Download - South African National Energy D evelopment Institute (SANEDI) S trategic 5-year plan

Page 1: South African National Energy  D evelopment Institute (SANEDI)  S trategic 5-year plan

South African National Energy South African National Energy Development Institute (SANEDI) Development Institute (SANEDI) Strategic 5-year planStrategic 5-year plan2012/13 – 2016/172012/13 – 2016/17

Energy EfficiencyEnergy EfficiencyA corporation established under Section 7 of the National Energy Act, 2008 (Act No. 34 of 2008)

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SANEDI energy efficiency SANEDI energy efficiency is an is an intrinsic part intrinsic part of SANEDI’s of SANEDI’s overall contribution towards overall contribution towards energy development energy development in South in South AfricaAfrica 11

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Enable well Informed and Enable well Informed and high confidence energy high confidence energy planning, decision-making planning, decision-making and policy developmentand policy development

Enable well Informed and Enable well Informed and high confidence energy high confidence energy planning, decision-making planning, decision-making and policy developmentand policy development

Accelerated Accelerated transformation to a less transformation to a less energy and carbon energy and carbon intensive economy intensive economy

Accelerated Accelerated transformation to a less transformation to a less energy and carbon energy and carbon intensive economy intensive economy

Foster a culture of Foster a culture of greater efficiency and greater efficiency and more rational use of more rational use of energy energy

Foster a culture of Foster a culture of greater efficiency and greater efficiency and more rational use of more rational use of energy energy

Strategic outcome orientated goal 1

Strategic outcome orientated goal 2

Strategic outcome orientated goal 3

SANEDI’s Energy Efficiency programme is well positioned to accelerate a move towards a resource, and particularly an energy (including gas, liquid fuels,

electricity and water), efficient society.

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For SANEDISANEDI to maintain an independent and authoritative role as envisaged by the Department

of Energy (DoE) and to provide comprehensive support to the Department’s energy efficiency (EE)

policy initiatives, a strategic shift in the

entire energy efficiency landscape is necessary.

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SANEDI SANEDI believes it can add value believes it can add value to this process, by addressing the to this process, by addressing the followingfollowing Strategic Objectives Strategic Objectives


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energy efficiency champion energy efficiency in public buildings

energy efficiency technologies

energy efficiency awareness

energy efficiency tax incentive


South African Energy Development Institute

Six objectives have been prioritised to receive immediate focus

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SANEDI has a critical role to champion Energy Efficiency in South Africa

Objective:Assert SANEDI’s Energy Efficiency ‘Champion’ role, in order to play a significant (positive) integration role in the current (fragmented), market and thereby ensuring a positive impact on those activities aimed at improving the security of energy supply in the country, (addressing all energy carriers and not only electricity efficiency, as is predominantly the current case).

Portfolio Committee Support/ Input Required:Support for SANEDI to fulfil this mandate and engage relevant ‘external’ stakeholders, to accelerate this activity in the country.

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SANEDI can play a crucial role in eventually moving Energy Efficiency in public facilities from ‘intent’ to ‘action’

Objective:Target an annual reduction in energy consumption of 250 GWh and 250 tCO2e GHG emissions in public facilities by 2017

Portfolio Committee Support/ Input Required:Support for SANEDISANEDI’s recommended approach to sustainably fund this initiative.

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Efficiency UpgradeProgramme (technical)

Efficiency UpgradeProgramme (technical)

Programme Management Office

Programme Management Office

Key stakeholders (Representation on Steering Committee)

Government (DoE)Government (DoE) EskomEskom CEF/NEEACEF/NEEAGovernment (DPW)Government (DPW) Others (as identified)Others (as identified)

Technical Review Committee

Ad hocSubjectMatter Experts

Ad hocSubjectMatter Experts

(Technical representation from Stakeholders and SMEs)

Appointed independent Auditors

Appointed independent Auditors

ProjectsProjects ProjectsProjects ProjectsProjects ProjectsProjects ProjectsProjectsCMVP CertifiedSavings

CMVP CertifiedSavings

SANAS Accredited M&V body

SANAS Accredited M&V body

Education and Awareness Campaign

Education and Awareness Campaign

EE Upgrade

EE Upgrade

EE Upgrade

EE Upgrade

EE Upgrade

EE Upgrade

EE Upgrade

EE Upgrade

EE Upgrade

EE Upgrade

Report on certified savings

Verified savings

Technical oversight

Implementation Programme

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An ExampleAn Example: Utilising a dedicated programme management office, focused on implementation and supported by due governance structures

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SANEDI offers a significant contribution to the goal of radically increasing energy efficiency awareness levels in South Africa

Objective:Improve general awareness levels** across all sectors by 5% by 2015 relative to a 2012-baseline, in support of the revised National Energy Efficiency Strategy.

Portfolio Committee Support/ Input Required:Advice on the demarcation of clearly identified roles and responsibilities for this core activity, ie internal/ external communications, ‘political’ vs ‘non-political’ messaging, etc..

** awareness scope i.e. recognition of the need to save energy, how to save energy, change in behaviour, etc.

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Working towards a future where energy efficient technologies are readily available and the preferred choice for South Africans

Objective:Achieve a 10% real increase (over and above existing trends), in sales of selected energy efficient and green technologies by 2017, in support of DoE Policy-initiatives, such as ‘Appliance Labelling’.

Portfolio Committee Support/ Input Required:Comment on the proposed target and technologies/ sectors to initially focus on.

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Effectively administering available tax incentives for optimal national benefit

Objective:Support the Income Tax Amendment Act (Sections 12I and 12L), relating to the tax rebate for energy efficiency improvements, through the provision of an assurance and M & V function on behalf of key government stakeholders, (DoE, NT, dti and SARS).

Optimise the use of data received in a national repository, developed and established for this purpose.

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Achieve maximum national benefits from energy efficiency research, innovation and skills development (EEDSM Hub)

Objective:Evolve the Energy Efficiency Hub into a fully-fledged ‘Centre’, to strengthen energy-related research, human capital development, market transformation and enterprise development initiatives.

These activities will be tracked against a comprehensive set of KPIs, with the following targets by 2014/15:

Number of journal publications: 16; Number of conference papers: 26; Number of registered students: 105; Number of Graduates: 27; Number of modules/short courses offered: 45; Number of externally funded projects: 40; External funding: R3.1m; Female student ratio: 21%; PDI ratio: 55%.

Portfolio Committee Support/ Input Required:The utilisation of this national asset/ resource, to assist the DoE PC in its work.

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Afforded the opportunity, SANEDISANEDI (Energy Efficiency), can play a meaningful role and have a significant impact on the drive to transform South Africa towards a more

energy efficient society, with potentially

large social, economic and environmental benefits that are commonly associated with energy efficiency activities, globally.

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Short-term focus and APPShort-term focus and APP


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For 2012/13 five activities have been identified as the initial focus towards realising these strategic objectives

1. EE Champion

Activity 1: Public advocacyActivity 1: Public advocacy

Activity 2: Measurement and VerificationActivity 2: Measurement and Verification

Activity 3: Demand-side energy diversification

Activity 3: Demand-side energy diversification

Activity 4: Ad hoc project development and technical support

Activity 4: Ad hoc project development and technical support

Activity 5: International collaborationActivity 5: International collaboration

2. Public Facilities

3. EEAwareness

4. EETechnology

5. EE Tax Incentives

6. EEDSM Hub


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Specific targets have been set for each of these activities for the year

Activity 1: Public advocacyActivity 1: Public advocacy

Activity 2: Measurement and VerificationActivity 2: Measurement and Verification

Activity 3: Demand-side energy diversification

Activity 3: Demand-side energy diversification

Activity 4: Ad hoc project development and technical support

Activity 4: Ad hoc project development and technical support

Activity 5: International collaborationActivity 5: International collaboration

• Integrating stakeholder plans into a consolidated, consistent campaign

• Continually tracking the impact of the Campaign/s and recommending improvements

Fragmented plan and programmes simultaneously implemented by various stakeholders (Eskom, DoE, DPW, SALGA, DPE, GCIS)

Integrated implementation plan and monitoring approach developed

• Developing an integrated M & V database, to accurately determine EE-savings in the country

• 12I and 12L Tax Allowance M & V and reporting function fully operational

• Develop a Plan to accelerate human capacity in this field

• Diverse systems exist amongst key stakeholders, with no single consolidated view on EE-progress in the country

• 12I Regulation in place and 12L Regulation published, for public comment

• SANAS accreditation in place, with 0 accredited M & V professionals

Issue ToR, find suitable Service Provider to develop and implement the database and pilot system

Co-ordinating the efforts of all (alternate) energy carrier suppliers, to draft a guideline for implementation

Slow uptake and no concerted effort to diversify the use of various energy forms in the residential sector.

Functional Working Group in place, producing an Annual Report on progress and proposed activities for the following year

• Integrated approach to the implementation of energy efficiency in public facilities

• Integrating various stakeholders proposals into a consolidated, manageable and measureable Implementation Plan

• Participate in, and provide technical support to the national Working Group for an effective Appliance Labelling system to be put in place for at least 5 appliances

• Fragmented plan at a standstill, due to funding constraints and no effective M & V in place

• Funding only just approved

In addition to the Public facilities initiative, develop at least one ‘new’ proposal to enhance energy efficiency initiatives in the country

Optimising value from international collaboration, Participation in, and contributing to value-adding international collaboration activities

CEM-GSEP and IEA 4-E Implementing Agreements in place

Participation in CEM-GSEP activities on behalf of DoE and dissemination of information Pursue additional opportunities

Objective Baseline 2012/13 Target

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thank youthank you