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St Anne’s C of E Primary School Learning


Monday 29th June

Class 6 – Pack 11

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Message from Miss Moor

Hello! I hope you are all happy and healthy.

This is your LAST home learning pack!

Yes, it is true, this really is your last Home Learning Pack! BUT…….learning doesn’t stop there. We are about to launch a totally new way of learning at home with the

schools very own Online Learning Community. Next week your parents will receive an email and DoJo message giving them your very own log in details to St Anne’s Google

Classroom. All they will need to do is follow the instructions, log you in for the first time and you will be able to continue your home learning in new and exciting ways! You

can use Google Classrooms on tablets, laptops, computers, and smart phones. Pretty much anything that has an internet connection!

What will be different?

You will be able to log on to your own Google Class. Your teacher will post activities for you to do at home. If you are in Year 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, we expect you to be able to do

many of these activities without needing lots of help from your parents. Those of you in Reception and Year 1 might still need a little more help, but as you practice using it,

we hope you can do more of the activities on your own. You will be able to complete some of the activities online without having to print anything out. Then you can send

this direct to your teacher to get feedback on what you have done. You can still take photos of what you have done and send these to your teacher for feedback. If you get

stuck on something or do not understand you can send a message straight to your teacher who will be able to help you.

Sometimes your teacher will post up videos for you to watch or pieces of writing for you to read. These will often have a Quiz with them, that you can complete after you

have watched the video or read the text. Your completed quiz will be directly sent to your teacher so they can see what you have learnt from the activity.

As well as your online classroom, there is also a Head Teachers classroom that all children can access. I will be setting activities for you to take part in and some of these

might even earn you prizes!

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There will also be a Wellbeing Classroom that you can be part of. This Classroom is run by Mrs Hodges. You can contact her through this classroom if you have any worries

or concerns you would like to talk to her about. We know that you have all spent a lot of time at home and whilst this can be fun, there may also be some times when it is

not much fun. Mrs Hodges will also be thinking of activities that you can do that will help you stay happy and healthy all over the summer and beyond.

Learning over the Summer – being ‘School ready’ for September.

The launch of Google Classrooms will be new and exciting and it won’t stop for the Summer Holidays. Whether you have been in school or not during the lock

down, we all know that learning has not been the same for a long time. We are really excited to see you all in September, but we are a little worried that if

we don’t help you keep your brains active and help you practice your learning, you might find coming back to school quite tricky.

The teachers usually get a good break over the Summer. However, this year will be different. Your wonderful teachers have agreed to make sure that they

keep putting new and exciting activities onto your online classroom. They will also continue to answer your questions and give you feedback on the work you

do. How amazing are your teachers? They really want you to be ‘School ready’ in September. They also miss you a lot. The thought of not hearing from you

until then makes them a bit sad, so they are happy to keep hearing about what you are up to!

Year 6 transition

Year 6 children would usually be coming to the end of their time with us at St Anne’s. They would say their goodbyes and then have the summer before they

start new schools in September. This year is a bit different. St Anne’s is committed to supporting all year 6 children all through the summer and up until the

day they join their new schools. Year 6 children need to join their classroom to get all the up to date transition information, advice and support over the next

few weeks. Over the Summer holidays more activities will be available through the Year 6 classroom to make sure they are Secondary school ready.

Hinchingbrooke is one of the schools that knows about this opportunity and are 100% behind this. Mr Milner is really pleased St Anne’s children are getting

this extra support this year.

COMPETITION TIME – win 20 house points!

To encourage and inspire you all to sign up to the new St Anne’s online learning community, we have decided to set a small completion. Everyone that logs onto their new

Google Classroom by the end of the day on Monday 6th July, will get 20 house points. We are going to keep the totals from March and move them over to September. So

you can help your house get a head start on winning the House point total just by logging onto Google Classrooms as soon as your parents get the details next week.

I hope you have a great week and I will see you next on Google Classroom!

P.S – Dog update on Google Classrooms from the 6th of July!

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Message from Mrs Miles and Mrs Eddleston

Hello Class 6! How are you? As always, it has been so lovely to hear from those of you that have sent in messages

and work. Some of your writing is really great and we love reading your work. It is especially encouraging to see you

using the success criteria and thinking about what you need to include in your stories. How are your biomes coming

along? Some of the class ones are growing really well……. Some not so well! I wonder why that could be? Is it to do

with where they are positioned? Does it depend on how much water they were given at the start? What other

factors could be important? Tell us what you think.

Have you all had a chance to watch Mr Milner’s video now? I hope so. There will be more videos coming through

shortly from some of your other new teachers. You will soon be finding out which form and house you will be in too.

It’s all very exicting! Don’t forget, if you have ANY questions at all, please drop us a message and we will get it

answered for you.

Have a great week

The class email address is: [email protected]

Here are our words of the week:

Instigate, aberration, deafening, dolmen and heliolatry

Don’t forget to find the definition and try to use them in your writing.


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One of the best things that you can do to carry on with your learning is to read. Once you have read a book, please write a review of it.

Here are some questions/ that you could answer/ write about.

1) Briefly summarise the text – Write what is was about in one or two sentences. Was it fiction or non-fiction? Is it part of a series

of books? If it is fiction, what type of story is it – e.g. comedy, adventure, horror?

2) Who would the book appeal to and why?

3) If it is a fiction book, who are the main characters? What are they like? Do you like them – why? Also, are they similar to any

characters from other books that you have read?

4) Does the character change over the course of the story? If so, how?

5) If you have read a non-fiction text, what have you learnt from it? What is your favourite fact and why?

6) Choose at least 3 new words that you have learnt from the text. Use a dictionary to find their meanings and write them down.

7) Would you recommend this book? Why?

8) Can you choose a book that you have read and re-write the blurb on the back? What about the cover, can you draw and alternate

cover for the story? You can be as creative as you like.

It would be a good idea to keep a note of all the books you are reading over this time. Some of you will be coming back to school soon so you can do lots

of AR quizzes on all the books you have been reading. Don’t worry if some of your books aren’t on the AR system, still write them down as we would love

to see all the reading you have done.

English – Spellings

Words ending in –tion, -sion or ssion

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For example: direction, discussion, television

-tion is the most common. It is often added to a verb to make

it into a noun, for example: direct – direction.

-ssion is formed when the root word ends in ‘ss’, for example:

discuss – discussion

-sion is usually found when the root word ends in ‘s’, ‘se’, ‘d’

or ‘de’, for example: televise – televised, explode – explosion.

Follow these rules to sort these words into the right box and

then write the word using the correct ending. The first one has been done for you.

Correct Protect Revise Possess Divide Subtract Express Attract

Confuse Inspect Invent Impress

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-tion -ssion -sion


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English – Writing Task 1

LI: To summarise inspiring stories from lockdown

First, read the First News story about Frank Mills

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English – Writing Task 2

LI: To write a poem about the future using adverbs of possibility

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What did you like about the poem?

What did you dislike?

Did you notice any patterns?

What would you like to ask the poet?

Now watch the poem being performed here -

Was the performance as you expected?

What did you notice in the performance?

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Now, use your ideas in your table to write your own poem called, In Six Months’ Time. Use

Matt’s poem to help you (it doesn’t have to rhyme!)

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Here is the link:

Please go to Summer term – Week beginning 29th June.

There is a lesson for each day.

Each lesson has a video that you can watch and then work that links to it.

Don’t just watch the video and then do the work. You will need to pause the video when it asks you to and answer the questions when

it asks you to.

We will post the worksheets and answers separately as always.

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Extra Maths Challenge

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1. 36

2. 47,852

3. 50

4. (-7, -3)

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For those of you going to Hinchingbrooke they have created a transition YouTube channel. Over the

next few weeks they will be uploading clips for you to watch. Below I have given you the link and

timetable for release.

The channel is called Hinchingbrooke School Transition and the link is:

Task: Think of 3 things you would like your tutor to know about you and 3 things you would like to ask

your tutor when you get to meet them.

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Dazzle Camouflage

You may remember that we started looking at Dazzle Camouflage art just before lockdown began.

Below are some images to jog your memory.

This week I would like you to work on creating geometric patterns and exploring a range of media. To

begin you will need to divide a piece of A4 paper into 4-9 sections, you can then use a pencil and ruler

to create different geometric patterns in each section. Once complete you can start to explore a

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range of media to add to the patterns. You could using felt tip pens, paint, oil pastels, pencil shading,

colouring pencils, chalk/charcoal, collage – whatever you like or have at home! Take a photo of your

completed patterns and send them to the class email, we’d love to see them.

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Week day workouts live at 9am

Or, Oti Mabuse (from Strictly) does dance classes that are online. She dresses up as different characters each day.

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