Download - St. Pius X Catholic School · 2019. 11. 11. · 12/4 Middle School Mass 8:15am 12/6 First Friday Mass and Adoration 8:15am Advent Music Program For 5K—8th grades 12/7 Breakfast

Page 1: St. Pius X Catholic School · 2019. 11. 11. · 12/4 Middle School Mass 8:15am 12/6 First Friday Mass and Adoration 8:15am Advent Music Program For 5K—8th grades 12/7 Breakfast

Mark Your Calendar 11/26 Noon Dismissal, Ext. Day Available 11/27 No School Thanksgiving Holiday

11/28 Thanksgiving

11/29 No School Thanksgiving Holiday 12/3 PTC Meeting 6:00pm Taco Cabana on Austin Hwy 12/4 Middle School Mass 8:15am 12/6 First Friday Mass and Adoration 8:15am

Advent Music Program For 5K—8th grades 12/7 Breakfast with St. Nicholas 12/11 School Mass 8:15am School Reconciliation after Mass 12/12 Our Lady of Guadalupe performed by the 8th grade class 2:30pm Church

November 15, 2019

St. Pius X Catholic School

“Building Leaders for Christ” 7734 Robin Rest, San Antonio, TX 78209 (210) 824-6431 ,(210) 824-7454 FAX

Click for School Calendar

We give thanks...

Page 2: St. Pius X Catholic School · 2019. 11. 11. · 12/4 Middle School Mass 8:15am 12/6 First Friday Mass and Adoration 8:15am Advent Music Program For 5K—8th grades 12/7 Breakfast

Lost and Found

Our Lost and Found (located upstairs in the School Office) is overflowing, please stop by and take a moment

to look for missing items.

All items left over Christmas vacation will be donated.

Contemplate the Mystery of God

We cannot see God with our physical eyes nor can we find God through the logic of reason. The more we try to see God with

our physical eyes or find God through logical analysis, the more we will fail. We will become increasingly frustrated

and God will become more distant to us. To see the extraordinary ordinariness of God is to see with a different set of eyes,

the eyes of the heart and to know God by a different logic, the logic of love.

The way to contemplate the mystery of God’s humble love, according to Francis,

is in the Eucharist.

—from the book The Humility of God: A Francis-

Happy Thanksgiving!

Page 3: St. Pius X Catholic School · 2019. 11. 11. · 12/4 Middle School Mass 8:15am 12/6 First Friday Mass and Adoration 8:15am Advent Music Program For 5K—8th grades 12/7 Breakfast

Class Prayers—Middle School Religion

Page 4: St. Pius X Catholic School · 2019. 11. 11. · 12/4 Middle School Mass 8:15am 12/6 First Friday Mass and Adoration 8:15am Advent Music Program For 5K—8th grades 12/7 Breakfast

Dear St. Pius Parents!

Exciting news to share! Please get out your calendars!! Our Annual December Programs are quickly approaching! We will begin the month with our Advent Program, presented by our Elementary grades and Middle School ensembles!

Here are the details you need to know!

What: SPX Elementary Advent Concert

Who: Kinder-4th Grade Students

5th Grade Recorder Ensemble

7th/8th Grade Ukulele Ensemble

When: Friday, December 6 @ 6:30 PM

Where: St. Pius X Catholic Church

Attire: Dressy (purples, pinks, whites, golds, blacks) (Please try to avoid the Red/Green color combi-nation)

For the program to be successful, all students in grades Kinder-4th and those in the instru-ment ensembles (Grades 5, 7, & 8) will be required to participate.

*This will be a test grade for elementary students. *Middle school students: this is your midterm

Our ELC Program will present a program focusing on the Christmas Season!

Here are the details you need to know!

What: SPX ELC Christmas Concert

Who: 3K & 4K

6th Grade Ukulele Ensemble

When: Thursday, December 19 @ 10:00 AM

Where: St. Pius X Catholic Church

Attire: 3K & 4K -> Dressy Christmas (more information to come on this)

6th Grade -> Mass Uniform *6th grade: This is your midterm*

Please contact Ms. DeBolt ([email protected]) OR Mrs. Adre ([email protected]) with any questions or concerns you may have.

Thank you and God bless!


Ms. DeBolt and Mrs. Adre

Page 5: St. Pius X Catholic School · 2019. 11. 11. · 12/4 Middle School Mass 8:15am 12/6 First Friday Mass and Adoration 8:15am Advent Music Program For 5K—8th grades 12/7 Breakfast

Dear SPX Families,

I am pleased to announce that St. Pius X Catholic School is participating in the Catholic Schools Sweepstakes spon-sored by Catholic Life Insurance. This annual program has helped Catholic schools raise more than $8 million.

How does the program work?

Catholic Life provides all prizes & marketing materials at no cost to us. The grand raffle prizes include a 2020 Ford F-150 truck; 2020 Ford Focus sedan or a $20,000 prepaid VISA card. Additionally, one St. Pius X ticket holder will win a $1,000 Prepaid VISA Card.

Students sell the tickets for $5.00 each and all monies go directly and immediately to St. Pius X Catholic School. The winning tickets will be drawn on February 14, 2020.

Will you help me raise $30,000? My wish list items to be purchased include:

• 32 additional Chromebooks for classrooms

• 2 Chromebook carts for proper charging & safe keeping

• A recess bag for each grade level containing jump ropes, frisbee, foursquare ball, soccer ball, & basketball

• A large Lego wall for STREAM

• Remaining funds will go towards artificial turf for our Sports Complex With your help we can make this possible! I’m asking each family to sell at least 40 tickets. Find creative ways to sell tickets to your family, friends, coworkers, and neighbors. Students are even allowed to sell tickets after all St. Pius X weekend masses. Tickets must be turned in by January 31, 2020. If you need additional tickets, contact Mindy Hughes in the school office. As always, thank you for your commit-ment to Catholic education and for supporting our great school!


Jenny Kerr