Download - STOCKS DULL AND STRONG» THl·; MARKETS.?? WESTERN … · AancsMaryuslorae has stiel Huirli Osburii» in the, hti-jiretue I'oiitt tot a litnittal itlTorce en the ground of iru»:tv



    Tho verdict for ?ßß?,???, obtained by James H.Ooodsoit in suit tin· Westen Daten Tele¬graph Comiiaiiy. has been .vt BSMl bf tho GeneralTerm of Ike Supreme, (.'ourt, and a HI trial li«v> beenordered. .Mr. CooiIm-H, lu his original «*:*mj»laint. m:Iforth two osases nf aitimi. 11«· i'Ulinntl I bat a bal-ance of 198,000 was tine bini fron tbe Westers UnionCompany ondee · eoatraet, tbe reeponslMUtle· olabicb bed ?·, ? tesaBtetl bj tliat tomtoms, but wbl* bbaal ?? «.' 11 it 11 > latta marie |s< |ff, QoesaSeJl with tbeAtlanti.· ami Parlata Telofrapb Company lor lbs dislenii nation oí Ibe news of Ms National Preti Associ·Han. ??·- she slatinata ?··»?..?>.??>? ii.*§tt te tuo ailepori breaet ni Ibsl eoatraet.

    Tho reperì nf ex Jodge ??ß??ß?? a-i reteee, swartVlug li!ni «116,777 42, trite Intere,t from July 1, Iddi:,ad the balani-.» il.le lilm ami giving bim ¡rJ-0,oOi'> u«,?????????, bavlog l.¦ conliniietl an aj>i>>':il was tallen,and III»· r in feaili«rs. In. stilt for about OB, 0B0 fut good* a,Id. Th· plaintiffs Id theirm iriiiir pai ,·:. let forth tbat CohafsM dlsappi aredon«>..tol.».rV2 after b.< r,:,K sold hla bualii.-aist BlesckBl BBS Oreeae etafor B137.MSJ un r and above all iBCtliiibraBCM that ht owesmore than |f¿laU.0tf(J und tliat then, are judereeots acaluathim aramu mí la SiìoOiO Th«y altari tbat Caaadlau rt<teetlves bave .'i»i.i\eied that «..aiifeu: «iure bla departurebaa aia !· a brief arerei viali t« New.York and ?« bow di»MIna Ins time letweea Moi.tieal ami 'lormito.An atisehaaeal «as gtauted by Jitsüce I.awreiie« of He

    felibri me''.out l' IglIBtl Um Iiroperlruf ???ßß? I»Kahn, retall cloak sed suit dealer In Tweetr thlrd-at. ohoiiiadean aea gnraeates Mon lay. TbeeUlra is foi S2,0aS 21,wi.icii Peykin A Msrka elalas bb doe lei Koed· seht. Theyasseittbat Knlm lias fraudili, utly .1i«|,osed ot bla proeertywltb Intent t tl. ?.??.? his rivliloraThe seti.a1uI. e et JOBB l>avi.t«on. lt-j;Mer, No ?72 Fotirtli-

    .ve,, la I.Is .a, n,u,eut te Heur» U. tialsiy, Wbieh were tila· 1Íesierilsr siiow liabilities. $326,162111 nominal assole,1? T.'ia 12, ¡nui s· tuai aaseta, SI.'.H^i ??. Priehard, dealer ta traaks al Rreadsrav and

    teet.tti st.. end al No. ili Kast Fotirleeiith st., tnadaan Malga·raenl rea:ei.|.iv to Nathan Meyer, glvtig three pr.f.·?.·?.. eale· BS.S1S. Ile lias ba-eji in basini as about Hite« yiara aadrsrried s siok ofaiiout lin.noii Trade bas l.een .lull su t«l.ieiieee bsevy. K -Mooie bat Btiaehad thepiop-erty.

    I>srld ?,.-vr, baler In mral at No. ~\>'¿ Kir«t :?tcr«oi*a lu the city directo¬ry by lb· naine oi 1-avid I.evy.

    TRI COL'KT OK APPEALS,AtasaVr.Dtat.fM In tbe Court of Apposta today the fol-

    lowui; d« Isleo· wert l.auot!i:rut, agi. the Long inland lt»ilro»a»app*-liBut.?a 65(1. Kllzabeth Cross, res|>oiiik'ut, agt. John Arnold

    Cruaa, luipl(-a.|e.i, npneliaul.No. 61.'·. ( liriaiopher (I. l'in», rearH.ndent, agt. tha Kew-

    Tera Contrai au.? li miaou Hirer llal'rosd l o.epatir, appel-laot.jVellowlug la the dsy cslendsr for December 21:effsa 676. tatt, MB, M»7. 6UH, Ma\ U00 and Sul.


    WAinisoroM, Dee. 20..The followleg businesa was trans-aeted la the Lolled Sute« «supreme Court lo dayXa 106. D. il. WUlUets, plalsUff lo err.n', set. Kdward

    ! D ranger aart othera. Arrnraeat continued liy ?. ?. OrahsmHt tbe iietnirtatiti In errer and concluded by Bugeae V, ill·Un,» for the p »mi it*, lu errer.No. li», f ornellua lliimhel, plaintiff Itn error, ask Jena

    R. O. Piuin. 1'aited Stete» Marehel Ançiielby Charlesnnrk for th* plaintiff in error aud by William A. Meory forti·· défendent la error.No. 117 ? ? helarle, plaintiff la error, agi. Scheol District

    No 2 la the (ouniy of Lake, Coi Armimi by Welter II.Hmltli for ttieelelatlfl in rrroi end eutimltted by Hemtiel and F. w Owen· for tìie I'lalntiff in error. No < oun»elai'peired fer Th» de'enrtauT tu error

    ?... IIS. H.'n'arelB HreTfus. and other». *o. epiieHaute,»-t »ei'liis Searle, «icciilrlx. Ac. tjcuin» ni beKuu Bf ··11 ii', ····¦ Albion for the appellante,Adjourned uniti tomnrrow.

    .e»-coimít c.v!>:*tr)tR4-T ) nvY

    BOrsaa· ?t??-??t.CBAMiiKR.s-llcfore I.swrrn«*.' J..14 '.'¡t 'j« :oi. .a S23. USI, 1150, '.'-'7.1 I.V. 14 ...'-a.1401.1011.1429, 141.'.. 1891, 11 oli, 11|.I««, 7.12. 1303, 772,1114. lisi. 1;»S4. lino'. I3'«0Pi rnK>iR COUST.cnicuiT. l'in IV. R«fore Inuraliain, J.

    -No«. 1029. »..Ss, 15nl?» 1403, 1605. 231, 1471. 2490-? ??·,,, tu: « nu m Before Hollín». ·* Motiea calen-

    «lure,lini al 11 a. in Will t»f .««rali II. Peek, 12 m.; villi ufNaia', ? de.lile«. 2 ». niBlii'RHIOK OOBBT.spretai. TRmi. liefern Trnax. J. Nos.

    201, IH«. 194, 150. l!» '. is|. IH'!. 1;)7.SL'l'KRIOB OOUST.TB1AL ????-???? I.-llof.ire l'.itrro.

    ,i _N,i, ì.i;.' «7;., 1051 1337,1200,14711,1200, 1350,1870,12 11, 1344.SITl'hBIOR CoritT-THIAI. TKRU.l'AUT IV. .liefen» rifar·

    mei,. I. No« 12 ,-i. UH 1, 144·'.? unii·«? Pi ka« Sigliti. 1 KUM.licfore V.iii llooseo. J..

    Ne «? «t caleinlar.Common I'i.kas.KgUTTI Tkum Itpfure Hooketarer. J.-

    NOS 14. 17COMMON I'l.RAS-TRlAt, TFHM-???? I.IT.-fore ???ß?.?..

    No« tll 146 330, 230. 842, 359, 370,403. 827, »Ol. »«». 372,.S7ti, 17«i. 329, ·"·.». .14 1. o.'>4. 593. 695. »90, 5'.'7. 598, »H9, 000,001, 002 ?."-! 6?4, 6???, 600,007, m«. HO·, I», «11. 612, 0IJ,614. 016 »'.Iti B17. Bla 019, 020, (121, 022, 623, 624, 02».CuMMü.S ??.??ß-Tatst ??'-liM t'Aiti IJ -llef.iie ¡.arre

    mora r J. -No«. 692, »03, .'."4. 448, 483, 194, 512, »35, ·?·'.65··, 5e7. .CUT CoLltT-TlllAL THIM-I'AIIT I.-ltcfor·· Khrl ten, J--

    N«i. 410.1Cirr coi'KT.TRiAi. Tkum -Part il.-liefere l'.rowne. J.

    Noe, SOM8, 2224, 3n«4, HI·», 8108, 31)8, 3022. 3130, 1121,1124, :n-¿\ 3128, 1129, 31.1ft Sl>2, ;u:¡.i. 313ß, 31 17musi nr ukskbai. BBSBIoBe.PabI I..Befare rteeor 1er

    Sterili and A«s:«tant District-Alterner I'tiMr. Nf«. I,2. 3. 4, ».6 7. s. ?, ??. ??, in m, h, if. Pleadloss-10,17, in.¡? .¿,, 2| 2? 23 24 ·.'.. 20 27, 28, 20, 30, 31, .12, 88, .'4. 3·»·80, 87, 88, 89. 4". 41, 42. 43, 41, 4."·. 4'î.""ini or ifKNK'.t!. ëssaioxa ???G 11.-B'-fere low]»·;,

    .T., »m! A»s!staiil Insirlet-Atlorner 1>.it!«--Noj. 1. 2, 3. 4. j,!.. 7. «. 9 in. 11. 12. 13. 14. lo. 10, 17.

    «·.'.·?;t or oasBBAL itassioss.Paar in. iie'ore oiiaer·e>e»e. J., und Assistant l'l«trlcl Attorney BedMB. No«, 1.2. 3. 4, 6, ?, 7, S, y, lu, 11, 12.

    NEW VU. US os THE whiski:)- TAS.Dui·:«· IT ITKMsii CORRUPTION PÜND8I? ll.VI'KltAMK (I.AIM ????1 BBPBAL WOULD -N'»l


    I'KOFIIS ul 1 OF WHICH COMB1??G I nl;l.tTll"N 1 1 M.S.

    Ai'itrt unirti, in The Tópeme Vommtrnttemlth.TheoretlceUjr, this ui ibould Increase the n'tail

    price ol wbtehey uml dluilnlsfa tbe coiwumpi. but,aa u mat tei ui tact, Iti ????.··· In ibat direciluappreclable 1 be a ar time tso tn the pi Ice ol li inhasppoars «, bava ?"·'·?? lbs resuli .,? iho depreciation ufHit» ourreuo) rei bor Iban «? tli" tax. .ml Ita reductionft, .m i-2 i"-i (all?n tu .'.n conta «.mi tue »ubse.jucni Inciciy.ii io 90 centi made nu change abatovoi In retaliprices. Tbe probabilities hu·, lborei. that the rei».·.il of the ia\ B'ould nul affeel the retail price, and1' ?» the retell and no! tii" wholesale pi Ice lhal d reciljBffecli cousiimptlou. The lli»i coil >f ? drlnlahbikeji amouuts lu a in·:.' song In rnuipai »on withli,e rent, lights, fuel, salaries, living aud ut ber IngredlBitte uml Hijjniii'l». If, tli.-n, tl,·· In doesnilnlsh cunsutnpilon hua '¿in it jio.^i¡.¡\ pruniii-Buse of Icniperaucel And ll it noi farcical, lo^i?y dl.thooest, i" ilefond a ta.\ on the iiouud ti,at n?» luì].d i"i reatrlctlve purposes, .1 II does outrestrlel ?

    cf. u,«· iu u principal objections to ihoae taxes, froma temperance standpoint, the first Is pureli lentimental, bui wltb man) it ¡^ j. rotitr< iltuu «.·· the¡ ·.·.,· ,? ,. .? enl would be. I ere Is aumi»hocklug i" many ,,f n. h!.? Ihe Vei » Idea ul Inlaxes «?1·?> foi revenue lhal ? when llkiinuii DiAt tho proceeds "1 ut hoi sud unlell ·¦·»«,,····¦ ? ili» needs oí the government. 1- not ··which .liiiiiiii »·» no o\:i aud coulera no si "I Dn theri'iniiry, but gresil) lucresees an airead) loo ia..·Incorno, more iban useless i» ll ? ghi m polperpetuate auch s t.i\ In opposition t> ibeand feelings "f a million votera

    ? iiu second objection :» ???«? li firn she« »n emu.inptlou fund i ¡:· v. .?, iba « In tie

    1 ? ul ·· blsko) · r 1 from 111 t.. 2" ontdl "I which (fui the argumeuti I a il ws»umn waa

    j.ioii·., ami tbe proso? ? price as Haled In 'in» New·V'iuk iiiiin m iiMrk'··· reports from verini · I ··.,un l»ei'eiiii"i»r ß, ranged from il nò to j-i ]¦·, belnsfrom If) to ?;:. ceuu above the ttu., bali «? ?... :,siso issume to l»» profit.Ascumlng again, that without the tax wblsaaj wouldtv told It 2" cents, hall of which would be ?p?ß?, ??uUl be Mea t tl,«* I.«t ill«';ller ??,«?'·» IO Cftul '"?an outlay of ¡fi, which ?» l" per cent, « bile t!,",·· « boevade iho tax ihhK»· i?i on an outlay "f IO ceni?..' per cent, ? be temptation i" lilt· li d?« tberefors very great.

    Again, pure wh he) should contain 50 ijer ceni "falcohol, but ionie of that sold ha bardi) I dl m?, and t?,,« si". ,.·¦ obabl] abo \

    This bogus whiskey, made I») lbs addition ¦·! u ,,·deadly Ji ugs ·.-¦ s teere trifle, imi Ihose « hu ?gel at tesai double lbs prol ·¦ distiller,and then 90 centi agallón ?? t,·.«· Tho timptalo wholesale doaleri lu Increasn Ihelr itocb fnin 50 ¡.«t