Download - Singapore Actuarial Society - Longevity in the 21st century...lentigo senilis thinning hair impaired proprioception impaired balance reduced vital capacity reduced cardiorespiratory

Page 1: Singapore Actuarial Society - Longevity in the 21st century...lentigo senilis thinning hair impaired proprioception impaired balance reduced vital capacity reduced cardiorespiratory

Longevity in the 21st century:

When medicine trumps extrapolation

Aubrey D.N.D. de Grey, Ph.D.

Chief Science Officer, SENS Research Foundation, USA

VP New Technology Discovery, AgeX Therapeutics, USA

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Aubrey D.N.J. de Grey, Ph.D.

Chief Science Officer, SENS Research Foundation

VP New Technology Discovery, AgeX Therapeutics

[email protected]

[email protected]

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* Source:

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If historical rates continue, US healthcare spending will be 34% of GDP by 2040. Source:

In 2010, the US spent $1.186 trillion on healthcare for people 65+ Source:


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Most infectious diseases have been easily prevented▪ Sanitation

▪ Vaccines

▪ Antibiotics

▪ Carrier control

Age-related diseases have not. Why not?

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reduced light adaptationreduced ethanol metabolismaltered drug pharmacokineticssomatopauseloss of cardiac adaptabilityincontinenceimpaired wound healingidiopathic axonal polyneuropathyautonomic neuropathyarrhythmiachronic obstructive pulmonary disorderbenign prostatic hypertrophymenopauseleukoaraiosisstrokevascular dementiafrontotemporal dementiaimmunosenescenceanosmiacachexiaanorexia of agingsystolic hypertensionageusiaerectile dysfunctionorthostatic hypotensionimpaired adaptive beta-cell proliferationfibroblast collapseanergic T-cell clonescellular senescencevascular calcificationimpaired transdermal absorptionimpaired thermoregulationreduced tactile acuityimpaired vasoconstrictionloss of neuromuscular junctionsdelayed withdrawal reflex

impaired pH maintenancereduced chemical clearancealtered dermal immune cell residence and functionaberrant allergic and irritant reactionsloss of skin elasticityimpaired vitamin D synthesisreduced renal reserverenal cortex atrophygut dysbiosisloss of jejunal villus heightimpaired response to vaccinationimpaired thirstlentigo senilisthinning hairimpaired proprioceptionimpaired balancereduced vital capacityreduced cardiorespiratory enduranceimpaired sweat responseimpaired blood distributionnutrient malabsorptiondiverticular diseasepresbyphagiaincreased refluxalveolar lossneuronal losssenile emphysemadegenerative disc diseasejoint calcificationpineal calcificationaberrant differentiationgait instabilityfrontal demyelinationaxonal atrophyimpaired functional connectivityimpaired working memory

presbycusisosteoporosisosteoarthritisautoimmunitygreying hairpresbyopiacataractglaucomatemporal arteritispolymyalgia rheumaticawrinklingAlzheimer's diseasePick's diseasecorticobasal degenerationprogressive supranuclear palsyParkinson's diseasemultiple system atrophydementia with Lewy bodiessarcopeniaglomerulonephritissenile cardiac amyloidosisatherosclerosisarteriosclerosisage-related macular degenerationcardiomyopathydiastolic heart failurecancersystemic inflammationoxidative stressreduced coronary blood flowloss of cardiac reserveandropausethymic involutionreduced plasma renin activityreduced aldosteronereduced melatonin diurnal rhythm

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PathologyMetabolism Damage(life-long) (late life)

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Metabolism Damage(life-long) (late life)

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Diseases Aging

Communicable Congenital Chronic














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Diseases Aging

Communicable Congenital Specific General














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Gerontology Geriatrics

Metabolism Damage(life-long) (late life)

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Gerontology Geriatrics

Metabolism Damage


(life-long) (late life)

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Page 15: Singapore Actuarial Society - Longevity in the 21st century...lentigo senilis thinning hair impaired proprioception impaired balance reduced vital capacity reduced cardiorespiratory

Aging is a phenomenon of physics, not biology!

Comprehensive preventative maintenance is how we

already keep simple machines working as well as

when they were built, long beyond their designed


The body is far more complex. But wait: how much

more complex is its damage?

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Cell loss, cell atrophy

Division-obsessed cells

Death-resistant cells

Mitochondrial mutations

Intracellular waste products

Extracellular waste products

Extracellular matrix stiffening

Replace, using stem cells

Reinforce, using telomere control

Remove, using suicide genes etc

Reinforce, using backup copies

Remove, using foreign enzymes

Remove, using immune system

Repair, using crosslink-breakers

Damage type The maintenance approach

Existence of any 8th category is looking increasingly unlikely

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This guy looks crazy; what do “credentialed” people think about these ideas?

Even if he’s right, are the consequences for longevity big/near enough to affect my work?

Even if they are, will society let it happen?

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This guy looks crazy; what do “credentialed” people think about these ideas?

Even if he’s right, are the consequences for longevity big/near enough to affect my work?

Even if they are, will society let it happen?

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Total synthesis of glucosepane, allowing identification of

antibodies and degraders (Science, 2015)

Modified bacterial enzyme protects cells from atherogenic

oxysterols (Biotech Bioeng, 2012)

Antibodies cleave cardiotoxic amyloid (J Biol Chem, 2014)

Two out of 13 mitochondrial genes successfully relocated to

the nucleus (Nucleic Acids Res, 2016)

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Page 21: Singapore Actuarial Society - Longevity in the 21st century...lentigo senilis thinning hair impaired proprioception impaired balance reduced vital capacity reduced cardiorespiratory

LysoClear: reversing macular degeneration

Antoxerene: clearing senescent cells

Covalent: clearing transthyretin amyloid

Arigos: cryopreserving organs for transplant

Revel: breaking AGE crosslinks vs hypertension

Underdog: retooling cyclodextrin vs oxidized


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- AgeX – funded by Juvenescence and Kizoo among others

- Unity - raised >$300M before even STARTING its FIRST clinical trial

- Insilico Medicine – funded by Juvenescence and now many others

- Lygenesis – funded by Juvenescence

- BioAge – funding from Andreessen Horowitz and now many others

- Repair Biotechnologies – mostly self-funded so far

- Rejuvenation Tech – funded by YCBio (Y Combinator)

- Elevian – funding from BOLD and others

- NaNotics, AgeCurve, Nuchido, Elastrin, Retrotope, Leucadia, Cleara, Senolytx…

- Total count conservatively >100 by now: see

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This guy looks crazy; what do “credentialed” people think about these ideas?

Even if he’s right, are the consequences for longevity big/near enough to affect my work?

Even if they are, will society let it happen?

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We DON’T WORK ON LONGEVITY, whateverthe media may like to tell you

However, we know that this medicine mayincrease longevity a lot, I mean really a lot

We think this is a good thing, even though it willput people like you out of business ☺

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• Rejuvenation therapies may never be perfect;first-generation may give “only” ~30y extra life

• However, that would buy us time to developbetter ones with which to re-rejuvenate thesame people, and so on (“longevity escapevelocity”)

• So…?

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• Western mortality in the 20s is under 10-3/y

• If it didn’t rise with age (and in fact it willsurely fall with time), most people would liveto over 1000

• Period (i.e. “headline”) life expectancy willvery suddenly become incalculable (literally!)

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• This is pioneering technology, so we don’t know

• Guess: 50% chance in 20-25y if funding rises soon

• At least 10% chance it’ll take >100y

• That’s for the therapies I’ve mentioned today

• They will probably give around 30yr extra life

• LEV will ~certainly be maintained thereafter

• Everyone will understand the above this decade

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This guy looks crazy; what do “credentialed” people think about these ideas?

Even if he’s right, are the consequences for longevity big/near enough to affect my work?

Even if they are, will society let it happen?

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Inequality of access?

Immortal dictators?


Pensions collapse?

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Inequality of access?

Immortal dictators?


Pensions collapse?

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Unequal access?

Immortal dictators?


Pensions collapse?

Etc, etc, etc Probably won’t





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No age-related ill-health

Elderly contribute wealth

Energy to explore novelty

Flexible career structure

Not a burden on your kids

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