STOCKS DULL AND STRONG» THl·; MARKETS.?? WESTERN … · AancsMaryuslorae has stiel Huirli...

??? WESTERN UNION WINS. A VERDICT FOR $250,000 s::T ASIDE. THIt ORNERAI. TF.ItM OBDBBS A NKW T1IAL. OPINION· OK THK .M'iHiKS. Tho verdict for ?ßß?,???, obtained by James H. Ooodsoit in suit tin· Westen Daten Tele¬ graph Comiiaiiy. has been .vt BSMl bf tho General Term of Ike Supreme, (.'ourt, and a HI trial li«v> been ordered. .Mr. CooiIm-H, lu his original «*:*mj»laint. m:I forth two osases nf aitimi. 11«· i'Ulinntl I bat a bal- ance of 198,000 was tine bini fron tbe Westers Union Company ondee · eoatraet, tbe reeponslMUtle· ol abicb bed ?·, ? tesaBtetl bj tliat tomtoms, but wbl* b baal ?? «.' 11 it 11 > latta marie |s< |ff, QoesaSeJl with tbe Atlanti.· ami Parlata Telofrapb Company lor lbs dis lenii nation Ibe news of Ms National Preti Associ· Han. ??·- she slatinata ?··»?..?>.??>? ii.*§tt te tuo ai lepori breaet ni Ibsl eoatraet. Tho reperì nf ex Jodge ??ß??ß?? a-i reteee, swartV lug li!ni «116,777 42, trite Intere,t from July 1, Iddi:, ad the balani-.» il.le lilm ami giving bim ¡rJ-0,oOi'> u«, ?????????, bavlog l.¦ conliniietl an aj>i>>':il was tallen, and III»· <.. ?..-ral i. im ullirmud Ibe fiedlas. In referti to the balai;..- .In··, but reversed that as to tlio damage*, and ao ii the leitet lardered a bow trial totes a |arjr. A new trial STM bari In-fore «lUSllee I»'<¦ crinan, ami a veiriu'i im tbe plaintlfl for s£«H),OU0 »*· read.ri. li Is on tbe sppeal ttom tins verdlcl laal Ibe Ueneral Term lias Jest BSSaWst Tho opIuiOB ol Ibe court is written by Jasttee In graham, ubo holds that In COntlBUlng to lend rila jial. IBS· t li: inibii tbe ilefentlaiit rompan}' »iter lb..· al latjtd breacb ul eortract, and in suing te tbe sinount dim uiiilfi lb·· ? ? w tact, the i.laintul oleari) mail·· " an Bseetlon to proceed Badar tbe contract, ami bold tbe defoinl.ini lo a iiiiui.llailCú «lib Its ?????, und BOt lu tj-.-a' un· contrae I as broken ami at an euri," anri "ibo piallimi bSVlag sleeted to uüii'lii Ibe Oontraot a- It waa is buuuri l.y that election." Tabs BndlBg OB the fini cause ol BCtluU bl deviated to be an adjudication that tbe i.niti.iii ass in tees ß»ß??»ßß? the pestles un to June -Jl', l-.-J In conclusion, Ihe Jutlgo iSJf·! "II ?μ???^; Ums WtlMlintSl that tberS was tm breach ol the lontra« by lb* defendant pi lor to Juno ÜJ, léVtat, ami as lb« evi.lo:ico falls tn ???μ??μ« that Iho defendant... toiniuilteil any bleach of the conti ¡nl after June ab!, ?? alter that dato did any ml which COttM bo construod lato a refusal to perforai the innua.i, but ea tbe coaltar] ibosn that on June £2 Ine plalnliil voluntarll) ceased Uuslnetsi ander Ibe contrae! because In· bad no money lu carry on business, 1 am ol ibe opinion lhal iho plaintlfl tailed lu establish a breech oi the contract hj Ibe defendant, and without con¬ sidering Hi· ni her sei ions questioni presented by the ai'i-cal, ? tiiini. the Judgment thuuld ?." reverted, ami a n.w I rial m'ine.I With costs t" al.I.le the event " The ile· i-.uii ia .' In I ) «insili e reedmsn on Ibe ground stated bj Juatlee Ingraham ? niel Judge bodgwick placee his concurrence un am,! her ground. lie says -? am of Ibe ..¡????.??? that the damages itere ex· eeaslve, ami on that ground agree with Judge Infra- ham Is the result Stated l.y him " t;.-..!.· W. MIIlei reprcsreitod the plaintiff, and on- arai Wager Pwayue and Edward iSuterson »ppearod lot the defendant. THE BAXKS MAY «OI PAI THF. NOTF.S NOW. A SUIT AHAlNsl KIMNCKIYS'S ????» AMI CATTLS ( ?.?G???.THK CslAnOKS MAl'K r.alcllllo, In a suit ¡wainst the Fr.vneklyn I,ani and Cattle Company ami tbe bBBblBfl bntuat of Motion. Bllst à (?. ami Kessler è. Co., ebtalaed frota Jostle« I.av, ton··.·, of the Suprei..·· Cult, yesterday, an injunction restraining these baaslng firma tren paving t«> Iba company, persdlng Um mit, tbe smonnt ef ten fsoiiilneij Bete· mad· by Btepbeai fi Lytle, eattle dealer.- of ? Uasat City. Tin« notes are for if lini.:i il. inri v»cre mail, en Septetnhei 1, 1885. Gordos Canard aome time ige obi line ? ¦ ladgnteal BaraibbI ibe company fur 1192,20*1 ot», on which ex. cutioii BBS returned aasstis· tlcri, su.I tblt claim lus been laalgned to Baldarla. liai iwm. in tbe mo» lag papers, say- thai Ibe e «span; Is laoorporated ander tbe law· of NewJeney sad that Charlee G. Krancklyn waa its pretldenl from May. ]»s;i, to October, Insti, The company ou September 1, 18*5, .old some e.ttle to Stephens ,v Lytle sad look that· Utile« payable In one lea;·. It ia ebanrcd that on September 14, 1835. Frsneklrn had tlie note« In lorae I by William K. Van Pelt c.tehlor of the company, added bis own Indoreement and deliv¬ ered tbeui in me bankers name at «e 'urltjr for bit ov ? In le'?. In a, lo there. < >?? ? o »ember 10, 1886, he "»'·-. the baukrrt lurned tfie Botet over to Ibe Tradere' Hank of Kansas · ¡n.r.Ivibi <">.¡.·'-'.. 41 for them, and the bank sol ! five taf them to the National Kink of Iliniota in Cbleasra The·· two tank» purebaeed them before Maturity and in c...·.! faith. It chargea that when the 'New York banker· t" 'k the note· fraudulently delivered to them br Frsnrklyn they knew that they rill nel be¬ lone to im,? but to tbe cattle company, Baldwin bow Met· to have the note· applied to tuo paytneut ? f the judgment. ii lAJUBJI As ir, S o Al.I, WUtlL.ll HA.Vi. lustri, t Alt. may ltidcway, of Urooklyn. appeared befor·« the Court of Appeals yeiterdar to ar«ue agalDat the appeal Iron, eoavletata IB tL« ras» of Jon, (ireeuwall, wbu wai reuvic'et last Ma)' of tb« in inter of Lyuian s Weeav Violer tl.e new law the heBiuB m the caie waa haateue.1 m tbeceurl of ¡ri-t result. l:nt«a<l ot waiting for twoortlirei yeera fut It te be resabed lu ripulir or,1er. The criiaa wa« ccinnv'trd on the night of M..rcti 15 at No. 1,071 DeK.ill. av.·,, 1,n,..kl) ii. Mr. Mie»« ea* i.Wek*in.-l by a no:«·, nini .!e«een!.-? M tfi« aSatsaaeat, wij.;e lie mi t s barili r BBS was ifea't. lìreenwai: was a'restnl niKin aus;·!,.«u «;:,-r be bail lieea eaaaht la a btirslaiT la Jeraev ( lit .ml hla confederates COBleaaM that l.e lala ihem he had killed a mall In llro.ikh n. It Waa resortS<1 in luooklyn last ereTiln«; that BlOrse·. wail's rennael did sol appear in bebalfofhit eneut tbe t'onrt o' Alipeala df« Ided to afBrni tha ludfrnsBt uf cuu« nulles the ttniBStl aubuiitted hla potata al uace. .-«>-. CLAIMING THAT BHI WA1 KICKED OUT OF I I> Aancs Mary us lorae has stiel Huirli Osburii» in the, hti- jiretue I'oiitt tot a litnittal itlTorce en the ground of iru»:tv Tbtry live.! uni api'ily tSielbtsT»! Kattl.aro, Maas, and aim .aye tbal he kicked out of bed aud ottn-t wiso'-l Let. ShS WS« reaapallad to lea»-e bini and rame to New Verk fshe Is without money and a;·!.!!···! y.s'f rilar to Justiee la« reuee for |lU «eck alia ouy ?·ß?? l!ti|f tin.· siili. II«r liuilian.l Isa clerk Bad ree ilvet B3.000 a salarr, hhe saya ehe has beoti |ireTt!,;e | irò u at«.un her two ri,.I !ien Ibe hu-iha.u s oiiiis«! exhibited the pl.otnirrajihs of four children, »».,? Ii he aa.l w»re a!i bere ila thoiiKiit her meiiior» rsost be fslllBi if Bits thought shs bad bal two elill· or«n. ile e.i:ii tlie irmiblB waaeause.l or usi.orne'a ?. oilier ta-law, aed that he waswllllag loreeeive in* wife »t:, ·, if Bha relnrue.1 to In« Ixitua witnout b:i The uiatur Sil ri.'urn .1 to Wi.lUln II. ClsrS· .-+- HITS OF iaBGAL ? |·;WS. Kíttr O"natii I »"t narriage to Jereuilsb O'Sulltvati was ani.uli'd y. sterd.iy by Jueticu I.awreu.o on the repon of Jerome Um » lift-ree. 'i'h.-y WtaT· man led on lieremher §, 1·»?5, when nfie »»as nini trui »t-ara old. Bb· says he claimed to be Ibilty ;. ears old. but she tfiinks be Stai foityfm. lie hail lu en an o tallonai visitor at her father's bouse, m Brcoalyu. ami <>w ovtatiBg wbea she estaptBlne of headacho ha gave bar a drag which reedereJ bet umonscious md ?·:- eomp ishrd er rein. Ait'-rwarl «lie Bay· "bt auulugized," .nd bet slat r. .nerheariiix the »p»l«ay, toll her father aboutit. Tin-fit!.et in»,at·· that i,e al,o aid marry her, and tl.e cerenionr was performed by the Her. I>r. .latnea O. I'.ob erti, oi Brtsstlya. CTSalilvaa left bei Imaaedlstely sad they bave never lire.l legetb««*. I'. Ann. and Henri niBBUBabld. ef the fitto e' Sciami Ac», at l'aria, oi.tafnel au Bttaehaaeal tuen I.awr*iire..,- tbe SsptStSS Court. yMteraSV axalast the prop. eity ef IM.lor Cohsfeld, thu al e< OBdlai if'-a>r in feaili«rs. In . stilt for about OB, 0B0 fut good* a,Id. Th· plaintiffs Id their m iriiiir pai ,·:. let forth tbat CohafsM dlsappi aredon«>..tol.».r V2 after b.< r,:,K sold hla bualii.-aist BlesckBl BBS Oreeae eta for B137.MSJ un r and above all iBCtliiibraBCM that ht owes more than |f¿laU.0tf(J und tliat then, are judereeots acaluat him ara mu la SiìoOiO Th«y altari tbat Caaadlau rt< teetlves bave .'i»i.i\eied that «..aiifeu: «iure bla departure baa aia a brief arerei viali New.York and bow di»M Ina Ins time letweea Moi.tieal ami 'lormito. An atisehaaeal «as gtauted by Jitsüce I.awreiie« of He felibri me''.out l' IglIBtl Um Iiroperlruf ???ßß? Kahn, retall cloak sed suit dealer In Tweetr thlrd-at. oho iiiadean aea gnraeates Mon lay. TbeeUlra is foi S2,0aS 21, wi.icii Peykin A Msrka elalas bb doe lei Koed· seht. They asseittbat Knlm lias fraudili, utly .1i«|,osed ot bla proeerty wltb Intent t tl. ?.??.? his rivlilora The seti.a1uI. e et JOBB l>avi.t«on. lt-j;Mer, No ?72 Fotirtli- .ve,, la I.Is .a, n,u,eut te Heur» U. tialsiy, Wbieh were tila· 1 Íesierilsr siiow liabilities. $326,162111 nominal assole, 1? T.'ia 12, ¡nui tuai aaseta, SI.'.H^i 04. jobs ??. Priehard, dealer ta traaks al Rreadsrav and teet.tti st.. end al No. ili Kast Fotirleeiith st., tnadaan Malga· raenl rea:ei.|.iv to Nathan Meyer, glvtig three pr.f.·?.·?.. ea le· BS.S1S. Ile lias ba-eji in basini as about Hite« yiara aad rsrried s siok ofaiiout lin.noii Trade bas l.een .lull su t «l.ieiieee bsevy. K -Mooie bat Btiaehad thepiop- erty. I>srld ?,.-vr, baler In mral at No. ~\>'¿ Kir«t :?t<·., made an Basisi.ment vealt-rfai- leJaSMIBbC M'elS. glelBg prefereurea lut ll.H'Ji, ? here ara iwmiv-eea i>cr«oi*a lu the city directo¬ ry by lb· naine oi 1-avid I.evy. TRI COL'KT OK APPEALS, AtasaVr.Dtat.fM In tbe Court of Apposta today the fol- lowui; Isleo· wert<l«<l down James n Hooker, rooesa·'«·!.agi the Cltyaf itochestnr, . ppellanl n à. .. ,ti .M. MbWart·, ami oilier«, appellasi, am Joaepb llyiuati, reapuntlent "insali ?? 111, icpoiideul, agi Ase?????..opelutsl Judgment alliimel wlthe.sts. Ari.« 1111 a ?.; a appslatat, agt. John Leagfvrd ant others, re spumisi,ta jiiiiKiiiiiit rerei»e.l and new triai o.derod with co«ta to abide lb« tuant, Joseph ||. Betty, and others respondents, act. Andrew Brows, appellant, Motion tor teargunent dei.led with ua!«. laaaisl -? th. «diulniatralor. etc., leapondeiit, agt. Koiieit MaasBaa. and ..??,.·:«. asueliasta Híspate labor agi. Mar a Jlriinilag. -, aiitieal i.f Joseph V. HaningL 1(. Eldredge. ji. pureliaaei ?. »,,?????ß?,?. Mutton lo iliauiias Bppeala graiiled. Wltb COSts. Ci. uses atgtied No. 670. I Basaste Iiolemati. re>pi.Brtrnt. »gt Jane Van.ler "IU1*·?· -.j11,''-· ;*»"¦ J¡»-?- John V. V»i.ierii.uleu, apoiiderit. aal lane \ audeimilieu, appellant ISiillHi. Ihe l'eople. ti-sisimieut, »gt. John (¡rvenwsld. Sl'|'ei «e! No. 4a8. lasse ?. ( ary, and other», respondents, »et. the lini..ex Msfeiy Huiler conipaiir, ai.p. Ilanu ?a 650 TbeUraad street seal Nswtowa iiaiiioad com. panr. ie«|>ot!i:rut, agi. the Long inland lt»ilro»a» app*-liBut. ?a 65(1. Kllzabeth Cross, res|>oiiik'ut, agt. John Arnold Cruaa, luipl(-a.|e.i, npneliaul. No. 61.'·. ( liriaiopher (I. l'in», rearH.ndent, agt. tha Kew- Tera Contrai au.? li miaou Hirer llal'rosd l o.epatir, appel- laot. jVellowlug la the dsy cslendsr for December 21: effsa 676. tatt, MB, M»7. 6UH, Ma\ U00 and Sul. ¦O- U.NITKO STATI·'« RUI'KKMK COU UT. WAinisoroM, Dee. 20..The followleg businesa was trans- aeted la the Lolled Sute« «supreme Court lo day Xa 106. D. il. WUlUets, plalsUff lo err.n', set. Kdward ! D ranger aart othera. Arrnraeat continued liy ?. ?. Orahsm Ht tbe iietnirtatiti In errer and concluded by Bugeae V, ill· Un,» for the p »mi it*, lu errer. No. li», f ornellua lliimhel, plaintiff Itn error, ask Jena R. O. Piuin. 1'aited Stete» Marehel Ançiielby Charles nnrk for th* plaintiff in error aud by William A. Meory for ti·· défendent la error. No. 117 ? ? helarle, plaintiff la error, agi. Scheol District No 2 la the (ouniy of Lake, Coi Armimi by Welter II. Hmltli for ttieelelatlfl in rrroi end eutimltted by Hemtiel I. and F. w Owen· for tìie I'lalntiff in error. No < oun»el ai'peired fer Th» de'enrtauT tu error ?... IIS. H.'n'arelB HreTfus. and other». *o. epiieHaute, »-t »ei'liis Searle, «icciilrlx. Ac. tjcuin» ni beKuu Bf ·· 11 ii', ····¦ Albion for the appellante, Adjourned uniti tomnrrow. .e»- coimít c.v!>:*tr)tR4-T ) nvY BOrsaa· ?t??-??t.CBAMiiKR.s-llcfore I.swrrn«*.' J.. 14 '.'¡t 'j« :oi. .<·*. 4:1. 4ft. 4·?. .'.'.·. »17. tin. m. (·.. 100, mi. 1"'»'. In«, 103. IM. 111. 115 117. US. ll'.l. .«0, 122. ISO, ISO, 140, u«, ui« 1.11. ist. i.'.s lei, iea io». 1S7. tea, no. ;7;i. ius, ll«7. 210, 231. 227, 82«, 22», 930, 2.(1. 232. earssaa uoubt.sracui Taaa- ???? ?.i;ef«»re rotor, J,.Caeeoo. No.latv mir ???.r Hi ? ß KB ? Cot' ??.»PB« a?, ?'???? Paut II..Tteiore neacti, J.- No» !>!>. .»!· ?. SOI, S77 BUrSKMS ??G??.en;·'G??--???? I.--llefore n»rr»tt. .?¬ ?·«. P.ttl. 21172. I'Jls. 140.1. 12»», 1314. 1510. Ml, 2575, l:i27, 1273,65«. 12ft«, 1204. 74H. 1207, 1408. ???7, 120,. 1S23·» 1100, ll'..». 1·.:.'·, 1521 m rumi C'tiuKi.tiKCLii. ?apt li..Uefors Andrew«. J. ?.,«. »12, :,!.i »14. 61A 1WO, 211«. 1200.1130.010.80«, 117:1. :'.44, 24.17, 1220, Mrt-a OSO, '»'2-4. B96·* MIS, Uai.'.MO, I·;«. 4411 sea, B59 BL-raiUB CDl'RT-l'Htei ??-G???? Ill.-llefor" ratt»rs,m. J..Nue. 14(1«, 1451. 135«>a S23. USI, 1150, '.'-'7.1 I.V. 14 ...'-a. 1401.1011.1429, 141.'.. 1891, 11 oli, 11|.I««, 7.12. 1303, 772, 1114. lisi. 1;»S4. lino'. I3'«0 Pi rnK>iR COUST.cnicuiT. l'in IV. R«fore Inuraliain, J. -No«. 1029. »..Ss, 15nl?» 1403, 1605. 231, 1471. 2490 -? ??·,,, tu: « nu m Before Hollín». ·* Motiea calen- «lure,lini al 11 a. in Will t»f .««rali II. Peek, 12 m.; villi uf Naia', ? de.lile«. 2 ». ni Blii'RHIOK OOBBT.spretai. TRmi. liefern Trnax. J. Nos. 201, IH«. 194, 150. l!» '. is|. IH'!. 1;)7. SL'l'KRIOB OOUST.TB1AL ????-???? I.-llof.ire l'.itrro. ,i _N,i, ì.i;.' «7;., 1051 1337,1200,14711,1200, 1350,1870, 12 11, 1344. SITl'hBIOR CoritT-THIAI. TKRU.l'AUT IV. .liefen» rifar· mei,. I. No« 12 ,-i. UH 1, 144·'. ? unii·«? Pi ka« Sigliti. 1 KUM.licfore V.iii llooseo. J.. Ne «? «t caleinlar. Common I'i.kas.KgUTTI Tkum Itpfure Hooketarer. J.- NOS 14. 17 COMMON I'l.RAS-TRlAt, TFHM-???? I.IT.-fore ???ß?.?.. No« tll 146 330, 230. 842, 359, 370,403. 827, »Ol. »«». 372, .S7ti, 17«i. 329, ·"·.». .14 1. o.'>4. 593. 695. »90, 5'.'7. 598, »H9, 000, 001, 002 ?."-! 6?4, 6???, 600,007, m«. HO·, I», «11. 612, 0IJ, 614. 016 »'.Iti B17. Bla 019, 020, (121, 022, 623, 624, 02». CuMMü.S ??.??ß-Tatst ??'-liM t'Aiti IJ -llef.iie ¡.arre mora r J. -No«. 692, »03, .'."4. 448, 483, 194, 512, »35, ·?·'. 65··, 5e7. . CUT CoLltT-TlllAL THIM-I'AIIT I.-ltcfor·· Khrl ten, J-- N«i. 410.1 Cirr coi'KT.TRiAi. Tkum -Part il.-liefere l'.rowne. J. Noe, SOM8, 2224, 3n«4, HI·», 8108, 31)8, 3022. 3130, 1121, 1124, :n-¿\ 3128, 1129, 31.1ft Sl>2, ;u:¡.i. 313ß, 31 17 musi nr ukskbai. BBSBIoBe.PabI I..Befare rteeor 1er Sterili and A«s:«tant District-Alterner I'tiMr. Nf«. I, 2. 3. 4, ».6 7. s. ?, ??. ??, in m, h, if. Pleadloss-10,17, in. ¡? .¿,, 2| 2? 23 24 ·.'.. 20 27, 28, 20, 30, 31, .12, 88, .'4. 3·»· 80, 87, 88, 89. 4". 41, 42. 43, 41, 4."·. 4'î .""ini or ifKNK'.t!. ëssaioxa ???G 11.-B'-fere low]»·;, .T., »m! A»s!staiil Insirlet-Atlorner 1>.it!«--Noj. 1. 2, 3. 4. j, !.. 7. «. 9 in. 11. 12. 13. 14. lo. 10, 17. «·.'.·?;t or oasBBAL itassioss.Paar in. iie'ore oiiaer· e>e»e. J., und Assistant l'l«trlcl Attorney BedMB. No«, 1. 2. 3. 4, 6, ?, 7, S, y, lu, 11, 12. NEW VU. US os THE whiski:)- TAS. Dui·:«· IT ITKMsii CORRUPTION PÜND8I ? ll.VI'KltAMK (I.AIM ????1 BBPBAL WOULD -N'»l UtCBRAOB IN 1??? KA.NIJK.Hi'W 111K TAX Ig SAH» TO ILKNISII VA«1 ILLICIT I'KOFIIS ul 1 OF WHICH COMB 1??G I nl;l.tTll"N 1 1 M.S. Ai'itrt unirti, in The Tópeme Vommtrnttemlth. TheoretlceUjr, this ui ibould Increase the n'tail price ol wbtehey uml dluilnlsfa tbe coiwumpi. but, aa u mat tei ui tact, Iti ????.··· In ibat direci luappreclable 1 be a ar time tso tn the pi Ice ol li inha sppoars «, bava ?"·'·?? lbs resuli .,? iho depreciation uf Hit» ourreuo) rei bor Iban «? tli" tax. .ml Ita reduction ft, .m i-2 i"-i (all ?n tu .'.n conta «.mi tue »ubse.jucni In ciciy.ii io 90 centi made nu change abatovoi In retali prices. Tbe probabilities hu·, lborei. that the re i».·.il of the ia\ B'ould nul affeel the retail price, and 1' the retell and no! tii" wholesale pi Ice lhal d recilj Bffecli cousiimptlou. The lli»i coil >f ? drlnl ahbikeji amouuts lu a in·:.' song In rnuipai »on with li,e rent, lights, fuel, salaries, living aud ut ber Ingredl Bitte uml Hijjniii'l». If, tli.-n, tl,·· In does nilnlsh cunsutnpilon hua '¿in it jio.^i¡.¡\ prunii i-Buse of Icniperaucel And ll it noi farcical, lo ^i?y dl.thooest, i" ilefond a ta.\ on the iiouud ti,at n luì].d i"i reatrlctlve purposes, .1 II does out restrlel ? cf. u,«· iu u principal objections to ihoae taxes, from a temperance standpoint, the first Is pureli lenti mental, bui wltb man) it ¡^ j. rotitr< iltuu «.·· the ¡ ·.·.,· ,? ,. .? enl would be. I ere Is aumi »hocklug i" many ,,f n. h!.? Ihe Vei » Idea ul In laxes «?1·?> foi revenue lhal ?<· really, ibnucb m.i l oc bule all) lai ????? he ·¦ an ? misi bin I. aud n grate» ail Iba more i> when ll kiinuii DiAt tho proceeds "1 ut hoi sud unlell ·¦· »«,,····¦ ? ili» needs the government. 1- not ·· which .liiiiiiii »·» no o\:i aud coulera no si "I Dn the ri'iniiry, but gresil) lucresees an airead) loo ia..· Incorno, more iban useless ll ? ghi m pol perpetuate auch s t.i\ In opposition t> ibe and feelings "f a million votera ? iiu second objection ???«? li firn she« »n ptlou fund i ¡:· v. .?, iba « In tie 1 ? ul ·· blsko) · r 1 from 111 t.. 2" ont dl "I which (fui the argumeuti I a il ws»umn waa j.ioii·., ami tbe proso ? ? price as Haled In 'in» New· V'iuk iiiiin m iiMrk'··· reports from verini · I ··., un l»ei'eiiii"i»r ß, ranged from il to j-i ]¦·, belns from If) to ?;:. ceuu above the ttu., bali «? ?... :, siso issume to l»» profit. Ascumlng again, that without the tax wblsaaj would tv told It 2" cents, hall of which would be ?p?ß?, ?? uUl be Mea t tl,«* I.«t ill«';ller ??,«?'·» IO Cftul '"? an outlay of ¡fi, which l" per cent, « bile t!,",·· « bo evade iho tax ihhK»· i?i on an outlay "f IO ceni ?..' per cent, ? be temptation i" lilt· li d tberefors very great. Again, pure wh he) should contain 50 ijer ceni "f alcohol, but ionie of that sold ha bardi) I dl m ?, and t?,,« si". ,.·¦ obabl] abo \ This bogus whiskey, made I») lbs addition ¦·! u ,,· deadly Ji ugs ·.-¦ s teere trifle, imi Ihose « hu ? gel at tesai double lbs prol ·¦ distiller, and then 90 centi agallón ?? t,·.«· Tho timpta lo wholesale doaleri lu Increasn Ihelr itocb fn in 50 ¡.«t <···??? in this way Ii therefore even .: . Il i». d »Ml·»: » t.. evade the tax, almusi no risk, it ],!',· ' ime tha.? If si more than one liait of ihe ituff which ·, psyi h governmenl i»\. and, tt thai Is ? lie ea 'list.ilo * ai.'J dealer« pocket ·· be ¦· between r·:;««.« «?« ?,? n n and »»»,'i.i"i".lax èva laii'l adultérations. The removal "! Ihe t.i\ would .i once reduce tbe premium un villani docente a ai.«I the profil on adulterai Ion would la ? red to a few cents a gallon, and lesi Impure Ibiuoi would be iint'l«. 'ih'·,'* enormnua dlsbonosl profits are nul '. Id. among -?,.· »<-\··.' al bui dred thousa reta et but gu mainly Into the pockets of distillers and ··'?,.,?·· ii··,· atri these ai" Ihe men who furnish tl,·· great t Ihe ??,oi.i·. to corrupt legislatures and nfflolala ai li^lit the laws In tl.,· courts aud asrell mtl "p pi campaign funds. ? ?,·» fai-t thai the tax works lo their ailvaiitair·· is demonstrated by t»·.·· unanlmlt) with which the« oppose Its repeal Remove II ind corrupt (rains would lie euntine 1 to a few rent · ·, . the adulteration which would duubtle ? a ? mailer a. ale. Portune, ·, ild nul be mail«· in . :¦¦ rears, and Ibe sbleat ???»?? would soon al indo Lii«lii».-s ai.) leave IT In ? ¡,? lian«!, of Ihose who, like the average rfraroscller, are Itm lolld, l| I, plclous aii'l greedy to ?«? formidable oppoi »nis lin» tax on the bualness s nul open to the objection ??«??,«t thai on Ihe article, but s., it la eeded i' oaunol i;» defended on Mi« revenue Ides, in ?* »-'juaHy objotlnnable with the other the 1 ground To call R>r, ., 'reatrlctlve" tat ?* Ihe rjuln· stten..f absurd ly, If a tax is t be rontinued for restrictive purposes II should t«t Ineroased »·?????.;?? i" make it resti 1.1. isj to «.?,'??? Many Uepiibllcau Congroesmen would vote f,,r the repeal "f Iheee taxes, lhal strengthen n,'· powersof evil, l,nt f..r tli»· ir'li-f thai tl ·., earne»! lemp constituents wan! thorn retai itoti It will ?.« wrll, tl»· efnre, for those "f them who ?? oi ig ·¦ with me in my conclusione to lut Ibeli L'ougn know how t ).»*y Hand. «> ..- GBAIS ASH PRODUCE MARKETS FEATDBRBOV !fBW»TORK I»:m.IN·;-· Tii» heldera "( 11 reali refase io be dlseearagsd hj t.rar se ¦aneeata ai.»? seem te feel Ibel iba foreura traBa, wbtel haa for aoleusbeee a iwar ob Araerleaa uroduet, ol a: a aasen tbe eeaeral attitude of depreeiallBB taken by tha prtxlu - is lu··:«/ ?. ana lor t',,· prices »? wbiek m will »«? at so ils Only tal» sentîmest tan accenni fui tbe atrength of value« Caah wheat was ?? cent better. bbO yel sblppera to»k » loehela Thara aa»antnre eetlve moveateat la ibe a u*.? ? 7 »??,??? biiahals were ???.<?·<? Ib ? aas the. I««a nu » ·« Orni «t top sures There were ne parti· nutrir new feature· bnt tina: prli ·· »' aw a*'t'· ol 1 an! f.,r ?" ami ai «· « ''. '. (et .lai,nal ? at 901», mal 'a fei e'.niarr al 01«V Mareb at D'i·» 'lar »t Ufa and lime .,? 94 heeata np'»i torn '-»a« ·, at .¦? bleber. but ablDpera refaeed tn bay Tl.ptlou market a sen ? lu tl,·. aarly tradiag, but it aj/nipal ted «itn tl,* eiretiKib "f wheat and resa / ·. reni rietini »lenir at net seine of «s foi lauuarj» al 01 «a aad febriurr at '., ». ,? '. rnl tur ?,?? at S2S ß??». unt« on t',. ·;.,,? wrtr ¦« .? icen) Ma' in. ?, ? ? 111« "j. tl··?«, wl.i: ?? I, r.,«n ?, loi ?., ?,, nur at '-Si« «?? htiuiv »t llH'a ai,? '...ut f,,r 1er at 4<: ceni« .mi in (ferea1 a natn«: reselles freía n. reseat »,.. <,>- ««.t ru1' fii'iii'i down 4-/G. potata »e ¡,»· ??,,p.,«? .SOS, Janaary .atril. Kebruary |8 I», Mareh %H'U. April |s 29, ? «? »x .17. .Inn.· »-tit Tbe r> ·¦ · ipt« of grain and fl.ot r »· ¦. r · «-1 «/»«tur.iar st Ne·« Vfiilt. Italtiinorii. 1'htladelpbU and He ti« «r.-t «e fol· low·: Wheat, H4.123 boahele: cera, 13l.»:t7 bnabel· *u 97.340 i.tish-l«. total frain, »04,91» bualiela Hour. 47.eia lia^kuji». At Chlcacn. Milwaukee anJ Hi I..« Hi« arrivala warn ill,.·,! 2U0.1.10 bnabela, corn, 329.399 buebrle, oat«. 192,979 biiebele. to'.al grain, 722,404 hmliel·, flour, »«.«'..H t'urir:«. ? .- '////. IRA HF IM t-llll t 0O. (???'?'.?, ?»··«? 90 jMpeti·?). Bsery wii"at rasrkst Is ti"i rouiitrv was slroiii» during the day. DnlBth sraa hlgBSTSB the sapreaching bllassrd Chlcege elosed n"«tir a irnt aiioTe the astsalBST, ß,a??.?t hssaesa <,t tas attlta ie ,.f n.r .k,>w T'iikrr·. St. Leal· neu 'lesi»! »troni. BltboWfk it wa« e u lining down ,·¦"· «i,d''i«»ari.i, mere we« little canea t.,r apprebeaeiun on I ha «f the :,· n a- :.i m cnl'l nave. Mi'V WbSat njiriird lit H.i .-nls and sold oft to Ml·!«,·) «a cent» at omis beeSBSS «>I a uther |.aiil<ky elate ut affali* In proVleloB«, The t"i> prices eerr reaches! In Ihe altetnooB. when Mar sold at H.V'a ,/ . ami l.ntvi at hJ'a. The close wmnd h.iv». hi-i binimi if 11 umilili.mi hau not tiiiiind seller lu»t before the bell tapped. 'Ihe "ruth" at nlc'U wa« ??G·»*', r.nt« tor Mar, juetB «titule Imiter that the lait Maure» on Ihe beard ? be teiiaattea >·' tbe day wa· in th» pork ?·? »im n eeeerred right at tbe apanina rterewere40,eoti )><>ac· et t rard» «Kämet astlMatss ·>? Mondar of only Kg^MM Prbiaa at MS yarda w.m 1O20 sesti lourr. the BBTprtea tn holders was M («.mplete thai Mar pori lip nwd M ffiits a barrel si at *ir. 40, sad seM .town to ?.·,·.'?'·« Mar lard asta dowB te M IO:aeaatarcJ)irlBatot7 7S 'ihoie was a »usi'lcloii on lo- tío-,? net ih» pei ker» h-nl rontnnuted in some iiiTiterleu« war tu the unei|,uclud lari?» rnrelnle of ho»,·, l.ut Dite wa« rtenlnl. At tb« sert'biweet point lor the dar on Mar I ard-|H 10. Heain nffered ln.unu tlrirea. <»f romee tiolioilr look the hld at mo mint end It wae nul leeewad Au l.i.'ii later '.'ris bid »« '.'n (er the neme lilm k. lint »? that iiieiiiPiit the feeUag weecluii£e<t, end en. of asarse, that bliift wae not "calle* " »ither. At on·« in.iiiirtit the pflca Bl potk wa« 7u rente nader the top ¦gareeef Monttay a vrr» eevere break. Vet the arllere of the nar. and tbe only eeiiei», were ths packen aad laeBt*ataasleaal hrara May perk eel 1 nom |13??7?. f.ack up to gli M Where It Blese·. May lard a.Waio ·,.« from »Hid Bg 80 where It eloee.l. Msish uh» a.Waaued troni »7 75 le »7 ü» where tlirr raesse. Cera ad»auoe«l a full cent, but waa »oi a sery latoreetlug deal for all that. 'Ihe rereipia. J47 caia, were neatly thirty care under theoiprrtatlene 1 tie 0|*n!Bf<- wae »fleeted rhletly by lb« demoralization of prev.slona The estlaetee ftT TTldaiadai -175 sare.»how a decided falling oft fiora ressat r». elnte \h* !^a¡S! ?? ?''·?«·?/?G tea day. It l, ..m that theieare about SOn.noo biiaheleof sern en track la the city wallluc to be trausim r.,? ie tbe eaettteuad roede lo be aaleaital. STOCKS DULL AND STRONG» PRICES 00 DOWN AND HIES CP. DULLS WAIT FOR BISARA AM> HKAK8 FOR BULLS-? ???? J LOSING. BAI.r.e AT TIIK aTTOCK EXCHAXO« -Obc. 'JO. TUF OEXRRAL LIST. A.tna! fales desina. No. -¦-_ aharea Ojf-g, II«;t [/.«'I Kiasl Itnl. A»k'd aeld. lien A 1 lenii latpr PtWB Itsevei «¿J it ? 11 s. ·«"· K re-li Usf. »*»« .A** ,,, ,,, ,17 ,,;,.. ¡;t·. ',.!'. 13a- 13-s '«'¦. ? , ¡4S ?1* lf> 1«> ,·'¦ et ·..(·. um MS M a St»« ',u . M fil» S SU SO ta··« |3 «s '.'.IS U3«g S»·« ¡¡J '·'«'< KHI« SOW ?ß? *"·'« «? Mi'? ¡? Ml SI H< H, ?«:. ?·9 ??? mi l"' lets* 17·, la I7S IS-s IS«, ISJ, B| L -- -I.«. M-. 8. >·, IO*', 1·*'. l«-a i«-'« IOS·« lOSSj Iti», Mi'j 1>'.'·* ?'1' iss 1 67 4 11! Cent III,» w . ? ? .s 'V Lake Stisr« ·* Na-b Matitiattaai un Muli <«at.... Hi ?,?? ? .... M !-¦* W uri li h ,? ? kl e l'aeise N t Ceatral.. Ni ?'???? ne·· KYC.tStl.lnr. rtu'j.i urei NT l.K A «V ? ? A ·« K... N V ? M NT Satw er. Ner A Woat Net A W art. Nei rae erf.. (due conili_ Or KB ?. t ini.«. l-l'irt H.T.. i-i, e ?. li ira a wr..~\ S S W p erar ft w* A or.. »tí. asf.! Ml.eK Bti ... ht FM AM. Tessa l'an fi·· .1 lines l'ar_ Wsbsati_' ? ?, ? I. Ir;· ? e- '.·».. rarlftrMall lien » A lei (Jesi a 1...· lenii Cesi A I. Il innestale Wliite i't nel :i l'a¬ li"« ?'· ? li"j eH 213 215 IH SS 11·. 11 >. li)·. SU 4>i S.", »a lilt, lll-j i:t i. VU »a 'J'·-» 20», li·1· 05 % Ills, io »»¦e Ift», Its* VI ·j 23«* 91S 63 ? isti .'.?'* H.M« ?.? SS ;»ii SI'. .1"« MI .l'a ,?;» ::t ? ». '.-s s.ì MS .Jlil 220 SS ZSVj ??'·· 1 '. 40 S m», S . * IO", 13 us SI VII», 80*» luv IIS SS«« (j.'.'-i ?, ', m H.', M.*. I, ·. . a (is ?'.\ |0»«* li'i«. 106·* 1··.'. 241« 35 '.'I1· 31 1} :,i '. ;. .'a ...a'« 1 13, MM) ¦90 ino loo IM ISO 100 aso sea ?... ? m llfl I IK) 200 1 .'O SO ¡.HI 410 ins 1 ? ·.· o '.'III 17.100 0.1TB Mi.l II 4<>i) sod ino r.·, , 63 S \ j ? ··. 4.IS 4 1»« t. . I7ü«e ia sa IBS 16 «a 15*1 11.030 4M« 1.'. S 4 »S 4M . -, -, -a · a -, ¦j'. 15 S3 S3 ¡Ti 27«, 27«* 27 ·« 1 ,. IIS li S 11 -s .. ,?. g«·«, IMS, ss'-; sss »(t»» 2d M 3 : ?* 11 1 a S 41 "l.'< S6>s 37 4 37 va IV KM l'MI 3.3S3 200 1·>0 inn loi» '.'S .von Tels! aliares tels] fer Ike tlar. ? 'iTlletiil »771«. IBB /,·',.\ /.,·. .< ?/· I. I \ .'.' STO /Y s'. Park Hatik 10. G1' 43 ... .178 10... 173 !.'.. 171 la ? olia,.I 3l 14.000 113 1st uno ivo Haul el ? nn IabIsviII· «I Naell 100 bl l07Sj reel boad '·« r. 107 ·'·.···» .... '": « lenti Heltlem I ¦'·« '.'.·«· I"71« 15,000 " . Mil a ~t Pasl « ? ? «? .-,... ., l'ai Mnl PI dis Trnal 1: ;¦'« I.OOO I02S .·,.,,e kill A si l'ani Atlantl< ? r. I) la f.,O.Ill «· UBO AB' lu.'k .'. li '" SB 'Urto :·. »im ? S«. ,?, III il lient« I.SM .lui N "I -ua ,1 ·.«. ai 2d 1,1.011 .71 l.i'ui 7 ", N \- l.a. k ,< M Ils <.ut! int.· '. ', l'en t 1st ? onp liSo 17 e lei «er ei.fl l'e :,« !.i"ij. 100-a A ?,,?? p,0 .. loi BBllunera A Ohio II l.fiaii .lOSii s...o·) |il3S Dui r. ? 1st MM .V4 2,? >".... 7 0 il' ,21 ( ? ,? lad <? ? ?.??? ?. ; Col ?? Val a · ;t noi. .? ledei K J le. e ; (A ·: ti I l'Iti ·· 2,000 ·. Pai a IV. . 12« . ,o l ;, ? ? Kau A 'Un· 'ieil .. ;.. MI .te a 1 ',.?.' 1 e o «t,.«4 : .»..,. ''.la'.a 4 *>I l. la'. ."" '.77** ? ì.ooe.:"s, 4 « "rr,,·.., -, ? a ?. «« l.nn ite ? is Ina· >" te le.'"l'I .7!i| 8 .«? ?' 7 ·, 111 ? an.l II <? M ·. » ? ? A ? -a ·. lo'.·1. I 'ir.·. L, $ lai 10·: 1«' ??» I' ? .. ·.', la' >·? l'i *. 1 d tilt tlll.l (I » ? ? 117 Bel Mark ? ? " lot.o·. ? ¦. 1·p, ? l'A ?«. Nt .'.'.se .7s I eu A ltd lai 1 '¦" ? l.t »?. ? . - ·. ·. l ß** ?.'????* « 1171« . A Ht G? « .a .117 H % i. In« 1 ·".' ITeni Va A ? li» Unir C'n Tel 11."· " l.u.,0 ·: ? ' li'."" Me G«. ut Cea 1·'?4 .·- y ci ? st ?. noe. .15 ? ». ? lai H. k. a·, -e » Net 1 2d BB l.e-e,. ( o-is ??: .'·« 1 Elli 7am l.OIHI.l'I', II lai \ ei ,:!· 2.000 liiiUtii' a 1st . .... 7S-4 l ·. ···«¦ tal ;i, Ba llar A Mi Ab ll 105 I . ? -? 1 r 1.0 In Noi ? 121 ·<?'" ... « li..· ? ? .·¦ ?ß· :."»¦" .Ill ?? 1*1 ?.·, ? -ita ·- ? « Bausa« ?: . ? ?.??>.? ??? Lake ? ria A .»e lai da |n :' ... 1" '.' ?. ? 1 101 ' 4.tu.'. im·«. IS2 r » . . ? t««i aiata '.".·"¦ Henal lai·· 107 Si u«ni raa -'! ai, I. 9 Il Va r>l L Ari »u l'In i I 4 ·, ? G Mia ?. Ma-i 1st · .:· ·?» ?:, u '.· » ....111 .f Mo lai " . 11 ?.« s r " .-. Ian ? r ? lina! A«aen'· I t >. '.',. « . rea A Pa « ? mat le. ite I « ??, I»'. « ß.-:", , · lai 1 HUH * , L k l'a« a · ?- ,: :··1 la 4.Ote) INNI I"". ansi «» ; ? . «t .ti LEM ? G lili' ' "'¦ iOl IVA I · '' ;¦/ TUOLl VB EU i! i ti* n«. i, II »·. .v-i,«/« .·» en t'etteei'ii 11 uai Ata la. II.· .a« -I lia:. · Ca·» '.a -i,·un,. I li.:M; A -t l'a ' , ( lue ? Neri., ail'n n. lu «? ? M ?? ? a ? Wea(ern.. beiavatiir e UuilSOB.. tri» 1 '. A 'la KT V A 11 3d 1 ? ? '. Il»rk!a« Vallar. 3 ? <?a lattes,er«. Lou ·* .Naa'.riile.; I /. '.··. ai Mu Nati Me Bai,· lei. MS l'arine.. μ t a ? ?,. ? p? ? \\ ratai u ni .'.ei l'ai r. .Nui A V. l'Uni au (lie it A '. Ma ree H. ..Il» I-...UA Bsavuns. .1 |.fli» II. :. | W Sl 1 t -X Y. H! I. A K| I- t." St lauila AtaS 1-, leía« PaelflO.. I li en G*,,??.?. e a. e ?. ? ... B eateis Laien. W \ -i ill« 1. a 2S lu·, , «« 8J , I. », ·.'. ·. SU 'a 17 a 4 · it»S . ? . o .1 a « 1 1 21 . .'.;, )., 4 ·. · loa t. e I . 31 «« 44 si ii-s 2. i', 35 in I c 1 . ::<i i', 24*. 1·· a Ivi·, IOS 4* ? '. > ?? 1 ·«. .? . · . e.,', . 4(1 , II ', ;?? 21? il a « IV 1" '. ¡U'. 2 s 1-1 ?-. «. ??'. . ?. ·. : «··. '. :?? 4"·, ?:,'.'., ? . .?? '. «'. 1 ? ? ». f ·.'« Il 7 7'a 10 uso ISS ! IM ISO ','J Ino 1.37S 100 loo ino |M0 f.u M loo lit,noti .10 60 e m ? loo leo 40.1 IS G?? a · ¡no u A * .'.·· IBI ?'.>·\ ! lu Ill « .'. It lj la! Bes A ? II 4 a 1 ? ? li lai Mei ;.«t :.«·» lat ertli l'a. dit ¦lu 2.1. (ini A hi lai ki I. A A Mal. St 4 ? VI -1 J I tl I 1,1 .... do VI ? Pa« I. II V. «? ai.u lu, V tltJXVH . Is \? lia». Us«. Ul ' SI le» lu., loi 101 ·»;·. lus 47 ? », 4u', ?·7». :i:. 40 S 47 II lie«. loa UH 4o'·. ..'.S la '..1 103 loi a non : S', Ift.lKJO ?? lo.ooii *, a Vinon . 7», I ..Ott 4o«t ?.?,????? '..7», 12,00· ", M.ooil tu'-j M.oeo 47 ...u.lj ...'.1111,000 MIMMI STOCKS Aiiiauui .., 1.7« ,.;¦ r.rmiael. k .| ? .rio I.SS Kelle ( eu L'SlAVir.... ( brreolll· . »ali.· II... I ri a a on 1.1 (nato. llolriiki» I.ea.lvill... I.'t'.aae Miti·L« Kar. Pl.euii s- Aïk. Prosatila Rapkaiianaer.k has s. esalali t-ecnritr i-stie I aiiiiei. Il .31 .sa 1 s.. 19 7 e;., 3.31 ,'UI .S3 r, nu V Hl II .'.',? tua ?.?, ? 7.X71· .1·· ,?? I.,17' ,60 .V6 .III V.l .?.? 1.25 .19 G.?7 1.25 :???? .(IMI 410 lim .'.O tun loa SSO ?,?. «o 4S0 290 m VOI ß,?'??? OU IBO loo ibi r.oii 11.7H0 CLOeiNU PUH Bfl OF iH.SKiv (stocks, llio-ltis. line. 2o, lei Yistenlar. Te-dar, Vester.lar· ? A A Ten II li. i'.,·«·... a Aii.i'r beet A Malas.. t 1,1c l'.ui ling .a (Jllllll 127 lia', 1 aaiara lili ... lüstern ??????. flint A l'ere M. l'íli.l A I' M ufi Mei ('en rom... lat Mer II It «? N Y AN Baal.. ilo 7e. BIO Colone. 172 l.ill.ali'l Bf. «Vis Coot ll it corn. 1(1 SI II '·* uv It'IS in«, '27 ISS IVO 20 U S '¦''·« Alleiiei Mlii'j» IOS l'.HS, 'nee). ... V10S 910 .. u·..'! il.·. ,, lui) l( a(alpa. .33 Kraiikiin. Jft llliiri.ii.04 S 'Oa.eails . VV'# Un Iloti Teiiiphone. 2n0 I3S Huston 7 nos n'ater i'«wer.. 7.3p« Uli Weal ? ml I ai, W «a Lain h're ?ß'?ß . 173*1 lsiiiarsea. Ill ass Mss« (lent. 20 lau I' I, ('.,. 43 IM 87. wlar IS IBS 30 MS Ms· vis M von 7 7S 2.1 S 41) 121 VO 6.1 ci.osTNd nucnor FUII.AIiI.I.I'IUA STOCKS. Ill 1.1 Aakel Jil.L A.k« Peansrlvanla .. 64S 61% lintTaln. N. Y A Ueeelpu. PBlla. IOS 10«ß BsstatlBC. 32S 32'».a ?. 1 Ceotrai.. aSkSaSJI Vaaier.. B4«e 64SI stsaSJIK Trsss.. VOS 90S North i'eeiftí) coin. 22>» 22N Nenn i'ai'iai .>ref. 4'i I.ehub NaT... 4·;'« 47 Il A B., pref.. Hevt.u.' «·?ß»?,? . niort«*ae. 109«?, IO«-» Raadla· ino... hi «a fa Ht. Peni. 7:l'· 73»a Head« 2.1 »er-il 7 4 4 75 Trecllou. 0b»i 00 CLoeura PRicn or california stock*, *av Frav isrn. Dec. '¿i). 1SS7. __ Yesterday. Te-flaf. Ifeeterdar. To-day. Alla. 101 1.45 iNaralo...f··'· .90 Itulwer.ini .7.? |nphlr. lnftO H.7.. Beat A Belcher 7.03«a S.s7». l'otoei. I114 ß.»ß ??·n» cen. 1.80 'J.7il S«T«»e. f. Oll 0.90 t'heller. O.tWJ S :I7!·/Hierra Nevada. »I7»j 4.:IU Ose Osi A Va.. 33.191(30.2» t'nion l'en. 5 ?.? 4.40 l'rewe r.i.iit... a.B7«i 7.'.'5 |Uuh. l.Wi 180 Rarvaseea »7"» \vin.w jaekefc 0.031 5.37«i Onuld A l'urry. B.?IT«a 4.75 «leimnnw'altti 19» 2.711 lisle a Mei_ K7i 7.37«a Novada Qaesa 140 Iteinan. li.On 4-9» Helle lei« .... .*0 ..?? Meee. '.'.05 1.70 No Hellt» Isis.. 7.7¿ 7.30 nULNFaSS AND STRENGTH IN STOCKS. Tliirty-three railroad· bow bave reported their «»Toss earniocs f«.r tbe weottd week In December, giving nn aggregate of 13,701,845 against $¦-',- :;7'.i..'.,» I for the areek ««f laatyear.a unni ni J 1413,261, «>r ir.) r cent, aiti. ·>p Incicaaed mileage of only about ~ 1-3 ?»»·? rent. The stock market waa intensely dull and at no«.n the board room araa abonl entirely deserted. ¡The total recorded transaction· aggregated only ..'-.tul shares. And pet with the teeming lack «if interrai there \\?* u marked degree of strength developed The long talked ol (réduction freight rates on Ihe railroad· southwrest from Chicago \m nt Into effect tn'l.iv thai la they did If the quartet hourly Chicago special· published i»v the news agencies are to be believed. In the simple announcement <>f tlie fact «.f Hi«· reduction tin disputches unquestionably are correct; iiut ilnir prédiction· ..? the duration <·? t!.«· Im.· ratta and of effect upon :i venr'a nel enruiugs a/ere principally made tor st al; ràxcbnnge consumption aud a temporary effeel «m values. Ilei. to-duy should have been nn uctivc da«, nt the Stock bxcliHtige, uml because nf the anticipated pvil effects values should lieve decljiiesi sharnli nt least, it was anticipated that thej would by some operators who Inn.· ?"·«·?? .solini,,' stocks " short" in expectation of the ..\<'nt. I'rai·. ili,? i,|m n wreak and decllneil further during tli«· ??««p????.' hours, to lusl tlie extent thai the "bears" pressed them; but them waa chariness exhibited aboul a further ex punsi. ? ol the " inori" Unes, and no selling "i " long" stocka was de» \«·?"?'·'?. The " ??p??»." sudi aa them :in-. waited for the * beare" lo offer priera down, and the " linn«" waited lor the " bulla" ?·? trv to sell. So when it w.i« discovered thai neither would do either, t" anj extent, the work of mcouping the earlj Billes quickly made ?? recovery to about the liest prince «.f Ihn day. Neither lauke Shorn nor Krie contributed I.oof) ilutms t·. ihe day's trading. I'nion rnciflc. Northern l'unifies, and Oregon Transcontinental stocks wem ..»¡¦....?.ill·, stronfi nil tí,.· araj a it, I he market closed uuiet Bini Inni GOVERNMENT AXD R.VILKOAD BUNDS SI HONG. Government bonds wen· «lull and steady with the in·I» for ibe oil l l per cent. Annexed ore ling quota) i"ii» lid. ««t. ri,,, ,,,, ? 4'·,· ?;, re» ¡e; . '».«.eer ft« ?, |jj ?. t. - 4 ta, ISJI o, 10. « ??' . | r«r i',· ISS7 ·.· ! ¦¦. »««. i'»o; rr,- :.· j ., ?; «,.«.»·,.; e |?»??' ' -.4·. 9S7.rea l'ani l'J », C t, .·,· Sa, Hit· lai? 1 * e·' ¦'¦·¦¦ D.«·. cel 3 ·.«. 117 -, '... St..t.· bonds wem ii'·.·' ctidj bui Tennessee set- llemi ni lis t..¦" from 71 t.. ;.· i-·.· nini N ,rtb tuxes Mild al " f») citj (»unk -t,.. k». Vi mm. ree «. ll ion m ?.;, ¡ :,i,17 aad l'.nk lie at ",?·,? ; .,? ; A well distributed btisiiieM whs done in railway }..:'"1:. ¦' was m «??.ili ani 'he Missouri I. mid Texan lasiics wem fmrly to 74 l-2u It'.· :.» wem ? t er '.¡il s.»d Cs wem not deuil in, bul tl,,· ?, t"""" wits llultlmom und ? il Id al ! ', ?..!"', i ·.·. Mirti .-a», fVntnil 7a wem in ·!· marni ,; ·, \ , \,.\. ,-, .. irai s..!·! ni : ;,. «,. v.. ,... » ? G and West- V "il ;it ¦*» strong nt ' " "I ind I \ ¦¦ .T G -ia! « .·,·. the HI s,,;,| tif unlisted Ex- ··. ... . Security M Mo.NF.i AND Tl G ?.G?.??, lim·«!: ? ?. '. ? as In ahm ? ill at 4a 1 I per f* ni al the Sto G Inni re lutaide tli.· nftorlns ' t mot al ß per Ceni ·¦-·'· Tin ' M f to-dny Is ai fol· 1 ' il ·¦«. $'1 121,1 i; Imbu · 71 THE REAS1 RV MoVF.MF.S rS ·- -. ? Its nei . .ri ? j G???··.| Still · ·¦ · n ?·- : ·· » f r I If··.»·.' .... fin. fur I ess as foil.,· I » ; I and f I S.. 3-? for ? ·¦ ' fot- reich» t" m ? -i"i » f,,r irulldera, In I. ··'¦! ? Hi ¦¦¦ ? - lower for er ni mi :i-4 for lini nff 1 I nt. 4.Id per "··! ? he I'.at ',; of El lost. £4 nee. Money was .·· ? ··,.· ? t nt of hank, re' lull« '· ! ·?.·? in .ji,,·. · ntlnin'il . ' ? Vori quotations tn the I·· ·. nf busi ?'.? G"' '. lined from -1 7 2 to »I "7 .'. The <>i ,·· |: || i;, :¦· ,..· ,,f pli rid ? has Just liil it» conni t on at Macon with it« tvi at ern section, which now [rives it over 100 miles of ??t??|,?« t··,I road In full ???? ht the .»5th «.f tlii« mollili the cars will Into ??«G|.·.?? Springs, maklne 11 ¦ nul·-» «>f c,»m|ileti«il road In operili Ion «it nf ¦ total "f IMI miles The entire line will be compieteli hj the flrsl of Februury, I »-a Tlie iTiiniiut ' the Rl G."'p« nnd ? Culi.'..I < ',,ti,|. my and nf the Svrn : IV.!.I·.' ? lile Riiili "I mi ini ·.· ill be |uiid by G Hollina ? ? ni New \ nrk and and uff. r .t.iii'iarv ?. '111.· Ontario Silver Minina rompant has de ,'ar. I ita lomnry dividend for November "f 17.1 (ion raiytible I tbe transfer a fi ?,,,,, ? t'.». Mills Riiilditig, on IVcemlier III. 'Iran fern close on December 21 Total dividends to date, «-. 5.1.O00 ?:a??.?:«??> i.\i:mN'.h. |||, ,,,,, |S|I »- ,l;N 111 ISOII ia·'·. laaa 1ß·7 fitìeTw^Tr.^·.: s . j,,, ??. ;? i i ? ?-· I.i »7.443 aiilitol ? im· » ?*?? N,i,i,i,..r..f miles. I ¦.'1 . ? lie, « ? »71.1?? Sin' lili j.. i i. |... 11 BU S.1UJ WS :..'.'.-»l -? ?. .??«, lasases» imi ?? \ t«. Kambernfmiles 73· .73» 730 Ia. IloI... II 1. IUI.HS4 1 i- 3.630,830 llBH) ?? »M' ltl"'.lt IM« «?·?? ll*í. 1»-.| l»M7. IMirornnr-« r-.,| week Ib Dee- ?1,«7ß ??·.·-»7» lae. s«. j ., ? »e ?? ·.¦·... s 1.1 r--· in··- im.'.·.:· M II » "III., <>M till·· AM· tl I »II KV Heronrl week la Pee- S'-'!.·'? ·2«.:?51ß lae. ?4.·'·73 Jjli ? te ?"'·. It. I. ·.·,'.'.-? ,? 1 l".'..i,'ii Ino. 'J",,.7ii,i KX?'???G?, I.I«' Ih«» 1-»«:. IBH7. Total for week W.lil.alH «?«;. <·· · ·? ·ß.·»???.?70 raparteli ?10.?·?·73 SOl.773.8 I 893,W17.4in T.iUUlmoJ.iii l. . tS10.rt-at7.e0l + i"". '. I''.·! *-¦' ',u.,«i,Sl>.l RtJROPRAÜ ?????? \t, M IRKBTS, I.osnoN Osa 30 4 t. m G"??«·»?*. 101 7 1? Mr 'tinier ei.'l ini ? ("G Hie »rniiiiit. Allautld an.I tirasi \\eii«iu »rriin.l met ??;.««·'· Ini it «?«» cet mirai···, s 1 ' til tel t talo ? 4 per real li.inde, l'affi·«,»: ?a ? '.*. lili; ? nantir aad nrr.ii Waatera .rat uiurtsece treeteee oertifleatea, m » raaatllan faclBe, B'j ire -"?, île Beeond l'oaeol«, '.''.·'«, Healeaa Or. ri~u'arr BIS; lllluirts Central, l'ili Ht Faul Coaassea, 76*, N'ee V"ii. rentrai. 11 l'a Peenarlvaala, »»Si |lr·"1 inir ';'..i'. Me»! ..n rentrai, 14'«; lladson'a Mut t'eapaar, V'J . '('«???-?? 4«. ia.\ «.inaila North West l.itii.l .I« »anr, -\ Har Bllver le ipiet·· »l 4M. p«>r onrne. ? ha ai.nit uf bullion WltbdraWB Iron» Hie Hank ol KBglBBrl i.a balBB. e t" da) ? l'.'.nnn. l'arie urlrlres qeole ? per rent lente, ai ?? rran.« ?7"i eentltaee f.r tini aeeeaai »ml m- chaiiseea laoadaa ai '-'5 fraaca »4 eentlaese lar ebesaa, BUaoPBAM rnniiui'K tt ari« f. is liuirem, lier 30.· ¡IMS |l m.-Iteiif.In fair .temami. l'era la (alt detn.tiiil limits lu peor ileiiieinl. Ilainii In fatrdeaeaad abort m «t··»·!» at an». M Usasse.1b p"«»r ilemeinl. 'l'allow lu »mir ilotnaud Hpltlt· "f ai ¡.eut m. la m"i.l .leuiaal. I »tlou Sre.t OU. l.lTflpoul Ueflue.l .» et SOe. 84. lletlu lu fairiltniiaiul. l.enl. hpolau'l luiuree In fsli ilemainl. pi ine tfe«l<>iu »pot ami Iii-reuilier «tliiiiK »i tu« l'.l Jauuarr and ??,??,,.??? elriii.f at 41ß. Wheel lu ???? ileiuaeil. Hiiiir -Il lionr ilemanrt. C'ern riputami liilure« In pour demand Allied Weetern eiml dull at 4a. lud. ? lie.' dull at 4s 10ft; Jauuarr dull at lui, ..l.ruai» «lull ai Hal II op· al ?.??????? -N«s 1 ul I ,-tatr liiere li Belala«! afferme- Ia.sniiM. Dec. '-'o-a p. m_l-rnlure- Reflni'd prtroleum. . 7 Ifld.V»'·«'¦· P"*r s»H»n. I.lnseed nil, lus. ild. BSV SWt .«pirite ot l'urpeDtlue. 2rie. 7«ji1 per cwt. l'alcutta I.luseed, ¦7* 1 S'I per «inerter l.ui»ee«f ceke, Jt») 7e «¦ per ten; -prim nil, ai;,.· ali.· per toa; Whale nil, £14 u>X '¿l per tun. IlKBMKN Dee. 'JO. -Wllrei'e lard rloeed et ::¦» mark· per In.» pound», r, 11 ».»???,. 7 marks 'JA afmiius·. am ? tur. ?.... 90. Wilrei'i imi iiloted at 1·4 freno· Ser Ino Ilio«, l'otriileuin Finn l'eie Aiiierlraii, ? fraaoe is7 «jrentiiii··· paid aud 17 francs H7 «e ueellaiea soliere. HAVANA HAllhKl IfAv*«*. m.· '.'D -ipaaiau |el4 '.'ill'« e.'IO. UaWiuuia qulek buaei «iatek THl·; MARKETS. TOTAL RECEIPTS Of PRODUCE. Ver Worth River. Vettel* and Railroad*. ? ? Peas Oate.bnsh... 61,000 C'ntnieatspks bare.. 200 Uyo, leak.. 630 Lain, tes... ? vs* Klour. UalU Imali... 10.11(10 Lar-I, kegs... pkst . in'· nailer.-uiaa ö.rsji» Butter, pkrs Beana. bbla. 2-7 I'eas, bush.. 1,100 cheese psxs Broom torn, iiaimeal. liti. 2S5 I> lista. No. bales Uff Oreas«, l'kas SU Itiee. BgS... Cotton.oaies 3.07o Hulea No .... ilo sujar. hluls Cotton see.1 Utiles nales. ?57,?t??. Obi·.. eil bills ... 610 31·: «kins, bales. Cotton *ee.t 'lalle bale«.. ;t:¡4 SHireli. pkica meal l.acs 2*>4 Lea·', pis*«.. 1,14" stearine, pks Ceppar, eake lo«4 I.eatiie .am·« M,f»78 1 allow, pkgt l>rie.l I'l-nit, Mess.kst.le·.. 69 Tea. t.ka-s nk2 . lftO 4,232 Tobaren, pka Fee« ti'il* 7t»2 Olle»!·, mi 1.4P0 Wiilakr obli i-ras'eases, 2 ."71 ni.lai?. I'M« ó Wool, bales. Flour l.iils 28,S;i.'i(lll. lab, bbls 300 Wine l'ai.). C Mesi, '.'.is. 12,1 ileo stock. pk««. ? Me.ii trace *'"' pkira_ MO[Bramir (Cet) Wheat, '.usi 6'..0(Hi'Persne, pie. 67 pkajat. Corn.u.isii 15.4 ··> I'm. "als... 1,14), _ GENERAL MARKET REPORT. lll'II.IHN'· ?? 1 t:::lAI .? «itiiet But stesrtv market. llareratraw llaro Br.cka aio quote«! ¡u S7i*«VH to assi¬ lli pei tbeassnil sflistt? p Hiver nani. Stí 75BS7 26; l'aie, S-,? ·?",!-??'ß Croton«, brown. 613?13; dark, S16BI6; ? «? ll.á #110; TreatOB ami l'lilledelphia l-'ieut, aluagaid« pier, S'-'T/ii-VS; Itoekland C'OBiraoB Lime. Sii l'iiilshiii?. $1 20; t;.·uta· Hair. .;-,·¦.(..' par baasVj «Stile Ilair. vi »V2c. Ce- meni 1215 912 46 Isr round Iota American Portland ¡ Kag· Mali ci Han ?, |2 20BB2 3". RoesBilalo, Il 05*11.15. COFFHK. Ihe .leiii.-iiul fu: llraz.ll crowtha wa« .(Ulto active nini values wer- l'iiinlv Imi ou the ot ls%, f,n fair Ilio spot ai theclosn, «alea, 3,000 tara No. « 17«-a·/ 17 V UDO baita Ne. ? i I SjC¡ ?.600 h-irs Ne Jal IS*aC ami 1,000 Na 7 .it 17e Tho lulhler airi«· »»ere «lenir. Safes, ?.,? nut« lanata! Illsjo., 1,600 peeula rauan«, iieeemiier sai« .»n privato terail ??? 'f. loo bata Maracaibo, V/itB llriuer a.·· munis irata abroad Ci« speculati»« market wa» a inni, tiiuii",'! Bot particularly activa The aal··« tggiegeleil 60.7.'" bai:«, ami h nul fljriires In.lleate.l .u. .ulTiiae.'of 16920 polats, as follows: January, 10.25a U'. fi": febniarr, ie.2ftBin.26; Manli. 1(1.16« Kl VO; April, IH. 10a li'. 1". Mar, 10.00d 16.06: lune, 1?,'.·5a 1 <;.(!", .Inly. I6.753il6.83 Aii-ii-t. I5.45B16S0; September, I6.2SB16.-I0i October. l6.e0B15.03; Noreiaber. 14.853 It !«i. December, l6.35B16.40, Ihe raaces on ths'lid'erent months we.ß .lannarr, I0.SOB11.25 February, ?. 253 16.1 Match. If, JO./ Ui ".. Ami:, lU.100tlO.OOi May, lH.0.',«i 15.00 .lune, l6.IMB15.H5j .loir, I6.86B15.70i Basest, I6.6OB15.40 Baptetsber, 1 .:("<*· 15.10 November. 16.009 It. 46 in» eaiber 16 ? ???ß COCOA Trading la eonflned te Blobbing baits. Ciuaya «itili, lucili.. Mar-.abo, 2UB30C.I Ii.ilila, lj'vc, Caracas. í«s IPe. coitiiAüi·:.Ib fair demand and ateady. Huai, il1«1*·; Maa· Ila. li ',.·. COOPKRAOE STOCK Qntet and unchanged. Molíase» shouks ami hea.ia. 12 <>" O *V lü, suear. 'Iièftich. SI 26 '. ti .13 ohi »hnoksao«! new heai,,,. ;;- nu h. f V,', ,;*; ;(,',, ola abovka without he,ola. J0c.¡ rum, s.l (j,',t»S;l 7".. ruin pipes. 16 003 «¦.·.'."; ß?????? bogalieada, S3 60BB2 SO ; hoops, 11 feot. $:!"<# .3.1 ?" 2 lee!, ·26'ß)627 ? '? ?'.·? Little Inquiry »«a« ehown for spot rottoo, a decline ot 16c. in th" pi ? having no Influcnee In Ineraasini; bu»ine-a Salea 1*1* bal ? 13 lut eresiasi all of ivi.icii wets (..r eoa som pilon. 11.»» port recalóte to lar »i-rregat.·«! ini. a. com paring 33.070 balea Ulta ilav last werk ün.t iv,:;ji baiea lor the corresponding iiar u»t »'ear. sinr« September 1 'he bi glaelng ol the rep yeari the receipts ha»·.· aggregated A692,80'J bales, against 3.329,387 for tho same t:tno laat sea*..?. Qoeiatiena baaed ob the American Standard of ciaaaitli-a- t.,,11 are as tolluws t'P'ani'e. (lulf, Orilinary . 7 11.M 7 1:1 10 Strict Ordlnarr . S 3-16 ? 6-19 Ooed Ordinary.. . l»'e !"« StrictOood (irdlnary. ?·*-« ?»« I.·« Mlddlln« .1"1 19 l"!tlO Blrli t Low MuMIIng.1' a. I"'·., UlddtlBl . lo'.'.l« 1" 11.16 (lood MMnllnt ..10 13.14 1016-10 Htrletiloeil MaMli.i·.11 1 16 11 3 16 ua Fall.117-11 lly-M lair . .....13 I·Id 12 J-16 ? itigli. needOnllBBrv .- ... "'. l-ow Mld.lllng. :>i« Ht, l.ood OT.tlBBry_ B6-1S |MtddllB9 ..???] '. ..'¦ Il ITU la!! a ,"!: uf lili .tu-tlxll '·«»» eu"'» II. t.ltt Iti keeping with the casier secouais Iront Liverpool sad with· ratliei I reel nwvamenl Bt the ports th'> feeiiuj: was an «aay Dslng i|iiviations repreai-utlog · net decline of 1 point tot tha iiar. Sali *. 117,600 balea ?'"· "ivi Kitrerase-i salea '.-futiths. sloeiBg p." Ulgheat Lowi at. I.reeil,et .,19.4041042 1"4" 1 ¦» «7 9.700 .la-.uiiv IO.47tfKI.48 l"4f» 10 4V 0.200 1 tl -iiatr. Id »BIO '··» 1" 51 l".6:i 14.500 March. I" - tf ;·· 10 6S 10 63 '.4.»<i" April 7 I0.7H 1" 77 10.73 17 1"" Mar 1 -. " «6 1" -·' 1".·«1 Job · ? 1" 'i 1" ··» ¦" J ti f. 1" S 1'·, 10 ? ?."'"' Siignat I 11.09 1" -S |,3O0 .*e; leiaber 10.65 1" 13 2,100 O. loi ei 1" 10 1" 1" 800 0*1 lo. 1". ri ?? \ ri « · i.ettei man nota ß·?^ek - e Ms k< rei, No 1. H6 6"i»$17 Vu ?. *.4 ,,?, (Jeorges, « ·-,'¦·. ·? tor« ,c ?-1 :-.. Hank. :. Ilot lien - No. 1. le, lu· ki ... -. n -t 23 S'ora «- pill, S3 50 liuti fi. 62*j ¦'- teli KUlKKiNiilt KN Kill il-« elaonlj ? light hnalnest passini ? ?-· ·« na be ·? cenerally ma'«. a , .. l ila« ? 9·' ' Oranti ·. Jamaca, *, ilrapea, Almería, pei Il 30; ae. o «.'·¦· l'ori I ·;:¦«-· . Bara- roa, per M « j · ; *H · trtkagena l.'U r li Kill - a latlned . ,,? ttalelBB, Bew 1,'Oae lue. .,,.,!·. - i»·: «Il I.OIl.loB Ij'T. new, - 'ate·, tat!, .?? \,n\, « a... ....-·. l'i uuea. . . % » «. 1t:·-a. 14 .. " · '. e". f . ·; ni. Ila so, :s paga, "a'*t ; · belve·· rr· ; ? *.·|? M r > egei era! mirk.·! "·.·:. » !.. ··· la'e, an.l mall waste o| local aosrcea Hire yuesirab grade· bis Beatala ea, but otherwise ilia !i pel utluuei week sete«nj .t.*. Ily Mill eatra at Bi « ' . bla I ·. . ? ", abb.a Kilt« No 2at S:t K»Bi .1 ¦· nit« r W 'heat ?- ? t-.«- s i"»-' ; bbla MiBBBsota Katra tl ed Ib tba aa.«· .. a. taki-o brei a Markt ¦- ... t ? ingt ol ilei ¦ ib taon to y»lr r'xtra ,? (leodleVaBry, 94 1 III ! M ll'lt- «··, nit rOoe it S .Mi-» ... '?? II r. M r-iii Yc. w U «stem ai > « > .'.. «¦ it ladywine at 9323. Dt'l'KW 'III H "111 yiet-.l Bl t- lall « - ir« ..!·.» ? ·, ??, · ¦¦ h ¿u· t·. :.,« sa tl.e ? , -t ».· -? r liter B l'.riu - prie·· ·>? ? aliceli (rem e ? ? .·. a few - , ·. at spot loia . . « ri | ..ere freelv. ¦· » i,l a wen t ¦ajiea, · · re, a iaeln.1 t i.ied liei, a rrf'-'Or. eie \ ,t ·. « a rtellven '. ? e. |.e, ember, ·. - ilo Mal ? il Aprii, losing at na · . · .? 04«* ¦ ? - ··»,.· '? v.,. ilo Keceruber, , · r.·, R-Hull snl nominal IIAlll.M - t Kale« ? il «'.f HA III. ? Y MAI.T- i .. ·· ? . - ¦hele 1 a .- - .. .. · ,ive;jr al l.U.e-, ? IttllO I C l.lf « » rui« iHN Ma: »· ' - « as ? ^e- ,.r il r-.'.·. .lue to · at the «A'eal na s. ¦·'¦. aa'lr, »fi · «il« ¦ I a lei ter I . ria« ef Sa · tfter a no .naie ivi gradua ve;« .!-..; ib » ? »¡'aria«:··, sta li «'.or Lr * «r bushel I --e,..; l'ani·'' .·' .»¦ r: lnt< esl -ie«. fRo.OOO ?, · ; bualieli mein ling t Bgraded. ? ?, ·!, a - ' ? No » '·.,! 62 :,?·. ,!f.!reie.l ?., Deeember. eleslBi lo. January, .'"'..».¦?·..-. . . ,' ? aarr. ?1 cíes Bg a'. ? ? Mar. '. ; ·« ng al 62Ve » ·..,»¦ . f u llre ? . a . lions VjB '«e., rloalas very ateadj .-.·¦;«· a, n, ..'e itelr ertivi· la a;. departments . J litui bualieia (ul ir. 1G. no" bual « « luBll'l '. ? Wluta 37v I Ilei Ss '-'. .lo \.Vhttc,3··'. ? .·.. N'u. 1 White. Ite Miie.t \'. e,;,· ¦·. h W ¦· .; ? le Sa V Pi <·· u- lier, ? ? · « .e :, nag af ilo. ?. ??,?? i-lusiug sl lo Mar, '«B4"c une «? 4 ? A'h Ita Januars .' \ i",·..· .·: ,. m » ·¦ ;. im» 4",·'. rtoaiBg at 4 ' V ! Bilge 4 .' t ·. 1 '¦'·. 1,0 ti. fi; B4I ti. 91: * ' »l 15, II' iN I·. » ' sul ,«i tur White r. -, 1 "1 r.unl.a, 1.1'. 2-18 cernii«, .«.rat. 1 fa -. ? i-oaib? 7. Il ? MI' ANI· JC ? ?··? .u target! n..u li il in «r,. eoi liibetaBlUJ I.Uala< · ·. al.sut 'la- » ·''¦.· i-i ? u. .·· II 11>I.-. I Mili all'I " »S u a Anea. lor selei led, Houli ? «- 12 ;·.. ¡ Hatamotss Ib, 15.· ¡ or n.« ». ie they re ? Ib lo« Iti .··' Iluaaoa arrea Kip· « ' '. .nies. Mosti ..,? ?., lirau ??? ?? IB, 18. n.i'a.ras liry Halle,), eclecti ? Il «Oiitbere. t'u-v run. V4itJ"ft Ih Bueaos \. »¦ r. w«t salted, selected. O»«. Il Al ANI' s II! ? ? ;u it. luail.l ful pi :? sto, u ¡s ?? ut le ^t im! uni tfie po et andrà« 11 ¦" llmetlir, pei 100 R. 80 13. Nu, 1, a»- el la le I, t> " f t .·! "i-e !>¦. t' -"'·.. «l.ett ive. '.lia :.ala ???.'.? IIOl'H II,eie!« ii" »· II· »te liul Vilu.s ahoW m., ?..? ·.-". New-York*\ crop »f l««7. beer, 19 il·, Me.? ????? lo l'i.uu·. 12B13« .'u. l'enSBIOB, :'«?;. ito, l"-.'· 4 a e l'uiti, loset, . .;¦ Ids? com ? >n lo clinks ~ a do.. laSo. t'emmoa to (loe.1, HBIo>- eie·.!, lier· mana, eropof 18S7, 20B26«',: ?».. I·-··. lOBlSc. Mm ·? s -ii'i.i,. ? ..inn«' augal wsaaohlto rsi!.i· llplplll.l [...lile« it VI., fot la' isrj pniSBt Ml I'ALH lu»·, a lot« ' ·· is a mo leíate iiioveinetit but in. <t«.ilestsi« feri.. uuastiea ?·· l ». fouBdry, »j| "??.,?.? ?" No V V ll« IM)B|10 ."¦" t.ier |,·G. ,- 919 itll 917 ''". u tuo*·, t-'.' ('".'I·-'-· '.'..; die iiiiiuk. Sill ii .f #20 33 ...»itahei n... |21tf|9l60; Sumiie flee. SVI Vu.? «· ?.[Iluten |1'.· IIS 34 l.allK- leaa I.2050; I'alniellugton IV0O0i'S2O ,'.?? bb.I ? Into . jo.·", m lliiiual u.inai al 3à.s3 'a «? ?. , for futures U<>ppei hall with fnturss wraker, le.,·! a li S. Uve ami un:, il 303SS.13« >|.ellel Komi nal al 3 '- 3 -'. Sali IO ir at 17.65e. loi I'·· raoiber, 17 S"c. for t'ebrsarr. and ÎTV· 1st March 1)6 t.u.s ¡.ad at « ¦·. ..I "i -.,...! aad Jaaaary, ?». ? >> lor Vabruary aad 6',.·. f,.r March NAVAL MTOItl -s- Hi« all In »?? dlreotioaa IS \ < ? I ¡li-lit at pie » m s ·| ama lui w. ?. ?. lloalua .jiiiet alni UBI BSUgsil, Miaiiie.i. II",'. Uoetl do., 91 1". R, Si Vj. f »I :·,"· ... Sl III. II. +11,. I. tl ;, K, II 03 M +t u S, tj 20 Window 'ila·a. -,'?'.?. Water Wetle. 4,1 v.,,; 11 .1". OILS r"oi 1st d the market It Uros, l'oltuuaeed also Heady, imi ih« mai tel uii..·. »rise ganerally ,? p?. s dea ? bt.u Mas· batían V.l.·,. BB.I 100 μ????????.t W hite al 4lc. ( Ottonai·, ,1, »¦nule. uew. S.'itfJue.! auiuiuer fSllSW, pinne to hu!,e, 41 tf 4Ve. summer rolluw, ofl siiiiiiuet wmte. 13e. co. oa- mu, ...rlon. S'-jc. C'oeblB, 7 «7 ·«.¦., cui. domestic, 9BB32e.j foreign, :i6e.. liBaen,t, raw, it r. ale raw, \\'eatara, 4Sc lai·!, prliue. preai i!t]m ike, S3B06a¡ Mnnloolen. Ci «ita solimi, vv.i w.· ··.·., ilfc'iit preesad. 26tf27a, bleaehe.1 winter, 9S'd 29SC, blesii.e.l spi iti«. 27 tf2Sd.,eltra bleaebed, Ile «t.eiin, cru.le. SS «itile, »» luter. 66B0SSX, blaeshed wlBtsr, 7Vi/7.r.c. hleaelieil spring. H7u>7"e.; Wbsla,crude. Southern, ;< lo natili al winter 99 BAO·., 1··.? ? ? .·¦! w.iilcr. 41 ,S4-,., euri» l.le.iclieil, 43tf ite., e,·:» elei.haiit, Mescili'.! winter, IBCl red eiaiii, si tfiv.i. aapoBlded, per tb, is.ri1-,··. bank. 'Uè 94«.I air.uta, V4 a J .c ..lire, l.hle tl7.r7:ic iniatsfoot. prim.«. i:.... .'o.- coiiimuti, «J ? an·, palm, pi.aie. 4»,,·, inuMill aee.t. 46?·7>ßß. (itlA.N FKKliillTS-A uio.lerstelr activo movement at full .justad,,?« III-. Ulli I.Nil A<| 1·,? ? ?- To Antwerp, aieiim. ? ß,000 bash, líala, vi. ?'??'?? l.KlIM t II AKi'KKs- M«,|iterr.ineaii. hen.-., or from Phil· ll.illiiu bark, ll.· cases», |irlvate IBIIBI j.iTii. i.n.i« a I'litsli bulk. (,. caaos retine«, privai terme, It »?, a',u.a. Iiuiic«, uu Italian bark, M".""" tatet criiile, 21c, privilege u( Valeada, 300,1 »'»ntlueul hence two (iarmsa ships anda aeraras bark. 6,000 «u.i o.""" retine«!, all strive; lini!. hence, an Italian bail. 80.IHMJ caaea tellne.l, 23··.MI8iKI,I.ANk>il's t'llAltl'Klis New imi. from Kenun.lliia. ethooner,, |tl, with the privilege of Vail Hirer, l'i ;i7'j. last l.umlen, hence, s British b'lg, general ; ai l.-uar. Trom Ilusión, s bark, eeiply bog«he»ils, at «too. l'olut s-I'etr«. Ii.un «. as. no.mei-, general, fl.'.'Oii, tiuenoa Arrea, freni Bavaaaah, a Norwegian b nk, ?????.ß?, 41 ;.., '-t. Aufiiiiiue. hence, a echoener, nut ai ; llrlstol, banc«, a ateaiiier, geaeral: Kumerara, lumi, a achiioner, geeoral t'slto·! Kiiiaitoiu, Irvui Hull uiv. r, a lltlilali «teaiiuir, pl|0«|ihsle. ÍUOVIHIüNB-ruliK -While Hier· la se material clung· In pries« the feeling te eaef ntrlnctea break at tbe Weaf, ?p ins quite um rat«· «-alea, 2nd hi,;«. Afe««, privat· tern ». .Me·· quoted $1S '..?,/ * ? 60 for one veer eld aad $4 04«14 fnr two rear md l'ami;·· Mess, ?»??2.·>» $1734; fSliort Clear, $!» 7ß··17?.? R KP-Dell aad. in h ,?,";'· In price, fitr l.iira India Maes. $14·$15; Extra Meas. ???«.. $«·*$«''·>. Parket, ss ß«, ríate, ».-et-s '.'.) I'auiilr Me··, .-I«,·'· »0.IlKKf HAMM . III ???.?? demand. «JllOted ut $17 in.OUT MKATS-Are ratlmr eaeier la tone and tradinv ile'it. Salsa .in ?«?? m ?·!? k:»·.! liei lies. 1 »' ID avoras». 7 »jr. PirkleS nellies u acted 7'·.«·. for II If) averese l'i< kled Ham». 10». ()·«,(·· «t Shoulder·, ti'».i 7c; Smoked llama. 11 «ll'if. tímete«! Hhouldere. Hr..? 11JHI.K«.-N«?lecl..d au.l ?,animal. I'llKdHKI» linos -Huid t.. pibes, wild a fair in qilUT. City tiearr to lifrlit 7»»<77V.i Hat 7S»c.. I.Alt l>.Tlicre nn eap.Mial actiruy ie this market led »v I ebruary and Mar delivered attract·»'! Home attention. I,ut ape.ulal ion in other months was slow. Prices broke 7»9 BOlatS early in »yaij.atiir wit It tho W..»t, afterward tliere w.,« a ruliy. awl tlie filial fir,in·« aliew a recovery nf liai points, and at the cime «tot». 3|iot lots were «iniot. with al»«eni'e «if espeft intensi. Hales. ?G» tes. Western »team 8.lile·., (¦loeiioTH.ili/is.n71yC. alsu 3i.'i> tre. lo arrive prívate term«.('Iti-Htrani steady. Hale«, ISO ut», ni ?,t»5i·.; Un. fined qaeted 8 10«·.; Continent, rl.'.>3.·.: Sonili Ain.rt« «e. I>e- re»e lier.« léeme ß.08ß.? 3.750 loe. Jtiiii.rr « o·'» i H OU·, > inuma 8.r»:ii·.: ¡?, suo te«., February. ?.13·ß.?*?, cloaiBS «.Ile. l.nou tra March, H. HreH :2r., rIo«lii«j 8.3*Je¡ April, ri· suis s.'j'.'c.i ;i.5si)ti«. .May, 8.;i-.,«'<.:t7c·.. cio«ina a;i7h 1,3so tea, Juae. M.;¡9,/*4oC,. dosine ?,43ß.| July, rloslnif 8.49c. Jti ITI il. rjHEBMI UN'IT KU.iH-P.Btter-lloMrre inaln'alu a steady basis, mor.· e«pectallr un l'ine «ra !.·« for which tUer»· le a fair denme«!. Medium ami lower lirai, «I« rute «?mei. Western f'reaniery. 17íi:!oe.: Klsin. 31¿'/3;Ic.¡ Peuusrlvaiila. 32.: .«ut»· Hairy, half flrkln tuba. Il»a37c; Welah tube. 32·34ß,? state flrklim. ?:?#·.".?·.; fltkin* and tuli·. 1ß#33ß.? Western t'aetory, 14 f '¿'¿e. Woltern Dairy. 1»931&¡ Western Iraitalieii Creamery, lM«it3r.. rolla 17933a Choose .Market lias under·»»!!* no .aaterUI cnaajre since our l.*t. aad Uta movement ¡»«lew. Mate factory, in «dll>«c.. latter for fancy September. We»t- cm fa. tory. lH/ilP,».; ekltus. l»8»-jc., cenimon te cholea Käs**.AreuBitchsBaea in Brice, rallas »trade, with a mod» ei ita ,!e:,i:iiid. state. 24 a'-'lie. West<TD, 3.1 ·'.';{ ¦¦.«·.. I miel. lu ¡r 17 !·.·(¦.; late Bsekeft, 31 #33e aeri? paeke·, ??-?μ ,-? «¿AK. l'or raw «t.ick tli« murker, coniniiied «.«net but val'i.« ate n«-t eiianii'd from 4 ? fa'· fur Mola*«»a: f»l»c. fer fair reinlas sad r«c. for centrifugal. Bales 6,700 bears «»¡1 l'emani at i «'.'?. Ketlned uuiet. «¿untatine«: Cut I.oaf. 7'ao.. ersahed. 7V-: (nbes, 7'e(i7 I IOs.1 Powdered. 7'e* 7'ac. urani.»led. r,V.; Menll A, 7'«c. Confeciloeer»' A, 67«a)7.·. t'nffoe A Was rialti, branded confectioner·, 09 1641 »V., felfee off A, fi el·: Oc; White Kura 0, iVI.'A Kitra C, fji-ar.*·«, C. JVi; Yellow. 5'tlSy. SIKAKINK j lift 1'iit » Hal··«, 18.000 ntyat 8V.; lHj tes. Weeiern, private terra*, oicoiuarnanneiiuoted ß"»*«. TAI.LOW.Ib fuir demand and tlrtn. I'rlme C.tjr qiiut-1st 4 »Hie. Halo» 130,000 ??, 4 j V,c WOOI#. Iho usual holiday «lulliies· prevails on the market, lint valuee no derided chanae. Iteceel eales comprile ill) ini.) tli Fall Teias, llalSo,; m do. 10»'¿OS ; '?,nun tt> Me. <lmm nnwa«hed com'.Inn, at 29c and l.:ii)0 m Mielite tu Me- dinni Qeeee, ;."."" ft ·» unwashed, 1.000 m broken iiawasiied. 1.000 Ih black Hceiired Texan. 1.000 ft) low «coiire'l do. 3,00) fine fle.e. 7.ono ft low blood Virginia uiiwaalied, and 3,000 tb flue Territory, ou privato terina. TUE PETROLEUM MARKET. mtWI FlCV-f TIIK FIKI.B ?\'?» IUV'11' OF PKIOM ? here was contlnnod activity In the ell market yesterdaf and prices rose le 91 S neiit«, th·: hlgheat point y>-t reached by prices thi« year. A reaction followed from reali/.inn sal«·· lint Ilio linai «luobttlen, while a trlle under the closi of Man. «lay, left a not gain from Saturday t«. about the asmo szteal The open in« waa oicltud at Hi \<tA] », cents and the cover, ng ef skorta carrli-il the quickly t-· , cent« The AS cline of 3 cents followed tumble t nut a great,% «? of ior.g oil aii'i|enable.l some of the »hurts to ac «·?? their tosses. II it It la questionable whether the shorts did not ac.itter mori than cover their contracts when the general p.,s.t: ,n o! ths class of operators is considered. From tho lowest point ol the «lay values rallied to SI'» cents an I then there was a at«· Hint: back to »il canta. The market ia IfpreachlBl a condi¬ tion aiterà »peculation pure aid simple may díctale di te tlie defiance of other con «id« rations, but It more tlian pro ble that those ape» ulatore will take nn attitude wii.cli w 11 manufacture short oil to bo coverod lat-r. Ani tbe Befen win probably be persons who believe In the »tat s-.c.l strength of oil mil who will abaorh «'.'«rings IrrsSPSCtH ,f the ? hancea of temporary BSffaaatea liable from fie reperti of a well or two. Irani «.aioubarg tli·· last ganeo placea ? ? output at only 1,370 barrels. The Krabi we.; ¦:¦..: |..» velli whi.h the bear* are ionium f r si a fraabei aa devel oped in 1er1er lead, and the two or tliree other· which are :.»ai to ?',·) rede. :uii sand an.· not of the cbarastei to ex. it· « ·'¦» aatlon except in a totally unexpected way ButaiuBrtting t'ir situation. It niay « IS MM that tl·.· i.rei.'nt holders of ol are net like'r to be ìiabesrteBeil t,y sur apecBlative neve meut fora turn of a few ceti ta .low nu aro t ?.ß discouraged ?>) any new probably would I,e as a.?· ? ? tel eon ¡.ire.! with ih.» ol ter hopeful festeres <i tin outlook bred by theheav*' rednetlon ef *t«ck«. Theaierkei waa well bsraasered ia the late «leaimcs but It cloaeil imparstlvelr ? ??? Carrying rates w. re aa ¡ow «4 15d 20 ceets. iho ranee of prices and the tota; dealings at tua .lat.d Exebaoge «ere«· Uewsi Opening. v:"a l.ewe*·.. SOtj Highest .o.« l'inai. «I ", |,»??«·:« .4.1« >.ôOd Helmed et) w«·, uu, hange 1 at 7 s, cent.« ? -r saligli. AM te»t. at nil ??? ti. OIL city. Penn., ne·, '.'o.National Treaslt l'ertiti»«···« opened at »I5, hig'.est. HJ lowest, -?« Closed, "il; sales. barrels ¦·« as, eher· lera *».079 bands, »...aiuei.ts, 103,377 banal», run«, 45.4 M harr··;·. ???tß?ßß?. Peon,, I»··,-. 30..Petrolentn higher N't- tioaal Traaait cerueeates open I st 01 «a aad closed at 81 »ai jllSBeat. t'Jsj lowest. - l«| llsaace/.e. Penn., I) 20 -X*tional frut· ''«rr.,1 : r ·? evened «' «!', · .'»la: «»V Statasti, S-? .j»ei, >¦»·»,. Clearances. 3.8 t j.ojo »arr«.« G?t?'???? -M « "i 11 " "- 1 '»t'l opened at 81·»; ???:,??',?:?. lowest 00*«; eloasd, 81. 7/7/: SIA it" OF n:A HL. Balttm ?? ? ve cette· aalet HMdrae tuve. F·"ir was itsiiv. ll.iwar<t Street and '.Seilern eniper. fìse$2 :i7*2 7:.. Kxtra «io Id On , re r ilo S4*utf 4 J* L'tty MillasuDerfiaa 12 17 «2 60 Kxtr. il,. S s)S 161 de U:« Bran·· 94 60 B4 73 PsUeaeo KaaiilySI 16, .!·. -i. perlaUve Pstsal SS 60. Wheat.Soatb«ra Brot. Red 9 do Amuer IV»Pa Western higher .Nia 2 a inier Kct SiMii «·",'· bid Jaiiuarv 35>e?85tai 1 .'.ru.rv s7'«tf «t .··. ora.Soulhera Betire iMr.te Ili tf Sfeci Veiiow 5.1,9 « vsea;e:;i sanar. ai>«»t n'-w 54S94V: January ¦> uat« Arsa. Soothers :it »S'ot u/eat-ra VVliltf ¦i«ii Weaurn M:i't ¦-., fesBaylvanta 34 f·. Ha» rrui at o4tf66c Hay sUhldr: Trim« te t li .'..e M'est. e.. B14M Provisions il ¦¦;, Mea· Pork 915 79. Itulkmeatl >r« a::! <!'ar 1:;·. HI ..-a . ',-a I·'· :'. Ieri 7«s i ß'-«e. ( .«? !:.'. »>IJee liana;... . ani rsSned H«»r. Ilutfrflrn --satem acse ·. 'restai · Mit Essa 24 r.'·.'' i a : % ratroltota alesar-iteflaad . *-*, ·'.-.:. I...· .. ,-e, .a r ; 1- ..* «· !.. ir « A lofi 7c ;..«r. reflesl rrm at 15? ·. Waitas· ¦;'¦ \o\ atSI 14 tf il 15. Pretesi· to I. ?,-r..e p,-r aieae «¦ .·. ai la Od lítala 141,1. II«. Ipts.Hi 10,597 bbla Wheat ¡»?.??? busti ( era 7 ..uhi IhipaaaBte SVI .at. 32.000 Bush,, (tale· . Whest IS7.0O0 buen Lern ???,??? baa,. Bl in: ?. te, 20" 1 Hart doli t Sii* ?a l llar' ?.iti:,era l'a. ß μ?? -' 95"»c: «Viatel «Varal llalli N.a. 2 Ilei kl I higas tel at Ils» ?·?1 w luta Ml. ? gan ??? at W··»»; slostng »I ha«ee a«, ?) ?a 2 Bed -¦".. j » r »87 He, Corn irregaUr .Nj. 2 in store a«i.l at.".·'.»» * ".· So, 2 on irj-k ;,-·. ?»* easier aad Orn N··. J « '. te .--a ? ·. " Nr. Î \¡:ie.t .:···,.·. I ai ...y !.r··.! ?- .ir,.. ;.? t.-s .·4.-. Ni 3 ft:.,?·-. 90 ask» ?·.. 2 Milwaukee see «le State 75 tfsj «¦ . angel. w :.'»-. Uran 120(H); Kprlag-91U Secstuts.«A nest 4.'."0 tuax t'ora 19,009 'U»·. Shlptesats.Wiicsl .«»." < bush, ..rn li 00» bus!.. Oats 9.006 lush, li.u.ey lu.ß n* Oliati, I'.rr 4 ," ?«1? CiseissAT! Ose, 20..n*ar si» ¦'¦::. Fasi:'v 93 30? 1345 l'aie ? 9375B3 SO SVhesl I.r ¡. Nj. v I'.· HOC. R«. e.M« 100 ti·:. ahlOBiBBM 4.000. »ora tteslv- ÎSu. V tiiie-t 63S6S«Ba OBIS Strong ?a V linei ;?|?·? Ut« iiuiei ?a V Tic. r,.n aalsiatSlS 76, lari» *7 76. Hulk klcai« ««era qaist MM II IBssrt llioa Ss ua fUca Qiilet-Miotl i_.c.»r at 98 OU, M'MakeV » Salas el 11.419 barm· uf Botabed good« ea tue ii>«. ·? *; 16. Butter-Faoey Creaaisry I4e Kttra Ohio jo,·: [lairy IStffJOe, v.ftt ài..- ..·«··Prisse to .'he..e Mal lle^ular 11 ?12«. Itmi were r.rui. Con,mot au.l lalghlB« 26BS6 2·, l'acaiug sul ito her·' »6 30 tf 15 63: Dl'.ì.'ir, [Me 20 -Wbeal \'». 'Vaiti ???ß? at B5Se ?·, ? lied ca«!i Su'·»,. Iiec-mtur SI m e Jsuuarv »;,..· May '."".e Cor«. ?a. ? : » sj.- i>.»ts -Ne. ? aj-»e. ?a I «A'hii« ."»·· ne elpta . Wheat 17,'.'Oo buen. Cora 3, -ih.' lesi sta ;.."iu b isb. Mit "»rik«. ll>.· Vii . Fi« ir ? e;. w>i«a· ?p? C »si at 74 V·. Mar at «IV. Peta »as Re. 3 47'4r. usta Head« Ne 3 W:,.-.e ;óc lire higher. No. 1 .Sa tisi.ev higher: Nu. 2 7: ·.¦¦. bis Prevt«ioBt biBBsri Por«, ?',,.-,. ·? a,;.! ??.*«::. 95 l art Deeeeibec ·· '. Haltet weal, ;. larv 20 ? J3S, Km at ?*·».'".. 1.1,, ea« uuiet. I'lii-utlars ll Jlltii lleceint«.Flour .'.¦ m ou.a. «A best SH.SOO biiaa. Barley 34.000 iiualL Sni.'uie.iU- i .our 1,000 Ilka W 'lea: Ou' butta, ?ß??ß? 90.00* bs.l PHILADBLPIIA. Dec 20..? air. «ea< an uu· I, ing'«l Westera sad ('«nasrlrasls 13 75*9190 .it Katrs |i lu ili .,? Peeasytraeia ?*'? ,r ?.? T.'.tf Si 97«b PsnaarlrsBla Keller rroceaa it"«·« «? 21 »l"0»l ;.|o air... t », ;'j * 1¡.',.«* I'lear 14 0OB4 IS| ,!·· !.. atra..·' tat ¡¦jl.l" M. lam a t southern Illinois Cleat >4 " '.. ."· '.i do straight SI 26 ? ·«.'.> winter Patent, fair to ch 14 tf4 SO. Miaasaete ? 14 0?.14 35 doBtralght 94 26tf4 6*1 Misaeeets r»i- «ut». to· lt. ··· -,?« "..· lodo Favorite brands 96 Id tf 5 15 t;ve y .tai BdsMi Isa l'hsic» Buckwheat umir s: 30B2 SS pet loe re. H'hest adraBce.1 ¦« «* at .peculation dull; eptort lUmand lights aaea I't:«r.n:ei| Mliedin arralu.lepet 90 Ne : Ke.1 tor liecsntbet ß:«« »s:i_c, do Jaausrr SS-atfMSV do lor February *·'.·',.? -.· ¡, .·... i»ir March ¦.'"'.·. ·. »ß; .fu tur .Mar o.'s.a '···· .'.mi, market lowei et pori «lemán t Ughi | «al·« ol talea .: Sa 2 Uiie.i :.i grata .Upet ISe Ni. '1 ^e?...w in ^r.ii 65* ?·.. 2 la esperi »·:.-vator .">', ««o. N«. V ?;?·',1 f«r l>«. itiiiier 6*. ', e '·.'· '.<¦. 00 for January ... ito loi r.uuiiiiv 57tf5Se; .lo tor ?,.?.?? .''.''·,·.'' a *j,·. ,·,, fot- stai .,.·*.,'. Hata strong sul Initier, taiM Ite .·. te White .?,', ?a 3 W'li.te .¡il..lei :;??·, N·. V W'.ite4'"jc. .lo Che;.'« Ilei No. I White 41'ac; »'lume« ¡u'.ei lut elea!«. Na .' Ubile for l'ecenr.el 4itfl'i;c. co f.-r Jaiiiiatr 4??40«?; .1» lot ¡'c.uuirr .0«atf4lc ili (or Maien 41 JUSO. l'elalo-a «Imi Peuuayl» ms an! N«w \ e: a Kant Ito»·», .'he,-.·. While, gè· ;.»·!.. 7.»e?,.·, ito ilo I air io Ueod SSBOJskl le 'I'¬ ll suks sud w it« stara rheice ;.;,. tì.-.i ilo iiurbauki Pairtetiood bOB7ec Rabcosa choies ..« itici ito ! air ?.? :·;. Pei uaviv.una Mud. 66BIOC. Prestalo··Ina. lieet. cltv f.iuulv ter ubi. »;· U0<»i.i .'·»»; .te pactan S- ? ? ite l Sestl'JtflasV* r.oet lian* >?; lOtflH ». Pera. uie»s. Iliiootflfl ..v. ite enee· Bissa, BSW 114 60. ,lo fa u ivsi'ÌO'i «? 7 ??. Iiam« auioSe II l >j«12«.|e. ,le. 9, ?'. eurediB Ics ISBUe. Midea, »loar rtbbsst la sali B«t99* de ei.ieke.l u·-,.»io.·. Slioaldera. «Irr aa.t I illr curet ·· ,,t ".-. la ttaskiil. si da, SheahlBra, alekle esrstf. o'«tf 7«. da ¦'.a im.»a ·!. '< }«,·. Itel::.>s lu ii'.cs'.e. .1 «.»'.j,·. ito BretkfBsl llaeea. iii.jil··. I ar.t tirm- «Itv Keflitia.1 SSOOtfS'JSi Meant *¦« uo¡ tlutchera' ¡« 97 00 tf97 21, iiiiti.r «nuet.Peansrlvaaia creae.i-r titra tl S0e.i Weaiora reamerv Bxtra al 30tki B. U »t> t N. Y. l-ieamerr l-.ilr* VI.ti...·.: l'.icklu« biiüer lu.» 11.·.. ? Basa· 'îuiel. New York Full (.'roani at 12'««· flue Hats. Choice st ll'aC il«, l'ir le l'rtme. 11 tf 11 St. feeSTS »iT" ateily. ISBBBtllBBH lirais al Vliî: Uhi· an I ulliiT Western nr-ts tl 25· I'etro'enm 7(1 Abel leal in bbls. 7 ¦»»·. i'u-ar.Keiine.t iteedr. i.rai.u.atea! at b"a,!i·, 15 16e. Pewileisat 7'ac ??ß,? wu null . tVinter Kran 120 70BS2I 75 per ton K.c-nta-?? nit 2,200 lilua. S'ISSI .*> .'»? nia'. ?.???'11 li'.ial.l autx nais f.vos busti, siiipaiouis-H neat J.âoobuOu Lera 13.709 luna, uata ?',???? Liliali. COTTOSI MAttüKt's- BT ri-.i.v. mii'i. Liviarooi.Dse.90 dt«. ns.Oetalea.Paierasete eist,·» ir. ?'?????,??. lew Middling liai«.., Seeenihsrdeiiverv. .'¦ lO-HA-l «ell.T«; lie.-e' sul Jaauarv tlvliverc. 5 94 ¡4.1. bur ets. JaiiHsry as,l Pebraarv Oeliverv. à SH-Ol-t buyer«? February ani March ileliverv. :"> 4" 04 I. »eiiera M.-rc. .»a.f Aioli lUliverv. 5 41 04«. bavera, liuii ami ? iv iteli very, 5 4:1 04.1. bui ere Ma ? an.l .1 une rteuverr, jl.'i .11. uiera ? Juae ·»· ·? Ju.r delivery, 5 47 Ò4.1. buyer·; Jal/ant Intuii aelivery, a tu ut ?, buyers The cult ua market Will li ·. Ose t tra m 1 in. un, 23»! matant, until Tttsaday mot u'.-ii{, V7tli tnst.i-.t. and 4 p. m. eu ¡rrleaj, 90th IBbAbbI, ualtl lues.ljy iin.i mug. J»v Itaalyi «lil.lliuv·. IO nel eTpottS ce.ítwiso, 1.S3I and groaa receipts! ?,?.'ß baiasi etpset·* l.">3l balea, sales. 849 bal·· s ...»-k. 61,.! ·.. na'as. íSASASSail. Per. Vt'.-l ·>?? >n-'4u el. Millllnt ;' « laiw M ht.llini·. U1«; '·?·? "il 'iurv. i·, '"' ·;"· ·*G·»?« re ».el;.ts, ?. UM bale», ev ,. ·. aoMtSTI·«, V.l.- .alea, aal·« 1 \.il t t..«lad aiBasasiSt 1 4 4,1 (st I, « «SB iriois, ?.? ? ß-« «\ »et sb «a.«i 1. JO I bales atock. H:.'.;»l- »« . ¦*¦ RPini ? i''tt· ·¦ ? rnA itasres, De·- td .Tweaeiise ai«»'/ ?? 36'.\ Nl HtfllSBaSadi trs· -'ß - ·" .'"'·? utuì Ja»

Transcript of STOCKS DULL AND STRONG» THl·; MARKETS.?? WESTERN … · AancsMaryuslorae has stiel Huirli...



    Tho verdict for ?ßß?,???, obtained by James H.Ooodsoit in suit tin· Westen Daten Tele¬graph Comiiaiiy. has been .vt BSMl bf tho GeneralTerm of Ike Supreme, (.'ourt, and a HI trial li«v> beenordered. .Mr. CooiIm-H, lu his original «*:*mj»laint. m:Iforth two osases nf aitimi. 11«· i'Ulinntl I bat a bal-ance of 198,000 was tine bini fron tbe Westers UnionCompany ondee · eoatraet, tbe reeponslMUtle· olabicb bed ?·, ? tesaBtetl bj tliat tomtoms, but wbl* bbaal ?? «.' 11 it 11 > latta marie |s< |ff, QoesaSeJl with tbeAtlanti.· ami Parlata Telofrapb Company lor lbs dislenii nation oí Ibe news of Ms National Preti Associ·Han. ??·- she slatinata ?··»?..?>.??>? ii.*§tt te tuo ailepori breaet ni Ibsl eoatraet.

    Tho reperì nf ex Jodge ??ß??ß?? a-i reteee, swartVlug li!ni «116,777 42, trite Intere,t from July 1, Iddi:,ad the balani-.» il.le lilm ami giving bim ¡rJ-0,oOi'> u«,?????????, bavlog l.¦ conliniietl an aj>i>>':il was tallen,and III»· r in feaili«rs. In. stilt for about OB, 0B0 fut good* a,Id. Th· plaintiffs Id theirm iriiiir pai ,·:. let forth tbat CohafsM dlsappi aredon«>..tol.».rV2 after b.< r,:,K sold hla bualii.-aist BlesckBl BBS Oreeae etafor B137.MSJ un r and above all iBCtliiibraBCM that ht owesmore than |f¿laU.0tf(J und tliat then, are judereeots acaluathim aramu mí la SiìoOiO Th«y altari tbat Caaadlau rt<teetlves bave .'i»i.i\eied that «..aiifeu: «iure bla departurebaa aia !· a brief arerei viali t« New.York and ?« bow di»MIna Ins time letweea Moi.tieal ami 'lormito.An atisehaaeal «as gtauted by Jitsüce I.awreiie« of He

    felibri me''.out l' IglIBtl Um Iiroperlruf ???ßß? I»Kahn, retall cloak sed suit dealer In Tweetr thlrd-at. ohoiiiadean aea gnraeates Mon lay. TbeeUlra is foi S2,0aS 21,wi.icii Peykin A Msrka elalas bb doe lei Koed· seht. Theyasseittbat Knlm lias fraudili, utly .1i«|,osed ot bla proeertywltb Intent t tl. ?.??.? his rivliloraThe seti.a1uI. e et JOBB l>avi.t«on. lt-j;Mer, No ?72 Fotirtli-

    .ve,, la I.Is .a, n,u,eut te Heur» U. tialsiy, Wbieh were tila· 1Íesierilsr siiow liabilities. $326,162111 nominal assole,1? T.'ia 12, ¡nui s· tuai aaseta, SI.'.H^i ??. Priehard, dealer ta traaks al Rreadsrav and

    teet.tti st.. end al No. ili Kast Fotirleeiith st., tnadaan Malga·raenl rea:ei.|.iv to Nathan Meyer, glvtig three pr.f.·?.·?.. eale· BS.S1S. Ile lias ba-eji in basini as about Hite« yiara aadrsrried s siok ofaiiout lin.noii Trade bas l.een .lull su t«l.ieiieee bsevy. K -Mooie bat Btiaehad thepiop-erty.

    I>srld ?,.-vr, baler In mral at No. ~\>'¿ Kir«t :?tcr«oi*a lu the city directo¬ry by lb· naine oi 1-avid I.evy.

    TRI COL'KT OK APPEALS,AtasaVr.Dtat.fM In tbe Court of Apposta today the fol-

    lowui; d« Isleo· wert l.auot!i:rut, agi. the Long inland lt»ilro»a»app*-liBut.?a 65(1. Kllzabeth Cross, res|>oiiik'ut, agt. John Arnold

    Cruaa, luipl(-a.|e.i, npneliaul.No. 61.'·. ( liriaiopher (I. l'in», rearH.ndent, agt. tha Kew-

    Tera Contrai au.? li miaou Hirer llal'rosd l o.epatir, appel-laot.jVellowlug la the dsy cslendsr for December 21:effsa 676. tatt, MB, M»7. 6UH, Ma\ U00 and Sul.


    WAinisoroM, Dee. 20..The followleg businesa was trans-aeted la the Lolled Sute« «supreme Court lo dayXa 106. D. il. WUlUets, plalsUff lo err.n', set. Kdward

    ! D ranger aart othera. Arrnraeat continued liy ?. ?. OrahsmHt tbe iietnirtatiti In errer and concluded by Bugeae V, ill·Un,» for the p »mi it*, lu errer.No. li», f ornellua lliimhel, plaintiff Itn error, ask Jena

    R. O. Piuin. 1'aited Stete» Marehel Ançiielby Charlesnnrk for th* plaintiff in error aud by William A. Meory forti·· défendent la error.No. 117 ? ? helarle, plaintiff la error, agi. Scheol District

    No 2 la the (ouniy of Lake, Coi Armimi by Welter II.Hmltli for ttieelelatlfl in rrroi end eutimltted by Hemtiel and F. w Owen· for tìie I'lalntiff in error. No < oun»elai'peired fer Th» de'enrtauT tu error

    ?... IIS. H.'n'arelB HreTfus. and other». *o. epiieHaute,»-t »ei'liis Searle, «icciilrlx. Ac. tjcuin» ni beKuu Bf ··11 ii', ····¦ Albion for the appellante,Adjourned uniti tomnrrow.

    .e»-coimít c.v!>:*tr)tR4-T ) nvY

    BOrsaa· ?t??-??t.CBAMiiKR.s-llcfore I.swrrn«*.' J..14 '.'¡t 'j« :oi. .a S23. USI, 1150, '.'-'7.1 I.V. 14 ...'-a.1401.1011.1429, 141.'.. 1891, 11 oli, 11|.I««, 7.12. 1303, 772,1114. lisi. 1;»S4. lino'. I3'«0Pi rnK>iR COUST.cnicuiT. l'in IV. R«fore Inuraliain, J.

    -No«. 1029. »..Ss, 15nl?» 1403, 1605. 231, 1471. 2490-? ??·,,, tu: « nu m Before Hollín». ·* Motiea calen-

    «lure,lini al 11 a. in Will t»f .««rali II. Peek, 12 m.; villi ufNaia', ? de.lile«. 2 ». niBlii'RHIOK OOBBT.spretai. TRmi. liefern Trnax. J. Nos.

    201, IH«. 194, 150. l!» '. is|. IH'!. 1;)7.SL'l'KRIOB OOUST.TB1AL ????-???? I.-llof.ire l'.itrro.

    ,i _N,i, ì.i;.' «7;., 1051 1337,1200,14711,1200, 1350,1870,12 11, 1344.SITl'hBIOR CoritT-THIAI. TKRU.l'AUT IV. .liefen» rifar·

    mei,. I. No« 12 ,-i. UH 1, 144·'.? unii·«? Pi ka« Sigliti. 1 KUM.licfore V.iii llooseo. J..

    Ne «? «t caleinlar.Common I'i.kas.KgUTTI Tkum Itpfure Hooketarer. J.-

    NOS 14. 17COMMON I'l.RAS-TRlAt, TFHM-???? I.IT.-fore ???ß?.?..

    No« tll 146 330, 230. 842, 359, 370,403. 827, »Ol. »«». 372,.S7ti, 17«i. 329, ·"·.». .14 1. o.'>4. 593. 695. »90, 5'.'7. 598, »H9, 000,001, 002 ?."-! 6?4, 6???, 600,007, m«. HO·, I», «11. 612, 0IJ,614. 016 »'.Iti B17. Bla 019, 020, (121, 022, 623, 624, 02».CuMMü.S ??.??ß-Tatst ??'-liM t'Aiti IJ -llef.iie ¡.arre

    mora r J. -No«. 692, »03, .'."4. 448, 483, 194, 512, »35, ·?·'.65··, 5e7. .CUT CoLltT-TlllAL THIM-I'AIIT I.-ltcfor·· Khrl ten, J--

    N«i. 410.1Cirr coi'KT.TRiAi. Tkum -Part il.-liefere l'.rowne. J.

    Noe, SOM8, 2224, 3n«4, HI·», 8108, 31)8, 3022. 3130, 1121,1124, :n-¿\ 3128, 1129, 31.1ft Sl>2, ;u:¡.i. 313ß, 31 17musi nr ukskbai. BBSBIoBe.PabI I..Befare rteeor 1er

    Sterili and A«s:«tant District-Alterner I'tiMr. Nf«. I,2. 3. 4, ».6 7. s. ?, ??. ??, in m, h, if. Pleadloss-10,17, in.¡? .¿,, 2| 2? 23 24 ·.'.. 20 27, 28, 20, 30, 31, .12, 88, .'4. 3·»·80, 87, 88, 89. 4". 41, 42. 43, 41, 4."·. 4'î.""ini or ifKNK'.t!. ëssaioxa ???G 11.-B'-fere low]»·;,

    .T., »m! A»s!staiil Insirlet-Atlorner 1>.it!«--Noj. 1. 2, 3. 4. j,!.. 7. «. 9 in. 11. 12. 13. 14. lo. 10, 17.

    «·.'.·?;t or oasBBAL itassioss.Paar in. iie'ore oiiaer·e>e»e. J., und Assistant l'l«trlcl Attorney BedMB. No«, 1.2. 3. 4, 6, ?, 7, S, y, lu, 11, 12.

    NEW VU. US os THE whiski:)- TAS.Dui·:«· IT ITKMsii CORRUPTION PÜND8I? ll.VI'KltAMK (I.AIM ????1 BBPBAL WOULD -N'»l


    I'KOFIIS ul 1 OF WHICH COMB1??G I nl;l.tTll"N 1 1 M.S.

    Ai'itrt unirti, in The Tópeme Vommtrnttemlth.TheoretlceUjr, this ui ibould Increase the n'tail

    price ol wbtehey uml dluilnlsfa tbe coiwumpi. but,aa u mat tei ui tact, Iti ????.··· In ibat direciluappreclable 1 be a ar time tso tn the pi Ice ol li inhasppoars «, bava ?"·'·?? lbs resuli .,? iho depreciation ufHit» ourreuo) rei bor Iban «? tli" tax. .ml Ita reductionft, .m i-2 i"-i (all?n tu .'.n conta «.mi tue »ubse.jucni Inciciy.ii io 90 centi made nu change abatovoi In retaliprices. Tbe probabilities hu·, lborei. that the rei».·.il of the ia\ B'ould nul affeel the retail price, and1' ?» the retell and no! tii" wholesale pi Ice lhal d reciljBffecli cousiimptlou. The lli»i coil >f ? drlnlahbikeji amouuts lu a in·:.' song In rnuipai »on withli,e rent, lights, fuel, salaries, living aud ut ber IngredlBitte uml Hijjniii'l». If, tli.-n, tl,·· In doesnilnlsh cunsutnpilon hua '¿in it jio.^i¡.¡\ pruniii-Buse of Icniperaucel And ll it noi farcical, lo^i?y dl.thooest, i" ilefond a ta.\ on the iiouud ti,at n?» luì].d i"i reatrlctlve purposes, .1 II does outrestrlel ?

    cf. u,«· iu u principal objections to ihoae taxes, froma temperance standpoint, the first Is pureli lentimental, bui wltb man) it ¡^ j. rotitr< iltuu «.·· the¡ ·.·.,· ,? ,. .? enl would be. I ere Is aumi»hocklug i" many ,,f n. h!.? Ihe Vei » Idea ul Inlaxes «?1·?> foi revenue lhal ? when llkiinuii DiAt tho proceeds "1 ut hoi sud unlell ·¦·»«,,····¦ ? ili» needs oí the government. 1- not ··which .liiiiiiii »·» no o\:i aud coulera no si "I Dn theri'iniiry, but gresil) lucresees an airead) loo ia..·Incorno, more iban useless i» ll ? ghi m polperpetuate auch s t.i\ In opposition t> ibeand feelings "f a million votera

    ? iiu second objection :» ???«? li firn she« »n emu.inptlou fund i ¡:· v. .?, iba « In tie

    1 ? ul ·· blsko) · r 1 from 111 t.. 2" ontdl "I which (fui the argumeuti I a il ws»umn waa

    j.ioii·., ami tbe proso? ? price as Haled In 'in» New·V'iuk iiiiin m iiMrk'··· reports from verini · I ··.,un l»ei'eiiii"i»r ß, ranged from il nò to j-i ]¦·, belnsfrom If) to ?;:. ceuu above the ttu., bali «? ?... :,siso issume to l»» profit.Ascumlng again, that without the tax wblsaaj wouldtv told It 2" cents, hall of which would be ?p?ß?, ??uUl be Mea t tl,«* I.«t ill«';ller ??,«?'·» IO Cftul '"?an outlay of ¡fi, which ?» l" per cent, « bile t!,",·· « boevade iho tax ihhK»· i?i on an outlay "f IO ceni?..' per cent, ? be temptation i" lilt· li d?« tberefors very great.

    Again, pure wh he) should contain 50 ijer ceni "falcohol, but ionie of that sold ha bardi) I dl m?, and t?,,« si". ,.·¦ obabl] abo \

    This bogus whiskey, made I») lbs addition ¦·! u ,,·deadly Ji ugs ·.-¦ s teere trifle, imi Ihose « hu ?gel at tesai double lbs prol ·¦ distiller,and then 90 centi agallón ?? t,·.«· Tho timptalo wholesale doaleri lu Increasn Ihelr itocb fnin 50 ¡.«t