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How to Manage your Professional Identity on LinkedIn, Attract New

Clients and Increase Sales

Short slides extract from Philip Calvert’s LinkedIn Sales workshop on 26th September 2013

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How to get your LinkedIn profile to the top of Google results for your name

LinkedIn profile top of results

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How to achieve an increase in profile

views like this in just seven days

How to use LinkedIn to manage your professional identity… and see startling results

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How to be “invisible” on LinkedIn so that people can’t tell that you’ve looked at their profile

Settings > Privacy > Profile

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Looking for new prospects who are similar to your existing clients and connections?

Click for a list!

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How to find more people who are like your best connections

• Go to the profile of one of your most valuable connections. Choose someone you like and trust and who is a strategic connection

• Click to view their connections. These are mostly people who they also like and trust

• Search their connections by keyword and you’ll find people you should connect with

Enter keyword here

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Find new opportunities by gaining deeper insight into your connections’ networks

• Go to the profile of one of your most valuable connections or clients. View the graphical representation of their network

• Sort by Skills, Company, Location and Industry

• Hover over the circles to gain deeper insight into their network and target markets

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…and much, much more!

Those were just six slides from our workshop. The full day event will transform your use of LinkedIn and how you manage your professional identity online.

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So, you thought that LinkedIn was just a fancy Jobs site…

Think again.

You’ll be amazed at what you can achieve with LinkedIn.

If only you knew how…

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Why LinkedIn is a critical business resource and how to make it work for you

How to dominate search results on LinkedIn for your expertise and skills

How to make your LinkedIn profile an asset of your business and not just another social profile

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The three most important parts of your LinkedIn profile and why you should update them NOW!

How to respond when complete strangers want to connect with you

Four incredibly valuable features on LinkedIn profiles that you’re not using (and should)

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Examples of outstanding LinkedIn profilesand what you can learn from them

An amazing and little-known technique to find the right people to connect with on LinkedIn

How to massively improve engagement with your LinkedIn status updates (as much as 80%)

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…and much more!

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Guaranteed - no theoretical fluff!

Proven techniques that will make an immediate and

measurable improvement to your visibility on LinkedIn

(and Google).

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Your host

www.PhilipCalvert.comSocial Network founder, Professional

Speaker on Social Media Sales Strategy and LinkedIn expert

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London, UK26th September 2013

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Don’t miss out on this amazing opportunity to learn the secrets of how to leverage LinkedIn, win new customers and increase


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How to Manage your Professional Identity on LinkedIn, Attract New

Clients and Increase Sales

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