IJP. , D .. · A· . IL·,.' Y...

(, ,', 'l .. .. , 7.30 p.m.-MusIc Stars of the. Century, '., . 10.00 . 11.15 p.m . .... ;This is the. Story •. 11.30' p.m.-Club I ," ! :' . "!'IJP. , D .. · . IL·,.' Y -:":1',1',1£:1 .' \ .... ' NEWS.,. . ' , ; . " . " . .. .. . '.. 'r'l· .... \. ' . Vol.· 62. ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND, FRIDAY, JUNE 10, 1955 ., . '. : .••• I .' .:' ... , .. " .': . " I Tl - .. £n·diiJg':: .. .' , .... ..' . I . .... . ., { . ·B.rit-ish '< .. ' ''1' . c. C .. F. Voters Reject . , And Liberal Progressive Have Undiminished Ma,iority TORONTO (C.P.)-Ontario Thursday re-elected the Progressive Conservative government. In r(HC£irmlng their ----------- in policies of Premier Lcslle Inclal Jiealth plan, compulsDry aulo Fro,t'3' mlminlstration, the voters and more tbc bids o[ Farquhar and housing. Olll""s LiberaI' party nnd Donald LATEST C. )I;,dlonald's socialist CCF. Th,.' ('nnadlan Press said at !1:01 Sixly·sel·cn minutes after the Works Estimates .. FOJ' NetvfOltlldlU!Ul . l... '" .• ::J' . t .: . T.alks COlltiiiue' . " , •••• 1 , , :By ADRIAN· BAtL' .• . .- Clement' Attlee·:. accused Prune Minister:Edeii: Thurs· day of launching ··.a '''new doctrine" in the' country- , wide ,negotia- .. tions until the walk·out-erids. Eden'denied the: charge ..... Thc ope.ning session of. the . new Parliament took up ·the, question of Ule strjke' of ·and· r.01.-littie more Ihan nn hour polls closed, Canadian Press 31trl' polls elos'cd-that thc said earl)' returns Indicated re. Pr,':r.·"il'c Conservatil'es had elcetion o[ the government with an brIll rrlurned to power with an undiminished majority. Its major' IImhlllinished majority. At dlslolu· ity at dlssolutlon was 66. OTTAWA (CP) _ Following arc firemen, now In. its 12th day, amid: the public works'approprlatlons by repOrts 'iliat sIllYI' ,but iste.adY!:pro- provlnccs contained in the 105;'·56 gress" toward;" a' .setUimlenl ;wal supplementary estimates: madidn ,it' two-hour' exchange of views between \J.'1e British trans- NEWIo'OUNDLAND port commission imd strike. ;lead- Pubilc Buildings Progressil'e Conservatives The Progressive Conservatives ,S of 90 scats. took seven of thc eight new .In h1ur aflcr the polls c10scd 'In the 98.seat house, off·setting 1\ " p.llI. EDT (9 p.m. ADTI 14 five gains and one .CCF candidates had bcen. gaIn from the ProgrcssJ\'c Con· two of them winninll In servatlves. Port Union - Public building. . Labor party leader, $20,000. Ing.to . Eden's broadcast· appeaf Uarbors an(1 Rl,vers Sunday night for an end to the Catalina -. W.!Jarf reconstruction strike, said the prime mInister's and dredging. further amount rc· proposal would' be justified In. the', qulrcd, $189,000 Fortune - Wharf . case of a wildcat strike but that ncll' -rats. All, three party leaders lI'ue r.:\tSo:>OAL \'fGTORY elected, PremIer Frost in Victoria. Prcmier t"rost I\'on personal vic- which hc has represented since 1m' in Vicloria riding, I\'·!!ich he 19'31 Liberal' leadcr Farquhar h" hrltl since 1937. Early returns Oliver In Grey South whJeh he has indicatcd too that his cabinet had since 1926 and CCF Icader h:cn with him. Arnone Donald C. lIIacDonald in York Ihe I'ictorious cabinet ministers South In his first election bid. ;)xtension, to complete (revote '$26,. in official strikes such .as t/I() rail' 000) SI. Alban's - reconstruction <t tieup, tha aUlhority of unions' of wharf and shed. amount Ruaglcs Photo. should be maintained. required, $,)8,000 St. IGNATIUS RUl\lBOLDT directing one of the groups of senior choirs for the Pageant to take place in honour of I NO NEW DOCTRINE' . '. " was Fletcher S. Thomas, minister SUPPORT FROST wharf, retaining' wall .a!ld dredg. h f . . h' h h .• . He urged Eden to correct a doc· Ing rurther amount reqUired $63· t e. orthcommg Cathedral centenary ceremomes. Some 300 Ig sc 001 students WIll take part. Included In the t' h' h Wf '. t d . Id , ," .... . .. nne w IC I persIs e 'In, woo . 000. . selectIOns WIll be speCIal arrangements of Newfoundland folk songs. The Pageant WIll be staged in St. Patrick's lead to the exacerbation of Indus. --- . Auditorium. trial disputes, whether strikes or: . ____ .. __ lockouts.... : of agriculturc since 1953, who 1I'0n In re'elec!lng the Progressivc rNiection in Elgin. Conservatives, the volers con· In re·elcctlng the Frost govern· eurred with Premier Frost in his the I'oters turncd down the election stand that he had glven promises of thc good govel'lltllent and would con· Liberals to red{lee taxation, give Unlle to do so. Thcy rejected bwcr hospital care and education promises of rcduced . laxation, and il1lprovcd highways admin, I improved health 'and welfare, and i'lralion. Thcy rejected also the increased employment mode by eer platform, promising Ii provo the CCF and Liberal parUhs .. Gui?e A , d 5 O' 0 To Ta' k ePa rt I n I Beaver' . war : dOlln any "new doctrine." ; / .. , Later; he said: "I! there was-.: F M G I' r which [' diJ not accept-any mlsuo': C' Cente' nary" Pa'g'eant . . " , Ihe mlmster of labor' has bcen·.cn· BlIl.U:TIN 'BULUmN /'. •. - .' 'I Del11psey Is.In, Out Rt;:-IFHJ:;W, Onl. (CP) - ,lames TORONTO (CPl-J. B. Salsberg. tiO" was fealured Thursday hy '. . the last two days." . Drnlpsry, most controversial only Communist member of the presentation o{ tile Beaver all'3rd.: Olle uf i)Josl AlItbitiUltS PI'OdllCliullS I-IY for the"'-l';;cant:--Rel'£fcnd I . hundred j The .for fi:urr the Ontario election cam· Ontario legislature. was de· It was awarded to Mrs. A, G. '.' . '. Brother T. P. Drane), or SI. i years 01 Church hislory which arc , .01 wage diHercnhal! p,i:n, lI'as rc.clcetcd in Renfrew (ealed in Thursday's general clec· G I' N [ dl d' E vel' A llemlJied Luea ll)f. Bonal'cilturc's College will direct' cOl'cred the Pa"eanl introduccs a thm pay. that. of Denlcd official Prugressh'e tion in Toronto St. Andrew by Allan .05 mg. CIY oun . an '" . . I . . . h t",.. . "I' .' ." •. skilled workers;. IDSlSted' In talb l"'II..malh'c cIHlorsatlon because Grossman, PI'ogrcssl.vc SloneI', and Mrs. RleUe 1'honlion'i A I11ml1ll1olh hlsiol'lcal pageant IS to be m thIS "hIe has been reo \ lallch of lIStollcal cs with the transport. commission' nf on unreportcd campAign cOlltri. UI'e and Toronto alderman. Sals. commissioner of training, for "out. Han 011 tbe,c.venin"5 of .Julle 27th" hcarsmg (or some past. of Church and Stal.e and I Thursday a !ir".' be hUlinn. he \l'un ngainst Liberal and berg ran as ft, Labor:Progresslve standing service to the movemcnl ?O' ; '. -'1"" ".: '"k''' -"". •• . J:o." :' Because o[ the grcat number o[ I the ".[ tll1)cs as 1I0rn I that lalcr negotJahons !\,ould brIng ecr candidates. . in;l five.candldate· contest.. Intthe national or provincial ,lOth .. ane J;,t, as pall df the Cathcdwl performers taking part ill thc pro. by •. Cardlllals. L.ol'ds p?, incrcases to ensure this mar;· CelcbratlOlls. I tl '11 tl h ducLion and to facilitate the lIIany Ladles, ·Blshops and PrJCsts. Sail· 1 gm; . .' "SI T 1 7 ':11" '. . on curren y WI I Ie re rar·. . h' d CHIPS Sl1LL DELAYED . lOOt . .0 U11 US' The orlglllal· script [or the I d tI d' t' [M changes OC scenery it has been ors and Flshermcn. To t 15 en , ". '. . .I.:l.0We '. aVs Pageant was written by the Sisters .un er Ie I 0 r t r. found necessary 10 exlcnsive amI in order to cnsure authentic T·he Wildcat seamen's .itrlke. lII. O I I '.I . of Mercy and portrays events in h rdlen d , a md c .00r d 0 wo alterations to the stage of 51 costumes for the various periods I two Britkilsh. portsditlfor beuHlter pad '1 1 '( cr SSlle(1 h' t f tl Ch b' N un rc an' I y mlxe vOIces . t d b th Pt' I and wor ng eon OIlS·, ere a I r >fle IS ory 0 Ie . ure ID c;v· is 'In rehearsal under thc direction Patrick's Auditorium. Some three prcscn e , e agean, speCJa setback when the Queen Elhabt!th I :\1 I i fro;nllhc tthc of Ignatius Rumboldt. This hundred and fifty feet of acting d got away on time. But the strlkers 11 Jt an mnt m ld C·· I cllI'ery yom. a JO o. Ie, chuir was chosen from the pupils space is being addcd nnd the IVlt I ! a, a ar Iml.e. 0 on rca , mad!! some headway when 100 11.\y)10:-lD Dr: . '. 01,14 r"s"s, of Ihe cathe'l uf Ihe various City schools and 1 stagc [ront' and pro,cenium arch; onc d o[ ;t;orlhl:'mblcl'lCa S best kt·nown : oC the can[adiFan Pa- , "" : (fa 1D ,. tl .' . II' I t nrc being redcsiollcd 10 harmonize I all most re la e stagc cos umcr· . Clle Ilncr mpress 0 ranC'C 1):1('. 'l'l' l-Pro.vineial police arc I Ie smgcrs wcre cspccla sc ee· ..' . .0 i ics. ! w<llkcd of{ in sympathy. She is nn ,,":I('N to shoot to kill in j • . , A C<lst of nearly one hundrcd i etl by Rumholdt aSSisted by! II: thte arl1stlc mood 01 the: . . . . due to sail from Liverpool this ,ml'h Thursdu\' lIight [or 111'0 des. , C d B Rd' ! rxperieneetl actors alld aclresses 'Ihe Brothers and Sislers respon.,' abean. : The IS a 1I11,,1 3mllltiollS . weekend. armed ,,7fth automatics j a use . yes lis presently in rehcar,;ul undcr the! tijble for thc individual choirs. Special Iighling cq ui lll1lcnt h1ls: crrort null, ill prul'idin;; a feast 01: Then the Cunard' Company an· Ind lour sticks of t1l'namite. I dircction of Dick O'Blicu II'hll: Supporting the inllncMe choir: becn procured anll is' bcing in, : music. song and cnlum·. it is as· notlDccd that tile departure of tile Almc Pettigrew, In charge will prllduce Ihe Pageant. i \VitI be a great srmphouy orches.! stalled for the pUrIlOse of dfee· i sured thai it will be a lIlosl memo Saxonia. 22,000 tons, had been post, oJ some 40 machine gun·carrylng . Ma' k z-ng H-' Bo' m" b O'Brien will also paint the scen·: tra of more than sixty. instruments I' live stuging 01 the gigantic pro· 1 or'lllie highlight of Newfoundland: pOlled for t:I'O days. She due pro\'incial police, said Thursday ery and arrange th!! slage decor: I which has bcen organized especial. duetion. . I cullure. ,to Icave LlI'erpool for Montrca,1 ni;ht the tll'O huntcd men have . Thursday. shot on sight ever Four other liners held up at 'he)' wounded one of the pro· P I- 0 I but thcy arc bound to lakc time I SON('I OF THE T.hwpoill are two Curiartlers, th'e lincial constables Tucsday ·durlng OTTAWA (C.P.)-Th.e hydrogen bomb .in thehnnds a' r lament pens anti will e:11i CIJI' !l:lli.l·nt·I· .... . U I :\sl'allia, 14,400 tons, anti the. nri· Ihe ,)oelling slngcs of the grim f R 'I . d a ld ;\111111 1111' 1"'/1111' 1111111.,11'1' lallllil·. tun. Canadian m,n!lIInt. 0 USSJa las pro uce a wor emergency more serious . 11':I'I:Il'1'II: "I III!' W:IIJI.: i TOR J) ;\" 1\11 AN I':,l'itic', t':1lI11re;,; of .. A, Ihe second day o[ the search thanin Korean days of 1851, Defence Production Min- . . 11111 1111')' \\'111 hi' a III'sl sl"ll IJ 1 :t J\ . Ions Ih;; Wilhy's rndrd. alarmed countr, [olk barred ister Howe said Thursday. .0 n ' I l' opef·lll. N t ill illlt'!'lIalillllal t"lbillll:' Itrl)()I'IN': hi, this lbr TOl'ba\' . N.,,'luuI!IUahd. ·Iuils. iluurs or wcnt to the homes He made the assertion against -----'-______ . 0 e 1 alit! 1',,:111.\' ft':!I' 11'11111 till" . .,.. ': Ilil[lt;; ,,/ "al'ly ;cltle!nrnt lit II' n :"Ilb t kit I .' , I lIIillll.< lit IIll·II." '. . I I ,. '1 I' I I I , "., ors (l see' sa C)' nlnum· a COI'crnment proposal for an t!\cre Is no [Ighling War toda)' ami ., I 'I' !J ,., i I !!'IlUl lIulrr: I II' .1.1'1 ''': 1\ lie I 135 hcr.. '. I d 't I II I d' k' Ilrl!l'iell' III III' aI/ . . 1\,.,1'1,' ',1111,1 .-I'IIIS "1111 I.-tl -lllltllrr n e Inl e exten.; on o[ defence pro. wor ( ca crs arc ma 'mg _.. d tl t I I t I Tl P I' "F' r 1 dllllh'slic III'ugl';e1ll Ihe thl'lIl1l" Cuw. hll"". .: !12 > II i I' S IIlJtierillalJlled, IVrl'e a Ugo c . on powers granted four cl1laCsninSg. express ng lope enslon s·1 ll·lJlle· "fl( "'11·,1 II 'I I . .. "I I tl I R r Off ' . <:.: ,'" . . . specdl S lo\\'et! that Eden pl:Ill,;: 1t1'IIllrh"': \ Il IS It orr·.: h!'i"htel' 'I'hll",II:I\' ni"ht than at tal bay. S. Mr. Harkncss said that' In 1951 Mr. Harkness assertcd: "The N 1I ,. . TV' 1 R' C:.:IClld well illtu 1951il casl thIs mOl'nlng, sir, if yon r lillie '1lie' disllUle. .. tlt'ere was extreme apprchenslon emergency· Is not· nearly as acute P-e ().l(J. ron s l-l I. llSS HillS Instead of endtng the sessllIh l11IP:ISI'?" / Aftcr all all·day meetine of· the Forl,r Miners . of a Ihird world war. He' asked as It was In 1951." usual next October. 'l'orbay\llan: (sings): '. union,: whether the present emergency Is "You wouldn'! sa 1/. that If they LONDON (A.P.) - Thc . 'l'he p e 11 't' d I' "Windy cold anti I\·ct· .!.\\llham Newman saId: Things are .' "I It I' 'th tl th sec con alOe a C car ,.. . . .. . h d' tl . f SYII:-ll::Y MINES,. N.S. (CP)- worse now. . dropped the first bomb," Q d P n consu a IOn' WI lC 0 er \Varnin" IlIa! Eden I' oul t urej' Ther- ain't been no chan"f ,·d.' movmg In L"e rig t Irec On !II H ueen . opcnc a new ar· eon'cernc(I, my soc " .... . I everyone" .. \fln"" 111'cl'ols Thur d bl m d "It ·is." Mr. Howe r. OWe replied. ... '- .. til hit 'k th t h '\'1 ltd Id . . ''', (I.. S ay a e. ll'amcnt Thursday with .a t '11 t' tl t ras 0 s rI'CS a ave nt r, . we, an co " .' . l rat for Ihrowlns 40 miners Interjected. " •.• they (the Rus· l[ }I.bombs were dropped, lIfr. ernmen WI con muc'llarnes Y 0 slowed Britain's industrial boom.. Our sunshine has been sold.' I . nUl work and causing an \lstl· slans) didn't· have any hydrDgen Harkness countered, "It WOUldn't confidcnt' prediction of scck ,I peaceful settlement 01 Ihe '1 . I t d bo'mb I 19"1" . " . 1 51'luation I'n ForlllOsa strait." "Tile [ull cnIDlo"nlent n[ nl" So join In this refrain- . . .. :4' ..... . rna e .,100. dama"e to electrical s n a. mattcr one Iota Ivbether the min. "II·u·tful l1egotl'atlons \Vlt 1" J ", mE o . .' _ I Later, in welcoming the Queen's ".ople 11'1'11 conti"nue to be t .... e fl'rst For weeks and weeks and weeks . e1tllpll1cnt when It short clrculted Mr. 'said it is the Ilrst Ister has Ulese powers •• , Ulat . 1 dIP" ., an underground switch. time he .had· heard tllat assertion. Is a complelsa bogey.man.". RUSSia am . a pIe ge t lat address, Eden told Commons care o! my minister •. " it said. You'll. he slngln' 11\ ram". . . . Thr power failure blacked out Prime Minister SI. Laurent 'and The exchange occurred ai; the Britain will press ahead in he believes Russia \\iU have no "To this end they will actively Reporter: "You're In excellent 0 t" 1 drizil Cape Breton communities of External Affairs Minister Pearson Commons went through its third search of a Fonnosapeace. objection to the Western Big scck the co.operatlon of emplo)" voIce this morning sir". . verca.s; ._ e. North Sydney and Sydney Mines had not said that. Mr. Pearson day of debate on a government Three's suggestion for a heads' of era and workers in ensuring thai ' High '48.·0uUook. for Sa!urday: d Looking radiant In white gown state meetin" in Geneva July 18·21. ful.l employment and expandl'ng Unchanged. '. . .' an the Indian Cove Coal had done his to give an blIJ to eliminate the cut-o(f date d Iitt 1 di d tl' rEI' '" C an g cr ng amon a a, I' LONG SESSION SEEN output' shall not he J·eopardl·zed." WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The T. . . ampan)"s Greener mine here to Impression,present condlt.lons of .July 31, 19.56,. on .the Defence zabeth delivered the sruoeeh from Ed . h tI . . " I I . en said be opes his mee ng Clement Atllee, elected leader of state department Thursday an· .empera· fur' es '. a s stilI. consldorably better' than during .Productlon Act' undcr which the th thr I th I nl gild d . C '. e one n e anc e c with p. rcslde.nt' E.isenhowcr., Sovictl the. Labor . party Thursday, to.ld nouneed that the Uniled Sta'"s .... as . .. ,' ... ompany electricians fouild the the ·Iast· four yeurs.. . '. procimment program' for defence House of Lords. P N k I Bid h C '" " electrocutcd rat near the switch. 'rhe. Conscrvatlve. mcmbcr said supplies, Is' on. . . Assembled before her were Ule F l'em\cr P 1.0 al Ed u ga;m' an C t e he welcomed "the limited tarjf£ concessions Dawson "" ......... <., 42 . 69 _______ __ ..:..:.._:......_;..--=----'-__ --:... newlY. elected members of the 'renc 1 remlcr . gar 'aure more opeful signs that there arc to Canada and Ule Benelux coun· Winnipeg· ..... ; ... · ..... 46 55 D . t . tl'_.. f C . h d d b what will be the first in a oC pcace in the world." .'. tries - Belgium, The Netherlands Ottawa·.:.:,.; ... ·.; ... · 54 75 e S · . 'a' 'e' nvuSe 0 ommons, ea e Y sones oC BIg Four talks. The Labor MPs induced Luxembourg . .:.:, as compensa· Montreal .... ........... 52 72' P er '. . Minister Eden, said, to accept leadership of the party I' lion [or duly increases 'on eerlain j'Sydney .. ;.::;.: •.• : .... 42' . 52 " . " and peers of the realm" robcd In ofrer an exceptional opportull1ty, for at -least another . imports from thcsc countries. St.John's .:::: ... : ..... 38· 45 For R d H' N' "B · '0" be .. ,.> ... .;'" B . ...... . e aV'e '0 a'SIC" Je' ·C·:t:·l'O···:'n····: I -,. T '. .. k ., ,. car Inst-zad of a hor:,c·drawn '. ' ,'. aZlng '.' 'a;tl: .er:·. . procession that would hal'c tied , . . ' :' .. ' .... • . , . 'up traffic in London's cJngrstcd MARGATE, England - was summo;led fivcl T"o 8,·g ,. governl1lent is not'objecting the versatlon. ' ale d 'f' d . '. bi d ", .. ,' . . days carly 10 approve Jhe state' place· and date proposed by· the 'AGREEABLE TALK. , . • seamen an R ·tern ; .. young .. on C 'WOl'J:lan .. swam national. emergency I Western· powers for .Ihe Big' Four .' "The tonc' of 'our talk was 1 through a lO-foot.l1igh."lalJ' of fla'nlc 'to T11u'rsday to dcal wilh what the Queen's I' .' meeting. . able,. burthls mceting did' noUnn· h. ul20 olhel's aboard_. tn·cirblaz.ing· SW.· edis. , i1:.ta-.ll.J ,te. r.periS\le.d' speech culled "Ihe grave situation" F . '. . Molotov stopped over in Paris stitute a formal diplomatic COli!:: .. · h" . created by Ihe strikc. lour . M' , 'f bric'fly on' his way to San Fran· cnce.". . - 1n. 1 . 1 1 c English .ChanneL·· .'. '.- .. ,,;"···· .. b·' " b"I' . CONFIDENT I .'. ee " .cisco for··tne United 10th inv!· al:ainsl·blazlng 011 After declaring thc governmcnt'sl anniversary se·ssion.· . talion to Chancellor Konrad Aden bc;an al 2:10 a. m. ·.when the 10;· ,alyaYi' out . . support for t:.ie North . . - . ':. Mlcr. his ,Russian. bad auer ot,',\Vjlst Germany is Ihe: 1S8 . ton .S.vcdish tauker ,Johan' .tlID. fire. ,,' '1'·' '. ". , . .:: ': Atlantic 'alliance. the speech said: . f'ARIS. (A.P.) -:- parted for. Cherbourg to sail [or recent iliat the dlpiomatic and' 7,i.i6·tOn. PUl)aman.·. · ... Mrs .. _ : .' . .. .. : . . . "Fprtifie(\ by the growJng lla's no b,asic New.:York, Failre :told a press con· eontinillng. , 2 1an car;o shIp co1ll4ed .Sve.nssorf, .23, 0 REV" RaN" ROWSELL and strength of the free nahons, ginning a Big Four top level I ference Molotov also had suggested,. We have no reason of· this' Britlsli"p'ort :Utst"cnglnecr('gr pped her'" us· '.: ...... 'my governmimt look forward In a '. . ·that lie and Plnay might'vlslt Mos. ·to be suspicious of ·the.posltlon of Seeo . . . ". '. :, ba 9 d'shand. as:th.ey with who has. been elected·Presi· of anll gqpcllVill mee:!J1g. July .. 18 . lit . . . ' C!lancellor Adenauer," .b!! r,:J. 01 fir ndSd!balterk·a .roalrlnt ·t!!C ... : ... .' .' dent of. the' Nev;rfoUlldlanc1 10 'fnlltful negotiations wllh Ihe! Soviet· . ForeIgn' ·"Mmlster .' This was 'not formal Im'ita' rllng that German reuOI!lcalJon has e an . lie smQ (0",081 1 "mn· . "'"It;''' .' t' If I ·".tJ I··c· 1. 1 t f I Sit U . . t' F . I! ( b t " 10 been', mo g. bJ'eet'I' , dreds'orf (' .'. 'tii': til' ":B . " "", •• nb ,.,..8 C 'f f t}' U 'l d u lIe.' ove ilion. Molotov'told Frencll'leadel's HlIre eXl l n nel, 11 Il}ore· ,ng .' . an, 0 ,res .0, in 011 ceo ov: r e IR ... .,1aJer ,over" a; cup: \eli·, 0 ;. le. tu . welcomc the . . . . on. lhe side of tourism thall dip· f rt'llch p!'hcy. . ;of •.. He IS progress which has . . .;, .:' '.' '.. '.. 1';We can",?l'.' favor 'a",sy£tem. acro/ :hn .. a t.'Ie' 8\1'JII.'.m.ers •.• 'presently iIi' charge of the In the' Unltcd NatIOns An Informcd source sud ... H II:sl .w.hlch keeps di· ;:! .e. sea.,: .' " .'.;-, ......... .. ,'. . .. : ... . .' . .clJssions . on a comprchenslve: dis .. Molotov ·Iolrl Prcmler' E;rl!!arFaure' meeting wilh MololQ'I. But, he snlll, Faurc saId, but tn.a) 43\\ Ib th thelr Bngus. ParISh,. .:. armament. plan designed:' in bring Anto,ine' 'French forci!!n . precise,. noth· . reu1.'ification :71ust a oard the' tanker' jumped. the: reseUe (boats' arrived." ..... , .' : .. (lJally. News Photo peace and securJty, to all eoun· I minister, at· a lunch here that his Ing' .. about. their, con· .be "swtable." . .,., ". . . ., . t .' .' '. ". ' . " ".' ' . . •.. " .' 'd " " . "". ". I. , . ·t .- ."" \. .., ' . r·o '. ," : . .' , .. :' ,' .. :}.. . . .'.:. •. . r 4-Carbonear ,Ne\\'s .. 5-At Clty';Hair,"'" . S-"Future or: the . Indus- c., .:. 1-lIarbour Grace New." s.:-centrevlile· , . " ... _. 9-Prince' CharleS-:-One or'- Be§t ,: .; .·10..:..ChU· Chat .:. ; .:' .; ..., "... : ·li"':'WlirJd or.: Sport, 1. ',-.: ... : .:. 0" '., ••••• . .,'._.' ,.: ... ·i . ....:: '. ... ', /: ,".',' ',1 :,' · , "; . ... :1 1 , p :.; i , ., , .. '/ , " :1·: ! " ·1 ." i , .• t " r! , , , .. I r : · , :j :,',.: ! , -, · , .1 !" I i . , I . , , . , . ,

Transcript of IJP. , D .. · A· . IL·,.' Y...






.. ,

7.30 p.m.-MusIc Stars of the. Century, '., .

10.00 p.i1).-:Richar~ Di.~mond .

11.15 p.m . ....;This is the. Story •.

11.30' p.m.-Club fim~.

I ," ! :' . "!'IJP. , D .. · A· . IL·,.' Y -:":1',1',1£:1 .' \.... ' NEWS.,. ~~a1.~:';";

• . ' • •

, ; ~'., . " . " . .. .. . '..

'r'l· .... \. '

• . Vol.· 62. ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND, FRIDAY, JUNE 10, 1955

., . '. '~.:-'" :~.\,',

: .••• t.~

I .' .:' ... , .. " .': . "

IPr~gress,' I Tl -.. £n·diiJg':: ..

----~----'--~~------.:..-.--:..-,.,---"-~~..;,--~-'--:------'-...;..;........! .' ,.... ..' . I . .... . ., {

. ·B.rit-ish '< .. ' • ''1' . c. C .. F. Voters Reject

. ,

And Liberal Progressive COll.~el'vatives. Have

Undiminished Ma,iority TORONTO (C.P.)-Ontario Thursday re-elected the

Progressive Conservative government. In r(HC£irmlng their confld'~nec ----------­

in Ih~ policies of Premier Lcslle Inclal Jiealth plan, compulsDry aulo Fro,t'3' mlminlstration, the voters in~urance and more ~mployment rrjc~lcd tbc bids o[ Farquhar and housing. Olll""s LiberaI' party nnd Donald LATEST C. )I;,dlonald's socialist CCF.

Th,.' ('nnadlan Press said at !1:01 Sixly·sel·cn minutes after the


Works Estimates ..

FOJ' NetvfOltlldlU!Ul

Strik~s::,;':;': . l... • '" .• ::J' . t .:

. T.alks COlltiiiue' . " • , •••• • 1 • ,

, :By ADRIAN· BAtL' .•

. LO~DON· (R~teis)' .­Clement' Attlee·:. accused Prune Minister:Edeii: Thurs· day of launching ··.a '''new doctrine" in the' country-

, wide rail'strike~no ,negotia- .. tions until the walk·out-erids. Eden'denied the: charge .....

Thc ope.ning session of. the . new Parliament took up ·the, question of Ule strjke' of 70,OOO'engin~rs ·and· r.01.-littie more Ihan nn hour polls closed, Th·~ Canadian Press

31trl' Ih~ polls elos'cd-that thc said earl)' returns Indicated re. Pr,':r.·"il'c Conservatil'es had elcetion o[ the government with an brIll rrlurned to power with an undiminished majority. Its major' IImhlllinished majority. At dlslolu· ity at dlssolutlon was 66.

OTTAWA (CP) _ Following arc firemen, now In. its 12th day, amid: the public works'approprlatlons by repOrts 'iliat sIllYI' ,but iste.adY!:pro-provlnccs contained in the 105;'·56 gress" toward;" a' .setUimlenl ;wal supplementary estimates: madidn ,it' two-hour' exchange of

views between \J.'1e British trans-NEWIo'OUNDLAND port commission imd strike. ;lead-

Pubilc Buildings

ti,'~ Ih~ Progressil'e Conservatives The Progressive Conservatives h~ld ,S of 90 scats. took seven of thc eight new s~ats

.In h1ur aflcr the polls c10scd 'In the 98.seat house, off·setting 1\ " p.llI. EDT (9 p.m. ADTI 14 five Llber~1 gains and one .CCF p\'rrnlll~nt candidates had bcen. gaIn from the ProgrcssJ\'c Con· elCl·t~d. two of them winninll In servatlves.

Port Union - Public building. . er~'he Labor party leader, 'referr~ $20,000. Ing.to . Eden's broadcast· appeaf

Uarbors an(1 Rl,vers Sunday night for an end to the Catalina -. W.!Jarf reconstruction strike, said the prime mInister's

and dredging. further amount rc· proposal would' be justified In. the', qulrcd, $189,000 Fortune - Wharf . case of a wildcat strike but that

ncll' -rats. All, three party leaders lI'ue r.:\tSo:>OAL \'fGTORY elected, PremIer Frost in Victoria.

Prcmier t"rost I\'on personal vic- which hc has represented since 1m' in Vicloria riding, I\'·!!ich he 19'31 Liberal' leadcr Farquhar h" hrltl since 1937. Early returns Oliver In Grey South whJeh he has indicatcd too that his cabinet had Il~ld since 1926 and CCF Icader h:cn rc·elect·~d with him. Arnone Donald C. lIIacDonald in York Ihe I'ictorious cabinet ministers South In his first election bid.

;)xtension, to complete (revote '$26,. in official strikes such .as t/I() rail' 000) SI. Alban's - reconstruction <t tieup, tha aUlhority of unions' of wharf and shed. furth~r amount Ruaglcs Photo. should be maintained. required, $,)8,000 St. Lawrenc~-I IGNATIUS RUl\lBOLDT directing one of the groups of senior choirs for the Pageant to take place in honour of I NO NEW DOCTRINE' . '. "

was Fletcher S. Thomas, minister SUPPORT FROST wharf, retaining' wall .a!ld dredg. h f . . h' h h .• . He urged Eden to correct a doc· Ing rurther amount reqUired $63· t e. orthcommg Cathedral centenary ceremomes. Some 300 Ig sc 001 students WIll take part. Included In the t' h' h Wf '. t d . Id , ,".... . .. nne w IC I persIs e 'In, woo . 000. . selectIOns WIll be speCIal arrangements of Newfoundland folk songs. The Pageant WIll be staged in St. Patrick's lead to the exacerbation of Indus.

---~. --- . Auditorium. trial disputes, whether strikes or: . ____ .. __ lockouts.... :

of agriculturc since 1953, who 1I'0n In re'elec!lng the Progressivc rNiection in Elgin. Conservatives, the volers con·

In re·elcctlng the Frost govern· eurred with Premier Frost in his m~nl. the I'oters turncd down the election stand that he had glven Ilc~tion·campaign promises of thc good govel'lltllent and would con· Liberals to red{lee taxation, give Unlle to do so. Thcy rejected bwcr hospital care and education promises of rcduced . laxation, and il1lprovcd highways admin, I improved health 'and welfare, and i'lralion. Thcy rejected also the increased employment mode by eer platform, promising Ii provo the CCF and Liberal parUhs ..

~irI Gui?eA, d 5 O' 0 To Ta' k ePa rt I n I g~~~~:£~1~r~!~~~~~~~:~~I~r:; Beaver' . war : dOlln any "new doctrine." ;


.. , Later; he said: "I! there was-.: F M G I' r which [' diJ not accept-any mlsuo':

iF::DER:~:N (~~)!ng1~~cIR C' Cente' nary" Pa'g'eant ri!::v;~~:~~~~~~lEre~~~~~l~~', . . " , Ihe mlmster of labor' has bcen·.cn·

BlIl.U:TIN 'BULUmN ~~~~::( :r~:~~n~i~[ d~i~C C~~:o~i: /'. •. - .' 'I ~~~~~ed~~ a~~S~~ils~o;:ro\~~~t~ur:~~ Del11psey Is.In, 'Sal~berg Out

Rt;:-IFHJ:;W, Onl. (CP) - ,lames TORONTO (CPl-J. B. Salsberg. tiO" was fealured Thursday hy ~ '. . the last two days." . ~. Drnlpsry, most controversial only Communist member of the presentation o{ tile Beaver all'3rd.: Olle uf i)Josl AlItbitiUltS PI'OdllCliullS I-IY for the"'-l';;cant:--Rel'£fcnd I . i~lil-;;-ncariY-I;;;~r hundred j The ~ail ~trikers,pr~ss\ng .for fi:urr ~( the Ontario election cam· la~t Ontario legislature. was de· It was awarded to Mrs. A, G. '.' . '. Brother T. P. Drane), or SI. i years 01 Church hislory which arc , I'cst~rahon .01 wage diHercnhal! p,i:n, lI'as rc.clcetcd in Renfrew (ealed in Thursday's general clec· G I' N [ dl d' E vel' A llemlJied Luea ll)f. Bonal'cilturc's College will direct' cOl'cred the Pa"eanl introduccs a bC~l\ccn thm pay. a~d that. of 1~53'. S~lIlh. Denlcd official Prugressh'e tion in Toronto St. Andrew by Allan .05 mg. CIY oun . an COmI1lIS~ '" . . I . . . h t",.. . "I' .' ." • . skilled workers;. IDSlSted' In talb l"'II..malh'c cIHlorsatlon because Grossman, PI'ogrcssl.vc Conscrl'a~ SloneI', and Mrs. RleUe 1'honlion'i A I11ml1ll1olh hlsiol'lcal pageant IS to be pl'~sel1t~d m thIS ~rchcstra "hIe has been reo \ "rc~,L lallch of lIStollcal h"I~1 cs with the transport. commission' nf on unreportcd campAign cOlltri. UI'e and Toronto alderman. Sals. commissioner of training, for "out. Sl..~illl'i(;k·~ Han i\~\d(lol'illl11 011 tbe,c.venin"5 of .Julle 27th" hcarsmg (or some 11I0nt~ls past. of Church and Stal.e and dCP.lCt~ I Thursday a !ir".' ~rom~se be gi~en hUlinn. he \l'un ngainst Liberal and berg ran as ft, Labor:Progresslve standing service to the movemcnl ?O' ; '. -'1"" ".: '"k''' -"". • •• . J:o." :' Because o[ the grcat number o[ I the ~~rc5s ".[ t~IC tll1)cs as 1I0rn I that lalcr negotJahons !\,ould brIng ecr candidates. . in;l five.candldate· contest.. Intthe national or provincial fi.~ld." ~(j, ,lOth .. ane Jul~ J;,t, as pall df the Cathcdwl Ccntcn~IY. performers taking part ill thc pro. by ~lIl£s •. Cardlllals. L.ol'ds a~d p?, incrcases to ensure this mar;· :-:--:-----------...;.---------.:.....---~---...:....---- CelcbratlOlls. I C· tl '11 tl h ducLion and to facilitate the lIIany Ladles, ·Blshops and PrJCsts. Sail· 1 gm; . . ' "SI T 17':11" '. . on curren y WI I Ie re rar·. . h' d CHIPS Sl1LL DELAYED . lOOt . .0 U11 US' The orlglllal· script [or the I d tI d' t' [M changes OC scenery it has been ors and Flshermcn. To t 15 en , ". '. . •

.I.:l.0We '. aVs Pageant was written by the Sisters ~~ .un er Ie I Iree~o.n 0 r t r. found necessary 10 m~kc exlcnsive amI in order to cnsure authentic T·he Wildcat seamen's .itrlke. lII.

O I I '.I . of Mercy and portrays events in h rdlend, a md aSf~fVt'e c .00rd 0 • wo alterations to the stage of 51 costumes for the various periods I two Britkilsh. portsditlfor beuHlter pad '1 1'( cr SSlle(1 -----------~-----------,'''' h' t f tl Ch b' N un rc an' I y mlxe vOIces . t d b th Pt' I and wor ng eon OIlS·, ere a I r >fle IS ory 0 Ie . ure ID c;v· is 'In rehearsal under thc direction Patrick's Auditorium. Some three prcscn e , e agean, speCJa setback when the Queen Elhabt!th

I :\1 I i coundlall~ fro;nllhc ~n~e ~r tthc ~t of ~Ir. Ignatius Rumboldt. This hundred and fifty feet of acting a~r~n~~~~ts L.ha~e d b~e~ ~ad~, got away on time. But the strlkers 11 Jt an mnt m ld C·· I cllI'ery yom. a JO o. Ie, chuir was chosen from the pupils space is being addcd nnd the IVlt I ! a, a ar Iml.e. 0 on rca , ~ mad!! some headway when 100 ~T. 11.\y)10:-lD Dr: I'Olt'l'~EUF . '. 01,14 r"s"s, ~1()IClm.n Cl(8115Is5·c~l'atlUn of Ihe cathe'l uf Ihe various City schools and 1 stagc [ront' and pro,cenium arch; oncd o[ ;t;orlhl:'mblcl'lCa S best kt·nown : C~f~\\' m.~mbcrEs oC the can[adiFan Pa-

, "" : (fa 1D ,. tl .' . II' I t nrc being redcsiollcd 10 harmonize I all most re la e stagc cos umcr· . Clle Ilncr mpress 0 ranC'C 1):1('. 'l'l' l-Pro.vineial police arc ~ I Ie smgcrs wcre cspccla ~ sc ee· ..' . .0 i ics. ! w<llkcd of{ in sympathy. She is nn ,,":I('N to shoot to kill in IIt~lr j • . , A C<lst of nearly one hundrcd i etl by ~Ir. Rumholdt aSSisted by! II: I~I. thte arl1stlc mood 01 the: . . . . due to sail from Liverpool this ,ml'h Thursdu\' lIight [or 111'0 des. , C d B Rd' ! rxperieneetl actors alld aclresses 'Ihe Brothers and Sislers respon.,' abean. : The Pa~eallt IS a 1I11,,1 3mllltiollS . weekend. p~r~"~cs armed ,,7fth automatics j a use . yes lis presently in rehcar,;ul undcr the! tijble for thc individual choirs. Special Iighling cqui lll1lcnt h1ls: crrort null, ill prul'idin;; a feast 01: Then the Cunard' Company an· Ind lour sticks of t1l'namite. I dircction of Dick O'Blicu II'hll: Supporting the inllncMe choir: becn procured anll is' bcing in, : music. song and cnlum·. it is as· notlDccd that tile departure of tile

(.~It. Almc Pettigrew, In charge will prllduce Ihe Pageant. ~Ir. i \VitI be a great srmphouy orches.! stalled for the pUrIlOse of dfee· i sured thai it will be a lIlosl memo Saxonia. 22,000 tons, had been post, oJ some 40 machine gun·carrylng . Ma' k z-ng H-' Bo' m" b O'Brien will also paint the scen·: tra of more than sixty. instruments I' live stuging 01 the gigantic pro· 1 or'lllie highlight of Newfoundland: pOlled for t:I'O days. She wa~ due pro\'incial police, said Thursday ery and arrange th!! slage decor: I which has bcen organized especial. duetion. . I cullure. ,to Icave LlI'erpool for Montrca,1 ni;ht the tll'O huntcd men have . Thursday. ~r" ord~red shot on sight ever • Four other liners held up at !inc~' 'he)' wounded one of the pro· P I- 0 I but thcy arc bound to lakc time I SON('I OF THE T.hwpoill are two Curiartlers, th'e lincial constables Tucsday ·durlng OTTAWA (C.P.)-Th.e hydrogen bomb .in thehnnds a' r lament pens anti will e:11i CIJI' !l:lli.l·nt·I·.... . U I :\sl'allia, 14,400 tons, anti the. nri· Ihe ,)oelling slngcs of the grim f R 'I . d a ld ;\111111 (')11'~rs 1111' 1"'/1111' 1111111.,11'1' lallllil·. ~'.GG!l tun. Ib~ Canadian m,n!lIInt. 0 USSJa las pro uce a wor emergency more serious . 11':I'I:Il'1'II: "I I'lluI~· III!' W:IIJI.: 1l"lIs~ i TOR J) ;\" 1\11 AN I':,l'itic', t':1lI11re;,; of .. \lI,trli~. I~.,

A, Ihe second day o[ the search thanin Korean wa~ days of 1851, Defence Production Min- . . 11111 h{l!l~ 1111')' \\'111 hi' a III'sl sl"ll IJ 1 :t J\ . ~iq· Ions ~ud Ih;; ~·llrneb. Wilhy's rndrd. alarmed countr, [olk barred ister Howe said Thursday. .0 n ' I l' opef·lll. N t ill 1"'laxill~ illlt'!'lIalillllal t"lbillll:' Itrl)()I'IN': hi, this lbr TOl'ba\' . N.,,'luuI!IUahd. '1.~~7 ·Iuils. Ih,i~ iluurs or wcnt to the homes He made the assertion against -----'-______ . 0 e 1 alit! 1',,:111.\' 1'~1II""IIIl! ft':!I' 11'11111 till" . .,.. ': Ilil[lt;; ,,/ ~11 "al'ly ;cltle!nrnt lit II' n :"Ilb t kit I . ' , I lIIillll.< lit IIll·II." '. ~1.11I. . I I ,. '1 I' I I I , "., ors (l see' sa C)' nlnum· a COI'crnment proposal for an t!\cre Is no [Ighling War toda)' ami ., I 'I' !J ,., i I !!'IlUl lIulrr: I II' 11I~'" .1.1'1 ''': 1\ lie I 135 ;I0l')l~' hcr.. '. I d C· 't I II I d' k' 'I'II~ Ilrl!l'iell' III Ih~ ~O\'rI'IIIlWIII'", III' ~YIll~Il: aI/ . . 1\,.,1'1,' ',1111,1 .-I'IIIS "1111 I.-tl -lllltllrr n e Inl e exten.; on o[ defence pro. wor ( ca crs arc ma 'mg slal'~' _.. ~ ~

d tl t I I t • I Tl P I' "F' r 1 ~ dllllh'slic III'ugl';e1ll in~ Ihe thl'lIl1l" Cuw. hll"". .: !12 > II i I' S IIlJtierillalJlled, IVrl'e

aUgoc. on powers granted four r~ars cl1laCsninSg. express ng lope enslon s·1 ll·lJlle· .sl)'~rcl·ll. "fl( IC'l~ "'11·,1 II 'I I . .. "I I • tl I R r Off ' . <:.: ,'" . . . specdl S lo\\'et! that Eden pl:Ill,;: 1t1'IIllrh"': \ Il IS It orr·.: h!'i"htel' 'I'hll",II:I\' ni"ht than at tal bay. S. Mr. Harkncss said that' In 1951 Mr. Harkness assertcd: "The N 1I ,. t· . TV' 1 R' ~() C:.:IClld Parli'~lIlcIII well illtu 1951il casl thIs mOl'nlng, sir, if yon r all)~ lillie IllIrin~ '1lie' disllUle. ..

tlt'ere was extreme apprchenslon emergency· Is not· nearly as acute P-e ().l(J. ron s l-l I. llSS HillS Instead of endtng the sessllIh a~ l11IP:ISI'?" / Aftcr all all·day meetine of· the Forl,r Miners . of a Ihird world war. He' asked as It was In 1951." usual next October. 'l'orbay\llan: (sings): '. ~\~i~ing union,: a~till~,' s~eretarj' whether the present emergency Is "You wouldn'! sa 1/. that If they LONDON (A.P.) - Thc Il'ie~. . 'l'he p e 11 't' d I' "Windy cold anti I\·ct· .!.\\llham Newman saId: Things are .' "I It I' 'th tl th sec con alOe a C car ,.. . . .. . h d' tl . f

SYII:-ll::Y MINES,. N.S. (CP)- worse now. . dropped the first hydroC~n bomb," Q d P n consu a IOn' WI lC 0 er \Varnin" IlIa! Eden I' oul t urej' Ther- ain't been no chan"f ,·d.' movmg In L"e rig t Irec On o~· !II H ueen . opcnc a new ar· ~o""rnmcnts eon'cernc(I, my ~O\·." soc " .... . I everyone" .. \fln"" 111'cl'ols Thur d bl m d "It ~~rtainly ·is." Mr. Howe r. OWe replied. ... '- .. til hit 'k th t h '\'1 ltd Id . . ''', (I.. S ay a e. ll'amcnt Thursday with .a t '11 t' tl t ~ ras 0 s rI'CS a ave nt r, . we, an co " .' .

l 1000~c rat for Ihrowlns 40 miners Interjected. " •.• they (the Rus· l[ }I.bombs were dropped, lIfr. ernmen WI con muc'llarnes Y 0 slowed Britain's industrial boom.. Our sunshine has been sold.' I . nUl ~r work and causing an \lstl· slans) didn't· have any hydrDgen Harkness countered, "It WOUldn't confidcnt' prediction of scck ,I peaceful settlement 01 Ihe '1 . I

t d • bo'mb I 19"1" . " . 1 51'luation I'n ,~c ForlllOsa strait." "Tile [ull cnIDlo"nlent n[ nl" So join In this refrain- . . .. :4' ..... . rna e .,100. dama"e to electrical s n a. mattcr one Iota Ivbether the min. "II·u·tful l1egotl'atlons \Vlt 1" J ", mE ~1L~'R o . .' • _ I Later, in welcoming the Queen's ".ople 11'1'11 conti"nue to be t .... e fl'rst For weeks and weeks and weeks . e1tllpll1cnt when It short clrculted Mr. Harkn~ss 'said it is the Ilrst Ister has Ulese powers •• , Ulat . 1 dIP" ., an underground switch. time he .had· heard tllat assertion. Is a complelsa bogey.man.". RUSSia am . a pIe ge t lat address, Eden told th~ Commons care o! my minister •. " it said. You'll. he slngln' 11\ Ih~ ram". . . .

Thr power failure blacked out Prime Minister SI. Laurent 'and The exchange occurred ai; the Britain will press ahead in he believes Russia \\iU have no "To this end they will actively Reporter: "You're In excellent 0 t" 1 drizil I~c Cape Breton communities of External Affairs Minister Pearson Commons went through its third search of a Fonnosapeace. objection to the Western Big scck the co.operatlon of emplo)" voIce this morning sir". . verca.s; ~caslona. ._ e. North Sydney and Sydney Mines had not said that. Mr. Pearson day of debate on a government Three's suggestion for a heads' of era and workers in ensuring thai ' High '48.·0uUook. for Sa!urday:

d Looking radiant In white gown state meetin" in Geneva July 18·21. ful.l employment and expandl'ng Unchanged. '. . .' an brou~ht the Indian Cove Coal had done his b~sl' to give an blIJ to eliminate the cut-o(f date d Iitt 1 di d tl' rEI' '" C an g cr ng amon a a, I' LONG SESSION SEEN output' shall not he J·eopardl·zed." WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The T. . . ampan)"s Greener mine here to Impression,present condlt.lons w~re of .July 31, 19.56,. on .the Defence zabeth delivered the sruoeeh from Ed . h tI . . "

I I . ~- en said be opes his mee ng Clement Atllee, elected leader of state department Thursday an· .empera· fur' es '. a s ~n( stilI. consldorably better' than during .Productlon Act' undcr which the th thr I th I nl gild d . C '. e one n e anc e c with p. rcslde.nt' E.isenhowcr., Sovictl the. Labor . party Thursday, to.ld nouneed that the Uniled Sta'"s .... as . .. ,' ... ompany electricians fouild the the ·Iast· four yeurs.. . '. procimment program' for defence House of Lords. P N k I Bid h C '" "

electrocutcd rat near the switch. 'rhe. Conscrvatlve. mcmbcr said supplies, Is' ca~led on. . . Assembled before her were Ule F l'em\cr P 1.0 al Ed u ga;m' an C t e ~mmons he welcomed "the grant~d limited tarjf£ concessions Dawson "" ......... <., 42 . 69 ~_~ _______ -:-""""'_...;.-~...;.-__ ..:..:.._:......_;..--=----'-__ --:... newlY. elected members of the 'renc 1 remlcr . gar 'aure o· more opeful signs that there arc to Canada and Ule Benelux coun· Winnipeg· ..... ; ... ·..... 46 55

D . t . tl'_.. f C . h d d b Cer~ what will be the first in a oC pcace in the world." .'. tries - Belgium, The Netherlands Ottawa·.:.:,.; ... ·.; ... · 54 75

e S · . 'a' 'e' nvuSe 0 ommons, ea e Y sones oC BIg Four talks. The Labor MPs induced Att\~ellnd Luxembourg . .:.:, as compensa· Montreal .... ........... 52 72' Per '. . Conservatlv·~Pr.me Minister Eden, Thc~? "1c~lings, Ed'~n said, ~vill to accept leadership of the party I' lion [or duly increases 'on eerlain j'Sydney .. ;.::;.: •.• : .... 42' . 52 " . " and peers of the realm" robcd In ofrer an exceptional opportull1ty, for at -least another ~ar. . imports from thcsc countries. St.John's .:::: ... : ..... 38· 45

For Survi.vors·~.· ::~p~~::rt~J~~:i!~~~~~~~t R d H' N' "B · '0" be .. ,.> ... ~.-.:." .;'" B . ...... m!Zdab:l~k3ro~~pr~n~a~i~m~~~01~ . e S· aV'e '0 a'SIC" Je' ·C·:t:·l'O···:'n····: I -,. T '. . . k ., ,. a· car Inst-zad of a hor:,c·drawn '. ' ,'. aZlng '.' 'a;tl: .er:·. . procession that would hal'c tied , . . ' :' .. '.... • .

, . 'up traffic in London's cJngrstcd

MARGATE, England .(i't~~ters)~.f\ve.n.':ty.~.t,VQ.d~sper. - st~::tinment was summo;led fivcl T"o 8,·g ,. governl1lent is not'objecting t~ the versatlon. ' ale d 'f' d . '. bi d ", .. ,' . . days carly 10 approve Jhe state' place· and date proposed by· the 'AGREEABLE TALK. , .

• seamen an R ·tern I~. ; .. young .. on C 'WOl'J:lan .. swam o~ national. emergency proclaim.~d I Western· powers for .Ihe Big' Four .' "The tonc' of 'our talk was ag're~: 1 through a lO-foot.l1igh."lalJ' of fla'nlc 'to ~~rvi\;a.l T11u'rsday to dcal wilh what the Queen's I' .' meeting. . able,. burthls mceting did' noUnn· h. ul20 olhel's aboard_. tn·cirblaz.ing· SW.· edis.,i1:.ta-.ll.J ,te. r.periS\le.d' speech culled "Ihe grave situation" F . '. . Molotov stopped over in Paris stitute a formal diplomatic COli!:: .. · h" . created by Ihe strikc. lour . M' , 'f bric'fly on' his way to San Fran· cnce.". . -

1n.1.11 c English .ChanneL·· .'. '.-.. ,,;"···· .. b·' " b"I' . GOVER~nJEN'I: CONFIDENT I .'. ee " .cisco for··tne United N3tion~ 10th :T~e.pr.ell1iersa.id Ru~sia·.s inv!· Ic·~truSgle al:ainsl·blazlng 011 Panall1aRla.~· ~tU9;:its· o\~.a ~ze, After declaring thc governmcnt'sl .~ anniversary se·ssion.· . talion to Chancellor Konrad Aden

bc;an al 2:10 a. m. ·.when the 10;· .ba~ked ,alyaYi' ~I}d ;ql\lc~ly. b~.at out . . \l'h'ol~hcarted support for t:.ie North . . - . ':. Mlcr. his ,Russian. gu~st bad d~· auer ot,',\Vjlst Germany is Ihe: m~sl 1S8 . ton .S.vcdish tauker ,Johan' .tlID. fire. ,,' '1'·' '. ". , . .:: ': Atlantic 'alliance. the speech said: . f'ARIS. (A.P.) -:- R~s~t:1 parted for. Cherbourg to sail [or recent eY~dence iliat the dlpiomatic ~ishl\s and' I~c 7,i.i6·tOn. PUl)aman.·. .~~tra'cUvc · ... ~lon~ell Mrs .. :· Bafb~o, _ : .' . .. .. : . . . "Fprtifie(\ by the growJng ~nlty lla's no b,asic obj'ectiontob.e~ New.:York, Failre :told a press con· th~w i~·. eontinillng. ,

21an car;o shIp Bllcc.an~cr co1ll4ed .Sve.nssorf, .23, wl~el 0 W~.,t~nkher.s· REV" RaN" ROWSELL and strength of the free nahons, ginning a Big Four top level I ference Molotov also had suggested,. We have no reason whal~\'cr ~ milcs,~itst of· this' Britlsli"p'ort :Utst"cnglnecr('gr pped her'" us· '.:...... 'my governmimt look forward In a '. ~. . ·that lie and Plnay might'vlslt Mos. ·to be suspicious of ·the.posltlon of Seeo . ~ . . ". '. :,ba9d'shand. as:th.ey ,.ju~~e~ with who has. been elected·Presi· s~lrit of confldenc~. anll gqpcllVill mee:!J1g. July .. 18 . lit . G~~~va, ;~oW'.. . . ' C!lancellor Adenauer," .b!! s~id, r,:J.

01 fir ndSd!balterk·a .roalrlnt COt~ulmn ·t!!C ~t~ers ... : ... .' .' dent of. the' Nev;rfoUlldlanc1 10 'fnlltful negotiations wllh Ihe! Soviet· . ForeIgn' ·"Mmlster .' This was 'not a· formal Im'ita' rllng that German reuOI!lcalJon has e an . lie smQ (0",0811 "mn· . "'"It;''' .' t' If I ·".tJ I··c· 1.1 • t f I Sit U . . t' F . I! ( b t " 10 been', mo g. bJ'eet'I' , dreds'orf (' .'. 'tii': til' ":B . " "", \wn~ •• ~rr.;; nb ,.,..8 !~,~~.~ C 'f f t}' U 'l d IlnV~rnlllel\ u lIe.' ove ilion. Molotov'told Frencll'leadel's I~n,. HlIre eXll n nel, 11 Il}ore· ,ng .' . an, 0 ,res .0,

in 011 ceo ov:r e IR ~~ ... ~rn .,1aJer ,over" a; cup: of~ \eli·, al'd;~ ,~lg: o~.' e.re~cer', 0 ;. le. tu ~ "M~. govcrnm'~nt . welcomc the . . . . on. lhe side of tourism thall dip· f rt'llch p!'hcy. . 13~ke ca~c:a~ed frf~: t~e,~trl.ckell ~aret:. '~1'~e~~~.\'Iet:.nq~ea.ms:~.:t~e· ~hurch ;of .~C~naq~ •.. He IS progress which has rece~lIY be~n ~hursday. . . .;, lomacy.~'~· .:' '.' '.. '.. 1';We can",?l'.' favor 'a",sy£tem. acro/ :hn .. ~p,read a ,~~:at!l.~.a~~ 'fiame~,ll.~~e.d :,~t, t.'Ie' 8\1'JII.'.m.ers •.• 'presently iIi' charge of the ~adc' In the' Unltcd NatIOns dls~·. An Informcd 'Fr~nch source sud ... H I~as .the·Fr~nch prel!lI~r's II:sl .w.hlch keeps :a,~reat .countr~· di·

;:! .e. sea.,: .' " .'.;-, ......... :~ould.·se,e."1en.·.trying.llr.!h~lp e.~ch .. ,'. . .. : ... . .' . .clJssions . on a comprchenslve: dis .. Molotov ·Iolrl Prcmler' E;rl!!arFaure' meeting wilh MololQ'I. But, he snlll, vld·~d,." Faurc saId, but ~dded tn.a) 43\\ Ibth thelr .I!fe.~ho.ats::·iblaz~i' th~. :oth~r.: Ithadral~;o5h Klyi!R:u~ h~p.; ~,. Bngus. ParISh,. .:. armament. plan designed:' in bring .~nd Anto,ine' Pin~y, 'French forci!!n tl!erc·:.wa~: . .'~nnUlinl'! precise,. noth· . eonditi~nsf~i reu1.'ification :71ust

a oard the' tanker' jumped. ~The 'wh~n' the: reseUe (boats' arrived." ..... , .' : .. (lJally. News Photo peace and securJty, to all eoun· I minister, at· a lunch here that his Ing' sens~tional" .. about. their, con· .be "swtable." . • .,., • ". . . ., . t .' .' • '. ". • • ' . " ~. ".' ' ~: . . •.. " .' 'd

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n' This , ' ' .. IIQ., North'east

'"nI)uu ........ this week

of carryovers projects started

which are in completion,

of what was ,farm which "'j'

part' of proposed Though this is a

[rom the truth, tbis, unofficially beginning of need, When thl in, earnest is as

The c)(ca\'alion ' and 70 wide. The the road will be

through the Mr. Jack Cobb

with tbe Old wilt provide a 20 rood. "It's about

, something to way;" an oUicial was Iiellrd to say.

From there lead across the conneet with the

, the' blgbwar.

. '" .,.

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!To Give' In Newfou ndland

I . .

===========-:::-:----:---'------:-----4-' Recital

This Year HQ., Northeast Air Command-Headquarters NEAC

l~nllourlCCU this week that an estimated 25 million dollars in and carryover construction will be in erfect this ye:1f

pcppcl'rell Air Force Base, Ernest Harmon Air Force and Goose Air Base. This construction program will

under the supervision of the Corps of Engineers. A breakdown of tbe sums to be ..

Iripenl1CU, shows Ernest Harmon tlon workers. The contractors at Force Base and Goose Air Goosc will hire approximately

Labrador, each havIng about 2,000 additional employees to ~ork million dollars In the con. on the gymnasium, hospital" steam

,ttuc!ion progral11ro While a two generating plant, airfield paving '1fI n do)\ar expenditure Is plan. and speelallzed buildings, Includ·

~:d ~or p~ppcrrcll, Of thc 1m ing a new Officers' Open Mcss. dullars at Goose, contracts' The contractors at Ernest liar·

I;r nr\\' facilillcs let In 1955 mon Air Force Base, Stephenvlllc, to about 10 million doIlnrs. Newfoundland, will increase their •

. Harmon, contracts for. new eonstruellon payroll from ncar

- ,

Sh9PS To Close 6 'P.M ..

Board of Trade Recommends

The fol1owlng statement re, gardlng the closing of relal1 stores on Saturday was Issuell ycsterday by the Newfounrl1and

. Board of Trade:- .

Over CBe

111",ililtrs amount 10 almost 4 mil. 1,000 to approximately 1,800. The lion dollars, while at Pepperrell projects at Harmon Include . a Itout 1~; million dollars of the new hospital, electronics equip· construction pro cram is for new ment maintenance facility, civilian

The differonce between dor~itory, dependents school,

''ln consequence of the foTtcd closing of retail es· tabllshmcnts by Government order on Saturday, the Retail Section of tile Board of Trade has recommended to lis memo bers that for the convcnlence of the public they should reo main open until 6 p.m; throughout the .• u m mer months."

THE :&XECUTIVE of the Newfoundland 90nference of the United Church of Canada for the coming year wcrc elected yesterday, 'They arc; left to right, Rev. F. W. Bradbury, B.A,. B.D., Secretary; Rev: B. B. Snow, B.A., B.D., Past President; Rev. R. N. Rowsell, B.A., newly,elected pr esident; Rev. Venlon Smith, B,A., B.D., Journal Secretary.

JULIE (ANDREWS) ALMI Sunday eVl'ning over the neg.

ional Network oC the C,B.C; Julie Andrews, well known in SI. John', as the "Littlr. Songbird of the Playgrounds", ,,;m give a recital of song.

t cts for nel\' projects and the IIghtmg and radio air navigational ~~tmonics in the construction aids and some miscellaneous build· rro"ram at each base Is the re. Ings, Jult" of carryol'ers from construe. Pcpperrell contractors will hire

UNITED CHURCH (Daily Ncws Photo)


projects started In prcvlous to n peak o[ 7~0 construction tarS which arc In various staues workers. Thc projects at Pep·

completion. perrell Include a water storagc reservoir. electric sub· station,

Goose Air Base contracLurs nor· high school anti sewerage outrall ~all)' employ about 800 construc· main.

(The order which has been gazetted regarding the weekly holiday provides far Saturday closing throughout the year. In previous years, the Govern·· menl has enforccd Saturday closing only duriD,g the sum· mer period, and has legislated only for a 44·hour lVork week Icaving the cholee of the day to the decisIon of the Trade).

Annual· Conference Julie, who in private life IJ

the wife of Mr John Alam of New York, and is a pupil at the Juliard School ,of ~Iusic. She recorded tbi. program in New York by special arrangements,

The ;laughter of ~Irs. Andrews, and the late A. G. Andrews of St. John's, Julie Idt herc about nine years ago to rtudy voice in New York. 3.1d h~~ visited st. John's but once, in 1949, When she gav, . a recital at Pills Memorial Hall.

City Helps Truns-

Trade Fair For S1.. Jolm's

C d Ho I There is ,to be a Trade Fair in A 'd L " . ana a 19 lway St, John's this fall. ThIs will be .tten s eglOn Opened Yeste.rday

1955 Officersl,-AI_R_CA_DE_TS_: _o~.:---~Receives "51. John's ~tunlclpal Council entirely separate from a planned 1\" • A has begun thc construction of the Agricull ml P,xhibillon. lueetIng t mtcrn section of the Trans Can. It's interesting to note that the , ~da llichway," sait! jesting Harry present Newfoundland display at F . I d

park superintendent, thc Canadian !nternational "Trade· erry an as City Councll bull. Fair, being h~ld in the exhibition

dozers and trucl!s dug out a por. grounds at Toronto, has been so Hon. Myles Murray, Dominion

Are Elected Local Lads ID;v;nity Selected For iDegree build as to aUow it to be broken represciltative of tne Canadian

tion of what was formerly Brook· down into sections and Lhen ship. Legion. will be present. at. a meet. The 31st annu~l conference of the United Church of field (arm which will eventually ped baCK to Newfoundland, Ing of the Ferrylnnd brnnch of the Canada convened in Cochrane st. United Church on Thurs-be pnrt of proposed highway, It will then be reassembled here Canadian Legion held at. Ferry· day morning at 9.15. Afte:r opening devotions the Though this Is a slight varia. . tion from Lhe truth, the fact Is and put together as a local Trade land tonight.. President, Rev. B, B. Snow, B.A., ~,D" gave the' President's

this unoWcially at an r t Fair. In this event, It would seem The meeting is to feature dedi· dd th' th "M b'l" f h K' d· f h b i' Y a e" very likely that such high points caUon iJf the branch colours by a r~~s on e e~e. 0 1 lzmg or t e mg om 0 t c eg nnln~ of fulIlllment of a of interest in Toronto as the the chaplain, the ,. Reverend J. God. Mr. Snow SaId In part: ~ong ~ecd. \\ hen the project wlJl Newfoundland Theatre would be Cotter and the presentation of the • Mobilize the Church Is our great ----------­g~;:~ I~carnest Is as yet anybody's ~hown here.; lc,arter. to the b.ranch by. p.ro.,central theme. To understand thf ~~~iit:~'ati!~~s~f I~~~S ~~e ~~~cei::;

. In Toronto too, Newfoundland vlnelal president Frank Temple· Import of this we have to sct our , I h tl' t" 1 of the Gospel of Christ., To fulfill The purpose of the grand de. girls, m~mbers of the civil ser. mnn, . t~oug ts on Ie In rlnSlC va Uf, ___ --: __ ..:....._____ our bope ·of complete mobilization relopment II'hlch began and ended vice were hos:esses but this prob· FISHE' RY SAL.T". there must be action, enthusiasm ,Icllerda), is. park superintendent ably wOJldn't follow here. and advancement on the part of lIaml)'n explained, to get the top , every minister of the Gospel and foil needed for the current con· Koch ShOll,s . every follower of Christ.. William ltruclion of the King George V I.' Ad t S I· I Gowland, Superintendent of AI· llcmorial Park, It Is strictly !Ion. equa e Upp leS bert HaU, Manchester, England ~olitieal and in fact has nothing Open Offic. e .... said "a church which Is not to do with the hlghwu)' itself. ·s t . spiritUally mobilized and whose

Some lime ago the ClIy Fath· 0 MOl d F 195 5 d m approached the provinclal gov. n aln an. or . . e as on ?rganizatlon Is ,not In~egrate is Inaapable of penetratmg pagan

nnment with the request that society .•• wherever a church is the), be giVen the privilege 10 Koch Shoes Ltd., nre setting up Newfoundland fishermen need have no fear of a salt spirtually prepared and mobilized 'Ithnr the topsoil of a p rti n of a sules headqllartcrs on the main· • , < 0 0 shortage this season as there are ample supplies now on it will reach its objective of the land Just of[ Cowan Avenue land, !l1f· Hor~t Koch has just reo h d' S J h ' k f 1 brin"ing new converts in and hold. (or u c' th P k A d turned Irom a trip 10 Toronto, an In t,' 0 n s to· ta e care 0 norma requirements. b s m e new ar. ccor· ing· them within the fellowship of ingly the government, seeing that where it Is understood the sules according to information received y~terda y from one of- Christ." this would in time be part of the headql1nl'lcrs arc to be established. the city's fish merchants. There. arc Indl'catl'ons of a ne'" h' h In the meantime Mr Baxter Bowrlhg's and Baine Johnston's. " 1. wa)" granted permission and ,. The 1I1lIeial told the News that and greater strength to come, We yesterday the boys were right In Morgan ha~ heen appointed com· a second cargo of salt, consisting A quantity of the cargo will be shall mobilize that strength and there digging, Passersby ·wontler mercial manaorer of Koch Shoes oC 10,000 hogs.hcads, or ·2,500 takcn from the side of the frelgh· for that .purpose there arc some

if th· th I thl at Harboul Gnce I d d . h ter -by local coaslers for delivc,ry to - IS Were c rca ng, . ton, arr ve In port yester ay. T e ports along the east and south obvious things we must remember.

The cxcuI'atlon is 200 Ieet long other ~hipmcnt which' arrived. a coasts, First we must "mobillze for and 70 wide, The actual width of Nelv Council fcw weeks earlier was also of the When tile Labrador fishery was greater service to God." There th~ road will be 80 feet and Ivill same amount. In addition there ., II f arc many organiZations that are run through the land now owned were considerable stocks already :~ ~:/~ot S~~ug;u:I ~: ;~e:r:c:;:~ doin·g good things, but the Church by ~Ir. Jack Cobb and connect For St. Anthony on hand, of fishing schooners crowding of the living God is unique in with the old Placentia road. This st. Anthony in norUlern New· The two cargoes, which arrived around the salt boat, awaiting having as its primary function 't'he will prol'lde a 20 mile to Holy. foundland has elected a new town recently arc from the ports of their turn to get their supplics, worship of an alimlghty Father rood. "It's about tlmc wc had council. Two hundred and eighty· Ibezla and C·adiz, in Spain. Other and many were the quarrels among and the adjustmcnt of society and l~mcthlng to relieve Topsail high. two ballots were cast in the elec· sources. of sait for Newfoundland the fishing skippers if one or the Individual life to His . leadership." ~.)'," an ollielal o[ the highroads tion which put Into office as IIshermen arc from Turks Islands other sneaked In along side the In the second place· we must Was heard to sa~·. eounc/llors, Donald Pomeroy, Ed· and Inagua In the· West Indies. steamer out of. turn, something "mobilize for the service of man·

From there the highway will gar McNcll, Joseph Ollerhead, The Swedish ship Edda, whleh the same as would happen among kind in the world," We sometimes lead across the Hol),rood arm and Raymond Squlr.es, Seaton Strange· .arrived in port yesterday with a group of women today, if .there (Continued on page 14) connect with the Dildo section of more, Wesley Biles, Eric Boyd, 2,500 tons will dlsehargc her cargo was sale of nylon stockings at n the highl,'ay. Uriah Patey and William A. Patey. at the southside premises of siore on Water Strecl.

CITY COUW]L eqlllpmcnt:was bu~y yesterdaydredgirig· apo~tion 'of .land· on· Brookfic!~ farm, west of Cowan t.vcnu~, and trucking' away .. tHe topsoil for const~uction of the ~ing',Geor.ge. V, Memorial Park, .:This very spot

. ',,::ill . be part of the Trans·Canada .highway . When built. '.

John· Edwa~d Kelly, son of Mr, and Mrs. E. J. Kelly,· of 8 Forest Avenue, St.JohJ.l-'s NewfoUl\dland, Canada, will receive the Bachelor of Science· degr~e from Georgetown .Uni· versity's College of Arts and Scienc~s, at. the unlversity.'s 156th annual Commencement, Monday, June 6th.. .

..: ·Kelly is a 1951 graduate' of 1St. Bonaventure's. College; Sl John's:.

He plans to enler the )er. fmon Medical College of Philadelphia in the {all. ,'. .

Training Awards . O'ITAWA, June lo.-:The· Air I Air Cad~t crop" for 1955 Cadet League of Ca.nada today ~ri.. For two hundred and' fifty of nounced the names of 509 top the cadets, the higb point of their Air Cadi!1s from across th~ eoun· careers IS· the award of an RCAF try who have been selected foc scholarship covering 30 hours of special training awards providcd actual flying instruction, The four by the League and the' RCAF each weeks' ('ourse \;'i\l. commence on summer. Chos~n from some 19,000 July 4th· (one week later in the AIr Cadets in 273 squadrons, the Maritimes), and training will be award·winning youngsters have give!) at mel1'ber clubs of the qualified for pilots' courses, leader· Royal Canadian Flying Clubs As­ship training and goodwill.· ex· soeiation. spaced across the coun· change trzps til the United States, try.· Successful graduates wil! Great Britain or the Continent. qualify ·for til(· Air Cadet flying

Recommended on ·the basis o[ badge ~s well as for private pilot's their outstanding records as Air licenses. Cadets, the winners have.passed One hundred cadets will reporl Lhrough joint League and RCAF "to RCA);' Stillion Camp Borden selection committees at local, pro· early in July to commence seven vincial and national· levels. They· weeks ot leadership training aimed are rated as the "cream of the (Continued on page 14)

Building Boom


lila dison, New Jersc)', June 6-Donald T Baggs, son uf Mr. and ~Irs. Joscph S. Baggs of 33 Les· lie Street, Saint John's Newfound· land. received the Bachelor. 01 Divinity degree today at Drell Continue Search

For Missing Helicopter

There is a huilding boom at University's 86th commencement. Grand Falls, Fifty building sites President Fred G. Holloway con· have. becn sct aside in the new ferred degrees on 62 graduates cl sub.division n,'rth of Greenwood the .institution·s theologic.alschoo~ Avenue and an additional 20 HIS three·year profeSSIOnal ·dl· sites are being made available on I'inity course at Dre,,:, was p're· the Botwood ;:!ghway. ceded by undergraduate study at

with the downed helicopter,

Duke University in Durham, No·rtb Carolina, which granted him the Bachelor of Arts degree in .1952.

As fog hung heavily on. the northland of the Great Northern Newfoundland Peninsula yester' day, once again no visual search by planes was possible for a heli· copter missing since Sunday with two persons on board,

But aU,S. Coastguard plane, fly· ing two miles up tried again and again to establish radio -contact

But no message came. Still 'Rev. Mr. Baggs has been all hopes are, high and it is thought pointed as pastor of the ~!ethodist that once !lIe lVeather clears, a Church at Trenton, New Jersey plane will be able to spot the and conducted his I1rst service! copter from the air. there· on Sunday, June Sth.

Boys' . I Windbreakers A special purchase of cotton gabardine unlin· ed Jackets· fa. fit boys 4 to 10 years; elastic waist and I. i p per fastener. Colors blue, grey, green, fawn,

BOYS' BRACES .. ;.25c

. BOYS' BELTS :~,.,,39c

BOYS' OVERALLS 'N' DUNGAREES Full. cut, strong wearing blue denim. Sizes to fit 7-14 years.

51.75 gar.


Assorted fancy Cotton'Strip­es . in. red,. green, . lema!!, grey. To fit 7 to 14 years.


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, .

Summers on Its Way I I

Making a specialty of underwear season alter season, our

buyers have a thorough know/eage of the styles most men

ana bOy5 prefer. Summer's on its wayana' The Royal Stores

can supply you with the best in summer undefwear at

Kltisf~ctory prices. Come, in ana se'ect yours while size ranse

;s complete.


Nylon Shirts and Shorts MEN'S TWO PIECE NYLON UNDERWEAR Strap style shirts and mid-way style shorts with all elastic waist. Small, medium, large and extra large sizes. Price per garmen' ..... I, ............. , ..... ,II.$2.60

RAYON UNDERWEAR Mid-way shorts with elo~tic waist and strap style shirts. Small, medium, large and extra large sizes. Price per garment." ......................... $1.35

JERSEY KNIT' SHORTS Brief style shorts of fine combed cotton with all elastic waist and elastic fitting legs. Nylon reo inforced; all sizes. p • • nce per pair .................................................. 59c Strap style tops for wear with the briefs.

. Price each ........ , ............................. , .......... , ...... 59c

JERSEY KNIT BRIEFS Made from fine combed cotton, nylon reinforced for extra wear. ,Elastic filling,' all sizes, p. . nee per pOlr ........ : ........................................... 75c. Strap style tops for wear with above. Pr;~e e:ach , ............................... 01 ••••••••• " .......... ,.75e



Bexer style" all elastic waist, anerted stripes in all sizes,

Fine qualiiy Balbriggan Combinations, short sleeves. knee length. sizes 36 to 44. Price each .... , ................................ $1.60 Prict per pair .................................... 90c


Fine combed col1on, all elastic waist, 1000e legs. Nylon reinforced at seams; all sixes. .

P,lee per pair .. " ............ u; ........... " .... 80c

. Strap style matching tops. Pr;ce lach ................. f .... u ................ BOc

Long sleeves, ankle length, sizes 36 to 44 Price each .................................... $2.00


Round neck, short sleeves, buttoned front "shirts, ankle len'gth drawers, Sizes 36 to 44. Price per garment .................... " .... $7.25 Sizes 46 and 48, Price per 9armen/ ............. : ............ $7.45

B~Vs' . Underwear BOYS' BRIEFS Fine whitu jersey knit briefs with aU elastic waist. Sizes 10 fit 6 to 16 years, p' . rice per pa/r ............. I ............... ".lu .............. ,45c BOYS' SHIRTS Sleeveless style, to match above briefs. Price each ................ : ............ 1 .. 1 ................ , •••• 45,


Ioxer style shorts In assorted stripes with all .Iastic waist. Sizes to fit 8 to 14 years. Pri . , 80 CI per palr ....... fI............................... c

JOCKEY LONGS . Stanfield's light weight iockey longs with all elastic waist. Made from fine combed colton in sizes to fit 8 to 16 years.

\ Pric. per pair ...... fll ......... II ....... "n ............. ," .. 1I1$1.90 SHIRTS Same fin. quality, ~hort ~Ieeve$ with round neck for wear with the above longs. Sizes fo 'fl.t 8 to 16 years. I Pric. 'Ioch : ............... " ...................................... $J .15

e r

Kiwanis Doings

a· r '0', n' .. 8····" '·a·~···~' . r 0' t e s· we~~,~B~~~:, o:U~:e 7l,;tA


•• ,

IIeadquarters. Kiwanis Club de~lt mostly finalizing matters connected

CARBONEAR, June '1 _ "Car- the mammoth auction held on

Air ,.Cadets Vitit RoC.A-F.

bonear" Squadron, No. 538, Cana- ' 28, 28 and 31. However, we dian Air Cadets, visited RCAF T I' . . stand that the final tabulatioJ\ '

Headquarters at Torbay on Satur. eac lers Hear i'I"I. . . returns his not yet been day, where' they were given air. , but It Is known tllat the

l'lft fll I C b I 0 0 . NEWSY BRIEFS wJII exceed the tweni'··seven s, ~ ng ow over ar oneAr. nstructlons n . J For most It was their first over. , .... dred dollar mark, which Is, Ilead 1IIght and tltey enjoyed It R' dO every viewpoint, very BatlSllctOlri1 10 well that· thcy lire hoping It , . ea lftg lir. Rallben ColbOurn~ willlea\'C Gay, June 5th, for tile Small sum The winner of the Television won't be long before they will be ,shorUy for G'onder; where lie will of twenty·five cents. An interest. was, as just everyone knOWI permitted oftener and farther. CARBON EAR, June 7~Several be engaged In ebhstrnctioil work. ing bit of news will be made pub. Dr. t. F. Moores, of St. They were delightfully entertDlned or the local teachers attended a Miss G[adys Colbourne was a lie, namely the amount of money Tbe Davenport was won by during the day and night and reo tw~day mllon on "Public ltead· recent vlsllflr'to st. John's where, received through "the tale of the Frank Moores ind the ucculoltl,R turn was made early on Sunday. lng, held at Harbour Grice reo we undi!ralind. ~bii Ilis a routine shirt," whicn we understand Chair by Mr Reuben Pike, both Ac~ompanylng the' Squadron were eenlly by • mainlar.d lady. The eheck,up, following her ·recent ill- amounts to well over two hundr~d this lown. Ihe C.C. Hudson Davis and P.O. tourse was to .how tuchers of the nm. dollars. Some jingles which IC- The Kiwanis Auctioll Is em LeRoy Noel. Immediately upon younger pupils how beat to c6n- Rev •. W. B. Jollns~n, B.A., B.D., companltd the' donations and every member ii 10 be COlllllll.11 their arrival here they attended duet reading dassel. With public lind Miss Mollie Howell will be which Ilave been judged "excep- lilted upon hili work, ·!illt to Divine Service at the South Side speakln, much In the limelight, golllg to St. John's on Thura'day, tlonally good" will be read as Graham Mollres, ChAlrm~n of United Church, where Rev. W. B. thIs course ahould start pupils on 10 attend tile United Church Con- entertainment for those wh~ at- Way~ and tilea?!. Co!tllillttee, Jollnson cxUmde~ to them a hearty the right track. trente, which.is being held, this tend. go much of the praise for welcome, on behalf ot the Boards --------- year, lit Cochrane St. Cenlenlal Mrs. G. C. Saunders wcnt til St. It such an out8tandlilll IUC(:t!Jll

of the Church And also on his own O' hI·tuar Churcll. Jobn's on Monday. While there President Jose worked hard, behalf. Y Mrs. Fred Davl~ of Freshwater she will attend the dinner belne and from whal wi! could lee

MR. RICHARD BUn Is making satisfactory prol/ress at lendered 10 the Welfare Officers one worked harder than Joe CARBONEAR, June 7 _ There Ihe Grace Hospital, following 'an now attending a special course both at the time of the

I F passed peacefully away on Mon· operati?n. and which take~ place' at the wben he was auctioneer, and

~ave or ilay, May 3D, Mr. Rlcllard Butt, Mesm. George and Mark Pill'- Newfoundland Holel on Wednes· ing the time the plnns were , ged thlrty'six. Deceased was the sons, ftshermen of this town,. day. ing mnde and put into cffect. ~ 'Labrador son of the laic George lind Minnie picked, up part of a salmon' nel, Mrs. Lockhart Pcnney. goes 10 congratulating the Kiwanians, .

, CARBONEAR, .Tune 7-Twenly- wcll.known figure around town, same by getllng In touch with lal for Ireatment 10 hcr el'~~. She wiII cortle to appreciate all I; - Butt of Crocker's Cove, and was a attached to krIC. O:"ner can have St .. Tohn·s today, to enter hospi· can only hope tliat our

· two crcws, onc hundred and len ha\'ing been dell\,cry man for I them., hM our "ery best wi~hcs for =n Club Is doing towards making .: I pcrsons, sailed b~' ihc S.S. Kylc on ! Rural. Retreat Farm for tile PMt Snt. lI~ajor and ~Ir.~. Moulton! rarly return .~ome and with im' town a bCaIthicr and safer Qne ~ i Frida)' last for I.ab~ador, 'whcre I three year.l. He is surl'i\,ed by his I (S:A.) 1I'1I1.,be, holding .Ien·ice~ in I prove~ ~i~ht. . ,lour bol's and /lirls. ~ I they will prosccute eIther or bolh wldolY (nee Isabel Mahaney), a' Ille S.A; Cl<adel, on Sunday next,! It 15 With rep'et Ihnt we hal'c 1 .

t, lhe ~almon anel cor!{ishrry. 'They young son, Marwood Nellon; nne! June 2,;1. 10 reporl Ihat Mr. A. B. Antlp; i1'] lV! h · A d ~. wer~ nol all {rom Ihis areo, some hrolher, .Tohn J" And one sister, j C~pt. C,. Thom~son, S.A., r~'l ollr geniol Custom's O(ficcr. luf- i 1e n ea eI 11 ~,commg Irom Bay Roberls and ~(rs. John Lahey, re~idin~ at I eently i~ccIVPd. \\or~ tllal he IS I fered a ~el'er(' heart aHack on A . · ; some o( the local crews your re, Felix BuH and James Driscoll, of; Ih~ loca~ cor~s for. the comlDg Mrs. HaroM McCarlhy relurned . . Ii vicinily. From convcrsation wilh! Hearts Desire; 111'0 ~Icp·brothers, to conl;nue Officer ID charge. of Monday. Jun~ 6th. . tom ExplOSIOns ;. i porler was informed that they Ihls lown: two step.sisters, Mrs. Y~Ar 1I'l,lch,. I.nclden.talty,. will be during the \\'~ek, after I 1\1'0 • R).' ,FRA!IIK C:\llll' '1 would be rcturning home after thc Willi~m Dool~ of Gander, and hl~ n.lth. A~k~~, how he. Iel,~ monills "isi! 10 rclatil'e~ in To. ; ~ ASHl.:'GTON lAP) -

i'salmoll fishery is ol'cr to pro. lIIrs. Peter King oC Long Harbour about It he said lie lre thnlled Tonto and olher Canadian cities ~nl\ed iit.tes \lc~ther bur~lu , sccntc the shore flshcry from this P.P., and a WIde CIrCle of rela. h' \ or an· and towns, and at Boslon, U.S.A. e"idence that atomic ~xpj(l![ol,11 i. . .' ..' to know we 11111 be here f It has been unable 10 fln~

· port or to engagc in work other tlves and frIends. Funeral took ot C! yc~r. Her cO!1lpanion on the outward ha"c had-or cnn hai·c-.n·,' .

I. than thc Iishery. That they will placc on Thursday to s.t. James' . MISS EI~a~r.r Soper spent Ihe trip, Mrs. Ehzabcth Clarke, die! on thc wcaUler beyond ~ f~i\' : all havc a healthful summer and Church, where Rev. W. H. B. Gill lIeek,tnd With her par~nls, Mr. rot rebrn with her. The aged from the bIn st. 1 reap a rich harvest Is the ,wish of conducted the. funeral rites. ,Inler, nnd IIIrs. George E. sope~, Rural la~y was hnvin~ such a grand time "Although it ~s not p~s~ible

;/i their felloW townIolk.. ment was In the C. 01 E. Cemetery. Retreat Farm. Accoo;pai\) Ing her With hcr relahves and friends prol'e that ~tomlc. el(ploslons .

, was well represented in the Kyle's er exlends condolence Sparkes. visit and it ls not expecled she It IS believed Ih&t tills study i~l Tile Earle Freighting Serl'ice To the bereaved relatives the \\Tit- wa~ 11 friend, MISS Dapllne that she decided to prolong her ?r ~ave ~ot Influenced the

< passengcr JIst as several of their MRS SOPJIlE REID Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Grant, Mr. 11'111 return before the end of Aug. s.hown that such an effect is Ii' . and Mrs Grant Jr and young t'f h likely," th~ burea:1 reccnU)' ~ employees took passage for either CARBONEAR, June 7-0ne 6f s B b'b' d iiI' D h us, I t cn. Congress after a study of the t" Snlmon Bight or Battle Harbour, our oldest and most respected on, 0 Ie, .a~ ss. ap ne tion ~ wllere lhey will carryon both the residents, Mrs. Sophie Reid, widow ~e~:, d were vmtors to lown on YO~Il~S I J~ne t ~~wa~d, t~ ~?:ul~r The burt!Ju investigators, fi:; salmon and codflshery. From [at- of Ille late Mr. James Reid, pass- a ray., . n : YO. e ou . I e, S orologists L. ~!lIchta and D. "l cst reports we hear that tbe com- cd peacefully away at the home A son \las born 10 l~r.and Mrs. plannln,. on bemg mamed. very Harris, noted thal their ~ pany recently purchased the pre- of her daugllter, Mrs. Harry Saun- Joseph Oates, Crocker s Cove, on Soulh Side, by Iler ma?~ {rlends. was limited to tile effects of , a mlses formerly used by Baine, ders, on Thursday, aBed eighty. Monday, May 30111. Congratu[a. No ~om~ coul'i b~ consmered wr.1l ~xplo'ions. touched off at

~' J hn t n & C t B til H b ~even ye~ D d h d b tlons.. . furmshed unless It Ilad the coun· ~ ada provmg grounds Uil to

,\ a 5 a O. a a e ar our. rs. ecease ft een The final meeting of the United terparts of many of the gifts she year. ~ That their Initiative and enter- suffering from a heart condition Cllurch Guild took the form of a received, all of which werc chosen But b~cy said also thal ,; prise will be ~e\'lnrded by abund, [or years but Ilad been co~f1ned hot turltey dinner. It was Ileld in with a vielV III being both useful nary e;nmmlltion of f ant cntches Will be the wish of 10 bed for only two weeks prior the U.C. Hall on Tuesday evcnlng and attractive. She was quite sur- !'I~matlOn I:', m the H·:Donlb ~ everyone. !o her death Through h~r long .' h h . '. 1 's d d hi' In th~ }'.I ::fl~ "does not . ' it Illness ~hc was lovingly. cared for \III t e. Plt.ldent,. Mrs. G. E, I. r~ c un . H P easUtc at .. Ihus that anr ,11\'10115 change.; ;r. ~ b,' Iler daugt.ler, whose greale,t Hed~es, In the chnlr. A ~h~rt bem~ hnnoUlcd \las most e\ldenl: wealher hale been prob~r" f 1 thought was for the comfort ~[ business meeting fn.l1owed the dID' A smg.so.ng and suppc.r follo\~ed theEe" eXl:I,,~:ons outside Ih~ fl. / Weather Delavs her aged rel~tlve. The lale Mrs t:cr, wIlen the Presldcnt reminded tbe ope.nmg (,f Ihe gl~I~, which area. . , . 1;./ J neid w .. s of' i t di : tile members thal the annual i'alc. werc la,er pl.lced {In display {or ~o CO~l'it.r;TIOS SEES ~ F" I SI' lion b~l sh: ::~i ·qf e ~p~s~ is 10 be held on Wednesday, No-' all to see. Mac~t I ano Harris sent ft IS 1. llpment . . am! enJo~e vember 2nd next. She expressed I honnalrcs IJ most AmeriCan , i h b d e \I IS la a \I ou enjoy a {' . . I -c CARBONEAR, June 7-The M.S. II? g ours an was never Ilap. pleasant Bummer vacal! - nd ron mee! 10 hN room fOI Ihe pa~t orologlSl'. ~,'bng [or jden.~. I. . Ihe VISlls of her friends and Ih1 " h ti t II 'Id' Mrs. iV. P. snunrlel's has been ganizatirm, y.hich cmnlo" In

i "Kent Sweeney" has just complct. pier than whfn there was "com- t n in th f II .·th on a. d len da)·s. Ihe result or a bad nt· Uut of to replies recrired. ; '., d dl" I "I b I I' d h' re ur e a II I renell elL. {t' I ' 'u por • I' Id .. . : Ie sCuarg ng a cargo of coal for pany 0 e en er alne , sees, " d . t d' t ac" 0 ne '! u. Latc."l word IS," ,,'CI (OU ~e:! no

fa' the Harke Fish and Coal Company pecially enjoyed visits from young ~.I~or t an. I t:rea t' e.~~rc or Pt~' 1 that her doctltr 11a, ginn permi,· i connection" betll een a tomie ~ From what wc know wc' undcr: people, especially from Iler ' AlclPa. et. In e ae 1"1 Ie! 0 e I' ~ion lor her 10 get' up for a ~hort I andh SUI17':k!Jllent weather. ~. ' . d • 'Id f 5SOCla Ion. ' . . sue a I1n' r~ stand It was the intention for Iler gran ,till reno everyone 0 whOIli . I lime. 1I0we\,cr, I( It h~s to be Th tl . If d h I;;.~.' to take a relurn cargo of fish from literally worshipped her. She was A lovely bOuquet, in memory of I "warm" before Ihis order 'can be as toC hO\I/C~~ 0 cre. ~t ese.. ," ~ W. & J. l\Ioorcs Ltd., bul, due to an ideal moth.o.r and gran?mother the late M~_', .Tohn !'I; Moore~, pUl into effect, it could be she sue':1 l\ :h.k~cre mig pOooIO., ~ unfa\'ourahle weather it is impns.1 and she Will be greatly missed .by was placed.1n the. Untlcd Church 'I' would he in bed fo.r, ~nmc time .1, TIllt ~lomic "debris-ro ~ 1 sible 10 loael fish now and it' is evcry member of the famIly. on .Sunday la~l by member of the 1 yct, but \l'e can contmuc to hope. liI'e particles (rom the bomb' ~ II more than likcly sh~ will sail SUl'\'i~'ing arc one son, William, GUll~. of which she was a past I and dust l~d dirt stirred ~ without it, which is most un (or- of Ihls lown, [our dau~llters, MI'!. PreSident. Ihe ~Iast-mlght H~r\'e as a , tunate, from thc viewpoint of Ihe Wa1t~r Farrington and Mi!s Bel!- • Mr. Charles M. Nul'cs. Direc·' B sc;cmg ag·~nt.". That .is. the. i. cxportcl's and the shIpowners. Un. sic Reid, at New York, and Mrs. tor of Alcohol 'Education and Edi'l and Instl'uments might touch off ral~[illl In ~: less we get a change o[ weather SaunderJ and Mrs. Fred Powell, lor of the "Courier," . wllich is ,. ~ad'!\de way I~at dry IC~f or

~ f th O t I b fbI' h b h D dO d 10 I C somettmes ean I i \,ery soon, fish exporters wlll not 0 15 own, a so anum .er 0 pu. IS ed y t e ~cwfoundla~d e Icate into the right kind of a .. be the only sufferers. grandchIldren and great grand- Temperance Federalton, ~as In 2. Til3t !lIe radioactIl'e cha n children,. to all of whom we ex- town on Thursday. to interview CARBONEAR, June ith - Two of tl1e debris mig 11 t

I C "I N 0 tend deepest sympathy. She wa. the clergy and other citizens, in new band instrumenls, a corner cllanges in the eltetrical coaraeli"l

,OUnCI OmlneeS laid to rest by the side of ber tile interest of the Federation. and a euphonium, were dedicated of the atmosphere, possibly . husband, in the United Church Rejoicing in tile blrlh of a son in a special scrvice held at the ing to observable weather

" CARB~NEAR, June 7tll-1>~r. Cemetery. on Saturday. Rev. W. (their J6cond) are Mr. and Mrs. Citadel on Tuesday evening last. 3 .. Dus~ resulting from an, " James 0 Brien, Returning Officer, B. Johnson conducted tile service John Rorke, Jr. We exlend 10 After the dedication ceremony, blost might InterIer~ . With

i' reports that two persons were at the home and graveside, them heartiest congratulations. which was performed by Capt. ~mount of solar radlaUon

nomlnnted as Town Counclllors where three of her favourite mg the o::arth. today. They were Charles Drakc, hymns were sung. Mr. Andr~w Moores is erecting Thompson, with the dedicatory POTOhR ':DEED" PROPERTIES

..., an ex.counclllor and Frcd Pen. a fishing premises just enst of praper being made by Miss Annie . ~ \\ eath~r bureau, eqllippJ!11

~. Th f ' what was formerly Noel's Mat- Ash, tbe Bandmaster, Mr. Eric WIth mformnhon from the . ney. e o:":er was sponsored by Children should be given small Ash, passed tbe instl'uments to aided b" co - operative s • Mems Wilham S'U d d Ibilll tress Factory. We u!lderstand he . J •. • n ers an respons t es at an e3rly nge. A Envoy Sainsbury and his son Wal- carned on b\' air force and :. James Finn, and the laller by Jlttle praise for the way the J'ob intends to prosecule the shore scientists, believes it ha~ '·llo·cke-l1 '[ d II'sh ry nd h .. d lacc, whose duty it will be 10 play A'

I, · es amcs McCartlly and Hiscock. Is done, willi tolerance for mis- e, a e uas our goo them and h th d tI d down thes~ three suggestions · Mr. O'Brien further stales that takes, will hetjl 10 leach a young. wishes {or a saving voyage. .' w 0 ere?n len e· wPy: J Polling Day will likely lake place ster to accept his part in the bome Aft .. .. !Ightcd Ihe con.gregahon by piny· 1. Experimenls ~hl)w. the ~ In about tcn days time. . • crnoon tea ~1J1 be sened In 109 an a~proprlate ~uet un them .. says. Ihat NC\'ada dust· has


,.1' , program. tIle Memorial Llbr~ry on Tues, The semce was qUIte Impressive. ~fOo:l;:S~!~~~~ties for servini as

I 2. As for changing the elcldric~1 1 propcrties o[ the : atomic d~bris deposited

t g~nd~d~a~cthee~~~q ~t conductivity of the air neRr

I ground., But. the bureau

· changc would be in such a · layer near the ground thai ~ wOllld .be. insignisicant in turns

usual atmosp!\erlc Jlhenomen~. 3. As for atomic "dust"

, I



,1he (ianadian 11Jin1l1illl On Ne .. fall Daily T,anlcent"',"hil Sch.d.lo. I Cenmlt1\1 DQUy Tro~ftlil s.,.... .

. MaNTII~L.VA"taU~I. TOIOliTO-Yl.cOllVlI I 'tllTlIl .... VA.COUVII IilIIOMre.YAMCOuvn fhl CanadIan IlaYIl MOllirtal I . file Dtmlnt." I .. .,., Monlreal

dally 01 1.00 p,m. I.U. 1 dltly 01 8.20 p.ml ~.f.T.

CIoeda ftir "Itlutl .. '" ... IInI cllltllnt IntIIt .. 1St-WI! If thtl ........ " IIItIIlIIII Mm. Inlis Iff ... ~ r;:t du".to,urist .nd COleb Iccommod.tlob to lule III bud.-" v Setnlc Doines for III pmenneri '.:, U 1.I!lIe Dilliag Room Cau-CIIhlae, .enlet and rllrtollndln,. oIllus:urious liottl'dlDl1lf room v nlque Mural LouDle for refre.hment V. Dille p<lw.r all the WI, . . V Sk,lIl1e Colfee Sbop (eaturinl bud,H meals v R.IUTid coacb .tat. with fulileasth lei rells.

Wlm .'01 INfORI",.tlON AND ImlVAtlONS TO . W.,. UAMI'm, DI.irlttpal'I.;er AgI.' Canadian racine ".way. 40Kinl St., SaIni John, N.'.


Ing with the amount oC tion reaching the earth says it is true that a'suffidenll!11 large dust elO4l~ can 1.'".'0 __ solar radiatfon-a' fact d.,n",n ~trated by the l833 eruption Krakatoa volcano In the East . ladies whleb tossed equivalent to several cuhlc of. earth Into the air. .

"However," Machta and u .. .i,ll Sly In their orlelnal report in ~chnlcal Jour al Science In.1 to ~e' ~elf avaUIII~ In'~lrml·l~ Uon, there appear t.o be many dua ot munltude separating tilt amount or dust rc!Julre~ to product ally .Ianilicallt reci\lct/OJI In wide mcolllln, radIation and prodUced by the Nevada lions." 1------


AT T Deputy Major Jim

sided at yeslerday's Council ' meeting, MeWS ii; Ill. bon, Nightingale tended,

TOWN Three matters

City Planning pickett lor further was an appllcalion Drew o[ Valley ·jnstalliltion.. On wi11lam Finney to extend' hia house. to Mr. Pickell was of Patrick Reddy coal business at' 116

street, now a cu one·way through Engineer and logethcr on I his

:iEW Permission \\'as

eran Cllarles H. a bUsiness to be ern Stamp Salcs.

On thc reco cab Inspector Pollee Inspector plication o[ operate a cab was rejected. It cab ~peration causc a gra\'c

SIDE\\, Ray Chaytor 0

Street complain Lng was being


.'.-., ,


r 1Ll"-"H:IIIES equipped AEC and

studies :'ce :lnd privatI it has knocked uggeslions this

III\\'. the bureau dust has "I'Cr)'

servini as I

and HarrIs report In tJie

;klence, "aecord' IvaUlZle Inform.'

many or· Uni th~ JlrodUC~

.10\1 I: lion In ,,·orld· alld III It

NeV'D d. explo-

AT THE CITY HALL DcpulY ~laJor Jim Higgins pre- parking over the sidewalk. Thl~

lidet! at )'estcrday's weekly City situation exists in other parts o[ ronncil me cling, since Mayor the City, notably Henry' Street, and ~te\l's i~ ill. Councillors Fltz/llb. lhe Chief o{ Police wlll be asked bon, ~igbtlnllale and Warren at- tn check on sidewalk parking. Icnded, RENOVATIONS

TOWN PLANNING Contract [or the renovallon o(


Posse Search~~ Bandits I For


ST. RAYMOND DE PORTNEUF, some of ~:Iem wearlnll bull~tp.rool Que. (CP)-A 50·man posse armed vests, and 10 volunt~rs.~Th~ wiUI revolvers and machine guns scarch was to be concelitrateil Oil set out from here today cbtermined a scction of rolHnll bushlaild; on' to flush from the bush two desper- mile each sIde of the commQnUy ate bank bandits, on the l'lUl sinen of Ste. Chrlsllnc, about ~o itJUe; Thrrc matters were referred to the basement of City Hall was

Cit)' I'ilnning OHicer Stanley awarded to Gilbert K. KleUcy, Who pickett for further aellon. One submitted the lowest tendcr.

Tuesday, 11'1811 northwest of Quebec. ,~. The pOSSe included 40 policemell, Pollee Lieut. Conrad Gitfoux,' I

\I'~; all appllcation from R: D. Le- DOGS' Drcll' of Vallc)' Road for water Councillor Nightingale reporled ill~I~\lation., On the same road, Lhal residents of' the Whlteway William Finney asked permission Street area' were complaining that to extend his house. Also referred roaming doss were dcstroying to )Ir. Pickett was the application their Ilower beds. The lmpounder 01 Patrick Reddy to conduct his will \'isll the locality. coal business at" 116 George St. PLANS

REJECTED Estimated value of new building The application of George DIng In the City during the week was

to operate a restauranl in the $127,500. The following plans were building at Rawlins' Cross [ormer· approved: ~' occupied by Bugden's ~!eat Bungalows: A. B. Frost, Chest­ltarket was relected. However, the nut Place; Paul E. Taylor, lot 360, applicant may apply to the Zoning Shea Streetj R. F. Buckingham, Appeal Board for revIsion Of this Linden Placej D. L., Mc~eod, lot ruling. 218, Elizabeth Avenue; T. Hunter,

SUBDIVISION lot 323, Falkland Street; Eric


~elY to his learning but to his heading th2 possel uld he 11 cpnfl· dent the m~ wil be captured ,1.0-

lifelong work for peace. Sir Arthur day. They are wearing only 'light Eddington and Sir James Jeans sport shirts and thin trousers; A ' kept their country in the fore- heavy fog and dew £ell on tlte:trel Cront of astronomical research in Wednesday night and police specu. the age of relativity. latcd that the 'bandlts nolY ,:arl

Dr. Vaughan Williams slands to- soaking wet. As far a~ is ldIi:wiJ day for music, Mr. Augustus John taey have been without food Sin~ for painting, Bnd Sir Giles Gilberl they, robbed I bank at nearb): St.

M arc Tuesday. ;. Scott for architecture. The medic- ,;. a1 tradition of Lis~er runs through EXPECT TROUBLE ~: the late Sir Charles Sherrington to The weather was clear and {tid. the present Lord Adrian; the late uaUy warming as the arlm-faetd Lord Rutherford, on whose dis- posse set out. Pollee said the :blll"

• (Daily News Photo) cQveries depends the science of dlts probably have not been bOth­nuclear power, is the most famous cred by black files or mosquItoes

LAST WEEK a special presentation ceremony was held at the St. John's Sanitorium, when patients at the San, because weather in the area'hu who have completed a course in First Aid with the St. John Ambulance were awarded their certificates by']\'1r, of the physicists who have worn been too cold.

the cross for "merit". Othcr Ste. Christine is localed ili.the Gerald S. Doyle, President of the St. John Ambulance As sodation in Newfoundland. Left to right: seated, Mr. sciqnllsts included Sir Robert foothills of the Laurentlans. From Wil!iam Howell, !\fr. Doyle, 1\'1r. Ivor Thistle, (instructor) Mr. Gordon Reid. Standing, Messrs. Norman Janes, And" Hobinson, and Sir Henry Dale, there bush extcnds into forest

erS<l1l Johnson" Gerald White, Thomas Mitchell, Henry Patterson, Cecil Penny and P3trick Martin. both international scicntists an~ stretching to the shores of Ja/Dea

The Cit~· Planning Officer re· Gosse, lot 8, Reeves Place; Brian porlpd that approval has been Muliowney, lot 337, Osbourne .il'rn for subtlh'islon o[ land own· Street; S. J. Sloan, Wintcr Avenue; rd 10,1' \1. R, Luscombe on Albany W. J. Clarke, lot 401, Shea Street. PlaCl'. Extcnslons: T. J. Flynn, 108

l'ETITlON ' I Pleasant Street; F. M. Stanley, The Order. Of Merit also Nobel prize winners. bay. , ,! ,

ing Sir James Frazer o[ "Thc Irand) Russell, thc philosopher, and In prose literature and drama noadbloc~s were cstabhsae~. ill -:i i:

Golden Bough" and Sir William lhe historian Dr, G. )1. Trel'clyan, George :llcrcdith, Thomas Harrly,' :~~rea~~~p~~~d:~~dR~a anh~ddl !ara ~oldsworth, the historian of Eng·1 now the senior member; Dr. Gil-1.1. M. Barrie and John Galsworthy Police believe the r~andila 'MIl Thirtl',lh'c residents of Klteh~n-I Kilbride Road.

rr ,~l'c;l1Je pctitioned to have that Alterlltions: ~Irs. C. Andrcws, 68 ,'lrerl, nol\' a cul·de·sac, made a I Cashin Avenuc; neg, B~oom£leld, rnr,way through street. The City I Carson Avenue; COllst. Cochrane, Engincrr ami CitJ Clerk will gcl, I,ong Ponel Road; John Byrnc, 39 10;clhel' on this matter. Sudbury Sireet,

:-m\\' BUSINESS Addition: Mammy's Bakery, Ale);· Perl11isslon was granted war I'ct· ander Street.

rrall Charlc~ H. Pearcc to conduct, Sign: F. E. Best and Co, Ltd., a hl"iness lu be known as "~Iod- I Wnldegral'c Street. ern Stamp Sales."


, (Dr. Albcrt Sc111ccil:cr, tile

emincnt philosopjlcr alld theo· logiall, musiclall and doctor of mcdicille, who for 40 vcars has givcll devoted service as It mis­sionary alld JlIrOCOII1 in tile has. pital he fOllndcd at r.Qmbarcnc, in French Equatorial Africa, is olle of the few 110n·British subjects to have becn (Jwarded thc Britis'l

Jin\ Shields, butcher, asked nt· Icntion to the sidewalk (ronting his slore at Frcshwater arid Penny· well Hoads. The Engineer told the founcil that a complete report on ~it)' sidcwalks is being prepared, lnd this scction will be Included.

SACRED SPOT Ordcr of lIlcr;t. In its way it i8 The most sacred of places to the an honour as erception as' his

Hindus Is the junction of Lhe Gan· alVard, ill 1953 of IIIC Nobel Peace

the neck and con~ists of an enam· alled cross of eight points, in the same colours, with the words "For Meril" in the centre. The Order carries no title or precedence, but a memb~r at\a~hes the letters 0.111. to his name, placing them before the initials o{ any other British order of chivalry except the Gar· ter and the Grand Cross of the Bath.

TAXICAB On the recommendation of Taxi·

tab Inspector ~lcGilli\Tay and Police Inspector Dwyer, the ap­plication o[ Hubert G. Pearce), to optrate a cab stand on Lime Street \I'~S rejected. It was felt that taxi­elb oprration al that site would cause a ~rarc traffic hazard.

SIDEWALK PARKING ita), Cha)'tor o[ 134 NeIV Gower

Street complained that his· bllild­in~ was being damaged by cars

ges nnd Humna rivers in India. Prize., '1'he brighter green the vege· • • •

12 FOUNDER lIlE~IBERS For many y~ars before he came

to Ihe throne King Edward had cherished the Idea of an untitled

table, Is ~he rlchcr It 1s III vitamin A, other v1iamlns and minerals.

Mental Illness ranges from mild temporiuy cases to the mare serious types, Mild forms may re­quire only simple treatment in a special ward of a general hos· pital. The important thing Is to have such treatment In the earliest stagcs.

BY order of chiv~lry, taking his in-DER~IOT l\IORlIAII spiration from the Prusslan Order

(who as Arundel Herald Extra· "Pour Le M~rlte," founded b~ ordlnlry Is an authority of Frederick the Great In 1740. Thus

ceremonial In Britain) the Order of Merit Was created in Confined to a membership of time for 12 (ounder members to

24-nnd In lhf. 53 yenrs since Its be appointed In King Edward's institution thn~ number has never Coronation Honours list. been reached-the British Ordcr The rounders included the ul Merit was founded by King three cstabllshed military heroes Edward Vll in 1902 as an award of the dny, Lord Roberts, Wolse­for exccptionally merlforlous ser· ley and ,Kite!.ener, and Admiral vice In the Royal Navy or Arm~', Sir Harry Keppcl, who had fought or towards tile advanccment of 0([ the coast of Spain as long ago art, literature or science. The M 1834. The great physicist, Lord SOl'erelgn, as Head of till! Order, Kelvin, maile a link. with the Is alsll empowered to appoint as Prusslan Ordcr, of which he was honorary members an unspecified n memhcr, and Witll him were number of 'non.Brltish, subjects, Lorn Lisler, ,t/,e surgeon who dis· but \,c:y few have rceeived the covered antiseptic surgery, and honour. Lord Rayleigh. who helped to de­

The m'dcr has oniy one class; velop a whole new field o[ enqutry , bllt memhers appointed {or mili· into the structure of atoms. G. F,I tIll'y or naval Sel'l'ice add a pair Watts stood for nrt, John Morley,

Ae regulation polo £Ield is 300 of cI'oss~d swords to the badge and W. E. H. j.ec!;y for literature; yards long, 160 yards wide, with o[ the Order, which IS hung from music had to wall until Sir Ed­A polo 1I0ai 24 feel wide. a blue nnd crimson riband round ward Elgar received the honour

I';;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;' ~. ;;';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;';;;;;-;'-;;;;;;-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1 at the co I' 0 na Ii 0 n of King George V.

illodern methods of Immuniz· ation and de\'elopmcnts in treat­ment of eon!:tglous dlFeases hal'c hel;:cd 10 prevcnt epidemics that might havc killed many thousands o[ Can~dlans. Without t:lese met· hods o[ wipIng out smallpox, typ­hoid and other killer diseases Can· ada's popUlation would not have reached its present hleh figurc.





'. Presented by



No foreign honorAry members \\'em created at the outset; but

Iln,thc flush of pro-Japanesc feel· Inl: sct up by the RU5so.Japanese War, the King hrought In three o[ tile victorious leaders, two mar-shals and Admiral 'l'ogu, in 1006. In retrospect, this enme to be thought too lavIsh, and since then the appointment of honorary, members has been very rare. The !wo French Marshals, Foch Bnd .Toffre, wcre given the Order of iIIerit nfter the First World Wa.r, and General Eisenhower after the Second: {rom then until the present addltlon 'of Dr. Albert Schweitzer, the President lias been alone In his distinction. FEW POLITICIANS INCLUDED

It has been tacitly assumed that the reference in the statutes to the Nav!' nnd Army must now he tukcn tQ, include the Royal All' l,'ol'ce, mill the outstundlng leud­(!rs 01 both world wurs huve been admitted on Ihe morrow of vic­tory: Jollicoe. and Bentty, French

. and Hnig; Lords .Cunningham, Newall, Alanbrooke, Porlal amI Trencli~rd among the present 'members.

A very [ell' politicians hav[) been included. and those gener· ally, like ':Lord BaUour and .Lord U a I da n e who were phIloso­phers as well as statesmen, quali­[jed in other ways until Lloyd Gcorge wos' glven ihe honour in

1 1919: Sir Winston Churchill, Mr. Clement Attlce, who' leads the Opposition In the House of Com· mons and Lord Halifax arc mem­bers now. Unal Queen Elizabeth II the honour had been given to only one woman-Florence Nlghl­Ingale. It wn~ bestowed on her

,In 1907. In the public mind how· ver It Is primarily for the honour­ing' of !lui arts and sciences that the Order of Morlt exists, and lhe eommanders, 'the occasion PI statesmen, and even' the one woman, are Included In testimony that prp.-emln~nce in the world ,of the mind ratiks equnllywlth the highest f~rms of direct aero vice to the state •

hsh law, and today Lord (Bert-I bert Murray owes his place not I hal'e been honoured. not girl' up easily. ....


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design, stronger chassis, heavier frames and new axle capncities add up to n better deal for you.

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JEWELERS Don't miss this timely gem of 'PRIV A. TE 'EYE; Entertainment ~ it's .'nother Fine '590' FIRST!

OF ~Al'TJE CALlDRE The sueceslors to the original

i2 have been o[ the same' calibre. Mr. John Maseflcld, the Poeb Laureate, is a Member, like his predecessor Robert Bridges, and a younger school of verse Is repres' ented by Mr. T. E, Eliot. Th~re have beon a number of famnus


\~ •.

1 __ "' _______________________ ,;",------,1 I scholars ,And' philosophers, Inc Iud·


.' .' '.

" '(



.i '1

, . ,:.


The l>All. Y NEWS II a mornlns paper establlshed in IBM, and published at th, ~tWI BulldJng. 355-359 Duckworth .Street, 51. Joh1l' .. Newfoundland, by RoblnsoD Ie Compan, •. Limlted.

I T~o much secrecy has always sUl'rou!ldcd tliem. A more open policy might well be desirable,' particularly when it cim be attended. by an assurance that those In­dustries which may be having some trouble are gEtting the attehtion of highIy'..trained business .doctors who can find effective remedies for their ills.

In The ·News BY . WA~FARER


U:MBER OF THE CANADIAN PRESS The Canadian Press II exclusively en·

.' Iltled to the use for republication of· all . .' Dews dlspatc/1es In tilll paper credited to . .;. It <:Ir to The Assoelated Press or Reutcrl .

'. od also the local news pUblished therein. All Press sm1ce and feature article. In

.. ' . tWs paper are eopyrighf and their reDro­ductlon II prohibited.

Authurlzed al second class mall Post Offlce Department. Ottawa.

Member Audit Bureau of C\rt:ulaUon.

DAILY SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Canada ................ $ 8,00 'per annum United Klnsdum and aU

ForeiliD Coun'l:iel .... $12.00 pu annum

-FRIDAY, JUNE 10, 1955


Future Of The Industries

Will YOU· Come Into My .{ . Parlour ?

The invitation to Chancellor Adenauer of West Germany to visit Moscow is a smart move that might well have danger­ous consequences for the Western Alliance.

, The stated reason for the invitation is

NOTES AND COMMENT The hollday sltuotlon has been

brought to II new pitch of con. troversy by the decision of the Government tu proclam S~tur· day a commercial holiday all the ~·car. round except during the lwelve day,s preceding Christmas. This hus been done by vJ'rtue of the amendent of 1953 to the S1. John's Shops Act. 'This prescribed "one day in each week to be fixed by order of the: Minister of Pro· vincial Affairs upon the joint recommendation or the Impcll·tcrs

Russia's desire to discuss trade and diplo. and Employers' Association and matico relations with the Bonn regime. But the Retoil Clerks Internatlonol lVI • • laying for much bigger game. ,Association and In the absence of • oscow IS P . I such recommendation to bc fixed 'l'hat is the detachment of West Gcnnany by proclamation of the Lteutl'!n. 'fl'om NATO and its complete neutraliza- nnt·Governor In Council, but a tion' . • day slmll not be so fixed during

H~l.'l' Adcnaucr has already said he will the Chrl~tmn5 period." It is to be 'r 'tl B 't .' d th U 't d St t assumed that 110 joint recommen·

can et' WI 1 .1'1 am an .e n~ c a es dation wos made this year and before he accepts the RUSSIan bId but that the Govornment took It upon he will and even rtmst accept is obvious. itself to proclaim 0 speclfle day. He is not, however, likely to fall into any snares set by Moscow. .Adenauer believes, 'rhe history of the legislation

~ New attention has been directed towards . . thnt I)as led to this proclamation h ill the western all.Jance. . . Is a curious example of govern·

t e Government's secondary industr.y But Adenauer IS nearing 80 years of ment at \l'orl( A Bill had been

be preferred but good reasons for the different days for the wholesohi and the retail trade were advanced.

Much agitation In the press has been in progress to the end that the retail stoo'es Should also close on Saturday. 'l'he weight and ex· tent of this move Is not known but It Is evident that It was suff· ictent to bring. the necessary pressure to bear on the Govern· ment with the result that h05 now materialized. 'l'he Government's action Is. -wIthout precedent since elsewhere the practice Is to allow storcs to operate at hlelr own convenience within the limits of the agreed wurklng '\\»ek, What Is extraordinary Is, tha~ the pre· sent step was taken without conSUltation wllh that part of the trade which has been afCected by It. In the interest of equality of competition, It ought to follow tl18t the same lI'egulations ought to apply to all urban communities In Newfol1ndland. ~s they lItand at the moment, they impose restrictions on the commerce of St. John's which do not apply to the commerce of other town. which moy be competing with the capital.

programme by' the notice of dismissal tlge. He has no potential successor as introduced' to transfer the Wed· sen'ed on Max Braun-Wogan· and other flnnly attached to the west as he is and ncsday half·hollday to Saturday.

. German nationals from the Superior Rub- certainly not to the point' of rejecting a It was going through In that ~er Company. This news suggests that . . ... simple form when a ProPl~esslve· h h Hussmn offer. to make reumflCatu;m of Conservative member raised the It is a curious fact that the

t e Government as taken over· con. tro! d f 1 t' th . f ,. Germany an ree e ec Ions e prIce a question of 'night work. He wholesale trade may from May of this particular industry. It also prompts neutralization. Therein lies the danger. thought It an abomination and 10 to June 10 exact an additional ~n attempt to estimate the fu'ture of the Russian aims remain unchanged but the Premier, IIOt to be outdone. four hours a week from its pack· Fi!anufacturing industries which have beet:' R 'an' ethods have been altercd. The ogreed. Nowhere else, he decided, ers and ~hlppcrs for the purpose lin anced wholly or partially 'out of public ).ISSI m ". f f th lI'el'C shops opcn at nl~ht. Ergo, I of shlppmg freight on schoon en funds. . Austrian peace treaty was proo 0 at. thcy must be closed in St. John's. and other transport. But no

. , Now it is almost certain that West Ger- I By the time tile muddle was ove, IProViSion has heen made for the rThc great difficulty in any. undertaldng many will be offered bait so attractive, nnd the Bill had become law, loading of schooners when that

'of the kind is that there are feW'authentic that Adenauer might .find' his own party I shop assistants had won benefits may be necessary In the short, I~qts and that almost anything that is said . ' d t h' 'f 1 were to reJ' ect it out they had ncvo\, thought of look· intensive foil season of October Alay' be given a political twist. 'On the oppose. a 1m 1 lC ing for. The work week \\'as and November. That and the

. h d h' . of hand. reduced from 48 to 44 hours and provision made for the ChrlstmaB at et' han , t ese enterpris~s represent a . And if Germany is attracted by what a flve.doy week wos legislated. rush represent the only concess. .very large investment of public funds Rus~ia has to offer, the Russian position . 'Ions to the peculiar demonds of ~~h!s creates a highly pertinent,popular \vill be greatly strengthened at the top' The retal! trade advanced local commerce. ~n~erest. 1 I f h' h h b h d ! reasons why Saturday was a poor . But even more important is the questioll eye can erence w lC as , een lie e - day for their hollday. Tbey pre

.of :.their future. We have the industries. uled ror, July. f£lrred a Monday closing on the . grounds that many people who

Ifhe cost of building and equipping them ,., Ishopped on Saturdoy would be lias been invested. What matters now is Inconvenienced and the stom ~vhat can be done to provide for their Stre gth' for To day would lose sales If the weekly eJ!i.cient integration into the provincial· n. - whole holldoy were on that day.

After some confusion in the trade ," '., : i ,economy on a permanent basis. By EARL I •• DOUGLASS Itself and some experimentation

'. :.'::': J' ':ec~~~~~c is s~~~hi~I~~O ~;it~:d o~n p:~~ ,--' ';"1-IE-R-O-I';'8~-~-A-T-T-1I-E-'-RU-S-R-R-O-U-R---' ~lttl~a~!~~e~c;~e:~~\I~~:a;.r~~~

But the truly fascinating aspect of this Shop Act Is that Its pro· visions do not apply to the cstablishments operated by. the Board of Liquor Control. Govern· ment, in othel' word6, has' no compunction . about regulating the general trade but is ·deter· mined to do nothing to hinder Its own business. The regulation of 'working hours has never been protested but the wisdom of unl· lateral and arbitrary. action In the prescription of' working days In a communty' where· trade ls highly seasonal in character may well be :lpen to discussion and debate .

,:. ~,i: :errors. That may be a politicaillissue but . A few niqn!hs··ago a. woman rl1shlng for a subway wholesale trade prefcl1red a Sat· i '. ' , . :it has only a part in a fair appraisal of the train silpped and' {ell, and her . leg became wedged urdoy half·day opening and, for ';1 'I': :prospects of the industries to the extent betwceh the edge of the platform and the car. A the summer period, a Saturday ~i ." tl t·t . b t th d hero appeared at that moment, not on a white all·doy closing. This was becousc

" "', ~ la I serves as a warnIng aou e nee ch'argi:r or' with any' of the dramatic accompanll C.N.R. and the banks have 'a } .i:;. ':for taking no new steps, without adequate ments of a great rescuer, butdn the form of a Salu'rday holiday. Uniformity or

. ~ ..... ( , ·.technical advice and careful consideration sensible iniddle.aged chap who knew what to do the weekly whole hoIlday was to

. ;:';:.! II': :The important thing is to know what can In' a time 'of crisis and how to get people to co· -:--------:..-.---C---'-'E-'----'.---.1 ::'~I' ...• :be done to make these ventures a continu- operate. . rew mpress .. Jr. I;; I. :ing source of. profitabJe ~mployment. As 1£ he had thought It all out In advance, he .. ,,'1 .. , T " TI f h' I 'h held open the' door so the train would not slart Of Franc'e" Join. ,:';'.: ,',': b ler afclt

l dt at ear y promIses I ave not and told half. the people to stay In the car and

".: \. :,' . een ul i e may not matter if t lere is a throw all their weight on .the side opposite that D k S "k iJ ~: , : . sounrl basis for economic operation to be on which the woman was pinned. He then used OC tn' e . i'!:: .. 10und in plant, equipment and market as 'many people as. could get their hands on the ,\1: :potentialities. But who is to determine side uf the car to shove I! away from the platform. 'SlllilpllodsaJJoJ

: :.,'jl\' this? Is there anyone whose services are They were able. to move It only a fraction of an Sll Aq pass;udxiI 5UOllllllo .1oJ All . ; ;, . '1 bl to th G t h . Inch. but this was enough to free the womon. 'lIqlsllodsaJ 011 sawnS5C Jaded slq.I,

i( £' ." now ElVal a e. e overnmen w a IS Here were 50 to 100 people almost entirely lin· ,;i .. ; in a position properly to estimate the acquainted with one another who got together CRUEL SPORTS and ROYAL TV

:pro's))ects of any of these industries on a heroically In a time of crisis. Here was a prosaic Editor Dally News. ;technical basis? If not, is there the in- individual who used keen observation and tne sense Dear 5Ir:-As a member of the

:j':' ;tention to procure this kind of service? God glove him to perform a rescue worthy of a British League Against Cruel .,. ',,' a h' h h ld b 1 d decoration. Poetry stalks our streets, heroism rubs Sports, may I be permitted to . i~ /iii: ne t mg t at s ou not e to erate elbows with us every day, greatness abldcs In cOlU'ect some sweeping assertions

'1": ': ,is further drafts for working' capital by 1 d b tl A J i 1·:\ ~industries which are Dot operuting effi- little peop e. ~:me 1. ~~lIe~e~:a~:c:~~;

. !I!. ·:!I;:ciently. In such instances, expert investi- -:0:- 'Prince Chorlles Goldfish Bowl'. filii' ~gation should be made to find' out why During the lost ten years or .1' ;':'11.; :',operations are ngt profitable. If manage- What 'Others' Are SaY"lng so, I have received the regular I' , journal of the League, 'League :,i P.: i)nent is inadequate or is taking too much Doings' which Is published bl.

I,{", .. m~'~:.r.;i; ::out of the industry, it should be sacked monthly, and remembor no other !~ i!~!l' :and the Government sh~uld look for more PROVED critIcIsms of the Royal family

••• .. r.:llll! I')" . competent and' economIcal operators (Edmonton Journal) than thosc mentioned by Mr. tlli; . And'f't sho ld be f d th t • f The safety and the effectiveness of fiuoridatlon Cullen. That means' that out of . ,' Ill'l : 1 1 u. oun a any 0 have been clearly established by I mass of scientific about lrlxty issues of the journal ~'.~ill ;these industries have noconveivable evldenc·e. . three have crltlciS'Cd an act of the .'/!~I :p.rospec~ of profit~ble ope~ation, the sen- -:0:- RoyaUamlly-hardlya case of a ::. i:Y; 1 :slble thmg .to do IS to wnte ofUhe loss • NO MORE DIPLOMATS favourIte target. :; iT :In such cases, at any rate, no more good (Cincinnati Enquirer) . In the second plr:ce, the League :,:! .'! :money should be thrown after bad~' If we are to conduct our relations with foreign, as a League Is not Interested In '1 . . , and .especially Inimical, powers through press reo whether- the Queen attends race 't:!, ,; : It may very well be that some of the leases and the air media, why not do away with am. meetings or not sci long as com· I:·;;;' ;plants which are not doing as well as they bassadors ministers Bnd the whole paraphernolla .of, m£lrclallsed cruelty Is n?t per· I'.\-:': i should on the basis of their original pro- dl loniac'? . pertrated at ~l1ch a mectmg. .;!. .duction plans might be capaole of adapt a- p y -:0:-' Undoubtedly,.the Lea;:ue

tion for the production of more saleable HITCH.lIIKERS opposes {ox hunting and stag hunting, occasionally seeking a

" ,goods. But all this is 'part of the field .of . (Bra!ldon .Sun) prosecution when an act of :technical investigation. . . WIth summer rapIdly approaching, the number unusual barbarity Is' performed , •• . of hltch·hlkers on our hlghways'is Increasing dally .

. ' ~e main pomt at the moment 15 that Perhaiis It Is time to again cBution motorists of by members of tile hunt. The . "the Investments have been~ade and that Brandon and dl5trlct~although the mu. rder of a practice of 'blooding' ehlldren Is

h . . also being fought by the league,

;not ing that can be done in. a businesslike motorist earlier this year near thc city should prove as It Is Celt th!>t the custom, ~11I1 ·!way to safeguard them' should' be left warning e~ough. :Hltch.hlking crimes have become {ollowed,by some hunts, 'of splash.

I "·;uridone. It might be a good thing to so common that only tile most bizarre get nation· ing the stlll warm blood of II

.' :.establish a Crown Corpo~ation to take wide at,ention, --:0:- newly slain animal over children • . d t th t . . . . Is not desIrable: When about two ~.over eyery m US ry a IS not. paymg THE WANT A CHANGE • years ago publlc'subscriptlon was

. :itsway or whose' management does not" (Hamilton Spectator) raised for the relief of the de. . . 'pave the confidence of the Government. With a very few exceptions (Quebec City, for sltute In the Lynmouth flood dis. . ' . :That Corporation could be directed by a instance, and Victoria, B.C.) what does the ave!" 8ster, and when a large sum or . \nan or a' com'mittee of men of wide in- age Canadian community offer the visitor? that money was used to rebuJId

:d" . . .' Answer: Old Glory. Southern friend chicken, Vir· a brJdge used exclusively by 1\ ustnai expenence m techmcal and glnia ham and (this year) the late Mr. David stag hunt, the League protested

management spheres ... ,The object would Ciockett. Couldn't 'It be-just possibly, . maybe, :be to improve the plants on an economic perhaps-..:t1iatAmerlcans going abroad on hoUday ,basis and find reputable manufacturers mlghtpreler to feel t~~tthey ,~eallY were in a dlf· 'who .would 'be . willing to come. here· and fer.ent country, with a. foreign flag over the botel ; k h. . . ... canopy Instead of their own: with habitant pea soup ;ta e t em over as .. branch factopes. . . tho ." It' d f N w' EngliJ:nd clam chowder , I' . 'bI h h G . ,on e menu n5 ea 0 e ; t .1/-1 PO,SSI e t at t e. ov.ernment may (lmjlorled In the can); wIth. something about the have some ideas o~ its own along these or Heroes 'of the Long Sault' on the jukebox instead . similar lines. "It should' have for :the in~ of Q' Perpetual eulogy of one of their own Heroes of '. ~ustries represelit an important trust not th~ Alamo; and wl~' maybe a: voyageur's ceinture ~er. elv in rest)ect· oC th • mone 'n e t .J ncchee 'In the store window for their. kids to buy, t· '. ~ . e y 1 V S ell Instead of a coonal.ln CAD (imported. eustomed and i'l.lt .1:1S0 In .the hOpe' of. the permanent salcs.ta);.c~). tba! they could.gct more cheaply 'atl pmployment they may.be able to. provide. home~ , .' . '. .'

. I .

I I ," .

LIVERPOOL, England (Reuters) One hundred crew members of the Canadian Pacific liner Empress of France today. decided. to join a strike. of transatlantic IIn'~r crews and walked oU the ship 'In Liver. pool. .

They left the Empress, which docked In Liverpool earlier thls week, after a meeting on board the ship.

One other Canadian liner, the Empress of Australia, has already been Ii.ed up in Liverpool by the crew strike, which is aimed prin· cipally at getting shorlcr working hours.

Canadian Pacific officials had hoped that despite threats of a strike Iob'a walkout would not mao terllze and the 20,44s.ton liner would be able to sail back to Can· ada this evening . THREE TIED UP "

It arrived here Wednesday. Liv· erpool strikers were' told earlier .' today the Empress of France's men would join them,

The strike, which has already tied up five. transatlantic Itners, showed signs of easing In South­ampton earlier today when the Cunard liner Queen Elizabeth sailed on time for New York. Strikers tried in vain to spread the strike to the giant liner.

But three other Cunard liners were still tied up with ·thelr sail· ings cancelled .. Tilley wcroa the As· ·eania and Brl~annlc In Liverpool and the 35,600·ton Mauretanla' in Southampton; .

The strike. has also dela)'ed the sailing of the Furness Withy Line's Newfoundland for Canada since last Saturday •.

that such money had been mIs­appropriated.

Such 'pained blasts from the busy b"uies of ·the League are typical. of the quiet work that is being done ..

1 remaIn Sir yours, etc., ALLAN M. o'Ln.

Another . Collection of ..

, ,

the Famous

or-ray ,

irts At' Ayre's

.• "KONERAY" Knife edge permanised pleals.

•• IINEW YORKER" Three pleats and pocket.

•• IIDUCHESS" Eight permanised pleats that fon to twice their number at the hem.

•• "FELlNA" Straight cut style.

;e "GRANDEES" . Box pleated all around.


Assorted tweeds, plains and checks in a choice

lelection of colours • _ • and genuine tartans: "Black

Watch", /lDress Gordon", /IRed Fraser", "Roya/'

Stewart", "MacTavish", "Hunting . Menzies" . and.

'Lindsay" ••• all beautifully tailored of mid-~eight

lummer fabrics. 24" to 32" waists.

9.50, 10.95, 13.50, 14.30, 15.30( 16.50, 17,25

• , ~. _ .... '.... . , t,


. I ••• You'll welcome the new Yardley Home Dispenser for your favourite Yardley Hand

. ueam! Ir's ~o h~nd;, so ~steproof! This dainty dISpenser top gtves Just the nght amount of Yardley Hand

Cream-sutely, smoothly. Get it today with Yardley Hand uCJ.m. Use it over and over again! ,

VcmII,y Han" eru .. Whlo DI'ptn ••• - - $1.10' VareillY Hand Crtam WIIh .. , Dlapt .... - - $.15

sr. JOHN'S .. NEW~OUNDl41O. ,. , . " . ,

.' .



" ','


" '. ~.- . '. ', ..

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.: .. , '; /':. .. . . .

, ' .


'. -Gain-e. Ad The regular weekIJI

the Hr. Grace held at Pike's Tuesday, May 31, Alec Mo.ores in the come was extende4 Jlam Chde, G;ll)der.

Songmlster for J{Iwanian' Claude-1r,n4 Sbcppard as

Followhi$ the • ve'l'/ Interesting film .howing of foundl.nd was cyrIl Bibb of ImIleril

This week's . Grace Kiwanis

IIIUa! time and membe~s attending.

GUtsts of the Jlev. N. B. Hodder, of New. York Who the ~epa!tment sources. corcerning l'harmlgan in thi~

The geest nlnll', who was lthvanlan Ron Harry Walier, Game Warden, informative and dress on the In this province, "nlue of moose lind the methods calculate the or. as locally

Telllng how a the call of the being carried In

• oC the road out nt the call, how thus tbe in 'that "icinlty

Capt. Wolters play a I'ponrdine_

phony which this wa! much present .

A vote of th 1 Was. made b)'

pard and was clamatton.

Songmaster Kiwanian Bill piano was Mrs. of Frank

A meeting the W~,'s and took place ~{ the new as well as the which starts

,,1\ -.;,"


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Gam'e Supe~viSQr",

Addresses I{1w8nis"

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. :...:. . ~ . . :...... . ...

a'F '"Iur·" ' ..

".,. "

THE DAILY NEW,S, FRIDAY, JUNE 10, 1955 7 . 8

.A~c·ti:v~it'ie s": '0'£1 .' .', I '

'.' ~ ,

" ~ '. ~

TOWll':'C6urtciE Thr regular wcckly meeting of connection' an addrus w1ll be " .' ." . ;

the IIr. Grace Klwnn)s Club was given by Klwllnlan Fred Morris o.n '. . At Monday's regUlarme~ting.of on the' highroad.. .. : i held at Plke's Hotcl at 6.30 p.m. Monday next over StatlQn CBN. ' H'a-r'bou'r C'race . 'W' o'm' e' n' ·s· C·' I Social And>.. ;., . the.local. Town' Council consider· A work programme has been Tuc!day, Ma)' 31, with President Two dane .. are .in .theofflng- ....... I ., um n. .~ able busbiess was 'dIscusse'd;' . drawn up' and as soon 'as weather Alec ~Ioores In the Chair. Wei· tho first for June 30, the eve. of the Hi t' .' Perso' n··.a·· I It was decided to have a collee· pcrmits ·the resurfacing of Ian~s coIne was extended to guest WiI· wholc holiday, and the second a S ory· , tion of garbage on June 15th ,and and by.roads. will be comll1encc.d~ !iam Chale, Gander. . street dance for August. Partlcu· . £ th t' Miss June Barrett, Alrwoman of pIns or lome inexpensive article Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Pearce who 16th at~d in 'this connection the.co· The Harbour Grace ambulanCll

soncmaster {or the evening was lars of both wUl be forthcoming On the first day 0 a year- the RCAF, who had been spend· of jewellery." had been spending the. winter opera Ion !If the public .Is being ~ade three trips to; Sl John's du~-1\·\I'3ni.n Claude' Sheppard, with later. . ' 18~~th\l dedication of the Hall ing. Jhrce weeks leave' with herA 'RECIP~ . En 1 nd. returned asked. ' .. , . . mg this week, taking th~ follo,!-

1 d Sheppard 8S lanlst pf the Sonl ,of Temperance was mother, Mrs. R. Barrett, entrained Here il. a .. recipe for a pastry months In g a. to It 15 often the' practice ofciti- ing to. hospItal: Mrs, ' Loul~ rr:'~!loWlnq the reB~lar business .1Ield, and ·the 8,;coUlIl Wa5,:·dUlr. ~n Tueldliy for Lach!ne, P.Q, mlx'thahvlll stay fresh arid serve Harbour Grace lut.week .. ' zenl to put garbage out .;WIthout Nichol\~, Mrs. Mercer of the Gill •

. r' inlcrcstlng and Informative Obitua. ry'. '.' m~rded In the . Weekly Herald, . ~e)Vs was received here' last for quick Use for such' things al Mr. and Mrs: .D. P; IJeath, SI. containers.·ThIs'makes for untidi. lies, and Mr. Butt of Flatrllck. '. I. It )5howlng of scenes in New. • '. The foundaUon sionc of ,thll.hpll wcek of, the b,lrth of a Ion to M!. ple~rust, cinnamon buns and even John's, have been ·vlslting 'Mr. neS!J and it Is especially 'tsked .. . .: him diane! was shown by Klwanlan ~'llS. ALlCE SULLIVAN. (afterwardl becoming the-Vlclorl. and ~Ir!. Ronald Gol,ler of Cham. a layer cake. Paitry'mlx': ~c~:~;~o~~t~~~~~r& Nellie H'e~th, th.at JU'lIarba,le be put Into c?n. Ae'ro Te·"n· . Dl0'S fou~1 Babb o( Imperial 011 Ltd. The death of Mrs. Alice Sul1ivail Street School-and :which .w~s d.e. pagne, 1\1. Mrs'. ·Gelsler Is the for- 1 lb. but~er; 7 cups slUed flour; IItr. William G. Chafe, Gander, tamers for the collector.s to pick :' C)~h\' week's ~lccUng of Harbour took place at the residence of her mollshed in more recent y~ars) mer Irene Butt, daughter of Mr .. 4 teaspoons salt. Mix' as for pastry Who had & ent a fortnight's aca. up wIthout un~ue s.cattermg about. Club M 0, :

. Ki I' h Id t th daughter, Mrs. John Collins of was laid 'In September. and Mrs. C. C. Butt. of Harbour but use no liquId. " p. V It was also deCided that June eptlng' Grm I wan s t as I e ~th 2~ Riverhead, [ollowlng a sbort Ill· "A day more, memorable. ~ban GraFe. Congratulatlons.;, ' . When needed: Pie crusl-2* tlOn With hi. aunt, Mrs. L .. C. 30th be' the deadline date for the : "i.... ~ Ulual I me an pace, w ness", . this" sayl the Herald "illcarcely The Women's Work Committee cups mix, Idd 4.6 tabletpoons cold Davis, return~d home Sunday. . accepting of applications' for waler The annual meeting cf ·the AerD memher~ al~en~~ng. I The deceased, who had reached to be met in the an~als of the \If the Harbour Grace Branch of water. Cheese biscuits-Add 1 cup. Mr. Fredeflck Parsons' of Good· service. This Is made necessary by Tennis Clu~ was held on Tuesd~ Gue~ts 0 e even ng were her. 74th year, was a weUknpwn country," and It continues: Canadian Red CrOBS will termlnato grated cheese. Cinnamon buns- yeur . Humber ~t~., Gander, Is the work which will begin shortly evening at the council room, witJt

RCI'. t\. ~. ~od~r, I nndl ~f' EW:~~ and highly rcspeeted rC$ldent of . The dedication. was, carried out Its bl.weekly meetinss for the sum- 3 cups mIx; ¥.I CliP white sugar. 5pendmg his vacallon at Harbour· ._,. a good number presenl' , of New or w 0 s v s ng w Rlve.~head. She had been quite IInder circumstance.' tbat must mer months on FridaY,. June :W, Milk to atlffen'-roU thin-spread Graec. ~r .n~ Mra,' H. N. Davis and Mr. W. A. Oke, 1954 President, tht Department of Natural Re· active up to a few days before her. have inspired the h~art of every when all who have work are ·'Ik. with butter, cinnamon and brown Mr. and Mrs. George Lilly left their ch,lldren, Garry. an~ Susan, was in the Chair,and re~iewed the lourm corcernlng the ways of death and her passine came as a good citizen. 'c.. ed to bring tho flnlsbed 'lJarments sugar. Roll llke jelly roll and cut. on Saturday to spend a fcw days St. John II, were Sunday ViSitOrs to activities of the' past year. rharmigan In this province. . shock'to her famlly. The doors were: thrown open at. to that meeting. Thlpcommlttee Quotation: "The God who' made at Bell Island. Harbour Grace. '.' The election of officers resulted

The guest spcaker of the e~e· The late Mrs. Sul1ivan leaves to ball past twelve;" and In a few under th'e energetic auporvlslon of the butterfly's wIngs has a right Messrs, H. Munn and A. Johnson Mra. William Yetman, Sl John's, a& followa: nln~, who was introduced by mourn five SOilS Bernard who ar· mlnutu the whole of the hall, ellen Mrs, Edith Goodland has acco~. l.ci Isk that we shall do small were visitors to Harbour Grace on was thc guest of Mr. and Mrs. Past President-W. A. Okt. __ • K\wanian Ron Callahan, was Capt. rived from Bost~n via G~nder on the band gallery,was flUed'wlth ~ pUshed a great .deal in the put thlnSI In abis way." . Thursday last. . Harold Parmiter recently. ·Pr~sident-F. G. Morris .~ J!arry Waller, Chief Provincial Tuesday, and Ron~ld, Leo, Michael most representative asaembJy, com. months. .' .' And lastly: This column needs Mr. Otto DavIS of Goodyear Mr. and lo~r~. E. L .. Oke ,a~d Mr. Vice prel.-lon!s Kay Freemap. G,me Warden, who gave a most and WilHam at Harbour Grace' prlaing the.mlnlsters of tho Epls. . June being the month of brides, help Jro~ Its readers. So, If you Humb~r Stores Ltd., Gander, Is W A. Oke VISited St John s Satur- Sec. T~eas.-~bss S. B. Hayes.' informative and intcresting ad· thrce dauggters, Mrs. Wi11la~ copa! and Wesleyan congregations, here Is.a question and a!lswer:. have birthday or wedding anni. spendmg his vacation at Harbour day to see Rev. G. S. and Mr~. Execuhve-Musea .101. A~drewl, drm on the preservation of gamc Jordan, Mrs. John Colllns and Mrs; the officers of the various govern. "Could you IUUelt IQmethlng veraarles, shower parties, etc., Grace.. Templeton, .who left on Mo~day s Theresa Coady, Dorothy Smyard, in thi~ prol'ince, rererrlng to the B. Shaughruej two brothers, Mr. ment departments, profes~lonal dlCfercnt. for bridesmaids' gifts?" please phone the news to 220.. Miss Alberta Rogers who :e- express to take up residence at Messrs Frank Moores,. H. Bartreck. lalur nf 1II005C to the popUlation, Thomas Reynolds and Mr. Frank men, and I large number of ladles In reply:' "How .~out a small • ccntly completed her teacher tram· Botwood. The courts are bemg put Into 3nrl the methods being used to Reynolds, and one 'sister, JIIrs. Jas. d g ntl men of this town' and leather jewel case witt. the Initials lng course at MemorIal University Mr. Luke Fallon who had been condition and fences repaired. CJlculate Ihe number oj. ptarmigan DWyer, of Harbour Grace, to whom ~n bee and dale of the. wedding? Inside 15 presently replacing Mrs. R. Pel· reeeivin2 hospital treatment at st. The weather has slowed up mat-er. ~! locally known, partridge. sincere sympathy is extended. a~h~n~~S' havIng dressed' them •. there could be I ilet. of Icatt~ eye COley 011 the staff of the United John's. has returned home feeling ters, but i~ Is hoped tbat all 'Yi11

Trlling huw a tape recording of The funeral took place at 0.30 selves In' regalia-a dead sllenco . . ." • .: ~ommumon Church School here. . mueh improved. . . be in readinesl for the openlnllf. thr rilll o( the cock partridge, In a.m. on Wednesda)' wIth Requlemd h n J hn MunnEak. the flags-the Union Ja~k and Amer~' Mr. and Mrs, Claude .Flander Mr. John.Pynn who had ~ecn the courts at an early date •. b~in~ carried In cars, to the $Idc' High Mass at St. Joseph's Church, ens~~ w: I 0 h . f th~ divI~ion lean' Standard":' in. con'$pICUDUS Breakfast and family of St. John's visited receiving hospilal treatment reo Two dances are scheduled to be

. ~( the road brings the partridge Riverhead. . wor y :a ~ arc d ~ to addren th~ places.. '. ,; . '" Mrs. Fanny Ryan Fiander on Sun· cently returned home. held at tbe Academy Hall with tile ~1I1 nt Ihe call, he demonstrated limB. MARY A. NEIL ~~::c~ ~::I~g "fl~islied his' re. After the ceremony' ended, the ·The members of tho Catholic dlY. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Archibald Queen's Men Orchestra-the f!n.t hnw Ihu5 thc number or partridge There passed awai at the real· kJ h id that they would Cadets drew· up on Victoria Street Youth Corps, numbering about 80, Mr. Frank Brown or SI. John's were visitors lo the Capital on to be held on June 23, and {h8 in that I'icinltr arc calCUlated. dence of her daughter, Mrs. Georse mar.' . e sa f rth r deta roo and 111 processional order they will attend Communion at the R.C. was the guest of Rev. L. and Mrs, Tucsday. mond on July 11. ..,I

rapt. Wallm then went on to Pike, after a lengthy IIInes" Mary, now, Wlthot~t : dl e tI y, P peramulated the :town, going as Cathedral here on Sunday morning Ludlow on Sunday. Mrs. C. C. Butt visited 51. John's A change of date 11 being coil-playa recording of a bird sym· wife of the late James Nell, of cee~ WI~~i e t eOke:h~~' osiuons far as the Court House"where they next, and tbis wlJ\ be followed by Mr. and Mrs. 'John Noel went to Saturday, belnl! guest of Mr. and aldered ror the annual tennis d.a" phony which had been madc, and this town. ~ e ~ t ce~ a 1 V rio~s parla gave three hearly cheers for Her I Communion Breakfast at which St John'. thIs week to be guesls lIIrs. John Davey, Maxse Street.. which for many yea,. has taken Ihis was much enjoyed by thOle The late Mrs. Neil was one of all gne 0 oM: n am n com MaJcsty Quecn Vlvtorl.. •. the guest .peaker .wl11 he Rl Rev, at the Jamleson.Phllllps wedding. Miss Frances Watts, nurse.ln· place In Jul)" Ind which Is ta pmcnt. the oldest· rcsldents of Harbour of the hall. T ,cler~ ~ y taI~ Returning to the Hall, they Monsignor Dinn of Nort!! RIver. Miss Ann Lush, St .. John's, WIS tralnlnll at the Grace Hospital, occasion ol Inter.town eompetitiolS.

A I'otc o( thanks to the spcaker Gracej having reached the. advanc' menced t wit\~ hrec t: o~se:e~ere dispersed to prepare for the eve. ~ a guest at St. Paul's Rectory on 'spent the week·end with relatives This ~atter is in the bands onhJ wa; made b)' Kiwanlan Ross Shep· cd age of 89 years. \ parts, 0 w c rc p T ard ning Bolree. Sunday. at Harbour Gracc, Execuhve and a decIsion regard. pard anrl was accordcd with ac· She leaves to mourn six daugh. made by o~erthomcers. oWthe At 630 pm. the Hall was alaln WEATHER HAMPERS Mrs. Cyril Thomas, Whitbourne, Mr. W. B. Kennedy was a :visitor Ing the dale wlll be made by thena. damatlun. ters, Mrs. George Pike a.nd Mrs. the close e ceremon~ reh wllled 'by ~ numeroul company, CONSTRUCTION visited her mother, Mrs. Fanny to St. John's during the week. . ;'·r

Songmastcr for the evening was Jacob Nicholls of this town, Mrs. Deputy Grand Worthy Patr a hed Tables were arran lied alon, tho The bad weather has Buspended Ryan Flander, on Sunday. Mrs. Reginald Blak. and chil· The regular weekly parade" ~ Kiwanian Dill Babb and at the George Burke at New York, Mrs. Mr. Thomas H~g~\ a~proalc g whole length of the building wIth work on the new building beIng Mrs. Frank Ford, St. John's, was dren of Grand FaIls are spending RCSCC Beothic on Frldl, n+gllt piano was ~Irs. L. Pike, in place M. Kelly, Glace Bay, and Mrs. the table on w c tt~ a afore coffee, .cake· and other ·refresb. erected on the premises of North the gucst of Mrs. Ernest and Mr. a couple of weeki visiting her was preceded by band practi~e, oi Frank Shcppard who was absent. Gosse and :'tlrs. Clarke at Bell cut glass, ~ue .con a n ng ~a h~ ments, presided over by some of .East Flaheries Ltd. This building, F. P. Sheppard for the week.end, motiler, Mrs R. Barrett. and the usual routIne was lone

A n:eeting of directors and of Island, to whom sympathy Is ex· .~aklng the vessel I: t~ls ha~ , on the Indies· who seemed deUshted a holding room, wlll be a large retUrning on Tuesday. Allison Ash of the RCAF Is through, following which. the the W:: sand :'Ileans Committee tended.. poured a portion ~ . e WI erthis wrth the task of reple"lslllng. • •• structure and wlll when completed Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Sheppard, presently home !tom Manitoba Cadets llned up for a short m~~.~~, look plnee afterwards. The matter The funeral took place on Wed· the floor .aylng, I dedl~~te "Tho cup that cheers but doe's not lI1'utly add to the appearance of SI. John's, vIsIted Harbour Grace I spending his leave with his moth. presentirig a fine Ippearance. ~n tf the n~w stadium was discussed, nesday afternoon to St. Paul's Hallin the nome of Lov.e. led InebrIate." that part of Water Street. on Sunday. . er, Mrs. Mabel Ash. route. ':' ' as wrll as the Cancer Cnmpaign, Church, intJ!rment being at the C. An ·ode was sung, accoll\~an . The band, the whole, performed . ,~. which slnrts next week. In this of E. Cemetery. by the orchestra, which was led the most exqulslto piece •. Durin. '.~J;

by,' Mr. Brace and hi. gifted [am· an interval between the servlns lIy. Mr. HllIIlinl then repeated the. of tea and dessert, .peeches by the ~prlnkllng In the name of Purity, gentlemen were made, in response whieh was followed by another to thc tonst put by Mr. Munn from ode. After that, he resprinkled the the Chair-The' Queen, The Ad· floor .,1n the name of FIdelity, [01· mlnlstralor and the NatJonaJ'Sons lowed by singing as before, of . Temperance, also. to Messrs.

The whole aUalr wa~ conducteQ Flynn and Richards membefl cf with the greatest decorum and the band, responded 'to by Mr. Me •. lolemnity,.and appeared to excite Auslnnd, Richard Brace, 'ltobert the keenest interest of al1 pres· Munn, ArchIbald Munn, Rev. Mr. ent. The ceremony being over, Mr. Shenstone, James Pendergast, H. Munn delivered a short and most St. John, Michael Flynn, Jobn

· Inspiring . address lind, havIng Lester and John Richards. · thanked the worthy patriarch In The party hroke up at 11 p.m.

the prelcrlb~d form,' he withdrew Thus the first Temperance Hall · and the alsemblage sepcratetl. was dedicated In Newfoundland-

IHI SIGNALMAN "Get It'thore firsll but first, g·'t It right." .

. '.' ,\.

SI;nols- nervi sYit.m cifth. CQ~adlan Army';' a . hlgh.speicl, accurat. comblnotlon of radio networlcti telephone and teletypa systems and motorcycl. despatch riders. .. . .

Th. 1I0yai Caml"lan Corps' of Signal., with other': 'i' corps, offers hundreds of gooa.paying, I!fetime careers. .' The opportunities. for advancement, special training 'and . 'travel arl many.A. visit to your Army RecrultlnlJ Station . ,'. will lOon show, without obligation, how you can fit·ln,

Remember, In the Army you team. up with men and . I,ad'rs you ~an rely on - right down' the IInl, . . . . . . '. ' " .

The bulldl.llg was decorated with at Harbour Grace.

: .. SERVE' CANADA . AND YOURSELFIN.IHE.ARMY" • . ...... ; ... '. ..\ '. " . " . '. . " I.: .' . , .' '. " ;' T~ lit 111,11111 you ".'ult he. '7 10 .40 y.ars 01 ~g., skillid 'tadesm.n 10' 45.· Whtlr

.. : ' appl,11II bring hrrth "riH/etill'Dr oth.r ploof of og;,. . , : . ..", . .... . """ rlpt 11R,Y.-WrJi,·'~o/ll It.,WI ~h. Army ReCfJlHlog Slanon 'I1',arelt y~ur hom ••

, ': ~ 1. .... t ,. . : ~ • : . . . • " . . .• ' ..

, No, 12 PERSONNEL .. DEPOT, :' . ';'i BUCKMASTER'S FIELD,. . . . ,: '


.. , .. :: .: .ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND

" ./

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, , . '.



Are the vitam!ns and minerals adele cl to flour and breael fa enrich them equal

in lood value 'to those naturally occurring in the whole grain?


The B vitamins and the iron used in th e enrichment process are synthetically pre.

pared under scientific laboratory conditio ns. They are Identical in nutritional value

to th~ naturally occurring nutrients. In fact, some ielentifie e~perimentl have shown

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occurring in whole grain flours and bread 5,

Rich In Vitamins

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; Two The Stole _


catches of trout,' or for that mat· ter, any of ur.usual size, 'but we did phllilsophhe a 'bit on the few "beiluts"":'thp,t alwa~'S got away. There was the "whopper" that broke my Iin~ ~t Oxen Pond (most likely a sun~en log), anll the "Brecd~I" of them all that took


By R. '\1, FORIV ,tHO, friend was Will Pike, son of the all'n)', out at Upper Gullies, the %}; :iii;";)':;;: F ramHlgton, Iotas!. late Will John Pike, the painter, lop joint of the (irst jointed·rod .;.:e,

, ( hal'e often heard it said that a close irieM of my father. I ever owned. I'm sure there must ::?',:o")i! "'{'f/::

"Confession is good for the SOUl," The t~st time I saW Will was have, been something aliyc at the . ili;;\t;'\!.1.'~,;~::::::,~{::;I'.~ This confession was delayed for doubltless over hall·a·century ago, end of Ihat linc, (or the joint ~.:

,over 50 years. and it still felt and, in wintrrlime. This 1054 I"cnt salling off and I never saw good. meeting wilh him was of excep· It again. Thc hour was ncar dusk,

In 1954, on 'tho Da)" of ,the tional interest to DlC for he had and II'C had a fire going on the. Races, hnd at the head of the pccqmplnicd liS on a number of shorc or the pond. Thc bobbcr pond, 1 mel an old friend. To a our troutlng ramblcs in the Long wcnt under, and I felt 'a slight SI, John's man, who has been Ago, llis memory, was keen, and 'nibble. Being' ~'oung, and of a, awa~' from home for many y~ars, he recalied m.,n)' of our ncar rx· nervous dIRllor-ltlon, 1 gave, the tpe head of tllc pond, on Regalia pioits wllh rod, hobber and line a learIul' yank that should Da)', . se'ems iG be an ordainrd worm ('an, 'Che remcmbrances, have' landed Ihe trout at least ipot for meellng old friends. My howcver, did Ilot cover any greal fifty fc~1 Inl;\nd, It .didn't e\'cn ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;_~ break water, l've alwa)'s had the

suspicion I hl10ked a large cel.

\ .

CHUCK ··,ROAST - S5e lb. , I

. PICNIC HAMS ~ 55~ Lb.

No, our I'cmlniseences werc mostly of leaky bonis, ripped trouscrs, brush·tangled lines,' snagged hooks. and the viciousness of mosquitoes and ycllow jaekct flys when. w~ forgot .to bring along our bottle of 'stockholtl' lar and swcet oil. Sometimes, I thought the pesky "nippers" knew of our carelessness. ' .

As I mentl~ned, the last time I saw Will w~s In the wintertime, That year, WI: had what was l<nown :IS a "liard" winter, plenty of snow and -everc frosts. With myoId carpenter friends Joe Cave,' MIke Fleming, and another, man whose ,name I've forgotten, together with Will, Jerry Hunt and. myself, we started off for a large pond in on Ihe, Petty Har· bour Line. We had hircd a hors~ and side sleigh from Jimmy John· slon, thc' building contractor, and Will wa:; the driver. With six of


JIM SHIElDS liS riding, or. standing, .plus' I!llr: haskets and a "gunny", sack o~ two of' eanva~ Ind' blankets, the sleigh was wr.1I packed.

!lou~e 1001,s even higher than ,it for'it is ,lo~at~d atop th~';t;Ps~~nning from Longs ,Hill 10 Harvey Road. Twe.nty odd years ,ago It was· ricc~pied by a family

, The .road .. wail. in fatrly 1004 'of..Gou~hs. ' , .,:. " .,. ,-'"

bilin" or ain'l she?" His reply [or a mInute or two. In !ac~ II was, "if you ask me, she's not at a later "mltg·up" we ran sholt boiled until the' cover lifts." All of frcsit iea, we'd reboil the oM agreed. Imp:Jtience seemed to "steepins.'· E\'en that tasted like grow as we waltcd for the first nectar; ah, we were a hard) Iirting 01 the lids, and the old group. Alter the meal, we pack. saw, "a watch~d pot never boils," ed away the !cft·overs on a picc£ was taking oc the appearance of of canvas and threw a blanhl having '\ germ of truth in it. At over the lot. last the lids started popping up The journey down to the pond and in ~ent tistfulls of the good was rough, for we had to \Iade old Orange PI,koe. We carried no through snow up to and above tea.bags in t!'ose far·away, day~, II' our kn"es. and occasionaIly Hep. and we didn t spoon it in one ped into a hole and (loundered spoonful to the cup and one for about, in to 'ne crotch. The lun the pot, that method was reserv- was- .out nolV, and the wind, swirl, ed for the edIfication of a future ing thrJugh the trees, caught Ihl generation of radio' listeners and loose snow ar,d sent it swirlini 'T.V. vicA;·ers. We didn't even steep into ouI' laces; and ·twas gelling the lea,iJul i£'1 'cr come to a boil I (CJntinucd on pagt 16)




GRO.UCHV:S LTD. ., Distributors in Newfoundland

" DIAL 5433. , , - P;O. BOX 448



'condition, Rnd on thc hills we ~'as pro?igious' Our b~,skets were I goot.natured wrangling', went-on got off and walked, That morning, filled· With thf best ,prog" on for, a moment, until, one of, the as I Tcmember, was calm, cloudy, earlh. Tl)ey contaIned tins' of: men turned to Hunt and asked, very duil with perhaps a temper· Armour's pork and beans, ciuln:!ti' "What do you say, Jerry, is she I n~)Ire .'of 30 degre~s, 'Ve reached Australian rabbit, home.made . , ' the pond some miles out of the bread, excuriuon biscuit, smoked I






BOYS' CORDUROY SUITS Navy Blazers with

Gray Gabardine Trou­

sen. Blazer lined . ':.,'


Siles.-4 to 6x




'!tl sleave,' assorted colori: Sizes 7 to. 14.

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Yz. sleeve, assorted colors: Siies3 to':6x \ '

$1 .. 20'


Checks and, Stripes .~ 'in every.:.y(.anted, color, \ . .' "

.. ' , . '

. \





• 'TIE' PINS Etc.


R. A. CRANE Watchmaker - Jeweller


city without Incident. All of us caplin, Skipper' sardines, canned were, warmly clad for the occa, sausages,' condensed milk,home. sion and one of the men wore a cooked, fancv. brisket corned pair of "skinny·woppers," a knee·, beef (1Urely fooa god the gods) 'length boot made of seal skin, find a~lab og 'bacon that looked

,The pond was in sight of but big enlJugh t. feed a regiment,. off the road a bit to the s'~uth l;nl1nd crocks of Hartiey's, and and w~s down hm quite a dis: r'·' ""'~' Imrraladr.,. hom~,baked tance. We made camp in a lull pound cake heavy With eggs,' and spot lighting a fire on top of I " ' Ii, sl tca. Oh yes! a, can the 'deep snow. There was plenty of "~lej"Jlion'" ,brand tomatoes, of wood about 'for fuel and alld tl\' J p'~I;lctl crubeans. Those j'blasty" boughs in abu~dance. two. pig's Icet, latcr caused quite Evidently a small forest fire had a bit vi trcu,)ic and embarrass­ravished the location the previous metn!o ~'our~ trl!ly, and it wasn't summer. With a tomahawk we from mdlgestion., , ; , went to work on the dry branches ,,!" e ~~d twiJ farge wcll·seasoned and limbs above the snow line PIper J{cttlcs that, were as black

'doing lhe Indians in the art or as a' tinker's pot, and wc melted llie hat~het, Soon we had R big' pure white snoW' for water., That fire roaring. look a little lime 'and allowed the

waling flames to die down' a bit.




It was decided t~at, Instead of By this time ,the sun began to a. '.'mug.up," we'd eat hearty ani! break Througb, a!1d, indications ',---------~pend the wh~le afternoon on the were for a nice sunny afternoon, I ICC. The nortn end of the. pond It proved to be fur from nice. was bare of snow, and Ihe icc As the bibs. of the kettles be·' Treat your family to din-loo~Cd black:' gan to hiSS, and spput some steam

~~~~~~~~~~~~~I~Il~ne~v~er~r~or~g~et~tl~la~t ~m~e::a:"l: It and waler, a delicate little argo- ner this ~eek-end and , ment arose., One said, ''The ket- . .- .... --- .....

. .-.', :... \' ....... . ,. ,.~, ~i , t .,.. . ,

..- , ' ' JII \ the, shoes of " ~ _ \:~,::5 y~ur dreains 'at

an everyday price.,. What 'do yoU" want in a shoe? BEAUTY ,- yes, and here It Is In et-ery light, lovely new .style. FIT - and 'your first wearing of close-cling· inc, easy·flexing PUMPS will prove that point." VALUE-that', what wlll amaze you when you see thc quality of these shoes

'and ,the everyd~y .. pri~e~,!



4.75 , 7 .. 50 ... ,'" ...



···.fal1RiJL ,



tIcs are 'bollcd,' take them off," 'I~t them, have ·the plea; Another observed" "No, let' them , '

stay, 'tis only' the spout that's sure, of eating fine foods· boilIng." All'were an:<iolls to get "in AOphisticated surround­to the pond and we, dliin't 'want'

to W~SIC any prccious tirne;:,e ling!!.

New~lI;n~eCI /,:----­ANSCOCHR.OME '


.. :0£ fast-moving ~ctioil! • . ... in dim Ilatuial, light! .,'

." with blue flashbulbs I . ., .

It'S' Ihm lillllJ/IIJilr :'

\V e have Hlgh.Speed 'Ansco- ' chrome in 620, 120!t: 828 rolts and stand.,d 3Smm masuincs, •

~a~.~ra· Shop 87 LONG'S, HILL

. ENJOytlFE, ':":"::EAT 'OUT

·.'MOREOFTEN./· , '

~ .. ,

, ,,,

. ~ . :'." ,: ~. I ',' ; " . ,; .

/':~:FRQST~S ", ". ".

':R[~TAURANl" ': ":;. HARVEY' ROAD . .~ ,. .

:DIAL 5815 . . '. '

. . ;'" .







for Spring painting.

New shipment of


,Electric Utilities' Ltd. , ' .

, .


S:E'EDS , ,


'VEGET~e~E • ',. I

. 'It' • ' .. •

FLOWER';, . .' .. ~ -.






'M' . "DO' NA' 'LD'S' ' ... ."'. ;c· ',L ',' '.: . . .!., '. - .' . . ,


Jack Back On

Bv non nOLLyi,'OOD.

e~an sccne stca will be up to n'dht when he "Sho\\lcr of St,.tr, to learn some 'IV.

Oakic is '''Burlesq\l~'' earlier in' the happy Ihat Ule p2ated. Reason: his honor as a

"t made a time," he rema in a corner 0

dancing with rellize the cut to-the was. coming I.IVEN TIlE

11 "Y-lis time door. Foran

• • •

, , .

. '

p lact, iI

sholt the old

like hartly

we pack. a piece blankel


N ••• '





.'. '! I. ., .

• • " . r" J" , •..

At 6. ·H. e~s,· On.e. 0:111 Best-Dresse,d, 'Men;S~er'S,th~~~ IDtewPr.6tesf~·.ift,~t~dcf~. '. . '.. " .C.N.R..... . .... .' .. . ." . . ._ ... , ',,' . -, .1 ..... · '.

,'. ,"By TOM A.::~ULLE~ . t/o '.In~hes. IOng~the kind Ihat ;'" .... ·E·:~.~~~~~:ri'~:~i!~~~!~1. .Anno:unci ng; ". R~t irg(~enf

"nEST.PRESSED" PRINCE CJlARI,'ES sits on the terrace of the royal ladge at Windsor, with "lionel'," a Welsh ~orgl.·

S.\J1.0R SUIT CIIARLES WORE in this 1953 pholo with his ,~tller and his sl9:er tOllched off a boom' {or clothing makers.

lark Oakie aside to set through."

Yes the word "honor" Is uscd In co~neetlon with scene stealing.

J) I 0 CDS Although the craft has criminal Uac { n!J connolation~, It is both ancient n. nOB TJlOMAS and honorable. It's the scene sleal· ~ , , or, "'hi liven the show.

IlllLL \' I,'OOD, (AP - fhat ~el'l :'Oh, we u~~d 10 have' a ball In r-.;Il ~ccoe 5teal~r, .lack ~akle, the old .days," Oakle reminisced 1I!.1 be up to hIS old trlc~s to between rc-!1earsals. "We tried to n·~ht. when he a~pears o~ CBS think of neIY wnY5 10 get eloseups. "Shllll'cl' of St~,rs.'. But he 5 had One of my'favorlte trlclls was shift. t 1 Icarn some neW strategy for Ing a drink from one hand to an· TI·. other betwi!~n scenes. .

U.I:ic is enacting a scene from "When they ran the rushes, they "B:lTlc;q\l~" which Ile performed sow I had the glnss in onc hand t)r\icr in the season, and he's for one scene; then In the other. happr Ihat the scene Is being re· So they had to shoot a closeup' of p~ald. Reason: he gets·to hphold me shifting the glass." . . hi' honor as a scene stealer.

"I made a mlstaka the first CHAPLIN BLEW UP time." he remarked .. "1 was ov.er Oa~!e .sald h-a ev.en. topped the in a corner or the hotel room great Chaplin-until Chaplin wised Ihneing with Dan Dalley. I dldn'l up. It was when Oakle was play· mlile the camera was going to 1M the Mussollnl charactcr in C:l1 to the door, where Dick Foran '!The Great Dictator." 1\'«. coming In, '. "That was Charlie's. first talkie un:s TilE SIIOW and he wasn't hep. to my tricks," 9 'Tli; time I'll be· over by that Oakle said. "I'd nevcr let. hIm 'd10r. Foran wlll have to shov~ inc finish a IIn'e, Interrllpting blm wlth


• HOMASOTE WALLBOARD W' x 4' X 8' up to 8' X 14'

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~ ARBORITE DECORATIVE WALLBOARD In Various Colours 1/10" x 4"x 8' '.

, " '.

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W'·x 4' X 8' 4' X 9' 4' X 10' ., r •

• TEN.' TEST COLOR·PRIMED YzII x 4' X 8', 4' x 9', 4'·x..10'

• I(ENMORE (GREEN) .wALLBOARD .,'. 3·1/6" X 4':x 8' '4' )['9' "4' X 1 0'

. '" .' .' .. .. ..


WATER ~T. 'EAST ':'.'. 111~~·a.hl.tue5.il : '

, .... :. "4' ., ...

y •

",' ',~

tONDON (NEA) ..:....·Bonnle caribc worn' Ret very straight in ·announced.that;Stimmer·' ." . - ........ '. ". ;",:.; .. ,<.. .

;:I~~~g~h::~e~o~~~~,tSI~'re~~·D hr~~ !~:sece;!~~ce?fc~ar~~~ .~~:? b!~ t:~tl:!t;et~el:·'~~~~~~~~~l~~~:f~ ~2~~e :L·t~·~.G e'n. Guy' " Simirion d S· self,;is now one' of the world's'1i photographed.wearlng one on Iils !t wIlUeave,St. . .rohn's 5.00 . . ... , . . ;;.. . best ,dressed men. . . siict~ bl.rthda·)' . ' p,rn. daIlY;,'maklng:dlmt cliI\nec· . OITA\VA : (CP)- OPPOsi't;on I era;s.; \Vbo ~bou~i;;~ir down:;' ' ..

The young belr to the British In no time, London's West End . tlon. at Port· Aux Basques with . Leader Drew t-'Iay pr~testcd ag.in Mr •. Harris; 'govcriim~nt House. throne, who is' Just l~arnlng the shops were selling them like hot Jlnearncr. for North Sydney. In the . against the retir~ment of Lt .. Gen'lleader said Mr. 'l)ri:'\V'was'aUempt. rilUerence between a bib and n cakes at $10 a throw in O·earat opp05it~ dlreeUon,·:Train, 2 will I Guy Simonds, chicf.'ofthc. .. g~n!lral, .ing· to 'I lunch araeb~U; btl '("ie mat .. tucker, Is a leader of world gold, ~Ihile the chain stores' . 'Port Aux Basques 9.000 ,I staff, being announced outside thel,ter .of is~·uinlkPr~p«;.#~leases be. fashion. hawked them in gilt and brass a.m, dally,.arrlving St, John's Commons. - '. , Ilorethe'ln~'maUpn'Jn :them was . Wbo says so? Tailor and . Cut· at 50 c~nts. 1U5 a.m~the dayfolfowlng. . H~' asked whv Defence Mi;.'~ter given the'~uionS:,';;'r .. , '.- ."

,ter,. the London fashion magazine Prince Charles seems ·destined . The· S.S.~ "~Cabot Strali" and ,C.ampney sh~uld announce Gen. ~~eaker .R(!iie;-ll.~~~~9.in said the for. men. In heading. Tailor and from birth to' follow In the foot. 5,' S. ,"Bcl!'geo'! will 'operate 'be· I Slm.onds' reh~emCn! "t:lrougba sU~lect coul~:.1>.eL.I!!s.c:t:lssed when'. Cutter's "best dressed" list for s.teps of his. ~rent.uncle, the Duke tween Port Aux Basques. and'.I·pre,.s relea.s:l \ledne,~"y· aIler.an·1 the dere~cee~tulWJ..~~ue. before

. . . : '.. - .. I·no;:nc!ng lD' the Commans··Ju.t, tho ·Uo\!se.'" ';.:. -' :'::, '.' '. 1954, Prince' Charles nosed out of Windsor, 1~ a fashion· dictator. North Sydne1, provld.lng . d3lly ! :previously the n~w allPointment lorl . Mi .. I}re\v.'5:i·id;"rini~;1o~lnister St. Harold \I1acmlllan, J1rltaln's de· In his dn~', ,Ihe dulle, then thc servIce. In both directIOn. From !Air Vice.~!3I'shal John L .. P.ioDtj La,ji'ent's';"$t:i(~mene :Wedncsdily fense minister, and film star Fred Prince 01 'Wales, introduced "plus Aux Bas'Iues departure Will I THe air."icemarsh.al W~"relieved that :the:n'elv, ~aP'p.·ointiii~nts in' the Astnlre. four" golfing·knickers, dictated be'made 9.30 p.m. (NfI~ 'Daylight I:o[ his post 01 chief of RCAF' iCch,; d~[eJ\Ce;.'.dep'arf.pieDt·"J~tc .routine . The fair· IIalred, blue" eyed everything from the drape o[ the time) and In the opposite direc· 'nic~1 services for his "scr~~-!he-! changes. \\'a~'i '!liiaiilfi!stly riot· ae. prince 15 the inspiration of a mil· trousers to :he number of but. tion from North Sydney 0.30 p.m. army" speech a t Toronto a _ wick: curatc.?: <,,; ' ... ",' __ ,:ij: .' lion·dollur clClthlng In d u sIr y. tons ·on the· tuxedo jacket of. the (A.S.T.),· ago. _ . . . .:, i He~t~.a!~;-»r; St:J:..a~r.CDt s~id he Even 'In his cradle he was earn· well.dre,;sed man. T.D conform to the . new sehe. Mr,. ~re\V, rlSlDg an a q(Jesl!on i must, .!lr,~l~~~:~!~.:'Dre)l: ~ ,a,ltitud~. 1M dollars for Britain; his layctte In naming the prince as one . dule an cxtra train will lcave of priVilege, apparently was gOlnglThe Q~ppSl\l~IlJ~atfer :dl~~ t have,

. CllAntlE'S TIE PIN was quickly , , . to ask why Gen. Simonds. was I the p.nvllege,;!o( :determlDlng the being copl~d by leading Ameri· of its "all world best dressed," copIed by British jewelers.' JSt. J


s 5.0kOI


: Staturday, I being retired instead or being madcj manner In:'wliich'i.pub!ic business can, stOL·CS.·' Tailor and Cutier cites such·ltems _ ,une ,ma ng Iree conn.ec. chairman of the ioint chiefs ofl was to'b.cde~lt with. " .

When Prince Charles was pho. of sartorial elcganee as his baby . .. . . tlon at Port Aux Basques WIth slaff,' Mr.:.SlLaUfC!!t 'sald :army ap. logtnphed. recently aboard the bow-tics, his deer·stalker caps, arms, 1rc driven In Dalmlers 'S.S .. "Burgco" .and for eastbound He pointed ouHhat Gen. Simond~ PJintments:.are-<iirim~rily. the ·re.

. royal yacht . Britannia wearing a double·breasted cardigans and ("a and Rolls·Royccs to Buckingham passengers there will be an extra was appointed army chief F~b. 1'I.pcn~ih\Il!Y:O{:Jllr:.~~mpney. This miniature na\;al rating's uniform; popular. eurr"nt trend") velvet· Palace. '. . . salling from ~orth Sydney 8,30 1951, and that Gen. Charles Foul· r(!~ponslhlllt)· .. 'yas' ;:sbflred by the there was a ~udden run on' Lo·ri. 'collared tOPCllats. There. they are greeled and led p.m. (A.S,T.) Saturday, June 11th, I kes, qis prcdl:~~5s.or •. became chair •. ; rabinet.M~mb~rs: ! p.r!vlleg!s had !lon' depnrtmc!'t. stores for sailor • • " jn~o a u~l1room by, ~lllmp,grar- making conneillon .at Pgrt Aux ~ man -of. the Jomt chlcfs the same: not be.en.~olated, .py: m,aklnlltht ~ults.. What makes the prince's sue. haired MISS Marguente Vacanl Basques with: train leaving thClre day. . . . '. . _, I. annpuncem~n!.outsld~:.the House.

• • • cess so astouncllng 1'5 the f"ct tll"t their dancing mistress. Lillie girls' 900 a'm Sunday Jun . 12th for . But he gor ~o furUle~ along thiS! .nouncemenlj; outsi~1! t,:ie lIouse. u u, • _ ." • ,e.. Ime because Fmance Mmister Har.. ·-Mr,.· Drew' said".thst· only two

Retailers, who hadn't stocked his fatber, the Duke 'of Edin- In party frocks h~e,upopposlte points .to St. John·s... . ris rais'~il a Wint of.ordci-;· f days, btiiore": Aii-"Vlce: ,'" Marshal sailor ':lulls .In .. 15 . l'cars, were burgh, lIUS never figured on any· reluctant ,Parlners m short trous· In ad~ition to dally. through· r:lr; Drew said Gen .. Simonds is I Plant's: sblfbhad" been' -announced caught f1at·fo.lte·d. So were the one's "lJest·dn'ssed". list. In fact, ers and Hlk blouses. ". .: . traIns, local train' for points. to: ,the masl highly.skilled officer. ever in UI~:tComiii~n's .. ·; : 'j":' . manufacturers: .Thelr best;sellers the duke is' reckoned a "slouch" • .• • .' Corner Brook will . leave : ~t. producet by .th~; C~na. di~,n Armr STANti~1'D' ~.RACrr~ . were cowboy chaps and space when it comes to dress by those . "Par\enaire~, en avan!!" shrills B.45 p,m. TucsdaY,.Thurs- and. hashecn relle\Cd of hiS, ~h thO d' 'f1l "'cd';'" W d suits. wllb plasti-c bubble helmets, in the trade. Miss Vacani, cl..apping her plump and Sal~rday, and in lbe oP; duties.: '" . , . ";, da;',: a~iiQ~ii~~1n~tSw~~ thee p~::: not bell-bottom trousers. . His former valet, John Dean, hands together. Her'pupils learn directIon will leave CornCtJ' STATE~1ENT N~T ACCURAT~ 'lice ihat ha'cflieen 'followed from

Now, overnight, every' son's recalls ,hat even in the early days ~~ ~:r~:r~~tfo~Si;iept~. kecp time, at 10.30 a,m. Tues.day, a],~~~s~a~~~::e s~~n~V~~::,c~~~; ~~Ithe beglilDing;,of •. p;irliament. Sine. motber wanted her pride and joy of his married IIfc, the duke had Tn·urs., aay, and' Saturday, arrlving being retired Aug. 31 because hel. he had bee!la me~ber of Par!I~. decked out like "the bonnie .0~ly one .gray lounge suit to his Recently, PI'ince Charles nearly 51. John s 7.00 ·a.m., Wednesday, has "completed the normal four.; m(;nt, aPP'!ll}tmenls of four or fl\l prince." name, and th~t he could not tic a created a seer.e when he insisted and S~nday. ycar term." .. '. . I deputy ml~lsters: had been. ~n. Hurrl~dly the manufacturers necktie properly. The duke also that the class stop to watch his CARBON EAR AND The OPPoslhon leader il'as mter. I~oune~d 'without .. an~ Op~osltion

sent for photo! of PrI.nce Charles committed. the "crime," unpar. solo version of. the "Gay Gor· ARG'cNTIA BRANCHES rupted continuously b\' the Lib. comm~nt that .. thl~ ,Was a dlscourt-In his naval outfit. "We ran a· donable I'n th,,' e"es of ill'S valet, dons." J.Iiss Vacani demurred, but N hIli b d . -:-- -_ e~)' to the Commons,

, 0 e ange w e rna e In M ('Appointmenl . of . Air Vlce.Mar. magnifying glass over them," ad· of weal'ing sUl'de casual shoes in In the end the prince won out. train services. to Carbonear and anners . Ma lie Sh~l Frank Miller as new .dtpuiy mlts Ernest Kenneth, one 'of Lon· th'c evening. Shakespeare summed It up long Argentia Branch lines, cefencr ininister to succred C.M. don's illggest clotblng suppller,s .. In keeping with his Beau Brum· ag9 in observing that "nice' cus· BONAVISTA BRANCH FrIO iIlilds . (Bud) Drury Was' announced Wed· "Every detail. has to be absolute. mel status, Prmce Charles is being toms curtsey to great kings." And .. ne,day b~' the. prime minister in I

Iy corree!." taught the f.ocial graces. On future kings, he might have' add. 'llrain will leave !?t. J_ohn's 10.00 pres., stalem~nt.)· '-' • • • Thursday af(~t'noons a dozen p.m, Sunday, Tuesday and Thurs. .--'-:----.....,..--..".....

. cd.' . day for Bonavista. and returning No matter how strict a diet ),OU Again, there wa'll a sudden de- hand·pic:ted cnildren, their dane· arc on, or what Is the reason for H . t K' E' EP' .

mand for plai'n, gold tie·pins about ing pumps tucker under their NEXT: A taste of precoci.ty. leave Bonavisla 2.00 p.m. it-the less you talk about it, the I. OW 0 ' 1 U',"y,,"y, Thursday and Saturday. btl . ,

--------- e ter. t is somel1mcs n2eessary If' Buffet Sleeping Car "Trinity" is to explain to one's hostess that, FIIJII!I t 50

'I~ 'that .so?' or 'YOu don't say?' . WHISPERING GALLERfES COMMA'S COMMOTION to train from St. John's vou aren't allowed to cal a certain I .a er "Charlie knew ~on:<lthlng ",vas The Capitol al Washington, D. A misplaccd comma caused a 10.00 u.m. Sunday and Thursday. food. but don't go into a lot 01 In lhe old dal' Jilt,. .• eemed the .izn,1 t.

wrone, but .ne dldn t fmd .out .until C nd til Monnon Tabernacle law to be misintc'rpretcd. The and to train leaving Bonavista d~tai!s or turn the SU?jcct of ):our 1'1011' da"n-t.ke thi", •• asr-walch Jour after \\'eeks of watchln" the ru··h'es. .,.a e T d . d S t d dlct I t '''hat you m "ht po- Ibly d"1 I I II' I'll d '-'

b ~ t s It L k C t Ut I I th Tariff Act of ,June 6, 1872, had a 2.00 p.m. ues ay an a ur ay. no" In'~ 'e -,e more rei.. • a, '" lOTI'" Then ·hc really, blew tip." I a a a elY, ? I, lave . e . I believe is interesting con versa lion, Butthe.e dal' 10" can lac. fiflr with many

Oakle made his last 1ilm almost two famous whispenng gallertes comma betwecI, fruit and trees. LEWISPORTE BRANCH Th(! only diet anyone ever finds. intere.tin,andactiTel .. "ahead,-actin, five years ago,' and ·It seems a of the United States. permitting both to be admitted Westbound I!rains from St.1 fascinating is his own. I !~~I i., if ~au u!' mid bacl!ac~ lnd tho sh me th t hI m dl t I t 1 duty free when it was intended. d 11 d hred-aul I.d,nr, due to kulney .nd a '. a s co e e e aoo , s . I.John s 5.00 p.m. SUII ay, Ion ay, . . ,Lladder disa,ders, Ihal .ft,n d ... lop wasted. by HolI~I\'ootr. He was to 'place only fl'Uit trccs on the Wedncsday, and Friday, and 8.4~, . LONDON (CP.)-~lU!llClpa~ o,ffl' ,around that .,e. For """. than 60 1,a,. whimslca!. abou,t his 'fnactlv!ty,dc. . COCONUT' CORPA free list. p.m. Tuesday alld Thursday, mak, cl.als are consldenng cqUlPpmgl Dadd·.KidneIPillsh ... heen~lpin,men claring: They re nol m.akmg my . C ; . i U' .meat of til coco. \ lng conllcclioll for Lewisporte. I m.ne ambulances ,and a stalf car, and .... m~n ol .• nl," t.l",p.kidn'1Ilnd kind of pictUre anx more." 01 pa s le e . With two'lI'ay radiOS I hladde, on ,oeM! tlder,-help .. , lhelll I.

. Ilut~ which Is detae11ed from the NORTH WASHINGTON, England Eastbound trains from Port ~ux ..... ___ ._ -:--c--- 1 .. 1 better,: I. ,..ark heU." and I,et_. Laborator~" testa show' black shell and dried eit~ler by expo· (CP)-Only three 'pcrsons out of Basques 0.00 a,m. Monday. '\ed· a.m. Tuesday, fhursday, and Sat., lunoul~lhle·lIru.ar •• ppmch,nl/i~li

shDas aremueh.warmer than while sure to ~u~. and 'arr, or by an 263 vot~d at the parish council elec. ncsdaY,and Friday" also local ?rday make connection Ior LeW', ;~~~.'i.~::d.~:~!.i~d::"~: especially In strong SUnlight. arUflcnl ~!'Yin!l process. . '\. tjonhl this Sussex village. traIns from CornerBroo~. 10.30 Isporte Branch. . '.., '.:


. ,

. , ...... . _.... . ,.... .,---

. ~. .

. '.




. 'CulI/llI~rdal Vtbicfrt EXUpitti



At'NO EXTRA COST TO YOU this Seiberling Safety tire is guaranteed against' ALL normal road hazards, And this guarantee applies as long as thcre is tread left on the tire •

Seibcrling offers you·' this ainazi ng guarantee, •• because Seiberling Tires are engineered:to take it. Only the finest, toughest rubber is used •• ; and you have the choice of rayon or nylon , •• conventional or tubeless tires. .

Find out all about this NO· TIME·

LIMIT GUARANTEE '{rom Y.Qur Seiberling dealer today. There is no other tire guarantee like it. Sce for your· self \:low complete, • , how fair , • , Seiberling's lifetime guarantee is. And be 'Sure to .. ask him about'Seiberling's new "Safety" tires. .

Selberling'sall.newTub'elessSaler'l Tir~

• •• combines Ihe plus features ~fSeiberling's cortventional tires with the latest engineering advances in tubeless tires.


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'. .. ,

10 '.THE DAilY NEWS~'FRIDAY,'JUNE ,10,1955 \: 1

I' ,," '.

About. People ·"i

Chit Chat'Column WEbDING ANNIVERsARY ,

ClLEBRATES JlIRTHDA Y 'Tbelr many friend' extend con. Congratulations are extended to gratulations to Mr. arid Mrs. Ray­

Jtlchud Jackman of Ward J at mO,nd Mason" of 111 Cralgmlller Sa,natorium No, 1 who Is telebrat- Avenue, who are celebratlnl their ii' his sixth blrt!lilay' today. 7th. wedding annlversnry' today, Greetings come from ~Is mother, June 10th . ,~alher, Iilter and brother. . . . .-' - .,

VISITING FROMOSBAWA WEDDING BELLS Mrs. l\IaJor George Earle II . The.weddlng of Mis, Shirley "llllIng Sl Jobn'. flOm Ltrralne RUlSeU .0 Mr. Jolin Olhawa, and Is ilaylnl with ~UIIII Mawer' will take place' Iler sister; MaJ&r II. SainsbUry, ' .t 7.30 p.m. today at Georle Casey Strcct. She' plans to ~treet United Church. apcnd until early Aueust in

iI.LEGATES St. John's.

Tile following delegates from the LONG ABSENCE St., Jllhn's Rebekah Lodge o! the Mrs. Isobel Horne, formerly I.dependent, Order of Oddfellows Isobel Bradley, who left SI: John's .re attending the Regional Con· 50 years ago and is now living at ve~tlon which opened ~t Buchans Victoria, B.C., and her sister, on, Monday, June 6: SIsters M.rs. Mrs. Anderson, formerly. Fan.ny Tliompson.. Noble Grand, Mrs. Bradle~' who left here 35 yeurs ailo C;:oembs/ , P.I!.P.: Mrs. Peckford, and Is ~ow Ih'lng at, Vancouver, :P.D.P., Mrs. Clarke, Secrelar;. B C arc both' visiting their sis· Mn. S. ~arland, R.S.V.G., and t~r.in.law, Mrs. Jacob Bradley Mrs. Dewlmg. Mr. Edward Meadue, at 52 Feild St~eet. They plan to Noble Grand, and Mr. J. G. But- remain In SI. John', until August •. ler, P.G., recording secrotary, arc allo attending as rcpresentatives oi .the Atlantic Lodge, No.1.

FIOM. MONTREAL Mr. Herbert Penney recent·

Iy arrlnd In St. John's from Montreal, and Is registered at 1Jae Brownsdale Hotel. He has tome to Newfoundland to ac· tempany his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Penne'y of Winter. "en, to his home a& Monlreal. Tiley. arc at present In SI; John·s. .

FRO~t KANSAS CITY ,Captain and Mrs. James

Tiernan, and their fow: year old daughter recently arrived In SI. John's from Kania! City Rnd are living at 4 Poplar Ave. nue. Captain Tiernan is, .ta· lioned with the U.S.A.F. at Pepperrcll Air Force Base.

FIL;\tS Wedncsdav e\'enlng Mr. and

llrs. :.Inurl;e Wllansky entertain­ed at their home on Glenrldgc Crescent In honour of Mr. Tim·

LEFT ~OR GANDER . othy Dnde'~lorkpll, who is visiting Mr. Gordon ~aston, who IS em- St. John's to study Welfare Work

pI~)'Cd with T.e.A. a~ Gander, left In Newfoundland during his sum~ b~ the express on "ednesday for mer vacation from McGlIl Unl­G~!,der after spending a short holl· versll}'. Mr. Dade,Morkpli Is a stu-day '\I'1l~ friends In the city. dent from the Gold Coast, Africa.

nOM BAY L'ARGENT I During the evcnlng Mr. Wllansky · '. , I showed films of the Gold Coast , Mr. B. E~berloy of Bay L and a general discussion followed .Ar.elll Irrh ed in the city on th fl1 showln •• Wednesday on a business trip. e m

FROM P.E.I. Mr. John C~ss of Summarslde,

P.E.I Is at prescnt "jsltlng St. Jo~n's on a hollday.

FROM JAMESTOWN Mr. anil IIlrs. G. Powell of

.lame.town, JiGnavlsta Bay. nre villting the dty on a bUllness . and pleasure trip.

HO~IE FROM FRANCE Mr. and Mrs. James Steinhauer,

II'ho sp~nt thl'ir hanl'ymoon In Paris armed [,orne last week.

ON BUSINESS Mr. Percy Murris 01 St.

George's Is at present \'lsllinl the city on business.

!PJm'f.D 1I01\IE . ¥r. and ~Irs. J. C. Hogan,

lIloJlkstoll'n Road. who have been Dn holiday to Mainland and Unit· id States cities, relur\1ed home on tuesday.

nOM WESTPORT IIIr. Thomas Rlct, bUlinI'll

' .. n from Eastport, White Bay :1, at prelent visiting the elty en huslness. Mr. Harry Gale, Mr. Clarence Rice and Mr. Iobcrt Jacobs are also lislting from Westport and are regist­ered at tbe BroWD.dale Hotel.

-MANAGER Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Greer and

their two children are in st. John's from San Antolllo, Texas, Bnl! are liVing at 16 Torbay Road. IIIr, Greer Is as· slstant manager of tbe Com· mlssary at PepperrelJ Air Free Base.

WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Fleming of

Gander celebrated a double event Ihls week. Their son was born on June 6th at the Banting Memorial Hospital, and they celebrated their first wedding anniversary on Tuesday, Jllne 7,th. Their many friends offer Nngratulallonl.

RECEIVED HONOURS David Smallwood 15 ftcel,,­

ing congratulations on obtain· In,: honollrs (85%) in the Inl· tlal Division of the Trinity College of Mllslc' examlnl Hons. David Is the Ion of Mr. -and Mrs. F. G. Smallwood, Le· Marchant Road, and. puplI oC Misa Vera DavIs, ATCL.

VISITING NEW JERSEY :Mrs. J. S. Baggs, Leslie Str,et,

Is at present visiting the United States to attend the graduation of her lon, Rev. Donald Basgs from Drew' Unlverilty at Madison, New Jersey. She is spending a

lllRlVED SATURDAY· while with Rev. Mr. Baggs and Mr. and Mrs. John Penney, Mrs. Baggs at Trenton, where tbey

Cralgmlllar Avenue, who' aecom· have recently moved. Twin sons, plnled their grandson Randy Douglas and Stephen, were born l'toney to Boston, . and visited to Rev. and Mrs. Baglls In April, daUghter, Mrs. Harold Colbourne, 1955. Mtlirned to the eily Ialt Saturday.

WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENT · FROM BELLEOILUI Mr. and Mrl, Jol\II "Par. · _ Mr. and M". George All· sons, 301 Hammon AnDue, ,~00d and their young son announce . the' marrlage of

· Philip arrived in the city last . tbelr younger daughter, Eve lSunday Ind are vialllng Mn. Jane to Mr. LaRlo S~bo·' of AJlwood'. parenti, Mr. alld Pu:is, Frallce. on May 30th~ In .

,ilrs. J, Bilhop, 47 Feild Paris. Mr. alld Mra. Bzabo are ., IItreet. Hvlng In Paris. . , " -:---.:..' -----------------:::---

.e. .'.

: .. : ." . '


"I, .' I

\ '


·"A~TRO~;.G ___ U ___ ID_E_"_.· _~ ....... 8,yt.;....;,·Cee~ \ For Friday, Ju~e ! 0

'Presen~-~or You and .. •

. . . .

. Yours; .. Benefic lSp-.cts reign until .bout S p.m. After that, be very discreet in' personalli!e. Better to do more lIstening than talking, as you could get "your fool in' your mouth." People are Ukely 10 take seriowly wlut you say in fun, so be clrcful aboul making jokes. Oll::~: !:::d, oly This Star " Arrives Unwrinkled .to ~ ovmcnsltive.

- .. -_ .. _.' .-- ......... BY ALICIA HART

Now here's a busy gal-Miss Glal Davis. Sh~'s on a 32 clty tour with the show "Annie Oakley." During her ling-term assignment as Annie, she's been to England, toured over 50 cities here and has made 42 TV films that included 20 trips to movie locations.

As a star, she's always being looked at, whether shc's just ap­pearing after a long trip or Is on the stage. She has little time to have things pressed betar being Ins peeled by her fans. .

She has, imrefore, made a pret-




BUY IT ·always I

Future ... How WOUld) ~ :l1iI;c Pa~t. ' .. The. "window enve· a nice bol bowl of ,lam chowder lope, ':I,lh whlcb mosl of \!s

. arc famlitar around Iljc first of M. olher IOUp for breakfast? A each month \'185 patented S3 campaian to popularize the idea years ago today by A. F. Call~- 1 lIlay be ~t::rted loon. han of Cbicago, Illil1ols.

e The Day' Under Your ~19n ARIES (Bern Mmh 2110 ApliltO) LIBIlA IS,pl.Il1o 0;1.221' \Vcrk &lPtct. Irt b::lltr thall r.t'Nlor.al J-'oltow r.l1tinf, t:1:inl: cate n~t to r: .. on .. I. Ih. Ari.n dlut. Don 1 I",. I.nd "n,ili., .... p\c'. Ol!.r .. ~'I" 1 .ho,,, anli.lohed.· _._ olh", il ~O. linith. tlllr.

TAURUS (Aplil211. MAY 20) SCORPIO [Oct. U 10 Noy.22) I Ch .. k III _k to pr ... nl cl'II,igllt. Ihl 1100'1 uh an),Il,in; lor «",.teil-par. 1 uuld prove casU, .br CmLlrtlu!n,. De licutarl1 in Ipttubtivr unturcs. \\"a.:dl . extra carefuL . tr.oaey CloteQ-. : , ' I GEMINI IMay 2110 Juno 21J SAGITTARIUS.(t~.y. 2) ,.Ii.e. 21) 1 Tont clown ICIfU of )'our views in ordtr Re 'trt['l:ared for the un~:C:I'~tted, <r!' t· I to slar (.Iut 01 a bet·ror·aU .arcument. ciatly ~urinc: t3rly tnorntn,. At:ept 1::' You'd klSf. "italion lor this (veninr. .:

CANCER (Junl 2210 Julv 22) CAPRICORN (D.c. 22 to Jan. 19) It is better Ie) ,it back anti-witt:, tllitlgs Stitt; to let-led mrt~lD(b:, " a (.1::,oR"t i:'l harp"" than to try b fOfU: m.altcrJ. .outin: could tdwtr,d, &ffcd dlic.itnc)·, Remain cd". Gel cx,tra felt toni:f\t.

LEO (July 2] 10 Aug. 22) AQUARIUS (J,n. 20 I. Feb. 16) , Sublle IDtlltod. WO," Ie) ,out .td"nIJlt. Don', J£"gtn,te ollnatlts." ICtev ~ojn. II ,al" .cll,n, 1101 .,IIIluI Iblaki",. Ihe ""1,'0\1 un "'~ "r.rI, .. ill .... 'Iu, 1 .. "hi ... 11m.. I\ly I'IY .rr. .

VIRGO IAug. 2' ,. S,p'. 221 . FISCiS (Fob. 1910 Mare~ 20) Ixtt!3iYe am"bilion5 tic.mellmu crt J t e J.el yc.ur rrlend, be u utranGant l.$ f~~"l rrc\l,m. "!we'" ""'rilll llId ·,h.y rlus<. YO'J don', bon I •• ttp up """ .... partnlr... ' with ~,. J.n .... 1

First Canadian Winner

/I) 1911, Field Enlerprj,,,. lac.

Beauty Briefs


Miss Roma Rex, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Augustus Rex, formerly of Port Rexton, and SI. John's, a student at AllIon Superior Convent

There is a new colof tone 101 your hair. Easy to do. It'; I shampoo which takes two sudsln1! 1'1leml)riillls

G:l1I Davis, star of the'sbow "AnnIe Oak!e," travels exlenslvel1. School at Ville laSalle, Quebec, She's learned many travel trIcks 'that ean aid gaIs preparing ror I d thl d' th fi I '

and two rinsings. Then put (hI hair up in curls, dry it, brush il out. and you'll !lave a color,tor.€! coiffure to harmonize with spr:n;. '·cni.ill,r\

J:'raduation' weekends and vaca\lons. Tissue paper placed stra, pace rIDe na Judging leglcally In sleeves and between folds of /laments (upper 'left)1 and first in the Canadian entries This is to 'be a summer of Ii~htll. ·.nnlh,"r can cut down on wrinkles and' help ·packed clothes to. arrlvei In the 1955 essay codtest sponsor; complexions, so don't rush out' .r.d

. frcslllooking. StilT, crunchy petticoats (lower left) get a special,. cd by the Ladles' Auxiliary An. get you r scI f a mahogan\' t.~ arrlve·crlsp treatment when Gall 'Davis packs them. Sbe makes' cient Order of Hibernauns of Complexions. to be reallr . them Into a roll and set)1re! It with elastic bands. All set to must be golden. Doctors ,3\' gO (rlg-hU, 'Gall takes to the roaa for 1he !lext stop Oil !lel'i America. For the first time since and women arc finding oui (hI thlrty·two city tour, with, her luggage in matched covers. ) its inception fifteen years ago a skin burned to a crisp, dn' ant

ty thorough study' of packing Bult- lingerie are aids she uses. . Stiffened petticoats are rolled by J~::ga.~lgan was .agwHi~nherSinhthel !inadl bthecom'<! leathery-it Is c\'cli ;aic cases and has some tips to pass A mak~.up or tiain case just for Miss Dayis wh'.ln she's on the road. I coverm Ig e ~o ~ a? at too much sun can cause ,kit Qn for those Who tr~vel. bottles and jars is a help. Tlhey She secures them with elastic Colleges under Catholic IUrl5dlc- ~iscases. To be fair is new Jash

First step, says IIl1ss Davis,' Is have compartments or straps to bands or puts an old silk stocking tlon in the United States Rnd lon-and a pretty one. to ma.ke a list of what you want hold bottles in place and most are on ·them as a cover. They arrive Canada. Thousands of entries were -----to tnke. Com,plle the Ust keep~g carried right side up. Even If your sli.ll willing to hold skirts out submitted for this contest. I ~,imorials In mind the kmds o~ places you ~ budget won't allow you to follow crisply, 1;.'1ls way. Before a large gathering in the going and the actlvlUes. Don t Miss Davis' lead in using a train Legion 11 11 lilt' St t eart a lot of extras "just in ·case." case keep liquids and creams and Covers fQr luggage are another a, oun aID ree , r

pon't pack too mush in one bag, Ddll 'poJlsh apart from clothes. aid 1I1iss Davis uses. She explains Montreal, Roma was presented lIhss Davis advises., that they save wear and tear on with a cheque of $10.00 for plae-

She finds a couple of pla~tlc tray Use tissue paper In abundance, good luggage and can !xl replaced ing third In the contest and II

fjl'llanlzers from the five·and·ten suggests this busy traveler, to 'help cheaply. Also,' if your luggage Is beautiful Rosary for coming first help. She puts costume jewelry. sIeves hold shape, to wrap shoes unmatched she points out the in the Canadian entries, mascara, lipstick, bobby pins and and to place between folds of matchin ~overs I ' The subject far 1955 was "The other odds and ends in these. Cases skirts. It cuts down on \lTinkles g g ve a real en- Immaculate Conception Shrine" at of satin or chintz Ior hose, hankies, :ind ironing on arrival:' sembled look for a budget price. Washington, D.C.

and two' loaves of

delicious •• •

Mammy's BR.EAD





raised the roof as the Old ri\'~ls Aller 'a basket five ~inutes I fh'e point

. 13·8 on the \livot shots by

Second alfair WIth Slight· 11-8 Curtis and Jim Cross ·were apiece while Eddie· Power

, ,. '(j b i!l:a ~' ~ .-. • .' . N,EWFOUNDLAND'S' LARGEST AND MOST MODERN BAKERY'!

" . . In ; :


• • . J

I 7 \

. . .t \

APLE NUT: Vacf.fion lime when ihe weath~r' hot

,I lov~ t~si~ and ~ream" And spoon' my favorite cooling dish

.. ' ••.•• ,II's Maple-nut fee Cream I

/ .

, .

CifEAM . -

.. , .

, '. : I .


ean \

, ,



Holy Cross Sweep Fifth, Three 2nd In Cage Loop

INSIOS BASEBALL for LitrEe Leaguers

Iy Mle~y McCONNELl .Kalor LUJ;ue 8L\l~1

and In.lruel ..

T:IE DAilY NEWS. FRIDAY. JUNE 10. 1955 11 - ~ "'~:.=


, "



BROOKLYN, N.Y. (AP), - The Brooklyn baseball club Thursday sold pitcher Joe Black, whD, won 15 games in 1952, to Cincinnati Rcdlegs for a' reported $20,000 in

Rain In U,S, 1'00, Thl'ee Gll1JleS Washect Out

cash 'and a player to,be named in YESTERDAY'S RESULTS Uie next couple of 'days. National League Th~ club declined to disclose the Chicago 6, Pittsburgh 2

amDunt of cash I n v D I v e d but Philadelphia 2, St. Louis 0 sources close to the Dodgers put I Cincinnati·Brooklyn ppd. the figure at $20,000. " • Milwaukee.New York ppd.

Black, 31, went Into a slump Amerlcan League after his Impressive 1952 season, Boston 4, Cleveland 2 winning only seven games, since. New York 7. Detroit 3

the fourth inning for a 3·0 lead. .-, Rookie Herb Score took his

[ourth deleat on the shabby field-, Ing support. He lanned nine be:', fore leaving for a pinoh hitter In, . the !i!th, running his 'No: 1 strike- .-out total to 101. ' ":"

His record this year Is 1-0. Kansas City 4, Was;!!ington 2

1 T C t ' 47 36 G d ' - In 1953 Black Won sl:t games and Ch' B I . d US((( ,el'S Op 'It,. IS ,. ~ lUll' S B 'T' WI' lost three and last year was Icago· a tim ore pp .

Ed 11 ' I 33 29 urln earn, 11' Ins shipped to 1IIontreal where he had ASSoclate:r P~~5 W~!'o~s Writer

A pair of oldtimers won for the' , Yankees. Eddie Robinson smack-ad his 10th homer, a two·on blast that eappcd a four-run first by the' Yanks, and Jim Konstanty hurled excellently in relief of Whitey FDrd for his third victory. Konstanty one­hit the Tigers aIter coming on In the' fifth.

f g'e 1, elUO)'Ul S • " a 12·10 record. • Cleveland Indians' etottering tee.

DaI'ly News TropllY i He started th~ 1952 world serIes I Th Cru'a:lcrs won their (i(th Boyd B.ltler lind Fred Wight DI ' • against New York Yankees and pee gave way a HUe more urs-

,Iraight game by taking their CurUs were ~!so hitting. I " T 's won one and lost two during the day as the third·plaC02 Tribe lost trarlili(lnal ri""ts Curtis Academy Holy Cross widened their Icad. nter- own ports series. '. ~e~~! ~~~~~~! l!~ric!~ tc~;~~ li.36 and three learns wound up 10 36.23 lit three qunrter time', He also was voted the 'National leading New York Yankees, mean-

.c~(lntl pbce as a result of with GalwaY'$ six free throws' League's rookie ol the year for while, ended a ,two· game slump by

Paul Minner tossed a slx·hitler lor the Cubs, who backed him up" with 13 hits - one a home run by Walker Cooper. Frank Thomas, homered for the Pirates, whose· 33.29 "erdict over Me- leading the way. Curtis outshot G~A~lJ BANK, (Spcclal) - (155 A ,IIQ{";I1Al. 1052. beating DetrDit 7-3.

Crus"de'," 13.t'. In the fourth qu"r- B\)rln \\'on 'he Burin Peninsula FO::JT' 5PRliAP Black broke In with Montreal It "'as the sixth setback in seven Boh Purkey lost his seventh. - _:, in lall night's basketball "0 " ItT t t t ' AAIM '/~ i in 1951 when he Won seven and "

.',,,hl,'h~~,(t~r at the StadIum. tcr with Boyd Bullel"s ~ix points n er own sPOt s mee.~ St. ,-vW Gr;OR lost nine In 26 games. games for the Indians, nDW 51-2 The Athletics packed their s~or·. ing into the fourth inning. Loser .. Chuck Stobbs walked the first tw. : men in the frame, and an error, '. VIC Power's double, and I two:' run single by pitcher Art Ditmar, . l,thO won hls third, finished the:

Altrr last night's games the match In;: Ed. Power. ,Crusaders ~awren:e yest~rday followln.g sev· GmlPE TO games booind the Yankees. ' lost star .ohr G"I"I'ay on 11\'A "r~,1 po.tponements. By thclr vic· ffflf~j1A~ The New Yorkers, who open a

Guard'. St. Bon's and Curtis arc u" , • ""..,....,"'''" ::;> C· ] B II f . CI I F 'd , and t;ed ror second plnce. Cru- (ouls In this rrame and Curtisan tory B~lrln capturcd th: D~ILY h'ti BATS. ommerCla a ' ~u"h-tgamtre tseht dID th elvelandd t rlfia


Fre ' IVlght '''as "jecled for NEWS frophy lor the third hmc. ,_ I , mg ,s e c e e r ea 0 ve lcadi::g the league wilh u ". B tl thl [ d t1' Hitters h~lp themselves by taktng II short stride when swinging M · T h games - their best spread of the

5-{l record, nrc the fourth team arguing with referee Joe Yaku· una l' es amasse nrty, alII pitch. The shorter the stride the longer theY'can follow tl!e eebng onig 1, year - as rain postponed a double· ,thr championship plnyo!ls, bisln two p~lnts, (our more than Grand ball before commlttlng themselves. header between the runnerup Chi- job, .~

;tart on Saturday night with Refcrees Bud 1I1acCIellan and Bank wilo linishe~ seCDnd with Joe DtMaggio seldom moved his front foot forward more than S S d eago White Sox and Baltimore. I !in~l~ gam!!, lIakublsln had their hands' full twenty C1llht points. S~.' Lawrcnce an Inch or two as he pivoted his hips to put power Into his swing tart atur ay Kansas City smacked Washington

One of the best crowds of the calling louis as they mcted out was thlr.'1 with ten pomts. Due to DiMaggio's foot·spread was so wide that It might not be comfon.: ' a s'acond straight time, 4-2, in the By THE CANADIAN PRESS !


!rason chccre:l through two close twenty four to Curtis and twenty a misunderstanding Fortune did able to some hitters, but a batter Is on the sate side If he starts The C0mme!"~seball League other AL game. AmercBw Le~gU~d. ~BL): ~ and the fancy skating of to Cruslders. In the first game not competc: . . . his swing with the, widest stance he can take and at!l1 remain bal., Rain and cold weather upset the New York 37 17 .685

the had cl"mped "oll'n with In thll (ootball ~eml·fmaI5 st. anced and comfortable at the plate. will hDld an important meeting National Leaguc schedule, postpon- Chlcago 29 19 ._ft' I l"rl{~,;i,1D;~1 r JlJer skaters S)Sgt. y ~ U Lawrence whipped Burlll 5.0' and Alvin Dark, Larry Doby, Frank Thomas and Monte Irvin ar., tonight lit the Blue Room to dis· ing Cincinnati at Brooklyn and ~

nntl )Ia;)' Louise Browne of seventeen fou.~ to Guards and tcn G d 13 k 11'1 t d F among, the successful hitters who have an unusually wide stance, cuss the 1955 schedule and reo Milwaukee at New York. The sec- Cleveland 3() 21 .588' S~ IP"merrrll 'luring the Inter to 1I1emoriais In comparison. ran. an u m na c ort~nc While Ted Kluszewskl, Duke Snider, lrv Noren, AI, Rosen, Bobby ceive entranc~ fees and register \lnd place ClJicago Cubs edged to Detroit 29 23 .S58 ,.

Gnlwai's lilleen points led both earlier oy a 5·1 score. In the fmal Avlln, T<I':I Williams and many other leading batsmen have an aver. players (or the coming' season. within 81-2 games of ilie Brooks Boston 24 30 .'« T fi~hli~~ for n third place tic

Inti • chance At the playoffs the l!enl0ri.lls spDtted Guards and

\:olnt lead going Into the qU1rtcr and drcw to within

points of tying Ihe ~core In a • IDiril<'<i comeback.

Curl is and Holy Cruss stagcd .Ir,om(~r real hlSh school thrlller

.ith the lead changing hands in the !irst qun~ler and Crusaders drawin, into h six point lead al ball lime which they maintained Ihroughout Ihc ~ame.

• • • TUE (i U ARDS shot ahead or

~entorials with a 7·2 lead in the I(rsl quarter ~nd maintained their fire point edse by matching Me· morial, g.g in Ihe second quarter.

Will Garland'! torrid shooting pm led the Guardsmen in the flr!t half as he potted more than the t~am tot~1 with nine points. Bill Ed~ccomhe was best lor var­lily \\"it~1 fil'e points.

Guards pulled away In the third _IlI''''I'" by ou!poinling Memorials

11·0\. E,·p.l'yone got into the scoring trt ror the Guards with the wholc tnm hitting the twines. By the third quarter whistle It was 27·15. ~Iax r.dgcc~nibe was hitting for

the t;ninrsit)· quintet In the (Inal quarter as the Mems gave It a final tr),. Edgecombe potted six 01 the team's fourteen points as (hey closed the gap to 33·29, but the doc.! ran out on theIr CDme­back erfort.

lIigh ,corer In the game was ~Iax Edgccombc of Memorials with thirleen points. Will Garland of Guards (ollowed with elcven points.

LineuPI wl!h pDints: GUARDS-Pounder 6, Simmons

2. ~Iallnder, N. Ash 7, Luther 5, r.arland 11, Howell 2, Skiffington, R, Alh.

.m;.\10RIALS-Pardy 5. McLeod, 3. Mucer, King 3, B. Edgecombe 5, ~1. Eugccombe 13.

• • • HOI.Y CROSS and Curtis fans

railed the roof In the second game al the Old rh'~ls squared ofl again. After R basket lor basket opening Ih'e minutes Crusaders pulled Into l Iii e point Jirst quarter lead at 13·8 on the strength of threc ~ilot ,.hots by John Galway.

Seeo!ld quarler proved a close .1,lair WIth Holy Cross gaining a l1Jgbt 11·8 edge. Bill Watkins ol rUrtis ~nd Jim MacDonald or Holy Cr?!5 were tops with (our points apiece while Robin Short and Eddie Power of Crusaders and

teams 3l the hoop while Buller ~~n;a~v:cnce nosed out Grand age foot·spread. Each tcam In the, league must by deleating Pittsburgh 6-2. Washington 22 29 .41113!-i f 11 d I I "'ith 13 Jim • . Keeping the feet apart cuts do\\n on Ihe length of the stride and The Philadelphia Phils, behind Kansas City 20 32 .335 1. OyOII'C C ose y P • D "I d I' pay Its entrance lee before playing BIt' 16 36 .ftA ""

d Ed P 10 f u. I) a vcrsc wea ner COli· prevents one o( the mOft aerlous wcaknessea D. bllUer c.ln develop- a nilty thre&·hitter by Robin Rob- a Lmore .".,., -Mac had 12 an ower' or dltlons only a small number or its first game, 'says secretary fi th National League Crusaders while Bill Watkins was the overstrldc., _ erts, dumped St. Louis into a f W L pot. GBL

spectators wa~ pr~scnt although Fred HaU, and a full' represen· place tie with Cincinnati by beat- • next for CurtIs with U. many of the Il"cnts' wcre well con. tation of team dclegates Is ex- ing the Cards 2'() in a night game. Brooklyn '0 12 .769-

Lineups with points: testcd. Burin ';nd Grand Bank now DeMarco. Bas18 11·0 F;ght pected to turn up lor the meeting ERRORS HELP BOSTON Chicago 32 21 .604 i~ HOLY CROSS-Power 10, Gal· have three wins each on thc I tonight. ' Three Cleveland errors helped New York 27 26 .509 13~

way 15, MaclJnnald 12, Short 3, DAILY !'IEWS T h . , F W ~ . The ledgue plans to get its 1955 the Red Sol( jump past Washing- ?I!il,,:auke.e 26 26 .500 14 Jar, Philpott, O'Bricn, Gulliver, rop ~. or eiter Title Tonight season under way on Saturd'ay ton into !i!lh place. Only one of CmcIDnatl 21 28 .{2917'" Sorenson 4. - with a doubleheader at the Feild. the Boston runs was earned-com- St. Louis 21 28 ({29 17!-i

CURTIS-W tk 11 'H th 2 17 Th I b d I'an GrJunds. ing on doubles by Ted Lcpclo and P~i1adelphla 22 30 '23 18 a inS , ca. " OrOna I re s SYRACUSE, N,Y. (AP)-W~lter'l "Carmen by n knoclmut." said winning pitcher Frank Sullivan in PIttsburgh 17 35 :32723 ': Butler 13, Stokes, Ford 4, WLJls, 'h weight champion TOllY De~larco of! .Tohnny DeJohn, Basilio's co·man· :' Winsor, Wight 4, Hampton 2, Dale. S 11 d I I R Boston inl'ades Carmcn Basilio's' 3g(:I', U R II P S B 'P "

FINAL STI\NDlNGS C e u e( ace home territory tonight as a 17-\0·10 Ordinarily statements like these Site Purchased .S, 0 er ro ! t. on s ractice; W L PIs. I Q 'Pl ~·~t~rd~S ufor \~he i~ - ro.u~d Ati~.e ~r~ g[~~1 f?r t~~ p[.?p~g~nda mills. To Teach Locals j -

Holy Cross ....... , .. 5 0 10 n ueen sate I I a Ie ar, emona u I' u IS na ura e wecn two I Fe" I SI. Bon's basketball team will . 3 2 6' .' .. torium. good little fighters didn't nced any or onceptlon !

CurlLs ...•• "....... TORONTO (CP) _ Seventeen I It's tOllrnnbollt fur the chunky" ste~m'lIp. ' i hold a practice tonight at the st. Bon's ............ 3 2 6 thoroughbreds arc scheduled to go 2::,yclr·old Boslonian. Last April I The fight was sold Ollt shorUy B S dO At The Stadium ; Stadium at six thirty. A fuU Guards .............. 3 2 6 to t~c post Saturday for the 96th 1 he grabbed the 147 pound ti~le· ~£ter. pr.omoter ~orm R~thsehild ay ta IUm ' ktlendance of players Is requested. ?>Icmorials , •.••• , •••• 1 4 2 rllnnmg of Canada's classIc horse on his hJme C:3unus by stoppmg I' .lIn,c,.mced the t:ckct ~ale. Roth·. ~ . -, - ,I r SI. Pat'; ..........•. 0 5 0 race-the Queen s Plate. Johnny S~xton m 14 r;lUnds at the SClllld., co.prom~tmg 'I"Ith the In- Mr. Fred .Br.nnett, or"amzcr. of Roller skating prolesslonals f

NOTE--Second, third and (ourt\J Tlley'll be after the r1c'~'~st pllrse BostOn G~f(~~n. I terna.\lOnal Boxmg Club, has a9,. the Conccphon Bay A:ena drl~e, SISg\. Ralph and Mary Louise' playoff tJerths wlll bc decided most In plate history"""$32,545 of which The?\\ at tI:y sun of a shc~·, lOO·seat and ~m.ooo sellout. announced Y~lterday. tilat a dLs, B 'n wcre given a big ovation I likely on a st!ason points for and the winner will bring Its owncr worker Isn't dls!1'a~'ud by the od?s.illl\DIO, T~I,IO'\DCAST agreeme:1t ovrr the site of the new L:o~e Stadium last night when against hasis and wlll be announ· S2.i 545 lie made a Joke of t'Je wIse In a(,dlllon, the const·to·coast 'tadium has h~en ironed out and d d' h d bl :: ccd today by secrctary Graham Lnst' year's winner, Collistco. money .by whi~plng Sa~ton, a 5 to radio briadcast, and telec~st lor that construction will go ahead they per!orme .urmg t e ou e-; Snow. brought owners H. C. Burton and 1 faVorIte mal;m~ the flrsl def~n~e toc 11 !I.m. ADT serap '1'111 add as soon as ,all, shares hlrVe 'been header mtermlsslon... '

Walter Fitz"crald of Hamilto a of thc craWn he 1I'0n from j\ld "lI~ther S50,ooa to the pot. I d As a result StadIUm manager rec~rd ~22 30'5 ~urse n Gavilan.. ' \\'!lh his 40·pcr·ccnt cut of el'ery. pure .Ias~. .' Lorne Wakelin announced after-

BrI'tal"n, Indloa A CBC Trans.Can·ada radio net- Tony said he is confident of win'I' tllml( Dc~lnrco' will receive about .It IS expeclc~ tl;at all the shares wards, lilat Slit. Brown would be work nu,llcnce will hear the rae' ning but his h::ndlcrs go him one ff.O.OOO and Basilio. at 20 per c~nt. ,11'111 be sold !;'Ithlll the very ncar I available at the Stadium on Mon· , T' broadcast .nnd CBC eastern Can: b~tt~r. Th~Y believ~ D~)l~rco ';'i!l h:'l,~ as much. There is no return I rut,ur~ and. Ihat' the ~102,.OOO I days and Fridays one hour before

WIn In' ennIS ada televiSion network vicwcrs will II In by a I:nuckr,,~t In hiS !lrst title I h .. , ~, contract. _. . bUlldJn~ Will be erected In IImc thc start' of ro!ler skating to tcach

I be able to sec the race on a de., dl~!enche Ilclen though the I 28')b'ear'


tD"k\lar~o has a 11'(lgr

ht unbeaten for tile next hockey bseason .. All anv local skaters some of his 1IIANCHESTEU. England (AP) la)'ed brDadcast. About 35,000 fans 0 u e a enger ncver las cell 1- Ica O\cr n S!lan 0 111"0 Fars'lllockey surface of 85 y 105 WI . k r r

Britain and India each won a nrc exp~eted to nllend the ra& stopped. , m •. lre;l ~nly ?y a draw with light· be uliliz\)d by the Conception Bay fa~y s'l~ :ng ~o\mes'lI k ters' match Thursday In the opening o[ at Toronto's Woodbine Park. T~,:-;.Y UND~UESTI~IAT~D ! ~'CI~ht kmg JI!1'~Y Carter.. Hockey League next winter. e WL cae Cl Y ro e~ s a their thlrd.round European Davis Lieutenant·Governor Brcithaupt ~~:thc~. II as S~xton unhl he mct }he £hamp:on s • record IS 40 I The 5ite was purChased from from 6,~0 to 7.30 eaeh mg~t. and Cup tennis scries. of Ontario will present thc Queen's Ton~, Shl(~ Sammy fullcr, Do· \\ !n~, four losscs, nnd one draw Cl'H d P'k ~ M All tllere Will be a slight addltLonal

Roger Becl~'rn 21.year.old Suree 50 guineas to the winning owner IIlarco's traLr.~r. "Tonv is grcath' WIth 25 kn~cbut,. He was stopped ~!r,<. l?r VI c.. rsD· I an charge to the regular charge (or • . u d t' t, I II 1 " I • \w' 'I' h' ~lercer IIhss eromca caney. . start with a victory o .... ~r Narcsh Thc field mav be dOwn one or n cres Imn .( . e laS tIC punch ICC cm Y In IS career. ", . roller skatmg,

Kumar, India's 2G.yearo.)d captain, two by the 6:30 p.m. ADT post 1'0 put, a;vay Basilio." Basilio's rccord is 44,11·7 with 1,lr. PlulilP D,elaney. In orde: to ______ _ 6-2 1.0 6.2 6.3. time, and will 1>2 well below the BaSIlio 5 handlers leel the samc 20 knockouts. He ncver has been extend the s,te land was gLven

I'n a' sec~nd ~ingle5 match, Ra· record 22 and 21 fields of previous 1\ ay aballt their fighter. 5topr-~d. by Mr. AndTlIV Noscworthy and' B II H I r G If manathann Krishnnn, IB.yearold years. :'Irs. GL:S Baricock. a y a) 0 Indian, surprised by beating Tony Senator Jim, a 5·to·2 shot owned batt Opcn winner", young Bud F 0J.:R' D • It is iloped j:ly the stadium bacl,· , , , Mottram, Britain's ND. 1 player, by Toronto lood magnate Jack Holschcr and !Juug ford lIInnng the I ell(l!~an ~- racnce ers that a further twenty thous· ladies Dn'lSlOn In straight sets 6.4, 6·0, 6·2. Stafford is favored to win. But certain cntrie:" the right for top and dollats c~n br. raised 50 that ' !

[avDrlt,es in the IV. - mile race shares of the 526,800 purse I'S scating lor 1500 fans can be in· Thc get.to·gf.ther party on Wcd·

P h bl P h !Javen t do t w II tl The l;ci!di~r. Sectinn A and ' d d ro a () I"te ers :.e' ars e 00 e over Ie likely to be amon~ the "oung"r stalled. The building will measure nesday night was a deci e suc·

~ J - J c Section B foot hall tcams will hold . t Loy'nllst, a Manlloba.bred geld- ranks. Ford hns the adl'antage' Df an opcn ;Jraclice tonig:lt at seven 115 feet by 220 (eet. cess, ?'Ir two sartorJ3l. par Y ex·

ing own~d by Bill Moffat of Tor. having, mensnred Summerlea's tJlirty 3: the feildian Grounds. perts In tha!coal and pInk helped onto Is the sllcond choice ol the coursc when he won lhere lwo A . ( t I' I' OLDER FASlIION to mak,~ thmgs really hum, and,


.' . "

.' "I

NtW YORK (AP) - Probable pitchers {or today's major Icague games (won·lost records in paren· theses) :

American League Washington at 'chicago (N),­

Stonc (2·6) I'S Trud:s (5·4 I.

turf 'expcrts eve'n though Its platc years a~o. Je"f" Ba'rher was nol 'tlny~ntle m ~retSI er f ~Ind' p a)'lD/: Bclore the 19th century candies I the suppcr served at 10,30 was I' ~ I. ," I, 11'1 I el LCr 0, Ie . el Ian soc· . I f h . t I ' , II b t'f I I

trial showmg was a disappoint. far bellllld m third place in thaI cl ' , 't d L I Iler~ a monopo y a c cmlS SlOPS" dehclOus as we as oun I u. n· ~~~~~~~~~~~ ment. Odds on Loyaiist arc 4 to event. • ' 're~ squ~ s IS III\'L r I) altem, which made them to hide the taste side all was ~erene, but outside -

Baltimor:! at Kansas City (n)­Wilson (4·5) I'S Hcbert (0·4).

Boston at Detroit-Nixon (H) vs Maas (4·2).

New York at Cleveland (n) -Lopat (3·4) vs Garcia (3·6).

i. ' Of this current crop of money IhlS worKOUt. of drugs. -lakes and rivcrs all over our A 5·10·1 shot' is third choice. It leaders Uiily .\lnxweJl 'is thc only b~autiful golf course, but never-

is Ace lIlarlne, a coil owncd by hi' AUS~IE .DEGUEES . I theless plans are being made to Larkin Maloney ol Toron(o: The onc w u, Jasn I yet had ~ crack at U ' 1\11 t' Thc UnIversIty oC Ad~lalde I I on 'lucs3a after thc lunch-colt came in first \iwce in six the big Labat! purse. Jerr~,Barher , mpll'CS H, ee IIIg founded In 1874 was the £Irs I Aus. pay y. . starts las! year and was second has picked up about $2700 in thc tralian university to grant degrees con. so slart Jour ~~~er cr?i~sl~g onCl2 and third twice. last tw') cracks at this sixth big· The ~l. John's Association of for women students. now. Ca~asta and rJ ge WI e

gest purse in pro goll; BD Winni. played mdoors - please come National League . ger took $750 away last year and ~asebal1. Umpires .will h~ld a meet· PEARL BUTIONS equipped. , '.

thc others made at Icasl expenses. L".g, tomght ~t Clght 0 clock to· I Mother _ of - pearl collected at ,All btlokings for the luncheon n,"ht at th'~. !larrcl Room. A Iull , Broome. Australia, is used to make should ~cally be' in by now, with PUBLIC NOTICE:' attendance IS requested. shirt buttons. Saturday nOon as the deadline, so -,

Chicago at BrDDklyn (n)-Joncs EI'ght Golfers (&,6) vs Erskine (1.2). ... ,

SI. Louis at New York (n)- T Poholsky (1-2) vs Hearn (6-6). 0 Enter' For

Milwaukee at Pittsburgn (n) - . Conley (7-2) vs Friend (3·1). L J~tt C '

Only games scheduled. ,aDH Up Eight, of golf's current len top

leaders have, already announced they will be In thp. Labatt Open Can~da'J top goU event which I~ Ilehedulpd for Summerlea Club, Montrc31, AUjlust 25-28.

AFRICAN LAKE ------- do take that phone In hand and THRIVING GROUP SCENTED NECKLACES make your reservations 2593F (the

Lake Chad in Northern Africa Nal'ajo Indians of the western Inexpensive pearls made from F is for [ood)-and give those re-covers, 20,000 square miles, c~m· United Statcs now number more hcrrinl scales, which dev~lop a pared with 31,820 lor Lake Super. than 10,000 compared 10 7,000 in pleasant scent, are made In Nor. spDnsible a chance to give you an lor. 11867. , way. enjoyable tim~.

Tenders are Invited and will b. :eeeived up to ~.30 p.m. on MOll­day, June 20th, for the InJ'.alll­tion of an oil {ired furnace and some new heating in the Central Fire Station.

Plans and specifications may be inspected in the office ol the ~lIildings Division of this Depart: ment and copics obtained on de­posit Df $25 with the Revenue Clerk. This sum will be re~umed if the plans and specifications are returned and a reasonable tender



Mike Souchnk and Gene Littler two ol tile top three on the mone; list to ,jatc,' werc among the (irst commitments. Ken, Murray, Laball tournament managcl" said today that Billy lIInKlVc)l, Ted Kroll, Bob Rosburg, Jerry Barber, Jolin. ny Palmer, and Bo Wininger arc ainong \lther cDmmitments rccelved {rom top pfofpsslonals now on the summer circuit of' the P .G.A

is made. - 'i: Tenders arc to be submitted in

s-ealed envelopes addressed to the undersigned with the words, "Ten­der, for, Heating-Central Fife

Your home may somedny be turne~ Into CINDERS - OR CASH - depend­

Ing on the', soundness of your In­surance. Call a key man to-day-get

full protection I' , 'INSVBANCE: HEY TO SECURITY I . . ~ .

With th!! , ycnr's ' tournan'!enl~ only hall gObe, big' Mike Souchak currently tops the money list with

written across ~he fate the envelope. ,.., .' :'

Tenders are ~o be accompanied by an approved" accepted clieqiie '$14,649; Dr. Cary Mlddlecolf ,is

about $600 hehlnd him; and the young Callfomla wonder. boy of the fairways" Gene ,Littler has amassed $13,252 so far. Another rookie in thc pro ranlls and n former National Amateur Champ like Littler, H 2~·year·old Texnn named BillY MalCWell Is in fourth spoi on tho. pay·o£! ~'l1l:' with $11,746, to d~tc. Just behind is

ST' E' E" .' '·s \'cteran Tell Kroll \vith about $350 , ":, , ' ':'.. less. The others in the top brack.

ets, wlio, have' amasscd ~8000 'ID

the amount of $250 as a surety that the tenderer will, If success­ful, enter into a contraet with thi' Minister. ,The successful tenller~ will be expected. to deposit fur.he~ sums to bring the tolal deposi' up to 10% of tlie amount of th~ accepted tender: : This ,sum wil! be retained until 90 days alter the' acceptance of !hc completcd con: ract. : 'l'he Departmenf docs nol bini

,itself to accept 'the 10lycst or ani ! tender. ' l , INSURANCE A' GE' NCIES LIMITED $lO,ooq so .lar this scason arc CONCEPTIOI'f BAY ARENA-F W Newhook Managing DirectOl' of Newhoolt and Morgan Enb"ince •. ,It! Limited.

Cha~dlt~ Harper, Boh "Rosburg, . ..' . • . -..'. " , Jerry BJrber, Johnny Palmer, and, IS seen dlscussmg plans at the Site of thc new Bay Roberts Arena wlth Fr~d Bennet!; of the recently formed Conccr·

'PHONE 80027 'ST. JOUN'S t' B S C . . ,Bo Wln!nger.,. I lOn, ay. port~ ompany. The ~teel for the structure is now being. fabricated, by Humphries, Hallam Con-With both ,lDW and 1953 La., st,r!lcWmal Steel Engineers of London, 'Engl" nd. Newhook and MLrgan are thl! 10;:al age.nts. ,

WATER STaEET jef,tO,25 ,'-

, .'

R. 1I1M\NING, i J)~"1t~~. ~lin!ste'r'i

D~p~rtmrnt o[ Public Wor'·~ ...... SL Jolln·s. ;::cO,lO



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,12 THE DAILY NEWS, FRIDAY, JUNE 1 0, , 955 :,' .;.;...-;.;.~.;.;;;.;~~:..;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;~.;.;;..~.;.;.:;~ -. ...... r' . ~ . " .. ' .... DEATH OF A LEGEND


XXXIV boots and wide: dusty 'black hats, Fh'e days after the wired war· They spoke quickly among tltem·

'nlns, history fulflUed William selves In low guarded tones, Pinkerton's final prophecy. Jes· \lulled their hats over their faces, lie began the forecast kl11ing. ~Iumped back In their scats and

The enllneE!l' srumbled, jerk. "went promptly to sleep." Inl the throttle closed and throw· It Is to be assumed, from what In, the sand and steam to the followed, that this honest slumber

'; drlv.crs, He bad been late getting was broken now and again by ,:' out ot Kansas City, and the Chi· the haU·lIdded gleam of a pro· •• ca,o, Rock Island & Paelfl's Cesslonal eye ~cannlng the amok· "Traln No. 23 was running 20 or's I\Ssortment of plugllats from


. millie! back DC schedule Into beneath those dusty, pulled· . Cameron station, 64 miles out of down Itatbrlms-and that on the K.C. part of one set of those yes, at

Train No. 23 WLS running 11110 lenst, the eOV1!rt regard was shut· somethlnl a little more sinister tered by a chronically sore-lldded

fthan a late schedule atCamero:\ blink. ~~ltatlon. No. 23 pullcd Into Gallatin, sal :' 'Three husky, bClIll'ded nlen coughing nervously for tlve min· .~ ·made their way Into her smoker utes, ehu£fed hurriedly on toward : al she 'pulled out for Gallatin, Winston, 11 miles ahead. It was

another 08 miles up the line. 10:29 P.M., July 15, 18Bl, when : They were rough·looking mcn she Il'otled Into tlie Winston depot, • ; tbelr .moker·mates remembered, The englnecr had made up 14 : ~earlnl black broadcloth suits minutes, was. feeling better. : or blaek·eounty cut, dirty riding 'fwo mCIl were slldlng' out or

TO-DAY " ~.~ , . i '. !, " ,'.-

. , "

~. .

· , •


" , t

i. . ' • I' ' ,. ,

f. ':


.' , '

~ .

," -, .



ADMISSION PRICES FOR 'liilS ENGAGEMENTI EVENING-ADUL'rS ............. 750 CIIILDREN .............. 35c

UATINEES-ADULTS ............ 50c CIIILDREN ............. ~51




.Thl story of a Far-Flung

Air Rescue Against

Unbelievable Odds ..• Of a Guy, Who Beat His Way Back from a Wild White Hell

Where No -Man Had Ever Bee"

. with




~~OYP NOLAN - W~H§~ AJ'~


• ~V~NINQ !lHOWS: '1.11 .,.. 1.111




. Let ctousit\s f not the moths. remi~~ou of our __ ~ ... '

I the shadows north ~f the depot, running to the baggagc car's

I handrail, swarming up It 10 the roof of the car, crawling stealth· ily along It toward the fireman's tcndl'!!'· and the engineer's cab,

Th1! tbree bearded slumbers In the smoker wcre leaping sud· denly' to their feet, jerking ,Qut slnglir action rqvolvers, blasting their fellow passengers' startled hcads, and shouting the old, fa­miliar Cll'dcr.

"All right let them upl Don't nodoby move or you'll get your heads blown o£fl"

• • • WITH the order, thel!r leader

fired three shots at the oil lamp at her far end of the smoker. Thc lamp shattered.

'rhe conductor ran toward Jes· se, wh? stood under the second, nearer lamp of the smoker, cry· Ing. Don't break the otllerl We don't want' a fire In here!"

As he came'up to'Jesse, the full light of the remaining lamp fell on his face, and for the first time the bandit leader bad a cleall', close look at the car conductor.

"Westphal! It's Billy West· phal-!" ,

He fired with both guns, Into the conductor's groin. 'fhe Iraln· man staggel'cd back, turned and 'stumbled grolngly down the asile toward the rear door. Jcsse followcd him,' lIot hurrying, not tr~'lng to stop him, but pumping tnother 'deUberat1! shot Into llis back evcry three stcps oC the

the JIllssoll!fl to sidetrack at Kcar· ncy the, night of the S'amuel farmhouse bomblngl The Theatre .Page

Comment 'On Current Movies

-----------------CORNWALL-Now Playing


Jcsse killed him with "nine bullets, none fired at II range greater than 10 Ceet, and £i\'c of thcm from behind," say eye· witness a{£\davlts, ot 15 fellow : passengers, and upon ,ihe ,Inquest I,

findings still on file In tho Da· ---------------------~----------.;...­ With' John .wayne in the ring role, "Island In the Ski-' adventure dl'ama opons" at the Cornwall Thcatre, Wayne.Fellows production Warner Bros. concerns the action mrrounding a

vless County coroner's office. Fate was c!oslns. out the ac·

count of Jesse Jaines. At the hour of the Winston" robbl!1l'Y. there remained to his dark credit In her grim' lcdgcr only three mistakes to be made. ,

The moment William Weslpllal died, hese hrcta were less by

---------_.---------'PARAMOUNT ----------------------CAPITOL· 'STAR N01V Playing Now Playing


. .-- IN TECHNICOLOR ,dor. The story dills with the • • • The " much haralded "Broken The problem of JUVenile delin, , (arts of the rrew to sun'h'c

THE Winston robbery wa, a .Arrow," ollens tod~y *l the . With 24 Berlin 50n1l5' to givc I quency crowaing today's news, ing the fh'c harrowinl da"s


miserable failure. Star Theatre ' •• James Stewert It melody, 67 elaborate seltings I papers form the ~ubject of nights while thrilling res~ue Jcssc had possesscd informa. stars In the historical opic of the to fill ele CinemaS cope Icreen I M-G-M's powerful film "Black· t~mpts 3re made by other

tlon that the combination ell' Wost In. Technieolor, iilmed In spectcaularly, with de.luxe color to board Junglc," now pbying at The action is 'IImcd with Ihe press.baggnge car was carrylna actual AT.Izona 10Qal~s by Pr~ ~dd briillanc~, , heart·warmlng the Capitol Theatre. . WarnerPhonle ~ound. upward of .$25,000. His Infol'mant. duccr Juhan Blaustem and DI· story Cor sentiment and a sexteUe Based on the sensational best· I had forgotten to state that tho rector Delmer Daves (or Twen· lof stars singing and dancing In I seller novel bv Evan Hunter' with Bl\sed on the. best 'selling um would be In the form of non. tieth ,Ccntury-~ox. '. ~,heir ~ast stile,. Irving Berlin's its pivotal cherarters enact~d by of t,~e same, n.pme, "Island In

neglotlnble (vid bandit wheat. 'l'he¥lchac. Blanklort screen· There 5 No Busmess Like Show Glenn Ford Anne Francis Louis 5\!y was wrItten by the fRck and saddle horn, at least) ploy, bnsed on Elllott Arnold's Busines;," a Darryl F. Zanuck Calhern and lIIargaret Hay'es the 01 the book Cor the screen, fifteen.pound Ingots of mint sil; novel, "Blood Brother," relate~ :\lresenta\lon which opens tomor- picture tells a realisl.ic, u~com. K. ~ann. A pilot Cor many vcrl 'fh1!re were only $600 In the t~e story of how Tom Jeffords, row ~t ~he, Paramount Th'eatre, I promising nnd rclentlessly grip- G¥nn appears to have !lc\'elo,,,.~l safe. • ' pioneer and ndvenlurer, affected alms for the musical jackpot. ping story of a young lea~her a successful formula for 'Anollier passenger, unstrung a clos~ friendship w~lh the 'great Twentieth Century·Fox has never I whose career, marriage and ~ery ticitYi he writes about the

bY,Wcstp1lnl's murdor,.'had tried Ap~ehe leader COChIS;, and how ~een more lavish with its produc. life are threatened by the teen. h~ knows. His ~atest" novel, to run out ,of the car and the the cc~entintl o( thIS pars anal han res~urces than for this opu.! age gangsters who make a mock. High and the Mlchty was ' bandit Icader had cut him down friendship eventu~1iY prove~ ~o lent mUSical, 'rhe cream oC Holly· I ery of his c\3ssroom in a metro- a,s the BookO(·The·Month In brutal turn. Frank and Wood ~e the turning pomt i~ the ciVIl· wood's muslc~,1 comelly st~rs - I politan vocational scllool. lion .for May, 1953 and it 100, Hlte stampeded by the laoublc Izatlon o( Indlan·whlte rel,atton. ,Eth~1 lIerman, Donald O·Con.nor, Glenn F01 d plays Richard I lie hlm2~. by Warner Bro!. murdcr, lias backed Out of the ships. Marilyn Monroe, Dan Dalley, Dadier, who finds the enthusiasm In addItion to star John car, abandoning thc II'nglng Jcssc. Stewart portrays. Jd(ords In Johnny Ray and Mitzi Gaynor - and Idealism wilh which he be- the featured cast includes The 'conduclor, In the train's on. "Broken .Arr?_w,,, With Jcff Chand· were selected to he.ad the ca~t gins his first teaching job turning Nolan, Waller Abel, Andy

the dying man ly othcr cars, two coachcs' and a ler as Co~III'c .and Debra p~g~t and 30.0 C~0~U5 bcautJes .add their to a shed in the lact of the has. vine, Allyn Joslyn, James reached the \'cstlbule door. Jessc sleeper, had bolted Ihclr doors' as an .~ndla~ girl Of, ~ochlse s pulchrltud, to the lamh num· tility, contcmr,1 and brutality he ,H.arry C~rey, .lr., and. othen, Thl let him fumble the door open and put out all theh' alsie.lights. I trlr tt~ I?ho.m :he w~e m~n bers, "' { cncountel's fr,;m his studenls. dIstaff Side of Ih~ film falls II fall down the smok£lr'l outc~ Then during til following as· 1 Je for S a I. In ave. . e IUP- Th, nostal~ic slory of the When taunts. insolence and dis- Ann Duran, Dawn Bander Itl stcps to the dcpo't platform. Fol. sault' Oil tho cx~ess car called I pOlting, cast IIIcludes BaSIl .RU~5' vaudeville term of Molly and obedicnce fail to break their I Phrllis Winger.

dael, \\ ill Greer, Joyce MacKenZIe Terry Donahue nlayed by Miv t I th I h dl only to the last step. he ,0Cf to aid in the frultlcss sack and Arthur Hunnicutt. '!If ". . , : eac ler, e c assroom o? u~s, Wayne portrays the pilot 01 1~1

shot him .four more timel, 'of the exprc~s.compallY Slife-I th erma~r;d !llr. hDBlleYk ~~~ t~.etr le9 by two ringleaders, Arlie Vi ut ! lorced·down piane. Known in I~I SCVCII years before, conduclor had extinguished hi" cab lilhts D reeh C.II ren" wpo ~a 'c se I I~e and the hu~ky Negro. Gregory motio'n pictun industry .s "lit

Westphal had bean In and headlights, plunging the en~ I Sio:a 1 u:~d ~~e ct:o ,~~~~ °L ., Ml11?r, try sll',.'nger. methods, but Box OWce," and \I'inner 01 ' charge of the special Hannibal & tire train Into darkness. . World's Largest ge. 11'8 r, er an~ Dadlcr does not reslg~ e\'e~ whe.n year's "Henrietta" aWlI'd ~! st Joe train which had crosed Cursing their frustralion, the . ' the °IlPortunlly to pr~sent a ~4\- he com~s close t(l being killed In ' ",orld's most oopular actor

alcad\! of shilw busmess, high· an alley gans·up But when his . -. ,

BI t F II ht>d hI" B)"" . IS currently l'ne of the


. M-G·M'. DRAMA' O'F TEEN-AGETerror·!·







as urnace g. y mng er I,n s mcom· Wife, A,me,' expecting a child, . I . . .. parable tunes. . t' 'I . men In Ho I~wood. Hanng

, . I~ sen ~ol:on-?en ~tters accuslIlg ~een recently in "Trouhle AI DETROIT (AP)-What is de. t Of :~~ 24 ~umbcrs,,~n[ ythe PBlc, ~Im hOf I~hdtehhty whlth a woman The Way," W~yne after con~plllt,1

scribed as the world's largest ~Iast ure, ree ar . new: ou e· eac er 10 C ~e 001, Dadler is Ing "lsi d In Th Sk " I It furnace was placed in producliOJl lieve" aung by Johnnq Ray: "A ready to throw In the sponge. m db! ~; r r M:I i' f'~ toda" by th'2 Great Lakes' Steel Man Chases a Gil'! Until She In the end he is able to reach ,e ._t

e f .Oh' 1 \~; co 0 BI m

, C I h H'" d d d b tl b' • new., a 15 "arner ro!, Corporation at its og island pl~nt aces 1m sung an ance y across Ie arrl~r separaling him leases "Hondo" filmed \\'ith in \he River ROIlf!e. . Donald O'Connor. and "A Sailor from Gregory Miller, and it Is this 'II d' ' I

h h th 10 I N . . . new a me la camera n

The new furnace a8 a car s at a SaIlor 'Till He Has Been student who In the story's elec· feet three Inches in diameter and Tattoed," written eSlleclally for trlc climax delends Dadler when dimensions. a rated capacity of 50,000 tons Of Ethel Merman and Mitzi Gaynor. he is attacked by Artie West with Lloyd Nolan, In 'Island In pig iron a month. Great Lakes In- Marilyn Monroe sings three old a knife, and who giVes him the Sky" will pr(lbably rar.k JS glneers predict, how~ver, th.~t IS' "H t \" ""L " d' Ii t songs, ca "ave, azy an mcen VI! a go on with his teach· of the "coldest" pictures operllting experience devclopes the giant may average 60,000 tons a "After You Get What You Want ing career. made since a majority of month. You Don't Wlnt It·, and ber reno Director Richard Brooks, who !cenes were rhotographed In

No allier Curnace has a 30·foot dition of. them caused Berlin, who also wrute th~ screen play of foot snow drifts at Dinner hearth, and Owen R. Rice, vice· served as adviser on Ihe picfurc, "Biac~board ,Junglc" has wrung high in the m(luntains 01 nor'thelrl\ presid·~nt and general manager of to remark that nolV thcy will be cxacting perfol'mances from his Califorma. Players and crc\\' the FreYn department of Koppers, hits all over again. "Heat Wave," plnyers. Glen Ford's portra~'al of to be transported by bus ,nd Inc., the furnace builder, said: he rev~aled, was (irst sung by the tormentcd fighting against in a wild mount~in ,'ailey. "It has taken 37 years to cross the Ethel Waters about 20 ycars ago. overwhelming odds to gain the that pomt AI'my wea~cls 30.foot line, which hils been to us "If Y B I" "B I' 'd somewhat like U1e sound barrier ou eleva, er In sal ,was respect of his students is honesl sledl took them two more w~s to aviation." . written about 1930 and had been and incisive. Anne Francis is emo· over the deep snoll' 10 the

sung in only .. (ew churchcs un· lionailv taut In the role of his ing site. Snow storms IntE!rrllpt!11 ., til re~entJ~, R~y sings it here for wife ~'bo struggles to overcome Ihe shooting many times and

Elogant town accessones she the flut time. her jealous suspicions with Mar· ardous ground conditions mlghdt fnot .bftUY !Fo.r hlersehlf mh lIkdc Other longs in the picture In· ,garet Haycs, Ihc well-known telc·1 panicd i1y the 7000 loot II won er ul gl s. me eat er an· Iud "'''he T1 I 'I'd . ht Ch I·· k" ' b I

. d" I . d c e ., n la "I DIg 00 VISion actress. rna mg her first made the location I .t'-lIlIn'I,,1 ags, g oves, goo JClle ry ,n :Choil L6avt For Alabam ""A . f'l L . " sweaters for day or evenings must '. 5 I, .. maJor I m appearance as 015 one for the company of ninety .

be chos~n wilh her wardrobe and ~r~lty Girl 13 Like a Melody. Hammond, the woman leacher Directed by William h'Pt In mind, She will love lux. "Simple Melrdy," "You'd Bc who malles a play for Dadier. "Island In The Sky" boasts of thl urious .lIngerle a.s much ~s she Surp~~se~," "Al~xander's Ra~thnc Two other t~acher roles ~re Id· photography d Academy AI\"rl ever dld, and will bIen you for Band ~nd Ihe hlle son~. The lal· mirably enacted by r.oui~ Calhern winnH Archir Siout and thl remembering' her tastes, tn forms ~e basi~ of th' finKle itnd Ricnard Kiley, the forlllcr ~s technical dir€ttion of the ~tN)'S

which Is s,ld to he the most spec· Murdock, cynical old·timer whose creator Ernul Gann, Galln IOC~ bandit crew bad run for their tacular numbtr In musical film only credo Is never to turn hj~ an active part In the film. hC'!se!1, a disorganized, Inept. hi!tory, A hu.e stag\! equipped back on his class; the laUer IS bungling !ecllml1~ of th~ once with hydraulic lifts and )5 differ· Josl1UR Edwal ds, II'ho gi\'el up mighty James gang. They h~d ,ent levels was used for this num· the baule whl'n the hoodlums de· not lind time tD ste~1 a $ln~le b,r in Iyhlch 300 dancers in addl· slroy his record colleciion. Children's

-- I Puzzle 1

-------------_._._--' --NOW PLAYING



El'~~q ~Be.W~: 70'~OCK~9,OO


NEXT ATTRACTION • fi , • •• ••




y:·.tch 'or lift one pMsen.er'. tion to th, ,Iar~ give terpsichor· The picturc's juvenile riles ~rc pocltet.change. Th~ high cost of ean \'erslons of nearly every played wilh harrowing conviction, outlaw living w,s not dropplnl' br,neh of .how business - circus with stand.out porlrayals by Sid· THR~UGH 'mE KNOT HOI.E venny, but the price of murder acrobat5, ro~eo artist., roller Ind ney Poltier as the Negro' boy, was going down, Splitting the ice skates, baUel, serpentine Miller, who ultimately changes

. $600 with his four accomplices, dancu; Sllanbh, jazz, jitterbug, his point of vicw, and by' Vic JeS'Se paid himself· $60 apice for drum m~jora, .lId other dances, Morrow as th.. Incorrigible Artie. his two homicides. giving I threHlng version of West. I



(To Ie Conllnoi"l show businesi. "Blackboard Jungle" Is a dis· This finals was th~ most expen· turbing, hard·hitting dramatlu· '11

I sive ever staged at the Twentielh lion of one Ilf the social contro- I~ If T .. $Iffu P,I. h.. Century.fox. studios, acc?rding t.o versics of our day, and it makes '10 '; • , , '\.

ART H R IT I S Producer Siegel, Who lIkcned It for an cbsorbing motion picture. i ~I l. 10 Gene Kelly's "American In I \ ',~, 'I"

R H E U MAT ISM Pal'is" b~l!et, hitherto lhe most Specialized cloU1es and equip. I 1, '.~ l!l '0 R L U M B ~ GO costly In movie musical history. ,ment for her hobby will always I ') '(I

..... The choreogr¥ph~' Cor "There's i be right, whether it Is' a smock , No BU5iness Like Show Business" for painting, a frot..'1y dress-up I .5

DOD', agoolze • ;' I doo', wail. , • wheo pain stabs fOU. Pu oDo SLOAN'Salooce. It's powtrfullNo ruhhlollJUST PAT IT ON: "Ah-;,b'i tiliefl" ACts .Anlll' , ACTS '~~N"~I Tq StGj\N'S qu.1c\d l:f'll'~ ~~.,d hlfff frDm tlCut.ljl" acb, •• 'bi'ililcblils !lliil·., "w,Ilhet. 'lire" 1II11~'c!~~' 1001

S~o.AN~1 LINI,.,UH

.Oll AC,," ~HD '~IHI !O ,'.,. " ",.lItI tlitl / , "' r,II,.I". 1/'#1


lVas created by Robert Alton, apron f~r ent~rtaining, a ~m~rt I 4,' whose Broadway hi!! Include four l~alher Jacket In a color to go WIth i "ZieifCeld Follies" shows" "Any. her new car. I thing Goes" and Hjlzel Flayy," Leon Shambrny was director of. among others, Alton did the hit pholoRr~phy. Al£rtd and Lionel "Pal Joey." He used six assistants Newman supervised and conduct· to help tr~in the ~ancers lor tac~ ed the music~1 numbers. Thtpro· number. Phoebe and Henry Eph· duction crew boashd experts ron wrfot, the Icrtfn pl,y [rom with 97 Academy nominations and Lamar Trotti'; ari&inai story ind 21 Acadl'my O~cm: '


I Whit do you thln1c iDtmsl! Tommy on the 'other side of this . fence. Tommy say. he II lookin, at SGmCODe whIch be hopes \liD be a friend. Jain all the numbered ,dots together, ~t4rUnJ with dol numbcr oDe ,nd IllIdins With dot number tw,nty·three and you wi1l see whit Interest Tommy. TI')' ypur ,paints or crayonl on thl! picture •



. ,




, the stir. Sh" •• 1ft

'i :

as "Mr. o! 1111 I~ thl

or. "'al'nl he busitll I'ing been

Along comptet·

." le!t , to film

Lak!, of northern

ere\\' had , :,U~ ,nd e~n

alley. From ,ds towinl more mill)

o the shoot· interrupled

and hal· lions aeeom· foot altitude • ~trenUOUI

of lIinrt)'. m Wellman. l0as!! of the

~. Award ,nd the

i I h~ 510ry's Gann took


lllt,r.sts sIde of'thls

he I. looklri; hopes wlU numj1ered villh 401 \fIth dot

and you will Tommy. Tn: yons on this

-. This


Page, with

Presented' the

Compliments Of

The· Great Eastern. Oil Company Limited ,­-


FRIDAY, June lOlh - -' ----7.30-'l'oP or" tile Morning. 8,O(}.-CBC News and Wealher. B.15-Musical Clock. 9.00-Mornlng Devotions. p,l:>-Program Prcvlcw. 9.20-Piano Playtimc. 9,3(1-~leJody Scrapbook.

IO,OO-Know Your Nfld. IO,IO-HII 01 the Da,. IO.I5--1rls Power. \l1.~5-Ne\\'s. IO,3U-Triple ·I·reasure. llH5-Breaktast Club. II.15-Light and T,)·rlcul. lIA:>-ncglna McBride .. 1~.OO-Al1nounccrs Cholcc. 1~.15-Djnner Bell Bre;kdown. 1~.30-Farm Broadcnst. 12A5-Aunl Lucy. I.Uo-~lId Day Serenade. \.I5-Laura LImite!!. 13O-CBC News and Weather. 1.45-Du)·le Bulletin. ~.OO-Words alld ~llIslc. ~.~9-Dominlon Time Slgn~l. ~.30-01f the Record. ~.45-~[usical Program. ~,15-~[usicat Kitchcn 3,30-TrBns Canada MaUnee. ~.30-CBC NCII·5. 4.35-Timelr Tuncs. H5-Chlldren's Story. 5.15-Fisherlcs Broadcast. H5-~[usical Program. 6.00-lntermezzo. 6.2j-Progrnm Preview. 6.30-Supper Gucst. 6.45-~labl1e ~lIkc. i.OO-C'BC News and Weather. 7.15-Curtain Calls. i.30-Tops Today. 'i.45-Do),le Bulletin. IUS-Song necital. H.30-Rawhldc. . :;.~5-Kjlchen Corner. .~.Oll-.Iohn Fisher. ~.l5-:\atioll·j Busincss-Libera\. P,::O-Curlain Calls.


IO.OO-London Proms. 11.00-Songs of lIty Peoplc. 1l.30-CBC National News. _.- ... _-----

vous FRIDAY, June lOth ---6.00-Slgn on and Sundial.

O.t5-Sundial News. B.OO-Today's thc Day. B.15-Rex KoUry. S.SO-It Happened Last Night.

to.Ou-Coffee Time. . 11 OO-Pepperrell JUke Club. i2,OO-HlIlbllly Matinee. 12.aO-Inslde Troc\[. l2.45-At Ease. 1.00-Turn 'Back the Clocl[. 1.aO-Science ~Iagazine of the Air 1.45-Boh Crosby. 2.UO-Bud's Bandwagon. 2.30-Martln Block. a.ou-VOUS Record Ruom. 4.00-Inslde Boxing. 4.15-Ncll's. 4.30-Topics and Isslles. 5.00-March oI Events. 5.1 Ii-News. 5.30-Boston V5 Detroit. 7.45-0fficcrs Call. B.lIO-Who!:s My Line? S.30-Malsie. 9.00-Best Plays.

lO.OO-News 10.15-John Conte lO.30-iIIudc TUI MidnIght. l2.00-Sigil Off and Anthem. ----

VO.eM FRIDAY, June 10lh

----:~.-----7.00-Band Selection. 7.3{;-NclVs. ' U.OO-Breakfast ClUb. B.3a-HIt or the Day 8.3S-Ncws B.40-Name the Newfoundlander. 9.00-A Dale With Denys. 9.l5-Man l?rnm Yesterday O.30'-:'ADntc With Denys. 9.45-Burtons o[ Banner Sireet

IO.OO-Nell's. llJ.05-A Date With Den)·s. lU.55-News. ll.OO-Club TIme. 1l.55-News. l2.00-Club Time. 12.15-Bank oI Happiness. 12.3t1-Ncws. 12.35-M\lsicaJ Menu. 1.30-News.



1.4;i-Tuncs for Today. . IF' yOU had the South earqs In l.OO-~~~~. Grable-H.rry Jlm._ today's hand which would you 2.55-NelVs. rather hold at the head of yaur :I OO-Dollars on Parade. clubs-Ihe kin!! or tlte ;ICC? Nat. 4,()O-Ncws. 'd th It s e 4.05-Newfoundland ParacJe. cil'nlly you rn er av~ an c 4.35-Bank of Happiness. til an a king, but tlte actual de· 4.55-:-Iews. clearer would debate the point 5.0O-Junlor Jamborce. with you. 5.30-Supper Serenade. When the hand was· played. 6.00-News and, Weather. I , 6.05-Suppcr Serenade. I West opened a low diamond. 6.25-Lost and Found. I East put up the queen, and South 6.40-It's a Queer Old WOI·ld. I won with the lice. Declarer drew

. 6.45-News, three rounds ol.trumps, cnditli 7.00-TltEl BarreJrnan. II th dummy and led lhe qucen 7.15-Doctor Paul. Inc, 7.30-Muslc Stars oI the Century. of clubs for a finesse. South n.OO-Nlid. Wholcsalc. 'eouldn't have made this serio\ls 8.l5-Sammy Kaye. error If he had held the klnll of U.30-Penthouse Part;.'. clubs ratllor than the acc. D.OO-Muslcal MemOrieS. I Ith til kl g of O.45-NelVs. West won wen

IO.OO-Riclmrd Diamond. clubs' and slll£ted to e heart. IO,SO-One Night Stand, Dummy had to takc the BCC, and t~:~t~e:r~~east. 'Inow SOUlll, who would have to ll.l5-cfub Time. ,sacrifice his club ten to enter the Ill.OO-News. . 12,Ol-Club Time. 12.:l0-News. 1~35-Club Time. l.OO-News In a Minule and

Cl~sedown. ---CJON

FRIDAY, June 10tll 7.0q.. Wake up aod Llve.--7.10- ·News. , 7.l5-Slrength (or the Da),. 7.30-News. 7.35-Bob Lewis Sho .... 7.45-NclYs, 7.50-Bob Lewis Sho .... n.OO-News. B.05-Bob Lewis Show. S.30-News. B.35-Bob Lcwis Show ROO-News. O.05-Juke Box Review.

NORtH .'143 VA1 t9H2 "'QJ53

'WEST I:AST 1082 011965


\'K9802 .QJU + K 10 7 3 t Q8 '" j, 6' .?t 9 a.H

s:n:Tlt (D) ~ A I, J 107 \'! 105 • AJ G "'A 104

• Both ,Ides vul. Soulh Wesl Norlh Enl 1 '" P,ss 2 .. piss 4 .. Pass PaES Pass

Opening lead-+ 3


OVER ::'10 AT 1.E:"'~-,-! LAST


'lORE Cr::.A7.'i.' I HAIN'T PuT ONAPO:J~D 51IVCE '/01..1 I.A$T HEFTED ME'-IT'S




H:.t.ve TO QUIT \--:'--:-:~11 "THA'TONE" HE'S VeR'I SEI\J511WE ASOUTHIS

dummy, had only two club tricks Instcad of threc. Naturally SDuth tried to recover. by taking the ace of clubs ~nd running his two remaining trumps. Nobody was squeezed, however, and South' had to lose tW{l diamonds at the cnd When the clubs failed to break.

MAi,J.WHUTA ,$PRe ... D/

,A(!,E,o A651


Soulh made hIs mist;ke, as we noticed. when he led the cjUCC!! of clubs from, the dummy. He should have led a low club tor a fln'Csse of the ten. ThiB would lose to the king. of courBe, and then South w(}uld have thre~ clubs tricks (with the ace, jack, and queen) Instead of only two, Even If the finesse won: South would continue with the ace of cluhs and then a low club, thU& making sure of ·thl1!e· Irlcks In the IUlt. Soulh couldn't have misplayed this hand if hIs dubl had been K·lO". After drawing

. trumps, he would have led the king or tcn of club1, making ~U4'e of three rIcks Int the .uit. It was the ace a( clubs that led him Into temptation.

. 9.3(1-Flnal Year. 9AG-Women,'1 New .. lO.OO-N~ws. tll.OI-Tullc out with Westons. ltl.l5-What's On My Mind? IO.30-Who Am I? to,45-Joan Blanchard. lO.50-1Ilusicpl Fill. l1.00-N ews. . n,Ol-Bill Ring Sho\v. 11.l5-Tenness~e Ernie. 11.30-lmprisoned Hearl . n.45-Davld's Childr,n. 12.00-News. l2.05-Homebakerl Qui!. l2.l0-Hit 01 the' DAY. l2.l5-Billy O'Connor. 1.00-Ncw~. tal-Bob Lewi! Show. 1.15-BIIl' Star Ne?," 1.30-SporlsPirad,. ' I.4U-Barnin Hour. US-BQWrlns's T.V. 1.50-M~ntovlnl Melodle,. 2.00-NewB,· '" . 2.01-l'erry,Muoll. 2.15-Younll Dr. M,lon_. 2.30-Record Shop. ' 3.00-NeWi. 3.01-Houiewlves Club ~prli~~) 4.oO-N~W8. ' , 4.05-Spot the Star. 4.15-;.Riillcli Party. 5.00-NewB. 5.0l-T,leilt Trail. 5.15-Dan' D~e. 5.30-Recotd Shop. 8.00-New •.•





....... '--'-By ·T.· v. HAMLIN ONlY ONE wrrn nlE



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'. 1 ;~ ~I " '')-----

'",1 \' I' ,,', /( :-;.~ I' >'j J,

"~ , ~ \ I \': !. :il. • \'1, I; \,"" 11!'I\:'!( 1HE DAILY NEWS, FRIDAY,: JUNE; la, r9S~ ;' '~I:':" -..:.:.:.:, .~..:;.;.;.~..;.;;.;,.;.;:;..;.--,;.;..;..;.-------

'\';,:,; STEA IDP Poor'Weatber' i'1!;;j'Stock Market'~eport,' Pres))yterian. ' MS , ", :: ILn; TORONTO CLOSING STOCK. l000-KHud " 311'> 311'> 31~ Assembly Breaks MOVEMENTS Retards F,ishing .: :! :.I,;'JOOO Ae!~ J:' c ...... I~ .... IS II = ~rt!i::: ~ ~~ u~ 0' ld T' 'doho " '. THE NFLD •• GREAT LAKES 0" p' eri a·tIOoDS' . . ' d I )', 1000 Aem. 11 II 18. »00 Kroy 0 13% 130. 13% ra 1 on· STE' AI'rISHlPS LTD ii" . j. 200 A",ew 71~ 7ii m U40 Labr.d IllI 17 17 '. !(; i.: ~~ ~~::~:nl, :il~" = ,::t g~lch ..... ~~ m m TORONTO (CP) _ A tradlUon M,V.Perth loading at Hamillo~ Bad weathel, of which we arc OJ t:;>.- Do IVII . 30 2t 30' 1200 L Line ,Ie 14 l' ended Thursday when the general June 9, ,Toronto June 10, Montrea alt aware, ha! not only hampered

, " . ,', '1&25 Allom 19V. ltv. 1m vnlOO L 0.. 44 31 3& J 13 f St J h ' ',. :! • 300 Do 11'1' 10 10 , ,10 :Il L Silo,. 5:~ m, 5%0 aSS'll m b I y of the Presbyterian une ,or • .0 n s'. fishing operations along the. New· "1' ,I' 3000 Am Larder 17 17 17 .7000 LaIVt'hl. '~OL .:'~ .! . Church in Canada decided that in M.V. S~. Addresse' loadmg at foundland coa~t this spring, but It · , .' .2000 Am Cron 129 120 129 1100 Lo e ' ~... ~ .. '" t J ':, ' " 1200 Am Leduc no 130' m 6000 Lonel 20 It It\~ fu~ure, Presbyterian .moderators Hamilton June 16"Toron 0 une has also causcd havoc to the ::x':lr~9 t.~~e~. 3tg 33:~ ~ :: tr:I~~I. ,fi . 31~ 31:, need not tour' pre.byterles across 17, and Montreal June 20 for St. fishing operations as far off shore n",! :w A.,oAm Exp 15 15 n. 21010 L LLae 150 123,125 .. Canada dlrlng their year In office. John's., as the Grand Banks. ,;:: I ::= ~~; ~;')'n :~ 5;~ 5~ =a,;c;~t!; 4:~\~40~ Ie: .The assembly took the step at FURNESS WARREN LINE Capta!ns of our local trawlers

:1 , ";, m Anthu . 21 25 2l moo Louer IS 40 oil the close of Its nine·day 1955 ·meet· Newfoundland Leaving Liverpool have reported extremely bad fish. · ,. : ,,,:\ 1200 Areln IS .. 13 D 38900 Lvndh.1 140 lIS ISS lng' . , " r: ." . moo Area 61 65 U 1100 Mata .. a 171 I 187' 174 u' tl\ 'thl t dltl dl t t d June 4, due St. John's June 10. ing weather and several of the ! ),,"',2000 Arjon Il 13 13 31))0 Maedon 101 102 103 n s year ra on cae If d B t '

: " 1:;:::l9uo A.eol 23 15 25 1000 )loetle 141113 Ill, tlia! moderators tour the presby- Leaving for Hal ax an as on Portugup.se fishermen have had to ; !, \' ':;.m~ ~~~~II~u1 ~~\\ ~I'> ~v. ~~':';::':s 1~ li~ l~% Lerles. But retiring moderaor, Dr, June 11, due Halifax June. 13 and keep their d,)ry crews on. board 1 ."; 10200 Aumacho 27 21 'Z1 2910 Mldren 183 117 111 J L W M~Lean of, Vancouver Boston June 16. Leaving Boston for days at a time as it was tOD !',. '1200 Aumlq 12 IIV. 12 6700 MI",.I . 13 12 3 ..'. • I ' . d

. " 'War Behveen Church And 1iquor Tra~fic 'SACKVILLE, N,B. (CP) - Dr.

RDss Eaton, field secrctary of the Maritime Temperan~e Fetleratlon

said Thursday "the liquor traffic would destroy the church !r It could; ·the church could destroy the liquor traffic if it would.'''

Dr. Eaton made the statement In an address to !be 31st Mari.· time conference of the United Church of Canada.

U.C./. Conference

~fagistra'e's , Comot \ Two men arrested for drunke!': ,

ness on the ~treet on WedDlist!a~ , were be [are thcMagist.rate's Cour' : on Thursday morning and fine{ i $10,00' each for second offences, !

A United St"tes service man nn, a housewife' Irom 'New Gowe: street, arrested by the police whp.T they we~e brought to th~ statlor ,. by a taximan who,complal~ed thn1 I'

they were tau drunk to get oul of his eab, were both arrested on Wednesday hight, and fined $2.00 Dnd $3,00 respectively in the court.



Have the walls and ceIlIng, of your home or ol!lCt, washed to look like tbe~ have been newly. painted. Havc your floors washed and polished. We also specialize In paper·hanglng, painting, varnishing, liming, 11'001 re· ,Jalrlng, fencing, gardening, garden cleaning," We reo move storm windows and tlean windows. We will dean out your basement or do any other odd job )'DU might need to have done. All work done at the lowest possible priccs. So don't walt, call us today. The Spring Cleanlrs .nd p.lnt. ers. Dial 4244-A, "1: ~::':',ooo Avilla II 101~ II 200 Molar! IBl lit, 184 suggested ~!tls practice be d scon· June 17 and Halifax June 21, ue dangerous to send out the single (Continued from page 3) "

;': ,.2250 Dalley 11 1m 10~1 78910 M,n.all U J. 14 77 .1010 tlnucd St John's June 23 Sailing for Llv· man boats. I. ,vonder about this "'orld tha' t God , ". ,. , 2100 Danll 215 201 201 v52800 Mo .. I,O 10 I ,,' d I b b k' • "

A motorist arrested on May 19th for drunken driving had his case heard- before ~agiEtrate O'Neil on Thursd'ay morning. Mr. J. G. Hig· gins was couD.',el for the accused. 'i.'he evidence of both constables ~". ••••••••••• ,

., !. '.;, 6140 B •• keno 33 3 33 !nCO Mlrbcnor 10 91< 10 Many, mo era ors ave ro ~n erpool same day. The four masll!r Portuguese! ao loved Thil world when min , ; \ .. :" ft~ ~:~~ Il~ Il~7 I~:. = r,::r::'d 3~\i 3: 4 IInder the deman~s of a ,71gld Nova SeoUa Leaving. Liverpool Irawler Groenlantla, which ,!Irrived seenis ~ have lost all sense of

i .' ',: ~ Dlrymln 290 290 290 14900 Marlllmo 210 m 217 travell!ng schedule, he said. Per· June 18 due St John's June 24 In port ycsterday, hails (or· 3000 dlrectl'on, when values are wr"n'" ";! .~: it5toOB Metal. fi(J 54 ". 3l00)!nrUa 12 10\-\ to\" son ally from'my tour last year, t· • u l' 'I: J ';'~ ~::~. ;~ ~~ 1~ tirJ ~l:;~.':.~w ~~ HI'> ~. 1 thlnk'it Is an outdated practice." Leaving for Halifax and Boston quintals. half of her load. ~he Iy centred and when there Is 10 I. : ,.' 9700 Bolh M 210 '210 211 331)7 Mclnlyro &! 101> 17 WOULD COMPLY June 25, due Halifax June 27 captain told the NEWS that fish· mucb disiJIus!enr.ter,t, uncertainty !; \ ;:'i~~~ ~e~u~~E' ~;~ 3~ 3~ J: ~l~~~: til ~~ ~~ In his elosln~ addrm, Moder- and Boston June 3p. Leaving Bos· ing operations Ihis spring was and tragedy. It !s (or the service

I I' II i': 3100 Beaver L 79 75· 7. 100 ~.Iowllt 0 3 0 .00 ator Dr. Walter T. McCree of ton July 1 and Halifax July 5, due backward because of the bad weat· of mankind In such a world that ,:' , ',' l300Il nelcher &l TS 7' . 3100 Mewolt 30 . 0,. T t 'd'" "h d th t th 51 J h' J I 7 S II' I f th h , ':' I. '. 100 nellet .. re 211 211 211 l500 lim 79 It· 79 oron 0 S:u .. e Ope a e • 0 n s u y • a mg aga n her. One member 0 e crew, W 0 we must moblllze. r",; : " 3000 n,tl G :1 33 35' 700 Mer Polo 175 .:5 tl5 comm!lt~e to ad\'lse the modera same day for Liverpool' has been comhig 10 the banjrs W. rno'DI'II'ze for the achl·eve.

\ ',1mB 81eroll rl 270 210 , l\uOO Meta Ur 70 61 70 I d '\ k to t v I 'the • " , ::'::)00 Bib. m II\~ II!~ . 3)00 Mill C :3 2m 2m or oesn as. '!lC ra e NewfoundlandLeavlog Liverpool for more than twenty years said ment Df power and peace within i:, I; woo Bnert 11\, 11 '800 Mlndam 73 73 73 length and breadtu of Canada this IdS J h ' i I :" 1 'i 1%03 B~dg .. d 7'" m m 51~00 MInda S.ol 9, 7 81? "rar-bllt If thev flrid It necessary Ju y 6, uc t. 0 n s Ju 'I 12. It was one of the worse years' n our own lOUis. This seems to be

Sheppard and lIurley, and that Dr Sergeant While, who put the. de· fendant through his sobriety tests were heard. From the evidence the charge of druak driving was ~ reo duced to 'ampaired driving and the defendant was fined $100 or 7 days.

King H~akon of Norway, 82, bas resigned since Norway. became In· dependent of SwedeD in 1905 •.

:-:- ',,' ~WJ ~Iu~t)~ i:~ m i~ 4m.~:~~tlcg[ J~" 21~" ~\oi i would gladly comply." Leaving for Halifax and Bosto~ his experience, , a 5eUish appeal, but the appeal ,. '." 10700 nobjo 31 34 3·1 :!3BJlO Mo,ul U 320 283 300 Rev !tordon McCutcheon of Port July 13, due Halifax July 15 and The G.ocnlandta came her.e for of Christ is in this respect selfish STATUTORY NOTICE " • &3:\0 Co.v:o 16 15 16 331)0 Nama Ck 255 231 23l • d b 't '1 t f' , " ' .. 1030 Bordulao II II II S0810 Nol E,pl 231 220 %20 Arthur raised the one dlsscnting Boston July 18. Leaving Boston bunker supplies an al ... os o for he asks that WI have lome-I _ :; :~~oD::I\':,~~ I;l l~:: :~ ~;~IO Pel. I~~ I: I;~ voice saying such trips s~ould not July 19 and Halifax July 23, du~' the sin:;le man. dory trawlers or thing real In oUr hearts before we 'In the matter of the Estate of

'i :300 Brltnl 2:0 211 230 6300 N Llb 189 taD 119 he abolished bccause they arc "an St. John's July 2:;. Sail!ng for Llv· the Portugues~ fishing fleet have can impart' it to others. The Abigail Templeman, late of ! ' . i:, DII~~6~rd I:~I!. 1~1l! 1::1'> ~~:~ ~ ~l~~~ :: ~ :l Integral part of a moderator's erpool July 26. r.ow gone north to the Greenland aetiv. ministry of the Holy Spirit' BODavlsta In the Province of

! 11m Brunsm.n 2~ 15 16 331» N Bid ~l ~ 32 32 duties." Nova Scotia Leaving . Liverpool fishln" ,,"10UnCls. has n'" dlmlnislled. UTe have Newfo.undland, marrred woman, .: ISOJO Bru •• ta. 21 26:5 5:160 N Bristol 130 127 1%8 Th 5t til if' .. u,.... d '. ,'1 m Brunswl,k 1m II!' 1114 lIICO N Col " 61 68 e mo con rovers a ssue 0 July 20. due st. John', July 26. '1 bl II th f t't "eeease • •. mo Burkle B3 B3' B3 6100 N Contln 42 40~ 42 the assembly. a $300 cut In mission aval a e a e powers 0 e erm y All persons claiming to be

:! ~ n.Uadl.on 9 I I 500 N Dnv 18 18 18 grants to congregations across Leaving for Halifax and Boston to help UI achieve our abundant credilors of or who have any '7300 !luI C,ln 18 17 17 6HOO N Deihl 122 110 III J I' 27 d H Ilf J I 29 d B· 8hi t d d ff t , '6:m nul m 11 10 101, 46) N D;cl:en 410 m 20l Canada last March, turned up u 'J , ue a ax u y an 19 pmf.D life. claims or eman s upon or a ec·

· :;JJ llulldr,1 10li 91, 101> 1300 N Fori 33 3D 3133 allaln at closln" hours of the as. Boston August 1. Leaving Boslon t' The Church of the Living God Ing the Estate of .t\bigall Temple-'I . 13500 nun~ II 21 20 20 660 N Galdv . I 3 II ... W I f I h h lly • man late of Bonavlsta, aforesaid,

13~1D Callln 48 46 44 moo N 'Harrlo 31 30 34 sembI)" August 2, and Halifax August 6, Construction or \: urn s es ,t e ra Ing pomt for married woman, deceased. are : .. 6m 2~~~n Ch~ob· ~~~ ~~ ~~ ·W:S~ ~ l:~~~~a. :~ ~~ ft Dr. G. Jeane Johnston of Brant· due St. John's August O. Salllnl1 !lur moblhzatlon. We must not aI· herebY requested to send particu' ~l . 12~7G C M,I 2l~ ~ 240 1000 N Jar.n 7 7 7 . ford, chairman of the mission for Liverpool August 9. low anyone or anything to destroy lars thereof in writing duly aUes!·

" . 101 Camp n 830 I.lO &.10 9300 N 1i.1 IS 15 IGI~ board got a verbal maulln" from E· t . d Ii' I ::::0 C 011 Ld. 3M 300 300 3?:l0 Xow:und 33 30 30, , ' b FURNESS RED CROSS qmpmen Dur pride in our Church. Let us ed, to the u!1~ers1gne so cltors

;\1)0 Cdn /I, Oil ~l 4~ 45 %8500 N Morl 14\~ 13 131, seV'.ral ministers who said the cut Fort Avalon due st John's June do our part as Individuals and as I for the Adml~lstrator of the Es· :'21 Cdn A 011 613 610 610 moo N ~blmq. 311. 24 29' was "arbitrary and high handed . Tons d heavy equipment for use ... tate of the said rleceased, on or

1~~o3g ~:II CIlIP ~i\,;~ ~:.. 1~~ ~ ::~I m :~ m and had heen given without suul. 11, sailing again June 12 (Cornei' on construction work and for farm congregatlonl In thiS hour of per· be Core the 14th day of July A.D, 173'0 S E.,· I',tc 21U:00 %01 2JOO N Rya. L 9 9 9 clent warning." Brook and New York). sonal'and world need to mobilize ] 955, after which date the said \lCO g.J:o~~~d!l 2i~ ~ 2~ 3m~ ~ ~:;:: %~~ 2l~ :.l~ ,CUTS NECESSARY Fort Hamilton leaving New York lISC were discharged here 'lester' for the Kingdom of God. Adminis~rator will proceed to

.• 11338C I' L I'e:e 2%3 215 2%3 38)00 II ,Thllrb j2:.s 41 ·Dr. Johnston saId cuts were June 10, Halifax June 14, due st. day from the 2,000 ton freighter We are the amhassadors of God I distribute the Estat~. having :reo Ir,OO C ••• o Pc!. 211 2.10:ll1 11300 N WI 9 8V. 9 " , Sh Id • . Caot"in R B Langle", nard anI" to the el"lms of \vhlch , 1313 Can,. N (l III 120 133 3150 NIck n 119 m 111 necessary because the board of John s June 16, salhng agam June • e ra:le, ,u " 'through the merits of Jcsus· , " • ; C 011 '93 292 292 3,;700 I'll 2Jt1 260 271 I I .. d $93000 master of thl! freighter and hiB . , 1 he shall then have hall nohce, IO~ c~~;I.r ~jO 1%3 W 5000 !II1~i'c:" 9 9 9 m s~tns lOla, a. ' over-ex· 18 (Halifax and New York). Christ. Ours Is the r~spon~lblhty I DateJ' at St. John's this 9th day

51::00 Co.llc m 42f\ 4S0 lOll No ... d. N $411 531'> 54 pen ture ast year. He also said Fort Hamilton leaving New York chief o£licer, Peter De Cunh~, (a under God, and preach the evangel 'of Junr, A,n, 19~5. ! 'I~~ f::~/j,~r 9~ 2rl ~" ~~g ~r:I!~\d ~~ ~~. ~~ cutting grtlants IWtooUld shC;Ck Ithagging June 24, St. John, N.B., June 27, Glasgow Portugucse) tol~ the with enthusiasm, conviction and MERCER & mFFUN,

13:0 L"bort 011 160 1,1 m 3l1lil Noronel 123 120 41) eo~grega ons n carrYing e full Halifax June 30 due St John's DAILY NEWS. this was their larg· Solicitors for Administrator. 7ii21 th.m n 430 420 425 1100 Nop.. 23 2~ 23" bllrd-an of thclr finances. Mission . ' • . est shipment of heavy equipment power. Addrr.ss:

· ~~~ ~~f~kl~~md 1139 9~; 1039 = ~o~.~: ~~; 5:" grants are made to congregations July 2, salling agam July 5 (Hall· so far ~his ye~T. In addition to 11 The afternoon session began 365 Duckworth Street. 12;;)0 Chlb E.pl 10 2 100 100 1000 Nor Trln II\~ II 11\1 unable to pay the full amount of Cax and New York). ' , f om ten to with the election of officers for St. ,Tohn's. jne10.17.24.i1r2 ,

\ I

. \"hn~ fr'! .. t .. IO~" 'with • traffic cop- BUT

JOU have to have it In ,lp. toblet"

EDGEWORTH has it! HOLIDAY has it, tOD!

••. because they are tbl only tobaccos with the pat.nteil; -Wrap·Around Pouch." . ---.....

92 Chlm. '233 22% 224 1300 Nor Can 60 S& 60 h I I It' F t A I I' H II! Inrge tractors l"dngmg r h' 20 Chrolll \7J 17l m . 113.10 Nudulam 89 ao 80 t e r m n s er s salary_ or va on eavmg a ax U h on t e ensumg year. Rev. R, N. Ruw· i 11.\00 CII Lnr II 10 10li 1300 Okall. 146 146 146 Rev. Louis H. Fowler of Brant. July 7 due St. John July 9, sail. Iwe:1ty tons pach, t ere was sell BA, was elected as President; 1-10:00 Coeh WI &3 79 79 7000 Oleary 33 31 31 r d -. d" f' b d 22 tor excavntion shovel. C 'f' d ' 600 Corh D 161. 16~ 1611 53000 Omnll 4'1. m IV. or propose a message to el· Ing again July 11 (Corner BrDok onr a ' Rev. F. W. Bradbury, BA BD; t llGJO Coldstlll 60 10 53\1 749260peml',ka 483 463 110 low pastors" ppedglng that if the and Nelli York) The Shllldrake on the trip from Secretary,' !lfr. W. F. Butt, re.elec·t. er I Ie ! 1000 L'on,lr. l2 .12 52 4100 O.I.ko 40 39 40 t d tl d ., , • b ht total of 1717 i, 510.1 Conr. ,8 .15 U \5)00 P Ea.1 1G1l 15' 15' gran re ue o11s cause congrega· Fort Hamilton leaving New Montreal roug a 'ed, Treasurer; Rev. V. Smith BA, I I 1000 C /l,lIer,b 181'> 15 I&\~ 2100.P Pete Il Illi Ill, tlons real financial strain that "we • tons.cf cargo BD, Journal Secretary. Used Car Va ues I

1139.l C n.lIek mi ~o 52 SOO,Pamour ~8 II ~ the mlnist'rs receiving th basi' York July 13, 51. John, N.B., July Thue "heldr.lke, for which lIar· ' 600 C Crd 2) :3 2~ 10200 I'orbee 20 19 19 , • e e 16 Halifax July 19 d St J h '" . The conference accepted an in. 16111 C ,Denl. 101> 990 lUI'. ~24G Parde. . 160 150 152 stipend or better, \Viii contribute ' , ue • 0 n s vey and Company are agenl~ oper· m~ g R~~~ C 3J~ ~~V. 3:~1i 2m ~aR~~~ 3~ 33~ 3~ to an aid fund as our conscience July 21, salling again July 23 ates a three weeks serv!cE\ be. vitation tD convene its 1956 ses· IW C Fe.lm 210 233 235 500 PRier 123 81.1 125 may dictate." His proposal was (HalifaK and New York). tween this port and Montreal. sions at the Memorial United 1951 STUDEBAKER SEDAN I

2 -13~~ go r~ wi. l~ 1:1: ~ ~:~htll Jg 29r' ~ u.nanlmously approved. Fori Avalon leaving New Yory h t Church Bonavisla.

; " 9000 C Gm IJ 121~ 13 '4800 Polrol 4:1 12 42 . The assembly will meet again in July 23, St. John, N.B July 25 After discharge of er pres en EVENING SESSION Land Cruiser. Radio, I Heater and Defroster $1,300.00, ~" ,11m ~onll~l~: 3:~ 3:~ 3:~ :~~no~~~ m t~ m Toronto next year. Halifax July 26, due ·'Si •. oJhn'~ cargo the ship wl\1 sail again f.or

15300 COD ~hlar 16 13 13 5100 Pilch ort 15 13 14 J I 2B!II I J I 30 (£ Montrcli ior more h~avy ~quIP' ). '\833 Con M )10' 281 2.15 285 190 P1lcer 3m 3412 34~1 AO C d u y ,sa ng aga n u y or ment, seme ot which IS consigned

,4-100 C )Ia.h 68 631'> 831'> 14300 I'ond 3 93 VI Ir ,a ets Corner Brook and Ncw York , , UW Con NeR SI '41 41 :100 PraIrie 011 295 29~ 295. ' to Bell island, . ':1m Con Nlch :5 33 . 34',i 3;90 I'ronlo U 9,)3 940 9.10 NFLD. CAN. STEAMSIlIPS Inc'ldentally,' I·t· is Interesting to

" 19075 C Northld \14 11& 132 %700 Do "I' 565 560 5&0 . (Co II u d f 3) B df d II . t '1' • , '. -.1100 C Orlac 12 11 III> 700 Pro •. \lr 3.15 360 36.1 nne rom page e or In pur, sal IDg agam note that the discharging 'of bOllls : " : mo Con I'eok 13h '31. 3\\ 3000 Purd)' ~I %1 19 21 at producing 8 pool of potential June 11. .

'113 C nanw~ 1&.1 160 64 16700 Purdy )1 %1 19 21 ffl' d I . . Il'ke the Sh~ldrake gives con· , I .l5OOC ned Pop 82 10 10' moo Que Club 50 sa 59 0 eers ·an ,;. nstruetors for the' Belle Isle II leavmg Ha!tfax h

,,'I' I .. 12300 C S.nnonn 30 41 43 981.1 Q COl' 410 380 300 Air Cndnt Sqlladrons J 10 d St J h' J 12 siderab!~work tu longs oremen .f ; :.16600 Con Sdby :00 370 380 2100 Q Lab II II '11 n , , une , ue ,on s une 'I'n this' port. Engaged in discharg· '. ',.14643 C 'funl,1 ~2 A7 8&3110 Q L.lh 1m 1311 1m Another OM hundred cndets sailing again June 14 b d , "11196 C West Pete 393 315 300 '2lOO Q Man ao 78 71 III tt d th fl • 'Ing the boat yesterday, on o~r , .' .. 3315 Con"" 645 620 630 :Z18S0 Q Metll 300 313 330 W a en u rst seven weeks' Belle II leaving Halifax ,June

, ,1 :: ~~ ~~~ ~l~n Il~\~ 11~ li~I' 4~: ~u:~~~~1 2~ 22J~ ~ Air Cariet OrR, Instructors Course IB, due St. John's June 20, sailing :nt~yo~6~h~ej~!ttit ::~~ ~:P:::I~: : ;,' .,.. 1~ Co.rnor Il Il 15 21105 Radlore 310 290 290, being held at AbbotsfOtd,. B,C. again June 21. u d' h g ,;,(,!, 'II ]'4024 CU.eo 3.' 33 37, 200 naptd G m I\~ 81, F t' I III bId cinity o[ $4.25 per. ton to ISC ar e.

;'r ':, ',II: 3503 D ... :on 21 11 'Z1 309301 n.yrock 48l 100 4:10 rom n s group IV e se ecte a Belle Isle II leaving Halifax '" , , . '; ~7%3 D Cour Br M 102 108 141000 Reser! 3U 'Z1. 21 forty m"n precI'slon drill squad J 25 d St J h' J ;: , , '. 100 D.er ,11 103 105 101 9700 Rex.par . 80' 15 76 ., "., ' une , ue • 0 n s une 27,

.i. c 1: 700 Delnlle &;\ Sl' 85 3877.1 nlnlha m 147 m· which w.11 compete with an Amer· stailing again June 28 i.i,:, " .~ g:ll.RlO Ig11 I~;li I~I~ I~ll~ ~O";~dO . '1.9l0 ~4e 2T~ iean Air Ca~et drill team for Ihe CLARKE STEMISIilP CO. Weather Delavs

• :I~ 1;" n~ ~~dO&d l~i" I~~' 1;~'t ~;~ ~~~~:r ~~ ~~ ~ Gdclneral,Belau Trophy at the Can· Sheldrake in port, sailing June " :, ;'1 ' ~:u Dome 161m 16 1000 Rupun •• l 4 4 4 a an Nat onal Exhibition, Tor· 10. Cargo Boat· , ,'! . t003 D A.be.to. 21 21 21 6210 Roxana 1II. 11 II onlo on August 27th

' ',' ':".' ,i,'! '. 6J~ Donald, '3;\; 36 36 65G San 'AnI 111 \7;\. 173 ' •• 3000 nun. 1911 1& IS BlOO Sond R \9 17 17 The Itlp Air Cadet award goes "if)' SOC) Duve. m\ 11 11 1300 S·Rlln 1M IBO lSI thi t flft I di " , :" 21839 Dyno IlG 142 116 %000 Secur F 213 %45 245 S year 0 y·n ne oulstan ng

.': i. :','I.11lO E "mph! 11 I 4300 Shawkey . 10 .10 10 Cadets who will pRrticlpate in the " 123 C Mot 230 227 230 16450 Sherrill 660 650 660

,: i m C.!I Sut US 610 610 700 Sl,ma 500 .IIlO S Lengue's goodwill "exchange . ,'moo Cad Mil 139 131 131 2&0 Sllanoo 22 21 'U visits" oroject Tlventy six of th

"f • I.I~O Eldr;ch 60 60 60 3100 Sit Mlr 91 00 .W . ' • e :::'; ~lCO Elrenrey 12 9\. 10 ;\00 511 Stand 52.12 12 cadets wm tour the United States

, . "~"~' 3030 EI Sol 91!t 91> 91> GOGO Siseoe 49 43 47 . " ;,:, 610 EnI GI~c!er 11\1 IBI'> 181> 1120 Soulh U 011. 79 79 79 for three weeks this summer, visit. ,i' ':;j113ilo1 Eurek. lIB 115 II~ 2200 Spooner 20 Inl ISI\ I W II t N Y k d ;, ;::: 233 f',lconbr:d:c :zm lIU 27!~ 1600 Sianwell 62 60 62 ng as 1 ng on, ew or an "~: ",,1'3JJ .'.,·ctdr.)' 2il 2,2 M 3900 Sleoloy 13 12 13, Oklahoma. The remaining thirty. 'Il l ;:; t~~~ ~: ;~[~ '4:~ 41~ 4g :~~u~o~~.1 ~r' ~~\i ~'. three cadets w!l1 fly the Atlantic :J', "'\' 9121 Froblsh 4;0 430 445 ~'46 sumo. ·733 &93' 710 (0 spend alme,st a month in the ,. ',II~O I), Il~b, U 90 00 3~3 Swll.o. 44111 420 440 . ,: '·1!, 10') (l.II"ln 4B 45 41 70J S)"la.lle m 131 \3l United Kingdom, From this group ""'i,,6%10 Ii .. E:,p tS 1% 86 4)00 T.nd,m ,12 111. II\~ ,

:/ .. 1',: 613 G.co 1;\. Illi m. 611l'reck II 263 m ~l eight lads w!ll he select cd for ';:-;.,. 61l G r,le h .13 J71 .15 m20 T Lund 7-1 66 69 .Ightsecill' j~unls to Norway' · ~~',' :1' '\:U'JJ Genc\'a 1~~ !l12 12 3tO;'3 TIarA 73 71 13 ~ ", I · ,jJili ," mo IlI.n llr 110 106 110 4lCO Tomblll 31 ~2 32 Sweden, Holland and Denmark.

:' i /' '.; 1010 G:.nl ~;o 6~0 no 100 TQrbrll 130 130 130 R t tl f't ddt · k.:!1:;7.) God. L m. 67 69 ~ Trlns ~ 190 liS I9D e urn par es 0 een·age ea e s :,.',:1"1' 131'J Go'd,,'. 21 21 21 ~3703 Tran. Cra 36 31 31, from ca\'h of the participating

" d' Ii \,'8~00 Oolder,,1 L2 45 41 !lOO Tran. n.. 3m 39" 391, , :". 'I. !'3M Go'oI I; 1& II II ~300 Trend 25 23 25 eountrieF will be entertained by , '1Iij.,'·!1300 G.!dr.e~d. IJ 76 78 2000l Triad 660 8U 6'0 hid d h :.' 1")1" 'L701U !lo:d ~:.n . 2,1 19& 196 ISOO U· Mlnln4 ~ 26 211 teA r Ca et League an \ e • 'I".' .Ii I~,m Goldloowk ,')1 41 '9 11m U A.bcll 650 633 50 RCAF 1:1 Canada . ,:),;1 ,,70JJ Goldor. &1" 6 B 1100 U Xena 193 73,' 740 • •

I';'; ,;: r 7;\3J Gr.IoBau,q 31~. 3. 7m U Monltub so n 47 The l:anfes of the prlZft win· i.i " ,. '43D3 Grandine. 161i I~ 161, 9310 U OUI 145 138 131 I A'- C d I f thl ~'I;a ~jOO Grandue SOO 4iIlI SOO' T~OO Upp Can 103 101 103 n ng h a ~ s rom s provo " ;'~'l mJ G .L· I'~p' 4611 41V. 44 3000 Van 1101 8'h m mince are as follows:

... ;i.( . 8:0 Gr Plain. :1 %011 21 193 Venlures mi 33V. 31\1 . ~"I"'" 70.1 Gridall IlJ'li 10li 1m 310SO Vleour 54 II 54 SENlOR LEADERS COURSE

",. :'i'l9150 Gulch' I~l 175 132 . 68110 VI.la .. ,e 315 330 J;Jl R dd Th B 508 C Ib .; :'~:, ~71)J Gulf L . 2) 2~ 20' lOCO Walle Am m. 13~ 13V. e V, US,, ar ou, ; ':': 1193 (lunnar l71i In, 17H 1900 Woodon 40 40 40 51. John's: :,' '",: \180 Do wi. ~N p,O 9W 000300 Wok.ok. IS 13~' m~ , ;l; :';IC800 GwUllm 21 18 'Z1 33100 We,l Aoh 19 18 19 HUller, Rlmt.,· 512 Roaring , " ',; 1GOO Hard R 13 III'> IIIl! SOU W Lea.. 660 600 660 LI G d F II .. \ " ,,~OOO Itar MID 52 50 ~1 z;JU0 W Tuna.1 11 1% 12 on, ran a S. • j I .",:, 1000 It 01 L 15 15 15' %325 IVl1Iroy 2011 200 '08 MacGIlIlvrav, John F. D., 514 '" ,: •. 2m H .. ,"o 19 19 19 6000 Wlrieb . 6' 62. 63 "

:", ,;; 11100 n .. dway 133 110 123 7000 wmsey II 1~" II' Kinsmen, St. John s.' ,: J -"1',011500 neath . iii I. ,BI\ I~O WIDche.ler m·7 m Pretty ArthurJ C 537 Gander :' ,; ii 1000 110.. ' 6\1 61l! '6\1 1300 Wlndwd 31 29\6 291. . • ., , ii:"'I.;·300J III cmt . ',\8, 17 ,\8, 3!M00 Wino.. 27 Z3 'Z1 Gander. 1)· .. 2391 Itolllnier 21;,' 2m 24% 680 W lIarl 205 201 201 DRILL INSTRUCTORS COURSE : .... " 1:3 IIl·Tow 5;. 511 m 2000 Yal. S3. ~. 53 .

· 2~JO IlIl1hwd 1m 11\, 11\~ %2000 Yank C 'Z1 2 25: M j D Id J 508 C Ib u ~: Sl It and D m. 57" m; ~9400 Yellore. 22 19 21 a or Dna as., ar 0, "J'5OO Home' 933 9B3 9r3 '4320 Yk BOftr li3 1.17 153 St. John's • . "~OO HOIll Yk 17 16 17 13149 Yuke.. 13 12~ 13 Id I ': Ino 110':. 480 475 475 \4500 Zenmae 12 66'68 Sinnott, Dav Wm., 510 L ons, f 3!lS Hud Bay 6m &Oil &O~ eVRn St J h'I'3 " 10%3 Itu.ky 135 HO 740 410 Bulolo Wl .150.150 • 0.. . , J:OO Ity Ch,r' 11 lOll IOI~ 500 Pend ,0 500 500 ~oo Howe, FrederIck, 511 Humber,

100 In.plratlon . IS2 176 lB!· BANKS k lnl NIckel . 691\ 68\1 6S1i 2:;2 Monlroal IS 44\.' 45 Corner Broo , i:~~ll it: i~ g~ ~!~!I:.,. ~" ~i~· ~~I' StapMon, P'ltrlck F., 514 Kln.v Jay, '. ,52 51\1 511'> 210lmperlll 501'> SO 50 men, St. John's. 1.1ll.... m·. B~ 4G5 Royal 53 54\1 53 E"CH 'NGE VISITS Jobllrk. II 10 101'. 172 'l·or·Dom 4311 43\6 4J~1 "" Jolltl 431~ 43V. 43~ INDUSTRIALS . OVERSI!:AS-Jonsmltb Sl 12 62 2S2O C Brew 30 29~ 29\\ Jupller :m 284' 215 1010 D M:I' . 1m .171l! 171'0 Bartlett, Maxwell, 511 Humber, lierr' Ad ISIl! lav. In; 1000 D Sleel 1m 1m 1111 Carner Brook Keybo1COII IS 12, Il 410 SImp ..... ' Illi1'" 80/, •

. !lermel 70 10 70 Tolal, III.. 1.G21.ooo. . U.S.A--

'Jurness, Wi~hy, 'Company ltd~ . .,. . • I. • '.

LI,erpooJ lit. JohJI·. 8etWII Raw.:. lit .10bD'l 10' IOWIl,.... Ie Ie"

Ill. JDbD', 8oIloD Ultlflll II' Johll'~ Llve","1 . Jne. 11 Jne. 17 Jne. 21' . Jne . .'23

Bishop, Gor.10n M., 515 Atlantic,· St. Joh:! S. FLYING TRAINING SCHOLAR·

SHIPS, The selections {or Newfoundland

have not yet been announced. A report !s, exper.ted shortly.

Jne; 18-' Jne. 25 Jly. 1 Jly. 5 'Jly. 7 ., . . Jly. 6 ' Jly. 13 . JlY.19 Jly. 23 . Jly 2ft NEW YORK (AP) Cla.!n, quol.Uonll . Jly. 2OJly. 27 Aug. 2 Aug 6 Aug 9 'Belh Sleel .... , ........ ' ............ 138%

['~~~e\\'rol,-ndllllrld" A ... A ••. B W.mer . .. .................. 461'> I'" U,,' 6 ug. 13 .. Aug. 19 Aug, 23 Aug. 25 ClI ... nd ,Ohio,... \. " .......... ~21\ hellUa,". Aug.2D: Aug. 27 Sept. 2 Sept. 6' Sept;:, p Con. EdI,on ..................... ~9!i

Pcmlun~ L~nI~ntiJ!littnli paasaae tu 't;urull~ sl1uLlla mak~ boolunal ~~:'~~LEi~riii,; .::: •• :::' :::: :::: :~~ well.1n 8dvancr' . .. ' J Clon.ral MoID",~.. ..... ....... ""IIKI,

Passages arr.t1I1C\Cf by B.O.A.C, _ K.L,M, _ Sc .. nlllmlV:lin. AIr., r.oo~yeor .. .... ..... ......... .. m. hna. P A I '\ T W.A d' . (l Nor ny ............... , ..... Il'.' ~ - lin .. mer.can ,. rways _. lin conn~'l:Unl' Air. l'enn .. oll. .. ................ Ill ....

Untl . ~h·lt'Qmel'Y w".. .. II • •••• •••• • •• 1~tf~

Coosult us regardlna VOUI travel problema' , . FURNESS' TRAVEL· OffiCE


N.Y. Central .................... 4~" n,d'o Corp .. II ........ '" " ,:'::~i Stnndard- 'Oil •. N,J .• II .... ' ••• , •••• 1.1.~~.

". U Alreran ,,',' ... ~.,. :, ... ' ......... '1,11 '1'HO"'" ..... Van.dium· .; ..................... m

na...... "u 'rei ............. ~.It II. 27~'

Novaport leaving Montreal June 10, due st. John's June 15, sailing again June 17,

Sheldrake leaving Montreal June 18, due St. John's June 22, saillrig again Junc 24 (Bay Roberts).

Novaport leaving Montreal June 29, due St. John's. JulY 4, salling again July 6.

Sheldrake leaving' Montreal July 6, due St. John's July 11. salling again July 13 •


M.V. Tecswood Icavlng Hamilton June 11, Toronto June 14, and Montreal ~me 23. Arrive st. John's Junlr 23. •

!II.V. Avonwood leaving Hamil· ton June 23,Toronlo' June 25, and lIIontreal June 30. Arrive in st. John's July 5.

Police B10tter

The S5 Bedford II, I arrived In port at 10.00 last night after a delay of several hours caused by bad weather. The steamer has a full load of general cargo, from Halifax, which will discharge at the CNR dockyard. The ship was due previously at midnight Wed· nesday. .

mSTORIC VILLAGE Charlcsbourg, five milcs north of

Qur.bec City, was, first settled In IG~9,

MICA SOURCE 1I10st of the world's supply of

mica, US'2d as an electrical In suI· lttor, comes from India.


When lemperatures reach 120 de, ~!'res in the Sahara desert, the sands themselves may be as hot liS 150 degre-;!s.

BAKED EGG'S • Only il~e person WD' ... , '.. COCKFIELD, England (CP)-Six

local pollee last night, He was ducklings hatched In a disused what is comnlonly known hS un I wan 00 a farm in this Sussex va. ordinary drunk. , lloge.


/ ONLY $339.95



.. Wul1nJh9U", ..... , .............. 6m '



. .

. The evening session took the -0- I form of a publie service conducted 1953 LAND ROVER I by Rev. B. B. Snow, assisted by 4 Wheel Drive, Low Rev. N. Winsor. The speaker was "Iii age, Heater ...... $1,450.00, Rev. Dr. A S, Bull, Conference - -0-' 1

Evangelist, who gave an account 1950 HILLMAN SEDAN 1 • of his work within the Conference, Heater and Defroster, : 19~4-MERCU~ ~ . , . , , .$2l~O,OO

Following the service the stand. full)' reconditioned ." ,$675.00 , 19~~-;\JONA!L? .". •. 19~O.01 ing committee on co.ordination -0- I 119'!2-_BUlCGK .. ,........ l~~o.or,

1953 CHEVROLET SEDAN I II:! DO~ E, " ........ l~aO.or, gavr a unanimous standing vote of I 19uO-VANGtARD ., ••. , 600,001 appreciation for the devoted and DELIVERY 1951-~mTEOR ...•••• 1100,01' efficient visitations of, fields Heater, Defroster, 11~~p-FonD ............ 650.01

R dl $1 275 00 I 19a:l-II1F.Tf.On ..•.••••• lRO~,llr

throughout the Conference by a 0 ...... "." .. '.. , . 19"O-'~'IEV S"O f" o . a ul. ~ I .1 ••••• 1 ••• il.' Rev. Dr. Butt during his three 1953 HILLMAN SEDAN 1~~3-CO.N~UT, .......... l~OO.');, years of office. t, .. ,3-WITF'OR ...•.••.. l.,on.ry.

There will be no special mis. Heater and Defroster 1!l.~3-nODr,F. .•.•.•.•••. 20r.~.~tl sions for the year 1955.56, but the Low Mileage •...... $1,050.00 I HIJ2-MF.Tr.OJt ......... ]::O~,M

-0- 1.~.i'_'fTWr.T'!!Y ....... 10~3,OI. Conference will make every effDrt 1951 STUDEBAKER 1 o ",o-V l' Nr.JT,' no .. _ ... 1l00.I1'~ to Implement the national evange· 'V: TON PICKUP l~~!_~,:;r/m , ........ I!~o~r listie mission of the United 2 ],' . .I.'... .... .. .. I •• 0, .~ Church, and in this connection it Fully Reconditioned .. $825,00 1!':;2-nOnr.r, .......... !l0~,~1 was agreed that the President of d I 'd M 1!!5I-PONTIAC ... , ..... 120~,'1 the. Conf~rence be free to visit I A e al e otors ltd A~,.unn Mlotor's L .. td. various fields for several weeks of 'V~ 'VI . the year. 'PHO,~'ES 3015 t3 ,Inesl

In view of the present shortage New Go' 'f: at Ade'aid~ of ordained ministers within thc SELLING AGENT Conference, the Executive was au. " DIAL 784C OR 4813 thorlzed to examine the possibility I J=C=8,=10=,=13=========. of procuring recruits from the ' United Kingdom for the ministry of the Church.

The Conference resumes its session at 9.15 this morning.

Fast Delivery * WINDOW




f} DOORS' Contact



Dial 80J 18' . ,



In 27"e'J,l 0, 14,21,2~,30


Clean oats-no weeds


HAY SEED SO lb. Bags

$16.00 •

(Fertility brand)


75 lb. Bags


DIAL 4328 iel,-3,6,B,10

, " I' . . :

SENNETT AVE. ---, ,,-,--,

ONLY $2.0.



. :::X. allor.M.1I

II.wft JIGI''''Oft'

I".nva'ar Wa.hl., ".n •• I fI.,o,lIp Cont,.h I "elIUII. obI. Wrln.or I ·flvo.y .. r W~nIY, en Wllh. Mtdroi.l ..

And lots, lots more­You'll have to come'

In and SEEI





, .... , ~




for several 22and29 positions. Office.



. jeiO,ll




H '.




1\ ..

II 1/



it! tool are thl

S2100.00 .. 1950.01 .. 1800.00 .• 1250.0~ " 600.00 . , 1100.01' ,. 6.iO,01

· '. 180~,llr " S50,!)!! " 1100,11' ,. J;'OO.q~ .. 20(,".~O ., I ~O~.or .. 10~.i.Dt; ., 1100.1Ir. .. J70n.nr

· . ) ~';rl.~r. · . . !I"ON · .. 120~.11


:r· THE DAILY NEWS, FRIDAY, ..,.~U_N_E..;1~O,~1~95;;.;;5;....~1 $ ·-i.ll' '

-"';ii~;~~:lj~,::=:;; . '.' : ;'¥'r ~ .. ~ .... .-:. ':~J}:l: , ,H~. 1,4>

.• ' lit 4'~, :!I . ~ r-": •. 1 fl.!

~... .,. ;'i4 ,

.,' .:.'" '.11 : . - . !-Iq'

;iiii.~iiiiiiiiiiiiii.~i.iii~.ii.il-~~~::j;:::;2~r,t~:~~:~:~;~~~~~~~;:~~~:~:~~:~~~~~~ ____ .... ~. !":",.,tol((-: ,

WA 'N .T··· E' D' I The Annual C~rpus Ch;isti Pr~ession II N' GO AND F' 'A' I R·:~~t:ll ill' I will b. hold at •.. . . . .... .. ;;~"i~;I"

IMMEDIATELY 'Corpiis Christi Chun:h ci~~N:;~~ K. OF C.' AUDITORIUM ,. : :::'il";~;i:I'

WAT,ERFORD, BRIDGE" IITMheus'pjcrl.bnYc·e's To-Night at' .' 8 3' 0 o'clo' ck'::'~::~t:~j!;~i(' • ,., ;'->tl. •. ,.ll"'l.·' ':

O. n.· Sunday",: Hex' t,' June' . 12th' Quartette" : BINGO 30 GAMES FOR 50~ :;l: ~f€i!;r;:l /!; Cover50c • ..' , :,.:!:!,,; ',.\ :

. . ~~ (Can~er Tax 5c) , ""~ t.~'.ir,f- .:!


5 EXperiencedSalesladies '.

" .. at.3 'p,m. ,

, .', .. Whole or Part-time.

Mount Cashel Band will be presen1.

Preacher! VERY REV.' F. JACkMAN

Highest Salaries Pal~. (If woother IIn!avou~ble ceremonies wll! be held 'n Ch ch) ~~11' . I m , , .

~pply, .. Wanted 'To Let

THE BIG 6, 339 ..

Water St. WANTED to rent three, bed· room house or . apartment, unfurnished, excellent care taken. Call Lt. . Hartshorn, PAFB, 89 ext. 62114 till 4,30 ~hel;l 2137. jnB,lw

. TO Lln'-Ont b.r.l .. lttlnll room suitable for working girl or genUemail. Phone 6148, Mrs. Amminson, 97 Bdnd Street, jeD,10 .

Positio,ns AV.ailable for several YOUNG MEN between the ages of 22 and 29 to train for permanent and advanced positions. Training to be' doni at the St: John', Office.


Industrial Acceptance Corporation LIMITED '

Cenfre Building, Church Hill, 'Phone 7075 jclO,l1 . , , -REQUIREl) SALES CLER·K (Male)


SALESLADY age and experience to


, Wanted Irrlmediately JUNIOR OFFICE ASSISTANT


Knowledge of typing preferred

Apply to ..

Hickman Motors Ltd.


Expeiience preferred. Immedi~de employment. .


. Apply


Building 803,

. Pepper,e'" Air Force Base


Must be thoro~ghly experienced;

Address replies to MANAGER, P.O. Box 576 S ' . t. John's. All replies will be treated" as·~.·

confidential. Je9,10

;; ~~==========~==================




CASHIEIf· '(Mile) Between the age-of 30 and 35.

... -.\ .. ,' Experience in shipping ~esirable but not ." tssential. Apply .

POST OFFICE. BOX 753; ST •. 'JOHN'S .. je9,31. . . , .

CLOTHES make the man If CHAFE': " makes the; clothes··'· " >-

Q. t~IIAF~cr:aJI~r.:' . New addressi~' ~6LDsWORTtf,sr.·~ . . \ ". ~',' .':,

".' ',' .. ," " .. ....

.. '


Teachers' Wanted. WANTED-For Victoria elllht

room school: 1 Ulillty Teach' . er, 1 KinderJlarden Teacher.

Application to "be sent to Max Vaters, Secretary. ,

TEACHERS WANteD-One SEALED TENDERS, .ddr .... d Ia \he teacher for Saunders Cove, roRund:?rJfi'~ "~~~f~~d ~~E~~~~ sole chrurge. One teacher for POINT". wlll'be r.c.I.~ up to 11 o'cIO.k Glovertown North, sole noo., E,D .. T., TlJESDAY, JIlNE 21, 19l5, hOt h f lor .Ib, .onllru.llo. of • 5In~l. Dw.IUnR C nrgc, ne eac er or at ~O"~OIllI, iiI, Anl/lolll', Nowloundland. . Tray town, primary room, One

Plan ...... 1IIe.1l0 .... labour co.dllion.. teaehcr for Hnppy Adventure, conlrl~ '01111. 1<11111 01 lender an4 roturn prlmn,ry. Apply ~o the Chalr· ~n4or 1O",lope rna, be obtained on.po man U. C, Board of Educn· p\ld\ltft \0 1/1, ~rI.t Marino Alenl, De· tion Gl verto . part.,.nl 01 Transport, lJihthou.e Build. ,0 wn, la,. Wl~r 8lrttl, SI. Jolin'", No,.,lound· A 11 'I I I.~, upon I'ICtlpl'ol an •••• pled .h.que pp ca. liD! ,w 11 be received l11ade

dPlyablo \0 I/Ie Re.elver General 01 from Roman Catholic and ~,~a ~~ lor I the 111m of u5.60. Thl •• h.~u. Protestan° School T.eacher. ww ...... n urntll upon lb. relum of \he ! h '. 1 pl... aDd ",o.III01l1on. In good condl. or t e pnncipa position and IIpn. AddlUonol In/ormallon requlr.d with teaehing staff cif the Depart· rel.rd 10 I/Ie Inlerprel.lloD 01 pl.ns .pe.lIl· ment of National Defence In· Ilnlloftl m'1 lit obLalned lrom \he .Iore· me.Uoned Dlllrlo\ )I.rlne A.e.l. dependent School located at

ReAF Station St. John'/!, St. Jean, Quebec. SalarY schedule as for Greater Montreal area • Marital AIIowance Officer sta· tus. Accommodations and messing facilities available for sin "Ie .appllcants at nominal prevailing rates. Apply to, In· dependent School Committee, RCAP Station, St, John's, St. Jean, Quebec. sta:lng quall£l··

PI.... .nd .po.m •• llon. ...111 .110 b. Dn dls,lll" II Ih. BuUdlne Trade. Employer. ..... oclillon Llmlltd, Clre Horwood Lurn· ~ CompIIll' LImIled, 51, John'., New· 10001HI1ln4.

Ea.h lender mu.l be Ic.ompanled by • •• urlly. dlpe.11 equal Ia Ion per •• nl (lOpc:) 01 Ih. '~Dder prl .. "'hleh ••• unIY df~ \l'W be lorl,lIed In \he event 01 a Ilnd.rer "'u.lo, \0 ,nlor Into a conlroct .n Ihl, b~1Is of hi. lender II 'caUed upon t.o do 110 tr f.IU •• \0 .. U.1 •• torlly eom· plete .u.1I I co.lra.l. CbeqUOl 01 un.u., .... 1uI lende ..... will lit retumod,

d Any Ie.cltr 1101 .... mp •• I.d by .. curlty

ope.11 I. d, .. rlbtd will nol be· eon, t1d1red. •

The Dlplrlmenl doel 110\ bind IInU a.eept thl 10wIII or, any lender •.

p, T. COLLINS. . ' ' S.cretlry Dtperlmenl of Trln,port. Ottawa, Onlmo, May 21. 1"'.

Newtouhdland , .

, Services'

. cations, experience. gtade pre­ference, references and last school' inspector's naine and ·address. Limited vacancies necessitate prompt illlPlicntilln. jne7.0,9,lO,11.13, . . .

Musical Instruments GIBSON GUITARS - Horn,r • ; Butto'n Stop Accordeons and

Harmonicas, Richmond Saxo­phones, Boosey Clarlnets.­Charles Hutton & Sons, P.O • 5060·EII St. John'8,

Male Help Wanted POWERFUL SAMPLE OUTFIT FRE~UST LIKE A DE. PARTMENT 'STORE. Now you can sell to entire family clothing, shoes, shirts, slacks: . sportswear. work clothes, etc. Amazing money making plan. No experience necessary full

, or spare time. Free dothlnR for personal use as extra Bonus. Write fur Powerful

,Sam!Jle Outfit and full inslrue­tioJlS absolu!ely free, Dept. 6629, Blake·Walker Co. P.O. Box 657, MontreaL P.Q,

. Car 'Bargain FOR SALE-Qnl 1942 Ply.

mouth Sedan, motor in splen· did condition, nt!w tires, body In good condition. Equipped with heater, and licenced for 19:15, A bargain for $175,00, for demonstration dial 4244-A.

Opportunity START i permanent year round

business. You begin earning good mon"y the first day Str!ctly your own boss. Fami: lex \I exceptional quality, as­sures quick, easy sales. Your .home·town and surroundings as territory. All families 811'e customers anc\ users of our many products. FAMILEX,

'1601) Delorimitr, Montr .. l. Jn3,~,5,10,l1,13,17,18,20,24.25,27

Education GET THE FACTSI Write Inter • • ,national Corresponderice

Schools, . Canadian Ltd., 2011 A1rSYle St" Sydney, N.S. feb3,eod,tf.

SUMMIR SCHEDULE EPFEC· ---------T1V~ SUNDAY, JUNE 12 , R~pairs Bar~er Shop

WesTBOUND Trahi tire "Caribou" leaves St.

John's 5.00 p.m. DAILY malting direct connection at Port aux Basques with steamer for North Sydney. . LOCAL TRAIN fOt' points to Corner Brook leaves st. Jo1m'8 8.45 p.m, Tuesday, Thurs· day' and Saturda:·. .


FOR ALL your rlpalrs ,. y.ur home inside and out· at low· est estimates and satisfactory service, Contact J. Sbratton, 'Phone BGSS,II, my6,lm

IF YOUR roof, windows or Iny other part of your house is leaky, don't stop and wonder what to do. Dilll 11992 and we will see to it for you. Gen· ernl Contractors, my24,lm

THE CENTRAL BARBER SH.OP-Fast efficient sani· tary sea;olcc. All modern eqUipment, five barbers. The least possible waiting, 24 New Gower Stre-et, opp. Adelaide Motors Ltd, my4,lm

Venetian Blinds

Steamer leaves North Sydney 6,30 )i,m. (A.S.T.) DAILY making --"'"-!~------direct connection with train the I

ONLY COMPLETE BLIND Service. Manufacture, !;aun· dry Repair Work gururanteed. One day service, Free quota· tlons. Kearneys Limited, ManuClleturers, 454 Water St. ~

~'Carlbou" leaving Port auxBas- nsura~c. que. 8,00 I.m, follow!ng days lor FURNESS WITHY' INSUR· points to . St. John 1/, LOCAL ANCE Department olfllring TRAIN leaves Cornar Brook 10.30 dependable lnsurjmce-Aulo-a.m. Tuesday, Thursday a~d Sat·· mobile, Fire, Burglary, Plate M·,o.ceilan'ooul urda)" arriving St. John S Glass,' Tourist 'Baggage, a.m, following days, , Transportation Travel .McI.

To conform to above schedule d t Li billl 'Ph 2073 PRINCESS BEAUTY PARL. a pa&senger extra with Sleeping en , a y. one ...:.- OU R, 13 LeMarchant Road.

land Dining C,ars attached .w1l1 ROBERT DAWE • SON, Fire 4310. We specialize in hair eave st, John s Ii.OO p,m. tomoI'. and Automobile Insurance. styling and cutting, also tint.

row, Saturday for ,Port lUX. Be safe, be sure, insure: Tele. ing and cold waveS. Open Basques making connection wIth phone 2082, P.O. Box 85 nights by appointment. steamer for mainland polnl1l. Royal Bank Chambers, St. toLL WOOL MATTR'lSSSeS Ire

5,5. "GLENCOE" SAILING John's. picked. re-co\'Cred; springs 9 O'CL·O~K. TONIGHT • C-a-n-'i-c-t -:S:O-T-A-N-F-O-WL-e-R-, -Rt-- ::ling ~~~trc~:SI~:~~ndW~~

S,S. "Glencoe" operating on St. . nou! bulldlng, for Fire Auto-· ed, Write. Phone 3091, wire Jobn' •• Lewispor1e Service, will ; mobile and Plate GlallS Insur- H. J. Keats, 16 Mount Royal sail from the Dock Coastal Whrurf . once. Claims promptly BetU·. AV" 8 00 tod ' "nue • : p,m, 8Y., ' , cd.. 'Phone 51131-P,O. Box I-=:~:==--------

CONNECTION BAY RUN. .63, . ' FOUR gro .. 1 rlmp., Iwo wain rack to serve you. Greasing P,"ACENTIA BAY-MONDAY INSURANCE-BDwrltiti Br,th- 011 change and wuhing whil~ ,Regular 9.00 a.m. brain to Ar. er Limited Insurance Depart- u·\'Valt. Cars called for and

gentia. MondaYI June' 13, will 'ment-Fire, Automobile, Mar. . delivered for these and gener·

mll~e. connect on with M V : ine and all Casualty llm!l. al repairs-Terra Nova' "~urln" for the Bay Run Placen: Telephone 3131. Molors Ltd., rear Newfound· .tia ~y. land Hotel,

CONTACT A •. Eo. HICKMAN S,S, '.'KYLE" SAILING MID. Co. Ltd •. Insurance Agents,

NIGHT-SPECIAL TRIP' TO "Phones 4132~ ·P,O.B. . EMILY HARBOUR 1l04, for your .iniilranee re-'

S,S. "Kyle" will sait from the . qulremim\s;' . '. . Dock .Coastal Wharf midnlgl1t DEPEND:A.BJ.! 'FIR! INIUR·· Monday, June 13, for ports Battlc ANCE-Don't r15k your-v.lu­narbour to Emily Harhour, Ex· .~ abIes to ·"save" I few donat'll, eJudlnll Por' Hope Simpson, Our nr t' Ii bl . 11 RIIIO,I." North West Riv,r and ,a ·ra c, lI'e ,a e PD cy gives .. Immedlate protection. GODS. BIY, :En route steamer . 'Phone .. 6921.; or 'wrlte J. J. will call Bay Roberts, Cnrbon~nr, . Lacey, P.O, Box 5IHI. rep1,t! . Wesleyville and St. Anthony' . . tbence direct to Battlll Harbour ----------ahd ports to EmilY, Harbour: . . Refrigeration. ", CO.,NecTION NOTRE DAME C:OURtNEY'S 'R"~I~'R~

B.,\., SERVICE-TUESDAY . TION: SERVlcE~Rep.4lr' to Train the "ClIIl'lliou" . all, makes of Rellrigerlltoi's.

St" John's. 5,00 p,mmj'n ,ni~trJ::aKi Dial. 4B'16·F or writoP •. O. June U" will make c( . Box' l~lL' • '. my14,1m Lewlsjlone with • "Cllar"n. "ml"'for the Notre Dame Servlee. ' DryCleauing FRlilGHT LABRADOR SERVICE CRAFT CL&AHlllts t..TD" "

for Battle Hr, to 'where the charm of newness 'Hope } j5. restored, Dial 6Qas, 14'·, Tea'chersWanted West.' Hamilton Slreet. , .. . , :;'.';-;:' 7.:::=::-:~"":"'-----'-

~1i"DbcltC~;::tnl " " ". .' WANTED-:.2. ,..emal, T,achl'" .1 • ,. A 't';" A'" .' ,.13 Licence .for· Primary and

D.Ul".n.ITl ':." u.. cc:eSSOrteS, ,. Second ~ooms, New Harbour.

'rIRES '750 x 17·8 ply. Reg, $35, I~NoW .. 29j Tlres'7/iO x 2()'10 ply. '}Reg,'$44, Now $39. Other sizes ',15'~ and 16" 4 and 6 pl), •. prio- ' ", ed,from $10' to' $16,50. Tubes 'Reg/,2,50, Now $2, Used Tire . , Sales, 86, Hamilton St. . may 4,1111'. ," ". .


· C" or E, School. 1 Mnle (It

". Female, ,Teapher, C, LIcence' :fol' .. Spread ERllle, 1 Room

, ,School and. 1· Female Teach·· · IIr, D, Licence for Chapel

.. 'Ami SchOol, Lower, Room. · Apply with . reference to:' . Rev; W. E. R. ' .. Cracknell, . Chairman. " jneS,6,B,lO,13,15,. '.



Apply personally to


Crystal Palace GOULD'S ROAD.

, , -




Nursing Assistants are required a~ t~e Cottage Hospital, Brook·

==~=======~=========~,~,; :1:~+ f··'·

Induslrial Acceptance Corporatlcin'J ~'[1(: Annl~Mo·'uTEDnf'''~ ,':;f.,}'! .

. veN ,.;.! i;';" '; , ; ;~~ j~;;:: ~ '.

the op~nin9 of a .', .. a .. ~ " ~'''E ... ,' j""'h:- I .• f:.

Branch Office i}~;:!lJ: .' ,.t', f.~::'· '; ~.!

in the town of . ,

'Grand Falls


• Campbell~

SOU:P. MATES' .' .' ' . . .. " .. " ,',


. , • i . • . .

H~w To Mak~.N.w Soups From Two Soups Combine' 1 can .. of each SQUP, r:-d~ 1 ~cans wafer heat "seive - " . I'. I, • . '

.... .;1 ''''''~'I ' "

.-!ol ';i'. .'

, . ",,' . "','

, .. • • ," .' •. ", ol~ ... ~: ~

. Dial 2444:' '--::-..

'" ',<, i., /:.: :';')"ff~; .... Agents , ""

. '.'.




, :: ,

I "

, .' , ! .:

i :: ,. " '. "



.. 'i

: I,'

I.: . '

. '. • ~: , • .! • • , "': • '" .' • ..~ ,

)6.: THE DAILY NeWS, FRIDAY,JUNE' ;0;';.19.5'5 ," •••• 1

~ ,t ,

. , . r" ..... #,,'" ,'" pi • . .. , . . " '

, • ' • v' r .'1' '. ~ I #. 'I., •••. • / ' ,

to,. e·ve·r.y . ",,0 nt~'tj··::·W:,~:~:!·~~·S:. r onged"~-'. t ob r i n g J/jq)~'~i/J.'i/J';;" .. "'~ ..

'~'. 1,(:1 (:54~,' .;'.:~),._'''' ' '" :,fo ~h.e'rh·o·me.

';" : ... ~.. ~.'

',. ",

11ft )'0. .dmlro 1 •• ely p.n.1.~ .~: J't"IOm.~ Mo.t r06m. can be ,.nel.d ..... It rUlOn.bl, COlt. See UI lor :::', lU'IUUDnJ.

Visit· us






"E~eryth;n9 lor

the builder" .

,,~:.:. ""'~' \;" I :"-:~". '\,'

",.F,·,M. 'O'LEARY LTD.-'b.!. a,rites- . , : sage.:'; You 'can llow'r~model yonr' ,

home with quality materials . on easy terms. There 'is no 'need to

. delay;, ' See us ,now 'for dC~A~ls, "" . 3 TO 5 1'0 PAY.

: "


DIAL 2119


. ...... . ..•. ... :. . t.. ·-il"·;'· ;" I.:,', .• ~., ... r:_.,

'Rec~~O~~~> '. --::N1~j.·RlIE'oF SODA~ Etc. Etc • (Co:tUn~ed f~o~r!K~·:~)~):, . ··,·cH~J~i~;··~:I~~ATE .. dF"·:SODA ........... ~ ..... ~ ... :'..: .... 100 Ln Bags . by .. the' minute: ~ ',' . ' " ."

. reached t~e P99d,siJrv.cyed : ....... ,.': -AMMONIUM . OF. NITRATE .................................... 100 L'n- Bags ~~t t~I~:Z;j( t~:II~k~~PI:\~~~, ~::':.;,,: .. " .POTAIO·FERTILJZER·, .......................... , ... : ... · ... ,· ....... l 00 Ln Bags ehlsels,· .. takln~turns in chopping. .,,: .:.:. ~ TURNIP<"FERTILIZER .... ~ .................... ; ....................... 100 Ln' Bags It !eemed' Vle'~· never get Jhrough. ". i' . .,,' .' ':: . . ' " " . ' , " that lee. I don't know how thick . ," ;': ;', ,:,. CABBAGE and GENER~L FERTILIZER ............. ::; .... 100 Ln' Bags it was,' but II, surely' went 'down M" H'·'· 'T '··'h":·· d' ;?,~~·.,,'HAYSEED .~ .......... ::,~ ..... : ....... : ................. ; .. ; ... : ......... 50,Ln Bagl two leet or over.' ''ie 'uidn't cuI ISS arnet, own~ .. en ' ; ',' . '. ' many holes and'thi' w~~lhcr was Kathleen Norris ....... .4,25\ ".; . .. Alsci

. " ge.ttlng colder and windier by the 'pnions' hI the" Slew' , minute. ' . , , . ' .. . After. ~n hour or so on. the icc • Betty MaCDonald .· .. : .. 2.50 ,'A':Limitodquantity' of 'CERT'IFIED CO~BLER.SEED.· Pike gol chilly andJ\\'cnt up 10 Tile Thorn Tree': .the fire for a 'cup of tCD. So far, ./., 'J Who . .. we had\\'t 'caught'8 trout. Whcn Ne,Io .Garoner IIe,3,75\' Will ca:ne back, Hunt and I d~. 'The Scotswoman '. clded, to· call It, a day. and we . I' I'· : FI"t' h' .". J .50 ' .. ,;. " ' made for the 'shelter of Ihe ng IS e. c er ............ "1. I.::': knoll 'and thr fire·s"'a~mtli. Col. The ·Breaking Wave . . ,'. . lecting. armfuls o! "blushes," we'd Nevil Shute ......... ;.;: .. -.4.00.1 " ' tbrow !,hem un all at once and ,'" I

enjoy the he,'!t of the 'lames as My Broth.ers Ke.eper . . I they leaped furward, t~e delightful Marcia Davenport ...... 4;95 . smell and roaring crackle of the S· r' W'lt" . W' d' bUrning brush becoming the mcerelY.: I IS .ay e source of me:norlcs never to be John P; Marquand.;; .. 4i50 forgotten.' , - . The Mis!'leto~' and· Sword

'We had Ielt .our opened and ' ", partly used C3n of tomatoes close Anya, Sefe;," ......... ; .... 2.75

POTATOES ................................................ , ........ :.: ... , 75 Ln lagt




to the fhe to keepU from freez· The Case of The' .. '.' Ing. It was'lell too close. for the can ,had tippeii over and we found It empty. Oh LordY,1·whnt 'a dis. 'appolntment! My' perverted ap· petite' (some' folks' saId it was perverted be~ause I chewed to· bacco) cave me D hankering for canned tomatues, and the sight of them stain:ng the snow jIlade me feel prettv glum. I wondercd if any of tbe men, some of whom I . knew Jo be lovers 'of my Lady NicoUl)c. had brought along an extra c~n., I s"arched through the "grub'.' Iln the canvas, but not a can eouid I f,nd. But; I found something t liked just os good­two crubeans. They were wrapped hi a piece. of butter paper, and neatly lalded In newspaper. One of the erubeans had been partly' eaten. Which '. Qne of the men had brought l.hem I didn't know, hut with my tumat02s gone I cast longing eyes at those two pig's knuckles. 'rhe dellcious·looldng morsels pro\'(!d too much of a

. Fashion. Foodhandlerr should alwa:ys kc~p . . ... their hinds clean. Hand! should

SU!1 .Bather's. Di.~ry Dr"., ,'J.o,· rdan. • . __ be careiully washed immediatrly ErleSfon/ey Gardner .. 3;00 . Crochetin'i' iB a wonderful before !ouching food, after tourh·

Thp. Dark Host~ss. ' , S' for summer 'and spring acc!essor'l ing the hair' (lr using a handkr.r· . . a.ys iea. A flaring petal·~aaped hat chief, the hands should be washed Sydney Herler .... : .. ~; ... 2.00 , a matching drawstring, bag again.

Th'! Planet Mapp' ari II be a lovely accent for spring -----------BY EDWIN Po JORDAN, M. ~; ored wear.

E, Everett Evans . ........ 2.95 ., ' _. Th B F F ., ·SmNGL,ES IS USUALLY MORi'; Almost any fabric can be"

e est rom anta5Y UNCOMFORTABLE THAN proofed these days. A nice and Science 'Fiction 'SERIOUS . In rainwear is a skimpy silk rain·

h ' , .. '. ~ . coat that weighs a tiny 13.",' oz. Fourt Series .. ; .. : ...... 4.00· . So far as I know there have been It comes for both men and women,

The Spy Web . no astonishing new developments if your husband Is jelous. regarding the origin or treatment

Francis Noe/·Boker .;;.2.75 0( t h a tuncom!ortable disease

Newfoundland Year Book and 'Business

Directory 1955 'Edition .......... 3.50 Most complete Directory

yet published

known as shlpgles or herpes. zoster. Nevert~less eorres'pondence in· dicates that this disorder Is by no means' rare and deserves renewed dlscusslonfrom .. tlme Ie time.

Have your cake' and eat it. too, \\ith one of spring's hats. It's the smooth, deep, head.hugging shap'~ that's so popular, but it has a great flaring bow from the, back that docs well for a brim without covering the brow line.

A Juliet cap that looks as if were unwinding sits on the back of the head. 1I's of pale pink ganza with white.

.' Quick help for

COUGHS temptation, and, after pondering -.--------_ the consequcnces but.ll· few sec· onds, I thrcw' cauliOli' to thc lI:ind.~ and a'I the crubcans. Thc few bOllcs le!t I thrcw into thc forest dnd d(ep snow, and was careful to' burn th~ wrapping pa· pers.· Those 'were the best· tasting

Herpes Is probably caused by a virus and has been experimentally transferre~ from .per~on to person. Also· .the disease has a strange relation to chicken, pox which is a 'kn'olVnvirus isease. It has been, noted, for example, that small epidemics of herpes may occur at the same time as chicken pox.: Also there are reasons for believing tllat once in a while a person can' develop chicken pox . from contact with a patient with :shingles and the other 'way around.

A tiny' banana·colorcd velvct hat . . sits on, th~ top of the head .•. due to. colds. Get q~lck rellr.f carries out the back interest f~om annoymg coughs wIth Bee.ch-

. Thera·is,· however. as yet no vac­cine 'a~ainst shingles.

. h b h d tl riut Black Cough Drops. Soothln~ I~'lt a. ow perc e nea y on to. dry, inflamed throats. Pleasant. tiny brim. tasting! Easy to take! Buy a can.

vcnient roll today. . Thc sailor collar, with iL~

ing horizontal 'lines, is sam worth looking at for tal1 !als •

" ~ I

.j ,; l,:

'. ·:,:·.WAn~R.'RONT :.::. DiRECTORY

frelghi . ,or 'GloI'crtown, ,CANADA PACKERS LTD. mouth,waterers I ever ate. Jerrie ElizabHh, Eason, 'master, M.V. :ihlrley Goodyear, taking • Somewhere around 3 o·clock.

Is taking freight for Englc~, Rod. freight lor the usunl northern the men on the 'ice started pull·

'Phone 3191 ~ 4425 . Hej.pes· Is ' Shown, By' a painful 'acute ·inflammation of the skin ac· 'companied by characteristic blis· ,ters. It involves only that' part

~hen herpes appears On the fore· head, it can move down into t.ie eYe and this can be a most serious and painful condition.· The anti· biotics (or saine of them) may turn out tQ be of real valu~ in treatment-especially if given early in the course of the disease. other nlethods have their advocates but in the majority recovery occurs anyway, Ngardless of trea.tment.

I .' ',t. "'

.'.'~ 1 '., "

.1:>1 '~ I:":'

1:.' '1 ;'

. ;:;; \1 ':1'··,: " '. .

Inglon, Conche, Mal.n Bro.ilk, Goose ports. ' . Ing up the lines ~nd began strag· K'ean Bros., Is ready 10 ~all.. gling back to eamp, Joe Cave. the CO\'c. •

STEERS LTD. BAtr~e JOHNSTON & CO. I:TD , ,CR~SBIE & CO~I:-.TD.. oldest oi the bunch, bringing up :~. M.V. Bertha' Joyce, .Berksllire, Sid and' Sam is taking' freight' ll!.V. Western E::plorer from the, rear Temp'ers were a bit on master, will be taking' freight on for ·st. Bren:ian's, Brigg Bay, Corner Brook Is moored up in· ihe 'edgy side because we didn't Wednesday, Jl.lne 8th, for. Speno Hare Bay, and Trlnlly, B,B. deflnltel:;,. h~ve' one trout to sholl' for our eer's Cove, and Hr. Buffett. Maggie Gre~n, Delorey, master, I M.V. James Strong I! up for hard .. day's work. The bhickelled ·~··M.V. 'Joan Arthur, Sinde, mas. loaded a cargo of salt for St. sale. . . . 'old ."Plpers". Were. again. put in tel'; "b sailing for northern ports JIIary's Bar. Salling when a' time ( M. ~nd SI J,'hn~.on, R~gcrs, mas- ~!)r~lce, .. and nU. of us but Cave when a time offers.' . offcrs.·. ,. " Ifr, Is loaded, ready to sail. whe~ began gather!ng firewood. Cave

during, the a!lcrnoon!" Holy mac· (1: the skin which is reached by kcrel! 1hc' fU1' was on' again. "In certain' nerves. It occurs on one the snow my eye!)' Cave exploded, side jlf ,the body only· and is "what would I put them in the particularly frequ:~nt around' he snow for? ,We .had a canvas; didn't chest, just over and parallel to the we? I still think Pike ate ,them." fibs, and.onthe 'forebead, face and

"Th h . " lower back and ·abdomen. . . ere e goes. agam, says. ; The' blisters (which. appear .sev.

5( BEECH·NUT COU9~ Drops

In long·lasting nerve pam fol· TRADE SUPPL. Y BY lowing shingles, nerve injection It

: Shirley . Goodyear Is taking. Eldon John: Russell, Waiters, ,weatber Is 5u.lIable:. , : '. 5t~rted rum.mn·glng through the '. freight f~r tlie ' usual : northern master, 'from . Bonavlsla;' 11'111 sail \ food: on,. the, canvas, and began

,'.\ porI!. ., for' Bay of Island~ when a time . , m,utterlng to 'himself, In a peeved T. HALLETT LTD. oUers. H ehoJd Hints' sort of tone, 3nd I distinctly over·

Supert~ad!lr Smith, master, Is HORWOOD LUMB&R CO. Olls , . heard, phrases that were punctuat. hlvln, t.wo masts Installed. La'vlna Bnde, discharging lum \ '. . .'_. - . ed~:ith cuss:words: Suddenly,. he

PIke, "for he.'lVen's.1ake, shu~ up era1 days. after the ,pain starts) nbo.ut the ~~uLeans. You adlllltted., ,bpgin 'to 'open: and dry up' In 'a taking n bIte. out, of one of them;.tew .. days and. filially disapp'~ar al· your memory Is bad, you gobbled together.', ". . ' '. '. down the botn oE them." My' fear' lIn 'The' Young and .middleaged had disappcared, and I W!lS now. tl)ls usuallY 'ends .the matter, b~t enjoying the battle' of words. "in .o1!ier,' people severe neuralgIC

Well:it 'kept on and one"until palOS often: lasl.,tor months. In , ' . '. elderJy. p\!ople shmg]cs may:' be a

\Ie :eache~ Ih~ Long Bridge. 10lig.lastingafiair, causing a great (Job s I think It was c~lled) be· dea!' Of .suffering,.taxing the pat. tween the Duck. and the Railway lence of the victim, and. present­Depot. Across from here, WPS the inga .truly .difficult problem.

sur~ry may Iiave to be tried. = Except for those who have neU GERALD S ralgia fater an acute attack the ! DOYLE disease is more uncomfortable than, • 1 ;:;&7' serious. •

. M.V. Lindy Barbour, Gale, mas. lumher.·After discharged : will go 'Dccorate the~, elt\erlor of . a~ let out a .yell Ihat sounded like '.:,;~ ler, wlti! a cargo of wharf sticks, on dock;,""·,.·· . /einPtY coffee' tin with euto(}ut flowcr tbunder,' and' the' words,' Who :~ .llIIng for Portugal Cove on the . A. E. HICKMA~:CO. I-TD. " or ot!'er colorful. pictur~s; Thep 'swiped fOy •. cr:ibcans?"'went' echo.

. ',','1 S, W •. Coast; ~'heJl ;I. time oUers. M V Lavina Bride· "'ellman, cOVer with .thldlntnh~d d~hlt.a Ishtelltah· Ing and rc·echoing· up the valley. BOWRING BROS., LTD. ' • '. " I . ' Fasten an 0 rca ,spoo . 0 e No one answ d . d .

mastcr, discharged a cargeof um· cover,. coat ,it .with shellac and· t 'd i erc I akn an mno· Silver. Jubilee Is taking freight ber,' and is, now awaiting .to 'go' you have an attractive cookie can. cen,' won er ng 00, appeared

tor Bonavlsta Bay. . on dock. . .' . ' 'on all fac~s., My, face ~idn't have Cry!t~1 Stream Is taking freight. Marlon .'~lIzabcth is moored liP . Even the 'best of drivers may thnt kl"rl of a look, I m sure; It Clara Hallett, Feltham, master indefililtely. . -.' ... .' get rusty or , little forgetful oE WaS" f~i1zen with nppreliension,

loaded fr~lght for Bonavista Bay. '. ON DOCK: traffic reglilatlons, It Is a' without a do~bt. Fortunately, in Sailing when a time offers. Twl1lingnte,: Marjorlelnkpen; . Idea to read over, once in n while, a m0l!1~nt th.ere came a series

~: AYRE SONS LTD. and 2 SpanIsh trawlers.' . the Instructions ,on' signals, rules of fancliul' ,queries and, sugges· Cl\~ol Strong. Is taking freight. . AT· DOC K' ., of tlie rO\id 'and the hatards . of tlons. from. the other men t~at Audrey Bartlett Is taking Pennyworth, 'Henry 'W •. Stcine speed. went. somethl,lg like this: "Arc

foot of !lutchins .Street ,where .. Herpes often devclops. with or Hunt and I left the sleigh to walk Imll1cdiately aftar acute Infections home. For us the day was about like· ,pneumonie or: meningitis it over.' The ,Ithers' llved In, the can ·come in epl~emics, or :vith. East End and I can sun hear out any cause whIch Can be Iden·

" . tWed. the good.natur~d wrangling ,as the Many' Kinds Of, treatment have horse and sleigh headed down been used for shingles with great-ar Water Street.. or lesser. degrees of success. Ex·

. Over fifty years. laler, 'at. the ternal treatment Involves the use head of the pund, on the Day of of soothing :preparations •. X.ray the Races, Will Pike got mY can· treljtments have valUe ·In . some.

. ' you sur.e· YOll had, them, Joe?" "Perhnps your old: woman forgot

p~t . them· in the basket!" fess[on, and we had a good laugh ,=;::' ====~============================:;, over Joe Cave's swiped cruburn,. ,

. i'

• .. '

, ,'.

• •


" .

' .. -. , .

.. '.

',' .,.... '. .",.. .'. t ' •• '." .

'~' You 'get inuch mor. thiin lult a rOof" ' oftl'h •• d: ;"'h.~· you:"h~y .Mu~oy ikiphalti Sh~r\gl.ir.:··: •. " .'

... ~hmd~th ••• ·hii1uti£ull.dui .. (il>le ilhmgl .. ill 01\' ofithn • .. mOlt famoul namea in z:oofing .• ~ .• ~uring you o'f

; .; lonv, trouhl.:fi.e.· pr . .;tecti~n .. Leth.i~·:.how ·YOU7·our·. - .

:" ,

" . :'IL~~acUy~ range, of :Ioli.d. ton~. ;a~d\ hlerid •. :T:h.y. c~ ~~ ~., ". be applied oftl'.old rocifing,\too.l· .' . :. :·,:.i·., : .:

•. • , •• ; " • ', •• /_ I, I ~. ", ", •. ;'., •..

-- --------'-------- -+...., • .. ". "

" " ,,:. ~II. ~. I' ,.

. ,. . ,

... . '." ',.

. :A.:H.,MURdAYI':'&:CO;ttd. ' ". ~1',: ._.:'.<:·:f:J·~\: . ,r,;,.r~.' "": ',{ol ~., .:~ '.~.:·"'I' '~.

.' , ,

. ST.' JOHN'S : ......

DEATHS "They're· prohably , around, there soniewh~re, liave another look!" "Maybe" some animal took them

, SIIIIMONDS-Passed away: Iud· wJlIle' we were on the ice." Pike denlY'Jime 8th, Orestes Simmonds. otlserved,"li.w heck, you probably retired Boiler JIIaker in his 67th ate ·theml" 'l'i1at settled It. '''I year; . leaving Wife. 2 sons, 3 daugh· only took' a' bite out of one of ters. Funeral 2.30 Friday from his them," says Cave, and then con. son's residence, Mundy Pond Rd. tlnue~: "You wcnt: up for a bite CHES'IERTON-Mrs. Wm. Ches-around 2 o'clo~k didn·t you? May. terton of Gooseberry Lane, St •

you ate tnem!" "Now that's John's, was bl)m June 9,.1914, and , passed away at ·the ·General Has-

a, nice' thing to Bay,'" replied Pjke, pltal June 9, 1955. IIIrs. Chesterton, uf didn't eat your crulieans. Be- the' daughter of JIIatll~a and the ~Ides,wliy' .blame' me! Forward late Charles Hobbs, was born at and· Huilt were ·up here too, you Bunyan's. Cove, Bonavista -Bay,' knowl" My' kn' ees' beg'an' to get a' Newfoundland.- Slic'is survived by

he: hU3band ~nd three children;· Iittle,shaky, and: i i:iance'd', to- David, Glenis and. Derrick. her. wards Jerry for som'C :sort of, com. step·father ·Mr.,' Henry, ~rown,.

, ' . mother and three brothers, GeorBe. fort. He kept smiling; 'A sinile, I and Eilward !If 'St. John's;" Jacob though!,. that 'bordered close to of Winr}sor ~Ontario two step. i' ~ar~cnlc <,'Brio. ·!Ah,. wc11!'~, s~yS sisters, and one. adopted • sister; .Cave, '.'I'mcertaln the .boys· didn't Mrs. Edith Vest, nowllviilg In tha t~e ,thorn.. P.erhapi; l' did leave Philippine' l~lands. '.The funeral,

'service will be held at the th~m h(lnie, :but I, ,~ure had a Seventh.uay Adventi~t". Church at' .qankering, lor those "hocks." 3.30 p.m. Saturday, June 11, 1955. 'Tis funny! but-! seem to remem. The funeral .will' be by" motor ber taki~g them: out 'of the ··news. he.1rse:--Intermcnt .will be. in-..the paper bofore.'w.c' wcnt':on the ICCi' Gcnera! p,rotestant.Cemetcry. •. and takuig;just Olie bite." "Some bite!!". mused Pike. ,. .

In 'the,' l'rocess of packing' up, ' rubbing down the., horse's legs,; and 'getting' 'our . places in' the sleigh th'c':'lncldent was forgolten -I. thou8ht. .. .' ,. The 'toad' had"' ,become quite slippery, and Pike ha~ his work cut out to' 'keep the' bouse on all· fours, and .'the sleigh "from skid· dinK too, .mur.h. We \Vere doing sincerely, conslderipg the circum· !tance~, and had .covered about half the dls'tance, home" when rremln~', !udd~nly' ups ',and' say!, "You know, .Toe, Il.you put thosr cru~eam. on top of Ihe light snow; , the~' mlaht have !un,: outol sight,

,.' '86"'. :;(jil.Q






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'. " .;. I


By CanadIan ST. RA

PORTNEUF. The last of tI fled to the bus fora bank ed hidden the rugged police patrols surrender misery;

The lone ·by· pollc·~ as 'whoSe 11 gave up Friday famished and covered \lith and mosquitos.

Clande and Gingras, anothe:, ~ girl friend Paquet of St. 10 ~'rank til appeal went mobile 10\lldsp,~~. .the country

If ~'rank wa~ . had assurance ~ policem an. WON't SURR

Following laId family f,.~at Frank vinclal pollee change of gun