Download - Tech World - 21 June 2015

  • SUNDAY StAr, 21 June 2015


    TECH WORLDLife and business made easier

  • 2 tech worldSUNDAY STAR, 21 JUNE 2015

    The body hackersBy TINA CARMILLIAFOR centuries, humans have been donning man-made items that enhance our productivity and intellectual or physical capacities.

    Some of these inventions have become so essential that we do not even notice them: spectacles to improve failing eyesight, wrist watches to tell the time, shoes to protect our feet and clothes that keep us warm.

    Now, emerging technologies are making humans even less au naturel and even more inorganic.

    These technologies, known as wearable technologies, fuse humans with machines to allow a seamless interaction between physical and virtual realities to create an augmented experience.

    The web will no longer be something we merely surf; it will be something we wear.

    According to ABI Research, a technology market intelligence company, more than 485 million humans will be wearing a web-connected watch, camera, eyepiece, pacemaker or other forms of wearable technology gadgets by 2018.

    Wearable technologies are not new machines used to monitor health activities such as blood pressure, insulin levels and heart rate have long been around.

    However, these gadgets are used mainly for medical reasons and less for an integrated lifestyle experience.

    Indeed, the forms and functions of wearable tech have since evolved to assist in various aspects of human behaviour and activity to include productivity, safety and security, health and fitness, and leisure, among other things.

    The Bluetooth hands-free headset is perhaps one of the earliest forms of wearable tech that is not specifically medical-related. When it first came out a decade

    ago, early adopters were considered lunatics for appearing as though they were speaking to themselves in public.

    However, despite the initial apprehension towards it, no one really bats an eyelid when they encounter someone speaking into the device these days.

    The same sceptical resistance can be expected for practically any new technology before it becomes accepted as the norm.

    As with any new technology, wearable tech faces its own setbacks in terms of its practicality,

    funding and adoptability, among other things.

    However, proponents of life extension, technological singularity (artificial general intelligence capable of performing any task that a human can) and bionics who embrace radical scientific development can look forward to starting the revolution by gearing up with some of the latest available wearable tech to enhance their living.

    Here is a selection of wearable tech items that are either already in the market or about to be.

    Eventually, these wearable devices are expected to become an extension of each other to provide a seamless technologically driven experience for the user.

    Many of these devices are in fact designed to be integrated with iOS and Android mobile operation systems.

    Additionally, data taken from fitness-based devices are easily uploaded to a corresponding fitness app or shared on the users social media accounts.

    After all, in this day and age, what is the point of a gadget if it cannot be integrated with other devices and social media platforms?

    There are several types of head-mounted technology that function to display real-time streaming, information and media access, and augmented reality experience directly onto the users field of vision.

    Some are discrete, such as the Google Glass, while others, such as the Skully AR-1 helmet, not only serve a traditional safety purpose but additionally provide navigation assistance and heads-up and rearview displays.

    Watch out, in the future, watches will not just tell the time and date like an out-dated wristwatch.

    They will be able to inform users when a message or call is received. Pebbles smartwatch, for example, serves as an extension for a users iOS or Android smartphone.

    Similarly, wristband trackers such as the Fitbit Tracker, Nikes FuelBand and Garmins Vivofit are geared mainly for the fitness-conscious and can perform numerous health-related data collection functions, including tracking physical activities, calorie intake and hours of sleep.

    The next big thing in wearable devices is perhaps touchless interaction with air gesture control rings.

    Several developers, including Fin and Logbar, have come up with promising prototypes thanks to successful crowd-sourced funding.

    These rings are supposed to allow wearers to operate devices by waving their finger or hand in the air.

    Although none of the devices have hit the mass market yet, the one ring to control them all is within reach in the next few years.

    Head Body Wrist Finger Feet

    The initial reason for wearing clothing was to keep warm and protected. Then, it also became a fashion statement. The evolution of its purpose continues into the age of wearable tech as it will serve an additional purpose with the introduction of conductive thread fabric.

    This fabric has a computer built into the shirts and trousers to provide processing power generated from the users movement to charge other wearable gadgets on the persons body.

    Other clothing items, especially inner wear such as sports bras and socks, can also communicate with smartphone apps to track physical activities.

    Sensorias smart fabrics, for example, provide information about the users speed and distance, calories burned, heart rate, and foot landing technique and weight distribution. Zackees turn signal gloves will be

    useful for bicycle riders they come with

    built-in LED turn indicators and can be operated by turning a metal switch

    between the thumb and index finger on

    or off.

    Those boots are no longer just made for walking.

    These days, smart shoes are embedded with sensors and GPS chips to track, among other things, the number of steps taken throughout the day and the speed of the users movement.

    Some Nike+ shoes can even measure jump shots, pressure and acceleration to provide statistics about the users athletic performance.

  • 3SUNDAY STAR, 21 JUNE 2015

  • 4 tech worldSUNDAY STAR, 21 JUNE 2015


    TECHNOLOGY is the foundation of the modern world. Without it, life would be incredibly different an analogue world where the hyper-connectivity we all take for granted is an idea beyond imagination.

    More than this, technology informs and facilitates the development of the human condition, allowing us to push the boundaries of discovery, knowledge

    and imagination.Historys innovators have left us

    with legacies that have become imperative to modern life.

    One of the most interesting aspects of these inventions and discoveries is that they, more often than not, are connected to and rely on other innovations to work.

    Here are some groups of technological breakthroughs that have changed the way humans live, think, work and play.

    Technologies that changed the world


    Computer-mediated reality

    In 1959, California Institute of Technology physics professor Richard Feynman gave a speech, titled Theres Plenty of Room at the Bottom, in which he described the ability to write the entire Encyclopaedia Britannica on the head of a pin using atom-sized tools or machines.

    This is basically what nanotechnology is the manipulation of matter on a molecular, supramolecular or atomic scale.

    Nanolithography, the technology of fabricating nanometre-scale structures, is the technology that makes our cell phones, computers and GPS systems as compact as they are.

    By using an atomic-force microscope, engineers arrange atom-sized nanomaterials such as nanocrystals, nanolayers and nanotubes into structures.

    Nanolithography, which has its roots in the invention of the microscope in 1590, has allowed circuit boards to become so tiny that they can be used in programmable matter.

    Programmable matter is matter that has the ability to change its form (shape, density, conductivity, etc) as a result of input from a user or by autonomous sensing by its own computations.

    First introduced in a paper by Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) researchers in 1991, programmable matter has great potential benefits, including the possibility of using it for information processing and other forms

    of computing. Much research has gone into

    it since it was first described.In 2010, for example, an MIT

    team of researches successfully created self-folding sheets of origami.

    Researchers hope that programmable matter may have defence applications in the future; they imagine, for example, soldiers carrying lightweight buckets of programmable material that could be fashioned on the spot into anything they need.

    Nanotechnology also has applications in nanomedicine, which involves the engineering of miniscule machines to repair cells.

    Scientists are also working on creating nanotech that act as drug-delivery systems, medical and diagnostic tools that can mark disease-indicating molecules and nanotech drugs.

    Carbon nanotubes form the foundation of some technologies in nanomedicine.

    These are tubes that measure three to 30mm in diameter, constructed by an arc evaporation method (where a 50-amp current is passed between two graphite electrodes in helium).

    Considered one of the most important discoveries in the history of physics, carbon nanotubes have a tensile strength up to 50 times that of steel.

    They can also be used as semiconductors and applications in the construction industry are being explored.

    The use of computer-mediated reality is becoming more prevalent nowadays.

    This technology involves the ability to add (or subtract) sensory information to reality through the use of wearable technology or a hand-held device.

    Augmented reality superimposes audio, visual and other elements onto your senses.

    The most identifiable use of this technology is a smartphone app called Layar by a Dutch technology company that uses the phones camera and GPS to gather information about the surrounding area.

    It then shows the user information about nearby areas such as historical sites, restaurants or theatres on the phones screen.

    The global positioning system (GPS) is essential to augmented reality as it is used to pinpoint the users location. GPS works on the principle of triangulation four satellites are used to determine the relative position of a given object.

    Currently, the GPS network

    is composed of 24 satellites, with three on standby in case of a failure.

    Another vital technology of augmented reality is the mobile phone.

    Invented in 1973, the mobile phone is actually a highly sophisticated radio it is a full-duplex device that uses two different frequencies for talking and listening.

    Nanotechnology has made todays mobile phones smaller, lighter, more powerful and capable of Internet connectivity.

    Nanomedicine uses miniscule tech in medical applications.

    The Layar app augments your reality.

  • SUNDAY STAR, 21 JUNE 2015

    tech world 5

    Cloud computing

    Computer technology has moved beyond physical infrastructure; users on the cutting edge now use the Internet to store data and applications.

    This is cloud computing, which reduces cost companies no longer have to buy individual software licences and enables more collaborative and efficient work as a single application can give multiple users remote access to the software.

    The most commonly used form of cloud computing is web-based e-mail, such as Googles Gmail.

    Cloud computing applications exist on the World Wide Web, the network of information that is linked together by the Internet.

    The Web has changed millions of lives forever, inking computers throughout the world and making all the information they contain

    available to everyone. The Web was invented in

    1990, when a computer scientist created the first Web browser and Web pages that could be accessed via the Internet. Web pages incorporate hypertext (text that contains hyperlinks to other documents), a concept that was first described in the 1960s.

    The Internet, which began as a collaboration among academia, industry and government in 1969, uses several technologies to operate.

    It is also based on a key concept called open architecture networking that enables different providers to use any individual technology they want, linking the networks together into a seamless end-to-end service.

    Most people access the Web and the cloud through a personal

    computer. The first commercial personal computer was the Italian-made Programma 101, which was launched in 1964.

    Not long after that, other technology companies began

    producing desktop personal computer, most notably the Commodore PET and the Apple II in 1977 and the IBM PC, which was introduced in 1981 and designed to supplant the other devices in the home.

    The personal computer made computing technology available to the wider public, facilitated the development of new industries and changed the way people communicate.

    With increased usage of the Internet and the cloud, privacy and security are major concerns. Public key cryptography, a security technology that allows the secure transmission of private data, has closed many security loopholes in wireless communication.

    Invented in 1976, public key cryptography enables users to safely transmit confidential information over the Internet and is one of the catalysts for an increased use of the Web to make transactions.

    Cloud computing also requires a large-scale electric supply network to work.

    Thomas Edison was the first

    person to create and implement an electric power generation and distribution network to homes, businesses and factories, patenting this system in 1880.

    This system helped stimulate advances in electric engineering and, through research into mathematical theories and electric engineering, informed the evolution in design of electric motors.

    Geoengineering, the large-scale engineering of Earths environment, may only have been seen on the silver screen so far, but it is considered to be a viable solution to counteracting global climate change.

    Current limited geoengineering projects include tree planting and cool roof installations (where light-coloured materials are used).

    Though there are many geoengineering ideas in the offing, including efforts to prevent further loss of Arctic sea ice, there are no large-scale projects in progress as yet.

    The concept of ecosystems is crucial to the understanding of how geoengineering works and how it will affect Earth.

    The foundation for the idea of climate change was first laid in 1896 when a scientist calculated that Earths temperature would increase as the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere increased.

    One step further from geoengineering is

    terraforming modifying a planets atmosphere to make it inhabitable for humans.

    This is another idea that seems to have come straight out of science fiction, but with advances in science and engineering, it may just be possible.

    Terraforming a planet Mars, for example is a long-term project that will take generations and at least a thousand years to fully complete.

    It will involve constructing infrastructure to direct appropriate amounts of sunlight and heat to the planets surface and produce greenhouse gasses, and creating climate-controlled living spaces and power- generation systems, among numerous other massive projects.

    However, scientists believe that even after a millennium of terraforming and development, Mars atmosphere will not produce enough oxygen for humans to breathe without the aid of equipment.

    Bonus future technology: Geoengineering

    A visual map of the Internet based on 2005 data.

  • 6 tech worldSUNDAY STAR, 21 JUNE 2015

    Realising dreams with convergence

    IN this day and age, most economists believe that the rate of ICT adoption is one of the factors that contributes to a nations economic well-being.

    This belief is what drives Malaysias aspiration of becoming a fully digitised economy by 2020 and the catalyst for the growth of many industries identified as National Key Economic Areas.

    In the long, rich history of Malaysian telecommunications, Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM) has been at the forefront of every major milestone, including the roll out of the globally acclaimed High Speed Broadband (HSBB) project through a public-private partnership.

    As the countrys only truly integrated telecommunications provider, TM is committed to contributing to the next wave of socio-economic growth through a digital transformation programme.

    Convergence for convenience

    This digital transformation will not just be about rolling out the best high-speed fixed and mobile broadband networks that connect even the remotest corners of the country, but also one that focuses on converging and embedding technology-enabled solutions into lives and businesses so that they become easier and more seamless every day.

    TM is sure that real digital growth will happen when communities are empowered and connected.

    All our achievements have been inspired by the one thing that is closest to our heart: the continuous well-being of the community. We believe that we are more than just a convergence champion, says Tan Sri Zamzamzairani Mohd Isa, group chief executive officer of TM.

    On that note, TMs true purpose is symbolised by the campaign it started in 2013 called Life and Business Made Easier.

    This is an inspirational pledge that goes beyond TMs dedication to better customer service so that whatever the company does is done with the intent of making the lives of all its stakeholders easier.

    TM does not only make lives easier by enriching lifestyles and enhancing business productivity, but also by going beyond connectivity to provide opportunities for communications and collaboration.

    Whether it is through TMs products and services, integrated ICT solutions, community and nation-building programmes or education, TM continues to play an important role in transforming the way Malaysians connect, communicate and collaborate towards a better future.

    Connecting communitiesAs TMs vision of a converged

    nation is taking shape, people are being empowered with digital technology that has really made a difference.

    TMs technology enables Malaysians to stay connected, such as Paridah Ahmed and Hasan Haji Ismail from Titi Gajah, Alor Setar, who are able to speak to their son in New Zealand.

    Meanwhile, entrepreneurs such as Humble Chef owner Rosman Hussin Rizal can easily grow their businesses with TMs business tools, which are designed to help them manage operations.

    TMs commitment to building a digitised, converged nation is a reflection of its ongoing mission to bridge the digital divide between urban and rural communities.

    Program Sejahtera was introduced to give single mothers in the community the ability to

    support their families. An example is Siti Kartini Ismail,

    a single mother from Kampung Tawang, Kelantan, who was provided financial support and business tools so she could grow and sustain her business.

    Education is being driven forward by convergence as well. Under the TM Pintar school adoption programme, students at Sekolah Kebangsaan Pendidikan Khas Pekan Tuaran are enjoying broadband connectivity, giving them access to learning aids that allow them to stretch their imaginations and fulfil their potential.

    Convergence will also one day enable expectant mothers in remote areas to have ready access to quality prenatal health care.

    With convergence, TM provides platforms for local developers, startup entrepreneurs and students to realise their potential and bring

    their innovations to life.TM introduced its Innovation

    Exchange platform via the Innovation Exchange Accelerator Programme that enables student teams from Multimedia University to showcase their ideas and compete among the industrys best in technology innovation.

    Convergence has the ability to make dreams a reality.

    The Mencari Ramli talent search programme, for example, tapped into the power of digital connectivity to pick young Malaysians from Johor, Penang, Terengganu and Perak for the opportunity to meet and train with their football heroes from Manchester United Football Club.

    n For more information

    TM a convergence champion

    Convergence by TM is inspired by a vision to infuse a seamless broadband-enabled experience into peoples lives in more ways than one.

    TM aims to empower every facet of the nations development from education, healthcare and banking to entertainment, retail and more.

    With ambitious plans set firmly in place, TM will continue to converge technologies across all platforms to enrich, improve and impact the lives of Malaysians everywhere, making their lives and businesses easier.

    TM is dedicated to improving communities

    through convergence.

    TMs business tools allow entrepreneurs such as Humble Chef owner Rosman Hussin Rizal to grow their businesses.

  • 7SUNDAY STAR, 21 JUNE 2015

  • 8 tech worldSUNDAY STAR, 21 JUNE 2015

    The Infiniti Red Bull Racing Limited Edition watch.

    The EQB-510D comes with a dedicated Bluetooth SMART connection button that can connect the watch to a smartphone.

    Tough Solarcharging system

    CASIOS Tough Solar is a solar-charging system that not only converts sunlight to energy, but is also able to use even faint light from fluorescent lamps to achieve stable operation of various high-load functions in Casio watches.

    Light captured by a tiny solar panel is used to generate electric power and charge a built-in rechargeable battery with ample capacity to operate several energy-hungry functions with ease.

    The global travellers timepieceTHROUGHOUT the brands history, Casio has pioneered several technological innovations in pursuit of accurate timekeeping. Every step in the evolution of its watches has created new value for timepieces.

    Casio was the first in the world to develop two technologies that enabled it to realise its Global Time Sync concept a combination of global positioning system (GPS), radio-controlled timekeeping, solar-powered technology and smartphone technology.

    This combination of technologies enables accurate, reliable reception of time calibration signals from GPS satellites and terrestrial transmission station clock in any usage environment worldwide.

    The incomparable reliability that this gives Casio watches has dramatically increased their usability and demand.

    A pair of innovationsStarting last year, Casio created a

    range of new products based on its Global Time Sync development concept.

    The latest additions to the Global Time Sync concept, the Edifice EQB-510D and ECB-500 watches are based on the Smartphone Link

    Casios mobile link capabilityCASIO watches can be linked to your smartphone through Casios Watch+ app. With this app, users can access the following Mobile Link functions for the EQB-510D and ECB-500 watches:l Easy selection of the local

    time of more than 300 cities worldwidel Automatic adjustment of

    time to previously specified home and international locations at a specified time each dayl Automatic correction for

    daylight savings time. Information about daylight

    savings is kept current by updating the appl Easy resetting of alarms

    and various other time settings using a smartphonel Phone Finder function,

    where a smartphone alarm is activated by pressing a watch button

    Casios Watch+ app is available for download from the iTunes App Store and Google Play.

    n For more information on supported smartphones, visit

    Limited edition watch up for grabsCASIOS partnership with Red Bull has resulted in the Infiniti Red Bull Racing Limited Edition watch.

    This special watch from the Edifice range has all the functions of a normal EQB-510D, but also comes with a grey and rose gold ion-plated case.

    Furthermore, this limited edition EQB-510RBM has a sapphire crystal face that is highly scratch-resistant.

    This limited edition watch is the perfect timepiece for Red Bull F1 racing fans, Edifice fans and anyone who likes its durability, functionality and design.

    Casio has been an official partner of the Infiniti Red Bull Racing team since 2009, contributing to the teams success in capturing four consecutive F1 World Championships.

    Casios Edifice range of watches, which operates through a Speed & Intelligence brand concept, cooperates with the racing team by applying Casios

    innovative thinking and advanced LSI technologies to create value beyond the reach of ordinary mechanical watches.

    The Infiniti Red Bull Racing Limited Edition watch is available at G-Factory outlets nationwide, major retail outlets and other exclusive Edifice dealers.

    n For more information,

    When linked with Casios Watch+ smartphone app, users

    can adjust time settings by selecting from a list of cities.

    The app even corrects for daylight savings times if

    needed. The Mobile Link

    capability means that it is now easier to set world time in both the

    analog-style EQB-510D and digital-analog style

    ECB-500. Designed for business users, these two

    watches feature multidimensional, high-contrast

    watch faces. The simple layout clearly

    presents both the local time and one world time so that they can be seen at a glance.

    Users can easily choose the time they want displayed on the main dial and inset dial. This can be done either from the watch or smartphone.

    The EQB-510D comes with a dedicated Bluetooth SMART connection button in the eight oclock position that allows users to connect the watch to a smartphone with just a push of a button.

    To cater for fans of analog-digital watches, there is the ECB-500DC. This model comes with a digital screen and a black ion-plated case and band.

    Its digital screen shows the date, day and time.

    Link your Casio watch to your smartphone for a host of features.

    EQB-500, which enables users to easily check the time of more than 300 cities worldwide by sub dial from a smartphone app.

  • 9SUNDAY STAR, 21 JUNE 2015

  • 10 tech worldSUNDAY STAR, 21 JUNE 2015

    Digital television revolutionENJOY unrivalled entertainment pleasure with Toshibas new digital TV series Pro Theatre L2550 and L5550 LED TV with Android which are designed to deliver rich, vibrant and exceptionally sharp picture quality with extraordinary colour, detail and texture, as well as superb sound.

    In 2014, the Government announced a plan to move from the current analog broadcast system for Malaysias free-to-air television to the new digital broadcast system.

    It is targeted to be completed in 2018 with proposed 20 free-to-air stations.

    With DVB-T2 (digital video broadcasting second generation terrestrial), the worlds most advanced digital terrestrial television (DTT) system in operation, signals are exceptionally clearer, which translate to clearer and sharper picture quality and sound.

    Toshibas Pro Theatre L2550 and L5550 LED TV with Android has a host of sophisticated features designed to astound your senses.

    Both the Pro Theatre L2550 and L5550 LED TV with Android are compatible with DVB-T2, offering viewers robustness, flexibility and 50% more efficiency than other DTT systems.

    The Pro Theatre L2550 and L5550 LED TV with Android feature full HD of 1,080 pixels, intelligent scene optimiser, USB movie (which can play 28 video formats), CEVO Engine (CEVO Engine Premium for the L5550), and AMR+ 200.

    Details of the features:l The intelligent scene

    optimiser feature automatically adjusts picture and sound settings for optimal picture performance based on different genres such as cinema view, video games, photo viewing and music player. l USB Movie allows

    enhanced playback compatibility on most popular video formats in the market via a USB or external hard disk drive (subject to hardware and software specifications).l CEVO Engine

    delivers picture reproduction that resembles reality as accurately as possible.

    Both contrast and saturation are meticulously adjusted to scenes to prevent washout of colours, resulting in deeper and more vivid images. l AMR+ 200 gives users

    an immersive viewing experience with reduced motion blur.

    This ensures that action scenes are

    seamlessly smooth, which is ideal for watching sports, movies and playing games.

    The Pro Theatre L2550 digital TV series is available in various models and sizes and comes with two HDMI ports and one USB port. It also has the personal video recording feature, which is not available in the L5550 LED TV with Android.

    This feature allows easy and quick recording and play back of terrestrial digital TV programmes with a USB storage device.

    Users can also take advantage of an existing menu-based, broadcast programming system called EPG (electronic

    programme guide) that helps search, reserve and record up to 64 digital TV programmes in a quick and easy manner.

    The Pro Theatre L5550 LED TV with Android is available in various models and sizes and comes with Android powered by a Kitkat 4.4.2 operating system, which is ideal for those who use many apps and want to enjoy them on the big screen.

    It also comes with three HDMI ports and two USB ports.

    n For more information, call 1300 887 899 or visit

    Toshiba Pro Theatre L2550 TV produces sharp picture quality with its intelligent screen optimiser.

    Toshiba Pro Theatre L5550 TV comes with various features, including a Kitkat 4.4.2 operating system.

  • SUNDAY STAR, 21 JUNE 2015

    tech world 11

    Mailbox makes inbox management quick and easy.

    Seeing thebigger pictureREVAMP your home entertainment with Philips Screeneo HDP 1590 Smart LED projector.

    The Screeneo lets you enjoy brilliant imagery and gives you a magical viewing experience.

    With a flexible screen size, you can watch your movies and sports as well as play games on a 50-inch to 100-inch screen (127cm to 254cm).

    Even at 100 inches (254cm), the projection can be done from a short distance to the wall from as close as 10cm to 44cm from the wall.

    Not only that, you can even view the display in 3D with the additional DLP Link 3D glasses accessory.

    Unlike traditional projectors, the Screeneo offers more than just big screen display. With Screeneo, you can also enjoy great sound and content from a wide range of devices.

    The Screeneo comes with integrated speakers and subwoofers, eliminating the need to connect it to an external sound system.

    It also allows you to stream music via Bluetooth or Wi-Fi/DLNA and connects through Bluetooth to a loudspeaker.

    Additionally, with its multiple connectivity function, you can connect your set-top box/recorder, DVD/Blu-ray player, games console, media server and Wi-Fi devices to the Screeneo.

    The integrated Wi-Fi feature


    Display technology: DLPLight source: RGB LEDResolution: 1,280p x 800pAspect ratio: 4:3 and 16:9Projection modes: Front, rear, front ceiling, rear ceiling3D technology: Converts 2D images into 3D and supports all 3D modesOperating system: Android 4.2 Internal memory: 4GBSound system: Dolby Digital 2.1Speakers: Two built-in speakers with subwooferUnpacked dimensions (weight x depth x height): 339mm x 28mm x 148mmUnpacked weight: 5.3kgAccessories: DLP Link 3D glasses

    makes connecting to your home network easy. You can also connect your tablet or smartphone wirelessly to Screeneo and mirror your screen while browsing on your handheld device.

    Besides that, you can play videos and view photos hassle-free from a USB stick or SD card.

    n For full specifications and more information,

    Simplifying organisationCOMPUTER and mobile applications increasingly improve the manner in which technology shapes our lives. There is something for everyone in the app market do you find it hard to wake up, find your way to new places, or remember faces and names?

    There is an app that can solve each of these predicaments and, if you are lucky, you will find it for free on iTunes or Google Play stores.

    Here are some apps that aim to help us organise tasks and increase productivity in both our personal and professional lives. l Mail managers Dealing with

    e-mails can be cumbersome we may find ourselves searching through a clutter of spam, office circulars and unrelated messages just to find an important note from last week. With mail managers such as Mailbox (a Dropbox product), you can categorise

    e-mails to archive or delete the moment you receive them with mere swipes. You can even snooze e-mails and set a reminder for later so you can prioritise based on timely importance.

    Mailbox currently supports Gmail and iCloud accounts and works by delivering messages to the app from your cloud.

    This app is an alternative to the older and widely used Microsoft Outlook, which integrates e-mail, calendar, contacts and attachments to ease scheduling and management.

    l Tracking tasks Integrating office communications can be a challenge, especially in larger companies. We often use several

    apps or platforms on one job, which makes it harder to keep track of things.

    Team communications and task

    management are made easier with organisational apps such as Trello and Slack.

    On Trello, you can create boards to organise almost anything. Then, you can use cards to arrange ideas, assignments or attachments on lists. This makes team projects easier to monitor and manage.

    A similar app, Slack, allows real-time messaging and file sharing in group conversations. The information shared is synced to all devices so you are always kept in the loop.

    l Working wizards Pioneering content management apps such as Scrivener were highly appreciated by writers. Not only did the app simplify writing

    projects by gathering all your material in one place, it also facilitated the creative process by creating order in the chaos.

    Today, there are other management apps that simplify the work process Evernote is one of the more popular ones, acting as a multipurpose digital buddy to organise your personal and professional lives.

    You can write, store and transfer notes, lists and attachments in various formats.

    Thanks to cloud computing, all this information can be accessed and edited across various platforms. You can outline a project using Evernote on your smartphone and continue working on it later on your laptop.

  • 12 tech worldSUNDAY STAR, 21 JUNE 2015

    Superior viewing experienceWITH the decreasing popularity of CRT TVs in the 21st century, LCD TVs emerged to fill its void.

    However, over the years, home appliance developers have sought to continue meeting the needs of discerning consumers who desire better picture quality, leading to the production of the LED TV.

    LG Electronics is leading the way in high-definition TVs with its UHD (ultra high-definition) TVs, aptly named the super UHD TV.

    The super UHD TV promises crispier pictures, sleeker design and the highest quality in sound performance, making it a must-buy for people who desire a good viewing experience.

    Superb picture qualityThe superb picture quality is

    the result of detailed research and development efforts that enable an immersive viewing experience.

    LGs ColorPrime technology provides wider colour range that can be displayed on screen and results in realistic images.

    It also utilises the full colour spectrum to render a wider range of hues and shades, thereby creating greater image depth.

    Ultra luminance technology in the super UHD TV continuously analyses the brightest and darkest parts of the displayed content to improve the extended expression range of brightness with higher peaks and enhanced contrast ratio.

    LGs 4K IPS panels in its super UHD TV series support multiple viewing angles, equal dispersing of colours and high-definition content

    delivery leading to premium and cinema-like experience.

    Additionally, IPS delivers a wider viewing angle to help make any seat the best in the house.

    This allows viewers to enjoy bright, vibrant colours and virtually blur-free images on TV from a distance.

    TVs need to be compatible to offer high-resolution content that is 4K-resolution friendly. LGs super UHD TVs are more advanced compared to other UHD TV offerings.

    The 4K resolution accommodates UHD content, which is four times higher in resolution than a full HD.

    Coupled with its stunning 8.3 million megapixels, pictures

    delivered are more detailed and vivid.

    Superfine design and superior sound

    Designed to be compact and sleek with the razor-thin 8.5mm ultra-slim display, ultra-thin bezel and cinema screen design, the super UHD TV offers viewers a cinematic viewing experience at the comfort of their own home.

    Stunning 4K-resolution pictures are nicely packaged in this slim TV that will seamlessly blend in with your homes decoration.

    Powered by Harman Kardon, the superior sound brings a new level of premium sound for a listening

    The LG super UHD TV is for those who desire superb picture quality and sound.

    About LG Electronics, Inc

    LG Electronics, Inc is a global leader and technology innovator in consumer electronics, mobile communications and home appliances. It now employs 83,000 people in 128 locations around the world.

    With global sales last year of US$55.91bil (RM208bil), LG comprises four business units home entertainment, mobile communications, home appliances and air solutions, and vehicle components.

    It is one of the worlds leading producers offlat panel TVs, mobile devices, air conditioners, washing machines and refrigerators.

    LG is a 2014 ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year, which demonstrates superior energy management.

    experience that is just as immersive as the viewing experience.

    LGs Super UHD TV is also supported by a unique stand design that reflects sound to create an immersive sound experience just like in an auditorium.

    The stand even enhances the TVs audio by functioning as a sound reflector to centralise the sound output.

    Simplifying Internet usage

    Part of the Super element is to keep users up to date with technology.

    With LGs webOS 2.0 Smart TV user interface, the super UHD TV enables fast switching, quick settings, new video content and is capable of carrying out additional content searches without interrupting current viewing.

    The TV is an interactive innovation that makes obtaining your daily dose of information, updating your social media status or streaming videos more simplified.

    Engineered with a humanised operating system, smart surfing is just a click away.

    Top of the lineIn the midst of the many

    television brands in the market, consumers must ensure they fully understand the product disclosure statements (PDS) as outlined by LG and explore all features of the TV

    before making a purchase.A super UHD TV meets most

    requirements for viewers who are looking for top-of-the line products for their viewing pleasure.

    n For more informationon LG Electronics,

  • SUNDAY STAR, 21 JUNE 2015

    tech world 13


    Heads Up!

    King of Opera.

    Team-building mobile gamesIN a world where anti-social zombies are becoming pandemic, there are ways to incorporate mobile phones into group activities that do not involve a selfie stick.

    Ice-breaking and team-building activities have traditionally involved games that allow participants to learn essential collaborative skills while helping develop trust in each other.

    Here are some mobile applications that are free for download and will be useful for breaking down barriers between individuals, improve productivity, increase motivation, foster problem solving and encourage creativity.

    l Tmounit Photo Scavenger Hunt

    This treasure hunt offers an intense, intellectual and aerobic workout that draws out each players knowledge and personality.

    It is a great social icebreaker and fosters camaraderie.

    With Tmounit, all you need to do is be the first team to take pictures of five objects out of a list of nine objects to win the game.

    The game is simple enough for you to play in an office or

    classroom setting.This app is available for both

    Apple and Android phones.

    l Charades Heads Up!Charades is a classic leadership

    game that teaches important creative communication skills and can be played by anyone.

    With Heads Up! teams take turns

    acting, singing or dancing out clues so that a team member can guess the keywords that flash on your phones screen.

    You can easily draw a new card (from more than 45 themed decks) by tilting your phone up or down.

    This app is available for both Apple and Android phones.

    l SpaceteamPlaying a game together also

    allows for members to blow off steam in a healthy way and foster teamwork at the same time.

    Spaceteam is a cooperative party game for two to four players who shout technobabble at each other until their ship explodes.

    Each player will be assigned a random control panel with buttons, switches, sliders and dials where he needs to follow time-sensitive instructions sent to the phone of other members of the group.

    This app is available for both Apple and Android phones.

    l King of Opera Party Game!

    Competition is the critical driver of performance and innovation and playing

    competitive games may also help in peacefully resolving conflicts and disagreements.

    This game allows you to play an opera singer trying to knock off other three players from the stage while avoiding the bull tenor.

    Fight for your fame in five game modes. This app is available on both Apple and Android phones.

  • 14 tech worldSUNDAY STAR, 21 JUNE 2015

    Apps for everyday aidWITH the availability of a variety of applications in the market catering to numerous niches, it comes as no surprise that there are also apps for the elderly.

    Samsung recently made tech news for its release of a back-up memory app for Alzheimers patients in collaboration with the Tunisian

    Alzheimers Association. This app will act as a storage facility for those who are unable to rely on their own memory.

    Apple is not to be left out and is currently working with IBM on special iPads customised with apps for seniors.

    These apps will help monitor

    health, serve as medication intake and doctors appointment reminders as well as connect the elderly to home care services.

    It will aid healthcare workers in checking on the elderly under their care.

    These applications merely scratch the surface of a great number of apps

    available for free or at a minimal fee on Google Play and Apple App Store, each playing a role in making life a little easier for the elderly or people who require some assistance with their medical needs.

    They are easy to learn to operate and can come in useful in day-to-day life.

    A useful technological tip when it comes to the elderly is to purchase devices with larger screens. Developers themselves have recognised the potential of tablets such as iPads in the elderly niche mainly due to ease of use and a larger, user-friendly interface.

    l Monitors and recorders Various apps in the market allow you to monitor your blood pressure, heart rate and weight and record them over a

    period of time.Nifty apps such

    as Blood Pressure Tracker allow people with hypertension to record and

    analyse their blood pressure and even generate reports to show doctors.

    Some applications are also able to provide heart rate readings using your smartphones camera, such as Instant Heart Rate.

    l Tech made simple Elderly people who are unfamiliar with technology may find it hard to adapt to smartphone or tablet usage, keeping the door to the world of apps closed to them. Waning dexterity and eyesight may also contribute to difficulties in using these gadgets.

    Apps such as Silver Surf (on iPad), Wiser and Necta Launcher simplify the often complex functions of smartphones or tablets, thus increasing accessibility and ease of use.

    Additionally, magnifying apps such as EyeReader are able to enlarge text on any other medium to help with reading.

    l Memory and brain activity boosters Besides The Memory Backup for Alzheimers patients by Samsung, there are existing apps that aid in enhancing the cognitive functions of

    those suffering from dementia.

    Clevermind is one app that is tailored for elderly people and those with cognitive disabilities. On top of that, apps such as Lumosity can boost brain activity to help with memory and attention.

    l Medication trackers and reminders As you age, it may become hard to keep track of the medications and vitamins you have to take daily.

    Here is where medication tracking applications come in handy apps such as MediSafe Meds and Pill Reminder and Pillboxie act as

    your personal technological nurse to keep

    track of your medication intake. You will receive reminders when you or

    a loved one should take specific medication, according to a schedule customised to suit your needs.

  • SUNDAY STAR, 21 JUNE 2015

    tech world 15

    Music to your earsSONIC Gear Quatro V are speakers that will meet your sound quality expectations.

    The Sonic Gear Quatro V 2.1 speaker set is compact, comes with a wireless remote control and offers various functions such as FM radio and connectivity to music sources such as flash drives, microSD cards, computers or laptops via an audio cable.

    You can also play songs from your gadgets with these speakers by connecting them, for example, to your smartphone via Bluetooth (using a dongle, which is sold separately) or attaching a USB into an available port.

    Listeners are rewarded with good sound quality, which is ideal for providing music entertainment as you work on your computer.

    Another product from Sonic Gear, the Quatro 2, is a compact and portable speaker. It is small and can be connected to mobile devices or computers to play music.

    The Quatro V speakers provide the ideal music entertainment you need.

    Complete desktop experienceTHE Inspiron 20 3000 All-in-One Series (Intel) desktop is a complete PC set-up that offers versatility to perform various tasks at hand.

    With the combination of PC, monitor and speakers, the Inspiron 20 3000 All-in-One Series provides a platform on which you can create documents, balance budgets or watch a movie.

    The Intel processor provides reliable performance for various tasks such as surfing the web and streaming videos as well as delivering exceptional HD graphics on-screen.

    The desktop can be powered for up to 3.5 hours using an optional battery pack, eliminating the need for an outlet for a certain period of time.

    It can also be connected to a wireless keyboard and mouse, making your workspace neater and more convenient.

    The design of the Inspiron 20 3000 All-in-One Series allows users to work comfortably with a 200 tilt while the computer is in stand mode.

    You can also fold the desktop

    all-in-one desktop is light enough to be taken anywhere, from the comfort of your own

    home or around the office, making it a convenient choice for those who require flexibility

    in terms of location. The Inspiron 20 3000 All-in-One

    Series has a built-in 720 pixels webcam that makes it easy to stay in touch with friends and family.

    Users can also connect to the Internet quickly to an 802.11n Wi-Fi connection.

    There are also three USB 2.0 ports and a HDMI port offering flexible connectivity and data transfer options.

    n For more information,visit

    Weighing about 3.65kg, this all-in-one desktop is a convenient choice for individuals who need to work from different locations.

    The Inspiron 20 3000 All-in-one series (Intel) desktop screen can be adjusted to different angles for users comfort.

    The in-line volume controller is easy to use and the USB and 3.5mm connector are combined into one cable.

    The bass punch of the Quatro 2 is amazing. Overall, there is a good amount of detail and the Quatro 2 sounds great.

    n For more information,

    screen to a nearly flat level to make it more comfortable for playing games or watching videos.

    The desktop can also be easily

    mounted on a wall.The VESA wall mount is sold

    separately for this feature. Weighing about 3.65kg, this sleek

  • 16 tech worldSUNDAY STAR, 21 JUNE 2015

    The new Fujifilm X-T10.

    Sophisticated digital shootingFUJIFILM Corporation has launched the Fujifilm X-T10. It is the latest premium interchangeable lens digital camera to join the renowned Fujifilm X-series digital camera line-up.

    Boasting outstanding image quality as a result of unique colour reproduction technology, the new model is designed for photography enthusiasts and combines a compact and lightweight body with a new autofocus system (AF) that excels at capturing moving subjects.

    The features of the Fujifilm X-T10 include:l Compact and lightweight

    bodyThe all-new design packs

    X-Series operability into a compact and lightweight body. Both topand base plates are made of a lightweight but rigid, die-cast magnesium.

    It is also equipped with an auto mode switch lever to select the fully automatic advanced scene recognition auto mode (SR auto) that chooses optimum settings for different scenes to make shooting effortless.

    l Real time viewfinder

    With a magnification of 0.62x and a display lag time of just 0.005 seconds, the X-T10 offers a clear, high-definition live view with the new 2.36M-dot organic EL electronic viewfinder.

    Visibility has also been improved with the automatically controlled brightness, which adjusts the shot according to the ambient light levels.

    l Quality image and high-speed performance

    The camera features Fujifilms APS-C 16.3 megapixel X-Trans CMOS II sensor to deliver quality images.

    Its unique, random colour filter array reduces moir and false colours without having to use an optical low pass filter.

    The elimination of the low pass filter, which compromises image

    quality, means a greater amount of light reaches the sensor.

    Combined with the EXR Processor II image processor, the sensor is capable of delivering outstanding resolution and low noise.

    The unique on-sensor phase detection AF system focuses within 0.06 seconds.

    With the high-speed EXR Processor II image processor,

    the camera starts up in just 0.5 seconds, has a shutter time lag

    of 0.05 seconds and shooting interval of 0.5 seconds.

    l Effortlessly capture moving subjects

    The new AF system offers the 49-point single point mode for high speed and precision shots.

    The new zone and wide/tracking modes that use a larger 77-point focal area helps to effectively capture moving subjects at ease.

    l Lenses that help deliver premium image quality

    X-mount lenses offer high-precision optical designs to bring out the best image quality from the X-T10.

    When designing the lens range, the aim was to achieve edge-to-edge definition for hi-res imagery across the entire frame and offer maximum aperture while maintaining a compact size.

    The current line-up of 18 lenses ranges from ultra wide-angle to telephoto, including five fast aperture prime lenses.

    l Helps perfect photosFujifilms technology helps the

    camera reproduce warm skin tones, bright blue skies and rich green trees to closely match the actual environment depicted.

    The X-T10 features the latest classic chrome film simulation mode, which delivers muted tones and deep colours.

    Users can choose from 10 other modes that simulate the effects of traditional Fujifilm films.

    These include colour reversal film effects, professional colour negative film, monochrome filters and sepia.

    l Capable of producing full HD videos

    A 60fps smooth full hi-definition movie can be shot with the X-T10 with the 50fps, 30fps, 25fps and 24fps frame rates available.

    Manual exposure can also beset up to shoot a movie where aperture, shutter speed and ISO sensitivity can be changed to enable users to shoot movies using a preferred level of exposure.

    n For more information,visit
