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Test Automation In Flex

Richa Sharma

SAS Research And Development (India)

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• Automate It!• The Flex Automation Feature• Prepare to Automate• Automated Testing Workflow• Instrumentation• FlexMonkey – A dekko• Summary• Q&A

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Flex Overview

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Automate It!

• Flex provides an automation feature which makes Flex applications automation enabled.

• Flex Automation APIs aid in creating custom agents or ensuring the readiness of Flex applications for testing.

• Flex also provides support for the automation tool – QTP.

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The Flex Automation Feature

• Automation libraries• QTP files• Samples

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The Automation Libraries

• Automation libraries – delegate implementations for Flex framework components• automation.swc• automation_agent.swc – generic agent mechanism• automation_dmv.swc – delegates for charting and

Advanced DataGrid components

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Prepare to Automate• Prepare the application:

• Use automation at runtime• Use automation at compile-time (Make your own

testable application)

• Prepare customized components for testing• Deploy the application

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Prepare to Automate - Runtime

• Automation at runtime• Wrapper SWF file compiled with automation

libraries• The SWF uses SWFLoader to load the

application SWF

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Prepare to Automate – Compile time

• Make your own testable application• Compile the application with the automation

libraries• Requires access to Flex application• Embedding of functional testing classes

increases the size of the SWF

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Prepare to Automate

• Points to remember while developing:• All testable controls should have ids• Unique ids• Containers can be excluded from being tested

if not impacting the test• UIComponent class – showInAutomationHierarchy

• Can be avoided:• Same labels for multiview containers like

TabNavigator• Dynamically adding children

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Prepare to Automate

• Points to remember while testing:• If automation is used at compile-time

• Look out for inflated SWF files• Remove references of automation libraries from

SWF before deploying on production server

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Automated Testing Workflow

• Initialization• Recording• Playback

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Automation Workflow – Initialization

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Automation Workflow – Recording

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Automation Workflow – Playback

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Instrumentation• Required for custom components or events

• Enables custom components or events to be testable

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• Requirements for instrumentation of a custom component:

•Delegate class•Appropriate entry in the class definition file

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Instrumentation – The Delegate• For instrumentation of a custom component with

a delegate:• Create a delegate that

• is a mixin• implements the required interfaces

• Register the delegate with AutomationManager

• Define the component in the class definitions xml

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Instrumentation – The Class Definition File

• Information about all the instrumented Flex components

• Tells the automation agent:• What is the name of the component • What events can be recorded and played back• What are the testable properties

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Instrumentation – The Class Definition File

Typical structure:





<TypeInfo><Operation/> ... </TypeInfo> <Properties><Property/> ... </Properties>



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Instrumentation – Considerations• Composition – single/composite component

• Container Hierarchy – understanding the automation hierarchy

• Automation name – clear, unambiguous names for easy referencing

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FlexMonkey – A dekko

• FlexMonkey is an Adobe AIR application used for testing Flex and AIR based applications.

• Records, plays back and verifies Flex UI interactions

• Generates ActionScript-based testing scripts that can be easily included within a continuous integration environment.

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FlexMonkey – Demo

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To summarize…• Flex applications can be automated using the

Flex Automation APIs• Applications can be prepared to use automation

at:• Run Time

• Compile Time • Custom components need instrumentation:

• Delegate• Entries in the class definition file

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Learnings• Components need a unique id• Containers not affecting the test can be avoided • Different labels are needed for multiple tabs in

TabNavigator, Accordian etc.• Component display hierarchy can be different

from Automation hierarchy

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Latest on Flex AutomationNew in FlashBuilder 4 automation:• Automation of Flex 4 AIR applications

• Automation of Flex 4 applications• mx.core.Application, Halo – supported

• Spark based applications – not supported

• Automation of Marshalled Flex and AIR applications

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