Download - Social Media 101 - Optimizing Facebook and Twitter for your Nonprofit

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@Roxanne Joffe@Melissa Koss@mHealthMarketer@ThePattersonFdn


Before we start

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• Introductions

• Communication in Today’s World

• Facebook overview

• Facebook and Your Organization

• Twitter overview

• Twitter and Your Organization

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Problem Discover


Research Options



Get Involved

Givers Journey

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What are they and why should

you care?

Social Signals

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Must Do:•Set Realistic Goals

•Understand Audience

•Identify Key Influencers and Organizations

•Listen to the conversations

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Audience Who?

What information do they need?

What is their motivation?

What type of content meets their needs?

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Page 11: Social Media 101 - Optimizing Facebook and Twitter for your Nonprofit

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Shows how many people have read post

FB will help you promote your pst, page etc for a minimal $

When a link is posted a preview shows up

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Shows pages you have liked

Posts made to page by fans and visitorsShows users sharing

your posts

Tag other FB users for more interaction

Don’t forget #’s

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How to Tag a Facebook User

FB Tags Highlight in Blue and link to tagged person or org

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How to Tag a Facebook User

Use the @ sign and type the name

A drop down list will appear to choose from

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How to Tag a Facebook User

A successful tag will show up like this prior to posting

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Create and post a Facebook Status and tag another workshop participant!

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Types of Content

Find out what your followers like:

- Do they respond to visuals?- What time of day are they doing the

most commenting/liking/sharing?- Do you get the most engagement when you mention other people and


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Content that is Visual

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Content that is Visual

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Brainstorm ways your organization can be more visual with its posts.

- What visual assets do you already have?- What events can you capture in the next two

months?- What visuals can you use to tease your Legacy of

Valor events?

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Find a Facebook post you like and use the share button to share it with your


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Hash tags on Facebook

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What is a Hash tag? (#)

A hash tag is simply a way for people to search for tweets – and now

Facebook posts -- that have a common topic.

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When you click on # a list of everything using that same # will come up.

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Come up with a post for Facebook that uses the #LegacyofValor Hashtag and

also Tags another organization?

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Find another Legacy of Valor organization and follow them on


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Follow Legacy of Valor on Facebook ( and

share the Legacy of Valor Facebook page with your followers

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Why Twitter?

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Tools to help

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What’s the fastest growing age demographic on Twitter?

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Getting Started: Step 1 – Sign Up

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Step 2: Fill in Info

**Usernames can be changed at any time**

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Step 3: Follow Users

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Step 4: Find users you know through contact lists

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Step 5: Fill in description of yourself or business and add photo

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Example Profile Page

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- Be authentic

- Be gracious

- Showcase the best of our community and its people

- Strive to engage with people at home and those you meet

- A little common sense goes a long way

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Optimize Profile

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It’s all in the name

• Make sure your name isn’t taken

• Play around with words related to company/industry

• Stick with strong search words

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How to send a Tweet

Click the compose tweet Button in the top right corner

Click to send tweet

Type Your Message here. Remember you only have 140 characters!

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Everyone send a Tweet and Mention (@) a fellow workshop participant!

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Shows Mentions, Retweets & Favorited


Shows Feed

Allows you to compose

a tweet

Shows YOUR tweets, and account info

Allows you to search for #’s and


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Deconstructing the Tweet: 140 characters

Reply Button

Favorite Button

Follow Button

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Deconstructing the Tweet: Handle

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Deconstructing the Tweet: Mention (@)


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Deconstructing the Tweet: Retweeting (RT)

Retweet Button

Shows how many Retweets

you have received

Shows who Retweeted

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Deconstructing the Tweet: Hashtag(#)

Correct #

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Deconstructing the Tweet: Hashtag(#)

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Deconstructing the Tweet: Hashtag (#)

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Use Pictures

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How to Share Links

Highlight Link and copy

Insert link into body of tweet and send with message! Just remember the link

counts towards 140 character limit

Shows characters remaining

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Forget something? Email me anytime or Tweet me a question

[email protected]


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Must Do:

•Set Realistic Goals

•Understand Audiences

•Choose Appropriate Channels

•Identify Key Influencers and Organizations

•Listen to the conversations

•Curate, Create and share relevant content

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Key Audiences


• Community Activists

• Legislators

• Organizational Members

• Like Minded Individuals