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Page 1: ta on Prasava - Anveshana Ayurveda Medical · The Sukhaprasava Ghṛta have systemic effects it pro-vides strength

AAMJ / Vol. 2 / Issue 5 / September – October 2016

A A M J Anveshana Ayurveda Medical Journal ISSN: 2395-4159

Case Report

Effect of Sukhaprasavada Ghṛta on Prasava

Vaishali Dave 1 Sunita S 2

A b s t r a c t

Pregnancy and labour are physiological occurrence in a woman’s life. Even then, they

are associated with physical disturbance with changing hormonal levels[i]. If there is

no proper care and management, they may lead to maternal and fetal mortality and

morbidity. According to WHO estimation overall 8% of maternal death in developing

countries is attributed to prolonged and obstructed labour.

Labour is a painful experience with extreme uterine contraction and retraction, which

is said to be under the action of prasūti māruta.[ii,iii] If vāta is not maintained during

pregnancy it will lead to abnormalities during prasava[iv]. Hence, Ayurveda describes

garbhini paricharya for the health of mother and fetus. This includes madhura rasa

dravya, śāli, navanīta, gokśurādi dravya siddha ghṛta, madhura rasa siddha ghṛta,

use of mātrā basti and pichhu during 9th month. [v,vi,vii] This helps in maintenance of

vāta and prepares for sukha prasava. As per the need, the modern medicine man-

ages labour with oxytocin.[viii] Oxytocin produces side effects like anaphylactic reac-

tion, PPH, cardiac arrhythmia, nausea and vomiting, which are difficult to manage.[ix,x]

In Yogagrantha there is a reference to Sukhaprasavada Ghṛta, which helps in nor-

malcy of vāta doṣa and easy labour. Hence, it is selected for the present study to

evaluate its efficacy in prasava[xi].

Keywords: Sukhaprasavada Ghṛta, Sukhaprasava, Apāna vāyu

1 PG Scholar, 2 Professor & Head, Dept. of PG studies in PTSR, SKAMCH & RC, Bengaluru.



PG Scholar,

Dept. of PG studies in PTSR, SKAMCH & RC,

Bengaluru, Karnnataka, (India).

Email: [email protected]

Page 2: ta on Prasava - Anveshana Ayurveda Medical · The Sukhaprasava Ghṛta have systemic effects it pro-vides strength

Vaishali & Sunita: Effect of Sukhaprasavada Ghṛta on Prasava

AAMJ / Vol. 2 / Issue 5 / September – October 2016 976


aginal delivery, as known today, is a still unfin-

ished product that originated hundreds of millions

year ago, much before mammals evolved on

land. The history begins with the first amniotes around

300million years ago and ends with the appearance of

the first homosapiens around 160,000 years ago. The

last few hours of human pregnancy are characterized

by forceful and painful uterine contraction that effect

cervical dilatation and cause the fetus to decent through

the birth canal. These result from endocrine and para-

crine signals emanating from both mother and fetus.

Their relative contributions vary between species, and it

is these differences that complicate elucidation of the

exact factors that regulate human parturition. Labour is

a painful experience with extreme uterine contraction

and retraction, which is said to be under the action of

prasūti māruta. If vāta is not maintained during preg-

nancy it will lead to abnormalities during prasava.

Hence, Ayurveda describes garbhini paricharya for the

health of mother and fetus. Here the drug used Suk-

haprasavada Ghṛta contains upodika rasa, uravaru

phala rasa, bhadrica, yasthi madhu, sharkara, and go

ghṛta. Which helps in vātanulomana (Apāna vāyu) and

prakruta karma of vyana vāyu? And helps in suk-

haprasava. To elicit that we have done a single case

study on effect of Sukhaprasavada Ghṛta on prasava.


To evaluate the effect of Sukhaprasavada ghrita in



A female patient aged 25 years with obstetrics history

primi and full term pregnancy admitted to Sri

Kālabyraweshwara Ayurvedic Medical College & Hos-

pital on 7/1/16 with complaints of intermittent pain

abdomen since 3 hours. Patient was been advised to

take Sukhaprasavada Ghṛta from 36 weeks onwards

i.e on 7/12/15 onwards.


I.P.D No: 114/16

Vayaktika Vruttānta:

Diet : Veg/mixed

Appetite : Poor/good/more

Sleep : Sound/Disturbed

Habits : 2 cups of tea/day

Bowel : Once/day

Micturition : 6 to 7 times /day


Age of Menarche : 13years

Menstrual cycle : Regular

Duration of Menstrual cycle : 3-4Days/months

Duration of flow : 3- 4Days

No. of pads used per day : 4 pads

Amount of bleeding : Moderate

Associated complaint : no complaint

Prasava vruttānta: G1 P0 A0 L0

Contraceptive History: Nil


Blood investigation

Haemoglobin 11.90%

Blood group and Rh factor A+ve

BT 2min 45sec

CT 5 min 20sec

HIV non reactive

HBsAg non reactive

VDRL non reactive

RBS 79.2 mg/dl

Urine investigation

Routine and microscopic examination.

Puss cells 1-2

Epithelial cells 3-4

Albumin Traces


Single live intrauterine gestation of about 35-36 weeks

Fetal heart rate 156 BPM

Fetal Weight 2768gm +/- 40 gm

EDD- 11/01/2016.

Placenta Posterior, Grade 3 maturity

Vital Signs:

Pulse 88/min

Blood pressure 110/70 mm/hg

Temperature 370C

Respiratory rate 26/min

Height 162 cm

Weight 76 kg

Samsthānika parīkśa:

RS : BL clear

CVS : S1 , S2 heard

CNS : No abnormality detected.


Page 3: ta on Prasava - Anveshana Ayurveda Medical · The Sukhaprasava Ghṛta have systemic effects it pro-vides strength

Vaishali & Sunita: Effect of Sukhaprasavada Ghṛta on Prasava

AAMJ / Vol. 2 / Issue 5 / September – October 2016 977

Udara parīkśa (1st day of treatment)

(On 07/12/15)


Fundal Height : 35- 36 weeks

Presentation : vertex

FM : Good

Contractions : Mild

Auscultation: FHS- 140 – 145 / min

P/V Examination:-

Cervix - Admits tip of finger

Position- Anterior


Chikitsa vruttānta:

Orally – Sukhaprasavada Ghṛta PO 5mlBD with warm

water B/F - till Delivery

Follow up – Once a week till delivery.

Days B.P P.R Temp. P/A- Palpation






1st week 110/70 24/min 37oC 36 + FHS- 140 BPM -

2nd week 110/70 28/min 37oC 36-37 + FHS- 145


3rd week 120/70 22/MIN 37OC 38 + FHS- 150 BPM -

4th week 110/70 26/MIN 37OC 38-40 + FHS- 140 BPM -

Vital Signs (on Admission):7/1/16

Pulse : 86/ min

Blood pressure : 110/80 mm/hg

Temperature : 37oC

Respiratory rate : 28/min

Samsthānika parīkśa:

RS : BL clear

CVS : S1, S2 heard

CNS : No abnormality detected.

Udara parīkśa (On Admission):

On the day of delivery

Per Abdomen Palpation:

Fundal Height : Term Size

Presentation : Vertex

FM : Good

Contractions : 3- 4 / 10 min lasting for 40 to

50 seconds.

Auscultation : FHS- 144/min

Bishop’s Score:

Patient Started to have intermittent pain by 12:30 am at

home. Patient was told to come to hospital when 2 con-

traction per 10 min.

Date & time Dilatation of cervix Effacement Consistency Position Station Score


4:00 Am 5- 6 finger 40% Soft Anterior 0 10

4:30 Am 6-7 50-60% Soft Anterior 0 10

5:00 Am 6-7 60-70% Soft Anterior 0 10

5:30 Am 7-8 80% Soft Anterior +1 12

6:00Am Complete

dilatation Soft Anterior +1 13

6:30Am A single live Female baby delivered With birth weight of 3.5kg at 6:19 am.

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Vaishali & Sunita: Effect of Sukhaprasavada Ghṛta on Prasava

AAMJ / Vol. 2 / Issue 5 / September – October 2016 978

Details of prasava:


At time of Admission - Present

Time of rupture - 5:30am

Mode of rupture - Artificial


Amount - Average

Colour - White.

Consistency - Thin .

Prathama Uditha Anga - shiras

Mode of Assistance:

Vitapachedana (Episiotomy): RMLE – 3.5 CM

Prasava kāla:

1st stage - 6 Hours.

2nd stage - 25 minutes.

3rd stage - 5 minutes.


The Sukhaprasava Ghṛta have systemic effects it pro-

vides strength to body as the dravya from which it

made up of are of Madhura rasa. And Ghṛta has

mrudu property it softens the perineal muscles as well as

cervix and lower uterine segment. Hence it provides

good effacement to cervix while 1st stage of labour.

And time of 1st stage of labor also reduced up to 5 to 6

hours. It does the anulomana of apāna vāyu as well as

normalise the function of vyanavāyu. Because of this,

intensity of pain during labour is also reduced.


All the drugs which are used to prepare sukhaprasava

Ghṛta have systemic effect. i.e. it is helpful in initiate

and stabilize the uterine contractions. The drugs can

maintain the power, passage and the passenger in a

co-ordinate way so that the outcome results will b fruitful

one. The age old classic texts hold well now a days

when presented in a root level of cellular phytochemical

action although a deep and recurrent research is neces-

sary in this field.


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Vaishali & Sunita: Effect of Sukhaprasavada Ghṛta on Prasava

AAMJ / Vol. 2 / Issue 5 / September – October 2016 979


i. DC Dutta’s Text book of obstetrics, enlarged and revised

reprint of 7th edition 2011, Kolkatta ch. 12th Normal la-

bour pp-688 pg-113.

ii. Vrddha Vagbhata, Astanga Samgraha, Sasilekha San-

skrit commentary by Indu, Chaukhamba Sanskrit Se-

ries office Varanasi, Edition 2008,Shareera Sthana,2rd

Chapter, Verse 35, pp- , pg

iii. Agnivesha, Charaka Samhita ,Ayurveda Dipika Com-

mentary by Chakrapanidatta, edited byVaidya Yadavji

Trikamji Acharya, Chaukhamba Surbharati Prakashan,

Varanasi, Reprinted – 2011, Shareera Sthana 6th Chap-

ter Verse 24 pp- 738 pg-839.

iv. Agnivesha, Charaka Samhita ,Ayurveda Dipika Com-

mentary by Chakrapanidatta, edited by Vaidya Yadavji

Trikamji Acharya, Chaukhamba Surbharati Prakashan,

Varanasi, Reprinted – 2011, Shareera Sthana 6th Chap-

ter Verse 24 pp- 738 pg-839.

v. Agnivesha, Charaka Samhita, Ayurveda Deepika Com-

mentary by Chakrapanidatta, edited by Vaidya Yadavji

Trikamji Acharya, Chaukhamba Surabharati Praka-

shana, Varanasi, Edition 2011, Shareera Sthana, 8th

Chapter, Verse-32, pp-738, pg- 867.

vi. Susruta, Susruta Samhita, Nibandhasamgraha Commen-

tary by Dalhana and Nyaya Chandrikatika of

Gayadasa, Chaukhamba Surabharati Prakashana Vara-

nasi, Edition –2014, Shareera Sthana, 10th Chapter ,

Verse-4, pp-824, pg-387.

vii. Vagbhata, Astanga Hrudya, SarvangaSundara Commen-

tary of Arunadatta and Ayurveda Rasayana Commentary

of Hemadri, edited by; Pandit Hari Sadasiva Sastri

Paradakara Bhisagacharya, Chaukhamba Surbharati

Prakashan, Varanasi, reprint-2010, Shareera Sthana 1st

Chapter, Verse 49-64, pp-956, pg-372.

viii. DC Dutta’s Text book of obstretics, 7th edition 2011 Kol-

kata, ch.33, Pharmacotherapeutics in obstretics,

pp-688 pg-498-500.

ix.; ,Pitocin FDA

prescribing information, adverse reaction – 26/12/14.

x. DC Dutta’s Text book of obstretics, 7th edition 2011 Kol-

kata, ch.33, Pharmacotherapeutics in obstretics, pp-

688 pg-498-500.

xi. A text book of yoga grantha under ghrita yoga.

xii. Agnivesha, Charaka Samhita, Ayurveda Deepika Com-

mentary by Chakrapanidatta,edited by Vaidya Yadavji

Trikamji Acharya, Chaukhamba Surabharati Praka-

shana, Varanasi, Edition– 2011, Shareera Sthana, 8th

Chapter, Verse-32, pp-738, pg- 867.

Source of Support: Nil.

Conflict of Interest: None declared


How to cite this article: Vaishali & Sunita: Effect of Suk-

haprasavada Ghṛta on Prasava. AAMJ 2016; 5:975 –
