Download - The British Middle Ages Early Medieval Period ( 4th C. - 1066 ) Late Medieval Period (1066 - 1485 )

Page 1: The British Middle Ages Early Medieval Period ( 4th C. - 1066 ) Late Medieval Period (1066 - 1485 )

The British Middle Ages

Early Medieval Period( 4th C. - 1066 )

Late Medieval Period(1066 - 1485 )

Page 2: The British Middle Ages Early Medieval Period ( 4th C. - 1066 ) Late Medieval Period (1066 - 1485 )

Unifying Features



Page 3: The British Middle Ages Early Medieval Period ( 4th C. - 1066 ) Late Medieval Period (1066 - 1485 )


• Focus of the time : salvation

• Political and spiritual power

• Focal point of social life: Abbeys center of the town and birth of British drama

• Guardian of culture and education

• Gothic architecture and arts

• Hierarchy (hight and low clergy)

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• Economical

• Political Structure

• Social

• Hierarchical

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Early Medieval Period


Anglo – Saxon invasion

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The Anglo - Saxons

The Angles and the Saxons belonged to Germanic tribes


•Nordic religion•Strong military organisation•Values( high sense of honour and fidelity)•Languge: Old English

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Old English

Old English is a mixture of German dialects, the ones spoken by the Angles, the Saxons and the Iutes.

Anglo – Saxons’ provenanceAnglo – Saxons’ provenance

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Where you can find all these information

about Anglo – Saxons’ society?

In Literature

Epic poetry: BEOWULF

Page 9: The British Middle Ages Early Medieval Period ( 4th C. - 1066 ) Late Medieval Period (1066 - 1485 )

What is Beowulf?

Beowulf is an epic poemepic poem composed during the 7th century.It is anonymous. It recounts deed and legends of Anglo-Saxons. The poem was written in Old EnglishOld English and it comes from oral tradition.oral tradition.

Page 10: The British Middle Ages Early Medieval Period ( 4th C. - 1066 ) Late Medieval Period (1066 - 1485 )

What is an epic poem?

An epic poem is a poem that celebrate the deeds of a herohero or civilisation.

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Oral tradition

Epic poetry was oral, handed out from generation to generation. Epic poetry uses language that was suitable to be remember.


•Density of repetition

•Use of reframe

•Incremental repetition


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Late Medieval PeriodMAIN FACTS

• Norman invasions ( William The Conqueror) 1154-89: reign of Henry II – “ Common Law” 1199-1216: reign of King John – 1215 Magna Carta 1337-1453: Hundred Years’ War between England

and France. 1455-1485: The War of the Roses between the

house of Lancaster and the House of York for accession to the throne; Henry VI (1422-61) and Richard III ( 1483-85)

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Common Law definition:

Judge-declared law.

Law which exists and applies to a group on the basis of customs and legal precedents

developed over hundreds of years in Britain.

It is the basis of the modern jury system

It was introduced by king Henry II ( 1154-89)

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The Conflict between Church and State

• Wiliam I refused to become the vassal of the Pope• Assasination of Thomas Beckett by King Henry II

Church was also made of :

• Corruption (The Monk of Geoffry Chaucer)• Superstition (Supernatural ballades and Witchcraft)• Pilgrimages (The Canterburry Tales)

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A new social class: KNIGHTWOOD

• Figure of the knight and his noble values

• Chivalric or courtly literature : The Arthurian cycle

• Courtly love

• The Monk of Geoffry Chaucer shows as all about the new values of knightwood

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Litterature• Middle English (amalgam of French and English)• Influence of French litterature (Romances of Chivalry and Love)


• Most popular form of poetry (anonymous songs handed over orally)• Topics : Supernatural, tragic love-stories and border conflicts• Main purpose: entertainment• Receiver: EVERYBODY

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Who was Geoffry Chaucer?

• Father of English litterature and first humanist:

the first who wrote in Middle English

• (1343-1400) son of a wine-merchant • good education (Latin, French and Italian) • life at court (Edward III, Richard II), travels

• Masterpiece (incomplete):

The Canterbury Tales (1383)

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Importance of The Canterbury Tales

• Poem in verse and prose• 29 pilgrims tell 24 tales

• Characters from various social classes• Human types • Economic, social and moral dimension• Portraits of personal and social relations• fundamental image of medieval pilgrimage

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