Download - TBU - Caliberi: Blog to Brand

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From Blog to Brand

Ross BurnsContent Manager

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O wad some Power the giftie gie us

To see oursels as ithers see us!

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“O would some Power the gift to give us

To see ourselves as others see us!

It would from many a blunder free us,

And foolish notion.”

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Why is this so important and what does it have to do

with travel blogging?

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Every minute:

• 347 New WordPress blog posts are published

• 3,125 Flickr images are uploaded

• 48 hours’ worth of YouTube footage is uploaded

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By the end of our hour together:

20,000+ new WordPress blog posts will have been published.

And that is just WordPress.

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The good news is

You already have your brand

You already have your niche

You just need to emphasise it at every opportunity so that you stand out.

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Engaging (and engaged)

A successful blog is

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Google+ is becoming important and is your friend


• Use rel=“author” tags

• Fill out your profile in full

• Use a profile image consistent with your other social channels that will show up on SERPs

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Facebook Graph Search is coming soon


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• Complete your Facebook profile with as much information as possible

The more you have in there, the more people will come across you

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Make your brand voice consistent


• Tone of voice

• Spelling

• Pay particular attention if accepting guest posts

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Engaging (and engaged)

A successful blog is

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Solve people’s problems


• Know what people are searching your site for

• Use your blog to help answer these common queries and as inspiration for posts

pubs rotterdam

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Curate your knowledge to provide guidance


• If you’ve already done something, compile the resources

• “How to” posts are incredibly popular

• Become an authority not just an inspiration

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If you help people, they will come back, boosting your figures


Useful posts will be

• Bookmarked

• Re-visited

• Shared

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Engaging (and engaged)

A successful blog is

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Use an editorial calendar

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Stick to deadlines

• Deadlines keep you disciplined

• Offline publishing governed by deadlines – online publishing should be no different

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Automate on social channels

• Buffer

• Hootsuite

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• You already have a wealth of information and resources (photos, etc)

• Don’t be afraid to reuse this in a different format as an easy way of keeping your blog fresh

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Adopt the 80/20 rule

Doing what you always do

Trying something new

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• Before and After image sliders require little code and lend themselves to travel photography

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• Interactive timelines offer a more interesting way of showing details of a trip or a location – can also be used to repackage existing content

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• Polls can be an interesting way of engaging your readers and the results offer material you can build on and publicise

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• Building a Google map is quick, straightforward and a good resource

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• Video is easier than ever to shoot and upload

• YouTube is the second largest search engine on the internet

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Engaging (and engaged)

A successful blog is

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Engaging (and engaged)

Be socially active (offline & online)

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Engaging (and engaged)

Know what’s going on in your sphere

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Engaging (and engaged)

Know what people are looking for

• Google AdWords is quite addictive and strangely fun to play with

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A successful blog is

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How many hours of YouTube video is

uploaded every minute?

Have you been listening?

Yes, 48. Have a stag!

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• To A Louse (read by Robert Caryle)

• That scary infographic


• How to use Google+ author tags• Facebook Graph Search

Engaged (and engaging)

• Trendsmap• Google AdWords


• Buffer• Hootsuite• Simple image slider• Interactive timelines• Polling plugin• Google Maps• Vine (iOS app)• Tout (iOS & Android app)• YouTube (you probably know wh

ere this one is!)


• The Caliber Blog

Those resources

Let me know how you get on: [email protected] / @caliberi

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