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The Brew February 5, 2021

Sports/Position she plays, and awards received:

Jade is a two sport athlete that plays soccer and basketball. In

soccer she is a defender and in basketball she plays as both a

guard and small forward. Her freshman year in is soccer she

received the Outstanding Rookie Award, and again in basket-

ball her ninth grade year received the Outstanding Rookie

Award again.

Plans for after High School:

After High School Jade plans on attending the University of Ak-

ron for Physical Therapy. She plans to be a physical therapist.

What is she looking forward to most after High School:

Jade is looking forward most to “moving on, meeting new peo-

ple, and attending a bigger school.”

Favorite memory from High School:

Jade said her favorite memory would have to be, “when my

whole entire 9th grade English class all got caught for cheating

on the same assignment.”

One thing she learned from High School, and advice she has for people entering High


One thing Jade has learned is to not wait until the very last minute to finish a big assignment, and

she passes that advice on to new students entering High school.

Interesting/fun facts about her:

Jade usually goes on a trip to California in the summer.

She loves animals, especially dogs. For a while she was a vegetarian.

Senior Spotlight—Jade Travis By: Regan Cameron

This gorgeous girl is this week’s Pet Spotlight, Skye. She celebrated her 3rd birthday October 13, and she loves to nap! When she’s on her best behavior, she loves to get a pup cup from the dairy bar or go to PetSmart for food, and she enjoys the car ride on the way. With her beautiful grey fur and stunning eyes, she is a very good girl and definite-ly deserves her moment in the spotlight! To have your pet featured, email a picture and some fun facts to [email protected].

Pet Spotlight By Emily Biesecker

Some things that usually work to help you focus and not get distracted is to get rid of those said distractions, it can be any-thing. Put your phone on silent and ask for people to not bother you politely. Another useful tip is to set everything in a formal matter, and make sure that everything you need is with you or it can help to make you not get up and do something. Make sure your work space is separate from your comfort zone be-cause doing so will have a big impact on how you work and center your attention. I personally always make a to do list, because it is so helpful to organize what you have done and what you have to do, plus it's so rewarding to cross off the list and see that you're making progress for some motivation to keep going. One final tip to sharpen your attention towards what you desire is to break down your work into smaller portions to make the goal acquira-ble for your mindset, and you can keep doing this till the whole thing is done. Those were some pointers on how to focus down on your work. Have a great day!

Tips to Focus By: Michael Gaynor

Healthy living comes first with staying safe and that starts with getting enough sleep daily and enough vitamins and nutrients. The national sleep foundation guidelines say that teens in the age bracket 14-17 should be getting 8-10 hours of sleep. It's hard trying to schedule with doing home-work and if you have a job but a routine will help. Setting in a good routine you can stick to will make things easier in the end. Good diet can help you get the vitamins and nutrients that you need. A good diet can help balance out your hormones which are correlated to everything in your body like your mood and your physical health. Working out daily can also help to balance out your hormone levels. Such as cortisol which is a stress hormone and it curbs the fight or flight function.

Healthy Choices By: Myles Eppley

We wish you could come out and support the Mountain View Eagles, but sadly with the circumstances we can’t. This week's games for Girls Basketball are Monday 2/8 vs Montrose at 5:30, Wednesday 2/10 vs Trail at 5:30 and Friday, 2/12 vs Elk Lake at 5:30. This week’s games for the Boys Basketball are Tuesday at Montrose at 6pm, Thursday at Trail at 5:30 and Saturday at Elk Lake at 1pm. The JH Girls have a game on Saturday at Elk Lake at 10am. The JH Boys have a game on Wednesday at Susquehanna at 4:30 and Satur-day at home vs Forest City at 10am. Good luck to all teams! We miss seeing everyone supporting the teams. Since there are no spectators allowed at any of the games, you can watch the games on MVSD Sports and Boom Video Production YouTube channel.

We interviewed a boys varsity player about how their season is going so far.

How do you think your team is doing so far? “We are doing well, but there is room for improvement.” -Jonathon and Tanner

What do you like about this season so far? “Just being able to play.” -Tanner “I like that I am able to have a season.” -Jonathon

What can you guys improve on? “Coming back from my injury.” -Jonathon “Playing together as a team.” -Tanner

Winter Sports By: Taylor Neri and Adia Tompkins

Recently, many people have been finding it hard to take care of their mental health due to school and the pandemic. Motivational issues could make it so work isn’t done, and even if our work is done people can still struggle. However, there are ways to combat this.

One thing I find helpful is having a routine to go by daily. This doesn’t mean planning out every sin-gle detail, but having some sort of idea for when you plan to do certain activities. These routines don’t have to be set in stone, either; you can always make adjustments to what works best for you. Everyone’s routines can be different. For example, when we are doing our remote learning, some people may like to have the mornings to themselves and take it slow, while others like to get all of their work for the day done. Whatever works best for you is something you can include in your rou-tine, and having an idea of what you’re going to do makes things just a bit easier.

Our days don’t have to always revolve around our schoolwork, either. Take some time for yourself if you can and go on a walk outside, or spend time with friends (responsibly). If you can, make sure to do things that you enjoy doing, even if it’s as simple as taking a break to watch your favorite show.

The best thing we can do for ourselves during this time is to find balance in what we do. By finding the balance between things we need to do and things we want to do, it makes getting through the days a little better. Remember to take care of yourself emotionally, just as much as physically.

Self Care Segment By: Jordyn Walker

In January, the Mountain View High School FBLA Chapter competed at their Regional Leadership Conference for 20-21. Instead of travelling to Keystone College with the other schools, MV held their conference in the MV Cafeteria! Mountain View had four students compete on the regional level. All four students would have been on the stage at Keystone! Rachelann Hunter - 5th - Political Science Emory Bewley - 1st - Sales Presentation Lillian Harvey - 1st - Journalism Andrew McHenry - 1st - Advertising Emory, Lilly and Andrew will move onto the State Leadership Conference. Mountain View had two students who chose to do a state only event. Victoria Pellew and Katelyn Supancik were chosen as one of the top ten teams to move on to the finals for states in Digital Video Production. The State Leadership Conference will take place virtually in early April.

MV FBLA Soars at Regionals By Mrs. McHenry