Simplicity - develop modern web apps with tiny frameworks and tools

Simplicity Compose modern web apps with efficient tiny frameworks & tools Rui Carvalho/@rhwy


You have learned for years how to do big enterprise applications with big enterprise frameworks. Sometimes it was good, but sometimes it was over-engineered, rarely fun. It changed a lot a few years ago with Asp.Net Mvc and with a lot of impulse of the community. But today, the web moves faster and faster, and people want tools that do the job in a simple way and that just works. Today we have these tools in .Net and they grow every day for our pleasure. Get an overview of why you should care about Simplicity and how you can build great web apps in a simpler way with small frameworks and tools "that just work" (with pieces of NancyFx, SimpleData, RavenDb, Nuget, jQuery, Markdown, Bootstrapper, ...) Slides of my #Web.Net conference 2012 in Milano cheers!

Transcript of Simplicity - develop modern web apps with tiny frameworks and tools

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Compose modern web apps with efficient tiny frameworks & tools

Rui Carvalho/@rhwy

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Thanks to the sponsors

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@rhwy on twitter, githubDevelopment, architecture, Consulting, speak, teach





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Get the Control back!

Less Pain&&

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“Should I really care?”

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The nature of the Web

“ how desktop techniques doesn’t fit interconnected application

needs ”

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The web is documents…

The web is not objects

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The DomainProblem

“ how humans need to talk more”

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Customer needs ‘Foo’

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…You think schema ‘Bar’

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…Don’t think schema too hard…

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Over engineered?

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Hexagonal, Onion?

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I misunderstood

“Architecture is about an intent, it’s not about a technical framework”


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So, what is

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Cross Media

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Patterns of ModernWeb Applications

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*Single page application(ie : gmail)

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“Your API Is your APP”

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Tools!(for what?)

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Get the shell back!

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CurlEverything you need to test your app is here!

-X [GET|POST…]-I (include headers)-d key=value

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NugetPackage management is essential

Enterprise grade => build your own

Quite multi-platform

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Nuget curl -L -k -o nuget.exe

#!/bin/shPATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATHmono --runtime=v4.0 /usr/local/bin/NuGet.exe $*

(for Mac lovers)

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Chocolatey@powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy unrestricted -Command "iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString(''))" && SET PATH=%PATH%;%systemdrive%\chocolatey\bin

(nuget powered)

> Cinst ruby

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See what append


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Chrome dev tools

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Chose a good tool also for the client side!


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Online web editors

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Frameworks ?

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Frameworks ?

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OSS ?oss projects -most of the time-

fits real user needs

tiny oss projects usually fit one need, but do it well.

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Html enhanced for web apps!

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Less css

dotLess for .Net

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Nancy fx

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( like framework for .Net)

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So what?

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“if you don’t love it, it gonna fail!”

“stay foolish, stay hungry”


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Get more Fun

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All sketches are by me – with the help of the fabulous iPad application

Paper by 53 – and can be reused under The creative commons licence