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CJA/304 Heather Arambarri

September 8, 2013

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The implementation of new technologies such as mobile data terminals, facial and iris recognition systems within the criminal justice system allows for more effective and efficient communication among criminal justice professionals. No longer are officers confined to their office desks manually toiling over stacks of paperwork, conducting research and obtaining background information on possible suspects.

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They are now able to obtain a myriad of information on a suspect by simply entering an inquiry into a database, most notably, the NCIC (National Crime Information Center). This database, as well as several others now used in the criminal justice field, allows for easy identification of criminals, which makes for effective communication with other law enforcement agencies.

New technological advances increase the effectiveness of communication within the criminal justice system, as it allows for ease of access to important information. If a suspect is wanted in one state for a crime committed in that state, then flees to another, the state in which the suspect has fled has access to that information. It no longer takes days, weeks, or even months for law enforcement agencies to be

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notified of a wanted suspect within their jurisdiction. With the increase in effectiveness of communication within the criminal justice system, comes the increase in productivity. If productivity is increased, it increases the chances of receiving grants and funding which can be used to install more systems that improve efficiency.

The implementation of these new technologies used within the criminal justice system increase the effectiveness of communication between law enforcement agencies and the courts. It is easier for the courts to penalize and convict criminals based off of the evidence gathered by officers who utilize these technologies to identify and apprehend the guilty. For example, the advances in DNA extraction and

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testing, gives officers and the courts a stronger case against those who have committed crimes because it provides a solid connection between the DNA found at the crime scene and the individual suspected of the crime. The judicial system and the criminal justice system must maintain a level of communication to prosecute criminals, and the new technologies aid in the success of that.

There are a few future technologies that criminal justice system may make use of to deeper communication throughout interview and even interrogation situations. These modern advances would assist law enforcement officials with revealing if individuals they are interrogating or simply interviewing can be lying or perhaps deceiving them, and help them to cause the conversation in a manner that

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would extract the data needed appropriately. Such technologies can include brain image resolution scans, heart beat detection tracks, voice test lie detectors, and further reliable inescapable fact serums.

Neurological imaging scans could help law enforcement officials observe a individual’s neurological activity throughout an job interview or interrogation. It would most likely also help law enforcement officials to get around the conversation to have the information wanted because an improvement in neurological activity may perhaps show a particular query asked is usually provoking deeper thought in the situation. If authorities are observing a boost in neurological activity during that question, they can elaborate extra on that particular question, or delve even further into that area of the investigation. A

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raise in mental activity can also indicate that an individual is actually lying whenever answering the actual question because they're actively using her or his brain for you to fabricate the actual lie. Simultaneously implementing the application of pulse detectors monitors whenever scanning a good individual’s brain might help officers analyze your own home question requested is invoking further thought on the situation, or if you’re individual is definitely lying.

Pulse detection monitors could help law enforcement officials observe a good individual’s heart and blood vessels pressure process during any interview or possibly interrogation. Currently pulse and maintain pressure monitoring is use through polygraph tests, and it could be effective if perhaps used

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concurrently with mental faculties imaging scans at the same time. When somebody is relaxing or deceitful their hearts will begin racing, which speeds up her or his pulse plus increases their blood force. If joined with brain image resolution scans, law enforcement officials can see an increase in mind activity, if the individual’s pulse and maintain pressure raises, he and also she may determine whether the individual will be lying, or if your individual has learned more in regards to the situation than the question requires.

Voice analysis are located detectors can be another foreseeable future technology that may help law enforcement officials during a great interview and interrogation. When somebody speaks, her or his

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voice releases various smart waves based on his / her emotions. Integrating an important voice research lie detector into the interview and also interrogation processes allows law enforcement officials to calculate and individual’s emotions based on the sound lake captured with regards to individual is certainly speaking. If an individual’s style is faltering in any way, the product could locate what a human ear might not detect. The device could also detect if anyone is showing fear in her or his responses, which could possibly indicate that she or he is untruthful, and that she or he is afraid of having caught.

Many technological tools are used in the criminal justice system. The technological tools are a vital part of law enforcement. These tools help to obtain information quickly and accurately. Communication

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with other agencies is faster as well. The criminal justice system uses programs such as MDTs (Mobile Data Terminals), Iris scan, NCIC, and AFIS.

MDTs (Mobile Data Terminals) are used by law enforcement agencies and fire and EMS agencies to communicate. MDTs have taken over paper reports and other hand written notations. MDTs transmit data to the mobile units in patrol cars.

As the use and advancement of MDTs have broadened, law enforcement officials have many advantages. Law enforcement officers are able to obtain videos, mug shots, fingerprints, in-field

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reporting, sophisticated ad hoc networking, and messages at critical incident scenes. MDTs make it so officers can obtain data quickly and portably.

Often times an officer needs a subject’s arrest record immediately. This can be accessed through the MDT. MDTs allow officers to access data through the agency’s database instantly. When an officer makes a traffic stop, he or she can run a license plate or driver’s license through the MDT. All the information needed will show up on the screen. A registration may have expired, a driver’s license may be suspended or there may be an active warrant for the licensee or registered owner. An officer can obtain much needed information through the MDT. Officers can also see other officers

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on duty through the MDT and message each other. Some agencies have installed the MDT systems on mobile phones for officers. This is great of officers on foot patrol or bike patrol. MDTs save a large amount of time for officers and his or her agency.

Another technological tool is the Iris scan. This program stores digital images of people’s eyes. The images are put into a database and are a faster alternative to fingerprints. Iris recognition has many benefits. The iris has a unique pattern that is developed by the age of 10 months, and it never changes. It is unique because it is nearly impossible that two iris will have the same code. Iris recognition can be used on its own or integrated into an existing system, so it is flexible. It is very reliable because an iris

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pattern cannot be lost, stolen, or compromised. It is non-invasive. There is no contact, and it is quick. This can be used as far as 3” to 10”.

Iris are like snowflakes. Each one is unique. They have distinct patterns. The estimation of two iris being identical is 1 in 10^78. There would be no mistakes in identifying someone.

These are only a couple of tools that are used in the communication process. Technology continues to advance each day and improves the communication process. However, we do have to remember that nothing is perfect and there is always room to improve communication.

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There are plenty of future technologies that your criminal justice system may make use of to even further communication for interview in addition to interrogation events. These systems would assist police with knowing if any person they usually are interrogating or possibly interviewing is usually lying and also deceiving them all, and

help the criminals to lead all the conversation in a fashion that would appropriately extract the results needed.

Such technologies could be brain imaging scans, heart rate detection video display units, voice exploration lie sensors, and reliable reality serums.

Neurological imaging scans could comfortably help police observe the individual’s mental faculties activity at the time of an interview or interrogation. Pulse diagnosis monitors can effectively help police observe the individual’s

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heart beat and hold pressure activity during a interview or perhaps interrogation. Voice analysis lie alarms are one

other future technology which can effectively help police during an interview or maybe interrogation. Truth

serum is known as a drug in which lowers a good individual’s inhibitions to make sure they speak unhampered, but

it can be hard for the individual figure out what might be fact and exactly what is fantasy.

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Effective communication is necessary in a criminal the law system, and technology is improving particularly of conversation continuously. If law enforcement officials are cognizant of and implement the use of the many technological tools open to the talking process, the good handling as well as organization of every situation can occur in regular basis. Although existing technology establishes effective around its solutions, improving all these communication techniques further using future technologies would've a positive impact on the criminal justice structure and really improve reports

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MDTs make it easy to receive information on subjects. An officer can obtain current warrants, run drivers licenses and registration, communicate to other officers, etc. Mdts can access data through the agency’s database instantly

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Iris are one of kind. No two are alike. Iris never change so they are easily identifiable through the Iris scan.