Download - Slave to the algorithm - Faculty of Law | University of Oxford · Overview Concerns around “black box”, algorithms, increasingly machine learning algorithms that improve with


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Lilian Edwards [@lilianedwards]

University of Strathclyde

Michael Veale [@mikarv]

University College London

Oxford OBOR Summit University of Oxford, 14th September 2017

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Slave to the algorithm? Why a ‘right to explanation’ is probably

not the remedy you’re looking for.


Concerns around “black box”, algorithms, increasingly machine learning

algorithms that improve with data, have fuelled calls to “open them up”.

Are there rights to have these systems “explained”?

In the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), maybe.

Applies globally from next May if you are processing data of individuals in Europe. Fines of up to 4% of global turnover if non-compliant.

• Decision support systems • Parole • Money laundering • Tax fraud • Policing • Hiring/firing • Event detection

Algorithms we might care about

• Decicion-making systems • Finance • Insurance • Advertising • Pricing

Using machine learning for prediction

Characterising and utilising patterns in data.

age income education will repay loan?

0.8 (Y)

0.7 (Y)

0.2 (N)

0.4 (N)

Anticipating what hasn’t happened yetage income education fraudulent


0.3 (N)

0.6 (Y)

0.9 (Y)

0.1 (N)

Detecting what we don’t know about yet

What’s all this about a “right to explanation”?

✦ Backdrop: there are claims a “right to explanation” exist; claims it doesn’t*

✦ We claim that in part it might, but! ✦ It wouldn’t trigger in cases that have worried the public most ✦ It doesn’t link to state-of-the-art explanations in computer science ✦ IP problems are less of a problem than people think ✦ But explanations might not work well for those that need them most ✦ Rights-based approaches are often not the remedy you are looking for.

* Goodman & Flaxman 2016 ICML; against, Wachter et al 2017 IDPL.

The GDPR ported, with little change, a corresponding right from the 1995 Data Protection Directive (DPD) art 15 to a new art 22 which provides 

“the right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing, including profiling, which produces legal effects, concerning him or her, or significantly affects him or her”

* Goodman & Flaxman (2016); ** e.g. Kobsa (2001) (doi:10.1007/3-540-44566-8_52)

GDPR, art 22 Automated individual decision-making, including profiling

Art 22: Right not to be subject to automated decisions

• art 22 GDPR: right not to be subject to an solely automated, significant automated decision.

• Existed since 1995, but considered a “second class” right (Bygrave)

• Where you are subjected to one, safeguards must be provided. Implied that you are told of the decision occuring, but also mention of a right to an explanation. Yet textual mess in GDPR means that safeguards in recital don’t match those in article (Wachter et al 2017 for more).

First-glance limitations of GDPR, art 22 Automated individual decision-making, including profiling

1. Not an explanation remedy: limited to: i. preventing certain processing; ii. inserting a human-in-the-loop; iii. implicitly, a right to be informed when an automated decision is being made.

Furthermore, only applies to 2. decisions made “solely on automated processing” 3. decisions which produce “legal effects […] or significantly affects him or her”

* Mendoza & Bygrave (2017) drawing on Bygrave (2001) (doi:10.1016/S0267-3649(01)00104-2)

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Algorithmic ‘war-story’ I Professor Latanya Sweeney and Google AdSense

• It’s 2013, and Sweeney, a researcher at Harvard University, investigated the delivery of targeted adverts by Google AdSense using a sample of racially associated names.

• First names associated predictively with non-white racial origin (such as DeShawn, Darnell and Jermaine) generated a far higher percentage of adverts associated with or using the word “arrest” when compared to ads delivered to “white” first names.

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Algorithmic ‘war-story’ I Professor Latanya Sweeney and Google AdSense

Was a “decision” taken with reference to Sweeney?

• No effect on legal status (public status, such as citizenship, or private status, like capacity to make a will)

• A so-called racial group was impugned by assumption of above average criminality: takes us to a sort of ‘group right’, very different from individual liberal paradigm rights granted by the GDPR.

• Even given impact on Sweeney as an individual constructed through group membership, was it “significant”?

Algorithmic ‘war-story’ II “Jew Watch”

• In 2004, the Google search algorithm(s) placed a site “Jew Watch” at the top of the rankings for many people who searched on the word “Jew”. Google pulled what we now might call the “neutrality” defence, or fallacy.

• Was there a significant decision made? Only individuals searching “Jew” could be offended. While in algorithmic defamation cases, searched names are clearly linked to individuals, here, the searched term is linked broadly to a group.

The pardoxes of GDPR, art 22 Automated individual decision-making, including profilingWhen sensitive data, such as so-called race, is being processed, you do not have a right to have a human-in-the-loop if - Explicit consent was given (or substantial public interest in basis of MS law); - Safeguards in Recital 71 are in place, which include

Under art 22, it seems possible to infer that where you have no primary right to object, you have a binding right to explanation. Else, no. Paradoxical, in ways. To trigger such a right, you need to know that sensitive data — in the war stories, inferred sensitive data — were being processed. How, without a right to explanation?

Very shaky grounds to found EU transparency rights upon.* * For more, including an analysis of case law, see Wachter et al. (forthcoming) Why a right to explanation does not exist in the General Data Protection Regulation, International Data Privacy Law

Continuing our quest, with GDPR, art 15? Right of access by the data subject

Right of access: Article 15 — which existed in the DPD as article 12(a) — provides that the data subject shall have the right to confirm whether or not personal data relating to him or her are being processed by a controller and if that is the case, access to that personal data and information including, in the context of automated decision making, “meaningful information about the logic involved, as well as the significance and the envisaged consequences of such processing” (art 15(1)(h)).

It has its own problems in the form of a carve out for the protection of trade secrets and intellectual property, although Recital 63 now counsels that this should not justify “a refusal to provide all information to the data subject” (emph added)

How far must we breach IP for our beloved explanations? A trip to old computer science literature.

• Early work on explanations emphasised that ‘following the logic’ is not useful; need to optimise explanations for people.

• Can do this by modelling a model, with humans in mind, to replicate core logics • ‘What would I have need to have done…’ • ‘What factor was most important…’ • ‘Who got the same result to me?’ • What results did people like me in X way get?

• Arguably this makes IP less of a concern.

simpler model!!!

*Wick and Thompson (1992) (doi:10.1016/0004-3702(92)90087-E); **Tickle et al. (1998) (doi:10.1109/72.728352)

And yes, this works today*

*Ribeiro et al. (2016) (doi:10.1145/2939672.2939778). Decompositional methods might overtake the effectiveness of this. See Montavon et al. (2017) (doi:10.1145/2939672.2939778)

What might scupper our rights to explanation?

Domain Easy to explain an algorithm if there are only a few inputs. But currently they take many! Sensors, location, browsing history; and many of them are abstract.

Users Models of models simplify the complex decision system to make it more explainable. Who do they simplify away? Probably the ‘weirdos’ that need the law most.

Source: doi: 10.1145/2976749.2978392

Other rights, other remedies

Right to erasure: Be ‘forgotten’ from a dataset. But, are you removed from a model? Are people like you removed from a model? More and more things sensitive data: studies showing you can predict depression from smartphone habits, for example

Right to portability: Take your data with you. Take inferences about you too? Article 29 Working Party think not in draft guidance; unclear though.

Data Protection Impact Assessments: High risk processing activities require pre-emptive analysis, report to Data Protection Authority in certain cases.

Data Protection by Design: Use technological/organsiational means to avoid harms

Data Protection Certification: Countries can establish certification systems

Source: doi: 10.1145/2976749.2978392

thanks — q? Paper forthcoming in Duke Law and Technology Review


lilian edwards // @lilianedwards [email protected]

michael veale // @mikarv [email protected]