Download - STOCKTON’S NEWS · 2020. 3. 29. · Follow our brown tourist sign at Napton crossroads on the A425 Southam to Daventry Road Free Estimates Time convenient to you

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    STOCKTON’S NEWS keeping you informed ....

    April 2020 Issue 125

    Sponsored by Mr & Mrs B Tuckey, Glebe Farm

    Magazine Deadline:- 15th of the month emails: Magazine Items - [email protected]

    Adverts - [email protected] Web Page:-

    Printed by:- Stockton’s News


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    C PULLIN & SON Monumental Masons

    Five generations of quality

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    business. All aspects of monumental

    Masonry Showroom at 19A High Street, Leamington Spa, CV31 3AW

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    BJ Gascoigne Building Contractor

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    Tomlow Road, Napton, Warks Specialist nursery growing and

    selling Bamboos, Grasses, Hardy Perennials, Shrubs, Alpines

    Open March to November: Hours: Thursday, Friday,

    Saturday, Sunday & Bank Holiday Mondays throughout the year

    10.00am to 4.00pm Other times by appointment.

    Tel: 01926 812737

    Follow our brown tourist sign at Napton crossroads on the A425

    Southam to Daventry Road

    Free Estimates Time convenient to you

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    on Tel: 01926 817924 Mob: 07900431644

  • 4

    Stockton Post Office &

    Convenience Store

    New Opening Hours:- Closed for Lunch: 1.00 - 1.30pm

    Shop: Mon-Fri 7.00am ~ 8.00pm Sat 7.00am ~ 8.00pm Sun 8.00am ~ 13.00pm Post Office Counter: Mon-Fri 9.00am ~ 5.30pm Sat 9.00am ~12.30pm Sun Closed Bank Holidays Closed

    Tel: 01926 812491

    Suzanne Evetts Florist Market Hill, Southam

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  • 5

    W. Goodwin & Sons Funeral Directors

    38 Coventry Street,


    Telephone: 01926 812445

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    Freelance / Virtual Admin Assistant

    Highly experienced, organised and motivated Administrative Assistant seeking part time work.

    30+ years of experience in administrative roles, inclusive of different industries. Adaptable and hard working with great attention to detail.

    A quick learner of new systems and software. Scope and Previous Experience: Invoicing, Credit Control, Proof Reading, Schedule Organisation, Financial Administrative Tasks, (experience with Sage 50), Professional and Friendly Telephone Manner, Highly Organised, Calendar

    Management, Inbox Assistance, Documentation/Formal Letter Writing, Competent in Microsoft Office including Word and Excel.

    Ideally would like to work part time and / or remotely. For further information please contact Carol on 07855 831190

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    Archives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

    Church . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

    County Councillor . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

    Create and Play . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

    District Councillor . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

    Garden Jottings . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

    Parish Council . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

    Primary School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15/27

    Sporting Stockton . . . . . . . . . . 24

    Stockton Weather Station . . . . . . . . . 17

    Village Matters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

    W.I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

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    Happy Birthday wishes for April go to Annabelle Lawson, Joseph Smar t, Mya Thornicroft, April Gillett, Lisa Tulloch, Calum Jeyes, Eden Cordner-Young, Jack Adkins, Amy & Mick Spraggett, Hannah Hogan, Terry Thornicroft, Eileen Turner, Joan Howard, David Thornicroft, Roger Facer, Alan Bates, George Biddle, Philippe Etienne, Andrew Boucher, Josh Evans, Sarah Jerger, Chris Barker-Wall, Lisa Scott, Emma Stanway, Isabella Lane, Sophie Clowes, Freya Underwood, Bertie Smith, Fin Habbits-Shaw, Trixie George, Evan Davies, Janet Knapp, Vickie Lowe & Kate Medley

    Refuse Collections

    `10th & 24th - Grey Lid Bin 3rd & 17th - Blue & Green Bin

    COVID-19 and Waste Disposal Disposal of personal waste during the Coronavirus Pandemic The latest Public Health England information regarding the disposal of personal waste is as follows: If you are showing symptoms of COVID-19 (Coronavirus), personal waste such as used tissues and disposable cleaning cloths can be stored securely within disposable rubbish bags. These bags should be placed into another bag, tied securely and kept separate from other waste. This should be put aside for at least 72 hours before being put in your usual external household waste bin. Other household waste can be disposed of as normal.

    VILLAGE MATTERS To have your news included please

    Contact by email - [email protected] or by telephone Marion 812887 or Wendy 813730

    Note from Ed’s Advertising referring to places of Social Gatherings have been omitted from this issue and will be credited for this month. We hope to bring you a May Issue but as there will be no village events during April to report village news might be a bit thin.

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    Quick Guide of Cancelled Events Church - Services and activities suspended with immediate effect.

    Create and Play - Is cancelled at least till after Easter

    Galanos House - Dementia Cafe cancelled until further notice

    Lent Lunches - Cancelled

    Napton Art Exhibition - Cancelled

    Petanque - All competitions have been cancelled for Apr il and May

    Stockton Cinema - Cinema films have been cancelled until further notice with immediate effect.

    Southam Gardening Club - April Meeting cancelled. Southam French Street Market - Cancelled hope to re-schedule for 1st


    Southam & Feldon Community Forum - Postponed

    Village Hall - Closed for all social activities

    Women’s Institute - April and May meetings, trip to the Spa Centre, Craft Club until further notice. W I Fashion Show is postponed.

    Magazine Policy Deadline for articles 15th of the month and can only be accepted if in the form of a typed/written copy to Stockton’s News Editorial Team or email [email protected]. The Editorial Team 1.) Reserve the right to withhold or shorten items as views expressed are not necessarily those of the Editorial Team. 2.) Contributors can request that their names be withheld but the team cannot accept anonymous items for publication. 3.) Reserve the right to edit each edition of the magazine to be put on the Web. 4.) No Liability will be accepted for loss or damage caused by error or omission from advertisements or content. 5.) Income is aimed at covering all costs generated by the production/circulation of Stockton’s News. 6.) Any surplus funds will be distributed within the Parish of Stockton. Village groups are invited to apply for funds to the betterment of our community. Copy of Magazine Guide Lines reinstated from the 1980’s Parish Mag 8.) We will try to print anything that wont land us up in court 9.) We do not endorse ALL the views expressed. 10.) We don’t judge between those in dispute. 11.) We want to provide news, views, opinions and reports. We do not want to be unfair, biased, censorious or condemnatory. Airing a view is an opinion but a continual airing of that view and/or it’s opposite becomes an argument.

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    The Nelson Club and Institute Ltd Napton Road, Stockton, Southam, CV47 8JU Tel: 01926 812613

    Email: [email protected] Facebook nelsonclubstockton Twitter @nelsonstockton

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    STOCKTON PARISH COUNCIL - MARCH 2020 MEETING These are informal notes only, for a formal record please refer to the approved minutes on the parish council website. Coronavirus - At the Parish Council meeting on 16th March we discussed how the village responds to the Coronavirus and agreed that we knew of very few in the vulnerable groups who are not already in some sort of support network through neighbours, friends and family, etc. To supplement this we have seen a simple form (page 6) that people can fill in and post through the doors of people they are prepared to offer help to. Please cut it out if you feel able to help. Another very useful network for those with internet is the Facebook page “Stockton Online” where those who can offer help or who need help can make contact. There is also medical advice at VE Day, 8th May - the group who are coordinating the events in the village met on 16th March and decided that for the moment they would continue to plan for their events but agreed there was a high possibility that the government might tighten up advice on public events and decide to close down pubs, restaurants, etc. If this does happen then events will be called off and hopefully rearranged later in the year. The events being planned are a lunch for older people in the Village Hall, a children's street party at the Football Cub and a dinner dance at the Nelson Club. Planning Matters - (19/03583) Grange Farm at the junction of Tomlow Road and Station Road: conversion of part of a redundant barn to residential use. The parish council objected on the grounds that this development lies outside the village boundary and is incompatible with the surrounding area. The parish council added, however, that if the planning authority were minded to grant the application it should be with a condition that it can only be occupied by an agricultural worker. (20/00511) : Stockton House - construction of a freestanding entrance sign. The parish council made no representation but did request that it should be checked that the lighting did not disturb neighbours nor affect drivers on the A426. Village facilities: access on to Stockton Football Club grounds - villagers are asked not to break through the hedge from Nelson’s Way onto the football ground. The only access to the club is for those with genuine business there or on the public footpath from Napton Road.

    STOCKTON PARISH COUNCIL Meetings held every 3rd Monday in Village Hall 7.15pm.

    Full copies of approved minutes available from Clerk to Parish Council Mr. W.J. Robinson Tel: 01926 814094 or


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    Villager of the Year: the par ish council agreed to award Villager of the Year to Ashleigh Leeman for his work in organising the beer festival/ scarecrow trail/ village show. The other nominees were James Neal and Gary Cole. Next Meeting: the next meeting is scheduled for 7.15pm on Monday 20th April, but is subject to the government’s advice on the coronavirus and public meetings.

    News From Your Warwickshire County Councillor for Southam, Stockton & Napton

    Andy Crump Tel: 01926 815745 email [email protected] /[email protected]

    Mobile: 07771335273 or 07899904189

    As Councillor for Southam, Stockton and Napton, I feel that we need to let everyone know that I (and Cllr Adam- re SDC) are here to support and help our community whenever we can. The Corona virus has created a situation that has probably not been seen in this country since WW2. This where we need our community to work together to help and protect the elderly, frail and those with underlying medical conditions. There is already some great work going on with many kind people looking after others who are having difficulties. The Facebook Community Page is proving to be a great success. Warwickshire County Council is looking to co-ordinate voluntary activities and details of what is happening is posted below. Ordinary life throughout the country will be postponed for many months and resources will be diverted to other priorities, meaning certain council services may be delayed or disrupted. On the BBC News today, it said, ‘Anti-social is the new social and self isolation is a way of protecting our communities’. However, we are a sociable (mostly) community in the Southam area so it is important, particularly from a mental health perspective, that some form of contact is made with people who are self isolating via phone, Facebook, Skype/Facetime etc. In particular, getting details of what they need e.g. food, medicines, help with pets etc. Some people have no relatives living nearby (or they maybe isolating themselves) and it is these people who need our help. If you are able to help, please do. Please encourage friends and family not to panic buy. Also, donations, nationally, to foodbanks etc have fallen so if you can spare something , that would be most appreciated (and charity shops too). Finally, I would like to pay tribute to those working in the shops, chemists, libraries, banks, building societies, doctors, pubs, cafes, takeaways, florists, (plus

    mailto:[email protected]

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    many more) who are ‘operating business as usual’. They are doing are great job under trying circumstances. Even if you don’t want to get too close to them, a thank you or a smile would be most welcome. COVID-19 Community-Led Support Groups Warwickshire County Council is aware that a large number of community-led support groups, many of them informal groups, are emerging in response to COVID-19. These groups are providing invaluable local support and we're keen to know about, engage and communicate with them. If you are providing community led-support we would be grateful if you could please complete this short questionnaire. If you are aware of any support groups we would be grateful if you could please send them the link. Click here to access the questionnaire. We may share the information you provide with our partners with the purpose of being able to signpost people to help and support in their communities. We may post the information on the Warwickshire County Council website and our partners may do the same with their websites. We thank you in advance. For more information or for any questions please email [email protected]. If you would like to sign up to our mailing list to receive further updates, please visit

    From your Stratford District Councillor Louis Adam

    Email: [email protected] Tel: 07971 342940

    We are all seeing the affects of the Coronavirus which is making communication and working more difficult. I will continue to be available via email and phone for District issues that you may be experiencing. We are expecting updates on the functioning of the council and how we can help support communities and businesses in the district at this time and will update you when we know more. In the meantime I am very thankful to the community led initiatives to support and look out for people in the area, thank you. Otherwise I am in contact with Orbit regarding some other issues in the village, if you require support with this yourself please let me know[email protected]://[email protected]

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    Scammers Take Advantage of Coronavirus Disease Fraudsters are taking advantage of Coronavirus to scam vulnerable people, Warwickshire County Council’s Trading Standards Service is warning. Since February 2020, the National Fraud Intelligence Bureau (NFIB) has identified 21 reports of fraud where Coronavirus was mentioned, with victim losses totalling over £800k. Ten of these reports were made by victims that attempted to purchase protective face masks from fraudulent sellers. Reporting numbers are expected to rise as the virus continues to spread across the world. Some of the tactics employed by fraudsters have included: Sending out coronavirus-themed phishing emails in an attempt to trick people

    into opening malicious attachments or revealing sensitive personal and financial details.

    Impersonating the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organisation (WHO). Fraudsters claim to be able to provide the recipient with a list of coronavirus infected people in their area. In order to access this information, the victim needs to click on a link, which leads to a malicious website, or is asked to make a payment in Bitcoin.

    Selling unapproved and misbranded products, (for example teas and essential oils), claiming they can treat or prevent the Coronavirus. There are currently no approved vaccines or drugs available to prevent or treat the disease.

    Creating malicious web pages with coronavirus based domain names. These encourage Internet users to visit them, putting their computers at risk of viruses. Some are attempting to mimic genuine sources of information.

    Cold calling residents offering ‘safe’ investments following falling share prices. Taking advantage of vulnerable older people who are attempting to self-isolate.

    This may include offering to fetch shopping or carry out all household chores in return for cash or for divulging bank details.

    Warwickshire County Councillor Andy Crump, Portfolio Holder for Community Safety said: “At this difficult time, look out for your vulnerable friends and family members. Keep in contact with them and abreast of all the latest information and advice about scams and health issues generally and most importantly help ensure they are safe and comfortable.” Advice to residents: Watch out for scam messages: Don’t click on the links or attachments in

    suspicious emails, and never respond to unsolicited messages and phone calls that ask for your personal or financial details.

    Don’t buy goods or services from unexpected doorstep callers. Shopping online: If you’re making a purchase from a company or person you

    don’t know and trust, carry out some research first, and ask a friend or family member for advice before completing the purchase. If you decide to go ahead with the purchase, use a credit card if you have one, as most major credit card providers insure online purchases. For more information on how

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    to shop online safely, please visit:

    Protect your devices from the latest threats: Always install the latest software and app updates to protect your devices from the latest threats. For information on how to update your devices, please visit:

    Keep up with all the latest help, advice and information at:

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    STOCKTON PRIMARY SCHOOL NEWS Tel: 01926 812483 Head - Mrs. Ann Bedgood

    Taken from Newsletter dated 6th March What a Wonderful World Book Day! Dear Parents and Carers, What a beautiful day for dressing up and enjoying books! Congratulations on a brilliant range of costumes - it has been a fantastic day teaching all these amazing characters - from Peter Rabbit to Gangsta Granny! Mrs Etheridge and I found ourselves to be 'practically perfect in every way' ...but the best Mary Poppins was definitely Lilly! It has been great fun! You will receive a photograph of your child in costume as a lovely memento of the day. Parent Evenings were well attended and a great illustration of how working together is so important. Beech class enjoyed working with 'All Stars Cricket' on Thursday and netball club was well attended and all children seemed to be thoroughly enjoying themselves. Taken from Newsletter dated 13th March Skipping for Sport Relief! How lovely to have lots of children skipping for Sport Relief at playtime and lunchtime today. Thank you to our roving photographers Mrs Etheridge, Jenson and Andrew for the pictures in the newsletter! We have raised £90 so far.

    Stockton Primary School Part of Stowe Valley Multi-Academy Trust Consultation on Change of Age Range of Stockton Primary School

    30th March – 27th April 2020 Proposal Consultation on the change of age range from 4-11 years to 2-11 years from September 2020 Background Currently at Stockton, there is a charity run Pre-School (known as Stepping Stones) which is run by a committee of parents and volunteers. The Pre-School is the main ‘feeder’ for Stockton Primary. The Pre-School has struggled with maintaining a functioning committee which means its future is always precarious. Stockton Primary has worked in partnership with the Pre-School and the most viable way to support the future of two and three-year-old provision is for Stockton Primary to change age range and become a provider of nursery

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    education. Transition for staff, children and resources to the primary school would be smooth and ensure that education for the younger children is not disrupted. Proposal The Trustees of Stowe Valley Multi-Academy Trust together with the Governors of Stockton Primary School are proposing to change the age range of the school from 4-11 to 2-11 so that we can operate the Pre-School as part of Stockton school from September 2020. Our vision is: to be an inclusive school which starts at age 2; to ensure that high quality Nursery education continues to be provided within the village of Stockton; to develop and enrich educational experiences for all children in the school; to have strong links with all members of our community; to recruit and retain the best teaching and support staff; to be financially secure in order to fulfil our vision. The Pre-School becoming part of the Primary School will mean Stowe Valley Multi-Academy Trust will be responsible for the quality of education, financial security and the safeguarding of the nursery children. By becoming part of the school, and therefore part of the Stowe Valley Multi-Academy Trust, nursery provision will be secured for the future. What happens next: The purpose of this consultation is to gather your views and inform the decision-making process. It will run from 30th March to 27th April 2020. All responses received will be collated and shared with Governors and Trustees. Responses need to be in writing and returned to the school office before Monday 27th April 2020, alternatively e-mail the school directly at [email protected] We are also holding a drop-in session on Tuesday 21st April 2020 – 2.30 – 5.30 pm as an opportunity to gather further information. The session will be held in the hall at Stockton Primary School.

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    STOCKTON’S WEATHER STATION - FEBRUARY 2020 Headlines - thankfully Stockton managed to avoid the havoc caused by Storms Ciara, Dennis and Jorge. In February the average minimum temperature was 2.5 deg. C, one degree above the long-term average (1.4 deg.). The lowest temperature was -1.9 deg. C on the 5th. The average maximum temperature was 8.6 deg. C, one degree above the long-term average (7.5 deg C). The highest temperature was 12.2 deg. C on the 2nd. Rainfall was 70 mm this month, compared to the February average of 44 mm. and it only rained on 17 days. The wettest day was the 15th February with 10 mm. The sunshine total was 10% over the February average. The wind direc-tion was predominantly from the south and south-east (22 days). Trivia of the month - although the media have labelled 2020 the wettest February on record, locally we have been nowhere near that record. The wettest February on record for our local area was 1977 with 126mm compared to our 70mm this year. In fact if we look at our records in Stockton we see: Year February Rainfall (mm) 2011 55 2012 ? 2013 22 2014 80 2015 30 2016 53 2017 44 2018 24 2019 33 So although February has been one of the drier months annually in recent years, folklore must call it “February Fill Dyke” for some good reason. The Weather Monitor


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    God is our strength I am writing this at the beginning of the outbreak of the Corona Virus in Britain; as the government and other organisations start to issue guidance for us. I am not going to comment on how things are looking at the moment because by the time you read this they will undoubtedly be entirely different – either with the country in complete lockdown or the worst having passed and things getting back to normal. But while things are looking bleak, what can we do? I think, most importantly, remain calm and follow the advice around good hygiene. (If you are getting fed up with singing “happy birthday” twice every time you wash your hands, try singing a verse of “Amazing grace” or “Morning has broken” or saying the Lord’s Prayer twice instead!) It is clear already that the community is stepping up to the mark: with people looking out for their neighbours who are more vulnerable to the risk of infection; doing small acts of kindness – helping with shopping, supporting the local foodbank, collecting prescriptions from the pharmacy, keeping in contact with those on their own etc. We can also take some time to sit quietly and pray. I am hoping that we can keep our church buildings open for private prayer. We can pray for those who

    Letter from Rev. Gillian Roberts

    It is with much sadness that I have to tell you that church services and activities need to be suspended with immediate effect. But that won’t stop us “being” church! The building will be open for personal prayer every day (but please observe the hygiene guidelines) and we will be producing some prayer resources for those who visit the church and for anyone self-isolating at home. We also plan to offer practical help, along with other groups within the community. There will be further information and links to resources on our FB page. We want people to continue to feel connected, prayed for and cared for. You can message me or phone me on 01926 815831 if you would like a chat about anything or need help. I want you to be assured that our life of prayer goes on "God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble." [Psalm 46:1]

    Stockton church

    Methodist and Anglicans in unity

    The Bridges Group of Parishes Rev. Gillian Roberts Tel: 01926815831 email: [email protected] Associate Ministers Rev. Carol Newborn Tel: 02476 503707 email: [email protected] Rev Celia Parks Tel: 07842 151387 email: [email protected]

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    JOSEPH VISITS STOCKTON There was much fun and laughter in Stockton when Joseph and his Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat decided to visit our Village Church. For several weeks Methodist friends have been performing the “Joseph Singalong” in every Methodist Church in our circuit and on 14th March it was our turn to welcome them. (For those of you who didn’t know, our Church is Anglicans & Methodists in Union.) The West End Musical has been a family favourite for many years and one which you always wanted to join in with. This was our moment! The “Singalong” was the idea of our Superintendant Minister, Rev. Peter Powers, who, along with his improvised drum kit, a keyboard player, a violinist and a guitarist, led the songs with much enthusiasm! We met Joseph’s brothers, a worried Pharaoh and a delighted Jacob who was reunited with his long lost son. We were even introduced to a gentleman who, some years ago, played Joseph in an amateur production of the musical - and he could still fit into his coat of many colours! It was a wonderful opportunity to sing along to every wonderful word. If we didn’t know the songs beforehand, we certainly knew them by the end, such tunes as “I Close my Eyes” and “Coat of Many Colours”. When the performance was over everyone was buzzing with excitement and ready for a cup of tea. The event was so entertaining and enjoyable, one that will stay with us for a long time. Thank you to all who came along, the ladies who provided the refreshments, those who distributed leaflets and, of course, to the Methodist singers who have worked so hard in bringing us such an unforgettable experience! In August Rev. Peter Powers is moving to another circuit. We wish him

    well in his new appointment.

    are physically vulnerable, those who are anxious for themselves or their loved ones, those who are struggling financially and do not want to take time off work, those who do not have family and friends around to support them. We can pray for our health care workers and political leaders who are responding to the crisis and trying to keep us safe. We are in this together. Let’s look after ourselves and our communities and remember that “God is our refuge and strength, an ever present help in times of trouble” [Psalm 46 v1] Keep safe and God bless, Gillian

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    This year the service was held in the Church of St John the Baptist, Lower Shuckburgh and over twenty people from all parishes in the Bridges Group attended and took part. We thank most sincerely our hosts, Lady Margaret Shuckburgh and Mrs Niki Weeks and all those who contributed to making it such an interesting and enjoyable service. Compiled by Christian women of Zimbabwe, the service was preceded by Zimbabwean music played on a disc which was part of the ‘service kit’. The service booklets gave information about modern day life and culture in Zimbabwe, and an excellent and informative display board added to this information, thanks to Mrs Shirley Monkhouse. There was also a display of artefacts and produce from Zimbabwe as well as the flag of Zimbabwe on the pulpit! The theme of the service was: ”Rise! Take your mat and walk” and focused on an invitation to renew enthusiasm and efforts to meet the challenges that confront us. As usual members of the congregation took part in the service, and this contributed to the welcoming and relaxing atmosphere. The hymns all used familiar tunes – except one which had been written specifically for the service by Sylvia Marowa who had also composed the Zimbabwean tune. We listened to this on the disc. We were very grateful to Mrs Heather Chamberlain who played the organ so that the singing went really well. Refreshments were served after the service and this proved to be an excellent opportunity to meet friends from all of our parishes. The collection amounted to £159.50 and this has been sent to the WDP office from where it will be used for grants to a wide variety of Christian based charities, as well as in preparation for next year’s service. This will be prepared by Christian women from Vanuatu, on the theme: “Build on a strong foundation”. We look forward to another interesting and enjoyable service. In 2022 the service will be prepared by women from England, Wales and N Ireland! These services don’t last all day – just about an hour! The overall title of the event comes from the fact that people all round the world use the same service (in the appropriate language) on the same day beginning in the east – Samoa- and moving west as day break arrives – and until it sets again on the eastern side of Samoa -about 38 hours later - a bit like a Mexican Wave! So every year we all sing, as we end the service (whatever time of day it is): ”The sun that bids us rest is waking our friends beneath the western sky.” Margaret Clarke

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    STOCKTON’S WAR DEAD Two men from Stockton died in the moth of April in World War 2.


    Sapper George Herbert Wright was the son of Mr & Mrs George Wright of Long Itchington. After leaving school Bert worked for the London Midland Scottish Railway. He was married to Marjorie Helen Hall whose family lived in George Street, Stockton. They had a son, Colin George, who later became the publican at the Red Lion, Southam and subsequently two more public houses in Coventry. He served as a sapper with the 1003 Docks Operating Company, Royal Engineers and was killed in action during the invasion of Crete on Saint George’s Day, 23 April 1941, at the age of 23. Bert is commemorated on the Phaleron War Cemetery near Athens, Greece. His service no. was 2008953 and he served in the Royal Engineers. When he was serving in Greece Bert sent a letter back home saying that he would try to bring a donkey back for the farm. Article from The Rugby Advertiser, 4th September 1942 “Mr & Mrs George Wright have been notified by the War Office that their son, George Herbert Wright, is presumed killed. He was reported missing nearly twelve months ago off Crete. He was 23 years old and the second child of Mr & Mrs Wright and was married. Prior to joining the forces he was in the employ of the LMB Railway Company”.


    William Edward Greene was born on 7 January 1907, the son of Albert Henry Greene (1872-1950) and Hannah Cowley. His siblings were Albert (born 1902), Walter (born 1903), Ada (born 1906) and Cyril (1909-1950). At the 1911 census the family lived at Greaves Cottages and Albert was a blacksmith at the cement works. In March 1926 William married Maude Emma Greene of Sturminster Newton, Devon. He died on 9 April 1944 at the age of 37 and is buried in the

    Bone Cemetery, Annaba, Algeria. Corporal Greene’s service number was 7945023 and he served in the Duke of Wellington’s Regiment, Royal Armoured Corps.

    If you have more information about these two men or their families , particularly any photos, please contact me. Howard Collerson tel: 813181

    Stockton’s Archives

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    The attendance at, Create and play, the open-ended play session in church on Tuesday mornings is continuing to grow! .For pancake day, our little ones pretended to "cook" at the play cooker, another time, we made little handbags from envelopes, we have play sand every week and there we find great engagement in play, lots of pouring, emptying, filling up, the hiding of shells, the moving of things from one place to another and so it goes on. Playdough is a popular activity too, we made some with curry powder in it, too smelly for some! We always have refreshments and sing songs together at the end, sometimes a story, the last one was all about Noah and his ark.

    Create and Play in the Church Tuesday - Term Time Only - 9.30 til 11.00am

    Contact: email: [email protected] Tel: 01926 819016 All sessions suitable for all under-fives, including babies who can find things to

    discover, hold and investigate, all parents and carers welcome.

    When HS2 was announced some years ago it was clear that the route would be going right through Greenleaf Nursery. How they were able to maintain their spirits and strong work ethic during that time is beyond me. The devastaing news that it is going ahead means that Pete Healey and family have to be out at the end of March without knowing what compensation they will get and are moving away. This is very unfortunate for gardeners in this area. And for me too because I used to send many people his way, those who wanted vegetable plants or summer/winter bedding plants. I'm really not sure where you will be able to get those things which he was so good at growing. I wish them all the best for the future. Jobs.....Trim back lavender.....sow hardy annuals in trays or straight into the ground.......plant lily bulbs.......cut back winter flowering shrubby honeysuckle.......keep an eye out for bramble seedlings which often 'hide' in the middle of established shrubs and remove.....plant potatoes in the ground or in large pots.......sow cabbages, cauliflower, broccili also radish and peas, carrots and spinach.....take cuttings of over-wintered pelargoniums and dahlias. And don't forget to do the weeding. Update on tunnels...all undamaged by the gale force winds, weren't we lucky?

    Garden Jottings from Bridge Nursery - your local Hardy Plant Specialists

    Christine Dakin, Bridge Nursery Tel:01926 812737 Tomlow Road, Napton.

    ¼ mile from Crossroads Garage – look for our Tourist Sign

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    WOMENS INSTITUTE Meeting 7.30pm at Village Hall first Monday each Month

    President:- Sue Gill Tel: 01926 460278 Secretary: Joan Ford Tel: 01926 810220

    Sue opened the meeting and she and Joan took us through the notices and forthcoming events after we sang “Jerusalem”. She mentioned that Yvonne has withdrawn the Wordpress site as there is a new site being set up. Thanks go to Yvonne for setting up the original site and getting our W I up and running on the internet.. Also thanks go to Diane for setting up Stockton WI on Facebook. Joan mentioned the various forthcoming trips and told us there was an embroidery course at Federation House in May; paddle boarding on the river Leam for those interested; an outdoor concert evening at Wroxhall; a flower workshop at Cawston village hall and afternoon tea at Mallory Court, both in July. Our Fashion Show is on April 22nd at 7.30 pm in the village hall. This is open to everyone, not just the WI. The clothes are by Wanda of Dunchurch. Please come along and support us, this will be the third fashion show we have done in conjunction with Wanda which have proved very enjoyable. Wanda will be bringing along a lovely selection of clothes so you may be treating yourself to a new spring outfit! Please see the poster giving details in this edition of Stockton’s News. Sally has organised the next ladies lunch at the Crown so we look forward to that. Wendy said that the craft club is still doing well. The banner is started and all things Stockton are being embroidered, stitched and knit onto separate squares of material. She herself is doing a canal boat , some are doing trees, the church, Stockton Windmill and many other subjects. The Produce and Craft Show at Bearley Schedule for Exhibitors is available if anyone would like to see a copy. The classes are Craft, Art and Photography, Floral Art, Vegetables and cut flowers, cookery and preserves. This is on 9th August so plenty of time to decide which class to enter. Joan then introduced the speaker Eugene Schellenberg with wife Margaret who told us about the Ifakara Bakery Project and the Free Bread Funds in Tanzania. They had been for a holiday to Tanzania and stayed in Ifakara where they met the Sisters of St Francis who had a vision to run a bakery. They wanted to provide a staple food all the year round to the local population especially when their harvest of maize failed. After researching and making a business plan they considered this project viable. Although they had no help from any major charities they managed to raise £30,000 to buy all machinery, oven and equipment including a generator and to pay for clearing charges and installation costs. They visited Ifakara again to install the equipment as well as teach the Sisters the art of making break and the safe handling of the machinery in 2001. They then produced up to 100 loaves of bread. The bakery is a great success and today produces between 400 and 900 loaves

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    daily, providing local employment and making a huge difference. When all their friends heard how much the bread is being enjoyed they rallied again and sent gifts to set up the Free Bread funds for those who could not afford their daily bread and 120,000 loaves reached many children in 2017. For many this is a lifeline and they are very grateful. To help maintain these Free Breads the speaker told us that they are happy to talk to any organisations about the project, will bring their own projector and screen and charge no fees. They were very happy to accept the donations from Stockton WI. If anyone else wishes to donate to this worthy charity please contact Sandi Couchman about it. Margaret won the competition for three cup cakes. News Update:- The WI have decided that our April and May meetings should be cancelled, the W I Fashion Show is postponed and the trip to the Spa Centre also cancelled.

    WI Craft Club is cancelled until further notice.

    STOCKTON A TEAM, clinch promotion to the PREMIER DIVISION after finishing Runners Up in Division 1 Ambleside B pipping them as Champions by a mere 4 points. Opposition for their last match of the season was away to Godiva A and what a match it turned out to be. Both sides playing great netball, the score alternating throughout, but Stockton took the 5 points Winning 49. 46 STOCKTON “E” TEAM Have also clinched promotion from Division 8 this does go down to the wire in the final game of the season on Sat 21st March when they play against Jag Landrover, winners of this match will be crowned Champions. E Team played Griff and Coton 14th March Winning 36. 13 SATURDAY 22nd Feb ‘20 A Team Stockton 39. Bulkington A 35 B Team Alvis A 34. Stockton 40 C Team Stockton 23. Rugby C 39 D Team Alvis C 53. Stockton 31 E Team Stockton 57. Bedworth A 20 SATURDAY 29th Feb ‘20 A Team Stockton 37. Ambleside A 45 C Team Stockton 22. Ambleside D 40 SATURDAY 7th March ‘20 A Team Griff and Coton A 28. Stockton 51

    STOCKTON LADIES & JUNIOR NETBALL Reports from Jean Sanders

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    B Team Stockton 40. Alleys Angels 31 C Team Ernesford C 55. Stockton 22 D Team Stockton 42. Rugby D 34 E Team Warwick Ladies 26. Stockton 33 SATURDAY 14th March ‘20 A Team Godiva A 46. Stockton 49 B Team Stockton 38. Synergy B 23 D Team Stockton 41. Griff and Coton 25 E Team Griff and Coton 13. Stockton 36 JUNIORS Tuesday 25th Feb ‘20 U/14s Stockton 13. Harbury 30 Sunday 1st March ‘20 U/16s Holt Division Alvis C 09. Stockton C 09 Harbury A 46. Stockton B 13 U/13s Henley B 32. Stockton 11 Henley B 32. Stockton 11 Sunday 8th March ‘20 U/16s McIntyre Alvis 16. Stockton A 28 U/14s Alvis 16. Stockton 19 Sunday 15th March ‘20 U/16s McIntyre Alvis A 16. Stockton A 28 U/16s Holt Copeswood B Stockton B Highway B Stockton C U/14s Copeswood A 46. Stockton 7 Holt Division U/16s B Team Copeswood 41. Stockton 15 C Team Highway 20. Stockton 13 McIntyre Division U/16s A Team Alvis 16. Stockton 28 Stockton Netball would like to say A BIG THANKYOU, to Stockton News who have so generously donated to the Re-surfacing fund we have in place. The courts are desperately in need of this. Once again THANKYOU.

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    April Newsletter

    Welcome to Jane and Nigel May who have recently joined Stockton PC, and also to old friends Charlie and Chris Caruana who have joined as associates. The final round of the Heart of England Winter Pairs was hosted by Stockton Pétanque Club on Sunday 1st March, and the winners of Division 2 were the home team of Jeff Rand and David Kimpton. 14 players turned out for Stockton’s Melee on 7th March. After three rounds there was just one unbeaten player – Sarah Jerger who therefore took the honours. There were seven players with two wins, the best being Diane Emberton with +10, closely followed by one of our newest members Anthea Sansom with +9. Well done to her! Sunday March 8th was International Women’s Day and this was celebrated with a Ladies Pairs qualifier at Solihull to determine the Heart of England Region’s representatives for the National Ladies Competition. There were 9 teams competing and Stockton’s Teresa Bingham, playing with Eileen Sollis from Nomades PC were runners up, losing marginally in the final, and qualifying to represent the Region on 19th April. Well done Teresa! With just two weeks left, Perry Stevens has won the 2019/20 Winter League with 91 points, well ahead of Sarah Jerger on 80 points and Dave Hancox on 68. Perry Stevens and Rich Rushton are neck and neck in the 2020 Singles league with 6 wins each. The Saturday Club and Monthly Melees will start at 2.00pm from 4th April since the clocks go forward on 29th March.

    Starting with the May melee, Dave Hancox will be running coaching sessions from 1.00pm, so come along and find out more about our sport. We will provide the boules and instruction on the rules.

    Chairman – Richard Rushton Administrator – John Emberton 01926 814267 Club Captain – Rich Powell 07957848075

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    World Book Day Stockton Primary School

    Sports Relief Skipping

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    Registered house builders


    Established 50 years working for the community for all your building requirements

    We build today with an eye to the future MAINTENANCE – REPAIRS EXTENSIONS – ALTERATIONS


    Telephone: 01926 813070 or 813627 Email: [email protected]


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