


PART – 1

The early life of Prophet Mohammad SAW in Mecca has been described.


1. Introduction to views of scholars on Islamic History.

2. Author’s views.

3. Publishers request.

4. Bismillah: In the name of Allah SWT.

5. Importance of History.

6. Birth of Prophet Mohammad SAW.

7. Family tree of Prophet Mohammad SAW.

8. Caretakers of Prophet Mohammad SAW.

9. Early childhood.

10. Before the Prophet hood.

11. Second Journey to Syria.

12. Married life of Prophet Mohammad SAW.

13. Characters and relationship.

14. Prophethood of Mohammad SAW and its need.

15. Anointed Prophet hood to Mohamad SAW

16. Propagation and Initiation to Islam.

17. Open propagation and opposition to the voice of Preaching.

18. Migration.

19. Rise of Islam and boycott of Prophet Mohamad.

20. Second migration.





This book is not a comprehensive study of Islamic history. It describes certain selected

incidences in detail and discusses them from a scholarly perspective.

SYED HUSSAIN AHMED MADNI, Head of the Islamic Institution (Deoband), is of the

opinion that this book should be incorporated in teaching courses.

HADRAT MOHAMMAD KIFAATULLAH Head of Jamiatul-Ulama is of the opinion that

this book should be included in the courses.


opinion that this book is easy to understand, a lay person can understand it easily. It should

be included in the Tabliqee Organization courses of learning.


When Hazrat Youssef AS was being auctioned (presented for sale) many rich personalities

came with valuables to purchase him. An old lady with her small Charkha was also present

there, with the hope that her name would be included in the list of purchasers of Youssef AS.

Mohammad Mian presents his views in this book, with the hope that his effort will grant him

forgiveness from Allah SWT on the day of Judgment.



QURAN al Hakim, is the guidance of God, which is valid for all time, from the beginning to

the end. Book of Allah SWT is not only a miracle, but a collection of miracles which have

been revealed 1350 years ago for the entire universe. The holy Quran is the authentication of

the prophethood.

The Holy Quran has been unchanged in the past century and it has been preserved exactly as

it was revealed. Just like the Sun and the moon stay the same day in and out, the Holy Quran

has not been altered. In light of reason and justice, the message of the Holy Quran cannot be

denied. The Life of Prophet Mohammad SAWS and his activities are an excellent example of

miracles. Every aspect/event of the prophet SAWS has been very well documented.

So far no one has ever defined the character as it is, nor anyone can do justification to

complete this mission. Writers and thinkers have tried to put in their efforts to bring the facts

in various languages so that the people can benefit.

The necessity of Milad-un-Nabi (reason not known) which creates differences among writers

should be avoided rather than arguing in intricate details. The reason of differences is not

known and can be compensated in shape of questions and answers in magazines of different


On insistence of religious scholars (Olamas) the writer has tried to complete this book in

spite of a number of interferences


Tafseer, Hadith, Firka and Adab are the important parts of theology. History is equally

important in attaining knowledge. Nobody can deny the character of our Prophet SAW. The

book ‘Tehreeke Islam’ which is in question and answer form is beneficial. Since the

publication of this book, it has been introduced in Religious schools in India and Pakistan.

Lastly the writer requests the readers for forgiveness of any mistakes. The mistake can be

notified to the writer for correction.



In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful.

All praise is for Allah, the Rabb of the Worlds.

The compassionate, the Merciful.

Master of the Day of Judgement.

O’ Allah! You Alone we worship and You Alone we call on for help.

O’ Allah! Guide us to The Right Way.

The way of those whom You have favored: not of those who have earned Your wrath, or of

those who have lost The Way.


Que: What field of knowledge does the book you are reading belong to?

Ans: History.

Que: What is history?

Ans: History is a branch of knowledge that describes our present and past.

Que: Who needs history?

Ans: All wise people.

Que: What is the benefit and purpose of history?

Ans: To analyze present events in relation to the past and make the right judgement to

act upon it.

Ques: Give an example?

Ans: For example, if at some point in history, people opposed their ruler because he

was unjust, one should study why they did so, while paying special attention to


those instances of tyranny when the subjects opposed their ruler to see how they

stood up to the injustice.

Ques: How is the above analysis helpful to the ruler and the subjects (people)?

Ans: The ruler should understand the result of injustice and cruelty, and outcome of it.

This will help the ruler to appease the people and figure out a pragmatic solution

to it.



This book is about history. History helps us to understand past and present

events. The major benefit is to analyze events and come to a conclusion.

Que: What personality is described in this book?

Ans: Our beloved Prophet Muhammad SAW.

Que: What is the birth place of our Prophet SAW?

Ans: Holy city Mecca.

Que: Where is Mecca?

Ans: In Arabian Peninsula.

Que: Where is Arabian Peninsula and describe its features and location?

Ans: Arabian Peninsula is a place where people go for Hajj. This place is a desert and

there are oasis. Dates, Figs are the main fruit. Goats and camels inhabit in this

area. Their skin helps in preparation of tents, clothes, blankets.

Que: What is the difference between Mecca and Kabah? What is masjidul Haram?

Ans: Mecca is the name of the city and Kabah is a place in Mecca. It is 12X15 yards

in dimension and is called Baitullah. Muslims throughout the world face towards

Kabah and offer their prayers and make TAWAAF (circling seven times around

the Kabah). The area around it is surrounded by a boundary which is called

Masjid Haram.

Que: Who inhabited Mecca and who lives there?

Ans: Prophet Ibrahim AS with his wife Hajra and elder son Hazrat Ismail first moved to

Mecca and later his progeny continued to reside there. People from tribe Banu

Jerhum also moved and started residing there.

Que: Where did Banu Jerhum came from?

Ans: Nearby Mecca


Que: Who built the Kabah?

Ans: It was built by Adam AS. It was demolished and later reconstructed by Hazrat

Ibrahim and Hazrat Ismail to worship Allah SWT.


Prophet Mohammad SAWS, whose legacy will be discussed in this book, used to live in

Mecca. He belonged to the Quraish tribe. He was a direct descendent of Hazrat Ismail.

Mecca is also where the Kabah is situated. The first inhabitants of the land were Prophet

Ismail and his mother Hajirah. The tribe of Jerhum also settled there and had their

descendants flourish. They are called the Quraish. The construction of Kabah was done by

Hazrat Ibrahim and his son Hazrat Ismail.



Que: What is Prophet’s date of Birth?

Ans: 9th Rabbiul Awwal, Monday 20 April 571.

Que: What is the time of his birth?

Ans: Before dawn, at the time of Fajr.

Que: Name the year of his birth?

Ans: After 571 years of Prophet Jesus birth. The Year of the Elephant.

Que: Who were As-habefeel? Describe the incidence and events related to it?

Ans: Abraha the Governor of Yemen wanted to destroy Kabah in Mecca and wanted

people of Sana to worship a false Kabah in Yemen. He gathered an army with

hundreds of elephants to destroy the Kabah in Mecca. But on entering the Mecca,

Allah destroyed his army through birds.

As-habefeel means people with elephants.

Que: Who is Abur Gaal and why do people throw stone at his grave?

Ans: Abur Gaal was from the Tribe Quraish. He betrayed his clan and guided Abraha

to Mecca. Allah destroyed him before the army of Abraha. People throw stones

on his grave to remind themselves of the punishment for treachery.

Que: How did the birds destroy the army?

Ans: The birds would shoot tiny pebbles from their beaks which would pass like bullets

through the bodies of the soldiers, killing them instantly.

Que: How did the birds attain this strength?

Ans: When we human can create so much force with a bullet in a tiny piece of metal,

how difficult do you think it would be for Allah SWT to use the beaks of birds to

create the same effect?


Que: Was Abrahah the king of Yemen also among those who died in these attacks or

was he given a different punishment?

Ans: Abraha did not die immediately. His punishment was that his body rotted and

fell off in parts.

Que: What important incidence took place at the time of Prophets Birth?

Ans: His mother Hazrat Aminah saw the east to west parts of the world enlighten due to

a noor(light).

The fire flame which was burning for thousands of years and was worshiped by

people died in the temple of Persia.

An earthquake hit the palace of Persian King Kasra. It destroyed 14 arks. There

are many other incidences that occurred.

Que: How did this happen?

Ans: By the Will of Allah SWT who is the Lord of the Universe. By the will of Allah

who controls everything.



Que: What was Prophet’s mother and father’s name?

Ans: His mother’s name was Amina and father’s name was Abdullah.

Que: What was his paternal family tree?

Ans: Mohamad Bin Abdullah, Abdul Muttalib, Bin Hashim Abd Munaaf

Bin Qasi, Bin Khalaab, Bin Marah, Bin Kaab Bin Loui, Bin Ghalib,

Bin Fahar, Bin Malik, Bin Qasr, Bin Cannanah, Bin Hazima, Bin Madrka, bin

Mudhir, Bin Nazaar Bin Moaad Bin Adnan.

Que: What was his maternal family tree?

Ans: Mohamad bin Aminah Bint (4) wahab, Bin Abd Munaaf, Bin Zehra Bin Qalaab.

From Qalaab the maternal and paternal tree is same.

Que: What was his maternal and paternal grandmother’s name and to which family did they


Ans: Maternal grandmother’s name was Barah and paternal grandmother’s name was

Fatimah. All his paternal grandmothers were from the noble Tribe of Quraish.

Que: What was his family name?

Ans: Banu Hashim.

Que: What was his Tribe’s name?

Ans: Quraish

Que: Did he have any brother or sister, aunts and uncles?

Ans: He was the only orphan child of his parents. He had nine or twelve

uncles and six paternal aunts.

Que: Who named him and did this name exist before?

Ans: His grandfather Abdul Mutalib named him and no one had this name before.



Que: What was his father’s age and what age did he die?

Ans: His father’s age was 24 years and he died 2 months before Prophet Mohamad’s


Que: Where did his father die?

Ans: Madina Munawara.

Que: Why did he die in Madina?

Ans: Prophets maternal family lived in Madina. His father went for trade to Bani

Najaar’s family. On the way back his father stayed in Madina and fell sick and

passed away.

Que: What property did his father left behind?

Ans: 5 camels, one slave named Umm Aiman.

Que: How long did his mother took care?

Ans: She took care of him till 4 or 6th year and after that she passed away.

Que: Where did Prophet’s mother die?

Ans: Aiwa village

Que: Where is Aiwa village?

Ans: It is between Mecca and Madina.

Que: Why did she go to Aiwa ?

Ans: She went to Bani Najaar Tribe to visit her relatives.

Que: Who took care of Prophet Mohamad after his mother’s death?

Ans: Hajrat Umm Aiman took care of Prophet Mohamad. His grandfather Abdul

Mutalib was his Wali and care taker.


Que: How long did Prophet stayed under his grandfather’s care?

Ans: Approximately two years and after that Abdul Muttalib (grandfather) also passed


Que: What was Prophet’s age at that time and what was his grandfather’s age?

Ans: Prophet was 8 years, 2 month and 10 days. His grandfather was 140 years at the

time of his death.

Que: What was Abdul Muttalib’s status in Mecca?

Ans: He was a one of the most well respected, well known person in Mecca.

Que: Who took the responsibility of Prophet after his grandfather’s death?

Ans: Prophet’s uncle Abu Talib took care of him. (Abu Taalib was Hazrat Ali’s RA


Que: Why is Our Prophet called Ummi?

Ans: He did not know how to read and write. Hence he was called Ummi.

Que: Why did he remain Ummi and what was Allah’s wisdom behind it?

Ans: There was no tradition of learning in Mecca. There were hardly five or seven

learned persons in Mecca. Moreover the people taking care of Prophet passed

away hence he remained Ummi. Allah knows the reason better.

There are few benefits of it. One of the major reasons seems to be that Allah

should be “The Guide” to Prophet instead of human beings. He had no

obligation from any human besides Allah SWT in his spiritual and education

guidance. No human claimed that he transferred knowledge to Prophet. Being

Ummi, authenticity of the Quran could not be questioned. He was the best

teacher for whole Ummah.

Que: Why did our prophet face calamities?

Ans: Allah only tests his best persons.

Que: Since Prophet was the most favorite of Allah SWT he had a number of

calamities and hardships. He passed all the tests and attained respect from all.



Prophets father had passed away in Medina before his birth. At the age of 4 or 6

his mother passed away. His was raised by Umme Aiman and Abdul Mutalib.

When Our Prophet was 8 years and 2 months old his grandfather also passed

away. He was taken care of by his uncle Abu Talib.



Que: Who breastfed Prophet first and later?

Ans: First of all his mother Amina breastfed him. Then Abu Lahab’s slave Taubia. Later this

great opportunity fell upon Halima Sadia RA.

Que: Was Taubia a slave or free person at that time?

Ans: She was a free person.

Que: How and when did she get her freedom?

Ans: When Taubia gave the good news of Prophet Mohamad’s birth to Abu Lahab, his uncle

Abu Lahab freed her in mere happiness.

Que: Why was Prophet breastfed other women’s milk?

Ans: It was the custom and tradition of Arab Tribes to send their newborn to be breastfed so

that they have good health and good language. Since the language in the city area was not as

good as that of village.

Que: How did Halima Saadia reach the Prophet?

Ans: The tribe of Halima Saadia breastfed the new born children of Quraish. They used to visit

Mecca twice a year. Halima Saadia RA came with her tribe from Taif. Since she was weak

and Prophet was an orphan she got the opportunity to take him under her custody.

Que: What blessings did Halima Saadia and her tribe received after adopting Prophet


Ans: Halima Saadia produced enough milk to feed Prophet Mohamad and her

own child. Her camel that no longer produced milk started producing milk

which was sufficient for the whole family. Even the mule which was

weak was blessed with health after adopting Prophet Mohamad. The

goats started producing a good amount of milk due to Allah’s blessings.

Que: During his stay with Halima did any strange incidence happened?

Ans: After a period of two years, Halima Saadia brought back the Prophet to his

mother. At that time Mecca was facing a Plague so she took him back. After a

short period of time she noticed a strange event.


Prophet as a child used to accompany Halima’s son to take care of the

sheep and goats. Once Two angels in human form came and opened the

chest of Prophet, cleaned his heart and filled it with Noor (light). Her son

was astonished with this event and immediately mentioned it to his mother

Halima. This incidence made Halima Saadia frightened so she took the

Prophet back to his mother.



Que: How was his behavior at young age?

Ans: He was intelligent, pious, patient, wise and respected. He was quite serious. His mind

was not towards games. He was extraordinarily modest. Once his body part was

exposed he fainted. At the time of dinner he sat quietly unlike other kids who threw

tantrums. He never criticized the food and only came when he was called by his uncle.

Honesty, trustworthiness, respect for others and civilized behavior was his main traits.

He was self-dependent person and was never a burden on anyone. He preferred to earn

his livelihood himself.

Que: How did he earn his livelihood after achieving maturity?

Ans: He worked as a shepherd and as a tradeperson.

Que: Did he travel before prophethood?

Ans: Yes, he travelled twice.

Que: Where did he travel? And why?

Ans: He travelled to Syria in connection with trade.

Que: When did he travel to Syria?

Ans: His first travel was when he was 12years and 2 months. His uncle Abu Talib took him.

Que: Describe the event

Ans: Basra is a name of a city. When the tribe reached Basra, an old monk named Bahirah

saw Prophet Mohamad and warned his uncle not to take him to Syria. The monk noticed

the signs of Prophethood on his face and informed Abu Talib that he would be a prophet

that has been mentioned in Torah and Bible. If taken to Syria the Jews will recognize

him and might harm him.

Que: What decision did Abu Talib make after monk’s advice?

Ans: He sent Prophet Mohamad back to Mecca.



Que: When did he travel to Syria?

Ans: At the age of 25.

Que: What was the reason of this journey?

Ans: Hazrat Khadijah had sent him as the Trade leader to trade on her behalf.

Que: Who was Hazrat Khatijah RA? Why did she choose Prophet Mohamad?

Ans: Hazrat Khatijah was a rich lady of Mecca. She was a business woman. She

wanted an honest and wise person to take care of her business in Arabia and outside

Arabia. She had heard a lot about Prophet Mohamad so she promised a share in profit

and appointed him as Manager. She sent Maisara, her slave to accompany prophet and

take care of him.

Que: What is the famous incidence that happened during this journey? Describe.

Ans: When he reached Syria they rested under an old tree. A monk named Nastura also

witnessed sign of Prophethood and predicted that he would be a Prophet.

Que: What were the blessings of Allah SWT during this journey?

Ans: According to Maisara, during the afternoon heat two angels sheltered prophet


Que: What did he gain in this business?

Ans: He made a huge profit by selling all the Meccan stuff. He purchased materials

from Syria and took it to Mecca. When Syrian material was sold in Mecca it made

double profit. In this way he did a good business for Khadijah.

Que: What lessons can you learn these incidents?

Ans: Doing business honestly. Hardwork is always rewarded by Allah.


Que: Was Prophet content with worldly gains?

Ans: He was always content but contention does not mean leaving day to day life and

stop working and depend on ancestors’ assets.

The purpose of contention is to do the best and hope for the best results from

Allah SWT. Never be proud. Help is from Allah only.



Que: Who was his first wife?

Ans: Hazrat Khatijah RA who was a widow.

Que: How many months after his return from visit to Syria did it take for him to get


Ans: After two months.

Que: What was prophet’s age at the time of his marriage?

Ans: He was 25 years 2 months and 10 days.

Que: What was Hazrat Khatijah’s age at the time of marriage?

Ans: She was 40 years

Que: What was Hazrat Khatijah’s father and mother’s name and describe their lineage?

Ans: Her father was Khuyaldu and mother was Fatimah. Her grandfather’s name was

Asad. Asad’s father was Abdul Azza and his father was Abdul Azza who was

son of Kasa. This relationship can be traced from the family tree of Prophet


Que: How was the marriage ceremony was performed.

Ans: In Islam a widow can remarry. Even in Arab Tribes widows could remarry.

Hazrat Khatijah had heard a lot about the prophet’s noble character. Her slave

Maisara spoke good of his character which convinced her that he is the most

noblest person who would be most suitable for her. So she sent a marriage

proposal to Prophet Mohamad which he accepted. In a gathering of his relatives,

uncles and tribe people the marriage took place.

Que: How long were they married?

Ans: 25 years, 9 months and 21 days. 14 years before the Prophethood and 10 years

after his Prophethood and she was 64 or 65 years when she died.

Que: Did he marry anyone in the lifetime of Khadijah.


Ans: No, he did not marry during the lifetime of Khadijah. In spite of his young age

and Khadijah being old he did not get married.

Que: How many children did he have from Khadijah?

Ans: Two sons and four daughters.

Que: what were their names?

Ans: Qasim and Tahir, Hazrat Tahirs name is also referred as Abdullah. Both of them

died during early childhood.

Zainab, Umme Kulsoom, Ruqaiyah, and Fatimah.

Que: Who were they married?

Ans: Hazrat Zainab was married to Abul Aas bin Rabbia. They had two children a

baby girl name Umamah and baby boy named Ali. Ali died during early

childhood. Later Umamah got married to her maternal uncle Ali after Fatimah’s

death. But they had no child.

Ruqaiyah got married to Hazrat Usman RA and after Ruqaiya’s death Hazrat

Usman was married to Umme Kulsoom. Due to this Hazrat Usman is called Zee

Al Nooran meaning a person with two lights. But they had no children.

Hazrat Fatima was married to Hazrat Ali and his progeny continued.

Que: Did prophet have any issue from any other wife?

Ans: Yes, he had a son named Ibrahim from Maria Qibtiya who died during the




Que: Describe Prophet’s character. How was his behavior with people?

Ans: His life was a treasure of excellent character. Honesty, truthfulness,

Trustworthiness, kindness, generous, obedience, sincere, respecting elderly

people, kindness to children, love for relatives, taking care of sick people,

sharing others sorrows etc. were the qualities which he possessed. He was

called Al-Sadiq. Al-Ameen. His tribe people gave him title ‘ Trustworthy’.

Wisdom, seriousness, concise speech, hate for the useless talk and met people

with open heart and happiness were his qualities. Simplicity and straight

forwardness were his speciality.

Allah SWT had saved him from all the bad habits like deep desire, greed,

treachery, cheating, lies, wine, illegal relationship, music and dance, theft, idol

worship, eating too much, romance, of that era. Hence he was called Innocent

(“Maasoom”) meaning free from sins. The miracle is that he never read a book

nor did he get any training from any teacher. All his good qualities were God

Gifted. He always earned his living himself. Hazrat Khadijah had abundant

wealth but he never took any help from Khadijah to be spend on himself. She

donated all her wealth to Islam and to the needy people.

He worked as a shepherd labor, to earn his livelihood but did not take any favors

from his wife or any other person.

It was not a custom in those days to use wife’s wealth among Quraish. The

Quraish Tribe was looking forward to find a fault in Prophet’s character to

defame him. Prophet was always worried about the welfare of common people

and service to the nation.

During his time a committee was formed which included Banu Hashim, Banu Al-

Mutalib, Banu Asad, Banu Zehrah, Banu Tameem.

The member of this committee undertook oath on various matters like protecting

the travelers, helping poor, stopping injustice.


Ques: What was the relationship of Trust between Quraish and Prophet Mohamad?

Ans: Even after the Prophethood, Quraish ( unbelievers of Mecca although enemy of

Prophet )trusted him so much that they kept their belongings with him. There is

a strange incidence which helps in understanding this relationship.

There was a flood in Mecca. The Kabah collapsed and Quraish decided to

rebuild it, as it was a pilgrim place. All the Tribes participated in building the

Kabah. Since this was a noble act all the Tribesmen were anxious in

participating in construction. There occurred a quarrel among them and Abu

Omaiyah bin mughirah who was the most aged person tried to subside the quarrel

and did not want bloodshed. All the people gathered in Haram and decided who

ever enters the Masjid Haram first in the morning will decide the matter. By

chance Prophet Mohamad was the first who entered so he made a decision. All

were happy with this decision.

Prophet Mohamad put the Black Stone on a piece of cloth and asked the head of

the Tribesmen to hold the corner and then he placed the Black stone on its place.

Que: What was Prophets Age when the above incidence happened?

Ans: He was 35 years old.



Que: what is the meaning of Prophethood and Messenger?

Ans: Risalat means messenger of Allah and Prophethood means

Nabi of Allah.

Que: Define Messenger and Prophethood.

Ans: Messenger and prophet are human beings. Allah selects them to convey His

message to the people. They are truthful, honest, innocent (they do not commit

sins) By the guidance of Allah they hold miracles. They deliver Allah’s

message as it is delivered to them. The do not add or delete any message which

was conveyed to them nor hide any message or facts.

Que: What is the difference between a Nabi and Messenger.

Ans: Messenger is person who has been given a new book and code of conduct (shariat)

and Nabi is a person who may be been given a book or is the follower of the

previous book and code of conduct.

Que: Can a human become a Nabi with his efforts?

Ans: No. it is by the Will of Allah. Human efforts and desire does not count in making

anyone a nabi.

Que: How many Rasool and Nabi Allah sent on this earth?

Ans: Allah sent many prophets and nabi on this earth and it is Allah who knows their

numbers. Our duty is to consider all on the right path. Our Prophet is the best

and unique among all the prophets and nabi. His status is ranked highest.

Que: Why does Allah sends Nabi and Rasool?

Ans: To guide people. Normal human beings do not possess the ability to recognize

and understand Allah. They know that it is Allah who provides them sustenance.

Human have limitation they cannot understand the signs of Allah. Nabi and

Rasool are gifted with special talent and knowledge to understand Allah’s signs

and convey to the people.


Que: What was the religion of Arabs at the time of prophet’s birth. And what religion

did they follow?

Ans: The Arabs did not follow one single religion. They followed Christianity,

Judaism, Atheism, Shirk(Polytheism) and all kind of false religion. They

worshipped idols, sun, moon etc instead of worshipping one God. Ignorance

prevailed so much that at times they would prepare gods by sweets and would eat

them after worship. They even married their own sisters and mothers. They

buried their daughters. Christians believed in that Prophet Jesus was the son of

God. Jews believed in bribery, interest, injustice, greed, and lust for profit,

considered themselves as chosen people of Allah. Hazrat Uzair was believed to

be the Son of God. In India people worshipped hundreds of idols and shamelessly

they worshipped human private parts. Every city had a different rule. Injustice

prevailed in most of the parts of the world.

Europe was facing civil war and idol worship. At such a time the world needed a

true guide to lead them to the straight path.



Que: When was Mohamad blessed by Prophethood?

Ans: His prophethood was already declared by Allah but was revealed to mankind

when prophet was 40 years and 1 day old according to the lunar calender.

Que: What was the date and day?

Ans: Monday, 9 Rabiul Awal. 12 February 610 A.D.

Que: Where was he at the time?

Ans: He was in the cave Hira near Mecca.

Que: Why did he go to cave Hira?

Ans: He liked to be alone. He used to worship Allah in private. He used to spend several

days in cave Hira. He took provisions with him that his beloved wife Khadijah

provided him.

Que: How did he worship Allah?

Ans: According to Hazrat Ibrahim AS.

Que: What did Mohamad see before his prophethood.

Ans: He saw a light (noor). He would also see true dreams six months prior to


Que: How was Prophethood revealed?

Ans: Angel Gibreel AS came to prophet Mohamad and squeezed him and asked him to read.

He confirmed that he could not read. Gibreel squeezed him again and the third

time squeezed him tightly and asked him to read Iqra Bisme

rabb……………..allamal insane malam yalam.



Que: How did Prophet start his mission?

Ans: He chose the most wise and capable people and convinced them to accept Islam.

Que: Who were the first to accept Islam?

Ans: Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique.

Hazrat Khatijah RA

Hazrat Ali

Hazrat Zaid bin harith who was a slave and prophet set him free.

Hazrat Umme Aiman a slave who was set free by prophet.

Que: The closest relatives and family members accepted Islam. What does it indicate?

Ans: The close relatives and family members were aware of his noble character for past

40 years and even from his childhood. It was clearly evident that he was a pure

and honest person.

Que: After accepting Islam did these people only pray or participate in other affairs?

Ans: After accepting Islam they tried to spread the message to Bilal RA, Amru bin

Anba RA etc. and later Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique efforts in preaching converted

a number of people. They were Hazrat Usman Ghani, Zubair, Abdur Rehman bin

auf, Talha, Saadbin Waqas, Abu Ubaida bin Jarrah, Abdul Asad bin Halal,

Usman bin Madoun, Amir bin Fahirah. These people were the pioneers of Islam.

Among ladies prophets paternal aunt, Hazrat Abbas wife of Hazrat Ummul Fazal ,

Asma bint Ameez, Asma bint Abu bakr. Hazrat Umars sister Hazrat Fatimah

RA also accepted Islam. P39.

Que: Explain what does it mean by “spreading Islam secretly” and the efforts put by

Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique and others in propagating Islam.

Ans: Many opponents of Islam think that Islam was spread by means of sword, rather it

was spread by truthfulness, good character, and good behavior. Otherwise how a


few people could spread Islam when majority of people at that time were against


The activity of Abu Bakr in difficult times proves that the first duty of a Muslim is

to spread Islam under difficult situations. Efforts should be made to do the work


Que: How long was Islam secretly propagated?

Ans: 3 years.

Que: How many people accepted Islam?

Ans: Around 30 people.

Que: Where were Muslims residing during this period?

Ans: A house at the border of mecca was arranged by the prophet and people spent

their time there.



Que: How did preaching of Islam start openly?

Ans: Prophet Mohamad called the meccan residents to a mountain in Mecca named

safa. When people gathered he announced that if I said that there was an enemy

is behind this mountain and would attack you, would you believe in me? The

answer was yes, we believe in you and you are truthful. You have never done

anything against our will. The tribesmen called him Al-Ameen, Trustworthy and

Truthful. How could they not believe him? Prophet Mohamad then said:

“I am warning you that you leave wrong belief and malicious traditions and faith.

Believe in one God otherwise Allah will punish severely”.

Que: How did prophet convey the order to close relatives to fear Allah?

How did prophet act upon it?

Ans: Prophet gathered 40 people from his grandfather’s siblings Abdul to convey that

he had an excellent gift for them from Allah which no other person had received

so far. If they follow they would progress and be successful in this world and the

hereafter. It is Allah’s will that “I guide you towards One God and I have been

sent to you as a Prophet to guide you to the right path.”

Que: What was the reply of Quraish to this truthful call?

Ans: Abu Lahab, Prophets Uncle stood up and shouted “Curse be on you Mohamad.

You gathered us for this (May Allah forgive). Allah replied to this incidence by

Surah Lahab………..Tabbatya Abi Lahab and later we see that Abu Lahab was

destroyed. The unbelievers tortured Prophet Mohamad’s companions, friends and

supporters of Islam. At times they would spread thorns on his way, sometimes

garbage was thrown on his pious body. Sometimes they threw stones which

made him bleed. They put in all their efforts of torturing him to great extent.

Kabah(house of Allah) was a place of peace for all humanity as well as for

animals but for Prophet it was a place of torture. During prostration the Quraish

threw mud, dirt and dirty skin of camel on his back. Sometimes they tried to

crush his head. They would also make plans to kill him in this holy place. They

even tortured his companions by putting them on heated coal. Hazrat Bilal was


tortured on heated platform and a heavy stone was put on his chest so that he

could not move. They dragged him by tieing with rope on his neck and pulling

on rocky land by kids. They caned Prophet’s companions for leaving idol

worship. They used all tactics to torture them. Even Hazrat Usman Ghani was put

in a smoked room so that he would die of suffocation. Some people were

wrapped in skin of cow and camel and thrown in the sun. Iron chains were put to


Abu Jahal tortured Samiah RA by putting iron rods on her delicate body which

lead to her death. They cornered Prophets Companions for three years. They left

no stone unturned to torture and boycott by not providing water and food

provision. The children, ladies, and men were all under this horrible torture. The

reason being ‘Their belief in One God.’ They did not listen to prophets advice and

called him majnoon (mad person). During fair and market time they blocked his

way to avoid people from meeting and listening to him.

Tarek Bin Abdulllah Maharvi RA a companion of Prophet, went to a market place

and heard a man wearing red stripes shawl announcing La illaha illalalah ……

and preaching there is no god but Allah. Belief in this One God will give

success to them. He saw another person behind him with stones to harm him.

The person bleeding was prophet and the one stoning and shouting at him was his

uncle Abdul Azza also known as Abu Lahab.

The true call of Islam echoed in the whole valley of Mecca, in every place,

market, homes, marriage place, Kabah, Mina, Arafat etc. The cruel Meccans

wanted to subside this call but they were not successful.

They used another tactics to bribe prophet by offering him beautiful ladies of

Arabia , or if he desired wealth from the treasury, If he wanted to govern they

would agree and make him the ruler and allow him to govern. The answer to

their offerings were that if they put sun on one palm and moon on the other he

would not leave his mission.

The unbelievers were not successful and finally the Islam spread throughout

Arabia and the world and we should continue to work on spreading it.


Que: Who were the people who tortured Prophet the most?

Ans: His uncle Abu Lahab, Abu Jahal (Amroo) and his brother, Aasi, walid bin

Utba, Abu Bakhtari son of Hisham, Utba son of Rabia, Shiba son of


Que: What was the result of their bad behavior?

Ans: They died like dogs in Battle of Uhad.



Que: What is migration?

Ans: Leaving one’s own city in difficult situation is migration.

Que: How many migrations took place during the life time of Prophet?

Ans: Three

Que: What are their names?

Ans: Hijarate Habashah - First time

Hijarate Habashah - Second time

Hijarate Madinah - Third time.

Que: Where did people go during their first migration?

Ans: They went to Habashah.

Que: What was the name and nick name of King of Habashah?

Ans: His name was Ashama Bin Babari. He was christian. His title was

Najashi. This title was given to all the kings of Habashah.

Que: How many people migrated to Habashah?

Ans: 15 or 16 ( 11 men and rest women)

Que: Did prophet migrate with them? Who was the leader of this group?

Ans: Hazarat Jafar bin Abi Talib who was brother of Hazrat Ali led the group.

Some hadith mention that Usman Ghani was the leader who was son-in-

law of prophet and migrated along with prophet’s daughter.

Que: Why did they migrate?

Ans: When Quraish torture increased tremendously Prophet ordered

them to migrate to save their lives.

Que: What action did the Quraish take against migration?


Ans: They sent Umru Bin Al Aas and Abdullah Bin Abi Umaiyah with valuable

gifts to the King of Habashah. They presented the gift to the King and

requested him to surrender the immigrants to them because they are

traitors of the nation and religion.

Que: What was Najashi’s reply?

Ans: Najashi was a fair and just ruler. Until and unless he knew the truth about

new religion Islam he would not hand over the people to them. This was

his comment.

Que: Who spoke with Najashi?

Ans: Hazarat Zafar RA.

Que: What was the conversation? Describe briefly.

Ans: Hazrat Zaffar stepped forward and explained: Oh respected King.

We were living in ignorance and darkness. We had no right direction.

We worshipped idols made of clay, mud and stone. Our food consisted of

haram stuff and dead bodies of animals. We had many bad habits. We

had bad relations with relatives, were unjust with our neighbors, used to

break promises, stronger people would suppressed weak. It is a blessing

that Allah has sent a truthful person to guide us to straight path. His

ancestors are well known to us. His truthfulness, trustworthy personality

and purity is well known to Arabs. He invited us to worship One God and

not to include any partners with Him. Not to bow before man made idols.

Speak the truth, behave well with relatives and love them, be good to

neighbors, avoid haram stuff, do not harm innocent people. Not to

adopt bad habits, lies, be fair with orphans, do not misuse their money and

property; we should follow the pillars of Islam: Salah, Fasting, Zakat,

Hajj. We have all accepted his new religion.

He then recited Sura Maryam and explained the position of Hazrat Essa

and Maryam according to Islam.

Que: What was Kings reaction after hearing?

Ans: He rejected the plea of Quraish to return the people and accepted Islam.


Que: In which year this migration took place after prophethood.

Ans: After 5 years.

Que: How long did they stayed in Habashah and when did they return?

Ans: After two or three months.

Que: Why did the immigrant returne so soon?

Ans: There was a rumour that Meccan Tribes had accepted Islam.

Que: What was the behavior of Meccans on people who returned from


Ans: The same as they behaved in the beginning.



Que: What year of prophethood did the first migration took place.

Ans: In the 5th year of prophethood.

Que: How many people accepted Islam till then?

Ans: 40 men and 11 women.

Que: What is the important incidence of this year?

Ans: Prophet’s uncle Hazrat Hamza accepted Islam and immediately after three

days Hazrat Umar Farooq accepted Islam.

Que: What was the position of muslims then? What impact did Hazrat hamza

and Hazrat Umar’s acceptance to Islam had on the condition of muslims?

Ans: Although the people who accepted Islam were wise, serious, righteous but

none were equivalent to them. Hazrat Abu Bakr was wise enough to be a

judge to solve problems. But they were not forceful and people were not

afraid of them. Hence all the Islamic work was done secretly. Till this

year Islam was a secret mission. Hazrat Umar and Hazrat Hamza were

strong, brave, and had respect of the people. Both of them enforced

openness in Islamic activities.

Our prophet made dua to Allah to make Ummar bin Khattab or Amru Bin

Hasham (Abu Jahal) to spread Islam. When Hazrat Umar Farooq accepted

Islam, the slogan Allah O Akbar was so loud that it echoed in Mecca.

Hazrat Umer Farooq fulfilled the expectation of the Muslims.

Que: What was the first achievement of Hazrat Umar after accepting Islam?


Ans: Hazrat Umar gave his opinion to prophet that if the muslims are on the

right path then why should Islam be preached secretly. There should be

no reason to hide Islamic preaching. Then he gathered muslims and went

to Haram Shareef to perform prayer to One God Allah SWT.

Que: How did the nonbeliever react to this bold step of Hazrat Umar?

Ans: The progress of Islam scared the non-believers. They knew that their days

were numbered. First they were bent on violence against Muslims then

they wanted to destroy Islam with their full strength.

Que: How did they destroy muslims?

Ans: It was already arranged by nonbelievers that no one could meet prophet.

They spread false rumors against him, so that people would hate him.

Later they started planning to kill the Prophet. The only reason which

stopped the nonbelievers, was that Prophets Tribe people would take

revenge if they killed him. This would lead to a Tribal fight. So they

planned to separate the supporters of prophet. Ultimately they boycotted

Prophet and the muslims from their families. The supporters of prophet

who were not muslims were asked to surrender the prophet, so that they

could kill him. If they did not meet with this demand then they would not

have access to food and water.

Que: What was the form of boycott? Did his supporters leave him?

Ans: Neither muslims nor his non-muslim supporters deny their support. Due

to this, all the supporters were shifted to Shaab Abi Talib and restrictions

were imposed that no person would meet the prophet and no food and

water would be provided to them. The leaders of non-believers wrote this

declaration and kept it in Kabah.

Que: when was this boycott was implemented?

Ans: After seven years of prophethood, in the month of Muharram.

Que: what was the condition of muslims during the boycott?

Ans: Food and water supply was stopped. Children suffered the most, they were

restless due to hunger. The non-believers who were relatives could feel


the ruthlessness and merciless behavior but they remain silent. Muslims

survived by eating the leaves of the trees and bark of the old trees.

Que: Were all the companions boycotted?

Ans: Prophet had given permission of migration to his companions. Therefore

migration took place second time towards Habash.