Download - Studies of Religion 2U - 2011 HSC Questions, Section 2


2011 HSC Questions, Section 2a) Outline in detail the contribution of one significant person or school of thought other than the Buddha to the development of BuddhismThe Dalai Lama made a significant contribution to the development of Buddhism through a number of ways. His promotion of world peace, through Buddhist teachings showed the world ways of promoting and holding peace. The Dalai Lamas ideology was that there would not be world peace, until everybody found inner peace. This reflected that peace was achievable without world leaders, and negotiations. The Dalai Lama also contributed through his life as a mirror of Buddhist teachings and promotion of Buddhist values. This can be seen through his winning of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1996 for his journey to find a peaceful end to conflict in Tibet. Lastly the Dalai Lamas contribution to development of Buddhism can be seen through his encouragement of Interfaith dialogue, He has visited 46 countries whilst in exile, Australia included. Summarise the impact of the significant person or school of thought chosen in partThe Dalai Lama has had a positive impact through a variety of means. The first major positive impact of the Dalai Lama has been the preservation of Tibetan Buddhism. Through developing education for refugees in exile and the continuation of Buddhist practice. By doing this he has also enabled others of Buddhist variants such as Mahayana and Vajrayana to come and learn. The Dalai Lama has also shown the world new ways through which world peace can be developed. The Dalai Lama promotes that inner peace leads to world peace as also seen when he won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1996. The Dalai Lama believes It is not the role of world leaders to achieve world peace, it is up to the individual to achieve inner peace. Lastly the Dalai Lama has had an impact through is promotion of Interfaith Dialogue. He has visited 46 countries including Thailand in which he has conversed with many world leaders, and leaders of other faiths. Open to anything that supports compassion, love and kindness the Dalai Lama promotes communication between faiths and encourages medication. b) Buddhism responds creatively to new challengesHow well does the statement reflect the impact of the significant person or school of faith?Buddhism does respond creatively to new challenges facing the world today. Based on Buddhist teachings, Buddhism supports the sustainability and preservation of the environment, seen through the 1st moral precept against the killing of living things. Promoting the environment the Dalai Lama has requested of the United Nations formally that Tibet be an environmental peace park. Buddhism can be seen to be responding to our new multicultural world through Interfaith Dialogue. Buddhism has promoted Interfaith Dialogue and its belief to unite people through understanding, in order to prevent prejudice and conflict. Lastly the Dalai Lama as a refugee, reflects the challenges of modern times with 45 million refugees in the world today.