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© International Baccalaureate Organization 2017International Baccalaureate® | Baccalauréat International® | Bachillerato Internacional®

Teaching and Learning Annabelle Villamarin

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Session 5 8.30 – 10.00 am Coffee Break 10.00 – 10.15 am

Session 6 10.15 – 11.45 pm Lunch 11.45 – 12.15 pm Session 7 12.15 – 1.45 pm Coffee Break 1.45 – 2.00 pm Session 8 2.00 – 3.30 pm


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Exit Ticket

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BIG Idea

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LinesofInquiry:▪ Agency▪ Learningenvironment

Central Idea

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Down the memory lane

• Think of a learning engagement that you think promotes agency in the classroom

• What was your purpose?• What relationships were required?• What resources were required?• How do you know it is effective?

• Share in your table group and come up with a list

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Regroup into five with people you have not worked with before.

⌘ Regroup

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• PBLwaspioneeredinthemedicalschoolprogrammeatMcMasterUniversity,CanadabyHowardBarrowsinthe1960s.

• Promotesstudent-centredlearningthroughsmallgroups

• FacilitatorsorTutorsguidethestudentsratherthanteach

• AProblemformsthebasisfortheorganizedfocusofthegroup,andstimulateslearning

⌘Problem-Based Learning

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• Theproblemisavehicleforthedevelopmentofproblemsolvingskills.Itstimulatesthecognitiveprocess.

• NewknowledgeisobtainedthroughSelf-DirectedLearning(SDL)

Problem-Based Learning

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Let’s give it a try.● Howcanwelettwosticksstandonsoapbubbles?Whatshouldwedotoletitstaystandingthelongest?

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• Usereal-lifeobjects• Communicatewithagroup• Haveapurpose• Solveaproblem• Applyourthinkingskills• Showself-managementskills• Presentourfindings• Thinkofoptions,checkandre-check• Learnaboutdensityandbonds• Applyunderstandingofmeasurements

This task allows us to:

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Central IdeaTheexperiences,interestsanddevelopmentalneedsofindividuallearnersinformsplanning,teachingandassessment.LinesofInquiry:▪ Whatdifferentiationis▪ Howdifferentiationlooksandfeelslike▪ Learningenvironmentthatpromotes


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Understand your style.• Createatablewiththreecolumns.• Numbereachcolumnwith1–10.

Visual Auditory Kinesthetic




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Let’s see your preference.• Createatablewiththreecolumns.• Numbereachcolumnwith1–10.

Visual Auditory Kinesthetic




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Let’s see your preference.• Createatablewiththreecolumns.• Numbereachcolumnwith1–10.

Visual Auditory Kinesthetic




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Think-Pair-Share• Howdoyou‘sort’outyourstudents?• What’stheimplicationofincorporatinglearning

(andteaching)stylesintheclassroom?• Whatissuesdoyouface?

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What is Differentiated Instruction?• Withwhatwehavesofar,discussinyourtablegroup

• Whatisdifferentiatedinstruction?• Howdoesitlooklike?• Howdoesitfeellike?• Howdoweknowitiseffective?

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What is Differentiated Instruction?• TodifferentiateinstructionistoRECOGNIZE


• ItisaPROCESStoapproachteachingandlearningforstudentsofdifferingabilitiesinthesameclass.

• TheintentofdifferentiatinginstructionistoMAXIMIZEeachstudent’sgrowthandindividualsuccessbymeetingeachstudentwhereheorsheis,andassistinginthelearningprocess.

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Differentiated Instruction (DI)

“NOT” “IS”

● TailoringtheSameSuitofClothes

● One-Size-Fits-AllInstructionDoesNOTReachAllLearners

● Studentcentered● Multipleintelligences● Learningstyles

● Blendofwhole-class,groupandindividualinstruction

● Flexibleandresponsive● LearnersofmultipleabilitiesCANBEeducatedtogether

● Proactive

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DoYOUWingIt? (Or)DoYOUPlanit!

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⌘ Regroupasperthereadings.


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⌘ Expertgroups• Formasmallgroup


• Shareyour3-2-1

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⌘Student Personas (Going Further)• Returntothepersonasonthewall,anyadditional

thoughts?• Whatnewunderstandingscanyouuseinthis

scenario?• Whatelsecanyoudoifyouareinthisscenario

astheteacher?• Whatwillyoutakeaway(ifany)?• Revisitotherscenariosthistime.Addyour


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Content How can he/she access the information?How do we Plan?• Determinetheabilitylevelofyourstudents

• Surveypastrecords• Aligntasksandobjectivestolearninggoals• Surveystudentinterests

• Interestinventories,interview/conference,respondtoopen-endedquestionnairewithquestions

• Whatareyourstudentsmultipleintelligences&learningstyles?• Whatareyourstudent’spreferencesandmotivators?• Instructionisconcept-focusedandprinciple-driven• Brain-basedresearch• KnowYOURstudents

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Examples• Usereadingmaterialsatvaryingreadabilitylevels• Flippedclassrooms• Usecasestudies• Useinterestgroups• Usestudygroups

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Planning PyramidFramework for Planning for Diverse Student Needs & a Tool for Planning for DI

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ProcessHow to process information, organize, store retrieve & apply information?• Flexiblegroupingisconsistentlyused

• Groupingsarenotfixed,andshouldbedynamicinprocess• Teachwholeclassintroductorydiscussions,thenfollowwithsmallgroup(or)pairwork.

• Directinstruction• Problem-basedlearning• Cooperativelearning• Classroommanagementbenefitsstudentsandteachers

• Organization&routines

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Process• Usetieredactivities• Provideinterestcenters• Developpersonalagendasforcompletionofwork

• Manipulatives(or)handsonsupports

• Varyingthelengthoftime• Memorization• KWL/KWHL

• Reciprocalteaching• Graphicorganizing• Scaffolding• Webbing• Selftalk• Webquests• Guidednotes

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ProductsCulminating projects that ask the student to rehearse, apply, and extend what he/she has learned in a unit• Initial&on-goingassessmentofstudentreadiness&growthareessential

• Authenticassessment• Studentsareactive&responsibleexplorers• Varyexpectations&requirementsforstudentresponses• Considereachstudent’smultipleintelligences&learningstylesbasedonoutcomes

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Products• Givestudentsoptionsofhowtoexpressrequiredlearning

• Createapuppetshow,writealetter,developmuralwithlabels• Userubricsthatmatchstudent’svariedskilllevel

• Rubistar.Com• Allowstudentstoworkalone(or)insmallgroups• Performance-basedassessment• Studentportfolios• Knowledgemapping

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Learning EnvironmentThe way the classroom works and feels• Howtheclassroomisorganized• Classroombehaviormanagementsystemisin

place• EssentialAgreements• Routines• Focuscenters• Procedures• Consequences• Positiveinterventions

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Learning Environment• Placesinroomfreeofdistractions,andplacesthatinvitestudentcollaboration

• Materialsthatreflectavarietyofcultures&homesettings• Clearguidelinesforindependentwork• Developroutines• Studentsunderstanddifferencesoflearners• Developatleast5learningcentersthatcatertovariousstyles(e-center,visualarts,reading,writing,exploration,etc.)

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Learning Menu – Physical Education

● Appetizer (Everyone Shares) • Talk about sports offered at the school.

● Entrée (Select One) • Draw a picture that shows what you understand about a chosen sport. • Write two rules you know are followed in your chosen sport. • Create a rap that explains what benefits playing the sport brings.

● Side Dishes (Select at Least Two) • Design a poster to educate others about the sport. • Compare two different sports using a Venn Diagram. • Write a journal entry from the point of view of a famous athlete of the sport. • With a partner, create and perform a demonstration of the important skills we need

to perform in the sport. ● Dessert (Optional)

• Create a test to assess the student’s knowledge of the sport.

February2013 �58 62

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⌘ THINK-TAC-TOE (Book Report)

Draw a picture of the main character.

Perform a play that shows the

conclusion of a story.

Write a song about one of the main


Write a poem about two main events in

the story.

Make a poster that shows the order of events in the story.

Dress up as your favorite character

and perform a speech telling who

you are.

Create a Venn diagram comparing and contrasting the introduction to the


Write two paragraphs about

the main character.

Write two paragraphs about

the setting.


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⌘ Tiered Activity - Writing a Persuasive Essay - BeginningOutcome/Objective Student will determine a topic and will write a five-

sentence paragraph with a main idea, three supporting sentences, and a concluding sentence.

Instruction/Activity Student will receive a model of a five-sentence paragraph and explicit instruction in constructing the paragraph. As a prewriting activity, students will list the topic and develop a list of at least three things that support the topic.

Assessment Student will be able to write a five-sentence paragraph that successfully states and supports a main idea. The paragraph will meet the criteria on the state writing rubric.


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Outcome/Objective Student will determine a topic, state a point of view, and write two paragraphs defending that point of view.

Instruction/Activity Student will receive a model of a persuasive essay and a graphic organizer that explains the construction of a persuasive essay. Student will also receive explicit instruction in writing a persuasive essay. As a prewriting activity, student will use the graphic organizer to plan the writing.

Assessment Student will be able to state a point of view and successfully defend the idea using two paragraphs that defend the point of view using main ideas and supporting details. The paragraphs will meet the criteria on the state writing rubric.


Tiered Activity - Writing a Persuasive Essay - Intermediate

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Tiered Activity - Writing a Persuasive Essay - Advanced

Outcome/Objective Student will determine a topic, state a point a view, and write an essay of a least five paragraphs that uses multiple sources to defend that point of view.

Instruction/Activity Student will review the graphic organizer for a persuasive essay. Students will be given explicit instruction in locating sources and quotes for their essays. As a prewriting activity, students will use the graphic organizer to organize their essay. Students will also compile a list of five sources that defend their main point.

Assessment Student will be able to write a five-paragraph essay that states a point of view, defends the point of view, and uses resources to support the point of view. The essay will meet the criteria on the state writing rubric.

�62 98

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Iwillread: Iwilllookatandlistento: Iwillwrite:

Iwilldraw: Iwillneed:





⌘ Learning Contract #1Name _______________________

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To demonstrate what I have learned about ___________________, I want to:_ Write a report _ Put on a demonstration _ Set up an experiment _ Develop a computer presentation _ Build a model

_ Design a mural_ Write a song_ Make a movie_ Create a graphic organizer or diagram_ Other

This will be a good way to demonstrate understanding of this concept because _____________________________________________________________________

To do this project, I will need help with _____________________________________

My Action Plan is_______________________________________________________

The criteria/rubric which will be used to assess my final product is ________________

My project will be completed by this date _____________________________ Student signature: ________________________________ Date ______/_____/____ Teacher signature: ________________________________ Date ___/___/___

⌘ Learning Contract #2

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⌘ RAFT (Role/Audience/Format/Topic) Example of Math


Role Audience Format TopicZero Whole numbers Campaign speech Importance of the

number 0

Percent Student Tip sheet Mental ways to calculate percents

Decimal Customers Petition Proof/check for set membership

Parts of a graph TV audience Script How to read a graph

Exponent Jury Instructions for the jury

Laws of exponents

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RAFT (Role/Audience/Format/Topic) Example of Social Studies


Role Audience Format TopicPresident of India Ban Ki-Moon Complaint Peacekeeping


21st Century Woman Susan B. Anthony Thank-you note Women’s Rights

Alexander the Great Aristotle Letter What I have seen on my journeys

Ben Franklin Dear Abby Advice column My son likes a World War

Great Wall of China Self Diary Invaders I have seen and stopped

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RAFT (Role/Audience/Format/Topic) Example of Social Studies


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• Coachapp• KhanAcademy• Ratdissection• TheHumanBody• BrainPop• Starwalkkids• Duolingo

• Pinterest• QRCodes• AugmentedReality

Online Resources

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Regroup into four groups with people you have not worked with before.

⌘ Regroup

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• Inyourtablegroups,designagraphicorganiser/planningtool/checklistoranyvisualtohelpabeginningteacherplanadifferentiatedlearningengagement

• Think• elementstolookfororconsider• resourcesrequired• assessment,feedback

• Postyourtoolontheworkshopwall

Develop a differentiation tool

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Regroup in subject groups.

⌘ Regroup

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© International Baccalaureate Organization 2017

Understanding Disciplines• Use post it notes to answer

1.How will you support the understanding of the concept ‘agency’ ?

2.What real life issue will you explore? What opportunities for taking action can you incorporate?

3.What conceptual understanding do you want your learners to gain through that discipline?

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31: How will you support the understanding of the concept

2: What real life issue will you explore? Opportunities for taking action.

3: What conceptual understanding do you want learners to gain through that discipline





Science and Technology

Social Studies

Understanding Disciplines

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Planning is a process

Photo credit: +lyn

Review standards and rate your school according to the practices.

Use post it notes. • If you are going to rate 1

being the least and 5 being the most, where is your school at?

• What is your evidence? • What do you think needs to

improve and/or change, and why?

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© International Baccalaureate Organization 2017

Compare• Using the New IB Planner, compare it with your

completed planner • What is new? • What’s taken away? • What elements support differentiated learning and

inquiry? • What is the implication of this new resource to your


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Timeline: (continued investigation, revisiting once, or numerous times, discrete beginning and ending, investigating in parallel with others)Collaborative teaching team:Date:Grade/Year level:

Connections: Transdisciplinary and past

Initial reflections that could inform learning and teaching in this unit of inquiry

Prior learningLines of inquiry

Learning goals and success criteria

Teacher questions

Student questions

Transdisciplinary theme

Key concepts

Related concepts

Learn er pro file attributes

Approaches to learning

Central idea


What teacher questions and provocations will inform the lines of inquiry?

Which parts of the transdisciplinary theme will the unit of inquiry

focus on?

Connections to past and future learning, inside and outside the programme of inquiry What connections are there to learning within and outside the unit of inquiry? What opportunities are there for students to develop conceptual understandings to support the transfer of learning across, between and beyond subjects? How can we ensure that learning is purposeful and connects to local and global challenges and opportunities?

What student questions, prior knowledge, existing theories, experiences and interests will inform the lines of inquiry?

How are we assessing students’ prior knowledge, conceptual understandings and skills? How are we using data and evidence of prior learning to inform planning? How is our planning embracing student language profiles?

What is it we want students to know, understand and be able to do? How are learning goals and success criteria co-constructed between teachers and students?

What opportunities are there for building on prior

learning to support potential student-initiated


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Date:Collaborative teaching team: Grade/Year Level:Transdisciplinary theme/Central idea:

Teacher and student questions Designing engaging learning experiences

Supporting student agency

Ongoing reflections for all teachers Additional subject specific reflections

Making flexible use of resources Student self-assessment and peer feedback

Ongoing assessment

DESIGNING AND IMPLEMENTINGUnit of inquiry and /or subject specific inquiry (inside/outside programme of inquiry)

For all learning this means: involving students as active participants in, and as co-constructors of, their learning developing students’ capacity to plan, reflect and assess, in order to self-regulate and self-adjust learning supporting student-initiated inquiry and action.

What experiences will facilitate learning? For all learning this means: developing questions, provocations and experiences that support knowledge and conceptual understandings creating authentic opportunities for students to develop and demonstrate approaches to learning and attributes of the learner profile building in flexibility to respond to students’ interests, inquiries, evolving theories and actions integrating languages to support multilingualism identifying opportunities for independent and collaborative learning, guided and scaffolded learning, and learning extension.

How will resources add value and purpose to learning? For all learning this means: the thoughtful use of resources, both in and beyond the learning community to enhance and extend learning. This might include time, people, places, technologies, learning spaces and physical materials.

What evidence will we gather about students’ emerging knowledge, conceptual understandings and skills? How are we monitoring and documenting learning against learning goals and success criteria? How are we using ongoing assessment to inform planning, and the grouping and regrouping of students?

How are we responding to students’ emerging questions, theories, inquiries and interests throughout the inquiry? How are we supporting opportunities for student-initiated action throughout the inquiry? How can we ensure that learning is purposeful and authentic and/or connects to real-life challenges and opportunities? How are we nurturing positive relationships between home, family and school as a basis for learning, health and well-being?

What opportunities are there for students to make connections to the central idea and lines of inquiry or the programme of inquiry? What opportunities are there for students to develop knowledge, conceptual understandings and skills to support the transfer of learning across, between and beyond subjects?

Teacher questions What additional teacher questions and provocations are emerging from students’ evolving theories? Student questions What student questions are emerging from students’ evolving theories?

What opportunities are there for students to receive teacher and peer feedback? How do students engage with this feedback to self-assess and self-adjust their learning?

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REFLECTINGDate:Collaborative teaching team: Grade/Year Level:

Transdisciplinary theme/Central idea:

Teacher reflections Student reflections Assessment reflections

How did the strategies we used throughout the unit help to develop and evidence students’ understanding of the central idea? What learning experiences best supported students’ development and demonstration of the attributes of the learner profile and approaches to learning? What evidence do we have that students are developing knowledge, conceptual understandings and skills to support the transfer of learning across, between and beyond subjects? To what extent have we strengthened transdisciplinary connections through collaboration among members of the teaching team? What did we discover about the process of learning that will inform future learning and teaching?

What student initiated inquiries arose and how did they inform the process of inquiry? What adjustments were made, and how did this enrich learning? How are students supported in having voice, choice and ownership in the unit of inquiry? (For example, through: co-constructing learning goals and success criteria, being engaged in student-inititated inquiries and action, being involved in self-assessing and self-regulating, co-designing learning spaces and so on). How have these experiences impacted on how students feel about their learning? (For example, through: developing and demonstrating attributes of learner profile and approaches to learning, developing understanding of the central idea, achieving learning goals, taking action and so on).

How effective was our monitoring, documenting and measuring of learning informing our understanding of student learning? What evidence did we gather about students’ knowledge, conceptual understandings and skills? How will we share this learning with the learning community?

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• Choose one central idea in your POI. Better to choose the next unit of inquiry in your timeline.

• Using any inquiry model, suggest learning experiences for your group’s central idea. • Incorporate differentiation learning tool • Include details of learning spaces • Highlight agency

• Be ready to share with the whole group


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Dialogue⌘Dialogue with your 9 o’clock.




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Photo credit: Bob.Fornal

⌘ Present a summary of your learnings using your student personas.

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© International Baccalaureate Organization 2017

New Category 1 workshops• Making the PYP happen: Implementing agency • Making the PYP happen in the early years:

Implementing agency • Leading the learning in PYP schools • Leading early years learning in PYP schools


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© International Baccalaureate Organization 2017

New Category 2 workshops• Concept driven learners • Local and global inquirers • Engaging collaborative communities • Making space for learning • Evidencing learning


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© International Baccalaureate Organization 2017

Category 3 workshops that are remainingSubject specific titles • Personal, social and physical education: Well-being • Science throughout the programme of inquiry • The role of information and communication technology

(ICT) • The role of physical education • The role of science and social studies • The role of language • The role of mathematics • The role of arts


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© International Baccalaureate Organization 2017

Category 3 workshops that are remaining

Digital learning • Digital citizenship • Encouraging children's creative instincts in the

classroom • Flipping classrooms • Get connected! Engaging in authentic global learning

practices • The role of technology


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© International Baccalaureate Organization 2017

Category 3 workshops that are remaining

Early years • 3- to 6-year olds • Literacy, mathematics and symbolic learning in the

early years • Play-based learning • Young children Powerful learners • The role of arts in the early years


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© International Baccalaureate Organization 2017

Category 3 workshops that are remainingSpecialist audiences • The role of the coordinator • Science discoveries: Exciting ways to weave science into

the programme of inquiry • Transdisciplinary learning for subject specialists • The vital role of the teaching assistant in the PYP


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Helpful Resources

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Helpful Resources

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Helpful Resources

Page 96: Teaching and · 2018. 11. 13. · Multiple intelligences Learning styles ... Learners of multiple abilities CAN BE educated

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Page 97: Teaching and · 2018. 11. 13. · Multiple intelligences Learning styles ... Learners of multiple abilities CAN BE educated

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Page 98: Teaching and · 2018. 11. 13. · Multiple intelligences Learning styles ... Learners of multiple abilities CAN BE educated

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Page 99: Teaching and · 2018. 11. 13. · Multiple intelligences Learning styles ... Learners of multiple abilities CAN BE educated

⌘ReflectionInyourjournals,writeyourresponsestobelow:● OnethingIwilltrynextweek● InformationthatIwouldliketosharewithmycolleaguesfromtheotherworkshop

● Agoalthatdevelopedasaresultofthisworkshop

● StepsthatIwilltaketoachievemygoal● Tobegin,Ishall______


Page 100: Teaching and · 2018. 11. 13. · Multiple intelligences Learning styles ... Learners of multiple abilities CAN BE educated

Reflections● Takeyourassessmentsamplesandreflectonyourpeer’sassessments.


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Page 103: Teaching and · 2018. 11. 13. · Multiple intelligences Learning styles ... Learners of multiple abilities CAN BE educated

Enjoy your PYP journey ahead!

Annabelle Villamarin [email protected]