Download - Summer 2013 - Wincham Village

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Summer 2013

HS2:The Current Position

By Cllr Linda Moss

The thick blue line above shows the proposed route.

At the June meeting of Wincham Parish Council, we voted to oppose HS2.

Our HS2 working party attended Cheshire West and Chester's HS2 briefing and also a meeting arranged by 'Mid Cheshire against HS2' Action Group ( It is currently proposed that HS2 will skirt our village, going over Linnards Lane. Because of local geographical features such as the flood plains, the track will be largely raised, a height of 5m over Linnards Lane to a maximum height of 17m at one point. This will causes issues with both noise and visual impact.

HS2 is starting its official consultation in late summer. The nearest consultation events for us will be in Knutsford and Winsford. Dates to be announced. We will be working hard to voice local concerns, but it is essential that you bring these concerns to us so we can speak for you, AND for individual residents to write to our MP George Osborne to do the same, and remind him he represents you.

If you wish to be kept informed of significant developments, and of the actions you can take, please email our Parish Clerk [email protected] We also have a special HS2 section on our website see For those who rather phone, call Linda on 07773913009 or Ian on 01565 734226.

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Chairman’s Words

By Peter O’Halloran (Chairman of Wincham Parish Council)

As we were going through the crime report for the village at the last Council Meeting it occurred to us how little

crime we suffer. It’s not to say we don’t get crime, and for the victims this can be very upsetting but statistically

we are one of the safest villages in Cheshire.

By and large, by far the biggest complaint we get is about inconsiderate parking around the village. Can I take this

opportunity to ask people to think about where they are parking their cars?

Are you blocking the pavements for parents with prams and wheelchair users? Are you causing an obstruction

for your neighbours? Would your parking block an emergency vehicle at two in the morning? Due to the number

of complaints, we have asked our PCSO to enforce parking as he patrols the village.

This leads me nicely onto to our PCSO Phil Hambleton who I would like to thank on behalf of the Council for all

the extra work (on a voluntary basis) that he puts in with the kids from the village of which he will be writing

about in our next issue.

Whilst I’m thanking people, a big thank you goes out to all the residents who attended the recent litter pick. We

collected over ten bags of litter. The only downside was after clearing the playing field on walking back through;

one of the pickers found freshly deposited sweet wrappers. Even harder to understand as bins are provided on

the playing field.

Also in this issue is an article from our MP George Osborne giving his contact details for people who have

concerns. He also mentions HS2; I would like to point out that this does not represent the views of the Parish

Council (as we have voted to oppose HS2) I would encourage anybody who has concerns over HS2 or any other

matter to let Mr Osborne know.

And finally..... We attended a recent Local Council meeting with Cheshire West and Chester (CWaC) at Chester

Town Hall (lovely building). This gave us an opportunity to discuss various topics with our CWaC councillors and

officials as well as other Parish Councils; it was ironic that most of the Parish Councils have similar problems to

us. At the end of the meeting our Vice chairman Kenton Barker managed to corner a CWaC official with regards

the Pickmere Boardwalk. A resident from Shores Green Drive has put in a lot of hard work in trying to get this

path reopened and with this extra nudge that Kenton managed at long last we might see some action. I’m not

holding my breath but the opera singer could be taking her coat off if not yet

warming her voice up....

Enjoy the rest of your summer.

Peter O’Halloran

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A Letter from Rt Hon George Osborne MP

Every week I have a variety of letters and emails from constituents who are asking for help or advice. I have been pleased to help them with a variety of problems ranging from housing problems to healthcare concerns.

If you need help or advice, Constituents can contact me either through my website

email to [email protected] or letter to Manchester Road, Knutsford WA16 0LT.

My local office telephone number is 01565 873037 where messages can be left or you can speak to my Constituency Secretary.

As the local MP I have recently helped the people of Wincham and nearby Pickmere with their fight against proposals to build a waste treatment plant at at the New Cheshire Business Park on Wincham Lane, Wincham. The people of Wincham fought a great campaign and I met with them many times to help them to stop this being built. This is a great example of local democracy winning the day!

In Pickmere, there has been an illegal travellers’ site based in Spinks Lane for a number of years and again, I met with the Parish Council and Cheshire East Council who agreed that the land was in the green belt and that it would damage the surrounding area. The Council have said there has been another appeal but this will not delay or alter the council from taking steps to clear this site of unlawful settlement.

The proposed route of HS2 will pass to the west of Wincham and I have twice met with local councillors to answer their concerns. HS2 will bring jobs and prosperity, and provide fast links to the rest of the country for local people who can use the proposed stations at Crewe and Manchester Airport. But I fully understand and appreciate the impact this train line may have on some local residents.

There will be a public consultation later this year. I want to assure you that as your local MP I will look personally at any constituent’s case if they are directly affected and see what more can be done to help.

George Osborne

Litter In Wincham

By Peter O’Halloran

As mentioned in my Chairman’s Words many thanks to all the residents who attended the recent litter pick. I would like also to thank Pam Lavers and Sue Lawson who are now going round the village on an ad hoc basis to do litter picks. If anybody would like to join them please get in touch with me (contact details in this issue) and I’ll put you in touch. It would be great if you could spare the time as this does make a big difference. I’m especially keen to get people down to Wincham Avenue and Chapel Street. We would like to run another mass litter pick on the Sunday 8th September at 2:00pm again meeting on Linnards lane playing fields. Equipment will be provided and to use a cliché “fun for all the family”

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Down our Way

By Mrs Clare Dockney

Chapel Street Resident

“Rojac” is a well-known family business in Wincham dealing in

scrap metals. When I moved into Wincham, it was known as

“Roberts Scrap Merchants” and it was based on the opposite side

of the road. Where the cafe now is was their office and weigh


After Roberts moved, the old scrap yard area was transformed

into a beautiful and well-kept retirement park. Some one hundred

park homes were sited there, all with lovely gardens and good tarmac roads. Where the cafe now is then

became a village shop. This was great for the residents of the retirement park and the people from Lower

Marston. There was a footpath from Cross Street through to the shop.

These days, at the bottom end of Chapel Street, cross the road and there is an entrance to the Northwich

Woodlands Country Park. This is a wonderful place to take the children, walk the dog or to study wildlife.

How fortunate we are to be so close to an area where one can enjoy the beauty of the countryside. Then, at

the rear of the houses on the south side of Chapel Street, we have open fields, with a small fishing pool. The

houses on this side have lovely gardens and the residents can sit out and enjoy the rural aspect. Chapel

Street has a proud history and a lovely location.

Cheshire Anti-Incinerator Network

By Sue Statham

I would like all residents of Wincham to be aware that CHAIN (Cheshire Anti-Incinerator Network)

continues its campaign against the construction of the Tata/E-On incinerator at Lostock. Tata/E-On has

submitted a tender to treat Hull and East Riding residual waste. We have contacted Councillors in Hull and

East Riding and have had an article printed in The Hull Daily Mail. The people of Hull and East Riding were

successful in their campaign to prevent an incinerator being built for the treatment of their waste. We have

been successful in getting members of that campaign to help us.

CHAIN’s intention is to take similar action whenever we discover which councils Tata/E-On is looking to

procure waste contracts from.

Would any of you be prepared to help CHAIN by sending letters or emails, conveying the message to those

councils contemplating whether or not to send their residual waste to Lostock for burning, that local CWAC

Councillors, local Parish Councils and many thousands of local residents have campaigned against the

incinerator? We do not want a 600,000 tonne waste incinerator in the midst of our community, in close

proximity to homes and schools.

Please email me at [email protected] or telephone me on 07960850982

We must continue to voice our opposition.

Sue Statham

5, Hewitt Grove,


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Wincham CP School Summer Fayre

An event to remember!

The annual Summer Fayre took place at Wincham Primary School on Saturday 13 July and this year it was

better than ever! The sun shone and everyone thoroughly enjoyed the afternoon.

The funds raised were more this year than ever before which is a fantastic result and will enable more funds to

be made available for the benefit of the school children.

Beth Tweddle, Olympic Bronze Medallist (Gymnastics) at London 2012, triple World Champion, six-time

European Champion, Commonwealth Champion and seven-times consecutive National Champion, kindly

opened the Fayre with great style and won many hearts by her generosity and enthusiasm.

The Parish Council stall was visited by many residents, wanting to learn more about HS2, the proposed changes

to the Linnards Lane Playing Field, the Bus survey and the proposed productions to be held at the Community

Centre in the next few months. Details of the children’s competition to design a dream playground were also

announced. (Details on the back page of this edition.)

Beth also unveiled the new plaque showing that Linnards Lane Playing Field is now a Queen Elizabeth II Field in

Trust. This plaque will shortly be mounted on a brick wall within the Playing Field. (The wall is kindly being

donated by Cllr Dominic Turner). The Fields in Trust status is a nationally-recognised designation and

guarantees that the Playing Field will remain always for public recreation.

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The next few years will see a lot of regeneration activity and development in Northwich.

Barons Quay

The £80 million Barons Quay development will turn Northwich’s town centre into a thriving retail and leisure

destination. It will see the creation of more than 300,000 sq ft of shopping space, together with a multi screen

cinema, food store, restaurants, cafes, new public realm and parking for almost 1159 vehicles and providing 1400

jobs. Complementing Witton Street with its many independent shops, the centre will become a thriving place to

shop and for leisure. Planning has been submitted and site investigations have been carried out.

Hayhurst Quay

Hayhurst Quay will soon be home to Waitrose, a 40-berth marina, a restaurant and a seating area overlooking the

river. A complex of 58 McCarthy and Stone extra care apartments neighbouring Waitrose will follow at the

development. Work is on track to open the Waitrose in December of this year.

Memorial Court

The creation of a new entertainment and leisure venue on the site of the old courts and Memorial Hall is underway.

Following the demolition of the Memorial Hall which is due to take place shortly, there will be an estimated 16-

month construction period of the Memorial Court complex featuring an entertainment hall, swimming pool, flume,

spa, 80-station gym and dance studio on the site of the hall and former magistrates’ court.

Witton Street Public realm

The first phase of Witton Street public realm works was completed in November 2012. The next phase from the

library to Iceland is planned to commence this later this year.

Leicester Street Roundabout & Gyratory

A £3.4m grant from the government’s “pinch point” fund has been won by Cheshire West and Chester Council for

vital improvements to Northwich town centre roads. The grant, with a further £1.4m from CW&C, will pay for major

changes to the Leicester Street / Chester Way roundabout and making the town’s gyratory system safer and more


A Letter From Linda Moss Has anyone as an individual succeeded in gaining a meeting with our MP, George Osborne? If so please let me know how you did it. I have written six times to request a meeting since February but have had no joy. I need to talk to my MP about the proposed closure of the Independent Living Fund (ILF), and how its loss will affect people, using my personal situation as an example. His constituency secretary is very efficient in processing my requests but it seems he is just too busy to see me or even hold any surgery for constituents. Instead I have received three written replies. His last letter not only ignored my request to meet but addressed the Social Fund, which has absolutely nothing to do with the ILF. His replies give no indication that he understands the issues, making my need to discuss them face to face more significant. He cannot possibly represent either me or his constituency without appreciating the impact of his government's proposals on us. Is any other villager affected by the proposed closure of the ILF or increasing pressure on direct payment schemes? If so, please get in touch with me as our MP may be more interested in meeting up if it affects more than just one voter. Linda Moss [email protected]

Regeneration in Northwich By Jenny Howard

Programme Officer CW&C

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Forty-three defibrillators have been purchased for the CW&C area which have been funded in the main by

CWAC Ward Councillors with the aim of providing a speedier response to someone having a cardiac arrest. One

of these will be coming to Wincham. The next step is the roll out of training in Heart Start which is supported

by the British Heart Foundation and teaches basic life support. The training of Community First Responders will

also take place who are residents that are trained to attend emergency calls, providing life saving care in the

vital minutes prior to arrival of the ambulance. All of this training is being provided free of charge by the

Northwest Ambulance Service and is available to any resident who wishes to take part in the training. We are

currently looking for people to become a Train the Trainer in Heart Start.

If you are interested in becoming a train the trainer or just undergoing Heart Start training please contact Mark

Simmons, 01606 288843 [email protected]

Why has the Defibrillator (AED) initiative been started?

In July 2012 the Area Partnership Board (APB) approved its priorities and actions for 2012-15. One of the

priorities for the APB is to reduce unnecessary deaths stemming from cardiac arrest, which is prevalent within

the area. The NHS has also set out a commitment to provide AED’s in public places (Our Healthier nations


Recent research and study has shown that someone who has a sudden cardiac arrest and is administered a

shock has a much improved chance of survival than someone who is not shocked, an ideal response time to

administer the shock is under 4 minutes but under 8 minutes is still very effective.

What is an AED?

A defibrillator (automated external defibrillator) is a device that is used to shock a person in a cardiac arrest, it

is very easy and safe to use and will only shock someone if they require it.

What if I use an AED and make things worse by shocking someone that does not need shocking?

It is impossible to shock someone that does not require it. An AED cannot make the situation worse or allow a

shock to be given to a healthy person.

Cardiac Science is also supplying an indemnity policy to negate any concerns people have regarding the liability

issues as a result of using the AED’s.

Do I have to be trained to use an AED?

Not necessarily, the UK Resuscitation Council states that untrained bystanders should not be discouraged from

using the device. The AED being purchased has a voice control and visual display to guide users through its use.

However the installation of the AED’s is not a stand alone action and is linked to the roll out of training on how

to use an AED. All of this training is being provided free of charge by the Northwest Ambulance Service and is

available to any resident who wishes to take part in the training. Anyone interested in attending the Heart

Start training (1/2 day) should contact Mark Simmons, [email protected]

A Defibrillator is coming to this area By Mark Simmons

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Your local Parish Church St John the Evangelist, Lostock Gralam

As I write this article I am also preparing to take assemblies in Wincham Primary School tomorrow morning (1st July). I have been the vicar of the Parish of Lostock Gralam (which includes Wincham) for a little over a year and have been into the School several times to visit and take assemblies. One of the things I value greatly about my role is the opportunity to meet with children and be inspired by their joy and enthusiasm to discover more about life, and perhaps also to share with them something of what I have learnt and believe is most valuable. Children are a great blessing and my contact with them helps to keep me young! I realise that not everyone is quite as privileged as I am!Picture by Graham Sheen

I hope in this short article I might share with you something about the local Church of England church that covers the village of Wincham, who we are, what we do, what we offer and the ways we hope to enhance the life of the village through our engagement with one another.

Who are we? The Church of England is divided into parishes covering the whole of the country and the Parish of Lostock Gralam covers Wincham, Lach Dennis, Lostock Green, Lostock Gralam and much of the surrounding rural area. We have two churches, All Saints in Lach Dennis and St John’s in Lostock Gralam (on the corner of Station Road and School Lane). There are services at both churches virtually every Sunday morning, 9.00am at All Saints and 10.30am at St John’s.

Our congregations include people from all parts of the parish and beyond and we have a significant number of regular members from Wincham. We do not claim to have all the answers, but we do believe that life is a gift to us from God, that God loves all people, and that learning from and following Jesus is the way to discover the most God offers to us in life and fulfil his purpose for us. A vital part of that is simply loving and caring for one another, and we try to offer that love to people in the community in a variety of different ways. Our ‘motto’ is simply ‘Love God, Serve Others’.

What do we do? Worship helps us to renew our love for God and other people and we aim to offer something that brings all ages together. Most Sundays children start in Sunday School in the Church Hall at St John’s and then come into church later in the service - except on the third Sunday in each month when we have a more informal ‘café style’ service and all ages worship in church together.

We celebrate with people at joyful times in their lives at weddings and baptisms (if you are interested please give us a ring) and share with people in the sadness of bereavement through funerals and pastoral care. We have a visiting team to offer support to people going through difficult times or who cannot get out.

Some of the other activities we offer at St John’s are:

Play and Pray for pre-school children and their carers, 10.30am, 2nd Wed. in each month

CAMEO, an opportunity for tea and a chat, every Monday, 2.00pm in the Church Hall

The church is open on Tuesday mornings, 8.30am – 12.00, for quiet, prayer, or a chat

Prize Bingo in the Church Hall on the 1st Friday each month, 7.30pm

Men’s Breakfasts and Ladies’ Lunches on various Saturdays, with excellent food and interesting speakers … and various other social events

Within all of us there is a child wanting to grow in love. I believe we flourish best in God’s family! You will always find a warm welcome at all our services and events.

Please visit the website or ring for more details or to make contact. Brian Harris (Vicar) Tel: 01606 43477 email: [email protected]


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Rural Touring Arts Productions for Autumn By Annie Makepeace

Two dates for your diary - Friday September 27th: Ben Osborne, "Jurassic Journey" Friday November 15th: Trio Gitan These are professional productions offered at ridiculously reduced rates because they are subsidised by the Arts Council. And they are here on your doorstep. We have always sold out so please book early. Both events at Wincham Community Centre. Both are on Fridays, start at 7.30 pm; doors open at 7.00pm, cabaret format. Flat rate ticket price of £6.50. Call Annie - 01565 73 4226 or email [email protected] Tables named, on a “first booked get the front tables” basis. Bring your own booze [it’s cheaper for you that way] and tea/coffee/squash etc on sale at the interval.

Sept 27th Ben Osborne - Jurassic Journey Tickets on sale from August 27th If you enjoyed those BBC programmes, “Life in the Freezer”, “Blue Planet”, “Planet Earth” you should book for this one, because Ben Osborne is the photographer who did the stills work. Look him up on the internet to see some of his works and read more about him, just type in his name - he's famous - and it will be there. You don't need to have an interest in geology or photography - the beauty of the pictures and the gorgeous music and Ben's personality are enough to charm you. “The show is an audio-visual celebration of the Devon/Dorset coast which is brought to life with commentary, images, music and humour to create an unusual and entertaining evening. It’s about what happens when four artists take a close, occasionally sideways look at England’s incredibly beautiful first natural World Heritage site.’ The images are created by state-of-the-art high definition projections, the screen is 14 foot high. Ben has agreed to come over to us in Wincham outside his tour schedule, so we are very fortunate to have him.

November 15th 7.30 Trio Gitan Tickets on sale from October 1st

‘TRIO GITAN will take you on a journey like no other: from mist covered and heavily wooded mountain slopes of rural Eastern Europe, through the buzzing and upbeat Parisienne café scene, through the classical music of Brahms and Paganini, to the poignant yearning and wild abandon of Jewish wedding music, this band has it all. Sizzling violin duets that will have you on the edge of your seat if you are not already up and dancing. Crafted improvisations, complex and accomplished, yet full of bubbling life with spontaneous dynamic interplay between violin, guitar, accordion and vocals from these maestro musicians. Andy, Jack and Paul will keep you amused, intrigued and entertained with stories and banter seamlessly interwoven between songs, weaving a colourful and constantly unwinding tapestry of tight harmonic arrangements, expressive and creative improvisations, and down to earth good fun. Heralded by rave reviews from BBC radio, concert organisers and audience members alike, TRIO GITAN will provide an unforgettable evening of music, show and song.’ For more information and samples of their music on the internet, just type in their name, the website will come up. These guys have agreed to come over from a neighbouring touring network as a favour, so please take advantage of them. All ages will find this evening entertaining. Children and dancing welcome

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Pickmere resident launches her first book

Helen Shaul of Cobb Lodge, Pickmere Lane, has just launched a new career as an author with the e-publishing of her first novel, entitled The Hergonian Way, on the Amazon Kindle e-bookstore.

Helen, who works as a horse trainer, had the idea for the book more than five years ago and put pen to paper when the story ‘wouldn’t go away’. “Writing has always been something I have enjoyed and my hours on horseback have enabled me to think and develop my storylines. I want to thank Judith Hindley, my agent and publisher, and Pickmere Press’ Dave Bradburn (of Opus Creative), who created the book cover, for all their help. We are very much a local team.”

The Hergonian Way is set on Hergonia, in the North Atlantic, and is the story of Karen, Don and Tag, the last remaining on an island wiped out by a virus. Just as they believe their catastrophe is over, they find themselves betrayed by those they had trusted. Now the battle for survival really starts…

The Hergonian Way can be downloaded from the Amazon Kindle ebookstore.

And if you don’t know Helen, or want to find out more about her, then visit her website at

Wincham Book Club

By Annie Makepeace

As mentioned in The Book Club is open to all. What happens? Northwich library sends us a a dozen copies of a book taken at random from a long list we submit each year, then we go off and read it. We meet on the second Thursday of the month, 7.30pm, and say whatever we want to about that book, then swap for the next month’s title. The library charges us for the service, costing us each about £1 a month, so saves us buying the book. That’s the mechanics of the system. The practice is we have a really healthy argument, laugh a lot, have completely different reactions to the texts, and discover a range of genres we wouldn’t normally bother with and find we quite enjoyed them. The last five we read were “The Man from Beijing” by Henning Mankell [the writer of the “Wallander” series.] “1599: A Year in the Life of William Shakespeare” by James Shapiro, non-fiction “The Wind-up Bird Chronicles” by Haruki Murakami, categorised as Japanese magic realism novel “The No.1 Ladies’ Detective Agency” by Alexander McCall Smith, a crime novel “Loving Frank” by Nancy Horan, a biographical novel about architect Frank Lloyd Wright. We don’t know in advance which book we’ll be sent, so you have to take a chance. We change venue as well. We have met in the Indian restaurant when the book under discussion was about a retired British Army man (Major Pettigrew’s Last Stand) so if you want to wander in and join us we advise that you phone Linda Moss to check the venue. Linda usually provides drinks, snacks and music appropriate for the book if we are at her home. Otherwise we buy our own if at the pub. We would be delighted to have you come and give us a try. Like with the book, you might really enjoy it, but you won’t know unless you take a chance. Linda’s number: 0777 3913 009

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Registered Charity No: 510439

Wincham Community Centre is here for you!

The centre is a venue for all ages to meet and socialise. Why not come along to one of the many events held

here, you will be made very welcome. Or why not book you child’s party here to avoid the mess and limited

space at home. Our Clubroom is suitable for small parties of up to 20 people, which included kitchen facilities or

maybe our main hall would be more suitable which holds up to 250 people, so you can invite the whole class

with plenty of space to run around in and this room also included kitchen facilities.

For hiring details and rates - Contact Suzanne James: 07547 539 310

Regular Events held at the Centre Monday Parent & Toddler Group

9.15am –11.15am Laetitia Bridge - 01565 733049 Latinos Dance Group (Latin, American & Modern). 8pm – 10pm Frank Diamond - 01606 860921

Tuesday Latinos Dance Group (Latin, American & Modern.) 8pm – 10pm Frank Diamond - 01606 860921 Slimming World Two sessions 5.30pm & 7.30pm. Sarah - 01606 884211

Thursday Parent & Toddler Group 9.15am - 11.15am Laetitia Bridge - 01565 733049 Sequence Dancing 8pm – 10.30pm Jean Duncalf - 01565 733178

Saturday Breakaway Dance Club (Sequence Dancing) twice a month. Malcolm Rutter - 01606 755661 Old Friends Club - 1st Saturday in every month A social group for the retired with a variety of activities. 1.30pm – 4pm Mrs Greenwood - 01606 44185

Sunday Afternoon Tea Dances 2pm – 5pm once a month. Fred Boast - 01606 834492 Karate Club 6pm – 8pm for Ages 6 – Seniors: Fred Harrison 01606 350314 Zumba Class A Latin inspired dance fitness routine for all levels. 8.30pm – 9.30pm Annie Makepeace 01565 734226 Learn something new! Adult Education Courses

To enrol on a course/ more information

call The Community Learning Team on: 01606 74444 or visit

Wincham Community Centre Course Name Start Date End Date Day Time Fee Pilates for the over 55s 23.9.13 28.10.13 Mon 4.00-5.00PM £10 for 5 weeks

Sign Language Introduction 23.9.13 2.12.13 Mon 1.00-3.00PM £10 for 10 weeks

Drawing and Watercolour Painting 25.9.13 4.12.13 Wed 9.45-11.45AM £72 for 10 weeks

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Cheshire West Warm Zone are running a free benefits and energy efficiency advice service for the rural

areas of Cheshire West and Chester. 0800 0337873, Angie Moray [email protected].

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Wincham Parish Councillors Chairman Peter O’Halloran 01565 733319 [email protected] Vice Chairman Kenton Barker 07734 359806 [email protected], Linda Moss 07773 913009 [email protected]

Ros Casson c/o 0161 926 8645 c/o [email protected] Frank Smith 01565 733663 Ian Parr 01565 734226 [email protected] Annie Makepeace 01565 734226 [email protected]

David Pugh 01565 733302

[email protected]

Dominic Turner 01565 734394

[email protected] Brian Cooke 01565 734487 Dee Cooke 01565 734487

Parish Clerk Naomi Morris 22 Churchfields Bowdon Cheshire WA 14 3PJ. 0161 926 8645 [email protected]

Visit our new website

Follow @winchampc on Twitter.

Join Wincham Post on Facebook.

CW&C Councillors Malcolm Byram Phone: 01606 74451 Fax: 01606 75515 [email protected]

Don Hammond Phone: 01606 891397 Mobile: 07977 223330 [email protected] Norman Wright Phone: 01606 74788 [email protected]

The Parish Council meets every month except August and December, usually on the third Wednesday of the month, at 7.30pm in the Community Centre. It is important you tell us your wishes and concerns. You can go to any Parish Council meeting and speak your mind at the start of every meeting.

New Play Area Open to the Public at Lion Salt Works

By Mary Lavery

Green Spaces CW&W

A new play area is being built at Lion Salt Works which, whilst it will be part of the new museum, will be a

public play space which is open for non museum visitors to use and enjoy. It will be sited to the rear of the

museum and access will be via the vehicular entrance to the museum, so you won’t have to go through the

museum to access it. There will be some seasonal opening hours which will be linked to the opening of the

museum ie, slightly shorter in the winter


The materials and design of the play are will

strongly link to the site’s origins as a salt

mine and has an industrial theme tied in

with the selected play equipment. There will

also be a pathway through the play area to

provide year round access. It will have

provision for disabled children and provide

opportunities for children of differing abilities to play together. It is anticipated that work will commence

(subject to securing funding) summer 2014.

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I am sure you are aware of the restoration work at the

Lion Salt Works, but did you know that a butterfly garden

has been created within its grounds?

The butterfly friendly garden was financed from a

successful grant application submitted to local chemicals

manufacturer, INEOS Enterprises through the Landfill

Communities Fund. It was designed and created by




in association with Sue Beesley, BBC Gardener of the Year

2006, of Lodge Lane Nurseries.

Before the task of creating the garden could begin, the

derelict site on which it is located had to be reclaimed.

This work was undertaken over a three year period by

volunteers from the Cheshire and Peak District branch of

Butterfly Conservation, who are supporting the garden

project, and by friends of the Lion Salt Works. The garden was completed in June 2010, and is now a

mature garden, ready to become a free public attraction when the salt works re-opens in 2014.

A range of nectar-rich plants were selected to attract butterflies and other insects and to give all-round

interest. Over 30 different varieties of buddleia are

featured, which create a profusion of colour

throughout the summer season.

Some work remains to be done in clearing the area

around the garden as part of the main salt works

restoration project, and there are already plans to

expand the garden from its current size when the

site is re-opened to the public.

A band of volunteers visit the garden on a regular

basis, particularly during the summer months, to

perform the weeding, pruning, planting and

various other tasks needed to keep the garden looking at its best. And of course we are always looking out

for new volunteers, so if you are interested in

doing occasional light gardening, or to become

involved in any way with the butterfly garden,

please contact George Martin on 01477 532888,

or drop by and see us on one of our working

days. Entrance to the garden is through the small

door to the right of the main gate, there will

usually be someone there on the last Sunday of

each month from 10am onwards.

The Lion Salt Works Butterfly Garden By David Ogden

Page 15: Summer 2013 - Wincham Village

Bus Details around Wincham

Weekday services only. For variations check with Dave 01244 972666. We have 2 bus services within Wincham 45 Warrington – Northwich – Warrington 289 Altrincham – Northwich – Altrincham The 45 to Northwich starts at 07:14 then 08:04, 10:17, 12:17, 14:17, 16:20, 18:05 and 18:51 The 45 from Northwich starts at 07:40 then 08:25, 09:50, 11:50, 13:50, 16:20, 17:00, and 19:00 The 45 to Warrington starts at 08:04 then 10:04, 12:04, 14:04, 16:04 and 17:46 The 45 from Warrington starts at 06:45 then 09:45, 11:45, 13:45, 15:45, and 17:30 The 289 to Northwich starts at 09:15 then 11:56, 14:37, 17:21 and 20:01 The 289 from Northwich starts at 06:55 then 09:35, 12:20, 15:00 and 17:45 The 289 to Altrincham starts at 07:13 then 09:53, 12:38, 15:18 and 18:03 The 289 from Altrincham starts at 08:15 then 10:57, 13:40, 16:25 and 19:05 (All times correct as of 19/06/2013 please check before making your journey)

Door to Door Transport This is an evening pre-bookable door to door transport service operating in and around the Northwich area. Bookings are taken between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. The service is delivered by Cheshire Community Development Trust supported by Cheshire West and Chester Council. Available - Currently on Wednesdays and Thursday between 6.00 p.m. and 11.00 p.m. Cost - The fare for a single journey is £3.00 or £5.00 return. Booking - The day before your journey ring (01606) 784100 between 10 am and 1 pm. Travel - It operates within the following areas - Northwich, Cuddington, Weaverham, Hartford, Barnton, Marston, Wincham, Lostock, Rudheath and Davenham The Hospital Visiting Bus Service A door to door bus service for people to visit friends and relatives in Leighton Hospital for those who cannot use ordinary buses and for residents of Northwich and Winsford areas. Day Pick Up Arrive Return Monday 17.30 19.00 20.30 Wednesday 17.00 18.30 20.00 Friday 17.30 19.00 20.30 Fare £20 return Drivers Needed Cheshire Community Development Trust need paid drivers to fill in gaps when permanent staff are away. They also need drivers who would be prepared to use their own cars to take people with no transport on a variety of local trips. A mileage allowance is paid and this could be enhanced if you were willing to accompany people on

hospital appointments. If you are interested in any of the project please contact Sue on 01606 784100 or email [email protected] Editor’s Note Please do take time to complete and return the Bus Questionnaire enclosed with this copy of the Wincham Word. Details of where to deliver the completed forms are on the forms. If you do not have a copy or have any queries, please contact Naomi Morris [email protected]

Page 16: Summer 2013 - Wincham Village

Do you have a local business to advertise? Wincham Parish Council is now accepting advertisements for the back

page of the newsletter. The rates are £20 for an advertisement the size of a business card. The newsletters are

distributed to every house and business in Wincham. Please contact Naomi Morris at [email protected]

Wincham Parish Council will also accept advertisements for the village website. The rates are £20 for a year.


Wincham Parish Council cannot be held responsible for

any errors misprints or opinions stated in this publication.

Anything you need for your car

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