Download - Simplicity - develop modern web apps with tiny frameworks and tools

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Compose modern web apps with efficient tiny frameworks & tools

Rui Carvalho/@rhwy

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Thanks to the sponsors

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@rhwy on twitter, githubDevelopment, architecture, Consulting, speak, teach





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Get the Control back!

Less Pain&&

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“Should I really care?”

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The nature of the Web

“ how desktop techniques doesn’t fit interconnected application

needs ”

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The web is documents…

The web is not objects

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The DomainProblem

“ how humans need to talk more”

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Customer needs ‘Foo’

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…You think schema ‘Bar’

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…Don’t think schema too hard…

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Over engineered?

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Hexagonal, Onion?

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I misunderstood

“Architecture is about an intent, it’s not about a technical framework”


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So, what is

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Cross Media

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Patterns of ModernWeb Applications

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*Single page application(ie : gmail)

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“Your API Is your APP”

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Tools!(for what?)

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Get the shell back!

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CurlEverything you need to test your app is here!

-X [GET|POST…]-I (include headers)-d key=value

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NugetPackage management is essential

Enterprise grade => build your own

Quite multi-platform

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Nuget curl -L -k -o nuget.exe

#!/bin/shPATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATHmono --runtime=v4.0 /usr/local/bin/NuGet.exe $*

(for Mac lovers)

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Chocolatey@powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy unrestricted -Command "iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString(''))" && SET PATH=%PATH%;%systemdrive%\chocolatey\bin

(nuget powered)

> Cinst ruby

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See what append


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Chrome dev tools

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Chose a good tool also for the client side!


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Online web editors

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Frameworks ?

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Frameworks ?

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OSS ?oss projects -most of the time-

fits real user needs

tiny oss projects usually fit one need, but do it well.

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Html enhanced for web apps!

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Less css

dotLess for .Net

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Nancy fx

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( like framework for .Net)

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So what?

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“if you don’t love it, it gonna fail!”

“stay foolish, stay hungry”


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Get more Fun

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All sketches are by me – with the help of the fabulous iPad application

Paper by 53 – and can be reused under The creative commons licence