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Hamilton & McInnis, LLP

The aim of a claimant in any personal injury case is normally the verdict of the jury but most important the ultimate settlement. In most cases, claims get settled before a trial as a result of the time involved as well as the expenses, the nature of the injury and the certainty or lack thereof the knowledge of the outcome. Slip and fall accidents or some construction site accidents sometimes result in soft tissue injuries; these are actually the majority of claims that are handled by personal injury attorneys. The truth of the matter is that it is not easy to know that any case is worth ultimately at any stage of the trial.

Soft tissue injuries and personal injury cases

When compared to car accident claims where there are injuries that can easily and objectively be verifiable; this can include lacerations, broken limbs, amputations, disfigurement or internal injuries, most soft tissue injuries are basically invisible. Soft tissue injuries may refer to tendons, muscles or ligaments that form a connection or support other body structures.

Soft tissue injuries and personal injury cases

This can happen in the most common rear end accident case where an accident victim’s neck and back are thrown forward and backward in a whip like motion and this can stretch or tear soft tissue. Injuries such as these can produce different symptoms such as a stiff and painful neck, headaches or nausea. Such injuries could be strains which may take several weeks and in some cases months to heal in other cases it will lead to chronic pain, joint dysfunction or herniated discs.

Soft tissue injuries and personal injury cases

It may not be possible to verify a soft tissue injury because it cannot even be seen on an X-ray or any other diagnostic scan; insurers are usually skeptical that reports can be fabricated or even exaggerated and as such, they will almost always make very small settlements. As a rule of the thumb, insurers don’t have a standard formula for computing this type of personal injury; they will almost always refer to statistics such as age, location, gender or other similar verdicts and may not follow any particular features of individual cases.

Soft tissue injuries and personal injury cases

Because of the complications involved in determining soft tissue personal injury claims, you need to let a personal injury attorney help you deal with the insurance company of the negligent party if not filing a suit altogether. There are times when insurers will value soft tissue injuries based and the perceived credibility or demeanor of the injured person. They will want to check on matters such as whether the victim has a solid job, whether they have had any precious claims, any wage losses and which medical doctor treated them as well as weather there is a credible testimony from a friend or a coworker. It is therefore up to your personal injury attorney to present your case in such a way the settlement will reflect the degree of pain and suffering you may have experienced.

Soft tissue injuries and personal injury cases

3110 Camino del Rio South,Suite 203San Diego,

California 92108

Telephone: (619) 299-4877 / 877.850.6624Fax: (619) 299-4787