Download - The Book of Tales...The Book of Tales 1.Hansel and Gretel 2.Jacob and the wonderful lamp 3.The Beauty and the Beast 4.The little Red Riding Hood 5.The Princess and the Prince 6.The

  • The Book of Tales

    1.Hansel and Gretel

    2.Jacob and the wonderful lamp

    3.The Beauty and the Beast

    4.The little Red Riding Hood

    5.The Princess and the Prince

    6.The Best Princess

    7.Snow White

    8.Jack and the Ring


    10. The Little Red Riding Hood

  • Hansel and Gretel


    There was a man, with his sister, they hunted witches.

    They saw a witch and wanted to kill the witch to avenge their childhood.

    The name of the man was Daril, he was very muscular, intelligent and

    he had linx eyes .His sister was Abby. Abby knew how to use weapons .

    Daril and Abby were 21 years old. They walked in the woods and saw a witch,

    they looked at what the witch was doing. Daril and Abby dressed up into

    witches and they went in the witch's home. The witch drank the mortal soup

    and she was dead . But Daril and Abby finished their walk and ran and found

    the witch's house : the witch's house was cover of sweets and ginger bread .

    The windows, door , lamps were made of sweets. There was a big treasure

    therefore Daril and Abby were very rich at the end of there lives. Three

    months later , Daril and Abby were

    peaceful in their house and someone

    rang at the door, Abby opened the

    door and saw a witch. The witch

    transformed Daril and Abby in pigs.

    The next morning The witch

    transformed all the people of the

    village ; and the witch ate all the pigs.

    Hansel et Gretel (film)

    Adam Trento 5°9Nathan Van Hoollandt 5°8

  • Jacob and the wonderful lamp Once upon a time there was a little boy. His name was Jacob .He was a

    thirteen-year-old boy. He had got brown hair and green eyes. He was tall. Hewas well mannered . Jacob lived with his mother in the woods . He was verypoor.

    One day, a genie visited the boy because he was very poor so the genie agreedthree wishes…:

    “Choose three wishes” the genie said.

    “I choose to be rich” Jacob answered.

    “You chose a good wish…”

    Jacob wanted to marry a pretty princess .He traveled all around the world tofind a nice princess . On another day, he walked in the woods of Darkcity… Hefell down in a hole …The day after he woke up in a beautiful castle… A prettygirl served him a good breakfast . Jacob didn’t know where he was. He spokewith the pretty girl for two hours when she said :

    “I’m a princess but I am locked in this castle for the eternity…Except if a persondelivers me…”

    So Jacob, being a good boy, said :

    “ I will ask the genie if he can deliver you.” The genie came and said:

    “If you want to deliver Lilia you have to kill the giant.”

    So that night Jacob left to kill the giant. He met the giant and fought with themonster. Jacob planted a knife in his heart. The day after Jacob returned in thethe princess's castle. Then Jacob and Lilia met a very poor little boy…Jacobasked:

    “Where do you live?”

    The boy answered :

    “I live with my father in a little shed…”

  • Jacob and Lilia had pity so he called the genie and asked his last wish . Jacobsaid very slowly :

    “I wish that every poor people becomes rich and live happy…”

    So the genie heard the last wish and went in his lamp. Jacob and Lilia cast thelamp in a hole next to a big tree. After their long adevnture, Jacob and Lilialived in jacob's big castle . Jacob and Lilia lived happily ever after and had manychildren.

  • The Beauty and the Beast

    Once upon a time, there was a girl who lived in a villagewhere everybody sang. Belle was sad because her dad builtsome machines and the other men of the village didn't likehim. Then they burnt his house and Belle ran to the houseto save her father from the fire. After the beast took Belle'sfather and she ran after him. But she did not manage tocatch him so she always ran and she arrived at a darkcastle.She opened the door and went inside. She heard herfather's voice and she followed it when she arrived in frontof a cage. And in that cage there was her father and shepromised not to leave him, and the beast suddenlyappeared in front of her and carried her in a cage.But 20 minutes later, the beast let her out. After a few daysBelle started to like the beast and the beast offered herwhat remained in the castle, they went out to give a pieceof bread to the birds. They were very happy, the beastthought she could be the girl who could remove the spell hehad. Then the beast did a party, Belle was amzing with ayellow dress. But after the men of the village wanted to killthe beast. They almost killed Belle's father. After the battlethe men of the village thought Belle died because she fell ofthe mountain. But after the beast hunted her and Belle gavehim a kiss, and he became a prince.


  • Charlotte et Ana

    (image Disney)

  • The Little Red Riding HoodOnce upon a time, there was a Wolf who had to bring a basketwith a butter pot to his granny. In the wood the Wolf met a LittleRed Riding Hood who wanted to ate him. The Little Red RidindHood said ''where are you going ?'' the Wolf answered ''I amgoing to bring this basket to my granny''.Eleven minutes after theWolf entered in thehouse of his granny butthe Little Red RidingHood ran and shearrived the first. Ingranny’s house the LittleRed Riding Hood ate thegranny with ketchupand chips. She dressedup in the granny’sclothes and she went on the bed. The Wolf looked at his grannyand said ''you have little eyes'' the Little Red Riding Hoodanswered ''It is to see you less''. The Wolf said ''you have a littlenose'' the Little Red Riding Hood answered ''It is to smell youless''. The Wolf said ''you have a little mouth'' the Little Red RidingHood answered ''it is to eat you''. The Wolf and the granny hadbeen eaten by the Little Red Riding Hood.In the wood a wood cutter had heard a shout and entered in thehouse and the wood cutter wanted to marry with the Little RedRiding Hood and he said ''do you want to marry me ?'' and theLittle Red Riding Hood answered ''yes I want to marry you''. One week later they were married but they were cross. The LitlleRed Riding Hood was angry and she was hungry. She wanted toeat her husband but the wood cutter planted his axe in the girl andshe died. The wood cutter ate her. And the wood cutter livedhappily ever after.Clément et Eymeric 5°9.

  • The Princess and the Prince

    Once upon a time there was a young girl named Laura .Laura had a child named Catiana .

    One day Laura dreamed about a prince and she loved him because he was beautiful and a


    She would like to marry him. But suddenly, she was woken up by Catiana because she

    wanted to eat cat food. She heard a noise behind the door ,she opened the door ,but there

    was noone except a letter .

    In this letter there was an invitation for the prince wedding .She was jealous. The wedding

    was the day after. She looked for her most beautiful dress .Her dress was amazing. The next

    night she went to the wedding ,she saw the future princess ,she found her ugly .She also saw

    the prince, he looked as in her dream .Then,the prince saw laura, he found her incredible. He

    went to see her to tell her she was impressive, Laura answered him '' Thank you, you are not

    so bad too ''. The prince fell in love with laura .But suddenly Catiana opened the door and

    said ''i'm a fairy '' and transformed herself into a fairy and killed the ugly princess with her

    magic power and she said she was a witch .Then the prince asked Laura to marry him. She

    accepted and they lived happily ever after.

    Ethan ,Alon 5°9

  • The best princessOnce upon a time there was a little girl called Camille. She livedwith her mother in a small house, in a farm.Camille was poor. Shenever had good manners.

    One day she woke up and had a phone call from her grandmother.Her grandmother was called Victoria, she was the queen of Miami.Victoria told Camille that she would become a princess becauseVictoria was too old to reign on Miami so she asked her if shewanted to be the princess of Miami.

    Camille was lost she didn't know what to do so she asked for helpto her mother,her mother said that it was a good idea . She calledher grandma back and said that she would be in Miami the nextweek. When Camille arrived to Miami she was dressed like apoor girl. Her grandma said '' oh dam we have to go shopping ''she took Camille and dressed her like a beautiful princess thenthey retured to the castle and Victoria taught her the good manners. Victoria was desperate because Camille didn't know how to eat tospeak and to dance. The Queen called her brother to help her toteach the good manners to Camille.

    The next day Camille received a letter from the prince Ken (hewas the prince of Paris) Camille was so excited to have her first

  • ball. She had one fear : it was to walk on Ken's feet . Camilletalked to her grandma about her fear. Victoria calmed her downand said that she would go with her to the ball. The princess andthe Queen arrived in Paris on Wednesday 4th June in the morning.They went to her hotel and dressed up with the prettiest dress. At8:30 pm they went to the ball . When they arrived at the ball theprince Ken ran and asked to Camille if she wanted to dance withhim, she accepted and they started to dance together. In the middleof the ball Camillle walked on Ken's foot and started to run andcry when she went out of the ball she lost her ring . The next dayCamille took the plane to go back to Miami . When she arrived inMiami Victoria called her and asked her to open the door . Sheopened the door and saw Ken with her ring .

    Ken asked her if she wanted to marry him, Camille said yes .They lived happily ever after and had a lot of children .

    EVA ET CARLA 5°8

  • Snow WhiteOnce upon a time there was a princess, she was called Snow White. Shewas fifteen years old, she ahd long blond hair, a mix of blue and green eyes, alittle nose, a small mouth and she lived in a tower keept by an evil dragon. Shewas dressed in a vulgar manner, a sweatshirt and a torn jean. She had a stepfather who ill-treated her and abused her by snapping andgiving her orders.''You won't go out of this tower!!'' the stepfather said.''You don't give me orders !'' she replied.And she snapped her stepfather. Snow White went out of the tower. Wandering,she found a little house and went in it. Thinking that the house was abandoned,she went in one of the seven beds. When she woke up, she saw the sevendwarfs surronding her.''Hello! My name is Bashful'''' I am Doppey'''' I AM GRUMPY'' ''My name is Happy''''And my name is Doc''''Who is he ?'' she asked, pointing Sneezy.''His name is Sneezy, he can't speak with people''Doc answered.''oh it's ten o'clock, in which bed can I sleep?'''' In Grumpy's bed'' Doc said.''Oh no I don't want that'' Grumpy said.''Grumpy will sleep in the living room.''When Snow White was sleeping, the dwarfs cooked an apple pie, with a potioninside. When she woke up, she ate the apple pie whith the dwarfs. She went inthe room with the mirror and decided to look at her face.''Mirror, mirror, am I the most beautiful ?''''No, this morning you ate an apple pie and in it there was a potion, andnow you are ugly''''oh my god I can't believe it !''After that, the dwarfs went in the room where there was the mirror, and theysaw Snow White.''I've never seen someone as ugly as you !'' Doc said.''You have to leave this house''all the dwarfs said.Snow White left the house and she cried in the woods. Suddenly a witch sawSnow White crying and decided to go to her house with Snow White, to helpher to be the most beautiful woman.

  • ''I give you this ring, you will be beautiful with it.'' the witch said.Snow White wore the ring and went to the village. The prince saw Snow Whiteand told her : ''What is your name ? you are the most beautiful woman !''''My name is Snow White and thank you !'' she answered. The next morning the prince saw Snow White and asked her to marry him. Sheaccepted, but she told him :''without my ring, I am ugly...''And they got married and had many children...

    image disney


    Mélissa Roussel Manon Poignant


  • Jack and the ring

    Once upon a time , there was a boy named Jack. He was 15 years old, he had ablue hoodie and blond hair. His mum and dad had died so now he lived with histwo brothers who bullied him. He was once walking in the street and he found agold ring. Because he wanted money, he decided to sell the ring. He went to ajeweler and he said :''How much for the ring''''Give me that ring!I pay you 100000$!!''Jack was scared. He thought that the jeweler really wanted this ring.''It is special''He tried the ring on and in his head he saw a map with a cross in the middle ofAmerica. He zoomed on it and saw that it was in New York. Now he thought it wasthe map of kill bill , the New York gangster !

    The next day he took the bus for New York. Themap said the treasure was located in the McDonald of Wall street. He bought nuggets ,Burgers, a happy meal,and a coke that was so biglike a bucket. He ate everything except the happymeal. He opened the box and light shone out. Inside there was ANOTHERRING !!!!!!He put it on and he saw ANOTHER MAP!!That said where the real treasure ofthe gangster was.

    The other treasure was on the top of the Eiffel tower. So he took another bus to goto the airport . He took the first plane to go to Paris. He bought a ticket. Hebought this ticket with the first ring.He arrived to Paris . He went to the shop ofthe second floor. He saw a ring . He stole it and put it. On the ring there waswritten that the treasure was a lamp. He took the lamp. A genie appeared. Thegenie said that he had three wishes .After the three wishes, he lived happily ever after.


  • Fablehaven Once upon a time , there was a girl who was called Bella .She lived in Storybrook . One day, Bella walked in the forest ,she saw a magic portal . Intrigued , Bella walked into it. Suddenly the young girl landed in a new world , a magicworld ...She didn't belive her eyes , she perceived a big beautiful dragon surrounded by many magical creatures ! Thedragon was wonderful and it could speak. Then the dragon spoke toBella :'' Welcome to Fablehaven''.'' Hel … Hello … ''Bella said .''What's your name ?''the dragon said .''B... Bella .'' ''And … you ? '' she asked ''My name is Chalize'' the wonderful creature answered .''How did I come here ? '' She said .''Ride on my back , I will explain on the way .'' Chalize said Bella was scared of climbing on the beautiful emerald scales of Chalize .

    On the way , Chalize explained to Bella that she found the secret passage of Fablehaven and it was the last reseve ofmagic creatures . From where she was , Bella could see the full extent of the reserve . The young girl saw in the distancehuge mountains in the middle of shining clouds. .Around the wings of Chalize, there were a lot of shimmering birdswith a phoenix with inflamed feathers. Bella saw trees and she saw some flowery valleys covered in every color and a riverof transparent water . Chalize landed . Bella was contemplating little fairies who were picking flowers in a whirlind of sequins .Whensuddenly the ground began to shake . A group of dryades who rode unicorns arrived in the clearing where Bella andChalize landed . They parted to let the unicorns .'' What are they doing ?'' Bella asked a bit lost .'' It's the annual race of unicorns .'' Chalize said . The end of the day approached and Chalize brought Bella back to the magic portal . The two new friends said goodbye.See you soon for new adventures in Fablehaven ! Salomé Ballan et Lucie Vallaeys 5°9

  • The little red riding hood

    Once upon a time there was a little girl who loved her grand-mother more than anything.So she decided to take a basket with an apple pie and butter and went to give it to her.She put her shoes and started to walk. On the way she met a fat wolf with long hairs, long ears and big teeth. ''Where are you going my little child ?? '''' I'm going to see my grand-mother to give her a gift !'''' Oh ! Nice ! And where does your grand-mother live?'''' She lives at the end of the forest !'''' Ok ! See you later !'''' Goodbye !''The little red riding hood went back on the road. She took an apple from a tree and ate it. Ten minutes later she was in front of the door of her grand-mother.She rang on the door and her grand-mother opened. She took the apple pie and put it in a cauldron then she took a spoon and put the concoction in a glass of water.She gave it to the little red riding hood so she drunk it, suddenly she was transformed into a frog ; she cried. The wolf heard her and ran to the house.But a monster stopped the wolf so the wolf took a branch and killed the monster withit. Then he entered discreetly in the house he saw the witch and the little red riding hood who was transformed into a frog he saw a potion with a skull drawn on it so he took it and threw it on the witch and suddenly the evil grand-mother melted. Then he said :''Kiss me and you will transform again !'' ok !''The wolf kissed the frog and the little red riding hood appeared, they came back home but a savage pokemon appeared the wolf said :'' Pikachu go ! A pikachu appeared the wolf said :'' Pikachu lightning attack !''The pikachu killed the pokemon. The wolf, the little red riding hood and the pikachu came back home and lived happily ever after and they had a lot of pokemons !

    THE END Thomas/Mathis 5e8

  • This is the Book of Tales that was created

    by the 5e 8 and the 5e9 with the help of

    Miss Herubel and Miss Bourguet.

    We hope you'll enjoy the book and we may create another one

    if you liked it !