- and WIll be worlh the cost of I millions have .been poured into

C I d 't ., I 'b I' I th vtee But neorly th"h' years elapsed be· ,,, .... ,, ,,,,In ,,' Im,ro'o Ih. m.I,I'M~' ,r th. p~'" _ cas tan 1 S fgrNow~g ': n d u Ion h 0 dl e tw";n the firs! e.perinlents and Ihe eslab. .""'. ',,"I,,',nl .~,i", ' lmpor ance 0 ew oun an are ar y 'h f . h ' . . b _._._.--_ . ....-able to evaluate the reasons w~y people 11s ment 0 a ~o~lp~e .enslve air servise YD· In the Bay of Islands area should be lor Eastern ProVln .. al, AI~vays, There have onabons Operation or against amalgamation.' b~en ma~y people 1\1 dts~ant northern out .. , B

It ~, 01 eour"" a lart thai It may be po,ts, who lraveUcd by atr belore Ihey"'w . y NEA C "S prin~hoard" more difficult to administer economically a tram or a motor car. p. · . B t fl' . t'll h'd er I NORFOLK. Va, - Opcl'alion

: a city spread over so great a distance u ymg IS s I a azar ous com· SQnne "S . b d . tl Atl I . . 1 .' N . f dl db' \ • prmg oar , Ie ant c , relallvely " separales Humbermouth Is !"er,,, operahon In ,ew o.m an, ,'- _ Fi .. ". "",I wi"", 1"1,1,,

• railway cenlre, Comer Brook an in- cause 01 the !ong pe~.ods ,of un,mlable ,"Q, NORmEAST AIR COM, ~m'" I. ,ow """~'Y I, the , d",lrlal town and Curling a n .. tng region, wealher, It will remam a h.ghly v,luabte MAND-D"lm: Ih' p.~ "", C~"lbb"', Admlml J""ld , But the very dlversily of tbe area mlghl supplemenl to our ,ommunlrations sy,tem ,1£1"", "U., .. m" "d e\,U· R ei,hl, "" .... ~'d", I, Chl.r ,I

II be 'Is I th 0 th t I but Ihe ultlmale an ... er of year-round I ... I, lb. U,,, .. S1.I" N"lh, Ih. AU"U, F,ee' hm ",",,,. we I s reng. n a, we are no .. I . b f' d: 'h· hI ,_ cast Command voluntarily' do· cd. ~'Springbonl'd" is designed. to prepared to ,ommen!. 11 may, however, transport w.t hm t. e 01Ul In a .g l .. I.d ,21,3113" t, ""nI"d "..,Id. m.d.,m 'ml,I', roe seem 10~t,althal whal lour allied lowns- developed road system, N.,r" ... dl"" ,h"lly deW,,· ,~b.'''' ,hi,. ,r th. nee' by shlps can do indlvidualty, they ought to ' Th. moot ~ .. ,' ."leib,U .. "'I,, .""~.,, ,[ 'h. ,I"" beable \0 do a whole lot better ,oll<,tively, , .. ' .... 1.12 I' Ih' N .. r",,· ,"I?d' ,[ r •• y.lh" In ,Ih' . . S' h F T d land Division of the Canadian Caribbean S~a' , Capa~tty to pay. taxes, IS., naturally, trengtor 0- ay National Institute for the Blind. All typ'Cs of Atlantic Fleel an essenhal factor m the mmds of the These fundi will be used by Ships-aircraft carriers, batllc· people. The well-paid mill worker may By EARL A, DOUGLASS lb. IMU"I, ree the .d,,,U .. , ,hlp', ,rul"" d~.",''', "h, be able to pay more \han the o;asuallabour- l"lnl'" avd ",h.bllltelhm ,r mm"" .1, "d ,mphlbl'" er or ,.sherman, But It must be ",umed BUT AfTER DEFEAT-VICTORY b!l,d ,eopl. I, N .. r",db,d, ,,1l<-wlU "rtl.I,,1» In \hI' " Ern .. ' H.",en AFB "''' "",II", Shl" will ",lin"

: that property valuations for tax purposes Think of the defeats that stand' out as great Stephenvlllelerl the Blind F d ally enter and leave tile operat· '. would bear a "n.lble relation 10 eapaclly ",m,' ,,1,1, I •. lb, hl,Imy ,f "lion., .",k" wilh $1,"'" ~hll' N"Y".~:k ,,' "" avd om ".rnl' both

10 pay and ",.,ern In thtsregard ought not Hill '" • 'ef,,' .. d w"' r" , "" Um. I"',d AB, G",'Iv,," d,,"" I',· l,dep.rutmU, ,rut In ,eo"'" to be such " 10 create lormldable opposl- '''''' wllb .""" "d d",Ppo1nlme,l, Y" "'" '25,62, G"" AB, L,b,"", n"lb'. ~h,d,l .. ",ordinated by

defeat had more glorious results and a more wide. 11 Co d C bb S tion to the idea of amalgamation .. What reaching influence In the history of our country Pepperre A~B and McAndrew mman cr, arl can ea . . . AFB accounted', for $72962 Frontier, Rea. Admiral Grover

peop~e bave to wagh .~ a ,malter 01 Ule ibM Om'" "" ,[ "r mlUl'" ",1M" Th' ,119"" .nd ,"'.00 ""oeU,;": B, H, lWI, USN, Am,,,,' Ib, kind IS the value of benefIts likely to accrue famous Battle of Thermopylae was a defeat, but The genero~liy 'of the Amerl. larger warships taking part in agalnsltheir probable ,ost I' be> Ibrill.d 'he ., .. he.;'" II .. , , _I '" ''''''',,' .;. ,,,,Iblood I, "I,ln,h .... ,eo the "I1'''~

We are a ,ouutry ol'indivlduallsts and ,lei,,,. "'m •. m .. lh •• go we eo"''''' tbe on- on $8"",511 ",.lrib,lln. t, th' m'''"' •• ".n ,err"" V.U" !his tradition ,olouis our mental altitudes ,I""'''' or ,wi ""bo!, "",..,d .. Uon w"' N .. r"ndlin', "'b .... ,I"I,A. F"g, .ed LoyI', lb. b.m"hl, '.' . prosLrated as the result of tbat catastrophe. yet soclatiDn. .Th'l' Canadoan . Red Wisconsin, and ~he cruisers Roa·

, Sometimes w,e ~ even ~ghl too hard ,,' ~ II ..... ,...,.,,11 .. ", d,.,"'i"Uon .hleb Cro~ ·WG b.""~I.'" row"'· ,ok', New",rt New. "d ,S",m '.,.to. preserve Ilb~rI!es we m.ghl be better ""lu.I" I, ,I",,,. . " ... , >bll. U .. "m.lm" '5,· spet""',d' d"l,..d Ie

Wlthoul, Bul.t IS at leasl 10 be hoped A,d " II I. willi !H. ,,"y d.y, I, , .. m'· , ... " w ... um."" foe ·lb ... I .. the ,,, .. Uen.1 ""U,'" ,I thai all who vote In ilIe Western ptehlsrtle """ ,I ".,[0\ !h1,,1,. we ,I"" bow "".d., ,c"re, S~"Iy, 1n,1,ld,,1 "Ia ,r.lh. AU"U, will do so on a logiraland not'an,eniotlonal 1m,,, •• ""Id " It .. ro'~ .I •• " " rrom Fleel by "", .. "1,, ,h.m ,lIh ,. '" ,I"", " ",lbe<, "'" m"'U", ...... lb. "ei.d ,,,d I,lem". tmi,ln, baSIS. From what has been heard about otber In magnitude and significance. Yet If we BEER DR'~K.'NG LOWER exereiscs. A typical week 'o(

;' the campaign, it may appear.~hat emotional look back over our lives, we Clnd that perhaps our -:-- training wi11 mclude underway , ,on~derattODs are being pushed nol lor all ~."", I, .... , b". .... I", .. ' from ... d.· LOl"0N O>1')-A enid, ",I .. ".IIn" .I .... n 1n1""pU" , they are worlb butforeven Dlore than they tub, Th ... eom. Um .. m lb. 11,,, ,I eir" on. ,wmm" h.I,ed ." d,", -- drlU" •• ,,' ",r .. , '"''''Y,

are worth'. of us when there must be readjustment, reappra'isal, Bdrrlnkin~ Ins BrJitat In lajsdt year, ttl he sllore bom·,;.rement and lInti • . • . "d "'" or", Ih •. .....,11" " '"' 11 ... el'" .w,!' '" y B """ y. "bm.d".I .. , ... , Th. elm""

, 11Iere IS onty one Ibmg,w~ ;Would _say diU",,' hOh •• ,. .. ."'. ,,,. h,'''', A gl ... ,r ."ei." .. Ui ,,,ree' lbel< h"I' , ,:on1a subjec\thal ,oleiy and priffiirllY con- W. ~ "n, d" ... ""'" ",I'~ .. ",. "". ..I> .• b,,' ,.,,, ,hllU" ,,·klll,,· "" .. Ie"" -~" _ ,ems the peopte of the are .. nd thalls the on ,,,,,, .. 111 10 " ... Ie. II, W. "an"" b'lId "" p"eo, ,r whl.h m'" th" d,,,I, wllh """"I", "dee, ': f Ith I I Ii half represent~. the tax. The so· going training In that area All

! tJes!r'bUily ?I, a pronounced e~ion of ;:!,,\. i~: ~1ll4." ;::::;..~ ~~::,tIy h~ ,.., old Bdhah b".~ '''' "I,. ,,,UdpoU,, In' S~d",· ; maJority OpinIon. Were the Issue to be which Is b'ey d' I ht ' year prl1duced about 859,000,000 board will pracllse evasive man· ld~ by a narrow margtn, endless grlel ,. . "' ,." ',,;-,- .:. ,.lIon~.b,", ' I.~ "',,',' '"'" .,Im,""d

,;)'Itiuld result Would amalgamallon work Aad m ..... " to be .. the ;'dee' ... Ih~ \bon I. ,"", .'mnl, .I1,,' ,ed p"".nel wlll '., ! if :45 per cent of the people were against report, for we note 'that a new big electronic "brain" FOUR' DEAD IN FIRE be Indoctrinated In the latest ,.t' . W ld .. . 1'0 I . ' f tid ' procedures an:! safety measures

P . '.?U controversy, cease If 55 per p m scs near·per eo ra n an snow predictions. WASHINGTON .TOWNSHIP, 0 iatomlc defense. :,.cent ~f the voters were against amalgama- We will have to let them work out the bugs across N:J. (AP)-FoUf eh.lldren died' -' --' ---'--,;tI.,(? A close ,declslon ",uld ",tard pro- :1" ':""" b.", lb. ""Woe I. ,,' to ."' 1 .... el", 10 .,!lee whleb d",roy·d C"""ph,, ""mb" Ie b,,·

.. ;. gress and Ills to be hoped thalth wilt I .M. _"_ ",I. h'~ '"' .rann. Fleemon I.d I, " .. "h",,1 '" Ci,d,' , '\:ltb . "1"" ' ..•. h'" . ~ .0 , " '. ,0.. said, the ,blR21 . apparently ,was Trujl11o, capital of the pominican . ~ "e peop e. OL ~e B.ay of ,Islands. townshlp~ . How. foolish CI~ strikes get? . Which com· started by~ an 011 heater explo, Republic.

:lwill be expressed In such a manner as to mentis caused by· reading where' a Milwaukee slon The victims were Willie :....---~---.. 'jleave,,!, doubt>: ,.,' ., " .... _'lb. _ •• on, wllh ,"" " • iwIl~" 5, Ch.I,'In, 4, ""I" ~ .. , "", lb .. '2,'00 C,,"I ...

'? .. ' :W~'~ .b~ permitted to add one thing for b eb~h :mpI~~ee .on his birthday. They wlll Bobble, 11 moilt,hs, the ehlldrcnl'Were treated ~t Red Cross Out· '-JBDreI~~The people of.St John's would 'be r~lr~ i emadn hll~drhollda>, on the' birthdays, ~[ o! a farm hand,' Willie Rldgins, post Hospitals and Nursing Sta· ~ . " .' .' ',' '. . w v~ an c •. en next. .'" i .• ,and his wife,' Madle! . tlons lal;t year . . . ,.,' . .. . ',: . . .... .' ." ' ' ,


~ , . •

" . ~

• • ,





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SKI BOOTS LADIES', sizes 4Y2·7 ..... : .............. REG• 7.75 4.95 pr.

BOYS', sizes 1.51;'2 ...... , .. "., ..•. ···,·REG. 6.75 4.50 pro

• MEN'S, sizes 6.10 ...................... REG. 7.75 4.95 pro

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Sizes ~.9~ ...................... REG. 11.75 7.25 pro


J !I j



\ 1 \ I I ,


SpecialtJ Trainill~ ForCba

WIl\':'1IPEG ( ; minds DC 5t:!r~ belween and nine are I der an expcri~ the Winnipeg l

The children III O\'er the ( and three seh, \"oted one c1a~ th~m: . Three teach

~1J05en Cor t tlasses, 'I11cy 1

cl:t~landing te


. ' •• J ~

t . .

THE DAilY NEWS, MONDAY, fEB. 14, 1955 7

oppers row rcae tores \




Imagination to understand what the unusual ability wll\! language. They esting prehistoric reptiles ••.• " Heads Atlant· Mr. Mann said In an Interview. for two of his own homes in the Ion to see tilat It does wock." child needs to keep him busy, and speak and wrl((l well and nre avid The children start out their cdu· IC "It has scope and, possibility, but past. If he gets tlle timc, h'2 would I" ".n,d."I".d ,,,, 1,,1,. ",d.,., 01""11,, ,. " ,roM'm. "noo 1, """" .1 .... ' rrom ~'OO ,'," g., , job ,~. "" ''" """ d, n. "'" "b" h. m"6 Tho ""odl. ",g.".d • ,.. Ing such as music, art or science. Their lively Imaginations are 11. grades I to III at their own speed, EcOnOml·C Board lust pray you have the ability to to III 0 net 0 n headquarters for Mo by the Maritime provinoo , , .. I",.d 1, ... ,ht" .. , •• d', 1"," m'" I,. "" m*' w"k do II," APEC," "'''' " ."..d. "d .ppro,oI ., TALENTS DEVELOPED , .. m' .,.~ lrom ,,,d .. V to VI, • IRVING C II'HYNOT WmB EXPERIENCE SEES BIG POT"~L\l. • m"U", of M,ri'~ '''''." A1~oogh tho • h" d '" .... D.d" , •• "". ,Tb" ,hoy I,n,,, """ ,,"'~, C,:,d., P~;S"I! \1'",,; M', Moo, hoo b~, dol" _, "I b.n". ~. ","If h" •• ' ,od • """",""" ,,"" ....... quickly, their school work Is not l\!other woke him up, junior high school. HALIFAX (CP) _ 0 N 10 hl'msclf for a lon" u'me now. ntendous potential," he said, "and ister, came into being Jan, 21 this

accelerated. Taey fonow the same 1 h d th I lid Vi',\.., th ' e t v fir t . • e 5 n " "'NN'PEG (CP' _ n, h''''' " . d "" ili ' '" , ,,,,.,. ~,. ""nm' '" 'M'M ". • ~ •• ,..- m .. pi.k.. A MU" of 'yd"y. "'" ... h. fu, "",1 •• " """".d If .re Y'u, ;.rti\'c nlintls of 70 Winnipeg young. cur{ cu um


an e e same I They sat down to sup. agreed on 50me pare~ts were re· b}; the Atlantic Provinces Elclr is a graduate mechanical engineer th05C who have the neCC!i-sary \'is· ' . ,,~" 'h. '''' ,r' "'" .• ~ .. ~. '~d . D, d ".01 00' ,,,,,,II,, ,., ili." ",dd,,, ... " ",m', C .... "" I.. •• ko, "" ,I who ,,, _k,d " d"",hOm"'. ,,, ,,," ""Ii""" "",k," , I. "" ,,," ,'''''' " " ,~" ,'d "'" '" b.'" "I"""'" ",. " 'I h ':" ' ''' .. ,' p'11'" T, .,," ~, '''. !h' .1",,, bo' ,I", "'~,,' ".. • .. "U" m".g",· ." bo"'''y ,,, h" "" prod,,,,, '!h, .""n. "" .. "d , Y'" ~~ I, ,1m "I ~ I':'C" '" :'\::' der an experiment undertaken by ~~:eby e dC~clo~~~ ~clra n:~i:~ "AI m m Its IbY hlllri' T,lti om

i 510n, thUle t'b~achers H~ join,S the council Jl[arch 1, supervisor, plant production man· "go by l'l'~ illaritime provinces ,e ec~om c e· e~ng ~ e ... W'''''"g "hool ""d, ,.,," "d ""og ili'm lrom ' " " ,.m " " "",6. 'Y ,,,m, ,,,"" h" ,,,~,t PO" 'I,' ..... g" "d nm .. 'w" .. "d, mof· Boo'" ~I T"d, .~d """'d, ., ::u:";,;m. re~'pcai,,~i~gPfu;

Specialty Training F or Children

Tho ."" ... ,,~, .... d ... from """""", Th' ~ .. bon d,,'t ". D.d "n.' ",m""m.. ,,"m' .. U, "" tho pro"d, ,,,' d'",y m"d"" '" lb. ,~ ''''' ",;,.", • " .. 'm, " Mmhm, 'p"m'~" ',.' " " • . • " "" lli. ". , ... ",'mbo' "',Um" lli,,, " h,ld "." ~ "' .. " "d I,,,. Th. p~ ... l' '" "'" )Old ""', ,j,ci., d"."m .. ' of "''' "d If' boo .. ,k,d wIth tho N,,, ~'d , N~"""'~d ,,",,' mm· ",.."" .g,,".~ "d "'" '''''to h." ... h ... h,'k, IV,' >r" J"". .. .bild,,, , IQ '" ,If lli, •• ,wd,," ",doo'", " ..... R",,,,,h 'oo,d.IIo' ...... "'''. "ro. "'," bm,g Jm, " "" ,,"" ,"'" ",,,,,,,m to • _, of "" ."""moo'. "mil" '" .. ~, y" U bo ,.kIog • ",", .ro "" '00, , ·D'ro,,... ,I .. , """d. I~,d "ri" th., 11m. 'ook'" "" ... Y"', "'m, boI" "'d I, S .. " ... "d ..... "!GUT PIfl'IL M" )'hom,,' ,," ... "''''' m • ,_,~n" ""'" ','m,ro" N,' E",,,d C,,, •• " "".h SEES BIG POTENTIAl,

Once, the wraparound t err Y robe, now It's like a kimona style robe. Great big long sleeves could' hold any numlm of brushes, ban of soap, shampoo and .what not. Th", , ... h." ~'" ''''''''1. d" .... ,,,.,.d by A, D" Th,m' "",lli" ,'g""''''o'' ",bm'lIod """d '01."" ,. koo, .. ok of Um tho ",,,mm ,oo,h" ,I "" I,,, APEe" molcll"'''''''' .lfh ,~" "1 "1,,,, th, ~"" h" .... ·

..... ' to, lb, m,j" _k, ...... ,''''., """",,,,,,, of~' .• ~'''''oo thol bo,." "",d",,'" ",y h'" ,clt _ .. ,,1 '''''''''' .,''''od ",. "", trom,,,'.,,m,,' .... ,rim"",, .. ","'h.. h', ,.d., "'" ,'~ .. ", ."", ""~ pid"d I .. th., W'"'''' "hoo' ""d, '" ,m ,oIttg " ","""., '''''', ,,"'" 00' bOw "" ." pro,,"" m?,". Ih~. ". :"'''''"' ". In hi, """ hm, h' I". d,· th, poo," wh, .. g'" "d " ,~, "",',,",' to..... 1n'.oI. ",,', Th' ",IIdro' ."",Uy ho<' "' "h.l' !h"k '" Ih'" re" I,,.,. ",,' ~. ,,'" 1" ,I.",. ''''''''. "."d, od ro, ""',d oil th. _k ""-~ ,,1m h'" ... """~" ."

He's helping to build' homes by the thousand!

HOW can posting a letter help build


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So, if you own life insurance, remem­ber - while you're building security fqr your family and yourself, you're also helping to make Canada a better land to live in!

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"lnvI.lld IIf. Inlurance dollarl larn Interlll Ihat mak .. II pOlllbl1 f.r you and y.ur family 10 'Inloy the blnlflll .f life Inlurance at luch low cOst. If yo.­haVI alii about how to make life Inlu" ance fit YlUr own Ipidal n"dl, gIve m. a call. I'll b. iliad 10 help you I" "



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It'S "Matchless " The Paint of Quality . ' .

The· Standard Manuf aduring (0;,·. Limited· \


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1955 Models Du'eto Arrive Shortly. We Are Sacrificing' All New 1954 Models

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Text ,At' A Nfld.:

The follo' the recent an ()f Trade,


By Hartley! Introduction:

The subject 01 menls In retilim; has sueh a wide limiting m,'seJ[ railed, I think, development in 11m going to 01 home ground ; few \l'ord~. of supermarket i growth. an Indu Iributcd to Ihe lives of people proved workinl lforkers,' ha~ t.nd manu[aclu opportunity an alive and so 01

Gentlemen, ! .Ieal • few fre l.uslness, It 15 Inee, but thosl business aeros have converte methods of f think they Irl and I will try

Firstly, ho~ velopment or market In thl 1929, Up to t "merchandish ~fft only \1'0

Relail distribl the effect of .. Ies In the them, throug over one-thir than two yei

Imagine II farmers. on tailera and (

There If a body of pe[ nUl eapabll hplp the cou IIf clrcums!: the IIUperm:


One Mie~ first to COlT

to ''Ho\\' ~:

bitter v~111 "Mlchftel CI 411'-how tin IO"'ell by" Crll~bpr" til They tlrew lnll and arl I new IIgh ~Ilned pOI and Ipreac

Why did IlIlpular? 1 ~hn,,'ed 1hl llfofita ble 20';'. belol tiloSI day. lie were I

fl'OIll the~ Ihey liked

Lel UI

and think <avlDK ml d~1 price, (i uchulllli IIbll Ih.t ,~M\'in!l 01 equivaiell erIe • .vI year you one monl

Is thl! ,'elopmel ol'r.rnigh luUon TI

It ha~ m here fOlld ml I~ere ql ness of were n~ ~ion hel liI'in); ,

To rt cullen tne pr Mcrhel an busi in priCI

My I rin:;:, h Hl'C cr Iillt is and a food I 10 cat wcekl) for [u and c, ovcrt\( sidcra alion this, cnmpl that I It wa the I eash iI'Jme the \

. rock By \'1

bllt 1 impo hinal Ihe' b~ttt


'. '.

I The Daily.' News I----------~~~~


,-------------------------~ext Qf ,~peeches At Annual Dinner Nfld.Board Of Trade

The foll~wjng Is the text of ~peeches delivered at the recent annual meeting of the Newfoundland Board of Trade.

MODERN DEVELOPMENTS IN RETAILING cost. The same now appJles across

By Hartl.y St. ,John Ayr. Nr.wfoundlalld. Introduction: 'fhat, gentlemen, oulUncs thr.

goes out of the eountry on tht' \'ery necessities of lI!e. But, do not let us lower our standardl! by accepting Inferior goods, If wt. are goIng to produce quality In' line with olher provinces at prIces competitive with" or beller than, uther provInces. The very natur~ of our country, with Its exlended nncs of communication, and short lnrmlng senson, offers a problem that can onlybe tackled on l lonl/ term polley. The proper and can' tclentlous grading of our {arm produce, the proper centralIzed ~toragl' and marketing facilities t:, serve out·lying formers, both ~r~ eontrolllng condItions on whIch the success of agricultural dc· velopment may stond or fall. '

The' subject of modern de\'elop' development of one of the largest ments in retlllng is so colossal and Industries of our time. NEWFOUNDLAND FISHERIES ba~ such I wIde scope that I am I have mentioned "merehandl~ By Hn.n A. Runtll limItIng myself to what can lle Ing" and "advertlslng"-two arts I'allcd, I think, the most modern whIch. wlth the basJc principles In the snutt time allotted 'to me developmcnt in Newfoundland, t already mentioned, arc now the tonIght, In which to speak on thn am Itoing to opernte ~trielly on llle·Une of successful food re' i\ewfoundland !isherles, 'I do not home J:round and tell )'ou, In a tailers, in fact of any type of re' Ieel that I can do justice to' the lew 1\'or!l~, of the story of the tailing, Both, I think, arc In theIr s\1bject and ,to the problem, 511permarkct industry and Its infancy in Newfoundland but, as neither do I believe that gIving J:roll'th, an Industry which has con theIr gencral princIplcs apply to ~ ou a lot of statlstlcs" mOlt of lributcd, to thc bettermcnt of thp almost e\'ery Iype of buslncs,~, I which you may .. already have. Ii\'e~ of people, has brougbt 1m. wuuld lIke to dwell only on one or ~erves any, uselul purpose, there· 11rol'ed working conditions to its 111'0 ways in which thcy apply b :I,re I am goleg to take the llbert~ worken,. ha~ beneritlcd Ilrowl!r the food relailer. ul making some, general . obRnr t.nd manuracturcr, has gil'cn the In the maIn, ur business musL \'allons that I hope may'help to a opportunity and personal Inltl. cater to Mrs. Customer, not Mr,- claere1- understandIng and pave aU\'e and so on, t1luugh we welcome husband as he the way to get thIngs done thpt

Gentlemen. I am not trying til ha~ a natural Instinct for ferreting t LelIeve we would like done, yet .teal I few free plugs for my own (Jut the more expensive Items, somehow or other, find It dlfff t,uslness. It Is new to thIs prov, which wife. budgeting carefully cult to do. inct, hut those of us In the food for her new hat, purposely pn55e~ They are my own vlcws and bUliness acros Newfoundland whe, by. may run counter to the views of have converted to the modern I recently heard an excellent ad others in the flshing industry, II'h,) method. of food merchandising dress on "What mcn don't kno\\ 'na,.' iJ~ better able to assess thl) think they are on the right track about women." In spite of numer· position than I aI"' Howe\,er, tho and I wUl tl'1 to show you why,' ous complacent laces that I call 5tatements are made in good

FIrstly, how did this new de- See around this room" I feel thu faith and are not In a spirIt of nlopment origInate? The stock some of these differences between crltlclsm. mlrket In the U,S,A. crashed In the sexes will be surprising to I am In the fish business alung 1921. Up to that time, the words, many. I censored this myself. wJth mnny others, and, as the ohl "mereban~l5lng" and "advertIsing" Mcn thInk-Women feel. saying goes, I am In "boots and I'frre only words 1n the dictionary. Men's five sens~s are robust- all", I get a lot of lun out of It Rrllil distribution costs were high, Women's arc delicate, 1 do not like criticIsm any belter the fUect, of the slump on grocery Men are Impressed by facts- Ihan you do. no matter what thr, .. Irs In the U,S,A, was to reduce Women' by Imagination. murce may be. With me it hurts them, throughout the country by Men dislkle changes In theIr only If I leel guilty 01 not ha'!in~ liver one-third In a period of leu lives-Women seek them and must done mjl part for the good of the than two years. have them, ' commumly-the sin of omlsslon-

Imalline the effect of thl. on When men are bored, they seek and I thInk that we In the !ish farmers, on manufacturers, on re- chang!! In a~so'clalio-Womenspek bURincss should take, a good 10011 lailera al\\I on unemployment. changes In possessIons. at our position and see iI, we ~re

There "AI no assodatlon CIt' Men wanl a reason why thn really doing all we should and can bod,. of people In the food busl. ~hould change - Woment want do. Furthermore, where shnuld ne~1 upable of lifting I finger tD reasons why they should not. orie feel lrce to speak 01 con, h,Jp the country, And do, b,. forcf Put that way, It sounds ralhcr ditions that are of concern 10 alJ "f elrcumstance~, you mIght JaV, as If I am sympathizing with the 01 us, Including those' out of thp the IUpermRrkd was born. ladle~, so let me offer a word o[ !ish busIness as well as in, thar.

One Michael Cullen was the advIce to them-a woman can win at a meeting of the Board of Trade fun to come up wIth the anslI'tr a man In the drawing room, then nnd its frIends. til ''How can I gIve the public tllrn right round and losft hIm In To me, there s~ellls ,10, he to., btttfr value for Ihelr money?" the dlning,room.' Illlle outward e\'ldence of real "Mlehael Cullen-the prIce wreck, Now consIder what I have just thinking and planning' on the /If-how doeA h~ flo It?" was fol sRld. overall problem of the fishel'les. 10000d by "BII! Bear-The Prlcet The de\'elopment of merchan, nnd particularly with referenco to Crusher" descriptiVe ~Iogan. those dlslnc and advertising 10 a 511C' \lIe sail rlRh branch of the cod· The,. drew attention. Merchandis. cessful end must be based on the fishery. What Is beIng done by in, In. and arlvert15lnl! helnl! horn In psychology of the two sexes, par, dlviduals 15 nalurally In their 011'11 a new \lght. The lIew movemenl ticularly the woman in ollr C3~e. interests and little Is said pbout lliined popularIty atM Impetus An old IIlndu legend nlns like It until they start n particular and Ipread rapidly. IhI5:- I'enture, and ever. govcrnments an

Wh,. did It spread? Why was It While man was asleep under, the rather vague In so lar as PI'':> llUJIullr7 Because these pIoneers yew tree, ,the great artist' creator rlalmlng any sci fishery pollcy, ~howed that they could lel1, on ft artfully stole half his heart and Tills does not, howel'er, mean Ill'nJltable basb, at from 10% tn combined It wtlh:-The roundne~3 that all these bodJes are dnl1l1 20'70 below established prices. In of the moon, the warmth of thp. nothing, Far (rom it. However, i Ihost dlY. of depressIon, the pub, eternal sun, the gentleness 0, I,clleve some clear eut govern· lie "er. a. good as forced to buy spring showers, the trembling of ment announcement Is due, other frolll th.m, and they found that ripened grain, the smoothness of wIse private Interest and Invest, the,. liked thIs new method. Ihe ros epctal, Ihe cooing of thl' ment can be written off, and th~

Let' UI jump 211 years to loday (1lI'IIe,uove, the mystery of tIlP I unly funds available for the rp, anll thInk what tit Is 10~~ to 2(1~{, 8~e,I, lIle Incl,'etlibillty, of tlte p~ra, I habilitation and expanRion or Ihc <111111 meanJ In' terllls of present dux; Hntl pl'es~nled this to man fi!hlnll Imluslry will take the rOTlr illY prlceJ, Take a w~ekly grocery saying 'Iter name I~ WOlII~li'. Man of gOW\'Illlwnt I()an~ 'I'his I~ al dnchlllln~ 1II~~t) lill1 of $~O,O(t, cl't~11 'give ItCI' tu me' hul In a rt'~dy pr~lly much tlte I'use, p~t, IIUlt Ihat'is 1I0t II !JI~ ont, A lOll', ~hnrt ti!ll~ he cried 'come allll get t1culal'ly In the lrOll'n fish Indus _'A\'ln~ of $~,OO weekly would bP her, 1 cannut live with thl~ h'y, \J~l'ans~ tlw Ill~Jnl' portion III

eqllivalent to a frre week', groc:. er~ulllre,' AmI the artist cl'~ator whut Li presently iJtoing dlln~ i~ erie •• very 11 ,,'eeks, or every said '50 he It', but In a ~hurt time Ibrough government Inalls, al1l1 it year )'ou would get approxlmat~ly man cried out again, 'bring her lOOKS as Jf Ihls practice may con one month', groceries lree. back I cannot live without her, lintle, ,

h thil not an astounding de, Dnrl the great ,creat.or said, 'here" It Is my opinion, that In thE' velopment in any business to occur I will have no more, of thIs. Ilv long run, this is not Ihe; best nI'~rnfght? But II hu A ~Imple Ill- wi!h her as best you can and use ('oursc, bccause it will result in a lutiOll rtAlly. your wlt~.' " 'complcle stifling 01 prJl'ate Illter-

n has laken A long time to reach And 80, bearJng In mind the t~l a'ld Inl'cs\ment and altogether us hen hul, when It dId, many IiUferent attributes of male and too" much, government control in food· mtrchanl5, big and amall. Iemal~, Ihe supermarket indus· the Industry, Of course, 11 pril'ate were 'Iulck to realize th'p, Mund, t!~,? With Its, rapid gl'ol~'tb, ~,nd capital is unavailable or unwmin~ ness of thl! form of retailing, w~ with the reahuillo ,that 115 vOIce I', ~hltl'c the hurden, there is onlY "ere nol 8ufferin!! from A deprp.~, WAS now a powerful factol' In the the government left to do the Job ~Ion here, hut the risIng cosl 0/ cuuntry, turned to reasearch-how 1)lIl pulitics and' busIness 110 not

, Iil'ing was applrinll the pinch. to Improve 5till more Its servIces mix "cry \\'c\l .. at any time. al1d To revert to the ~tory-how did to the public, can only mIx success/ully if Ibl'

Cullen and hIs followers eUecl Tills research·, as applied to the initiative managemel1,t and con Ine price reduction? By cultinq l'etail trade. was 01 course Into trol are in the hands of the indus OI'erhead-:-an ambition common to pubJlc rei allons, economics, traIn, il'Y. Private enterprise Is' the onh an business-so that the reducUoc lng 01 employees, co-operatlve ex· means through which the nat in prices could be feit. per/mentation with producers. Ipnal economic .life will flourish

My predecessor, DerrJcIc: Bow, both or foods and equIpment, ef' and expand; but it can only do so rJng, has explailled a very effl'c fectlve advertising, and so on. Be wtlh the assislance or an unrler· live credit systcm, a convenIence hlnq It lay the ambition to Increase stnndlng government wilh sound' that Is, 10 many people, an asset prolits-naturall)'-but by reduc' long range 'trade, policieii, Such a and n necessity. But not to tl.lP. Ing prices, not by trying to gill combination co\dd accompllsh rood Irade, Logically, as \\'e hal'r away wllh a few extra cents on much, 10 cat to Iivc, Ibe lirst dip Inlo the Items. We' ha\'e not' yct got such a com· weekly pay envelope should be This t)'pe 01 relalling ha~' In' hina\lon, but I believe that TraUe for food. By maintaIning a cast" creased the purchasIng power 01 nnd Government would like tG. :tnd carry system, the red~tlon'ln its customers because Iheir dollal' ,,;,,' C'IR, y.'UI'k, more, closely to' overhead must be' reduced con,' has been' stre,tched and,' has there Mel her for the common good, Th" sidcrably,N.', 'streIch of Jmagin, ,by demanded Increased producl!oll ,II ,I, Inriinly one or estab­aUon is necessary to apPlICclotr by ,farmcl'5and, manulaclnrers l1shlngconllde'nce and I will arlmit Ih15. It was no price war to put IIho have hdd to employ ,m,lre we do nut' seem to have" mndl! cnmpetftloll' 'out '01 ,bilshiess Sr' peopte to meet the 'demand, Plllch progress:!n this' directIon that pr1ces etluld later be raised Our good government bas at la~1 during the past fe,w years, ,Thp It was sound' business basel! or dIrected Its aitentiontp agrlcul fault, however, Is not all on one tbe public's ;wllllnimess, to pa)' Jurt'. Fulure Investigation and elt, sIde" ' cash aue) to 'eD.;.y tltelr , orders' l1el'ImenUug,' profltoble! Ivt II- "'i'he Newfoumllond flshcrJe~ , blJme. But tb&! WaS hy no menns Ilr~y, may t/evelup great thlngf lot' c~mllr1se H.' uumber '01 killll~ 01 the wllOle 5alu1101l. Iloiv rould -N~wrllul1dlau\1 ,We ,ucrd IIIl1r~ '!I;;h, tlw IlII1~t ItllllOrtlllll (If whlrh rock bollom 111'lce~ IV!aUnlnHII? In'sh fl!nl! nud 10111 SIII'e,lhat all I~ rUlIllsh UIlIV lIivilleti Inlo 'Iwi By volume, yell, that was es~cnthll yuu ~1I1I1l )I~lIrle hUt'll, Clllln'('ete,1 ",ain lll'nllchc"-h'u~en li,h an'l but rapId turnovcr also was a:' \Vtl~ the IUIllI intlu~try or nllt, lVII, ~nlt lI.h! 811111, nrc impol'tant anr!, Important. So' hy the skilful. rom do your bIt t help the agricultlln1 111 my IIplnllln, \\'111 conthiuc til blnatlon of thcRe lour prlnclplc~, rir.\'clopment oC anlslanrl thai I, he ror a long time, hut. ,over a Ihe', American public were 'Iliven tr" \,ery 'far (rllm belnlt scll·"up pl:riod of year I lonk lor ihe better ,(o!!d" mor~ ~Lit ,ind:al Ju~ 'portlnl' and}hat '?, 1\I,~ch monel frozen ,/ish branch to ~ecqme In,

, • ." ',.. '\ . ,! -•. ~ "

, , it



Cl'ell~Jngly imPortant, with benp, and some producers fear we hay.. have, shown a lack 'of wil\ingncs~ awaiting thcse figures. One or Iwo Honourable LoUIS St. Laurent !its to lishermen, wurkers, and tit about reached a posItion in tbn in' 10 tackle tile problem, It will npt lirms have built new plants and said. "Volunlary or~anlzatlons, Ille country as a whole. du&try where overproduction may be eas)'-fishermcn ,and merchan!~ made allempts to modernize 01,1 buch as,lhe (;anadian Chamber of , By some trick 01 tate hi the.' be added to our problems,' Thl,' nrc' ruggcd,indivlduallsts-olrli r'nes but, generaUy speaking, liUlr Commerce, pcrlorm' an CS1:cntiaJ nlncteen thirties the freezing '01 could mean difficult times ahea1, time tradition and habits are harll ' has becn donc. function in the e[{ectlve oper salmon attracted a lew ventllrr' l'OIVeI'er, witll the fast expaJ1rlingto change, but, iI' we 4re to sur, Along with the government sur alion, 01 our democratic system,' s')me souls who believed it hud' ~ economy in the United Stales ann ,~ive, 'we must ,change. veys and experimentation, all 01 In October, 1952, the Right Hon' . future, but now' very Uttle sahllon on the Canadian mainland, New· ,The salt fish industry is stili \',hieh will be (or the benefIt 01.. lJurable C, D, Howe, stated-''TlIe I, frillcn because the demand iOI roundland should be In a positioo of paramoul\t importance to many those engaged, in the fisherie~, declarations and resolutions p~e-' fresh salmon is about equal to 1111, to obtain it~ share of sales, thousands of people all over New 1 am strongly or'the opinion thaI sented by your organIzation, re­lolal production, Bolhgovernments have been' 0: !oundland, but partIcularly 10 the trade itself should make a reive the careful attention of the

During the second world war g\'eat belp in the development oi those living on the coast belween complete survcy to determine just cabinet and of the indivIdual ,"In­the freezlng .0\ cod flJlets receiveo1 Ihe frozen fIsll ·buslness; partlcul· Gape Race and Cape Bauld,Th~ir,l what their share of the problem i~lers concerned, And when I ~a,. u boost owing to the shortag~ 0: ~~y in recent years, not only Ir, 15 maInly a trap and: hook anr! entails and to determine what tbat. I'm not just being polill, Iligh protein food, and the Indu!;, the' way of llnancial asslstallce- Une fishery lasting only three !oJ. action they' are prepared to tak~ They are reallY Interested to know try has continued to grow in thr without which much less 'wnuld four, months, and; as I see it, n to meet it, what businessmen across Canadi face 01 many ups and downs, have been done-but, with fcll' ex· eombiriation of salting and freez, In my opinion', both the Pro, think about ,our national pollcJu"

In 1954 over IiIty'mllllon poundb ce]?tions,' also in the way of help ing 'Will eventually give them' the vlncial and the Federal Govern, The Newfoundland Board, of 01 frozen fish were' exported frum 10 a genera) Way from minil:ters" maximum benefits, ments arc even more 'anxious to Trade is one of the oldest In CaD Newfoundland-iust" about one cleputles and staff on almost any Although milch research work Fee somelhing definite' done to ada, More than one hundred thou .. quarter of the catch; Great risk. problem one took up with them, lIas already been carried on, (\I'ards the rebabilitatlon of the ~a1t Ilnd businessmen belong to some hav ebeen taken 'and'hevay obU· Perhaps these things can be can· beliel'e" it must be itensilled to !i.h business thall they arc regard· seven· hundred somewbat 1001111' gaUons have becn :assumed by sidered a part of governmrnt hclp overcome the problems in ing frozen fish,· and I believe arc hoards and chambers, slretcblD, those who have embar](ed in thr polley."' the industry, . prepared to extend all kinds of from st. John's to ,VanCIlItVer. fisb freezine business, and It i~Ih Now to tbe sall fish induslry, 'Progress has been made In ex· assistance to lhose, who can put 'ihls Is a formida,l>le force whicll take years of hard worle for thesr the old traditional, the same yes· perimcntal!ishing with new types up IVorthll'hilp proposals with this has much greater InIluence ~ DB l'llOple to really put their house;: in Irrriay,' loday, but lomorrow It' of boats and gear, and I trust tbat end in view. ' Canadian thought and action t~'B ordcr, " should be, it cou'ld be, what ,w~ this will continue, It would serm most people realize. It is I fortll

Competition lrum loreign pro ~ake It." , , thal conditions vary greatly on I VALEDICTON ADDRESS which no guvernment at Iny le,1I ducers 15 becomhig inerea>illld~' It seems 'to me, thaI. ,too nlany' dilferent parts of the coast anH I ,8y Retlrln, Prelident can sHord t.o hulort. It 'Is not, ~cverc, ,"'e face a resentlul !ish· rcop:el,lave alrcadY"wrillen it' oft 1~9ats and gear must be developecl T. 5. A. Frltmanhol'l'uer, a pressure group, It no .. Ing Induslry in the United States, and arc,'prepa~cd'to;lct it die ~ to suit, and at a cost, not out of 'G~nncmcn: lIot plead for ~pcclal fa\'ourl frora continually Clamourlrig for hi~hel lIatul'al'dealh .. -, reach to thr. fisherman. I Bclnre commenting hriefly nn anyone segment of business, lit,'

lal'ilfs and quutas and, whilst w" Too Ullle c'ffort: is: baing madr 'In lhe "matt~r 01 ar'Lilicinl' dry, ,ihe 1I'0rk of the Newfoundland from anyone Aection' of the eoufto can undmtand thci:' :lee lings, yet to ,revitallze Ihe' industf~;-'-to evr.ri in;:':""results have proven thai a Board of Traue during Ihe past try, Tlie Newfoundland Boarder our \'cryexistcnce depcnds on nur holrlll'hat 'We have;·' 1 ain not Ur:I GQo{ quality p),oduct can be pro, ycar, I would like 10 add my per· 'i'raue is provincial in its wllrlc anti ability to sell, in \'olumc, right,ill mindlul of the size of the proh, c!uced nnd the question 01 whct, for,allbankl to the speaker~ o! outlook, IUs extremely gratifyi1l' their own markel, To do this w~ I~m, or should 1 say problem., bc·, her or, not the, costs 11'111 permil this evening. for their most excel· to find a strong and health,. melli' must produce good fish thc wa) calise there are man>', and these artilieialdrying on, a large scale, lent addrcsseii, bership in the Newfoundlan4 they want it and gi\'e it to thrm problems prcsent the biggest cbal· 011 a commercial basis, should b~ In Decembcr, 1951, 0 nlhe oc· Jioard of Trade itself and lit 'III when they want ii, lenge of the day' in the fish busi: known In the ncar.'future. I trust casion 01 the prcsentation of the affiliated membCl'J-th. Corner

During Ihe pasl four or five' I.CSS, ' the Federal Government will ae' dcclaration of pollcy of the Can· Brook Chamber of Commerce. tb l":ars facilities for freezing fish t 1 is In, this business th~~ , \\'1' I ce!crate its efforts: in this respe, ct, adian C,hamber of Com~erce II' Exploits Valley Board, of Trad .. both In Newfoundland and, else, have receIved the ,most Cl'lilClsrr., because uhdoubtedly some mem, Ihe Cabmct of lhe Canadian Gov, ~nd others, The Newfoundllu where, have Increased enormolJsly and I believe that as a trade w~ bers of the Trade are' eageriv' ernrvent In Ottawa, the Right (Continued on page 1t)

... ~' ....

What's news at Inco?

" ., .. .'

ons ..

.. '. ... ....

Tb~:"sll1'sher" sbo~'li b~rc"is a scraper ' " " po~cr~d 'by: :a,\i5:h~'rscp~\\·er' moto;, '

, , With this machine one man can mol'c 3 tons , ~i' ore ~long ,a"piss~g~ ind drop it down a . \ . . ", ."

':, chute with one "pass' " , ' I

'Such ·'~~;.~iop~ent5:lnvolvi,ng thcil}\'cstm.ent ' o'r 'inillionsof' dollars. arc ·a I11l15f at ~nco' because ,men 'wlth"hand' sbovels just cbuld

. . .' , . "

.. " .

. , ;


not mo\'c50,OOO Ions of ore et1rh dllJ..

Machines' likethc '''slusher'' are safe,·' , effiCient tools and'are absolutely- ~/ec~$it1rl" , '

io the' prolilableop,eration,' of. sicoit,m~ne,s 'like'~nco·s.' .' ,,' ", '

"Tlu'R~lI/an(f o/Nickd!'; n'i:?·ITag~' b~ilki frr/l) illt/slra/d, 'fl'ill b~ mll'/ree on rr.qutJl 10 'auJoltl irilaCJirJ. ' , ' ,


, .} .~:,', "._1 "


T'H[ ,INTERN·AlfoNAl NICKEl 'C OMPA'NY, OF CAN AD A;':: tl'M I TED',': .. .:,:· , '

, . .. -.:. '.:.,'. ~,


.,'" '.f.

,', t' , '. ':'. ' •• : ' ..


. THE DAilY NEWS, MONDAY, FEB. 14, 1955 . ' '

tERSONAL ·. ~Hrr.CHA T -Ii VALENTINE PARTY .' \town'series 'at the St. John's curl·

Friday niaht the ladies of the ing rink. Cowan Million, FQres~ Road, were' -treated to a Valentine party by, FROM aURIN . two friend. of the Home, Mrs. C. \ IIh~ Clayton t'oster 0[. Burin Is

, H. Hutching. and Miss M. Chris· at present visiting the elly on bus· 'Uan, Each woman recelv~d a val· iness [or Fishery Products Ltd. entl.De and were entertained with abIIInl and James. A delicious sup· JIll' WIS .erved to brlna this n.Dlnl toa c105e~

FROM BURGIO Mr. Dan· McDonald, manager of

t~e c()o()perallve store at Burgeo ar· rived in the city during the week end to attend meetings of the Co­operative Society.

BOME ON LEAVE ,Sub-Lieutenant Walter. Brown,

who bas been In England for the ,..t few monthi, with the Royal ON HOLIDAY CaJlldlln Navy • on . a training Mr. E, Collins of Hare Bay Is at CCMIlIe, arrived In the city by TCA present visiting the city on hOliday Iut week on.a ,'!sit with bls moth· and Is reglst~red at tho Browns· c, IIr.. Murray Sloan, Portugal dale Hotel. ,-Cove Road. ,-,' --

nOM BUCBANS . .JIr. Thoma. Noel of Buchans ar·

rived In the city b~ the express on lalurdi), to recelfi medical treat·

. JIIeDt. . ;. . . .

ON. BUSINESS lIIr.George Flchard~on of Bot·

wf10d is at present visiting tbe city GIl bUlhieSl Ind Is registered' at tM Brownsdale Hotel. '

LEFT SUURDAY .Mr. James Hlcklng o[ Haurax,

who ..... "hiitlng St. John's on bus· ileu, left here by R,M,S. Nova Scotia on Satu~day to return home.

nOM BURIN . ' Mr. Abraham Mayo of Burin ar· rived In the city by S,S. Bar Haven on Saturday on a business

LEFT FOR FRANCE Mr~. J. R. Parsons, Hamilton

Avenue, left here yesterdny for Gander from where she 11'111 go by B.O,A.C. to France to visit her daughter Eve, who Is studying in Paris.

ARRIVED SUNDAY· Mr. Patrick Prltchet o! Gander

arrived In the city by T,C.A, on Sunday on a business trip.

FROM TWILLINGAT.~ Captain and Mrs. Wlillam GllIe'lt

of Twllllngate arrived here on Fri· day. Captain Gillett wlli leave here early this week on huslness In Lunenburg, N.S. and Mrs. Gil· lett leaves by the express today to return home •


trip. Jllr. p, J. Hann, manager of the

_ Co-operativB store at Jlferasheen is (o.OP at present visiting the city on

Mr. Alec Caines, manager of the' business. CQoOperalive store at pushtbrough arrived In the city by S,S. Bar Haven to attend meetings of the C()o()perath'e Society.


FROJII nUIUBERIUOUTH IIIr. W. E, Pear of Humbermouth

arrived In the city on Saturd.y on business.

Dacron.anli-cotton by the yard Is on Its \fay. Absoroont and Iron· proof for the home sewers and

/ •

i Oistinctive Costume ~ok In Smart Bolero Ensemble

No. 290·

,Out Can Be Smoothed . " , Bulges

• "'Alollg about the shnnk ,of winter, career gals begin to feel so can get their bodies Into harmony with a lew exel'cises. Stomach At long last-Hattery for the shorter, fuller figure, In an original,

fatigued they ImagIne that Ws only their postilre chairs thnt are reduction Is accomplished \vlth • legs·o\·er.hend exercise Cleft). versatile style. The [nshion-wise, well·mannered and welt·lnter-holding them together., Fortllnate ones go sltlin!( for a weekend Ducll.walk (center) slims tbe torso. Waistline and hips are grated costume look is achieved in this distinctive bolero ensemble. to rer.~ore the feeling" of well-being. Bllt" even,homes \\'hlttlell (ri!4!:o:) with goo(1 stretching to left and then the rigllt. The boxy three·quarter sleeved bolero is lined with' a contrastin.

. . · BY ALleA lIART' r Those who arc lucky enough to I the j} stretched between your! side to .side. Bacl. again. Don't oVer print, the dress Is cap·sleeved, with a gently flared, flgure·enhanclng · Now "" ,n .. ". •• '"" ,,, I'" •. mid""" ,,', ,kI . wo.k,,' ,,, ,. "',, '''' ,,,' "d ,.,' "''' d. n, "'. ,,,"',,. th. ~'m "" ~ ,"Oi, ro, b. ~d. w,th koy h." '''" .... , " , b<lgb. pd" j,bo' ,.

Spri",. Chri,.... " ,,,' ",. "" k' '" bOW m "". II,. p'p' " ,',.,w ",'. CI .. , th, II" ,,'0", Ii moo ,~ do n ",h 'or. m, "b th' j "],,, II"",. El th" ~" n. , ,mort rn","b~ ." • tired spirit, why must wchnve I bady's th~t',' of a sedentary careel •. j h~!lds. to be sure your feet nrc' For the waistline nnd hips, sit multitude oE purposes, -winter any longer? ' " I But, even th~se c,areer g~ls who, fur enough, Down, and repeat. upright on the floor, rOJ:'~ stretc.1Jed FA~RIC SUGGESTIONS: Crepes, silks, rayons, slJ.antuni

s, cham· .

Skins grow dry, t'~mpers short, can t go a ski outmg can Improve ,I Here's ~n~ for p~e. \\'lul~ body, between your hands. Bend far to brays, or any of the textured cottons, We put on weight becn\l~e, after matters.' but espeCially for b1O£'~ lups 1:lat ~!le right and bring the right hand STAR PAT'fEHN NO. 296 is cut in sizes 121h, 141,1, 161,1, 181,2.

all, where Is there lo Co, but the 1··ul1·to·do exercises a~e Ihe r~clpe lure reacling unhappily to sitting down to the fout Then reverse and 201' 221


refrigerator during a long winter, Here's. one (or the stomachth\'H down work, Squnt 011 the floor. legs do it to the left. I~, ,z. • .' 1 • ..."" .1 hom" W, ,,,1 Urod I I",,'we , ,",,~U"" oI , ,.,., ",,,<i, ,,'"' l'''. R,I,,· h"d, "ATE RIAL REQUIREltF.N rs. Sa, 16 .\. th" ....... ,,, ....... but 11'0 don't sleep restfui [or there II Lie flat un the fluor on your baelll over heali.holding line hetween Keep uo thcs·~ exercises fur a i bolero and dress, 4% yds, 39·ln. 2 yds. 39·in. contrast. h; no physlenl weariness, only a sor With, n [liece of colthesline or a them to kc'~n them up. Walk the fcl\' day~ and sce if they don't help I For the :iTAlll'A'l"fERN NO. 296 shown above, send 5Oc. In coin oi muscle boarcdom. f!::~~:.~~~~~:..~I".:..!~de Jus:!?~llen~~h_~f ~!e!la~r~.c!ro~IJ b~~~~~_~~~·Wi~:_~~~m,s, to STAR PA'l"fEHN. Deparhnent (St. Jo~n's Dally News), Box 350, .. B T· lats of fnncy cOllnr.3 an.d cuf£g for. I Bab)' tri~5 his tee!)1 ell every· Baby grabs th~ spoon while you I Madison Squarl' Siahon, New York 10, N. Y.

Mr. Arthur Smith and Mr. James imitho[ Norman's Cove are at present visiting the city on bus· Iness.


Address ..... , ...... , ....................................... . eanty IPS" ~c/at~r nnd blouses., try.· this" t~ing. 'fh~ crib bar takes a ter· ~re f\!eliing him ~eca.usc h~'s t:~· - -- -- -.--. '

. ,. Smoolh them right 'Side down,' r:bie bealln:l, There arc noll' 109 10 help, Don t fight lum, It s . . _, alter their washing 81HI rinsing. I cribs thnt have pla~tic teething his \I'ay of learning. Just get' (I'LEASE PRINT PLAINLY)

If you have your choice, pick A rOllghotc:tture.d rIlC'~ clolh will onto Ihe rim o( the \mtlllub, P: ''''5' r a Ii s for exlrn·delicious biting. I anolher spoon and feed urlhurried· root e\'erylhlng In hl~ bed I[ he get color and elrClllatioll Into n hDl'd. Sec 1£ )'C{l can escapc ironing, 'fhc\"\,e also a protection again. ' . ' are perfect, for Bab~' IO\'e~ to up. i ~kln t'lat tend" to be washcd out I _. I Bah\"s enlin~ a chunk of \\'ood. I I), while he eSperlm(!llls With 11'),-

their patterns.

XanlC .................................... , •••••••••••••••• t.

'I'\ext Sunda)' member.1 o( curling Irams [rom Corner Brook,. Grand Falls and Bell Islaml will arrive in St .• hlhn·s to pin), In the Inter· ----

fitted 5heets for Baby', crib. Thry I looking. • . Knll glovr, get n louch nf tIll" - I. , I II d" f tl can oet • slart Thore's no CllOI1C' : I II I I ' ' ----.-.-"- - I m~ t Ie spoon on Ie e ,e 0 Ie .. ft ." G • - NIOC l II' t I llr ndd tlon of ·:Icnra. ' . , .

.thls I\'RY. . If '~'ollr a litrrRI \l'hilr coilaI" j:!irl TI1~)'·rr. rc.:lr.t~nl to molhs anrl' mild~II', II'n,.,hahle. tllO, ~ ,li,li. . --_. '-'--'- .----.~

. __ .. _- :. ------ --~--~----- _.- -- .. _ ..... -





, . AM V'S ~ ... ' ~

:. ,r , . " . -

;"BREAD " "

, ' , .. I

... ". ~ '. '

~ . ~ . ...... ' .. ' .. , ..

'.TtiiSTAN·OARD. ·OF EXCELLENCE '. ',: : .: , ,.; ';:.. ~', . " :' . '. , "



I . " . , ... .' .'


Cil~' • ...•••.••.•.•••••... Zone ..•... Stale ..• " ........... ;

Slnr Pattrrn No. 296. Size ............. ..

--! effect on the sex of the offJprinl[.

Dr. Jordan , There is no method of "encoura~·

:. iog" th,z hirth of one ~ex rather 'I than another in human being~. ; Sligthly more male babies are born i Iban girls in about the ratio 01102 I boys to 100 girls. The chances tllat

, , your next chlld would be a boy,

I by EDWIN P. JOltDAS, .U.D. I therefore are slightly bebter than

Answers __ el'en. May yoor wish be BUccessful.

i TIIERE IS NO JlE'IIlOD JIF I 'ENCOURAGING' IllRTII OF ONE Q-I have a large abd()ll\lnal SEX RATHER THAN ANOTIIER, rupture which interferes witb my IN I1Ui\IAXS breathing. W/r2n' I climb &talu I

_ am completely exhausted. Since BY EDWIN P. JORDAN,M.D. I am 76 years old would an oper-

I If parents coutd decide on the. ntion be serious? G.1I1.

sex of their offsprings would it be I ' . good or bad [or tll~ humans race? A...o.1f your helilih is otherwise

, \Voultl We have more boys and not good an operaUoo, perhaps under . enough girls or other wny around? local anest.lt2tic could be consld·

These questions I cannot ~nswer ered, On the other hand If might hut today's Jetter deals with this be better to employ. some kind subject. of su~port or truss. Only some ~e

I Q-Is determination of ~l1e s~X f3ml!lar with your general,physlcal

ot a child due only to chance? condition could glve an exact ans· We lost our only boy (we have two wer. older girls) foUl' hours after birth, Does the month in which the c.lJild, Q-Shoul~ anything be done' abut I.; conceived lieciil~ tile sex? Is small hairs growing down or thr

, there any method by which we inside o( nose? Cosmetically ! woultl mure likdy to have another they are ugly and I lady dQi!S not I bo)'1 1 am nearly out of my mind wish to have Lbem. Can they be

\';ith grle[ and I feel that mr only removed by electrolysis Ol' is it : hop-:! Is to havp, nnothcr 1>aby. Mrs.s, ad"iseable to just snip them off. : A-The month at which cocep.! wilh siccor~ u fast as they grow? : tion takes place docs nonal'l! an), A-I ~hould perler the latt1!r.


Slut Win


NEW YORK Bill Gadsby SI pJce New yO! victory over t Montreal Can, Hockey Leagul

Nell' York ~ G;:dsby poke' bOlmd at 15:3 husky defenCI verdict by co' b)' Don Ralei period. Raleil diing was bril Danny Lewicl at 14:19 (){ th

The game 1

(EST), the fil on successive lllis ti m(!. WINGS DRO'

CHICAGO Wings score,l s1:ortencd sc' in the final 5.1 "ictory I Hawks in League gam

The win, I: gave' Detroi than the Ie C~nadiens . York Sunda

Veteran 1 trait's ICIlY winger scor Ita me In'tm listed on tI

After Lin rough, .cor /!fcond fr: Ho ... e and' iced the CII

Pavellch' .i~ted al the ,,;Ide! I1!8l at t1 rears. -The Haw

Itch WIS II he Ibot. F 15 minute! UdTul \0

\ Mle and p1


frame at period.

Lam , 100_ mark tile final

I Marcel PI final two

The tril "''0 nlgJIt rookie go. Terry Sa'

PI 01

t I

! \ ! • ! i

I , 1 I! I

11 i ./

l 1\ •


F~ Fi

caml Goo ado Brae the per bm to t the


tl (

tel' in Trl

P: C


iHi: DAILY NEWS, MONDAY, FEB. 14, 1955 n:,', '

----------------------------------~~," '

StBon's Win.·6~2W;fh BUCHANS TAKK Macs Lead High Sch~&h· • 0 0 ... o. . .. SECOND GAME . 0 •. .: i· G,ll,es Scormg 4 GoaISt~9~WIN· Toppmg Crusaders 3-V

\ .~ .

Blue And GoldG'rab Four Poi~t.Lead· " Over Prince Of Wale~ -College,

Scols Take T~vo Pohit Lead Ovel":~;;" The Crusaders'-'

Blues Whip Canadi~U1S; st. Bon's gave up t~e first goal I !rred . again and thcre was thp to Bishop Feild on Saturday nlgh l game. Reargu~rd Ray Murphy as· hut evened matters quickly and sistcd at tIO. and left winger Bob

W• .' W· L f' D . . f,urged on to a ,6-2 vletorylhat Redm~nd wPs the helpmate 'at 6.5~

Ings In' e a s raw brought them within one win of as st. Bon's went ahead 3·1.


\!Ie Jntercolleglate Hockey League Stan Breen's unassisted goal (or , ,,' ch&mplonshlp., ,lo'elld at 12.4~ made it close at 3·Z

, " -:- . _ \ The Blue and Gold win givei as the, Feildlans [oughl back to

R . H G od W kEd W 'tl B h tnem, a four polnl lead on Prince give goalie McCarthy a rough time

angel S (f,Ve, 0 ee . 11 ,J, t DC .ans of Walcs who have played one But Gillies was of[ on his I\'in~ Tie Big Victory, ,_, /lame less. The Collegians can tie ~galn at 13.30 witli Ray Murphy .' ,for the tille, however, if they ;,nd the pass from the [ore·cheek· . St 'B 0 n' s take the champs on Saturday imd !ng defencCl1'an gave Gillies hi~

NEW YORK (cr)_Dcfenceman LEAFS, BRUINS TIE . ' Feild next Tuesday. third goal at 13,30 and Sl. Bon's Bill Gadsby scored tll'O goals to BOSTON (CP) _Toronto rookie,· , After Feild opened the scoring a 4·2 lead. " p,'ce Nell' York Rangers to a H ,Brian Cullen's long scrct!ned shot TN. ht. in the first period st. Bon's reo After racking up I pair of "ictory O\'er thc league • I';!adlng with 97 seconds left to go gave the 0' I g Inliated to tic the score al thl' end assists In the second period rov,

~Iontreal Canadiens.ln a National Leafs a 3·3 tie with Beston Sun· .,.. . . ' a"", " .. ", ,.m. ,,,d., ,,,he d., """ in • N.Hoo.1 aoo>O,. ,. lh ....... Tb. B1 .. "d Got. m, ~u",,,d R>, "",by d.,· NO' YMk .. " .h"d ... "" """" ,om, "d ,IIm.ud • "I,."", Fold ,., I, ~. ""M "d" I, " .H lh •• " .,1"'. "

G, .,',d I, ",,""" ,.. 11"" • ,,,I tbInI.p'ri"'''lIY b, Tho I", ••• II.d ..... I. " "d,d,,,. tri, " ,,,. '" "H th. thlm p- wh" h. "I,,,, b,,,,d ., '50" , I~' "d,d. "" I" ,",,,n. 100I,b!.1 tho ..... ,m. .,ob". "ml... I, '"d ... . from lh. ~,"',. .1 lb, " , .. h"k, ... ~,m .. ,H .... d lh. Tb. "",.lhM ." • po,.' .. III,,,, .... I' lb. '" "... Right wi"" Gml" ,,",,d I, "d. m."" '''". Ih. filth " \'crdlct by convertln!! a ncal pass the stTatcgy of Leaf coach King against St. Bon's In an exhibition be the star of the game with a Bon's goal. Bill .GIlIles fourth goal, br Don Raleigh early In the third cLluamncleYy' WouhtO ofP\llhlelsd ngeota~I,?lthHa2rr,.oy4 s;ame that will probably see a {our goal output. Centre WiIlv, from Wally MacDonald at 8.49, period. Raleigh, whose stlck.han." M cD Id d d [ R d d I I 62 51 B diin" was brl11lant all nlgll

t, set up minutes left new attendance record set a ona an e eneeman av en e scor ng n a' . on s

"";,, ",wl,kl ,ilb , .. " .. i ",., Th. 'ro";' .. 'I ...... d '" Aft .... I"log lwo g.m;. .. ",,,h, "''''' ~. "'" St .. ,', wm . • 1 '"'' ~ Ih' ,.,',d. " .. , poriol ,~I, by ..... "" Boll ..... ",1,,1 Ih. l! ,h.m. ,.", •. "" f." ". tho Con.... 't ",,"' ..... h,1 FOW "·11 I, 'Th. ,.m. wo, ,I,rtod " 1 ,.m. "d I •• bY Loo L.b"". "" MI"., Ih ....... m'.,.; IlIgh IwI, MIL tho ...,. I, .hlob f", ,.","~

(F5T,. Ib, 11,,1 " ." I' b, ~.,., .,' tho WI, ,., m.I,I.'" I, tho b" ",ruIll1 .. lh" h... ,"""wd,d 'mh.m y",. "'" "H.d bY ,""'" J .. Smith "" ",,,,,,,, .. ,d., .• , .~rll,g.1 ",I, "".poml m"gin "" .... ""hod <h" .... " h.nt ."k1" ~"I • Ih. - .M"" With,,", fu., " Ih,m " ihi~ tlm~. fourth·rung Bruins In the stand· I ' . BI d t I tl d I SI. Bon's. WINGS DROP HAWKS Ings, cam:! back strong In the final Buehans has played the s~mfl ucs, secon s r ng, ppe n a LINE·UPS

CHICAGO (CP) -Detroit Red period. number of ga~es as St, Bon's- 11rlvlng in shot al 5.27 of the first I Th

'I h I r pcrlod to b at Ron 'I C th I ST. BON'S-Goal, McCarthy; de·

Wings score!! three times In a Captain Ted Kennedy took ad· s~, e .. 1 ners ave P ayed out c .. c ar y 1I ,hm"",d ,,, .. d ,.,101 ", I wi" ",I' g. " • ,." ",,'" ."dol ,,,,,!b,II,, gom.. .g''''I. G,,,d I h. st. , .. 'f , .. I fm • ,., f .... , B .• ""h, , J. • • ."", .. ' i, ~. ""I f" m, I' "",,' .. I. " .. II, I, "",,,,', """ ""'" I' r .11. ,,' lwo ".1'" "II "I"d "'h" F ,lid , .. ,. "II, A~I""" f, ... nt., ""' .... ,., ,.Irt,.,. ".'ml C."" Bt"k ."". .1 "'" " "",do ,I Ih. whll. St ... ,', h". ,i., .. IIw st ... ,', II" II M.I 12." old, G''';':. B.d~~ Luawllor, Hnwk; in a National Hock'.!y third period. Then rookie Parker league games In the city And one I when Bill Gillics worked the Pllcl:; ~Ul1s. \\akelln, Dal~, F r ong,

Ll'ague game Sunday night. MacDonald counted wh'~n Cullen hibll I h I r h ,Ryan. \.'

-Neutral referees havI., been ap, pointcd {or the forlhcon\ing Bell Island.St. John's Senior B cham· pionshlp In thet AlI-Newfoond!~nd series. They ari Leo Rose ann Eric Dwyer of Grand Falls.

The eastern finals o[ the N.\UA pla~'of{s for the B crown wi1\ tak'l place in st. John's on February 24, Z5and 28h.

The win, their 31~t'or \,he 5ea50n, ga\'e hlm.the puck after getting It ex t on-aga nst t e Un corns. rom, be Ind the nets to the sllc!: BlSHOP FEILn-:.Goal, Chap· 1t3ve ,Detroll 71 points, one less away from Boston's Bill Quacken. Llne,uPs of both teams are as ~f" ally MacDonald \\ho plantp.d I . d [ V n' !Ii '. B' ' "" .. 1",,,.1 ... ,, """",,, bmh "II 'w,· "" '. "Ii", ,," T,'" Ch.p· ~', ,..... , ... ,,,.. "". C""II"" wb, '''' ., " .OW ·SATU.DAY" BESULTS 'UOHAN'-""" G .. , ""., "". .. ;(,~,., f,,,,.nt •••• ". D,H.:I. y"k ""d., ,I,b!. "''''It •• T,,"to 1 "" .,\11,,, d,I"... Bill 'ootl, , .... ". y,,,g, ",ruI.lI. H,It,.I, Inter-Club

" .. ,," 'od Lt,"" w .. D. • •• y"k , ...... s. ",,,k ... m •• AI M,III" a"b ... " "" G". ''''''!,,' "",,,,,i Bl'h', .. , .. b,g. ""'I'. ""l'g .I~'. Th. D", p,b, BtH •• m.. T,m !.od.r, I,. "._d F,ltd. ,,,I " tho ",. ."EXT GAME • B lin L IH --·-l-F-l-·--------C-·--I-----C--l-b-.. ··~ "'\Rger scored the first goal of the TI G I wards, Hugh Wadden, Jim lIor'l oUd pcrlod and GIUies ~otehcd .. TUESDAl- OW 0' eague 1 10' l' 1 lerS lty nter· u ,.m. I, tho _d p.rlod "d •• rree ames n ",11, D" .,.,"~ D .. , .,'.11. ,.,." g,,' ""'" .. ,," "". Pd, .. " w.'" ,., Bi.b" ... lId. tl \' b sisti'll on three others. T- W 1 h D Bi P t K -- B l' L D Ii I ' AfI .. Lt,d .. ,', m."" b ..... Commer Hockev "".,.". ~'.' '~. no"T CROS!;-3 ow l\l~ eague DOW 'n~ ,eane . Mllh, ,coreless duel earl)' In fl,'1e ' ." IIcdy, Jerry Cooper, Tubby 5 .. Scor-I'ng 'Stat-lst-lcS Of J. Wadden .••. 321 311 350982


'" I<y'NIGRT·S G.\)IES' M_ fm'" lI"m.~ r",nt" ' """". B" .,,, .. C .. ,b, "r.'" r. I!i<k" .... '" ,., '" "" - d " ., Howe and )!arty.Pavellc,h quickly The Commercial Hockey Leo.up Bowman, m,""'" Goo .. ,,,. W. ·O·B." ••• ,,, '" 26' 750 FIRST BOUND AVE'" ES All"" 1 "d "-; •.. Iced 1fIe con1esl e.. ST BON S Go I 'I rv G en 7.15-Great Elstern Oil Ltd: \'s

• • ' will provide a lively session 01 • - a, .. e re; F- t R d I H k R. Nugent ' .. 256 252 255 763 Po"''''' m"k" .1 "",... 'hrllh .. d. .tth. ,t,";m wtn, d._, H"h F'~', .,,1 ",11". Irs 0 un n OC ey A, Samuelson 259 236 146, 696 Section "B" Malon Thrift Club . • ,,,,IM .mt , ... d~ to ... ,,' Cyrii .,,,,,, B,H 0"... ,," K Will.. 18' 38 8.3O-8"k " No<, 'roH' " the '\O\ilde~t fan d'~mon!tratlons three morning games and one C hI f d J k R . 1262 1304 1289 3855' .... " .

Crcscents. 9.45-Patrieians \'5.

I';' I. i i wI,h' gom. .boo 1., Gill.'" .. , "''''.'' ",. WESLEY -" >£. "i .. '" •. •. 179.," IIftII a •• a um n II!vera S I U . ames w Iligan Tcd Gillies Noel Sparrow ' ,J. Fo"dwill 17610 ,,,n. .I.rt ... 00 I"" m,rn'" .ru1 .1lI .' ' "roo" ,wll,ll.. f" lb. H.' •• "1,,, ISB) ...... 7 7 .. G. ....n.... ..210 '58 '" 72' . • • .... . ..... H.w" "" .. dod ~"P". II,,,, .. foil .. " ,,,II POW", " .. I "" .. mbo, Ell, ".'" ,I Ih." Joh,'. ",i" """I"" IS" • !.. 7 , " A- A,d,'" .. ,95 :!OS '43 '" D. tv"".. .. .. .. ''''.00

::" ... I, tho , .. , "" ... h.. MORN'NG ;:"b~..,:"k .,~. ~d J":.'~~\. .""" ... gu, ... "I .. ", b,,, ,,,'~.. .ISBI ...... • .' II G. o,m,ruI ..•. I" ,4B "" '" '. R. H,,'" .• •• • . 175J1!i Iblot. :rans 11


,"'" ~. I .. "" •• OO--G"" ... 1 ... 011 " •• ".i . m , ... n. ",," ,. ""dl,g "" .. ,,' T .. 'Y''' ." 8,.., ISBI ..... ; ... ,. , W. Dow •••.. ". '" '" 51' L ~ ,,,,d.m .. ,,4.+' 15 m, forc ng referee Frank • sto combe, manager, Jim Vlnlcomb~. l"ht h w th t II b t' t- d (SB) ~ 7 9 C G b' 174 1-1 211 471 I K. Le~le,surier •• 1~~ 27 l!'::!. ':r~ .:~:!":,,',~:::: ".00-... ;:;' ft. As.'.. • ct\' f,u :b: '"';' b':" ":ii ;,,; .~I '", I:''': S\~:.~' f'~ ;;rl':~'. ISP; •• : : : : :: ; ., • "".. ..." '~"""9" E. , .... " .• .. ,;;:13.


I 'Allel's 3 and 4:-I 7.i5--0·KeC£c·s Thricl Club ';5.

i Army Docks. i R,30-Bank o[ ~[outreal ,Is.

Brookfield Ice Cream T .t1. 9.45-11ol)' Cross A.A. vs; C ~n·

zda Packers. ; . ~

.... t th If'" a" d 11 OO-Bowrlngs VI London .ng a see uc ans n ac on I\' ward lines are among the top, [nnr :1\eNamara, (SB) .... 3 6 9 C L B 3 . 1 K. Grouchy " 170,22

.nome. e ~n ng a .. ,e .. "r' .' see two players who performed m ~ . .- 631 ' period NIGHT i I d f In total points. Murph~', (SP) ....... 7 1 8 E. Noel .. ..224 205 203 I R. Crane.. .. 169.48

'" "" K~ ,.., • ..~" "" '''' •• ". M,lm' BUts It' .1 IIh Ih 00 'R '''"., • ~g,,' "., . . . . .. .. ..' . C.Domi",. . .,,. '" '08 58' I .' "" .. "'.'" La

• WII d Chi '1 3R

T b r ty Icague .. capta n ~nd c ence· L dl I tb 1 tIl' h . (F) , '3 7 B '[ h , , ,

\'s. Cari~ql1 ... mo"" to ~. flBI ml,'" " m" " , "".". 'd,l. I, "ht wl,g" T,d GilU" c,~: IF; .......... ;-.: j ... ,. A. Bmdho" .. ,,;, -·i .. n.. 556 K. Wb,,',,·.. '01.15, til. ~al period. Earl ReIbel and MONTREAL (CP)- Bob Lebel, nOIYlabl'tand pall Ksenned~, former with nine goales.' Only four play ,TOP, GOAL GETTERS, II.. Stevens .. 231 ~69 167 667 ~I. Howcll • - 167.21 I' ,\Iln~·s' ., ".nd 6.'-

MI",...,. Prono¥ost Icon!d :letrolt's Id f b ..... A t co eg a e ,star a t. Bon s. , b Id h h G'II' (SB ' iI.

... ,,.. ..,b. . "" "I' " ... ~, moo" Th., wlU .... " ,,~, m.I,. on .. "I " m". " .. ~" '''', , ............... , G. ',hanCeY .. 229 161 220 610 P. Ryall ,~" 166.66! 7.l5-nairrl &' Co. n. ",mph .'" ... -' I, ... "" A""".tIoo, "Id """'., 10" plo,'" who .In b.' m."', lb. ""I" ,lit.. Tb., ... "" ,."I,g. ,S>, .............. 7 . "53 '" .,,,"51 HIII!.......... "", Ii Thrift, Club.

tII-o nIPt.. for th R d WI ' the QAHA \Vas asked that the RI. I I I illur,phY and Jack ~Vlthers of St. :I!urp~y, (SP) ..•• , ..•. ,.... 'I i LlO!llS-O. T. ~larshaJl •. ., •• 161.67' I' 8,30-.loh's Thrift Club \·s ..... U I" .... " • .... 'W" • • M C" .. ,,," I ," ,,,' """''''' " St. P.I, .ru1 Boyd B"h. "d .,,. ,~nt,g .. , (SIll ............... ":>" ........ 1" '09 18" '17 1 X. Johnwn 160.77 ' .... • ~ e, G en Hal1, replacln. Intermediate clubs be Buspenoo.. John's Ice, Hugh Wadden, Doug I f I 'Id' \ 'I h 146 437' 'I .. .. " \' Feildians. ' ,.,'tT'/ ""muk • r f II I N III • '11 I Co e 0 \ Ie Fel Inns, " t ers, (SP) ... "."",,.. 5 B. De"ln


•••• '160 181 I Jo)'ce 1:'9.21 T" B ·u • .0 a ure \() pay fees. ~Ic e ,Dan ~leNel ,Dan B sSlln, d' II d I " ~ , • . ., .• - !?.4~-St. crcsa s \'5. al~l' ... k' J' -'I ,. Lea mg goa e, as expecte, ~ R~'an, (5B) ................. 5 J. Courage .. 42 108' 97 247\ E. ~lcGr.1lh .' .•. , 158.~.' ~

r--------------...:-..:=====:.. 1'l'an Bowman, 1m Horn"., .. rcg St. Bon's netmlnder Merv Greer. TOP GOALIES R. Goddc'n .•.. 15" 150 I' . [O\OI'S. ".." .... ;.nI1." "Ih. U~ • 100 ," 11. ,,, .. ,, .• .. .. ,,,.I •. !

P U T TH E 0 R'P: HAN S .ty f." .m ... " "hlbill" wb, I,,, .. NHL I". """d " . GP GA A" D. ,ro"".. .. ,,, ,'" '" 50.; I )!. e"" .. .. 157."'; mID.' v NlG,rt"S G.\)'ES ,

. ." b~'''' lb.1 lb" b".' h... ;;~II~::I:.::;.'::::~ ~~~"~.:'~; ~:::is~:'.::::·: ,!" !:~~ I LAURIER CLU~B-·29 3 823 839 !!391 , L. Thistlr.. .. 135,03 I Alb's 1 nnd 2:- ,,: .. itl" , .. n I, •• I'~ I r.. p""" .. .. .. 15!J3 '.I5-B .. ,,' ""., ,,,II. "'

O N T H EI R S KAT ES Holding leat owners can pirk st. Pat's ;:~S~·7~·OUND f~a.mle ;Xll~m~ t~bulations OD)!. Ward.. ..273 173 181 62j: S, :.:0>5 .. .. .. .. 151.11 I )ob's Thrift Clul). ;

'. th.. H,k.''''' '.00 • m. (T p. I Gil) ' '~\ I E vsr:~ ':. R. B'''".· .. ". 271 '" 733 I G. SO"," .. .. . . 149." ,30-r.l"d". ". "lid"'; until 4 p,m. today. . op Oln e erJ po~ 5 ee.5 were. compl e yo, F. Soper .. . .169 227 228 624 E. nose .. .. .• ., 149.00 \: 9.4:i-St. Tercsa's \'5. B~i!d. &:


"5 P14t5 ~clagl ESCPtrers, BIll Duggan and H. Jenkin~ .... 271 285 251 807 F. No~c\\'urlhy 148.81, Co. '

.. -=:-____________ ..... ___ =~ _____ I ,I CS, •••••••• "ou a on. 11. McDonald .. 222 273 299 794 146.17 Billiards . . . ",''''; 1187 15" I ~i"~~~"· .:. :: .. \46."

Allcj·s 3 an.1 4:- .. - :

Dund ,Clo' ses': W,' ,eth Penticton Vees 1St, John's COLLEGlANS-O I D. ('louslon ..•• .L' I "' I Tournament 11. ,hlUI" .. 11' 183 '" 503 E. """"",,' ......

Co' nfl'dent But Commer. Darts u. Langdon .. lB9 188 174 551,' S. Trli:ltclt

Fie' • 1s T' Hunter .... 213 291 197 701 " " ..

,nan' c~a ) '-I i d I J. Gooblc .. " .... , " ,uccess, \\!h:o:ttin:::n~~I:a~I~~G~l S~.~:~ Not Cocky Yet MONDAY, FEB. 14TH. ~: ~~~~;~~ ';:;~~ ;i~ ~~~ :~~ i K. Ford .• " ., ' ••

115,29 145.05 141.21 144.17 144.13 143.72

7.l5----;\lammY·s Thrift Club ,·s. Bank of Montreal. :

8.30-Imperial Thri£l Club ,:s. Canadian Legion.

!}.45-Crcscnts vS. Caribou Thrift' Club. '

final contributions to the Orphans Skating Fund came in to Fund Headquarters on Saturday from the Geoarge Street Men's Bible Class who sent along a donati~n of $5.00 through their treasurer Mr. Donald Bradbury •. And a splendid donation of $20:00 from' the CanadIan Order of Foresters came in yesterday per Chief Ranger Tom Dunne. Many thanks. This brings the total more than $800.00 and ample funds t~ take care of more than fifteen skating session& at the Stadium.

•• Two pairs of skates were ~ecejved from Mrs. Donald Nicholson of the city to whom we extend thanks on behalf of the Orplians and the, Rotary Club, lIJIOnson of the drive. .-

• • , To tm,:l off t~e c,ampaign came this touching let-ter with a promIse of a pair of skates. It was sent in by 9-year-old David Mills of $hoal Harbour, Trinity Bay, who said •• ." ,

lito-day lam sending you the first pair of skates daddy bought me. I have outgrown them but they are still good, '1 hope soine little ,boy who has no daddy' can have the :first pair I used" • " .

• • With spirit like;' that hom the youngsters it's ,,0 wonder, the' Fund went over the top and more than enough boots ,and skates were sent . ' 'm. ~

., I •

• ddltl lId 715-B . B' G E O· .J. Hawkins" " " " ,wo a ona games were P aye . By W. R. WHEATLEY • owrlng ro~. \'s. . . I: 936 1099 1045 3080 W. Button ••

142.18 142.12 142.08 141.94 141.43 140.58 140,38

Alleys 5 and 6:- . ; 7.15-Victorians \'S. E. Clnl!shin

The first game was between A Canadian Pres~ staff Writer U. N. Foundry \'s. Ayres PATRICIANs-.1 '! h

O'B idA C b 11 th f 5 ' k t ' .1. Do cncy " .. " r en an • amp e, e or. MONTREAL (CP) _ P~nticton upermar e S. ' G. Mar5hall .. 235 Z36 235 706

mer eventually winning by 129 Vs, confident but not coky,arrived g,OO-Ayre " 50ns' n. Bennett ~[. Barrett .. ,,231 192 210 633 ~. ~eet .. " .. points In the time of 90 minutes. In Montreal by air en route \() Brewery: H. Heale .. ' •. 244 256 260 760 . arsons.... No large breaks wen! made, WC5t Germany and the world mckman Motors \'s, Bever· .T. Murphy .... 209 307 211 727 J. Brett .. .. .. .. O'Brien's highest being 30 whilst hockey championships. age 'Sales. F h 230 230 2-2 712 R. Phillips.. .. ..

C b II' b t 24' At The team that will try to snatch P. renc.. •. ' 0 P CI 'dl amp e s es was. ,,~r' the tItle back from the Russians Offic!al-J. Ryall. , 1149 122i'1168 3538 . 11 ey., ••••••

!ous periods the scores showed . ' FORESTERS-O . E. Burnell ..•••••• 121.122, 21l6.i78,,300.Z31. landed at Montreal aIrport after a , WEDNESDAY, FEB 16TH II 206 187 24" 638 D. Wills . I .. " .. flight of 13~ hours from Van. ,.. M. Ha .•• , "

Final 8core .and breaks were as COUVl!r. 715-A. E. Hickman vs. C. A. E. Casey: ... 200 146 19Z 538 H. Hawkins .. _. " 10110ws:- The Vs were met by I score 01 Hubley. E. Healey.. ..149 19Z 150,491 K. Roberts .... " ..

A. O'Brlen-400-19, 19, 16, 15, friends and well- wiw.ers, along Munn Motors VB. G.' E. Oil. '" E 336 191 172 6R~ O. l\[i\ler ..... " i I I th C di Am

' ". vans.. •. "" 10, 10, 23, 10, 12, 21, 27, 19, 13, 30 II' th off c al5 of e ana an ,- 9.00-Nfid. Brewn)' vs, Ayr~! R T' d 234 126 229 589 M. Parsons •• •• •• (244). leur Hockey Association and .' Supermarkets" " ,. lzar.. . ilZ5 '842 988 2955 W. Cartcr •. •• _., .•

139.78 139.58 .. 138.47 139,33 138.60 138.33 ' 137.30

Thrift Club. " 8.30-Great Eastcrn Oil "5.

Brookfield lce Cream Ltil. 9,45-Parkcr &: Monroe Ltd. ,,:s.

HorWood's Thrift C~ub.:

L. Cook '" .. :. .. 120,58: J. Hcale .. .. ;. .... 119.53

. (1. Dunne ". •• .. •• 119.46 ~t. Scammel •• •• •• 98.00 , T. O'Leary .. .. .. .. .. 89.40:' R. Parsons • .- •• • _ •• 86.44 M. Cook ........ _. 71.92., May Cook .. .. • _" 70.90'

... _.- _ ... __ .. ,----'-A. Campbell-271-12, 24, \2. dozen or more neWspaper, radiO Ayre "Sonsvs. Beverage GUARDS-3

10 11 10 (79) and television m~n. ' Sales , " • The Vs are due In DU6seldo'rf' R. Cnllmore .. 230 '210 225 665

The second game matcbed R. aboard their continued Trans.Can- Offlclal-L. ~u"'t.. K, Reynolds ,.1~ Z13 237 600 Jeans and R. Moore, the .... latter ada Air Lines flight around mid. ' -' C. Wi11lams .. 282 284 Z40 806

P. Par~ons •• •• •• .• 135.48 M:'Rowe •• .. .. .. 134.67 M. :I!artin •• •• •• •• 'i34.45

,.M. Bugden " .... 131.89 Why suffer the M. Gossc ...... " ~ ..131.17; agony of

taking the game by 10l points in aflernoon today, German time. ' FRIDAY, FEB. 18TH. '. 219 ~"5 "46 670 , ' R. Cames .. '... ':" ..

the time of 108 minutes of play. IN TOP CONDITION U5-Bowring Br03' VI. U. N.

T"I' ""me, though somewhat slow "We arc all greatly bpnored \() Foundr'·. B. Morris.. ..188 Zll 218 617 II • D~ I' 1069 1123 1166 3358

nt first showed the trend of play rep~sent Canada," sa d player. Ayre " Sons vs. C. A. Huh· at various polnts-122.67, 170.101. coach Grant 'yarwic~, "and 'we ley.· . ' ST. PAT'S-O 195.137, 203.156. Moore's best feel we can WIR. We re certainly 9 DO-Hickman Motors va G. E C. GOs.~e .. ,,220

(' fl I h d) hi' t going to do our best." . 0'1 ., J. Molloy.. .; 1911

llreak was a.u un n sell' ,5 His brothers, Dick and battle· I . J. Galloway ,.137

236 219 167 622

180 636 ZIO 637 ,194 498 593 1771

Jeans racked up.40. . sChrred BI11, nodded in assent. ' A., E. Hickman VI. , Ayre- li56

Final ecore and breaks were IS Grant, 33.year.ald f(}rmer Na- Supermarkets, HIKERS-%. follows:- tional Hockey League player, laid Official-J. Harris. '184 Z35 608

R. Moore-400-36, 13, III, ZS, he has never played with "a finer End of first round. M,' W,alsh" .. W9

13, 14, ,t, lO, ", <D, 11, " (.... """h" foUow,." L. p,"".... '" 252 '53 .00 """'''',; "",. .""" ." I, "" ,~.n~. . . F. V.,po •• 193 .. '" 240 ..

R. Jeans-29

11-1Z' to 18 16 We· elm adjust our style of play A 'rough.te.tur.ed. face cloth u'iII D. Halley .. ,,200 260 206 666 , ", " ,to anything the' Russians' or, the • n C. HenderlOnW7 15i 196 554

15, 13, 21, 10, 12, 14, 1~, 29, (184): 'O'lher teams loss alialnst us. We get color and circulation, Into a t87 1048 1130 3165 No games will be played on have b~en practlsliig without using skiri, \1.'1 at tenli.o!, .washedo


E. Chambers • _ • _.. 131.07 I

V. Badcock ••••••• , i30.27 ,I, ~ H' E U M A,Y ,·5 M ').-~., M. Miller.. " .. ..' 129.73 p. Wilansky .... 129.00.. I ' '., --', . N. Wilherstonc •• 128.52 \ . 1'3IOnSL~AN'S~Uick,' !It'~ , E. DalVe .. .... 127,63: polend No rubhlDl. You E. Hiscock'.... 12'1.55 just pat,it 011 .~~ sore, -

E T I 2 5 I ' achiogplaces. You feel

, . ay or .. _... 1 7.5, D. Cook .. ..- •• 127.28 A. Bartlctt .• ,. •• •• 127.00 A. Downton •• •• •• •. 124,49 C. Peet " .. " ;... 122.07

W .Norris .... 137 J. Lidstone.. 42 W, . Oakley < •• 258


152 181 470 160 108 310 263346 867 887 1002 2756

fasler atlion at once;



SLOAN'S bell'S brini qui cker relief for At'; thritilo Lumbago, md; ,

• Neuralgia pains, 100.

Saturdays but tonight (Monday), body _ cl!ecking'- the EUJ'Ollean lookln!!.!·· " I ,', ELKS-l the series will be resumed with style-and we've' played against , ' \ A. ~05S •• • .240 1811 28Z 710 the following taking part: teams,ln oUr ol'{lllea~ue the' same Indicnte there will be at ldst fOUr H. ~mith .... 226 175 171 572

•. ,II-F. O~oo'. ". E. .. ,0<. ." .. .I,,,," .. ", ... ~ hm ._.M .......... \II _, E. N,""' .... 2" ". '" 54' ::E!,;;! .. 224 , .. '" '" D OO-M.' O'Keefe VB. G, Brnd worked ~ both long and ... short ,one IIl.Parla and two In Czechosto- W. Winter •• 148 23Z' 196 576

70 ,'lIrl II IrM,tl4 ~;J . \ I" .,Ii,vinr ~'.;dl

r ACKNOWLEDGMENTS TO DATE Previously acknowledged .... ,... .." "...... $ Can~dian Order of Fotestcrs, ,per Mr. Tom

Dunne, Chief Rariger.". " .. "" .. " ...... ;.

. h' ' pas~s, and We can play whatev'lrvalda,llkely boUdnPrague. A. Nicol .... 189214 Z81 684 C. Wilson .... 224 206 189 619 I aw. sort of game seems necessary."" .', W;·,B. '(Ba[dy) ~orge, past- , '. 1016 945 1126 3087 P. Hynes .... 225 191 1116 .582

_ QUJ,ETLY CONFIDENT _ " president Of the 'CARA,' and Bpb· W Engll I 208 320 257 785

SHA_GAN FA L L ,. Q",. Gn,' ."' '" ""m ...... 1 ... ' .. ,." """ ... " ·lh. ""''''' C.Y.C--> . " .. .. 20.00 ' (Cp)_Quebee Aces and


hShdaWln. about the recent \ suggestion 0(, bral)Ch, headed the h()Ckey officials N. Philpott .• 157 221 223 601 C. Rlchard.son 1~~: 1;~~ 1: 3~~~ Igan FaUs Cataracts ma c e see. coacp Dlek'Irvln o~ t~e N~ Mont., who lreeted tha, Vs.",·' C: Kaval1agh .. Z43 326, 197 766 ' ..... porlod ... b ,,"'''' "" "'I. ~ol C.,,& ..... thol ''''' ,1.,." G""., 'M''" M h,,""" L. M_; ... ,67 .. '" Bl' CA.ADIAN LEGION-' . • ,

825.35 j

5;00 H.d 1h'" 'h .~rltm. .!"'.' ",m .. " ~ ~i Ibm ,,' NI!L ,."',,, """"""" m' ... '" G. F"" .: .. ,.. 250 210 ,,,'. C""." .. 257 21' '" '" $850.35 b" .... '... ...""k, ,,, • 1.1 ,I.b. hoo' '" wt~ ~'.~' . ." ... ~ .ot. you, ,~.~ '" will B. ~ •• ,.I" .. ", ". \Bl 54' J. DoLo",.. .. ,,, ,.. 215 '" ' (! I',

... ob~ ""'" L ... ~ Uo. Tb. pl.'~. ~.m,""".ll w" ,,,,,,,,,.,,_,,,,, .~. V.. .. """' .... "" P. O·B,n,,· .. 19' , .. lB' 5 ... ·! - -,""

\,':':/''::'O:'tl! ":l~" ':1~.1 ~~!!'I'::::'::;'~':\::,~:':: IW~~:"u,;"~ '~~:;'::"J:I~~ CE'':'' . p, ...... 189' ". ,,,51" ,- GERALD, S DOYL~~ ,Royals, who ,d~feated Val\eylicld gsm'.!s before the tournament g~ts 81~ns, by eli\lt ,go~1s, ,~,'s~y:8:O' or C." Andrews ,,263 151 137 551 E. K9'lrsey '1.

20'0450 9

17395 '1

210359 35181~ j' ,,".' "', Jfm41

George Street United Church Men's Bible' Class ............... -;1.:' ..... 'u ......... IOU .... "'"



.• 4·t.~ .. ID ..... ," / "d" '" F.b. 2S. " •• "1 ~... ,>2" ... ,.W" "" ... t" W. X" .. a, .. '67 '" '" '" • ~. . ,. . ... . ' ...... .. . ,

',. , .-' , "

'.: '


.12' THE DAILY NEWS, MONDAY, FEB. 14, 195~ .'

.I've helped blm now and then." As. they steppe out a convert'IJ d G I d , .. "Oh,," expost\!lated Ible squealed to a stop beside the U y ar an the youni milO,' "You're spread· llmouslne that had Johnny and Inl It on a bit tblck, aren't you?" Sam out to Manhasset. . ' Faces Old

JQhnny tell_rded him sharply. A girl sprang out 'and came .• ' ,

1.::'~~~~~;~:~~~~~~!!:j~..!!!!i:....I· "I don't bell~ve I iot your name.~ running towarl! the door. "Jim," Problem "I'm James Sutton. I'm Mr. she cried." ho~ Is he?" . Carmichael's nephew." "Talking It pretty badly, lIer· By JAJlIES BACON

,·The 'The.atre , < Page

Movies On Current Comment THI STORY ,Thl only clul He came forward. "I, say old "A prime suspect, too," declar· tha," Sutton replied. HOLLYWOOD (AP)-Judy Gar •

• "'rtntly, tn.the murd,r of boy; don't you know that Mr. ed Johnny. '~Tile.nephew's always "I would,.have come s?,oner, I~nd Is f~ced with an old show L.. _______________________________ -:-__ ,

J", Clrml,hall 111 II • CarmIchael's son-my cousin, the cb!ew IUSpeCt." but then you know. • •. She liuslnoos dilemma: what to do for CORNWAll STAR .... "Ink ,1"ln to .Iohnnv Jess-was, ah ..• " "I . thlnk."sald Jess Carmi· stopped. and looked sharply at an encore? , . "tfchor Ind. Sim Crill bV "Of course [ know It. That's chael, "I've hae about aU of thels Johnny and Sam. And if .o~e comes up, who 5 going AI ... Cumml .. " who oWld why I'm here." ' I can take. Mr Fletcher I've, had "Fletcher's my name," ,Johnny ta,iAc~~t. Is Born" generally is __________ _

CAPITOL ........, Oft leh"p fur COlt. Johnny looked past Carmichael a difficult day and tomorrow offered. "This Is my friend, Sam conceded ~o be thl'! best movie ever Today Alice WH Carmlchlll'l IIlrl and saw a newspaper on a desk, mornlnl 1 must talk' to the po- Cragg.". . written about Hollywood-and Judy f,1tntI Ind 'the murdlr took He crossed 10 Ule desk and picked lice-" - The girl looked at. Johnny, gave it a real Oscar performance. "BAD FOR EACH OTHER"

. Today -Now Playing " .. hi hlr Iplrtmlnt. John· up the newSpaper. "My name's '!IIr. 'Carmlci1ael, I'll put It to p~zzled. "I dOll't believe I ever But t.ilere .ar~ some Who say that Whcn John Ford Is at the dlr· WITH CHARLTON HESTON I "THE CAINE MUTINY" , II)' I!HIII,", who werl broke In here," he aald, "Ah, yes ·here you bluntly," JohMY said. "Do met you.~. this perfectionist come~ high, too ectorial helm of a molion picture WITH HUMPHREY BOGART .... nducH to Ikl",traeln. ,.," He read, ". , .The two'men, you want 10, ah, apprehend the "That's my joss," Johnny said h!gh for money-eonSClo~s Holly· lIt.tle or no eomcesslon' 15' made The title says Charlton Hes. . Ie earn monlY, founcl thl John Pletcher and Sam Cragg, murderer of your son?" I'd be gl~d to call on you to· \\ODd prod .. ~ersb· hS 01 m"d ~tUdthlo to the fact that Hollywood Is i ton and Llzabtlh Scott are "Bad Engulfing WIth tldal·wave fury. L. k full of Id 01 N t d rib d by "I CU • • • rrow" sources .,ay "er c nvor urlng I d [ k h l' Th I' Columbia Pl'tures' maglfieent _n t -e nl. tIC were esc e I\,ss mm·, mo . - shooting of "Star" agcd Jack Lan. 0 ma ·e· c le~. e t Iree· for Each other" III the shock C

: Jthllfty Inci S.m vilit Ju. Ings-" ','Of course I do,' 'snapped Car· "G,~ In and talk to the "old 'Varncr 10 years and currently i~ tbne Academy Award winner Is medical drama opeml today at motion plct~r~ ,,'"eI'5IDn of "The . Cannlehall, Sr., wtllthy "Cummings I" creld Jess Car· michael, a Ilint coming Into his man, Sutton said quickly. H~ giving the studio accountants an notol'lous for dOing everything the Starf Th~atre, but togeher Caine Mutm). the Pulitzer ch.I .... ,....ry twntr Ind fl'l- michael "Don't mention that woo eyes, "and he will be apprehend. needs someone 10 cheer him up. anxiety complcx. III as authentic a fashion 8S poss. they are wonderful entertainment Prize best·~eller by Merman her of tho murdlr victim. man's name 11'1 ·house." He ed. If It takes every dollar-" He tOOk. Joh 1r,y's elbow. "D'?DU BU!lGET FAR EXCEEDED. Ible-evcn to staging a war.' seeking motion picture audl Wouk now., playlnl at the

• • • stabbed a wel·manlcured fore· "It won't," Johnny said. "It mind glvln.; mc n 11[( .into town, \\ arner. Bros: agrC'~d to [mance Ford put his !deas to work duro ences. So Is theIr, British Capitol Thea, t e. Produced by XI Inlger at Johnny. "You're the won't cost yo~ much at all. For old boy?" the musical version of the oft· Ing the filming of "What Price ncwcome Dl F t Stanley Kramer In eolor by

Cannlchul shook his head and man the plolct suspect of kllllni a modest fee, I'll run him down," "All right," Johnny sal~ "as filmed story for .Judy and her pro. Glory:' TWenlifth Centurp.Fox's Heston r Wh:·n:::s r~s ~:i for Technicolor, '''1'he Cain Mutiny" JIb .yes went to .tbe young man my son," "The police lire quite capabie long as you're twisting my arm. ~u~~~~~~s~~n~ 5~~d~U~~l~c~~e~! new Technic,olor comcdY.drama. cd ahead on nil slar ~Oll; sln~ stars two Araclemy Award win. h1 the book.,btlves. "James, who "No,~ said Johnny, "Lleuten· of doing that;' Carmichael said I'm going to tile Barblzon·Wal· limil;f five ~~nths. opcnlng Mo.ndayat the Cornwall I he shot to p1'('mlnence In "The ners, Humphrey Bogart Ind Jos. ~ld prepetrate a joke at a ant Madigan's already cleared coldly. "And now I must bid. you dorf unless I Cli ndrop you some· The pictUre finally cost $6,000,000 Theatre, with James \Cagney,' Greatest Shuw on Earth" Is Ferrer, as well IS Van Johnson 1liiie llte th1s1" me," 1l00d evenlng.'~ where along tl:e way." and taok almo.l a year to finish. Corinne Calvert And Dan Dailey I seen In "Bad for E h Oth'" and Fred MacMurray, In, fflr

"I couldn't ny, Uncle," repll. "Who's Lieutenant Madigan?" "Very well, sir, but. 1£ you "The hotei's flne," Sutton sain When David O. &~Iznick burned In starring roles. a young docltJr w~~ retu:r :5 them, orr·beat. "The Caine Mu. .. the )'oung man. "Il's most "Homicide, In charge Of the should cMnKe you mind, I'd like easily. , d,.wn-· Atlanta (or "Gone with thc, For this story of comaradalre I the mining community WhC~s h 0 tiny" 'stara, as well, the Unlle4 Hrtalnb' in bad taste." Investigation. A very good man. to give you my address .•. " The car slarkd dow," the wind· Wind" it was cheaper than JUdY'Slunder fire during World War 1 grew up aCte r I' c

I e,Stales Navy which helped to

' "That wo l,'t be necessary," Ing driveway. Johnny leaned "Born in a Trunk" musical numberl Cagney Dailey and the othe~ eicy In 'tl . w, Dnmtllg ~ COd °tn'l make the film 8S .pectacular and


~."'" ~ • AIItu ftlll!' .., CoIils- _ ""., _ • .IlUCI .. __ ,-~--_Jr __ . Also-UP·TO-THE-MINUTE NEWS­








, '. ,~ .. . TIMES OF SHOWS!·· ., ..

• ZV,NING SHOWS: 8.U _ '9,00


ADMISSION PRICES FOR THIS ENGAGEMENT: ~~ADULT8 .............. '50 CHILDREN .............. uc· IIA'I'INBIS-ADULTS ............ 500 • CHILDREN .............. .



• t.

It ted H I k d b k "H th "h id I gly In "Star" , Ie y'ur. e ermln~ 0 '11 Ih USA did Johnny hes a • e 00 e BC. cr n.. e 53 mus n A $ 000000 . til' t I male personnel' in the cast, found dedicate lIimsclr to th aid of as exc! ng u . e .. rmy at Sam CrBII, WhO:was regarding "Fallcy name. Woul~n't go well m~ke G'$12:ooo,~c ~!c ;~~~~( )ev~~~1 themselves going through 3 spe· his poor miner friends, ~e is lur., for ColuIn,?la'; Academy Award. blm anxlouslv .. W!~h ~m!th, tI.lough. " the adl'crtising, exploitation and cial condillolling course which In· ed into the remunerative "ghost wln~~ng From Here to J:ter·

"Very well, Mr. Carmichael. You re flshmg again,. Sut· dictributiun costs double the pro·; eluded the mar.ual of arms Bnd surgeon" racket by the sort arms nlty. 'I'll go' with you," James Sut· Ion accused. "~11l right, I'll bltej d;ctlon ~ost. Ilqng hours of mal'ching under I and softer lIvlllg of glamnrous "The :3.lne Mutiny" 11 Il'.at

Ion offered. "Good night, Uncle her last nam" b Colston. Young But thIS onc got th·~ greatest ex· tutelage of an ex.Army drill ser. Scott As h steadll I_ as a nOHI' It 15 greater I. a mo. Jess" Jess'~ flnancea." ploitatlon sendoff in recent Holly. geant I ses 1;!l1ls If e 1;1 Yf co~prom d ,tlon picture. The fIIm's Icope 11

. Wood history. ~n IIni",1pe~chablel' It I;ns always been Pard'. un.! I' tit', IS dPro essdoll an I as hig as the ocean on whosl studio source estimated It WIll take IllS a en S, Ie s eserte by his tJ i h f 118 tI $15000000 [or "Slar" to breaki alterable conviction that you Idealistic nurSl.' Dianne Foster I see 1 ng mass mue 0 ac 011

TO-DAY ------~--~-------------------


EVENING SHOWS: 7.15 - 9.15










MADNEE-ADULTS ............ 100, CHILDREN ............ " 2ne - ~..--...... -.,------------::NEXr . ATTRACTION



COLO •• ,

\ ". .. :

cv~n 'Few pictures gross that can't fool a mOl'ie audience. For who lm'es him but can not bring takes place. It. has everything • muc~. example, if d man is supposed I herself to share the tragic course movie can ha"e: power, .weep,

lInn "Star" becn ')nad~ within to be carrying a loaded suitcase, he Is pursuing A sudden mine action, roman.~ Ind, above all, budget, it would bc a bOl( office you can't make an empty one disaster snatches Heston out of drama. "The Caine Mutlny" I. smash already. A~ it is, it may y~tl serve the same purpose. I his false world and: opens his the age:old story of man I.alnst make It but the ~ arner ulcers WIll As a rcsult when his actors I eyc to t . I the sea, and man against himself. ha,'c to bleed a little longer. went before'\ he cameras for I 'Is. . ruRe vab ucs. t t In tramcriblng "The Caine MONTIl'S WORK DITCHED . .. aJorle am eau re urns 0 l\[utin " to the .creen ' rodurer

WI v dl'd "S'"r" cost .0 much? battle sequenccs thcy went fully I the screen in "Bad for Each. y , p I. ...... . . I . dr" g back packs., . 'Stanlcy Kramer obviously .tInt.

.Iudy admIts ~he's n Imlcchonlst I eqUlppe , car.~ III , • '. . : Other, after a nlne·year .rebr·1 ed neither roductlon.wil' nor bllt \\'on't admIt '\0 tempcrament. and. other Pal aphernalia \I CIgh •. 1J1cnt forced by an aulo aCCIdent. .' ? .

She claims a c.!lange ill SCl'collllng exactly 3S much as thosc used I Mildrcd DUllnnck, who won an I slolj wIse. HIS cast and technical processcs cost a month's delay In actual combat. In addition, Mademy Award nomination for! staff hal'e bp.en faithful to the ri~,hl at the start. . Ford orde1'CC1 his technicians to her work as the mother in "Death I letter and spirit of the orllnal

You know there was a little place explosior.s for the battle Of A S I "I II t "work, the novpl thath rlp~ the tI' n 11 rl C' th t " a esman, p ayes on Sit i h t I rt I

IIDn III nej t me~as~o~~ d tlJ~ scenes as c1os~ to the aclors as molhcr in this one. Other not· 1 ~ ee a c ~e5 0 a m nesweeper came a ono liS as lIe s,a e ~s safety would Ji<?rmit so they could bl 'f '. L'd' CI k III the PaCIfic and revals the raw picture. We scrapped a month s [ f I a e pet ormel~ are ~ la ar e emotion s~eetblng beneath her '''ork tllat I 'as shot in standard size get the actual feel 0 war arc. (:llrs. Charlton Heston) playing and started over Bgain." 0 ma e every IIlg camp e c, e with her husiJand for the first . ,\ > T k thO I I hi' I decks "The Caine Mutiny" fare.

Waat caused the delay? uncovered soml; airplanes of 1917 time, Arthur Franz, Ray CollinI', fully Incorp Jratel such hlghlllht. 1I10st stories had Judy sulking In vintage and had them flown over Lester Matthews and Rhys WiI'l from the. ~ovel IS the ),ello,,·

her dressing room whli- hundreds the battle area for an extra touch I" stain inc1.,ent where Captain " lams. of player6 and crt'w stood Idly by of the real j\lcCoy I i R dl t d th Queeg, strangely·actlni eom-on the set. This, f.he denies em· "['ve got a lot ~f respect for I rv ngu ~pp~r t fCC eith I~ mander of thl! Caine, display. I phetically. movie audiences" Ford says ~ ov~s.od h'~ . oc .s o~ ~ a h quality that looks lusplelo\l'Sly

"and I don't wa~t even 10 let l1e ar· tlhtltng Phunc t Bnl dfOUtgh like cowardlcs under fire; the romance a c arac er ze e . b

"I thought a little lady named them down by not giving them , I Ii I 't' b d fi d murderous typhoon at w Oil . nOH on w I e I I IS ase, n· r In hei ht the rug .. ed Maryk

Alice Cummlngs-" os much authr.nllclty as human· Ing explosive drama In both the ag g g, . .. 1 'bl " takes command of the .ndanger· "Miss Cummings," Sutton said y POSS! . e. • Intrlgue·charged boudorls of the d vessel' the rourt martial

firmly "was not his f1ncee." Few dIrectors approach Ford idle rich and lhe dynamite.load. e , . . , r hi ffl I TiI'y H wastes no . wherin Queeg. a combat weary

'She hooked him for a mink orti sec e c •• ~allon He ed coal mines. of Pcnnsyll'allla. ,'cteran Is merclleSl5ly llyyed by coot" said Sam. mo on, no come . Irving Wallace Wl'ote the I '

S 'tt h d "VI t' a brings his pictures in .on Bched· . I f "B d f E h Greenwald, ~he brilliant delenn u on s rugge. ,Ia S • screen p ay or a or ac tt th elbratl n party mink coa!?" ule tolerating neither Interrup· Olher" wilh "Scapel" author, a orneYj e e 0

• • • tolu or delay. He has demonstrat· Horace McCoy Willian Fadiman I pollowlng the trial wbe~eln . d th t fl . tu e can be' Greenwald denouncel tbe offIcer "Miss Cummlllgs' bought a $69 e , 8 R ne PIC I' was associate producer.

special about four years ago," made without a great deal of fuss I lritellectual Keef~r I. the. rral Johnny explained. "The bill was or needless expense. He appears I author of the Came mutiny, the 50 small It slipped her mInd." to work lesiureiy, hut actually I i t~nder roamnre between Joun,

''Well,'' said James S[ltlon he Is /Jue of the fastcst directors I PARAMOUNT' I \\Ulle ~elth lI~d hlK 10Ye17 ! "that's Interesting. But how do in the business. He scldom shoots club smger. 1 il the 1u.ty you known all this about Miss more' than two takes on II scene, I humor of the aRtion, the Jlletor. C I?" , and as n rule completes his pic· . inl beauty of the tropieal tea, ~'~~a~~\aid Johnny, "Is how tures well under schedule.. Now Playi1lg I~nd the powe: of the U.!. fltet

we got Into this. We skip.traced One of Hol!ywod's most pnz· III full battle ,rra),. Nothln. h .. , her And coUectr,,' the dough." ed directors, Ford staorted winn' i been. omitted except "her. tsl·

"I'm inter:l~;tcd In skip trac· Ing awards In 1035 whell he mDIle "GREEN FIRE" WITH 1 g~nCles o,f time and another m .. ers," Sutton cald. "Just how do 'The Informer." Since thell he PAUL DOUGLAS, i ~lUm hR~e necessitated telHllopo you do It7" has added to his laurels wltb STEWART GRANGER I mg the story. .

"There are tricks to ail trades" "Stagecoach:' "'fhe Grapes of Rian l\litchell (Stewart Gran. Performances In "TIle ClallI. Johnny gave SUttoll a quick side· Wrath," "The Long Voyage ) I tic adventure ell. Mutiny" ar~ uniformly brilliant: ward glance. "1 imagine the gro: Home," ,:'110.... Gre~lI ,:V~,s, 1\ly ! ~~:x~s r~~r~n of search for hidden Bogart as the erract Queel wbom eery business has its tricks, too.' Vailey, Fort Apac'~e, \\ he~ I ,",eaIth Y wlti1 the discovery o( one learns to pity u well as hatt;

"Tut, tut, no more fishing." Willie Comes Marchmg Home 'I t II suspects Is an emerald the pltll~! brilliance of Flrret (To Be Continued) and "The Quiet 1I1:an." :i:e i: Columbia, South Amer. as Lt. Greenwald, reluctant .t­



Yeu'll never forget-


Znd ATTRACTION TO·NIGIIT I­Waleb U5 a~ work on our radio show



Ica. His partn('r, Vlve Leonard torney for the denfenn: T.II (Paul Douglas,' agrees against Johnson 8! the. stubborn MI1"l'II his better inst.lncts to help ex. who, once convmced of a eour" plore the mine. Catherine Know. of action, grimly goes full Iteam land (Grace Kelly), operating her ahead, and MlleMurraJ II Keef· late father's coiCee plantation, ~r, the lea·golng .nob wbo fisbt. also opposes Rian's plan, despite I~ trobuled water .. Robert !'1'ID­

the (act that she loves him. Her CIS and Miss Wynn are In .Uru· opposition anrl that of Vic grows tl\-e pair of newcomers as wntlt

J stronger when workers desert the Calne's junior of leer, and 1111 the plantation to help Rlan work girl, a night "lull .Ini.r. bis mine and when Catherine's Edward Dmytryk directed "The brother, Donllp (John Erlcson), Caine Mutiny" from the INftIn , II killed just as the jewel of play by Stanley lIobert!. Llkt the Green Fire -the emerald-Is others who had IIny .harl In mountain, Rian Is forced to loss· bringing "The Caine Mutiny" to en flood waters which threaten the screen they rate the funest to dIvert a river englilf the plan· possible acclaim. tallon. But his greed for the -------Green Fire ioses out to love when he finally der.!des to blow up his beloved mountain and mIne rat· her than alow Catherine to lose her plantation.

HALIFAX - Ordinary, Seaman Graham Highmore· of Beli Island, Newfoundland, graduated reeently from the School of Naval Air 'Maintenance at HMCS Shearwater, near Dartmouth, N.S., as an Air· craft Controlman. .

He Was one of 12 In a class undergoing the 35th Aircraft Con· trolmen'. course. at the .Royal Canadian Navy's Air Station.

:.HowfiKE" -FIT'afl.50

In tho e1d da" rUt, -.I .......... • Iow oIowa-tUt 1Iiint. NS1-WlIclt ,.. diet-pt _. -. It'.1IiII aood .diob. BullhUe dar.,... ualace liIt1 with.., inler .. tinc ..... adittr .... ohuol,-...... that is, if rOOl ua alGid batbdle and ... "tire4.oGat~·...... dote 1Iidaq" bladder oIioonIori;' Ihd tInWp a ...... d that ap. For __ DocId·. Ki.m., Pilla hn" ,*.~~ ond woaiea oI.n II ..... ·, __ I. bladder id pd _or.-lbelpiill 1 .. 1 10 ..... t .'~. ,!!.~~ ~., ~~cJ.'" ., put

. liferfJ~#lllf!t: Sitltl !leW . ,WITH EXCLUSIVE"

. . ' .


.. , I

" ,

'{ ,

8 THE· DAILY , -

The .--


/..M. Uo-Wake up 'l.IO-News. 'l.1lS-Strengih 'l.30-News. 'l.35-Bob Lewl 7.45-News. 7.50-Bob Lew B.DO-News. B.05-Bob Lew B.30-News. B.35-Bob Lew 9.00-News Qu 9.1O-1'lano MI 9.20-Birthday 9.30-Tudor F 9.45-Women',

lO.DO-News. 10,Ol-Time au 10.I5-What's I 10.30-Who A~ l0.45-Memory IO.50-"X" Ma: n.OO-News. 11.01-BIIl Rin 11.15-Song P: 11.30-The De ll.45-David's P.M. 12.00-News. 12.05-Homcb, 12.1O-Hit of 12.15-Billy O' l2.30-News. t2.35-Bob Le 1.00-Nell's. 1.01-Bob LE 1.15-Blue 5 1.30-News I 1.40-Bargall U5-Road ~ 2.00-Nell's. 2.01-Perry 2.15-Young 2.30-Red 51 3.DO-News. 3.0l-House' •. OO-News. 4.05-Spot I 4.18-Raneh 5.00-New5. 5.01-Ranch


r'';, "~.Ol I-In,

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dRS! 11 Hearln S2Profan 24-&1 28As1oe1J 21 Tin -10 Anolnl ·UGod 0: ; beautl StDisanl 3SRepea IBPlace "Depe~ "Hard~ ,10 Loeati :UDanle : lions' ;UMoun : ride. itS Slre\ll ,49Tuml '51 Age :12Hea\( 53MaU 541111ttl

·.5 Wear

:58 Poke! ;rr ,\bsll ! I)(

'l' 1 Wind .1111 ,


. '



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The Great Eastern Oil Company Limited PRISClllA'S POP


CJON MONDA\'. F~bruary 14th.

A.M. 7.DO-Wake up and Live. 7.IO-New!. 7.15-Strengtb for tbe Da),. i.3D-News. 7.3S-Bob Lewis Show. 7.45-News. 7.50-Bob LewIs Show. B.DO-News. B.OS-Bob Lewis Sholl'. S.3D-Nell's. 8.36-Bob Lewis Show. 9.DO-NclVs Quiz. !I.IO-Piano Moods. 9.2D-Birthday Part~·. 9.30-Tudor Princess. 1l.45-Women's News.

lO.DO-News. lO.OI-Tlme out witb Westons. lO.lS-What's on m)' lUnd? 10.30-Wbo Am ? 11l,45-Memory Hit of the Day. IO.50-"X" ~Iarks the Spot. 11.00-News. 11.01-BII1 Ring Show. 11.15-Song Parade. 1I.30-Tbe Del'i1 and Ihe Lads. 11.45-Da\'id'. Children. I'JI. 12.00-NeWI. 12.05-llomchakers Quiz. 12.10-1iit o[ the Day. 12.IS-BllIy O'Connor Sholl'. 12.30-Nell·s. 12.35-Boh Lewis Show. I.DO-Ncll's. 1.01-Bob Lewis Sholl'. 1.I5-Blue Star News. 1.30-News Dillest. 1.40-Bargaln Hour. 1.45-Road of Life. !!.DO-NelVs. 2.D1-Perry Mason. 2.15-Young Dr. Malone. 2.30-Red Skelton. 3.00-News. 3.01-Housewlve. Club (prizes). 4.00-News. 4.05-Spot the Statl. 4.1S-Rancb Part)'. 5.00-News. :I.D1-Ranch Party,


2 Prlnee Charle. 'and Princess

·.r, ACIOBII r ,....:.. an4 f _u.e· ., • _ and ruin S Most sensillve : • _ and tide 4 English 12 _ and all bicycle

. U CtntUI'1 5 Wing-pl.nt shaped

5.IS-Kiddle Carnival. 5.30-Record Shop. 6.00-NelVs. . H.OI-CJON Bulletin Board. 6.IS-Sports Parade. 6.2S-News. 6.30-Dcnny Vaugban. 6,4S-Pat Dawlish. 7.00-Ncws. 7.01-Courtshlp and Marriage. 7.IS-Sccond Spring. 7.30-News. 7.4fi..-The Grey Goose. B.OO-Ncws. 8.01-Passing Parade.

B.1S-Melody Magic. S.3D-Take a Chance. 9.0D-News. lI.lS-Famous Trials. 9.01-Album of Favourites. 9.4S-DOSCO News.

1O.00-Bold Venture. lO.30-Famous Rcscues. lO.4S-Kenny Baker Show. H.OO-National NelVs. ll.1S-Late Night Theatre. 1l.45-Sports Parade. 12.00-News. 12.01-Houscparty. 12:30-News. 12.3S-Houscparty. 12.54-News. 1.00-Queen and Sign Off.

CBN • MONDAY, February 14th.

. ----7.30-Top or tbc Morning. B.Oll-CBC News and Weather. B.IS-Musical Clock. 9.DO-Mornlng Devotions. D.IS-Programme Preview. D.20-Piano Playtime. 9.30-Melody Scrapbook.

IO.OO-Triple Treasure. 10.1S-Maud Ferguson. 10.2S-CBC News. IO.30-Top of the BilL ~O.4S-Breakfast Club. !l.IS-Atlantic School Broadcast. 1l.30-Nfld. Scbool Broadcast. 1l.4S-Rcglna McBride. 12.00-Announcers Choice. IUS-Dinner Bell Breakdown. 12.30-Farm Broadcast. 12.4S-Aunt Lucy.

Answer to Previous PUIII.

14 RUliian river 6 BrltlJh stock :15Country hotel ~~~i~~edl' 28- Rnd 41- ancl the \8 rood tcHgiou. liability "Divine

:.. proce"lnl literature 11 Lawyer', Comedy" . ' planll 9 Eye part patrons 421n a line 18Accountant" 10- and rlght28 High notes 43 Nevada city.

bookl so to do 2.9 Yesses and 44 For - and 10 Hindu ,oelal 11 OtherwIse a day

cia.. 17 COpy S I Weirder 46 Price It Hearln, orllll 19 Chafes 33 Group ot ellht47 "-go . 12 Profanity 23 Of a winl 38 Wound bragh" 2t - Ind b01 24 Legl (slanl) 40 Bow and 48 Rodents 2S Alloeiett ~~ Arrow pOison _ 50 Health resort 2711n-10AnOirlll .

[' ,~ 5 16 . ~ 12 God of mllll1 .4 I" [Ill III btlul1 IlL .15 11'1 SfDllOrden

35 Repeat 115 Ib f/ 38P1ace

17Depe~ .'. !Ia J f1 ~ 141 "Hardy

~ .40 Lcx:atlon 'f 1J, :B .

t1 Daniel In tbe ill" Ii!) • liS ~ 11001'_ Willib :CMounlaln : ridE. 3D lSI '" ~j ;C5Strew

3'f , .49 Tuminl back 51 Ale ~ Wi ~ 12 Heavy blow

. 0 53 Mall 'IlJ 54IIInIted IS W,,1'1 an4 I~Z IY3 IIjI/ • ~7 Ij8 -58 Poker stake I~~ 1:0 51 . '7 "bstr8ct 1..1,

\ DOWN 51. p3 :,oj , f I Wind up, al 55"

unale, . , ~ [51 "1'1

. .. -.. _-. ~.-.

1.oo-Mld Day Serenade. 8.00-Insidll Track. l.lfi..-Laura Limited. 6.1S-March of ~vents. 1.3B-ClIC News and Weatber. B.30-Topics and Issues. 1.45-Doyle Bulletin. 7.0Q.....:AF·RS News. 2.00-Your Good Nelgbbour. 7.1~Can You Top This? 2.1S-WOids and MUsic. 7.30-Pendleton Story. 2.30-AtianUc School Broadcast. B.OO-Two for the Money. 2.4S-The Happy Gang. B.30-Memo for Americans. 3.lS-Muslcal Kitchen. 9.00-Hollywood Radio Theater. 3.30-Trans Canada Matinee. IO.OB-News of the J.)a~. 4.30-CBC News. IO.IS-Adventures In Research .. .4.3S-Tlmely 'l'unes. IO.30-Thc Big Story. 4,4S-Chlldren's Story; ll.OO-Muslc Till Midnight. 5.1S-Musicof the West. 12.00-Sign Of[ and Antbem. 5.3B-Flsberies Broadcast. 5.45-Kindergarten of the Air. B.1S-Intermezzo. 6.25-Program Preview. 6.30-Supper Guest. 6.4S-Mobile Mike. 7.IIO-CBC News and Weather. 7.1S-Warren Down Trio. 7.30-Tops Today. 7.4S-Doyle Bulletin. 6.4S-Interlude for Rhythm. B.1S-Hour of St. Francis. B.30-Rawhide. ·8.~Muslcal . Programme. 9.00-NaUonal Farm Radio

Forum. 9.2S-Farm Forum News. 9.30-Press Conference.

10.00-Hawaii Calls. lO.30-CBC Symphony. 1l.3O-CBC National News. 12.00-Close Down.

'YOCM ~toNDA 1', February 14th,

7.00-Breakfast Club. 7.30-News. B.OO-Breakfast Club. 8.30-Hlt of the Day B.SS-News 8.40-Name the Ncwfoundlander 9.00-Three Suns. 9.1S-1IIan From Yesterday 9.30-],lusic in thc Morning. 9.4S-The Dark God.

10,0B-News. IO.OS-Music from Coast to Coast. 10.30-Song of the Star. IO.45-0rgan Enehore!. lO.5S-News. 11.OB-Ridln' the Range. ll.3D-Song Time. l1.~Keyboard Capers. 12.00-Tops In Pops. 12.1S-Bank of Happiness. 12.S0-News. 12.35-1IIuslcal Menu. 1.30-News. 1.4S-Tunes for Today. 2.0D-Betty Grable-Harry James

Show. 2.55-News. 3.0ll-Dollars on Parade, 4.DO-News. 4.DS-Newfounuland Parade. 4.SS-Bank of· H'appiness. .

. 4.50-Homebaker's Quiz. <!I.5S-News. 5.00-Junior Jamboree. 5.30-Aunt Anna's Story time. 5.4S-Supper Serenade. S.OO-News aid Weather. 6.40-It's a Queer Old World. 6.4S-N elVs. . 7.DO-The Barrelman. 7.1S-Doctor Paul. 7.3D-BarSRin Hour. B.DO-Newfoundland Wholesale. B.IS-Hockey.

10.30-News . 1l.OO-Sportscas t. . ll.lS-Fantasy Bandstand. 12.00-N ews. 12.DI-Fantasy Bandstand. 12.30-News. 12.3I1-Fantasf. Bandstand. 1.I10-News n a Minute and .. Cloaedown.


By OSWALD JACOBY How would you play today's

hand at a cO'l\ract oC six spades? Don't worry aboutover·tricks, since at regular rubber bridge It's silly to waste thirty pOints when the contract Is .worth In the

,ncigbborhood of 1500 points. Wben the lrandwas actually

played, South won the opening club lead in his hand with tbe king In order to lead tbe queen of spades for .. finesse. East prop erly play cd A low spade without telltalc hesitMloll, and South thought that his f!lmsse had sue· ceeded. .

South therefure cheerfully led the' jack of spades, Intending to repcl\t the fInesse. West discard· ed a club' on the second spade, and South begun to squirm. He couldn't alford to go up with dum my's ace 0 fSlondes, for then the

'whole hand would blow up; so he let the jac~ of spades ride to East.

Continuing a fine defence, East returned a thh d round of trumps South won in bls o~m hand with the ten, led a heart ,to dummy and ruffed a beart. Now he wOIIld still make the slam if the bearts

:-----_.- .. NOITH 1~ .A754 ¥AK8642 ...,84 "'None

WEST EAST .3 > .K986 'Q1093 ¥J5 • JI065' .92 "'Q 852' ... J 10't7 G

SOUTH WI ... QJ 10. .7 .' .KQ73 "'AK43

North·South \lui. South WHt North IW4 I • Pass I , Pass I ',. PISS 4 N .T. Pass 6 • Pass 5 N.T. Pass '6 , Pass 8 • !'lIss Pus Pass

Operd", lead-. 2

broke 3·3, but tbe perfectly nor· --------...:......-- mal 4·2 break doomed blm to de· o U S fcat . V


6.3D-Slgn On

February 141~.

and Sundial. B.30-Today's Tbe Day. US-Curt Ma ssey. 9.00-It Happ ened Last Night.

pe • 9.50-Boh Ho lO.DO-Coffee Time. ' ll.IlO-Ronnle ll,lll-You an

Kemper. d the World.

l1.80"":'The D.B 11.35-Flbber McGee and Molly.

uns. 1l.45-Three S P.M. / 12.00-peBCTirr 1.OO-Hi I Illy

ell Juke Box,· Matinee.

1.30-Smiley Burnette . 1.4S-Tenness ee Ernie.

andwagon. Mercer.

2.DO-Bud's B 2.3O-Jommy 2.45-Instrume ntally Yours.

ccord Room. Block.

3.IlO-VOUS R II.DO-Martln 5.30-S~orts U MS-A RS N

nllmited. ewa •

South was gr eedy wben he trio • cd the spade !lnesse. Tbe best line of play Is to ruff the open. Ing a club hi the dummy and lead a low trump toward the Sluth hand; ~ust. cannot defeat the contract by playing' tbe king, so he will probablY play low, and South wins with the queen of spades. . .' . .

Now South ruIfs bls remain· ing low club in the dummy and lays down the ace of spades . South can get to this hand with a diamond In order to force out the king of s'lJades. Nothing can then stl)P him from drawing East's 'last trump and making the rest of the Irlcks with blgh cards. . .

Curiously enough, it would be practically" impossible to lose the band if rummy's trumps were beaded by thn 1:1ng Instead of tbe ace. There would then be no .tempting finesse, and Soutb would be steered Inevtlably Into the Winning LIne of play.


. Fort Avalon leaving New York Feb. 17, St. John·N.B., Feb. 19, Halifax Feb. 22, due St. Jobn'. Feb 24, salling Feb. 26 'Corner

ALL you EVER. PLAY A~e ifolOSE: CAA2.'I' POpU~AR. 1t1NeS,

SOIol. WHY OOt-fr IOU 1)::'( 'll-IE C.lIo.SSIC.S ONce IN A WHile •• -MUStc: T~T HAS Lt.STED


. THE STORY OF MARTHA WAYNE ~--~~~~~--~~~~

Brook and New York). ' .. Fort Hamilton leaving ~ew York '. . ". .... I '.' '. .'

Feb. 25, Halifax Mar. I, 'due St; Mar. 17, sailing again Mar.,19 for Bedford II 'leaving lIaUfax Feb. !lIar. 1, due SI. John's Mar. 3, sail· March 8. • Jobn's MaT. 3, saillng Mar. 5 (for Corner Brook and New York. 115, due st. ,Jobn's Feb. 17, iailing ing again 'Mar. 4. Norlh Coaster leaving St. John, :. Halifax). Fort Hamilton .Icavins New again Fch. 18. '.~. \ . I CLARKE STE~iUSmp CO. . N.B., Mar. 8, Ha]i(nx ~~.l1, due ': 1 ..

~'orl Hamilton leaving lIalilax, York, Mar. 2~, Halifax lI!ar. 26; Belle Isle II leavmg Halifax'· NOI'aport leavmg st. John, SI. 'John's Mar. 14, .sBlbng .gul!.·: . ~Iar. 9, due St. John's .\[ur. 12. due st. John's Mar; 28, sailing Feb. 21, due st. John', Feb. 23, N.B., Feb. 15, Halifax Feb. 18,' due ?tIar; 15.' .' . ~ .

salling ?tIar .. 15 (Halifax a~d N'ew again Mar. 29;' sailing again l;'eb. 24.' " st. Feb' 21, sailjnB again No\'aport leaving St John, .!i.B .•. ; York).' . ... Bedford II leaving Halifax f·cll. r·eb. 22.. .' Mar. 15, Halifax Mar. IB, •. dut. St';1

Forl Avalon 'Icaving .New York NFLD •. CAN •. Sl'EAMS!,IP _ 22, .duc St. JO. hn's Feb. 24, sailing J y..;nvaport le~ving' St. JQhn, N.B .. John's Mar. 21, s.aiUng.agaln M.r. :.1 Mar. 10, St. John N.B., Mar. 12,' Belle Isle 11 due St. Jobn's Fell. again Feb. ~5.. . • March 1, H::lifax March 4.. due St. 22. . .. ' . . -!

Halifax Mar. 15; due. S1. John'. 14, sailing. again Feb. 15. ;. Bene Isle 'If leavinS Halifax John's Marcb 7, salling again· . '. . ''> .. '':..'' . . . .'- ......... . ",., .

. . ~ , .

. \ " . \.


Text Of-Speeches -. .... · .'LailllingGear~Tro~le! . I' WATERfRON! Tachens Are , At . Annual .. Dinner ' ss~~~~:1:?R~,,", i , . ' . . ~I. V. Codroy and 5, S. Caxtun!

Nfl. d:. B:oardO' f Tra'de I,.cadlng pap~Nf~o~~gland. : , 'L-b t' d" " . _ S.S.· Northern Ranger, Drcdgr.· I era e ' , ".' Priestman -104, and Tawler Blue"

",. . '. Spray, ' '-

. (Contlnutd from page II) require a re.bulldlng programme H.Irf.C DOCKYARDS I

Board endeavours to develop anr! of .such magnitude and at sucll Ncwlo'und and Fire Tug '103. : . present an . informed public opln cost, fhat we might be )Jetter off M.V. Christmas Seal, M.V i lon, 'and to secure thereby, effec. to re,roule the Uno entirely, ~nd I!I Matthew 2nd. and Investiga,tor JI ' Reds Claim U\'e action 'IIpon questions relal build a new' railway," He ~ald I':hich came ofl dock on Friday.:

ing to the economIc and public I\Jrlher, "In a country as sell ron. Feb. 11lh. welfare of the province as a wllo'e. talned physically as Newfoundland. STEERS LTD. The working body of .the New. lhe wldlh 01 gauce Is not the 1m I M.\', Evelyn Crosbie, Collins.: ---. --------1""11,,, Boo" " ,.,.do ".lli' 1,",1", I"'" .. ""'1 I, 1m"","" .,,1,,; dI",,,,,d ,.1"" ,I ; TAIPEI, Fonnos,-AP - Th. I,st 01 lh. T"h,", c..,,,_ .... ""d ,I WI .. , _ I. Ib.1 '" '" ,I", , mil.", '" ,10,,, ,,11 d,' .,' ",I .~d ",m ; 'O,OOO-m,n ~"'ison ,,,ivod SWld,y, obviously unh,pp) b!!rs who meel each week undt'r \'Ic eof' a speed and frequenc;' I~es, ~aJr(I's Cove,' shIfted Ir at yielding the islands without a fight. 'the IUldaDCc of the perman'enr sufficient to meet your' reasonnblt' {,rosblc &: Co., now moored up 'l'hcir arrival was punctuated hy· . ' . ~"""" m ..... " "d lb. C .. ,. ".,I"m,,'." I" lb. ~'''. , tb",,~ g" d,,1 I, lb. ""'"' m'" ." • md. ""', ,.Iti" dl on< • ....1 ".1 " to ... k . M,.G"'" ",Id "'" ",. '"" ".V. ,",,,II C"k,m, moore' • m" """'. "ro .. 110, ""It I"m 1 ~"'. • I., d,~ •. b." •••. N.· _ " ..... , .... 011."" .... " ",,,I'" I, ",did Ib.1 Ibl, ",,,. • '" I" Ib, wlo(". . I F~~'. \I " .. lb. h""'~' "m·!Uoo~I'!1 ",M -'" " "d Ib,

• ... .. I.",\y 'rom I" _" 1",,"'Id'" dm" b"I" ... II" , ........ ' . -.... , 'AiNE JOHmONO ~O. LTD. ; I .. , ,,,,,,g, I"" ,I,,, Ib,"". ",," •• d.d '.'?" I" .bo •

... "'''''1> "Ih •• ,," ,I ,.,.do. II. ..I,b.' I, I h. I,.. ""mo A h' Ii, I"" "'Ido "", "" III"" M " ", u. ,. .,,,,," ""',, V"",,,,, .11" '" I .. ,;" g~ ,. 11=1 ",,',w', . m"k ,ood IT",'" ,11b" ... 1 b,,,. '"Ii 'I'~ b;;'i" f.' ;'''''''' During the past ,'car, the Coun' two hundred 1I1111ions a year. cal~apscd. The plane was returning from a mission' oyer the troubled Formosan \mlcrs, 1Il,1s(er, discharged cargo 01 fish; wepe~, . d' 'd Ch' C' 1 t'lat e on~ 'of l~h2 o~~eean~upnl~en~ '1 h d It Ith I' 1 St . , elplng ra 10 sal Incse om·. • .. . ~

Cl a\'e ea II' a arge num. wllch in itself refules the stal.]. COIlferen' ce ,0' n a~, ,eers east end prenllS~~ i muni·st troops Sunday "liberated' I squadrons S,c~t !n from Okinawaw .ber of matters which will be menl that we arc sell conl~lne(l. SUNDERLAND TOPPLED BY 6E.4 nUlrd s Cove, and is now moor~d., the Tachen, Yushan and Pishan is- and the Phlbppme~. wo~l~ ~m~lft found in the excelle~t report ot The facl remains. Ihat despitc. all " liP for the winter. \ lands off the Chekiang coast" of I on. FO~!"~5a" for famlhanzation the executh'e manager In the the effort and mone~' spent, our Social'Wol'l{ W' L CROSBIE & CO. LTD. Red China. The announcement ~ncl tramlng. ~anuary Issue of "The Journal of raJ! transportation Is inadeqnatr ,:; 0 YES WIN,· DROP FR 0 ~t D IV. M.V. Western Explorer, Winsor .. added that "all enemy-occupied Is.! <':";' ;~;;-;. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; C_,n". 0.." I", I\,m, "d "U,,,"d. A' • ~b",q".t Th' .rlllh '~,Um' C"I"",,, '''''', ml"d I"", C""" Bro,' ' .,d, "" Ib,", ,,,'I 'ow' r , "I" I W'" I, ,",'". d,", lb. 1I~,,,bI' M,. CI",. " Srel.1 IV'" wltl '" h,1d I. I, m," 'P l.d.fI,it,I,. .t, Iib~"I.d, ",,),1 "', ~"".m·I'

FI"I ,I ,II, .. '" .. ~, Ihm ,lot ... 101,1" ,I ,.;,"',,,,. H.Ufu, N,,, ,,,I" " J,,, ,,>I. WNDON· (AP) - Wm"'''.m;. "d h.!p", hi, I"m t, I .. ,·.1· IVb,I,,, 01" Ols" "d G'" m,,1 """",b,, ol~"'. I issl Ittl

. tit d Ih t h I 22 d d 23 d 19"5 t~n "'anderer 'l'rm'l to 64 hI . t i h b I I ':1 d' d I . I Evacuahon of Nationabst forces I I now a comm on s ng 0 sa e a suc a proposllon as n, an r. a. . . ,1 S ." ' .. ( a' ua cpom s n t e att e aga nst y , arc moore. up I~ e IRlte)l from the Tachen islands was com· rx.mlne the recommendatlon~ .Jor a wide gauge rullway In NewI~und All four Atlantic Provinces I'lrtory o't,er Hudderslield Town relegation to th·~ Second Division. a,lso M.V. Keith KeVin, Caml plelcd Saturday. Pishan aDd Yu~

e rev s on 0 e erms 0 Jlld wou cost of the ordcr iJj are reprcsen e(; on t le Exccutlve .... 11., ea cn . f'trong and 1II0nt l\Iurray. I'han had been c}~ared a fell' da"s th I I f th T

· r I Id t .• I S:t!;1r:lay ·and. toppled Sunderland SheffIeld \\'e"~es"a" b ( 31

\1 I 'th C d Th '" I C Itt hi I I I h from the top of English League br Portsmout:l, appear headed for t • n op WI ana a. e .,ew. lilty mlll on dollars. This may omm ee weI 5 paning for "'Ir:t DI"'I'sl'on slandings 111' one of d . HAl.LE TS LTD. before. Pishan is 30 miles south· DUn an Boar of Trade was in. sound like a lot oC. money, bul I~ s mportanl mccl!ng. lIIr, L. th~ 5~ccer season's highest. scoring Wednesday is bollom with only 14 Llnd~' Barbour. Gale, master. west of t.IIe Tachens and Yushan

f dl d d thl I < " a rop to t!:.~ S~cond Division. .

\,'ted to prescnt briefs to thl~ ony slightly more than a siMII' T. Hiscock, Dlreclor of thc Marl· duy~. potnts from 29 matchro. Leicesler f!'om Fogo, discharged lome salt 1 32 miles north,. ."" " m.lI", .11""" ,.,,,,, I" rolll" ,'~. ,1 .. ,,1 by If~ 5,' .. 1 01 5""1 W" k, Hoi. IVI., .. J ,"M' \I MOO,,", wo, I'" ",'" I, lb. ,ro' with " p,.'; 1,'lk Ii", "d .It,n""" do> ., Th. ~d"~! ",d."'" •• ".!· I"" "d ,~m'tt'. Tbl, I. ,ro' C".dI.. ,,,Ifi, ","W.', • ,10", If" I, p,,,!d," " Ih' C",,,. ,., '" tho ",I,,"' wi, ,ii' "". Blo","ool ,,, 21 ,I " .. "I 24 ,,,,,god h,I"" ,I 40tt '"'''' I' ,." '.d fl.d !M "I", .,,1 " , I H dd I' Id' T h 'GI . '1' a '.' . . boasled that the Islands placed Red

z"l'1 I It d th I . ' , I sc Inrs on van age oroun or ably Ihe most imporlant work time ago, What I wish 10 stress. cnee, The vl~e,pl'esldenl for goa s. u ers Ie .5 .. 0 nny az- Tile two bottom teams al th·, end bt! stored and e\"enlually shIppee ld'" t d f \Ihirh the council has underlaken Is thaI thc continued exlstenc~ 01 Newfoundland is Mr. Ralph And. .. ( a so ne e rec. , .• of t:e schedule 31'; demoted, . to South America, vessel no'v Iibcr;ting Taiwan (For~csa) and Ihrough I special committee dur 4 narrow gauge railway In thl:; rew, Deputy Mlnlsler 01 Puhllr. IS\lJde~land dIO~\hthe Firs! DI~I' UE:\TLEY SPARKS CIIELSEA u!Uored 'Jp for the winler. other islands o£l the C.'Jina coast." Ing the year. I cannot stress th~ province guar~ntees 't~ Newfl'llnd. Welfare. :e~~o~?s ~;bncai~n h~~~~~c~~:"la~ Roy Bentley, Chc,l~ca's centre I ANCHORED IN THE HARBOUlI SOLDIERS SAD imporlance of this commission 1011 !lmd an Inferlor economy for. aI, Amon~ the leadcrs of the scs. Charlton lurned In some high.class ~~~~rC~al~~~ns c:I;~:;hO;:iS~g I~:J 5.5, North coa~l~r, discharge!! . While bands played and flower I ~ strongly, To make a lull sucee~s 01 time, and wllh Ihe reconslderailoll slons Will ho. I\Ils~ Jane Hocy,l :soccer for a 2.1 victory, a let to do with Chelsea's 4.3 win general cars?, waiting for crank I glr1~ greeled them_as they came, Confederation, Ihe ~ubmlsslons o! of the Terms III Union coming up, DireclOl' of S:dal Research of Eb'en First Divi~ion matches over Newcasllc. . shart to be Installed. I dO\\n the gangplank at Ihe p0r! 01; this bod~' mllst receive Ihe clo!cst Ihts may be Ihe time lor a n~I" the Na.tional ruberculosls Assoc, rrocincctl a total of 59 goals. Lei·' ON THE SOUTHSIDE neelung'no t).hOye. Tach~n soldIer.'; GREETINGS ~nd most sympathetic attention of Investigation on Ihls subJecl ba~eri New York. I\Ilss Boey was a num. cc;,I'~r routed West Bromwlch AI· A crowd 01 48,000 saw ~Ianchc&· S S· Cable Ship Cvrlls Fiela 1(' I' showed & GIFTS . . ' . I' I 'C' t~ CII' h M ' t U't I . . • They reflected \J1e feelings ofl b ght t f the Canadian Government. The tI upon today's econom~' The MY.' ber ow ycars DIrector of the' lion, ast year s up \I'lnMrs, 6·3; .r ~ crn.s .' anC,les er m e(. tcpair cable at Cuckhold's Co VI" i . I Lt G L' are rou 0 you rom I I bid Th 'B f P bli I I ~Ianchester City chalked up a 5 Oi Goals bv mSlde forwards Jack t IClr commanc er, .' en. lUI F' dl N' hb "",. I~''''' "" ~. ,'~" ~ .. I" _hi" "', ,,,,,,. """ :'.' Au""oo '" ;.oy ,I,.,,, ~" "I,bbo>, M';. H." .. , Art,,, 1\" .. '" A ... hl,b " 2 mil" I"m st. J,I,,', LI,,·,.,. oo' " .. I .. ' " (,... ".. , ". '" \'ery existence of Term 29 of Ihe mence In the spring Is already the Soclnl S.,.urlty Admlnlstra,\ chesler United; Cardlll City c:,~, Fagan (2) gave City their victory. harbour. . th~ scorched SOli of the Islands 200

1 .8: Gi"ic .8: Social Welfar.

financial Terms of Union demann~ out.da.led as 10 capacity, and rail tlon of the Untted States. lralcd Everton 4.3, and Chelsea Halfback Bohbie Cam p bell 1II.V. Roy AI~er ,Jones, Is un· mll~s n~rth ()~ For"!osa. . 1 Leaden Ihl,. rbl. " Ib, lu' ,~. I re. Ro'"I, '" ",,,101 I, 1m,,,,, A .. """ I,,,,, will h' M" ,I" ~,'" " ., wi"" '''' 1 ,,"red • t,,,' , .. I I, "'"" .... , ,,, ",.0. ,,' ",,"01 " "k' 1 L,k, b), ,o\d,~", L'.'. '" ,,,.1'" I· ".....,. casion upon which Newfoundland mallers, 11 is, In any' case a, fa! IIIlnnle Kelley Profcssor of Socl.\ Kewcast1.~; 2·1 victory at Sunderland. Hc np the Portugal Cove, Bell lsI ann I by top Nal10nahst offICIals and was I' ~nd NewfoUlldlanders wlll have ery from loading a slandard cnr al Economy at Simmons' College, i FREEoSCORING DAY booted tho~ ball from Ihe halfway tickle service. . I h~nded flowers. But he declared WELCOME W AG':JN " ","rt"'~ to ,,,,,,I 'h," " Q"h" " 0.\,,1,. "d hd" ."1",, M(~ K'IIoY bo' bod' 1\ w", • , .. " ,,' .11 ",,' I" Ii" I, .. ,d Ib! S~,!<'I'''' '''\. A. H. MIf HRAY • CO. LTD. b" "'~, """m.d " ~"I '" I 0 It I ,,~. "d It " ,"" Ib,' lb. I" It righl "",gh. j, II. d,.,Ii,. wtd, ",,,I .. ,, I, , .. dI", I.. Ib, 1~"',nIs wllb lb. I",,,', 4S T,,, w',' .. m" II mt' Ib, 5,. A,,~ ",m"h.. Abh'" m~ "pl'i, H. rtum~e~ \lctory on n t t ,.,cclfs;on • t C dl G t • I hi I . h slltut s diN S II games prodlJeing 178 goals dcrland goalmonth and goalkeeper I' II srme II ure a e Ie . \ Ch ana an overnmen recognllP atlon n I s prov nee Wit out C ,an was n ,ova co a Centre forward Arthur' Rowley A~~c Fraser misjudged the baU's ter, discharged cargo 01 li~h. Even though the garrison will be aoge of residence hrow critical to our fulure 15 this transfer.. several y.?ars :go at a co?,fer. sh'.mm~d In three goals in U!ices. flight. The hall went over his hend aud is now moored np for the' deployed to other sect?rs for the Arrivals of Newcomera to l'Ccasion. Newfoundland Is not The longer Cnnadan National ence on Instl.utional Care, tcr'. victory over West Bromwlch I Into the net· . ','linter, \ dcr'~nre of Formosa, II appeared ,.,kI" I~ .h.rl~, '" "".b.' _.yo '","". I' '''' m""'" M" Ad> G""hllI, C."."," • . ."iII •. So"'" ,.m. Frid", F,h ,1._ Ib, ~~I"'"d 0010", Ci~ C.-lOada Is stili very largely t\nder oido11ars In non.slandard rolllnq SupervIsor for the catholic Fam· Not WI· th A Sml"Ie . llth. . \ conslller~d the WIthdrawal arc· lb. d.I,,'" Ih.1 •• ,.1,", m"h .... ",d ""I,m .. ' I,to tho II, 5."1 .. ,I Oll,w., .M p". BOWRING BROS. . I"il. , . . MRS. ~UBY CRANE more than thel' did by Confeder. province, the more difficult It Is resor of Casework at St. Pat. !Ii V Algerine and M V Terra 1 N t~e dl1ef.,nce mQlnlstry sUld

t· thd

C 'Phm~ 3564

I. I I I this I ul'er k h I II hI' rick's College 'Ott III I d . . ' . • I n IOna s~~ on uemoy no Ice M II lOn, n my op n on s,' going 10 be 10 rna etc nev R Po ,awa, W en r~ova getting ready to prosecute Ccmmunists on Tatcng island, little RS. CATHERINE FOSTER

!y false. and the reverse 15 un. r.hange which must eome at ~lJme discussIons Oil casework. 1I11ss the seal fishery, Captains Laite Joubledly the case. ' lime, I don't know how many mi. Greenhill Is well knowjl In Hal!. rnd Gus Carter, respectively, wil

In the field 01 transportatior,. lions of dollars have been ~pent fax, where sh'l was on the staff I:e in command and ships ar~ tilt. Canadian go\'ernment shollll! on new ro\1lng slock since lMfI of the MarUme School of Social !cheduled to sail for the front 1'emember that Newfoundland Is I'n non.standard gauge, but It muH Work for several years, about March Slh.

Dies On Ship tIer only overseas province, Rnd represent a considerable porUon Charles X, Sampson, dlrectol' Ibat tr1nsportatlon must be the 01 the fi[ly nilllion dollars I. of Field Services for Community \ery besl possible, In. Jul)" 1951, would have taken to build a new, Chesls and Councils, New York, Mr. Donald Gordon addressed th~ .\Iid perhaps re.rouled railway. will lead an Illslitute for Board llo'~rd of Trade, and In pari sald- On subject o[ roads, I havc al· Members and Directors of Private '''or one thing I can speak with ready stressed In my Report 10 the Agencies. He has experience In ;i~urance anQ knowledge • , .that Annual Meetlng, the urgent neces· Welfal'e Councll work. Mr. Sam· is, the great Improvement In your slty of completins Ihe road gap pson said he would be partlcul· railway 'and assoclaled Caeilitles between Gander and Clarenvllle. arly ;llad to agree to lead Ihls In·. tince they were· taken over by thr. This should be done before any stltute, becausi' his fathcr came

A. Slaney, st. La\\TenCC died suddenly Saturday alter the Bar

CanadIan National Rallw)'s." Mr. other major expenditures' are un· from Nova Scolia.

. Haven docked at Argentin. The man was en route to St. John's for medical atlention when death came, It is understood that he was married and Ihe lather of four children.

Gordon pointed at that time a dertaken by the GOI'ernment on ~Iowingplclure of the In~rea!ed subsidiary roads, bridges, and so DI"es Suddenlv equipment thlt was beIng poured on, Until this Is done, the Easl into the province, in the way of with over forly percent of the Death came suddenly Saturday 10000motlns, passenger cllls, lIa!! I population and se\'enly percent o[ morning to Major R. M. Roper, of t;age ears, and so on, and of thr the road Iramc, will continue til 54A Empire Avenue. Deceased had "relt increase In the man·power be wholly Isolated from Ihe West R known heart condition and suc· I!h'en employment by the Rallwa)·. of the Province, whilst with Ihe cumbed to an attack in thc early And then Mr. Gordon came tn the coming o[ the new Ferry .In Ihe mornln~. important part of hl.s speech as Spring, which ,will carry aulo· Major Roper was 8~slgned to lar as we were concerned, ~e to1r1 mobiles, the entire ProvInce Irom duty here with the 1805th AACS us that there was no p~sslhIJll> Gander. Westward, will be In Inti· Wins, Headquarters Pepperrell in the forseeable. future of trans· mate touch with the Mainland anc! AFB, He Is survived by hIs 'wldow, • (NEA Telephoto) forming the railway In New with the. Marllime Provinces .. His A IltUe girl gravely lakes her d1\sllng. with DDT powder but plainly foundland from I narrow gauge tn Honouri the Lleutenant'Governor, T DC' shows r,~ls nol to her liking, She was one of the many refugees who I standard lauge. He said, and I refers to this In his InspirIng fore· 0 rop barge arilved In Kee1ung, Formosa, from the Red·threatened Tachen Islands.

quote, "Bolh from the standpoint word In the January Issue of "The . o[ practical necessllY and IraU;r. Journal of' Commerce:" I am glad The second charge against Dr.


potenUal, 1 see lio justification for to have this opportunity 01 slress· Alfred A. Valdmanis, one·tlme the colossal expenditure Involved Ing this most Important mailer Latvian cabinet minister has not ill luch In undertaking. 10 trans· again. been drooped as yet by the New· form the rallwiy Unes of Ihls With regard to the New Indus· foundland Government,

The annUL! meeting of the St. I John's Brannn of the Canadian , Legion will be held In the Synod Hall on th~, evening of February 17th, province to standard gauge, wouh, tries, Newfoundland's dowry has However, Attorney General L.

b,een Invested In these. During the R, Curtis has been quoted as say· year your CouncIL has taken a Ing that the charge ultimately wlll

LADIES! . Witch For

. The

Daily News

COOK: .. '

-.:B06K .' . . . ';' .... ,

. To appear this Spring. ~" ~ .

StiKI uiyour recipes arid; .fiCe)v •. a Free copy •. ::; W~It'1 " . ~ .


" EDITO •. . . '

c/oTh. Dally News,

St: 'John's,



-we ..... .-mr for . Hew-' . ,...."n. ....,. •• Had ,-. ..... -... . fllll,tf '

'\.. ','

' . . , ,J,,'

! .

particular Interest In them, This pe dropPed. Interest has not resulted In qua\[· ------- " fled approval by the Government, ARRESTED we shall continue to watch them .A man was arrested Saturday with Interest, not unmixed with for assault and robber), alld It Is some' concern, Again we urge New. reporled that Ihe man he as~au1t· loundland business houses, wher. ed bod to be taken to hospital for ever they can, to market the Pro- trealment to hb InJl\I'les . duets of ,and to assist .these In· dustrles In any way' possible. I. portance to this Provjnce, Active Is In the inierest 01 every New development oC the riches of the foundlander to see thai Ihey suc· Labrador area makcs it Imperative c~ed and becomc enterprises In· for us to designate Ihe Labrador dependent of Government support. bo~ndary with QU'lbec, Thc main


SLENOR Tablets ar. effectlv. 3 weeks' supply $2; 9 weeks $5; 'at' II,J, STABB & C' o. I McMUrdo s, Kennedy's and Theatr~ Drug Store, Sl. John's: 55 . 57 Water street, I S_t_ra_p_p_s_, __ H_n_rh_o_u_r __ u_r_ae_e_, _____ =-'=-:'~~:_~::st.''.s __ .... .1




.' 'TO


A final point which I must geographical points 01 the bound· mention Is In connectlon with' La· ary ·were set by Privy Council In hrador. During the year two have 1927, There Is no possible room witnessed one of the most Import· for argument about· this, If re· ant ceremonies that the Province molns for' t.he N"ewfoundhind Gov haa seen In many years, The front ernment to deflne.'to detail and"to ,ST •. ' 'JOHN'S, of the current:dJournal of Com· specICy the boundary, and" do not . merce," bear. witness to 'thls: The share the CeeJlngi of those who opening of the Iron MInes Intlie nntlclpated dlsputll with tbe .Prov Labrador area .15 of the utmosllm· tnce of Quebec on this subjeeL

,~ . ..;.... .. -.-~-.' ..

_1£'1111 'ILeAIIII

.t .(O .. IN. A.t

. . ",' I..· Vi "stont . . III.S '.', I

. ·Niid. I Ar-mature .:,Wo~ks ·Ltd.· . BAMBRICK ST.' , DIAL 4502. . .,

From From' Arriving . . Saint John. N.B. HallCax. N.S. St, John's,Nfld

S.S. Novaport.. ..Tues, Feh. 15. Fri. Feb. 1Rth Mon. Feb. 21st

, '. . Fur . Freight Reservations ..



• !'

speclai :Representative . . ,-: ... . T.I, 5483,' p,o;' Bolt £.5182

DIAL 5201·


• I t II , I ; , !

f: ~ ,

I; ., ~ 1 \ .. j I





• ,.

1-1953 s.cyii:: Inw mileagl


d ' . • • I

• • .t~:. i :wJ.ll"J.J1 1~;_,



25 Hea Butcl


-* . -New



Regular genUa ;'110 make com Hal'en for \'il'e 8nd the Bay Ii


Regular Argentia will make Clarell\'iU Placentia


1n ordl ned with on the ! freight rr FreIght S February

CAR, (. .. Ii WANTEE magazIne Ilccordior maehincs footwe3i·. Gower SI


, , ,'."

" 'l, . : ,.til

, "


THE DAII Y N:WS, MONDAY, FEB. 14, 1955 15 .... ._. -......... p

1-1953 6-Cril::llcr "AU~mALL Loll· m!lcn.:c . , . He,ltcr



To-day, Monday 1.30 p.m.

2S Head Choice Butcher's Cattle


C.·M. B.C. The. annual Tea and Entertainment of the

Cathedral Men's Bible Class will b, held on

WEDNESDAY, February 16th. Teas will be,

served,from 6.30 ".m. to 7.30 p.m.

Entertainment Cominences at 8 p.m.

Admission 60c. Tickets are availabJ.e from

members of the Class or at the door.









Applications are to be in writing, addressed to


All applications will be treated as confidential feb9.61

Nfld.-Canada Steamships Ltd.

Leavhll: llallCax:



. Febl'uary' Oth,,,.,, """" .""".Due St. John's february 11th Februal'Y 18Ih .. "" "'''''' ,,,,,,,.Duc St. John's February 20th Fcbruary 26th."", "".,,' """"Due St, John's February 28th March 7th.,,,,, """'; ""'''' """. Due St, John's March 9th :lla~ch 15th""" """., " .. " .. ,,,,,,,,,Due 51, John's March 17th

.... . . : M:S. ~'BELLE ISLE ]]" "'-HALIFAX - ST. JOHN'S

L~avlng Halifax: February 4th" .. " "",," """.Due St, John's February 6th February 12th,,: .. , "."",' ""." Due St, John's February 14th February 2151... ... '''" ... "".".Duc St. John·s February 23rd March 1st.";,, .. """" ,,;"'" ." ..... Due st, John's March .3rd March 9th .. " .... "",," ." ... " .... " .. Due St. John's March 11th For Immediate. clearance per. d!recl sailings. For rates, space and other Infonnatfon apply:

HARVEY & CO., LTD., General Agents, 0101: 2'51

R, N. COLE, Special Representative, 51, John's, D;a/2207 or &0

THE ROBERT REFORD COMPANY, LTD., Agents Montreal and Toronto




BAIRD & CO. Ltd. ~ -.


St. John's Allied· Printers' Union LOCAL 441

The regular quarterly meeting of Ihe above Union will be held in Victoria Hall on TUESDAY,' February 151h, at B p.m. ' ,

All Union members must cease work 01 6 p,m, on Tuesday.

C. WILLIAMS, Rec, Secretary

.-.=========== THE GRACE HOSPITAL -


Will be' holding their


This Monday., February '14tll from 5 to 7.30 p.m. The Price is $1.25

For Sale. Stamps

FO"RSALE-A new Milch cow, STAMPS worth more than weIght Apply Mr, Thomas Caddlgall, III diamond? True enough or Logy Bay, plenty of old Rtamps, Send 30c,

for . my "How to Value old BINGO GAMES and SUPPLIES, stamps" paml'hlct.-. Blieski, also Fund RoIislng games for Station liB" Winnipeg Man Clubs, Organizations, etc, . Send ' • for catalog, Warwick Press, War· wick, Rhode Island, U.S.A. . Musical Instruments (cbB,9,10,1l ,12,14.






-..... w" ~


========== WANTED

Two Experienced GIRLS'

for work In Sna~k Bar.

'PHONE 3287 or 7164 at call at

. 2 CAMPBELl AVE. ,.--..--



8 o'clock

Buchans vs. St, Bon's

Holding seals on sale' 01 Stadium from 9 a.m. to 4 p,m. Ticket series No: 3~.

TUESDAY, February 15 9 • 11

Adult Skating.

I I f · • ton Stop Accordeons and Hai Emp oyment n ormahon monlcas. Richmond Saxophones, r. ________ ,I.:l»

Booses Clnrlnets.-Charles Hut FREE INFORMATION ton & Sons P~O. 5060.E St about Canadian, U.S.A, and i h " '"

WEDNESDAY, Feb. 15th 8 o'clock

Fefldions vs, Holy Cross

Foreign job opportunities paying 0 n .. highest salaries. Write fmme· - ________ _ dlately, Dept. 86W National Em· Barbe'r Shop ployment lnCo, Servo 1020 Broad. Newark, N,J., U.S.A, =rn:::E::-7.CE=N:::T=n-=-AL:'"':"DA7:R:-B-E-n-SJIOP_ janl0,17,24,3l.Ce b7,14,21,28

ar714 21 28 ~'ast e[flcfent, sanitary service. All m , • , . modern equipment, five

Personal The least possible waltinR, 24 New Gower St.. OPP, Adelaide. Motors Ltd. . Jy9,lmo.

LOOK 'YOUNG'ER-Rld yourself of Grey hair with Angellque Grey D CI' .'. Hair .. Restorer.· Restore mitural . ry eanIng colour,beauty,. $2.39 at Mc. Murdo's, . Farsons. Connors' ORAFT C~EANr:RS LTD •. where Theatre Drug, St. John's; thlt charm of newness Is restored, Fraser'., Bay Ro~rts; Strapp's, Dial G98~; I' HamJltoo St. ocll1,ly Harbour Grace, •

===::..:-=--;.;;-.~. -WANTED

. SALESMAN ..... I •• .:,,·ti: ~L thdl.l:j unO

Avalon PCllinsula. 1

• Products: ~ well established i line of Food Products. '

• Qualification: Young, energetic /' and willing to work for advancement. Witb previous experIence .

• Remuneration: Salary and ex· ' llenses, plus car. Hospital' and pension benefits.

• Apply stating present job, ex ' perien'ce, etc., to

Miscellaneous BOX 37, c/o Dally News, in.uranc. • St. John'.

. . PRINCeSS BEAUTY PARLOUR, ~~======== lNSlmE· DOW with Fame •• With' 13 LeMarohant Road, Dial 4310 . II ComPID

U7. Ltll,~. t0rtr AUto1p'holre. We &peclallze hi hair styUnll and H. B. THOMSON, Opt. D. Transporta on, · ... a De, DB 1!ttlng. also, tinting and cold 10'13 or Rex Kelland, 1101.. . waves. Open nights by appoint· - . - ment.· nov24,lmth ROBERT DAWE .. SON, Fire aad ___ ...:---.:.."--~ __ _


Office and Res,: 18 Leslie st,

By AppOintment


, ' «


FAIR. AND BINGO K, of C. Auditorium

To-Night at 8.30 o'clock .-. . . . .,




Apply by leHer to

B9X 38 c/o Daily News feb7,mon,wed,frl,tf



Apply by letter stating age and experience to

BOX 100,

fcbll.3i c/o The paily 'News






as manufactured by

THE .PEDLAR PEOPLE LTD. For. complete information .



J. C. PRATT & CO. Ltd.' ------..---........ --..--

Newtoundland Services

AutomobUe Insurance, 'Be safe. CAR OWNERS _ TIre repdrs, be FIre. IUlure. TelephoDe 2882, IIrease 011 ~hange motor tllne up p,O, Box 85, ,Ro1al. Bank 'Cham carburetor, nlves: brake reUning. '-__________________ 1 bera, SL JollD I. all15,6m ,prlngs, battery charging,' BLUE



PLACENTIA BAY-MONDAY llegular 9.00 a.m, train to Ar·

~nlla Monday. Feb, 14th, will make connection with 5,5. Bar Hal'en for the South Coast Ser· vice and 11[,". Claren\'llIc for the Bay Run Placentia Bay,


WEDNESDAY Regular 9.00 a.m, train 10

Argentia Wednesday. Feb, 16th, wlll make connection with !IT.V, Clarenvllle [or the West Run Flacentla Bay,


J n order for freight to clln· neet with next trip S.S, Burgeo on the South Coast S1!rvlce, freight mmt be at the Railway Freight Shed by noon Thursday, February 17th, i




.f' Gallons

80 0%.

16 0%.

, 8 oz. 40z ..


Bulldilli lor Fire, Autom~blle and Phonll 48Sj.. ap23,lm Plate' Glass Insurance. . Claims ---------­prllmptlY seWed, . 'PMne M31- AU, WOOL MATfRESSES re P,O, BOll 83, apl,lm picked re·covered; springs. day

beds rewired: Imler spring malt·

Hours 11 to 12, 3 to 4.30 p.m. 7.30 to 8 p.m,


INSURANCE - Bow""" ~rothen resses reconditioned. Write Phone ====== LimIted, Insurance Department- 3891. wire H. J .. Keats, ttl Mount M I Help Wanted Fire. Automobile. Marine and IU Royal Avenue, a e __

;. CaSL'altJ ·Unes. Telephone 3131, ---:- YOU USE EXTRA CASH~ ~==:::=====;:::::~.-:.... _____ -,-___ _ - - FOUJt grea,. ramps, two ".sll CAN t kc an _ I, B. MITCHELL ... SON, LTIl. rack' to nrve :rou.. GreasiDIl. oll Here's an easy way 0 ma ou FOR RENT . Inr efficient lervlel! atd prompt chan!:" Dnd washlDg while-u,waIL extra $20 to ~30 a wce~. y settlement of Insurance claims. Cars callK 'for Ind deUvered for need no experience. ".e, s~oTI . Dial 21 .. 21JI, teb17,6m these Ind general repairs-Terra you how quickly and easll), u~e CONTACT A. Ii mCDIAN CO. Nova Motc.'fS Ltd" rear Newfound detal~s, no obligatltn B~~ make. LTD,. Insurance Aientl, fZbO:~: land Hot~, . ocU,Uf W~~~!~ ~:.~ytofoePSt, Al~xander ~~~~!::-re:~ni.e:! . "mal DEPENDA!L.E FIR! INSUR St., Montreal, P.Q, feb7,14,21,28

ANCE-Don't risk your valuables SEND FOR FREE OUTFIT AND to 'save" a few dollars. Our TART A QIJICK.CASH SPARE falr·rate.· reliable policy gives ~F . FULL TIME CLOTHING Immediate protection, Phon BUSINESS Sell made-lo.meas·

Venetian Blinds It HOUlts DELlVEkY teaetllll 6921 or write J, J. Lacey. ~. 1'ti ure clothes' from maker to w~ar· Blind! Flexalum, . Aluminum, Box ~06. t_P er-we show yoU how to. do it, Steel, r1utle, cotton tapes. Manu· __________ Everybody wears clothes, Get a !aclurtd by Kearneys Limited. d' new Spring lInc, over 200 woollen 454 Waler Street. Phone 11511. Soun MOVies, patterns, and get your own

Taxis 16mm' . Supplies clothes free! Write Dept, 5528,

Goodwear Clothes, Box 652, Mon· R.lIglou~ films In 16 mm sound, ,treal, P.Q. [eb7,14,21,28

FOR QmClt aIId Better Service suitable f{)r youth groups, church =::~~~;;;~~. the HUB TAXI, near \he Ral1wt1 organizations, parents, teachers I at any time, to aD1 pl,ace, call associations, etc, Large selections Station Dial 2071. readily available from our

library here. at St. John's. Phone for catalougue today. General

Room suitable' for Offices. Heat and light

·supplied. C.entrally located at 11 Church. Hill, . :

C.E,.I. Club building. Very suitable for buslnesl :

'Offices, Doctor's Offie.,etc.

For further information and appointment . .

to inspect ,


. At 'phone No. 80197

WANTED TO BUY - Comics, ~r.~~:':':'~ __ "_""iii"---"- FIl1ll'5 Limited, 445 Water Street. magazInes. pocket books. guitars" non't take chances, Have your Dial 5757, feb4,lm dl 11 'II I 'ar equipped. for' winter drlving, . f I I 16 aecor ons, 161M l m, sew ng fires rebuilt In snow-mut! lieslgn Entertainment I ms n mm


machines. typewriters, clothes, Dial 2444 Agents P.O. Box 785 t USED TIRE SAU,S 86 .. :.mU. sound, Largest library In Nfld. Cootweal',-John D. Snow, New I . • ov61 tb 20th Century.Fox, Paramount

~Go;w~e!r~S~t,~,=:, =:'~j~an~2~6'~lm~r~~!:eb:l:4':15===~============t=o=n=s=tr=tI=f,==~==.n=::.=m~.. l'letllres, News Reels, Cartoons. --.-==-- Sportscopes, ell!, Catalogues on request, \ General Films Limited, 445 Water Street, Dial 5757,

. . , .;1..

M·EMO ..... '. ,


Reserve Pebruary 19th for· the Kinsmen '$5,000.00, 'BINGO GAME . ,


Ticket Drawing f~r MODEL HOME and C9NSUL CAR to .take place. . .'

'. "

. :" "' .. ' .

, .


IAtt.ntlon'·AlI'SlllIm.n In St. K 'M'" OILS NEED"A 'HOME?ITlII1IsPOORfiEARING,",,' John', In:l ThrDughDut~ the .;.~. Avail~ble on low· down pav . GOOD 'HEAIING' TtrrUc Immodalo cam In,s paid week.. , '. • . with terms from $ J 5,6[ • I Province of NfJd, •• ' '

1r on. IOrden receivd. You invest noth·. . BElTOllr 7~"""" lOR, Sure·Flr. Solo. PlaD. You wrll. D I' < . • "amount weekly 01;- ' ..... AU: I up ord .... we do Ihe .. ,I, e IvefY on any' ,

Expect 4 •• 101 from D •• 111, 20 "Il m'lles out Torbay Road :: ~lO.nt .omml .. lon, a1 vora,e orlltr al' from 5 gallons up. "",2.. ,.' -.,. - .... , ".' •• IIEW CORPOKATIOII. " For further mformatlon and S. W •. SHORT, 015\, •.•• ,;

. Prod"." _'u]ll' ...• ~~r!,~~!~!d. Yellr·,oul.dl nect!JltUtJ tOry. otc, • ITlilorle,s; . Prole.ted •• .Ihl' ".ek IIlelmen

.tart wllh UI


PHONE 4438F' qU'IIf1catlon"~~~I~~~~~I~i~~~~girnicl COMPANY. feb9 1114 10bll.I2.U ' ,

340 Wa'te r St •. ' St. J 0 :'"~ P,O •. Box 862. Phon. 26~ literature contocl


S:JWOI-I :r7/fIOW : IlIlH 'no J9AO .~ool puo u! dOJa


, ..

'1 .

. ...:. ':' .....

• I :- .. "-,'.' ••

. ', . l16: ..

· ': ~ .' THE'DAILY NEWS, MONDAY;' FEB. 14, 1955 . .' . - .

To Tlte Editor I t~ ·AT THE \ .


. PLAIN, 36-14 0%.

PLAIN, 12·48 oz.


HOLLY CHINA, 12·42 0%.

,CUP and SAUCER, 12·42



Tryih,;~ fiealthy, nutrituous breakfast lor th.s.~hilly mornings.

This, piper .nu·m'~ no r.isponsl. i . ;;-~~S -SIGN : blllly for t~. opinions 'of 115 I . ttl' " i

correspondence i 11 ~~ . OF I Editor Dally News,'· II .. JJ~ THE I

Dear Sir,-hi your interesting :AND CO BOOK \ article in th\~ morning's Issue L.,.. I T It g t

entitled "St. ,tolin's' Newspapers ' or A Centu,'y Ago" yo,u state .. ' -- I t~at, the only rlrTs of that time \ Out Witho~t My Rubhel'!; stili In existllnce are Baine John· .1 stonc & Co and Job Brothers The Memoirs of I & Co, .:' I John Murray Anderson 4.25 i : We lhlnk It may be oC Inler'l Ma Horton and The

est to point oul to, you that .Har, X vey& Co" .. rr. the direct sue· Western Approaches ecssors to John Dunscombe & Rear.Admiral W. S. co:~:~~~ Brothers wcre also Chalmers, .. , .. , .......... 2.75 certainly in C'xistence at that 'You'll Di!!' in Singapore' time. . Charle~ McCormac ,., ... 2.25

YOU!'1 truly, The Fall of France HARVF.Y & co, LTD.,

H, 'OUTERBRlDGE, Major.General Director. \ Sir Edward L. Spears 4,75

IWar of Wits Ed{tol' ,Dally News, : Ladislas Farago .......... 6.00

Dear Sir:-We arc Informed. I The Endeavour through the Dress, lhat the Birch, . b 3 Plant has bee'1 disposed of allli \ Lynelle Ro erts ........ ;, .25 some Frent', Canadians 'have: Treadmill to Oblivion been brought In, as.loggcr;;. fred Alien, ., ............. .4.50

There are ~ number of qucs ' tlons that tiD ;(overnment shonld The Story of Thomas More answer, vlz:- , " John Farrow .............. 3.75

(a) 'fhe total cost to the lax \ Livingstone's Travels " payers, oi buildings and I M N' 4 25

plnnt? ' . Dr. James. ac orr ... (b) Terms of agreement with Dialogues of

. !~~~rs. Dawe, Inte mana· Aifred. North Whitehead \

(e) Whether nt the time o! sale Lucien Price ... "" ........ 5.50 I

. --------------------------~----------------------~~~~~ M d ·' ld family., \ classes, howevl!f, are now send· : ae ona Alter supper had been served, Ing their daughters to schools

. the Chairman . Introduced thc I conducted al"ng modern lincs F ell~ws.llip' Clu,b. guest speaker. Mrs., Scary. wife, and run by Cllristlan denomlna· ,of Professor ~, n. SCaI'Y of thc i tlOIlS. ConsequentJ~ the young

'1'hursday'~ ~lcctlng . Dr the ~Iclllorial Un;1 crsity,. PrOfCl;1iOr, gh'ls or Iraq 111 e gradually gain', Ma~dClnald Lo"l'!}owshlll Club uf i iuid Mrs. Scary with lhuh' family i ing a dlffclen. outlook from that \ Ihe. nrC,\ \\':\S I'CIOY such en· !,had spent SOIll!' tlmc In Baghdad,! held by th'!lr mothers, .. and ,are !

'J~YClI by. the l1'emberl and their and this was the subject of Mrs,: developin;; a desIre ,to break' :.uests. With Miss Flo Adey as Seary's talk. ' She lIpoke prlncl. away from tradition and have Chairman the following luesLs pally on the ~tatus of women In some degree of,freedom. The reech'ed a hearty wel~ome' 1I1rs. Iraq, where, rompared with the womeno! of thr. Middle East al'e BOY,d Baird, Mrs. H. W. Qulnlon, freedom enjoyed by the women sun looked upon as the weaker. and MlsI Ella. Manuel. A warm o! the West v:ho consider them' sCl(,and lire accorded many welcome "''IS also extended to lith th ' ?III D U H' h I I b selves on ar equa IV men, e IilUc courtes"'s which are be,

. ssb oro .1Y humd Pbr es, abC u t lICe of the wOlroen in the Middle ginning 10 di~ out on this side mem er wno .• een a sen ' . '

;from the ml!.,tln)ls lor sel'eral 'Eut seemr. rather ~ull and un· 0 lthc World. i month~ due tD IlInes5 in her eventruJ. !I!~IiY of the higher


Everyt~ing in Heating Supplies ... -LIME. In , '






• BLACK PIPE and flnW"





. ,

the projert showed a profit,', The Emigrants IC not whlll was the dcClclt? •

(d) 'What Is the new company; George Lammr:Jg ....... 2.50 paying (Ollhe ,liuildings, The Old World Dies plant and cutting rights, \' War~ick Deeping ...... 1.50 also the terms o! payment? _----------

(e) What was the cost of log· I . glng camp!? . \ WHITAKER'S'

(C) H the logging camps have \. ALMANAC been dis'lused of to the new

.. company', what amount arc 1955 "" ............... 3.00 they paynll lor thcm? I

These arc but few oC the ques & C L d ! lions regarding tlle new Indus· Dicks o. t. tries, which were to harcgh'cn considerable employment, and it would be Intercsllng to knolV , Just how the' employment figure tallies. with those menlloned by i the Premier.

You a truly, TAXPAYER,

THE BCOKSELLERS Phon. 319J • 4425

baked differently and the ;

English seem to get a

distinc~ive flavou.r into;

Edltor'Daily News,· I their biscuits. ELKES Eng" !

Dear Slr:-UnbeIicv'able but lish Biscuits are the most I true is the con!cnts of this letter delicious of all English i which I would appreciate greatly • • ' i i! you bring lito the attention BIscuits you have ever I of your readen;., tasted and are now I

Recently I !ert Sydney, C,B. n .' .: a T.e.A. North Star and landed available at I e a din g : at Torbay airport one hour and ' twen!.y.flve mlnute6 Ilter. An BIRTH I airport taxi took me to my office ANGEL-Born at St, Clare's i on Water Street East where I Mercy Hospital on Sunday, Feb· . had to aUene! toa few matters ruary. 13th, to lItr. And Mrs. Ger., of Importance before going to aid Angel, 3 FI~~t Avenue. a son, my home on Lcl\Iarchant Road DEATHS j West. ANDERSON - Passed away I

I dcclded to proceed home by' early Sundny morning. I\Iargaret,' the Bell line Bus. I walked to Ooodwlllie, beloved wife of Dr. a bus stop on Water .Street East, Thomas Anderson. Funeral by, walled 45 minutes for a bus (that motor hearse today, Monday, at I Is a belt line) "lid was '25 minutes, 2,30 p,m. from her lntc r~sidenec, • 3 Park PI nee, Rennie's 111111 Road,

Pre Lenten Food Suggestio'os.

NEWFOUNDLAND SALMON (Northern Pack) 24/1'5

TINNED SEAL-Limited Quantity only; 2~i1's

CODFISH-"Sea Vita", l's; "Packed fresh from the North"

CHOICE SALT SPLIT HERRING ............................ 200 lb. Barrels

TURBOT ~ ...... ~;tl •• ".' ... , .......... ~ ..... , •• f ••• ' •••••••••••••• " ••• 200 lb. Barrels


IPHONES 5143· 5144 ' AGENTS




"* BEDROOM & GARAGE - The wide variety of· handy HOOK FIX·

TURES and ACCESSORIES that we now

have in stock, means you canput,them to

practical use in every room in your home.



reaching hom!' on the bus, I was to St, Thoma~' church, I just an hour and ten mnutes get· BUTLEn-p;Jsscd away ~ud·1 ling .from Water Street East to dcnly at 10,30 \I,m. Salurday, my home on Lelllarchallt Road February 12, Gec,rge Butler, age -.' d h d t t '66, leaving tu mOUl'n one son -~~'--------------------------------an an our an wen y.f!ve two slstel's, residing In city nls~

. . ,

: DIAL 5141 • 5142 P.O. BOX 336

Jh.e Large,st .. StockQf \

" · " V liLTS.,. in all standard sizes and matcheds.ts.' ~

.. V. :I.INK ADJUSTABLE ENDLESS BEL 15, in 3' sizls.

.;~ -: . . '. TjANSMISSION. V. PULLEY and BUSHING-

, . single ~nd multiple grooves, .',. . . '. ,. ,


;,;. '. f ,I . , - p •


f '. ,.' " 'I"


,.' ; .'

Machi~lry Dep,artment

;: ' ST. ,JQHN~S

, ,


, ,

romlng frolll !lyclnl'Y, to Sl. olle lJ1'othel' In U,S,A. ~'lIncl:al on ,Iuhn's, 'I'u~sduy, FelJl'uary 15th at 2.:10

YUIll'S truly, p,m, from the resilience of Fll'e }'ANAS'I'IG lill'j' 'I'I\UF., ('lIll(. JI:II:eI', No, II llollll\'entul'e

A l'I·JlUt'. .~.- ... ----. _ .. _._ .. _---- . __ ._-'----- .. -

, flYMPTO~IS I Worrl ,; Anllel,. , . Fear or r.tare I; Loa ohppeille . JndlJleal\nn :Palnlill ~ark

, Gloomy "pelt. ,WearlneM : JlTillbltltl 8,",11111< or AnklN


For New Pep and ,Ener!y use

Whu relle! baa com. ,., many a ,..,me<!, II1~Ot18 \I(1)man of middle ~ when she hal I~ed or what great meta.nre Dr. ChaM'. Nern Food eM bt III her by flIIAbliDg her to Mcape tbe pit/alIA whicll have broughl pb)'!ica1 Ind m,elIt&i !UlferiaJl: III 80 many or her eu tIIId ~'.

. 'l'he dMll&Dd owIe by the body Ii th!A tim •• for till abundance of rich, red, Ilouri.<hillg blood. lmpartanl pbyaieal ehanges ans tA't~ng plaer­"'hi~ are, Il Ileal etraiD on ,the nervoUlt system. A. t_e nerveo weaken there eomel fear worry anlieLy, to IllAke )'OU ftel ;IMI1I)" do~bearteci and In drl':t/~ of lhe future,

BUi with the UIlO or Dr, Chaae'. Nene food 7011 eM rt.t!Iore richneu III th. blood and 'rigor to the nenel and paM througb tIIie period ia oomfon anI! with fllllronfldentl! ill the lutnrL

'l'he new Vitamin Ill, eonlaillet! in Dr. Chl'otoG'. Nerve Food, atone with otber impartlot! ftuh!lancel, tn~ur~ the greate!Ot l'o,tiefactiOli frolll t~e U~ ?' thl~ tr~tmcD~ Allpetite and dig ..... tion are Impro,ved and .. itb n ... vigor r.omp./! neW' e,neJ1lY ~nri. rnnfidpnr.e and a bri~hter outlook Oft

It!e, . II hy nnt get dart .. , with nT. Ch~n'. :0\ m'e Fnnrl. lnOay? '

Dr. Chase~s Nerve'foo'd CON1i~INS VITAMIN B 1 .

, , 1'UADE sUPl'l.nm BY , . ' .' a , ,""" Ii !!Iii II 'if! !Iii IlW Ii Hi OJ I !Ii " " Ii( !Ii " " i ~ i " !I( I

Two Leaders

Camel Cigarettes

Prince Albert Tobacco


PHONE 2264 - 3420 ~ 4440


12.1 H

9.~ 10,( , TI

, 1.1 5

U., 'Ru~ Is

UNITEI: China and luspended a cease·fiI to diplom of the ma The council

eonsidering no end the hostil alleged U.S. China and' ord .r American f

Henry Cab U. S. del~gate Dot concludeli 3 proposal b New Zealand the troubled

"In th e 5 would have the cause of we were U! ~ soviet item of the urgen! ADJOURNS

Sir Piersl

whose gONr lead in CODS for some ar: fighting, sail rejee lion \\'3 gested the ",overnment consulL

This th~ three·hour vote.

In the COl tionalist C ChOll's'repl:

,Security Co "I think i

frbm the rc tions," he ;

Tsiang a! put before the problel the oUsho! mosa and Tsiang sail tion" in Chou's me lead the c< "hard faci lec's WOllC

Arkady, demanded "Kuominb Ihe[l~ WOl! crisis unll the discus

Prine At AI


l'rincess "rum. III island 1>1 which el tween s f~!toonei

The J quoise 51 blue sha as she pier to ernor 01 Kemelh Blaekbu

She c on the I a3OD-m Barbadl

The ~ cess 1/ open tl: parasol chcerin gathere the poI %0,008 ,

Some rally s'

The the ral unable

AntiJ "impe: Royal sailor, few \l spirit viTldll which 116rd

''Th be pr mllDt. of us, mth

, . ,


. ., , '

-, I