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Page 1: The Cell

The Cell

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You are made of

trillions of cell.

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As we study cells,

remember this important


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If your cells aren’t happy,

YOU aren’t going to be


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The cell is the basic

unit of life.

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Cells are classified into two

main groups.

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The first group are

prokaryotic cells.

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Prokaryotic cells do not have a

nucleus.They have a

nucleoid (resembles a


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They are very small and simple


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Prokaryotic cells are

single-celled organisms.

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Some examples of prokaryotic


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Bacteria(Kingdom Monera)


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Prokaryotic cells resemble the earliest cells

found on Earth.

Source: Discover West Tours, Australia

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The second group are eukaryotic


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Eukaryotic cells are

very complex.

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They are much larger

than prokaryote


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Eukaryotes can be either

single- or multi-celled.

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They also have

organelles (little


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Examples include:

Plant cellsAnimal cells

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How did we learn about

the cell?

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Robert Hooke discovers the cell in 1678

Robert Hooke(?)Source: University of St.


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Anton van Leeuwenhoe


Source: University of California Paleontology Museum

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Anton van Leeuwenhoe

k Greatly improved the microscope

(1680).Discovered microorganisms


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Matthias SchleidenPlants are made of

cells (1838).

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Theodor Schwann

Animals are made of

cells (1839).

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Rudolph Virchow

Cells can only come from other living


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Schleiden, Schwann, and Virchow’s work

lead to the development of cell theory.

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Cell Theory

All living things are made of


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Cell Theory

Cells are the basic unit of


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Cell Theory

Living cells can only

come from other living


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Structure of the


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A cell is made of

organelles.(Organelle –

“little organ.” )

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Each organelle

has a special function

that keeps the cell running.

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NucleusThe nucleus is the brain of the

cell.It controls what everything that

happens in a cell.

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Cell MembraneIt is the gateway

of the cell.It controls what goes into and out of the cell.

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Cell MembraneControlling what

goes in and out of the cell is

called Selective Permeability.

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Organelle responsible for


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enzymes that help break down chemicals into

forms that can be used by the cell.

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Organelles that manufacture

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Smooth ER (Endoplasmic Reticulum)

Manufactures lipids (fats) and other products needed by the


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Golgi BodyManufactures

lysosomes.Manufactures other complex molecules

and packages them in vesicles.

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NucleolusLocated in the

nucleus.Responsible for

the manufacture of ribosomes.

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proteins needs by the cell.

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Organelles that provide power

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MitochondriaTakes nutrients

and provides energy for the


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Organelles that provide power and are found

only in plant cells

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ChloroplastsThe food

producer for the plant cell.Takes water, CO2,

and sunlight to produce sugar (food)

and O2 as a waste product.

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Organelles that provide power


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Cell MembraneSurrounds the cell and helps maintain the

shape of the cell.

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CytoplasmHelps the cell keep its shape

and protects the cell.Cell organelles

are found in the cytoplasm.

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CytoskeletonProvides physical

structure to the cell.

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Organelles that provide support and are found

only in plant cells

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Cell WallStiff outer wall that provides

support, structure, and

protection to the plant cell.

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Central VacuoleA large vacuole

in the plant cell.Provides extra support and

structure to the cell.

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Organelles that provide storage

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Golgi BodyStores molecules

necessary to make lysosomes

and vesicles.

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LysosomeStores enzymes

necessary to digest food, breakdown waste, and break

down old organelles and dead cells.

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Smooth ERStores steroids

and other chemicals the

cell will need at a later time.

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VacuoleStorage bubbles that can store

food, chemicals, and water products.

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Organelles that provide power transportation

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Rough E.R.Transports ribosomes

(attached to the rough E.R.)

around the cell.

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Organelles that provide waste


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LysosomeBreaks down

waste products.Called the “suicide

organelle” because it

destroys a dying cell.

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And that’s cell basics.